The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 11, 1890, Image 3

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' UK-..
-obanon Express.
JULY 11, 1S90.
Brown JTanstmi is buil ling a barn.
II. B. Mover was' in Ltlcumn this)
iiflrantot' machine oils
nt Cruson
& uleuziesV
iTpfii doors
and windows at Cru-
son & MenzkV.
"Ian Flaherty V oration appears in
another column.
J. M. Waters, of Brownsville was in
to see us Saturday.
' TTJf. Pisy, of Brownsville, grave this
"J -lit te. a call Monday.
The weather wr.s auspicious on our
ration's anniversary.
Mr. Hansard, of Brownsville, was
in Ix-banon this week.
G. T. Cotton moved into his new
store building this week.
Mr. Rohinett vacaied II. Y. Kirk
pat rick's house this week.
J. W. Bxnt.x nnved into Ballroie
Kirkpatriek's house this week.
Ooo. Gross wn in from Waterloo
this week; but whore's the jug?
rrof. Wright tiul H. Y. Kirkpatriek
"tfvated; us to cherries this week. j
Z. T. Bryant is brid.srir the canal
at the paper mill for O'ii eil Bros.
We are of the opinion that a good
cooper would do well in Lebanon.
G. W. Wheeler has all kinds . of
lumber at his saw mill in Lebanon.
Ko fish oil in our machine oils.
Curses fe Menzies.
Two dances on the evening of the
Fourth. Both were well patronized.
B. F. Bod well took possession of the
store vacated by Mr. Cotton this
week. "
Mrs. Pitch ford, of Rosehursr Oregon,
is visiting Mrs. Wm. Reed of this
Several oar loads of people from Al
bany attended the celebration at this
Miss Mabel Hyde is very sick. She
Is afflicted with coujrestion of the
Mrs. J. C. Bilyeu drove over from
Brownsville Wednesday to visit old
The MeKanlass Troup played to a
fn 11 house on the evening of the
Recorder Peterson was deejdedly ill
for two or three days following the
J. C. McFerson will build on his lots
opposite the Academy grounds this
Frank Wayne returned to Lebanon
this week after au absence of three
Jak Bilyeu informs
orator of the dav in
us that he was
July 4th.
Mr. Bishnp, living1 near Brownsville,
was visiting Mr. .Nieholls a vew days
this week.
Robinson's Ten Big Shows combined
into one great circus will be in Albany
on July ol.
J. P. Holland, of Engene, visited his
friend J5. H. Wilkes hi Lebanon a few
days last week.
Msn A"!ie Winter, of Jefferson,
paid her sister. Mrs. Geo. L. Wilcox, a
visit last week.
' The MeKanlass band certainly ren
dered value received, as did also the
Ixlwnon band.
The farmers in this section, headed
l.y themowers.aremarehijigtothe bay
fields in a body.
The C P. parsonage will soon be
completed ana ready for the pastor,!
liev. Is, L. New.
- Isaae Pntman, who is n,w employed !
v -"' ''',iji Albany -Woolen Mill, was in ;
r" J ati Wednesday. !
S.O. Wallace has disposed of his prop- j
erty in the country and will build a j
residence in town.
f Jt-rriemher you em get a hat or cold
I ath any d.-.y hi th.i week at I. R. Bo
luin's b:n twr hop.
SfiT 1 TT. AV.-M-nul in1 will have r-harsre of
- i ihe depft during the temporary ob-f-nc-e
of' Mr. Heard.
. Miss Anna Lee, one of Junction's
4 charming young ladies, is visiting in
Lebanon this week.
: ITenry Parrish is putting up a barn
on his lot, and will commence work
on bis reidenee soon.
The Shoo Fly sprinkler has been
supetseded by July showers, which are
both copious "and cheap.
Rev. Reniek will begin a series of
meetings in the C. P. church at this
place Friday, July 11th.
M. A. Miller has a large stock of
machine oils of ail kinds and will meet
any and all competition.
Luther Wrhite of Brownsville and
" ; Rev. Reniek. late of Texas, came over
to Lebanon Wednesday.
Mr. Archibald has concluded to build
a fine two-story dwelling in the Was
som addition to Lebanon.
Kirkpatriek is having the new store
building, the Express office and an
adjoining building painted.
Z '""Tharley Ralston, our banker, intends
to build soon. If he builds according
to plans he will have a fine residence.
The game of baseball on the Fourth
resulted in a victory for the picked nine
i - of Albany over C.C. Hackleman's kids.
Some wheat fields in this vicinity
j - weeks pass harvesting will have. begun.
Only one man pushed over at the
celebration. It was not considered of
sufficient consequence to justify an
' .t arrest.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Adams left
' Brownsville Monday morning to visit
their Rftii B. F. Adams, near (Vttaire
. CJrove.
-.- -ro families passed through Leba-j"Cj-ra"'Yednesdav
from Gilliam county.
,y fcTey rejKrt the mountain road very
rough. ; Eureka meat market, just opened on
Sherman street oposite St." Charles
; j" hotel. Wheeler & Troutman. Call
and see us
Frank O'Neil went to California this
"week. The work on the paper mill
i meanwhile is under the supervision of
- ' Mr. Wheeler.
" sale, new Remington Brcech-
.-.- Ttg shot gun, for less than whole
- n New York City. Inquire at
' ;kss office.
y pay 10 per cent, interest when!
. 'in get a loan at 8 per cent, from j
somers, omee witti r. ju. JMiiier,
Y. Kirkpatriek sold two lots in
rt's addition to Mrs. Annie G. Reed,
'lesday. Mrs. Reed will build on
i'lSv soon.
Elkins'and family, R. S. Roberts
t lanmy, ana airs, jottn jieara
ctjirted for the berry patch up the
Hantiam Thursday.
Rrff Hiatt purcashed of S. O.
Wallace this week twenty-seven acres
of land, including a good orchard and
five acres of hops.
Money to loan ut S jvr cent, lntorrst,
on long time, in films of "0i.00 and
ujvrarl. Inquire of John M. Soiners,
Lebanon, Oregon.
The. work of tearing down impro
vised busim-ss houses, huckster stands,
to, sevined to be tho order of business
on the fifth of July.
ComVlalnt has already been entered
by several farmers ajrainst the fre
;uent showers which threaten to
damage the hay crops.
Agent 1 1 earn contemplates taking a
vacation soon. Very few men have Ween
so attentive to business for a r number
of years as has Mr. Hearn.
We guarantee our machine oils to
contain no cotton Reed nor fish oils;
but pure machine oil.
Ckitson & Mexzifa
We see by the papers that hops
generally are reported a half crop. Be it
known that hops in Ihe vicinity of
Lebanon were never more promising.
J. R. Kirk pat rick informs us that he
has a tine supply of wood on hand,
both hard and soft, which he will de
liver to any part of the city. Notice
Parties knowing themselves indebted
to Cruson & Menitte's since IS.-?;), please
call and settle, as all of our obi accounts
will soon be put in the hands of a col
lector. Mrs. Bruce, of near Lebanon, a slate
writing medium of much power, is in
the city for a few days, a guest at the
home of H. B. Holland. Salem States
man. II. Y. Kirkpatriek has bought of P.
W. Hardin ten acres in one of our
suburbs Kansas City. The Kirk
patrieks have faith in Lt-Uuion real
See Haekleman's cash-boy at the
head of his ad. tnis week. This ia a
necessary feature of the new order of
things, which Charley says works ad
mirably. John B?ard contracted with Messrs.
I. and J. W. Banta this week to build
"a resideuee on the west side of Main
street opposite the dwelling which he
now occupies.
P. H. Farrcll of Eugene visited the
Express ollb-e this week. Mr. Farrell
is a brother-in-law of Joseph Elkins
and was one of Lebanon's business men
several years ago.
Jerry Shea was in Lebanon this
week. The Elder is somewhat given
to levity notwithstanding the gravity
of his official position as one of the high
dignitaries in the church.
The &idaville hack makes two trips
daily to Lebanon to meet the atilicted
whoarriveby the trains anil are anxious
to avail t hemsel ves of t he curaii ve prop
erties ot the Sodaville springs.
Lebanon is developing some fast
stock. In a foot race Tuesday between
Mr. Steinburg, of Albany, and William
Ktepper of this place, fr a purse of fl-
the latter carried off the stakes.
When nature falters and requires
help, recruit her enfeebled energies wit h
1 V. J. H. McLean's Strengthening
Cordial and Blood Purifier. 1.00 per
bottle. For sale by Beard & Holt.
We received a letter from Rome this
week asking for a copy of the Ex
press; not the Rome on Seven hills,
however, but Rome. Georgia. The
reputation of our town is widening.
j An Albany man remarked on the
I For rt h that" Linn county was well
I crowd that was present on that day
may be gathered from this remark.
Tf you suffer any affection caused by
impure blood," such as scrofula, salt
rheum, sores, boils, pimples, tetter, ring
worm, take Dr. J. H. Meljean's
Uarspari 11a. For sale by Beard & Holt.
We believe that if the good qualities
of mankind were as often spoken tf as
their bad qualities and dwelt upon
with as much gusto, cur estimate of
human nature would advance fifty per
Rose TV'vine and Henry Cannon
departed last Friday fir the Willamette
near Lebanon. Mr. Devine has a bro
ther in that section and will probaly
locate permanently there. Long Creek
Mr. James Matchett, of Santiam,
recently returned from a vWt in Rock
ford, Washington. Mr. Matehett has
two sons in liockford, one of whom is
a praticing phvsican. He enjoyed his
vist well.
The plug-ugly was the lest
vrs ever saw." Their declaration of
principle" were brief but comprehen
sive. This promises to be an estab
lished feature in Fourth of July ctls
brations. Nothing will i-r!press the stranger
more favorably on entering a town
than good hotel nocomniodations.
Lebanon has two first-eass hotels which
do much toward advertising our grow
ing town.
Prof. David Torbet, of Ohio called
on the Expkss office Thursday.. In
the event that the Academy at this
place has a nine months' school, the
Prof, w ill more than likely be the
Ruff Hiatt and Joe Buhl in company
with Wm. Donaca's family, started
to Clear Lake Thursday to spend a
month picking berries, fishing, etc.
Ruff says we can count on that mess of
trout this time.
Mi3s Libbie Carothers, who has been
visiting in Lebanon for the past two
months, left for Albany Wednesday.
Miss Carothers will reside in AlLanv
in the future. Her many frieads re
gret her departure.
The Philomath Cornet Band came
to Lebanon to celebrate. When we
consider that this band has had but
seven months practice we must con
cede to them a degree of proficiency
rarely attained in so short a time.
The Lebanon Flour Mill has been
rented by me, and it will be run in the
future as it has in the past. I buy
grain and take in on exchange. Both
flour and feed on hand at all times as
hertofofe. John Uxger.
To allay pains, subdue inflammation,
heal foul" sores and ulcers, the mot
prompt and satisfactory results are
obtained by using thai old reliable
remedy, Dr-' J. H. McLean's- Volcanic
Oil Liniment. For sale by Beard &
In the hose contest the Lebanon
hose team won the first prize, $45, their
lime being 20 seconds. Two other
teams, the Albany and thcScio teams,
contested for the second prize, Albany
winning by two seconds, their time
being 33 seconds.
We had a pleasant ride with the sec
tion foreman over the Iebanon branch
railroad Monday. Notwithstanding
Mr. Skelly has a'section thirteen miles
in length he contrives to keep it iu
good condition. No mishaps on this
line of railroad.
We received some time since, notice
of the North Pacific Industrial Exposi
tion, which will lie held in Portland
from Sept. 29th to Oct. !i-5, 1890. The
exposition this fall promises to eclipse
anything of the kind ever held on the
northwest coast.
As orderly a throng of people as
were assembled in our town on the
Fourth is rarely seen. Not a single
arrest was made on that da 3' notwith
standing there were five thousand
people assembled, indeed, there was
no occasion for an arrest.
People are beginning to see that Mon
tague's column ad. is not for display,
but that it is every word true. Already
people are makiug iuroaas upon his
mammoth stock of summer goods.
Cheap goods, full measure and affable
! clerks are what draw customers.
The census report gives Albany a
(Htpulaiiou of (i(kK). Only a few years
ago the county seat was "but a hamlet;
to-day she Is a thriving little city with
every indication of a future growth
equal to the past. . Come 011, neigh
bor, we will meet you at Tallman.
Harry Sinsrleton, of Salem, nfler
spending a short time in Lebanon lor
the txuietU of his health, returied
home Monday, feeling much better.
Harry thinks Lebanon air agrees with
him, and tic likes it belter every time
he comes up. He also likes the people.
A fickle damsel living between this
place and the Cascades has asked to he
divorced from her huoband on the
ground of incompatibility; she chews
gum and he positivly refuses to pollute
his mouth with anything more o!
jcctionable than natural leaf tobacco.
Clint Gordon baa been driving the
delivery wagon for about two weeks.
Mr. Gordon has the advantage of
being acquainted with every family In
town, is accommodating and attentive
to his duties, and if the delivery does
not pay U is the fault of the business.
A gentleman ot experience contem
plates building a soap factory in Leba
non. There fs no reason why this neces
sary household article should not be
manufactured in our town. There are
other industries equally important and
profitable that will t:ike root in our
A great many things conspired to
tne success or our celebration, not the
least of which, was the wise selection
of officers fr the occasion and the
efficiency which characterized the vari
ous committees. We have nothing
but praise, for the management front
the president to the humblest com
mitteman. Mr. Rants find it nocc-ssarv to
build nn addition to the Exchange
hotel. Every room in the building
is crowded, all the available rooms
in tke neighborhood have been rented,
anrt yet he cannot accommodate the
public. He contemplates adding
about twenty rooms to liis already com
modious hotel.
Died, in Lebanon, July 5, 1S90, Miss
Ol lie Wassom. ared 30 years. Miss
Wassom had l;een a constant sufferer
fur fifteen years previous to her death.
Deceased was buried in Masonic ccm
etary, the funeral services In-ing
conducted by Rev. J. 11. Kirkpatriek.
The bereaved have the condolence of a
large circle of friends.
Our frond Perry Coshow spent the
Fourth in Brownsville and returned
to Albany Monday. Flo tells us that
he is hard at wrk on Coke and Blaek
stone. Perry is a good scholar, a close
student, as straight as the decalogue,
and has an aptitude for the profession
of his choice. Tt will he a little singu
lar ii' he does not succeed in his call
ing. Dr. Barker, Ben Barker and several
Eastern men will inaugurate a moun
tain climb in a few days." Whether their
object Ih pleasure, health, or wealth, ve
arc not informed, but we incline to the
le!ief that it. is. treasure rather than
relaxation which .they are six-king.
Nine-tenths of the "wealth of eiir State
is to be found in the Cascades, yet
comparatively few as yet are convinced
of this, truth.
Whv not have a militia company in
Lebanon? We certainly have the
material of which good soldiers are
made. Before organizimr, however,
it will be well to remember that
privates are alsolutely ntevt-sary in
every well-disciplined army, and if
enough men can le found to accept the
position of a pri-ate soldier, theoilb t rs
will le forthcoming. Who will lend
offin the matter?
The rank growth of dog fennel
along the line of the O. Ry. has sug
gested to the manacers a novel way of
wiping engines. Formerly an ensrine
wijx?r was paid 0 er month, l.ut it
is found that by driviny the bvomotive
through the dense growth of vesrttUinn
at the rate of a mile and a half an hour
on fair days that the work ran be dune
much cheaper. Cana la thistles are
allowed to grow at short intervals to
serve as ticklers and insure ihe proper
rate of speed.
For the benefit of inquiring friends,
we will state that J. J. Charlton, who
recently graduated at Princeton col
lege, is in the law ofll-e of Messrs.
Hornblower & Byrne, of iS'O Broadway,
New York. The father of young J.J.
Charlton, who lives near this place, is
justly proud of Ids son. Should the
young man prove as proficient in the
study of law as he did in the college
curriculum it will be but- f?w years
until he will distance a host of com
petitors in the mad rush for the top of
the ladder.
The One-Price Cash Store has be
come one of the features of Lebanon.
As everything is new and fresh, and the
prices are so much below that charged
111 credit-giving establishments, peo
ple who desire to buy their goods
for cash naturally go to Ihe corner,
where they do not have to make up to
the storekeeper for the non-paying cus
tomers who, when they can do s; buy
en credit, and who are constitutionally
opposed to payimr for anything. Get
prices at the One-Price Cash Store and
if there is any reason in j'ou that is the
place where you will pun base j our
Several months" ago, Mr. Henry
Piummer, of Clements, Cal , who is
subject to cramps, was taken with a se
vere attack. He had leen accustomed
to get relief by dosing with morphine,
but the disagreeable elleet that followed
would make him miserable for hours
after the cramp had been relieved. I
persuaded him to try Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
He was much pleased with it, as its ef
fect was almost instantaneous, and no
disagreeable after eJTeets accompanied
its use. Ciias. Bamekt, Manager,
Farmers' Trade Union, Clements, Cal.
For sale by M. A. Miller.
Montague must he preparing for a
boom, judging by the way he is stock
ing up his Mammoth and One-Price
('ash Stores. By purchasing his goods
in suclv large quantitie-s he naturally
gets much lower prices. He guaran
tees good goods in all the departments
of his extensive establishments at
prices that absolutely astonish other
merchants in the valley, some of them
foirigsofar as to say that Montague
retails his goods as low as they buy
them at wholesale. The careful buye"r
invariably goes to Montague's.
For the next 30 days M. A. Miller
will offer for sale Webster's Unabridged
Tliel i mnrv mmnlulo .VI tii.n't
j fail to avail yourself of this opportu
nity tne greate.-c Dargam ever onereu
in Lebanon. One hundred must be
sold in thirty days.
We, the undersigned business men of
the city of Lebanon, do hereby chal
lenge any nine citizens of Lebanon to
plav a game of baseball, ot five innings,
on Friday, Jufy 11, nt 3:30 p. m.
We are, respectfully,
J A P.eard J W Menzies
C C Hackleman It S NcClure
O W Thompson
G W Cruson
A W Moses
Norman Smith '
R N Wright
WT C Peterson
Geo L Wilcox
To riesure-Seker.
Having purchased the Findley prop
erty at Lower Soda springs, we will
so improve it as to make it a most de
sirable place to be visited by those
seeking health or pleasure. Will do
our best to make it pleasant for those
visiting this well-known resort.
Wm. ELL'Rtn,
A. Bleitsci.
J. T. Vomer, on Saturday,
Albany a visit.
Dr. I. W. Starr, on Monday paid
Albany a business visit.
G.C. Stamird and wife, of Albany,
were in towu on Saturday last.
W. O. Stanard and children passed
the Fourth of July with family rela
tives of this place.
Harvey A. Stunard and wife, of
Albany, during the fore part of this
week, paid Brownsville friends a visit.
Wm. Skill and family, of Porllnd,
Dr. J. F. Tucker, and family, of The
Dalles, are the guests of Rev", and Mrs.
Carpus Sperry.
J. W. William, of Massy Creek,
Tonn., editor of the Mousy Creek
Eagle, and nephew of O. B. Reese,
M. D., is visiting friends in this place.
George W. Cox, M. D., formerly pres
ident of the State Board of Medical
Ksamijiicra of Denver, Col., who
arrived In Brownsville on Wednesday
last, will permanently locate and prac
tice in this place and vicinity.
The following is from the Oregon
City Courier: "The performance of
Prof. MeKanlass minstrels on Monday
evening was received with uproarious
applause. The company has excellent
singers rud some of the jokes of the
end men are deuced funny. The fongs
and dances by the two little colored
chi!d -en, Willis and Adalino,. excited
much Interest. They exhibited rare
skill. If you wish an evening of mer
riment go to Prof. MeKanlass' frhow.
The troup makes merry' over the
Brownsville Times which is wroth
lieeause the professor would not permit
the four-bit Brownsville roughs to
capture the six-bit seats."
It Is queer some people have such a
Keen appreciation ot . darkey monkey
shines. But iei h:ni Jhe old familiar
truism "Like seeks V,k"'' will explain
this. As for the Times lieing "wroth
ticoause the professor would not per
mit the Brownsville loughs to capture
the six-bit seats," we will say that our
people know all niton t that. MeKan
lass may some time reapjear, and the
"Brownsville rouvrhs" will no doubt
rememer him. Brownsville Times.
Ami so Professor (?) (see Welster's
Unabridged Dictionary) MeKanlass
and his mob of "barn stormer," 'make
merry over the opinion of the ladies
and the centlcmen, or as he calls them
"the Brownsville four-bit roughs"
whoso kindly attended his very snide
performance, which would have teen
doubly dear at 2-3 cents. In reply we
would" say this 5s generally the habit
of all those evils, sure trick men ami
snide troupe, who make a precarious
living by bilking the public by false
representations, and who rightly
belong to the great "ham fat" major
ity. Had the Brownsville public, who
unfortunately for themselves were in
attendance lit this feeble attempt at an
immitntion of a legitimate troupe, been
other than ladies ami gentlemen, they
would have expressed their dissatisfac
tion at the unaentlemanly conduct of
the proprietor of this beer hall, lim
berger cheese orsranizat ion, that would
have lH'en any thintr but a merry mak
Inc to this so-called troup, who would
lr more at home and in their proper
element, on the back of long-carvd
"Combo "cana!" mule, than they are
in their att'-miwd poi-, tu fore, fortu
nately for them, a lenient public
Procession formed at 9 A. M. in front
of City Hall, marching through the
principal streets of North Brownsville,
from thence to South Brownsville and
the picnic grounds.
Following was the order of procession:
Brownsville Cornet Bam!
Our future senators, Imyg under lOyears
of age
Liberty car
Lady riders
On arriving at the grounds, the gath
ering was called to order by O. P. Co
show, president.
Prayer By Rev. Carpus Sperry.
SonTr, "America"' Full choir. "
Reading Declaration A. S. McDon
ald. Song, "Star Spangled Banner"
Oration Gen. W. Wright.
Song, "Bright Flag of America"
Music Brownsville Cornet Band.
12 o'clock M. Refreshments.
1:30 P. M. Meeting called to order.
Song, "Memoirs of Galilee" Grace
Blakely and Gladys Swank.
Song Little girls.
Race appointments By O. P. Co
show, president.
Running, hop, skip and jump Prize,,
Stand, broap jump f 2 50.
Foot race, 100 -ards i.
Fat man's race New hat.
Misses' race, 40 vards Gold ring. .
Married ladies' raee Silk scarf.
Egg race Si'k handkerchief.
Best lady horseback rider Cashmere
Wheelbarrow race Box cigars.
Greased hog The hog.
Plug uglies At 3 P. M.
During'the evening a grand ball took
place at the City Hall, with supper at
the Arlington hotel.
Brownsville may well feel proud of
her celebraltou, which passed oil tothe
satisfaction of all interested, and hap
pily without accident or any occurrence
to mar the happiness of the occasion.
The early light of morning broke
upon heavy banks of clouds, which,
seemingly threatened rain, but only
served to make the day pleasant and
not uncomfortably cool.
As per programme, the procession
formed at 9 A. M., headed by the
Brownsville Cornet Band, who with
brightly burnished instruments, and
their new uniforms, presented a very
creditable appearance, next iu order
came "Our Future Senators," the
little boys all under 10 years of age,
ana some not only o years old, prettiy
dressed in red, while, and blue, happy
in their position, which to them, was
the acme of joy. The Liberty Car, its
adornment, festooning of tlowers, rib
bons, ilags and bevy of beautifully
dressed young ladies, with happv
smiling faces, each liearing an Ameri
can Hag, representing the various
states in the union, was one of the
main features of attraction, and was
most truly a pyramid of loveliness.
Next came the "Lady riders" mount
ed upon handsomely caparisoned
horses, each and every lady leautiful
in attire, graceful in noise, elicltating
murmers of admiration and applause
from the immense throng of people
that crowded our streets. Arriving at
the picnic grounds the programme as
announced was carried out; the speak
ing was interesting, the songs and
musical entertainment pleasing, and
the various races productive of much
Too much praise can not be accorded
the management, the-marshal and
aids, for their well arranged and most
efficiently carried out plans for the
enjoyment of the public ou this the
Fourth of July lS'.K), to them is due
the fact that all passed off happily
without a hitch of proceedings or any
of those unfortunate accidents that
oftimes occurs during a'gathering of
this kind.
Our streets presented a lively appear
ance, crowds of people passed to and
through, the principal business houses
were haltdsomely festooned and deco
rated with bunting and Hags, strains
of martial music lloated upon the air,
and without exception ail seemed to
bcaitily enter into the spirit of the
occasion. There were present from
Albany former citizens of this place
namely: F. F. Croft, wife and children,
O.' P. Coshow. Jr., and family; O. H.
HoU rg, IioiiisOalhrnith, E. D. Mover
;.nd George V, W'rieht and family.
('apt. V: D. Hagen, who In company
with Prof. Luiigwoitliy of Pnrtlamf,
hrs spent, the last month hi the Cala
poola inintiiar district, returned
week. The Captain has for two rs
had great faith in this district a-id' the
last four weeks spent iu these mines
has made his belief doubly sure. No
doubt has ever been entertained as to
the richness of the surface qurtz, but
some doubted the permaiioicv of thy
leads. In the absence of all oilier testi
mony one would think that the fact
of these leads having been discovered
and located for miles across deep can
ons and over mountains, never varylnir
their course and always rewarding the
faithful prospector by giving unmistak
able evidence of the riches of this sec
tion of country, would be sufficient to
satisfy reasonable minds. The unani
mous testimony of every man who Is
tall enough in his calling to Iks seen
over n half-dozen mining camps, has
been and is to-dayihat In the vicinity
of Gold Hill are gold and silver indica
tions (minus base metal) compared
with which a "Washoe" and a "Cotter
d'Alcmj" fade Into Insignificance. The
work now being done in these mines,
and th? great developments yet to le
made this year attest the belief and
the constancy of a few nu n of mettle,
and before the leaves fall a great many
who will nt believe their own senses
will discover that the lit.eral Use of
the epithet "cranky" is but a poor
taunt. 10 very great ent'.-rpr!s, as we
have often stated, must pass through
the three stages of ridicule, discussion
and adoption. Ridicule has proved
incirectual as a weapon and nwv be w
dcxtrously handled by the foolish as by
the wise. Discussion promise. soon to
ripen Into belief, and when this latter
stage is reached there will !e a shaking
among the fossils and "dry bones''
such as the valley of Jchoapht never
witnessed. Mr. Hagen will return to
the mined "Anon and M ill keep the
readers of tha Express Informed in
all that relates to a miner's lire aud to
the mineral resources of this part of
Linn county.
The Experience or a rnr!rntlom Wo
man. ClIIPAfio, Nov. 13.
Mr. Wispom Irar Sir: I leg to
thank you for the delightful and re
freshing "Roberllne" you so kindly
sent me. I have used the toilet prepa
rations of the most ee'ehrated manu
facturers of London and Paris, but con
sider your " Robertiue" their superior
in point -of purity and excellence.
Wishing you the unbounded success
you deserve, I remain, faithfully yours,
Emma Amj'Vtt.
OrwPs Blentlng to Humanity.
So Says r.n Oregon 11nr Nineiy Tears OM.
FmtrsT ;t:.-!vr. Or.. M;iri-h 1I
I hinr it"! tin- ol:K;ox kiiX!"Y nn'1
ohtntne-1 bnmcri'.Ve rU-.f. It Is i,r t..ln? m
hmiiHiiir-r. I tke rU-.tMins in rv-c:r.rr:eniiiir it
lothc Kfl'.ieteil. 1 nm im-.v nearlv t:taetv ve;-rs
pl'1. rami- t- Ornprm (n !M" in the pu pnf of il-o
tltulam s !;;y fniv.j-ifiv, n-.l Mtw 1 lsnn wtiitf
the OKKtiOX Kl.NfcY TEA t r.j v cwl honitb.
D.v:i ML'XKOtl
Wood! Wor.d!
I have n. larjie quantity of yvood on
hand which w ill (e delivered in any
part of town nt the following prices:
t'ir wood, per cord, ?2; maple wood,
per cord $ .'. Ix-ave onlers at Ex-i-Ki-ys
ollice. J. 1L Kirkhatiiick.
Land OrKirr. at Oregon Citr. Orr-frijn,
July i, f
Notii-r H hereby iriven that the foIl..inz nnrael
"tiler ha. rl'.cl in.iiee i.f ht iotentien to mate
rlnal proof in mtpi-,rt i:f h- ctniiu. and that x:d
proof wi!lla made K'fere the c w.rity l i.-'.e jjt in
IiS ahenee iH-ftae Un? reiitny el-rk o'f l.inn enin
ty at Albany, oreson, on 1 ues-hty, AusfiKt 26, IvM,
Homiead Entry Xo. .V!S. for the 8. W. H of See.
l2i.,R. IE.
He name the fnllowins wittit'tvx to prove his
roniiiiuou rri lenef upin and .-niltivatton of. Rltd
land, AiiTt Savace. Ju R. 1 hnrlton, Jolin
SimonRantl Adolph 1 imlk-v, all or Itianon. l.iun
t-ounty. Oi--:i. J. T. AffKKSoN. Keirter.
Don't Go to Portland
Gradwohl, of Albany,
To Be Found in the Metropolis.
He Sweeps the Valley of
All Competitors
tu Cmc-fcerv. Fairy Omnia. Toy. !tixrrr Bros.'
Silytware, Kn-tich f'lfina a;ul OliL-snare,
Eoys' Wagons, Itell Curriues, Kle.
The Golden Rule Bnwiar raufct a snof laltv r-f tho
Finest Teas, t'otlltf and Hnkiti'j roivdors,
every pat kace of which iMav.ut'Ae
lured for and ti-ars the name
of tiolden Jtule Bazaar.
Has Been Rcntecl by Me, and It
Will Be Run in the Future as It Has in the Past.
I Bmy Grain and Take lnOn
EcchL a. n ge
Both Flour and Feed on Hand at All Times as
Druggists & Apothecaries,
Pure Drugs and Medicines,
Paints, Oil unci Gluie.
Fine Perfumer', Brushes & Combs
Prescriptions Accurately Compounded.
iVf air Street, Lebanon, Oregon.
LM Orru F. AT Oregon cliv. fin-con, 1
.(DIM: ij, iwm. f
Kotl-'p is hi r'l) riven Hie lirtlo'vlnjMii Tivd
wider liiw lilitl iioiii-e of la Intention to Mnk;
tlmil iii'oof iu ii.irt u! Ills cltilin, mi l that .-nM
itmr wilt Ik litii'le !efeiv tlm 'omity i Ic-rlc of
.hui eiiuntv. m .tt.niiv, Orioii, on Tin tluv,
July au, Is-.KJ, vi.:
11 KN!:y K. Cl-.OSltV,
rrtf-eniplloii I. S. N'o. ivs'.ki. lor lliv S. K. 'i of Sec
U Tf. US.. It. 1 Ku !.
He uuie the r!lmvt!ijr u Itmsri. to prove lii
couthuioii iv-i'Sfii''.' nim :ui-t cultivation o.mimI
Inn. I. viz: II. tt. Vrooui. i. M. siii.ic.K, A. :. M
tcr iiihI M. A. I'l-kiT-ni. ell or ict,;n:.i! P.O.,
l.iun count?, i .fivo. J. T. .UT1.KS'X,
I.an1 Orii'O at Orifim City. Oret;ori,
June It. m. )
NoTt' K is iri"!; Kity mvKN that the foi
Ion iiiK tiaiM. il j-'ttli-r h'u filed notii-e of hi
In'i'titkm to mill c Ii:iul ertxiT in xu!rt of tl
clt:n. uml tlm u;1 j.ioof ill be mini iK foro the
t:)im!y ti rk of l.i:i:i eeuttfy. a: Albany, Orciron,
ou TueMlay, July J-.i. !"o. . is.:
Pre-cint'tt .n H. S. No. two, for tin- Ijtytf. R. i ami '
ami S. K. 11 of N. W. if Seu. 6. T. 12 It. 2 K.
Ho tiiunt K tin- foUntting witnewea to provo M
eo!it:n:toufi U':.UMU'e uikiii tiiui euinvntion of hm
lati'l, v ii: J. W. Hi-I:e., ll'-nry II. room, John
M.Simom, Henry K. Toljy. "It of l-chnnon I". O.,
Linn couutv. Oregon. J. T. Al l'KHSON.
Land Office at Onr.oos fiTr. Or.r.oon,
July H, l;Xt.
Notirc In hcn Jiy t'tv n that tlielollnwins-nnmcil
wttler hui fi!..'.l i'n:ie ol' hi lnteiitiirti to nsakc
JIuhI roof in rini'in of hi ehiiin. n! that kJ1
proof ill be ma.le beton? tlio eonnlr Ju1a" or In
his lilenee "oel.ire thi: fount y el rk of Linn rr -ty.
r.l Albany. Or.poii, on WcdncS'lay, August Ti,
lrt'JO, viz:
Homettcnil Kntry o. 5.VJ. the K. W.Jfof
Snf . 2Ti. Tp. 1! Sotitii. lianw I Wen.
Tie immea the PI!oIiik h'I'ikm. to frove his
eon:iuuou.s re-!lenre Uki:i nnd -i:li!vatiorof, i'l
land, vijt: J.!m . hm., JrnesT. Iontng. Jolsn
t:ox ami t iconic W. riark. all of IaiIishoii, l.iun
couutv, Oi-econ. J. T. AITEIWOS, Ittgiter.
W. H BOOTH, M. D.,
CJnulnate of rnlvrrdtT rf Iowa; also praddatc
of "ipeeialtiea In the HiUvtie Hospital Medical Col-
lefre. New York.
Otllee at resilience on Main strwt.
To MaT:e fjr Vly
Spring and Sammer Stock
Kntire Stock of
Boots 5c ShoDs
Now ia the Tine? to
I Propose to Hav
Leading Dry Goods Store
In the Valley. -
Promptly attended.
Curiosity Shop.
Notions, : Novelties,
And Gents' FcraisMng Goods,
A. : W. : MOSES.
This side of "Portland for Variety and
First door south of Exchange Hstel.
Come In and
We Are Not The People
At tl'.e baseball business, but the casi business works like a
charm. The "Lebanon Express" is read by a great many
people, but there seem to be a few who do not read. To
those and others we want to say that we are in dead earnest
about selling for cash, but we are selling cheap.
Now as a business proposition, is it nnt better to buy for
cash and get your goods cheap, than to buy on long "time
and pay a big profit?
credit house can sell cheap; they must add an extra
profit to carry bad bills, for they arc gure to make bad ac
counts. No credit house can do business without making
bad accounts.
There are lots of people in and around Lebanon, as the
Fourth of July celebration showed, and they must have
goods, and I go on the plan that it is better to sell two pairs
of shoes for cash at 25 cents profit than to sell one pair at
50 cents profit on credit better for me and better for the
If you cannot get the cash to buy goods with, bring in
your eggs and chickens, and if you have none of them, get
them, raise them; they are always as good as cash, and are
much more plentiful than the hard cash if people would
only raise them.
The day of high prices is past. The poor cannot pay it
even the rich cannot afford to -pay it. Give me a chance to
sell you some cheap goods, but do not forget to bring the
cash. This means everybody.
Next Door to Bank.
' Cigars, Tobacco, FnrnlsMng Goods, Etc.
FirstClass Goods
Country Produce Taken in Exchange
for Goods.
Give Me a Trial and Be Convinced,
Shingles, Posts, Boards and Pickets.
On or About July 1st,
We Will Remove to trie Store Now
Occupied by O. T. Cotton.
Please Call and Examine. Goods & Prices,
; . and
Refitted, Enlarged and Improved,-
I manufacture and deal in Doors, Blinds, all styles of WindeW
Frames, Door Frames, Moulding?, Brackets, Etc., in fact anything man-'
nfactured and kept on hand in a first-class planer.
In connection with the" alio ve, I also have on hand a veil-assorted
Slumber yard in which is to be found
tlevel, Weather loarding, 'flooring,
for Cornices, Etc.
Look Out 1 1
rough and dressed Lumber, Rustic,
and all kinds ot Finishing Lurnb
t r