The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 11, 1890, Image 2

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    Lebanon Express.
The tolebn ti -n 'at thi:? p!;ico
Y,-as a gusrunU-ei suotss from its
:irt inception. Active etejw v.ere
not triken in the matter until, as
v ne aM, "it i too hire." Our
;tizens, however, with their charac
teristie way of ilespatching business,
v-j-t no time in parleying, but pro
t'l'nlfd at once to the election of M.
A. Miller president.' of the day.
Mr. Miller appointed the usual
rovnmitteos, who"- went immedi
ately to work, and on the even
ins of the 3d everything was
in readiness .for the greatest celebra
tion ever held in Lebanon. On
Thursday the people living at a
distance came in and camped on
the ground.
The immense throng assembled
on the square owned by Mr. Ralston.
The procession, headed by J. R.
Kirkpatriek, grand marshal, moved
down 'Main street at 10 o'clock.
Five hundred vehicles were counted
.is they passed through the" entrance
to the grounds. The music at the
-stand, botlv. vocal and instrumental,
was very good. The Declaration
was read by Prof. R. X. Wright in
his inimitable way. and when Mr.
Kaiser, the orator of the day, was
introduced, as was predicted
by a Salem paper, he left not so
much as a pin feather on the carcass
of our favorite bird. After dinner
the crowd gathered on Main sti-eet
to witness the races which concluded
tho exercises ot the day. The re
sult of the races are given elsewhere.
A more enjoyable celebration we
neverattended. Good order pre
vailed throughout the entire day.
The number of people assembled
in Lebanon on this occasion can
only be approximated. A safe
estimate would probablv be between
4000 and 5000. A fesiing of. satis
faction was shared by all, and it is
to be hoped that the celebration
will be repeated on the Fourth of
Julv 1891.
There are a good many men in
this world who profess to know all
there is to be known about the bus
iness in which they earn their liv-
ing. When you find suck a man
"who has no bad habits, yet does
not succeed iri earning money, you
may be sure of one of two things,
either his business isad in itself.
ir he does TSTnow-Jmuch as he
thinksjhsdoes. The latter is gen-
craitv the case. JNo kma ot nan.ii-
fork will do its best for a man un
less seconded by some head-work,
-lost men earn their living with
fv 'their hands; so they come in. time
t t - think that good "handiwork is all
taere is to their business. It you
; want to work your trade for all' it
' S" Worth yotr must not Act your
brains loaf -ivMiTySufhands are
f Tmsy. A hundred vears ago there
"were thousan-ls of bricklayers con
testing, in all countries, for the
honor of so laying a fire-place that
root of the heat should not go up
the chimney. Most of them must
liave had brain?, yet it was none
t f them, but two quiet look ers-cr;,
Ien. Franklin in America, and
Swedenborg in Europe, who thought
to take the fire out cf the chimney
entirely and put it in the room in
fin iron box, called a stove. For
years there were thousands cf skill-
JisfrsiS-iio thought they knew
n u about making light wagons.
Couldn't tbev shape a wheel per
fectly? Didn't they know just
what wood made the strongest axle?
Yes, but the only one of them who
made money was the brainy fellow
who saw that a slender bar of steel
".:ade a stronger and lighter axle
.ban any wood on earth. Not long
aso ecircs cf men, accomplished
electricians, were at work on
ehemes for electric lighting. They
all agreed that the electric current
'irmJ . not be divided so as to make
-fnail rights for" house use; after
Kdison said it could, men of scien
tific repute said he was either a lu
natic or a trickster. But he suc
ceeded, and made fortunes for him
self and others. He has taken out 1.
;t bout eighty patents with money
in all of them. We might multi
jilyjaxamples sid fihitum.
A business man never lrjcates in
a town whose streets are over
j. rown witli dogfcnnel and Canada
- fetStrcsTTA busineBS man will net
tcate in a town that has no school
houses, and eonseqnently aSbrds
j i;o school advantages; that lias no
churches and criers no higher cult
ure for the moral faculties than the
race-course or the Sunday beer
parden. A thorough business man
will regard every dollar paid into
""'-he school and church as just so
much insurance on his life and
-property. A business man cares
"notto locate in a town where one--half
tlie population are armed and
disciplinel to preserve order among
'-.'the other half, and whose police
5 court presents a lively scene six
idays in seven. - A man of business
t,ualitic-s will not locate in a t-Mvn
that is not surrounded by a thrifty
farming community, that has no
: factories, and is destitute of natural
itdvantages. If this be a correct
. diagnosis of your town', be assured
nt no r.mount or advertising wul
it into prominence.
An editor is supposed to be a ver-
i atilo creature, combining the qual
"ities of a clergyman and his anti
pode. the sjxirt", together with the
numberless intermediate x-hsses
human nature, lie may report
"-i n, on in a wnv that disarms all
. ism, but let him abate so much
. jot or tittle in a dog fisjht
" "-'firecr is ended.
.kan'ox Exntrss for ioh v.-rk.
i n i t.A ii r. in 's srr.nn,
A 1 alien by Our
liepoitcr, on
Mr. Tntrodueer, people and folks, lit
tle bo.ys, big puis, fellow-citizens,
tramps, Sumlay-sehool children, babies
of all kinds, and the public In general:
1 have appeared before you to digest
you with my giod !ooks,nmi deliver
to the gang on this jrreat and amphib
ious uspieiou? occasion, the prescrip
tion and pott .mortice address of our
Our special artist having been absent
in Canada, we have failed to have our
illustrations prepared, and we will now
proceed to pour hut shot ou your bends,
in plain style.
Tit -banon never falls to celebrate the
4th of July, except it falls on the 5th
of August. Iii witness of this fact I
sve the thick and thin, short and lone,
the separate and divided, single and
equal proverbial.
We hold that men and women con
stitute the inhabitants, Srresp"ctivo of
party, nation or color (we include the
oaliies). I also artirni that there are
more people in one town than In other
towns. Statistics will prove this. I
also proclaim from this position f pub
lic eon ftmniry our belief in Uill rye
and Georsre Francis Train. We an; "in
favor of free whisky and the coin
age of silver; the creation of more
offices particularly postoniees. We
an? opposed to both political campaign
excursions, railroad managers, tele
graph poles, end dynamite, the duty
on sugar, and the law that says pay sis
yon go.
Years ago when you and I were
young, Maggie, stung by yeller jackets
and bumble toes, we jumped the game
and moved West, which gave rise to
the Declejjendanee . of Indignation,
which was foil w.-d by an excursion in
the Mayflower, and the outcome of that
picnic caused all this trouble and gave,
lis that great and jrl.irious anthem "We
Won't Go Home Till Morning!" Eng
land bavin, ordered tea stamps, our
forefathers soaked a cargo in Boston
harbor, which cancelled the stamps
and settled the freight bill.
Patrick Henry, an Irish gent, wanted
to fight. John Hull has proved by as-
i?uiiomy iiiai me stars are geiruiEr nu- j m.; tnu canrvii 1 M ui mis. one iiifr:v ip-uH-merous
12 in si-;bt on our banner and i n tu.-t ni;, .,, ,.,i many n-:rin. n,.r
more twinkling' The British dis- SiX Sl'tc",i.?y! 1 M" ,ud
tanee impmves the view. Lonsr mav i v..;i v.m u n-i! u-; y,.u i-o !wve ra.w!- r.i
the banner wave over the free lunch i Sv rtLt Home-. . v. moji 1 am kotv. f..r 1 fc.-ar
and ice cream stand! Ve will war no j irt
more unless bulhvan and Jackson will l frv,!wrM..s ii oir wwii is.-jr.,!v t--iw- thry
do our fightill". . '. t roo.oii,- th. Utai via him. Aivt
. view with alarm the Chinese cm-1
igration, as thev dc-Strov millions of lawn oiwot tin-m ci-uios U p.-j-.rv i-a'.ii.r a
our liit- cracker " The Chinese ! h I Kroattin.-, ifcc-n yo.i mow
must o-o 'r!iev're iAIrr r,,,,r -t-ua .... tn- :or n-m.-jn turn. I.mki'i iy m:y uu w
niui go. i iiij re go go going, jes, lt,t.nnjiii! .-w anvthi't; f thai -i.n. 1!
go:ng to take the country While we i- l:;;hr a- t -im-V, ri'l mitt" onu think fast y.vj
dance to the Italian 'hand-organ. :--i" an nj ; the sywjm'hy of th.--lown
Went Met Jinty," by the band.l j K'V; i WWUxZ
I suggest that the town council send r.r the nkr m christ.- "ii,t v.m sy MK:r i,
the marshal to t'lticnco to arrest the " 'U an.a'-' 'o cw ic.M that .V. !:iiiy Wy
World's Fair and move it to I.elMinon.
We demand that oar leislrtture puss a
law including tho suburb? Aibany,
Jetforson, rSlaville, Waterloo mul Ijft
conib in the corporate limits of Ltl,;x
lion. A voice, '"Don't drink Browns
ville whiskey'." The m:ri who does
not see the advantages of this country
will soo:i soe this land painted red
fC'aoaila to furnish the paint. A fact.)
We liave pr.ssed throur-rlt the phirtto of
census-taking! We ask where is the
nnm that built the Rork niountuin?
Eeho answers where! Let our watch
word bo, Nix come arouse! our motto.
I;t.h M C,,.. ci,iit: vt.
row! Parley vrau frn ra! Xil di'SJier- they kaVmU-nt-l nnn nfler mait snd e
andtini! Pro bono JHlblico! - In bokas j muny Imn tlie nmn.-!r awl or-p :tho-i: u
nnkast rvirrxr trpiiiil ,, hearaijr. wit hn n-ial. .vithor.t d. leinw. 1 or in-
ixh.a. ssic cetnper lyn.mis. ,e an :.j,.n.-e, Mr. su mke. -.v. cha-aSo. :o r. te ihui
Ot't'tlil for to go!. :.:t--is ,)!-n letter to i:!d hn-i; h ! a
We are in favor of a fsy country, of ( hy a . of cow- i...ys iiutn he ind :-
free rmsst? of free noliliel still fw l'v"it fc'her t.-ii.ima! j:i C!.:ci,"o. Tike the
irtre passes, oi iree pntuicni ana lm. . ,,,.5, ,tMJcr . K-her. l.v Fjiwl. :;d U.o-eof Cle
lt Utrtona belief, where we may be weii, mid scc-rei. of other tiiUc.-s. and y., ni
sprtnkledor innn.-rst'd, Kaptist or J "i d" 5 .H:nthsttjtwr.jtr ev-i in'hi-
JJIft lfxlist or U'mnmt-
ai.iu s.! uu',,!-.,!!, v.aiiiput-11- !
ite or prohi. Mormon or Union Ialwir I
partvK hero one laH(it-lwic nifHn.r U 1
J X SlumUR IS .
K'jfMJ as biiviikt. j merits jir-ive it. w . Bnv lu-r st ii. ii yneruni. k-
And now, by the mniorv of our rev-1 not written i the h, ntor .s..-i..:; u ecr
rti..t;i,n j- nr.T k.v v . tnmiV :n fin excited stee of mind. Y:ib;:i
oiution. our navy, by our G. A. Iv., ,nsnn-.,s .,, t, ,v UiU ,t,ne. 1 wm,j-t im
by our schools and churches, by our .1- u.-v n u:fstrmin. ,rae a r..-i ,-., ahw tin
banks and .three-card monte. bV our i r!:i!!: '- When I read ymir f.feee I thovtrht th.u
s.pow-c.pped mountain,, by Ifcn-Hur-iS-nv1..
rison and (.lovernor Pennoyer, we arc, ! :inetc.m of u. iunr.rr wife, and sa-.d vmv
are .was aud will be, do declare our- I 'ri''.v wk The eat m-t hav tstderstd ht-.
selves a separate, i:stmct, single or
double and independent nation, for
and by the people, yesterday, to-uY.y
and to-morrow!
Accept iny thanks and your lilserty.
rS'TTOR LETiASO;,- F.xrBKss:
We notice in last weeks paper that
the br.seball loyi of Albany have put
up trespass notices .n the public square
to prevent farmers fr.m stopping their
teams t here, and while this is well
enough, we suggest that every city
should have a wajron van! in which
the farmer could, at a small eost, stop
his team, feed his horses in his -watron
or hack or jret the use of stalls to feed
in or stop over night if he cl.o e ti do
so. This would be a paying business
for some man and would be quite an
a c vmniod-.'.tion to the farmers and
traveling public. We also inqui-.e
why some one cannot invent a con
venient plan of hitching horses in
front of business heu't-s. There are
many oitl people who want to call fc r '
a short time 011 busines, who are nt t
able to walk, with convenience, any j
distance and, therefore, a seiuro fast-'
ening for th? buggy horse would le to
this class of persons as well as to
many othc-rs a very great accommoda
tion. Who will sugcrest'a useful and
ornamental hitching arrangement, '
let us have them in Ix-banon "first, :t j
will bring many a, dollar to any busi- '
nvss house every nionth. j
J.M. Shrks.
Ax Oi.n JsoLDii;n's Story: In the
late war I was a soldier in the First
Maryland Volunteers, Company i.
Dtirinp my t-rm ff Hervif-i 1 contracted
chr-niic diarrhoea, since then I have
used a goat amount of medicine, but
when I found uny th::t would pi-ve me
relief they would '".injure icy stomach,
until Ciiamber&in's Colfc, tholsra
and Diarrhoea Rcniody was brought
to my notice. I u-d it and will pay it
is t Vie only remedy that grave permanent
relief and no bad results follow. J
take plensure in recommending this
preparation to all of my old comrades,
who, while givinr their services to
their country, contracted this dreadful
disease T "did, from eatinjr unwhole
some and uncooked food. Yours truly,
A. K. lir.SBivo. Ilalfjcy, Ore. For
sale by M. A. Miller. I
A Cure for Sick Headache.
This distressing- com plaint is due to an
inactive or sUigKih liyer witli consti
pated lowe1s, which deranges the stom
ach and disturbs the nervous system,
causes dizziness and an oppressive dull
pain in the head, often so severe as to
prevent all rest or sleep. One of I)',
tjunn's Improved Liver Pills will
relieve you of all tlie pain and misery
and a few more doses will correct the
liver and stomach and regulate the
bowles. While these pills are small,
easily taken, and mild and gentle in
their action, there is no medicine mnd
that will so effectually cure sick head
ache. 25 centa a box. Sold by M. A.
A Snr Cure for Piles.
Itching Piles are known by moisture
like perspiration causing intense itch
ing when warm. This form, as well
as blind, bleedinjr and protrudinir,
yield at once to Dr. Bosanko's Pile
it-medy, which acts directly on the
parts affected, absorbs tumors, allay
itching and cllcets a permanent cine.
50c. Druggists or mail; treatise free.
I)r. Bosanko, Piqua, (. Sold by M. A.
let your
rkdit to
honest eonvic
down. If you
oilier from the
puhil of moi'.iLs,
andt!ors. he
i think it
rhncs. unci make 1;.
do it.
t tu lit II TKOriJI.F.
Ki'SToit t.r.nANos Fx ri: :
In your jwijr o June U0 I sec n connniuiiriition
!iy Mrs. Ella MeStmy, in rey 'y to an nrtlrlo by
Kcv. T. A. Vwt, follnwrit hy another !y S. 1?.
Notlilnsrer. The complication of the articles hy
Mrs. M. ami S. K. X. is such tln,t one ennt tit let
them pnx M-ithout a wont in n'j-ly. 1 liaU cn
ilenvor to lw" kiiiil ami mimtth in my n-ni'i. ks not
ini('uilin to hurt the feelin-s of anyosc, mi-ki
violence to the truth: hut for want of fjia-c 1 .shi'il
not touch hut on few point In suM arriclc.
writers staittt In for Kx l.'Nhop rtoMtnati,
eiiiimins- ttmt ho Is the hMiop of the Evrv.lelic!
AsMie5:ition, an ' S. Ii. X. mys lii hop IVcvtimn is
on the lie-t tenns with the lietwliiunrtem of ot:r
nsMK'iiition. etc. Well, Sam, !M yon ever Fee a
men ho v.-o not on pooil terms i;h htnxelf
cu t such ott'ori who aro In a rllqae with him'.'
Or am 1 to uiuler-lMmt hy 'hcivhj .i'ltors" the
Vv.t h-hi'iit house an.l itsofiicer.? If tet me tell
on there i-; not a man in the ci;lre ro'ev. hol..
iot "in cahoots.'" withtlin 'iiortil-iaarterV'cr Willi
themselves. Nearly every, if r.ot all, oCIjoi" 1n
the I'l.hli-liiiisr Jiutvc and the X.irthwotern toh
U-kv ami other in Ultitions art- Cited by men w ho
aro o:i the best uf totms wl'.U "heft'hinartcrs."
.mil they stick together like ticks. S.-ef
Xext la o-.lercotr.e-i the Sathafter r.tut Me
enji'cr, who. e t-ttiton are uadtr the complete con
trol of K!.cr an.l ton-.nn. I'erhaps the Kran
SeHcal (hy the K-her i arty mi eal'cl '-rllrty .--heel")
wouW have n.-ver cor.!e. into existence hnl not
he Tljite!ic.ftei- ei-l M.-en:rer elo'ol their eol
ti)i!ti a?aio.t u'lythiOrt !h xa not .-tanijil aiul
-n.!ovs,.,i i,y Eshcr. ur fliivthinc that wonl-! lei
hiia or bi fellow t'islmp iip) ar hi a ijui-lionn'olc
lijrhr. Hy shutting; t!i ilires if tne-' paj-rs
;v;-;iii!'.t sr. h n'.::;er eoi;ipet!-4l theoiher party ;o
pu'ol:!i a lst; r in their liefeiid-; aini hen that
wa and iii eopal hetsatv
that they li.l not eoptrol the press ontsiile of
hea4U-ir:crs" itey bcan to cry ut w ith a loiiv!
voice: UvlcUton. anar-i;y. disloyalty, aiel what
nor. strictly forbidding tne cMurvii niemlK-rship to
reail anyUiiti ff the oi.).v ttc siile. in main-Instances
paxsUis; n-vittitiotis totl.i-eK'i ct.a!t! ma.le
tlu-ias.-ivesijiii'.e plainly eilerMinl that iciy mill-t-ter
w!:o woui.l read or circulate the Kvao-relical
would liave his lot;f of hread hnn very hijjh for
him. Vou see? They applied a sort ot sioniaeh
screw." ii you plt.e-o. l'.ut tiie conviclion of an
honest mmi cannot K' wared tior stiirved out of
him. Mrs. M. sjiys. ! have read both vide and;
advise ministers' wives to!th same." What. '
si-ter. an' yor. stc-h a disol.etlictit Ksherie! m.d
viiilau- she very lirM eiie( he puniM-d out to his I
h,il oi"se-' t"tr the same crime (.') we an h.oti-!
end (?) with the n:ip ' ant ti:V -retx-K" etc. :
(you know them all. 1 llii.ik. for thes,' expres-.H'tis
ul-o come tn.m Swivt Home.) on make a gn-at
ado a'xait Yost, and nty he h;i.l tietter ho i-n-vJiRed
himself in il-savinsr and let tlie jia-le
laiild ihe e htircli. isthat the way y it value r '
n - t ee; n !aa' la)i" l'-efore mo i.iys a U tter in
vh: h Yost says: imrliis the euiire lime of huiid-1
.'luV.ll Z KL!l"l':
c pe r.tH .'nv;! l.y inv.t-rstx ,.r an
i! is f-hm.ty ai itr,fHf-Hnm1,.(-tt&a h"v:tf ; Si'-r
! in t-r, w tLiL'ii!v;'. mii the tvinif rs tha' t: 'V
rjenof tht c.nut-rviif U ar ui t;aj AW
iv.ii;.i; ctOTiial life t a otortal man. Si tcr.
i'.ou't e.'ij-iw tir.H.lf in that manner nnv rmre.
Xowlet ir.say. We are net re UK AttlnlK
!: i ho or.i w hc.vfi;l povtrimHni. Wo aim
with She i-iv- s f llu' i;-.-r.t'!'.ra! A-x-.u'in. l.l:
wc pr-jse.-i nn'.iiit tlie milrv.viut rt?m;:i;-.!r.v:i, n.
Wc proieht mi atriiu1 A-!icr nil! lnvnim -ir.'.'ri.
i7 mir.i-tcr.-. hul njr.iinst the J.rii.nples
f.rth in their actimw 1 liev un"it'rtant h v
enTt.rt- tii-x-ij.'Imc very rijniily tni tilt; irar4ro-r.
im ttlv.nt!. H laVos ti!ir.i.!ve tli'-y m
taS' ttiCSrrottliehtc. i hoM tht a )i.h is jn t a
tiuioli Mi'.jort tothe.?ckt n 1 am, nn1 whenever
he jiuar-s over tlie law t r the m n
n -M- a-ttnej
ri"-Ti a. a they esirt s it. loemfS r. vtit
sr-"- VK lm mete irrKut ue oeiu.-re
s-a-! an u-tomr im the s:-nie Mieli until the
sencr.ii t-oiireienee .-iwi! d-ide.
1-,'( th,:m si't'iuu To the law, nn-1 fr trK-ynre not
r.;:ty, v.-hy chai'f they tnrry till filter? devcVr-
t 1 1; v, tn-i fi- i.e kjuiic ittz tj;e fi'H.r lie n?
Xo. 0 bo i'.y at her. iind vrhile the cat ejcatx-d
n-:l.i-.rt. the boot landett in a ba kvtii-.l t;f vie.
sad tii'-n he ral-i very loud, "1 li bet ihe" ot
Tos-t;m it b!1 t:r- tt l a -shKracfol nfTiiir !ic:s
i-imn-h mi-n-licr exfoe th--ir i.ikt;-s i:
yay nri'l then j.ret.--S tu wcrk fi-r'Vvl Hr.d d--:e!il
hi-1 i1! :it:'l lti enu-e see-l de-'-:is:.
lh-v. ill st:md hi n everyne vv:l s-.iv.mj
k"" in te ft-r.-rc.-t he!r l;::.i out oi" tr'.iuie.
It'- r.ot i1 .--o TiitT-h e rtt.Iit fv-r. hot "her- i.-i
hir hm:k pi sc'i in it. ' lir.i.-i k;;v."
The Road to Vea
Cannot be successfully traveled with
out good health. To reach wealth or any
coveted position In life requires the full
possession and operation ef ell the fic
nlties kind nature has endowed os with.
These conditions cannot exist unless the
physical being Is In perfect working
order, and this is Impossible when the
liver and spleen are torpid, thos obstruct
ing the secretions, ceasing Indigestion
and dyspepsia, with all ot their accom
panying horrors.
English Dandelion Tcnis
exerts a specific Influence over the liver,
excites It to healthy action, resolves Its
chronle engorgements, and promotes the
secretions; cures Indigestion and consti
pation, sharpens the appetite, tones up
the entire system, and makes life worth
So said Bul-
wer, tha
greatest of
Novelists, and he
never spoke more
truly, and he might
use Success
have added with equal foice, that merit
is the essence of success. Wisdom's
Robertine is the synonym of merit, and
its history is success. " The magical ef
fects of this preparation have been attest
ed by thousands of the leading ladies of
society and the stage. It is the only arti
cle ever discovered which gives a Natur
al and Beautiful tint to tha complexion,
at the same time removing all roughness
of the face and arms and leaving the
skin soft, smooth and velvety. It has
long been the study of chemists to pro
duce an article that while it would beau
tify the complexion would also have the
merit of bc-iug harmless, but" these two
important qualities were never brought
together until combined in
50c- nosnnTir
Finest email
ftfiii the fc-t l-fioiceof u
cxix-its. In caiibreg Si,
&l ai;d 44-lKl. &ingk or
double action. Jsafeiy Ka anl Target modelK.
llent quality wraur ti t
fr worfcmaushic and stock. Viirialei fir i
ficiftfa. durKbilUv nnd neenrncr. Do
not lie decetva by cti-fl) maiU'nbic irn imitatUm
often sold tor the frenujiio article They are unre
liable and danKerous. The Shith t wkkwih f.n
tolvkrs are sUiiriiied upon tlie ban-uH with flrnis
name, address auu dates of patents, and are a Mar
anteed perfect. Insist upon iavinR them, hu1 It
ymr deafer ennnot supply you, an order sent toad
dress below will receive prompt attention. Descrip
tive catalogue ami pricesupon application.
itrinatield, niau.
We wish to nay toTHirold cusLonieis,
and also i:cv ones, that we nre prepar
ed to furnish well seasoned luniler,
tnnile from soft ni untain fir, at the
followiiic: prices:
Sopuntl i-leiir,...... .?!0.'-0
.!U:r liim
.'i!!rl s4 lii.uo
Kejicfnfr, ti1 timbore 7.00
At our mil! in Wirfj-hurr, Einn Co.,
Olf-roii. J KXMSUii & .').
i ii :
Real Estate Brokers,
lucludi'if; Firo and Life Insurance.
Choice Bargains
In Both City Property and
Farm Lands.
Collections Attended to
i.oxnoN- a i.rvF.p.rooT. & (,iii;e ixs-it-
Ol ARldAX AS-sl HAXCE Y.. of London.
OAKT.AM) HOME IXSFltAC E CO.. ofOaklaw',
Call 'or-.ila;
STATE l.Vt"U.VXCE CO., or Palem. Ort-pon.
of Sa!era.
-IV!.".1.. J'-
i.-'.-. i . : . . v v- .s: V
You can buy asy of the
i.ati :s r ' I'vri'ioiirvris
Cheap, of
LUoodsn. and
Stons LUzrs, also
Jub ff'ori done on Short Xoiicc.
II v: -r. hatut a Urse stoek of
1 .
Call And Secure Trices.
I Hcnse, Sip & Carriage Painter,
Contract? Taken for Any Kind of
House Work, nueh as
Plain : or : Fancy : Painting,
Frescoing and House Decoration of
Every Description.
Orders left at the Express office will
receive prompt attention.
YliZ Geicbrated French Gure,
t'n--l.i W'tl ii
Is ?o:. ox a
to e 11 r e n n y
tortncif ller-lll
tlion-, or mh
tiisortier of he
jreioTHtive rr
yans of i-itlier
fex ivliefhcr r
istiitf frofn (he
. -iie use of wiiiiHliinta, (..In.,-,. ,r tipiiim.
tllniTitfli 4Mithfnl itidiwn.tioii. iv..r ln.lnl.
ii e, Ac, Ki 1 o of r.min Cower, Wakeful.
'le-S l-i aiiiiijloivn l iiins in tlio Bn.-k, tv-iiiiiial
rnktirvi, Ilyyteria. Norvoim Pnwlmtion Noeturn
al Kinisintui. I eoi-r.ri ho n. I irinc!.s. Weak Sleni
ory, I us, ,,f i-ovier am! hiiw.ternr. ff ne-p'l-eteil
ofloti t. ,) to n-MiH!iireol.l Bu'etnnl Iiikhm
tty. l"i k-c.Jl.bti a box. f! imxes for Vi.OO tcut by
:iinn on roeei.f of prjre
A WlllTfKN . I AR.tSTEr forex-errf. M
nnler. to refmid tlie moner if a lrrittt---iit
rnre i not olWred. lustiui,. als
frovi oM mul youtie. of both, permatn-mV
rtirel bv A piiroihti vk. Clreninr free 'Mte
SSoia Jy 31. uV.31illoi,
Sole A.jjrMit. fr IiCbanon, Or.
Bureau of Information.
1. 11m coiuiiy nin lrf known on nppliention:
at Win ins snx-k lun-lir anl -aW at lue ollice of
aV ? .jS' M
159 A
LaaaaB-siMB aUSteXaWlMl
Lo J
t';ill.-l Htiiten !.ftn1 Offlee.
Oreiron city , un itwi, May JH, 1890.
Nolle Is horebr pl-ren that In rmtiatm with
the provisions of the aet of Coheres of 4ttnr 8,
1H7K, entitled "An art for the wile of tlmln-r lands
111 the States of I KtifornUi. '.in'Ron, Nevada, and
Waslilnntou Territory." John BrmiiiHti, of la
coma, ttotinty of I'ltrw, iato of Wash
ferkton, 1ms tliis dny I. led in this otliee
his sworn stiiteinent So. WW. for the piu-eliase of
the t. E. 4 of et. No. t. In Tp. No. 1 1 k, K. No. I
K., uint uill olli-r priKir to show that the taiirl
isoiiKht is more ViUnutde for lis timber or idonc
than for UKrletiltnral ninM-s, and to establish his
cluinl to said bind Ix-tore the n oisier and rrt-i'lvor
tif tins otliee ut oivnoti city, Oregon, on Friday,
the Si day f Ocli.U-r,
Ho names as w-ltm-ssos: K. K. Vim Cl. V. V.
Postman, K. Postman, ti. A. ISenuett, all of Ta-i-ouia,
Any and all s rsons t iaimlnir adversely the
alsive-di'serlls-'d lands are reinu sted to tile their
elalius In this otliee on or Ik-fore said :1 duv of tc
tnlwr. 18m). J. I'. API'JtKSuN. Keifiytvr.
t'ulted f-'lates T.iln.l OlTine,
Oregon lly, ireoti. Juno 2, lw.n.
Notiee Is hereby iriven that In eomplhinee with
the provisions of tiie act of t'onpress of June
ls?K, entlik-d "An net t'ir the sale of tiinls-r lands
in the States of California, Oregon, Nevoila, and
W ashin;;ton Terrltotr." Charles t. llon-no, of 1 A
;onui. cininly of fierce. State of Washington, hits
this d:iy tiled In tills nfiire his sworn statement
So. an, fiar the mrrliu4 of the 8. W. U of K e,
No. ?A. in Tp. No. 11 S.. K. No. 1 K.. and will oner
lr.Kf to show that the land s4ii;ht l.s more vain
able for Us timla-r or stone than for agricultural
tmriM)ses, and to e-tabllsh his rlaim to said land
lieforc the ret-lster and receiver of this office at
Oregon City, Oicijiin, on Friday, the 3d day of Oc-tolu-r.
He names as witnesses: J. T Maeartner, J.
Rreunan, A. t'bi.-hiilin and J. Oillcspie, all of Tu
eoniit, Washington,
Any and all iK-runs elalmlntf ailvepx-lr the
tovc-decrlbed lands are rmine-ded to file'their
C tints 1 1 this oilkc on or l-fore ald 3d rlar of
October. J,v'Ji. J. T. AI'Pi:HrK)N. Register.
t'ttited State I-and Office,
. Oreffon City, Oregon, June S, 1890.
Kottoe Is hereby B-tvcti that In compliance with
the provisions of tiie act of Conim-ss of June 3,
entitled "An act for the sale of liinlM.-r land
in the plates of California, Orvpon, Nevada, and
Washlnirtoii Territory,' Juhn f M artnev, ofTa
couia. county of Pierce, .-state f.f Washlntrton, hug
this day filed in this oTu-e ids snoni siatement
St. -JO!), lor the ).urch.xse of the H. K. of S--.
No. M. In Tp. No. il 8., it. No. 1 E , and will off -r
proof to stum-thai tlie land Bout-tit is more rail
able for its timber or stone than for airriciiltuml
iir)sM-a, and tocstal:ish his I.iim to said laud
s-forellie retrl-i'cr and n-c Iver of this office ut
On-pm City, t)regon, on Friiiav, the 3d day of Oc-totH-r,
He names as wltncssj-s; C. O. B.rene, J. B -eti-nim.
A. Chlshulin and J. Oillcj-plc, all of Taco ua,
Any and all persons claimlnu adrersc-lv the
i?s-e-4leseri!ei! Imul- are r'-ou.--td to tile their
cluiuis In this ottioe on or tKfore sul-i ;
day of Oc-
tober, 1-s-jO. J. T. Al'1-fc.HHiN",
t'nlted S'ftfes Ijtnd Office.
Orceou 1 un-gon, June 4. 18?0.
NoJIcc is hereby Riven that in compliance with
the provisions of the a-l of CoiiRre-ss f June 3,
ITS, entitled "An act f..r the sale of timber lands
in tlie Stales of California, tin-tarn. Nevada, aud
Washiitfrton Territory. ' W illimn J. Hsir-doni. of
Taeomu. county of Pierce. State of Washington,
has this dav lilisi in thLsoifii-e hN sworn statement
No. 2tX5, for the purchase of the N. W. f Sec.
No. St. in Tp. No. li S.. P.. No. 2 E-, and uill orlt-r
prtxif to shijw that the bind o;i;ht is more valu
able for its timlH-r or st-me than fir ain-ictiltural
wrjixs, and to establl-h his t-Uim to sai.i land
lie-ore th register and receiver of this oftiee at
Orccon t'tty. on-gon, on Jucsday. the 7th dav if
Oi tnU-r, t4i.
He names as Itncsses; (". t". O. P.ow l.inil, t". M.
I'oitman. F. Van l'i-- ari-l Jidin M est, all of Ta
Coum, pierce eiHitCy, Wa-il.ttnrtttn.
Any and all persons eintiuitiK adversi-ly the
a.-ove-descriled iHnds are re-pieste! to file their
e'.-tims in tilts oilii-e on or bcf"re said 7:ti day f
October, J. T. APPKllSON. lleslster.
t'tilte.! Plates Ijind Ofiioc.
OrcKon city, tin-son, June 1, 1!0.
Kotice Is hereby given th.-tt In ciimfiliitne- with
the Hroviiotis of the a-t of Cortjrress of June S,
IsT.H. entilieit "An art f.r the sale of timber lands
in the states of l aiifonii-t. ori-nia. Nevaita. and
W& Terril.vry." e'harles L". 1. Rowland, of
Tttsinia. etMiiiiy of l'i-ree. States- of WMshiurtor,
lias this day tilt it in thts otliee Ins strom statement
No. aw. for the purchase of the N. K. li tif icc.
So. SI. in 1. No. L' K. No. 2 H. and a il J ofR r
pnsif to show that the land sotieht is more valu
able fot its timl-r or stone than fr ajrrk-ultuntl
Hirrsises. and to esta! h-h Ins to said land
before the rf ctster aod re-iver of this office at
Oresrtm City. tregoi, on Tcday, the 7th dav of
tiett.u-r, lsli-.l.
He ti antes as tr!tne-": W. J. H:!Tfslom. C. M.
Postman, F. Vintlsf and John West, alt ot Ta
smia, pH-rt-e rfHiiity, Washtiivton.
Any and all js-rstms cuvimini; alverflelr the
hoveteM-rils d latwlsare requested to lil" their
rlniins in tins otliee on or N-fore sKld 7th dav of
Ot-toU-r, isi. J. T. APPKK--tS, KfKl-ier.
Cnited "t.-.tes Ijtnd Office.
Or--ton t J;y. orv-ron. May -JS. 1SW.
Notice U hereby civen tiiat in eotn-!iancc with
the jirivisjons of t!:e net of I otij-re-s of June 3.
I-:?. entitled ".Vti p.'-t f.r the sale of timtn-r lamls
in the States of C:t"'ifoni!a. "reon. Nevada, and
Washsni:lon lerritiry." Fred t'tuier. of Tstcoina.
rotinty or Plen-e, S-iite of Wash-iimon. has this
itily tiled in this o!t':.-e bis sworn sliit.-meilt No.
.0t. fi r 'iie pnn-ha-e of trie S. W. U of Sk-c. X.-. ,
in l p. No. H S.. K. -. F . and iii olU r i-r.s4 iu
snow insi me latifi rsiuj,'nt is more YMnmu.c tor its
limber or stone than for ntrrh-nhtiml purjsi tu.
on. 1 to e-tablish his claim to .tid land U-lore Ihe
register and ne ct nt Orepon Ci'y.
liretroti, o Friday t ie i'-th davof eptemlHT. l-'SU.
He name a w!tiiess-s: H. N. fjike,
J. D.Tlmaii and J. Squire, n!! ol I acoma. W ash.
Any and nil pcr-oiis rlaiminir ativerselv the
bnvf-de.srribi d lands are n -tnesttd to riie ltiwir
claims in this i!lit-t on or before siiid 3!:li dav of
SepteinU-r. J. T. APl'KKSOX, Uepister.
I'nited States Ij;id Office.
Ort-eon City, un-isoii. Slay JS, l&Q.
Xoliee is hereby ciTrn that in compliance with
the provisions of tiie act of Conrrevi of June S,
1MTS. en'lihd "An a-t for the sale ot timla-r lands
in tiie States of Cahioniia. ireeon. Neva la. ami
Washiiunon Territory." Henry Aletnrer, f Taeo
mu. county of Pierce, State of Washiuirton, lias
this dsy Htl in this office his sworn statement
No. Stwii. f"r the tnrclm- of the S. L Vi of See.
No. 11. in Tp. No. il 8.. li. No. 1 E., and will t.m-r
proof to show tiiat the ln-J aoiurht is more Tain
able for its tinil-cr or stone than for narM-ultiiral
iurfioses. and to establish Ins claim to said land
!efH-e tlie register and iweiver of this otliee at
ttrcttoii City, Oregon, ou Friday, tint :fitU day of
He names as itnessco: F. tTmer, J. N. I-ake, J.
nrennau aiul J. Sotiiies. all of Tai-onia. Wash.
Any and all la-rsoin elaimins adversely the
ibove-desrrilcd lands are renuested to file their
claims iu this office en or ls:-fore said -U h cay of
riepteuiber, IS'.J. 4. 1. Al-pr.llij, Kegister.
United States Tjind Office,
Oreson City. Oregon, June 11, lSSKJ.
N.itiee Is lierebv eiven that in compliance with
the provisions ol the act of Conirress ot Junes.
1S7S, entitled '-An iu-t for the sale of timlier lands
in the States of California, tireon. Nevada, auu
WashiiiKton Territia-y." Willys liinre. of Sumner,
ciHintv of Pierce, State ff Washington, has this
d:iv riled in this otliee his sworn statement No.
2Uh, for the purchase of the S. W. Vj of SVe. No.
:t4. in Tp. No. 12 S., R. No. '1 K., and will offer
proof to show that the lai'd soueht is more valu
able for its limber or stone t hint for Agricultural
purposes, and to establi.-li his claim to said laud
before the reirister ami rt-eciverof this office at
ureeon City. Oregon, on Thursday, the yth. day of
iK-toiK-r, is:si.
He names as witness: John West, F. I.ivesey,
A. W. ttichey and F. I.icoinh, all of Taconia,
Pierce county, Washiiurton.
Any and all jktsoiis cuim!;ip Rdverselr the
above-descrited lands are reituested to tile their
claims in this office on or Ix fore said SHh dav of
tlctoljer, 1W0. J. T. APPKRSON, Kegister.
I'nited Slntes I-and Office,
On-gon City, On-ffon. June 11, 1S90.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of Ilia act of Congress of June 3.
IS7s, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands
in the States of California. OreKon, Nevada, nnd
Washington Territory," Francis I.iscomh, of Port
land, county of Multnomnn, State of Oregon, has
tliisduv tiled in this ofrice his sworn stutement
No. 21 HI, for the purchase of the S. E. of S-c.
No. at, in Tp. No. li S., K. No. 2 K. , and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is more valu
able for its timber or stone than for agricultural
Minuses, anil to establish his claim to said land
K-fore the register and receiver of tills office at
Oreeon City. Oregon, on Thursday, the 4Kb. day of
OCtolK-r, IfMK).
He names as witnesses: John West, F. Livescy,
M. Hirge and A. W. Kichey, all of Taconia, Pierce
county, Washlngtun.
Any and all persona claiiitinir advcwly the
above-dewribed lauds are reuuested to tile their
claims iu this otliee on or before said Wh day of
October, 18. J. T. APl'IiKBUN, Register.
Ladies' & Gents' Furnish
ings. Bole Agency for Ludlow's Fine Shoes.
Prices Always trie Lowest.
jlE Albany. Oregon,
F.lurulx r-j's Block.
Men's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing,
Furnishing Goods, Etc.
Also Keep on Second, floor a full line of
Boots & Shoes,
In which I will not be undersold. Come and eee me and
I will treat you well.
G . W . SI3IPS ON ,
Agricultural Depot.
Knapp, Burrell & Company, of Albany, Oregon, carry the
most complete line of Farm Implements iti the Willamette
Valley, consisting of Buggies and I'haetons of all kinds,
Bain "Wagons, Mountain Seeders and Drills, Deering and
McCormick Binders and Mowers, the Celebrated Oliver Steel
and Chilled Plows, the only Chilled Plows ever sold in Ore
gon that give entire satistaction in all kinds of ground.
We keep a full line of extras of all goods sold.
Call and examine our goods before you buy; and do not
forget to buy the Lightning Full-Circle Hay Press.
" ' Manager.
If ew Corner Store
The public school house on the south,
The paper mill on the north,
The big planer on the east,
And the depot on the west,
Makes the Corner Store the Hub
on center
Keep a full line of Men's and Boys' Clothing of Browns
ville manufacture, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Groceries and
Provisions; in fact everything necessary to keep soul and
body together.
Nobody complains of Bach's goods or quarrels with his
prices. . -
And I Am Now Prepared to Furnish
and. Keep in Stocl
Shingles, Boards, Pickets, Doors Windows
Blinds, and Builders' Hardware
All First-Glass, at Lowest Prices.
Onll unl Hoe 3Xo.
125,000 Brick
At my yard In the suburb ol Lebanon
For Sale at Reasonable Rates.
All Kinds or
With Neatness and Despatch. Inquire of '
for Bargains
of a ir."-. .
12. GOAN.
160 Acres of Laud
3 Miles East of Lebanon.
Good Road, Good Water, Ilieb Laud,
Good Sohool in i mile; small
Price, - - $io per Acre.
Apply at this office or to
Martin Hickman,