The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 04, 1890, Image 3

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Lebanon Express.
JULY 1, 1890.
Onr nation's 1irtluLiy,
A few caws of la grippe in town; -
F.d Cnrr is putting rustic on his dew 11
!r. Lfliannn wrapped in the stars and
stripes. r
Mr. Boyle lias built a new barn on his
Ym. Washburn va in Lcbnnon
this week.
Guaranteed machine, oils at (Jruson
A Menzies'. ; ;
Screen doors and windows at Cru
son & Menzles'.. -
Mr. Feebler will bnlM a fine residence
- - in Cowan's add it ion. -
, Rev. Yost paid hi respects to the
ISxpbkss Wednesday.
The popular MeKaulafw Minstrels at
the baud hall Jul' 3d am) 4th.
Norman 'Smith was somewhat 5n
tlispoeed a couple of days this week.
Miss Nannie McTSlry, of Independ
ence, is visiting Miss jJula Ves.(fu!l.
No fish oil in our machine oils.
ClirsO-N & MEX7.1ES.
; Montasrue laid a. new walk thr
length of the Mammoth store this
Guy spent a I
. S. P. Bach and W.
cay aud night in Brownsville this
week. .
The Shoo Flv sprinkler, after a two-
week's vacation is again moistening our
, . m ' " .
Tle lienannn Operatic Trotire played
to a, full (?) house in Brownsville Tues-1
tay nipht.
tr' -xt- . J r
y- -aers ,t-s..u-,;e ,.;.sscs i.t
tinder the hand of the carpenter great-
.ly improved. j
A vounp man recently from the !
East is clerking for
furniture store.
E. Goan hi
Julius Hyde has returned from a two
M-eeks' visit in his old neigh borhood in
Liberty precinct.
For sale, a gentle new milch cow,
fix years old, with heifer calf. Apply
to A . TJ. Ansorsre.
Remember you can get a hot or cold ,
bath any day in the week at I. E. Bo-1
rum's barber shop.
Z. T. Bryant has completed the
earpenter work on the Sodaville hotel
and returned to Lebanon.
One of the latest business enterprises
talked of is a bakery, which wtll I
run by W. H. Templctoit, of Albany
V,;i c,;ti. ii,ai.n'kia .T
X Itll lllL ... ..... ia '.'ii-
1 tlii wwtr nnit will
wore to his farm liefore many tnoons.
C. O. ITacklemart s;ivs he don't want
people to look t his display windows
as they pass along. Come in find look
Louis Bara-e, of JctTeraon. has been , To allay pains, MiWue inflammation, , f rV u ", Ver f eeur- ' ,,f TAithfu! perf .rmanoo to dut v.
engaged to teach the Sod.tviI!e seh.xl ! f',ul sores and nhnrs, the j ' id Mh or.i ' ,1 ! Thus do;s this' mystic ceremony ii
at salary of f 60 p,r month. f. fh-Z iddrlpX 1 itidgtnent ii.the arnmeiHof struck Masons to , bhed Vkh
Fred Wheeler is visiting his parents, remedy titMXU- irtM to the picnic. j . he hhld:;n maena c, frpl
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wheeler, after an oj. Liniment. For sale by Beard & Er'? r.-i' i! , wUh v'l.Vnik-
cen,av1)le u, nolt. dinbr.-of ehot rd,Vff" t-, t., able in the rich,,, i f diviac
, they pass along. Come in find look ; ChS's I
St' utters in the FxraESs e' erv week, r
Ruf. Hiat has cleared his addition of ( The Capt. is a man ofeood judgment ?
ood and brush audit is now one of!lir,ir;ri experience and his let tew are
.many attractive additions to our noi, tL, mi.leadmg. i
. town
Eureka meat market, just operivd on
SherRiaii street op.jsitc St. Charles
hotel. Wheeler & Troutman. Call
and se-e us.
'Why pay 1: per cent, interest when
you can gvt a loan at S jwr oent. fp'm
J. M. S-ir.iers, office with F. M. Milier,
Lebanon. Oregon.
Dan Shaw visited Brownsville Sun
day. As Sunday is not a legal busi
ness day, we can only conjecture the
object of his visit.
Rev. J. M- Price, who wa3 lately
committed to the asylum fnm this
place, is recovering and will doubtless
be set at liberty soon.
Several of oor young people visited
Scio last Sunday. It is natural,
reasonable and philosophical that srio
should precede credo.
The Exchange-hotel 1
fi'ed 40J0 people more or less on tl
Fourth and m nowise meonvcriiciice-1
their regular boarders. j
Jirs. . ii. nee:er, or innepenii-
ecce, came to LtUancn i u-'-snsv on a
visit with rehitives. Mr. Wheeler clso
came over on Thursday
TTipr-liime whistle of the machine
sliop lias lxen the prolific cause if .sun-!
with tht fetyie of triu.sie.
". .V"-" . V 1-""-';-
-f cvr rnmo T't-c I-.t- tt -.-u-l i nn 'nw.iifimr.iil
est Lebanon, near the r;
Three or four men Wppan work mi
brif-K basement Monday.
G. W. Hardy is a liglitninsr jeweler,
If -you con hi see the telesrraph hues ra-
aiatmg lrorn tiie eveiry store you i
would take our word for it.
Plans for several dwellings d one
business house have been made lately,
which, when built, will greatly cliatige
the appearance if our town.
Among the relics deposited at
laying of tbe corner stone last week
wis some jay-lird literature, the merits
of which wedarenotdiscusri.
T. A. Swan is no lor ger to be found!
in E. Ooan's furniture store: he is
running his own business in Swan
Bros', tin and hardware store.
For sale, a few reams of soring- poet
ry. Un fortunately a little common
sense got mixed with these classics,
which greatly reduced their value.
Y. S. O. Pociety will serve ice cream
next- Tuesday evening from -5 untill
10 p. sr., at buildinpc south of Beard &
Holt's drug store. E very bohy come.
J. 11. Kirkpatrick informs us that he
has a fine supply of weiod on hand,
both hard aud soft, which he will de
li ver to any part of the city. Police
Prties knowing themselvi--f!iiidelUd
toCruson & Meuzio's since 18S0, please
call and settle, as all f our old accounts
will soon be put in the hands of a col
lector. The writer knows of ,ix houses that
wiil be built immediately after the
Fourth. Perhaps this is only a tithe of
the buildings that will be erected with
in the next sixty days.
Willis Calder went to Brownsville
Monday to assist the Times in the pul
lication of pamphlets disciiptivo of the
property owned by the ( 'alapnoia arid
Blue Iii ver Mill and Mining Co.
When nature falters arid requires
lnip.recruit her enfeebled encrjfioa with
lr. J. 11. MeLoan's Stix-iiui heninr
Cordial and Blood Purifier. $1.00 lief
bottle, l'or sale by Beard fc Holt.
A. L. Mouser of this place is Bending
the Expbkss tofrieiidi in the -East.
If people gcncrallv wouldo this the
...,,..i- ..e i... i."S.i e i . .v-i , ....... t ttrx i
would be rcducciJ4o a minimum.
John Q Boyd, residing near Leb-aiiorv"-i
indicted by th-.- frraml jury
"th rec- charges of stilling liquor with
out a license. He furnished the re
quired bonds, IGOO, on being anefitc-d.
' 1 1 8:15 by Elder Wilson. It is bo'd-d there: ftic-turers of London ami Paris, hut cnn- j Notice,
nil lie a change cf time uext ( will lie a fserwrnl turn out to thoc t-r- hiiler vour " llohertiue" their superior ; 'All part it's kuowing Hsemsolveft in
he Lebanon rmd. The mil- j vieest, us: this is the fun Hi and last; in point of r.uritv - nnd exeelleiiee. j ikbosi to kite firm of Unrcr & Wns-
There wi!
week on the
roaa itands would need the corif - iiiti -
ii.. ii ..i a iin-uiiioiive iomihiiu t tie n: ru. n
yrtum the present -schedule demand.
If yon sutler any affection caused by
impure blood, such as scrofula, salt
rheum, sores, boils, pimples, tetter, ring
worm, take Dr. J. II. McLean's
Sarsparilla. For sale by Heard & 1 lolt.
Mr. Goo. WrisKof the law Hrm of
Blackhurn & Wrieht, .Ml -any. Ore.,
visited the Kxi'IMiss ottlue Saturday.
Brownsville claims the talent of this
brilliant attorney for th? Fourth of
July.' .--... .: 1
- A slight unpleasantness occurred
Saturday . between Messrs. Patterson
and Bam5erso!i, which was satisfac
torily adjusted ly onof the combatants
paving jnto the city treasury ciht
Were it not for a "srsime' Jcvr, Thai-ley
Montajruc would doubtless carry away
the prize in the fat. man's race tiv-d.iy.
Charley wants it understood, thoi jrh,
tnat the re is nothing the matter with
his arm.
The "Athena Preys'' - that
the jH Ople of Kasteni Orop-on had new
ahead of the Wilhmietttc Vailev. . 0
pshaw! We had new potatoes
than a vear a-ro.
,. ...,n.
that the O. Ry. will be built through i
. ,. TT . .. - , . f
"" , . - - . -.v . i
pi e ;:otii ?i:ciii iv ;;u: iii;t tct uti iv
exiHHiUe matti. rs.
A Jpaii of horses used in making cx- j
mvnlin'N f.-,r rhe ivuvr iii!l. bv senile !
mishap fell into the Sasdlani canal )
Monday and but for the timely assist- j
anceof'Mr. O'Ncil and other .would j
probablv have perished. One of the
pnn was ba.ity siitggea.
Mr.' Archibald showed ns a branch
"" -Hart let t jx ar trtv this week
whieh is already tdossomig for the
second crop of fi nit . Oregon may not
ue in irt'jicjs, uui we aiv uhki'
who live in tropical climes.
While in Trliman Moadfty we ob-j
taiued of Mr. Fmith a tiea.i of wheat i r-Tre shsir.. its prc-tlt with otljer
wt-h we iiwnmo i stn -vemee of hi ' '" f.' I a nee at the topo;r.!p!.y
r.x;n n-.l' it mmiiKd "t;i inVka Jnjof the country reveal the fact that
ilenoti, ,in- vi-r r,rs".-oi -h ! .nvm-a mi Iam- Mr3.ii mI
j0h JL. Sullivan will take to the!
stage. This seems "like a prostitution of j
his noble physhjue. He is by nature
K'tler attapteu to the wneeit-arrow
' v... ...... i.:.,.
mil 'i.'n i. i.u u .1 .iui
might make some unpleasantness. i
K. Goan rect ived the Universal
wool worker week. This is tvr.
tainly an unique machine. It weighs
taj poam'.s ana eomti;nes in siueti j
j compass the working qualities of ne.ii
i ly every machine found in planers.
Delinquent subscribers sometimes I
fmd it convenient to write to the editor;
after the following classical foriauia: ,
t'.-p my paiier." A more etlW-tual j
way won ill o
fr what yon
way would ie to semi along the pay j
have already ivceived.
Geo. L. Wilcox, who transnorted his i
( camera to Lacomb ten davs ago. re-!
j turned Saturday, after having photo-1
.1 graphed every available object in that j
i .
' town P.nd
vicinitv. tieorge is well ;
ploas'dwith the .-jle in this part '
of the oocntry. " " I
... . . .
W e receive cncomging r.c.vs cverv
......l,'-,mfl,on.;v,.am, n,
i i ....... . ). ..: ; .1 i. r i... .tfif w Otn trm i rv i i r'W-i i
The farmers along the line of the!M-v.iv others deserve liKhition T-r
narrow aausre have leen compelled to j
papr their femv-s with trespa.-s notice j
to keep trains out of iht-ir wheat Hells, j
if you want to keep tlv pefcy ears out
of your grain, pull dog flnm.! until the
train hands can See whera to d.iv;
Citizens on street near the C.
P. church complain that they have no
water supply in case of fire. UnU ss
protection is given tiie people of this
part of town against a general eouthi
g rat ion. we fear that theiv will be
some dJilcU-ty in collecting the city
A. M. Templet o;i, oi Brown
called at the Kxvem8 oiue a f-w days : t
frirniers in that sei iioo Of e.tll-trv who i
wrests from tuotlterEarih a good :
income. We hojc he will call
tgaia !
that we may
I ioke3.
some cf his rich I
I Men who '
vc 6i ,-i-t throe vcf.r?. in
tfie mines
t.n !! "-.-il;'.r.iot:l f.-il! lie:
longer Burit
n th-ir Eiiii-l.!!. A toin- i
;i ii.coT-riorti-l. f t ieh hns i
tec-u issued and r-ome
tl. Ml
rk is
I rrr(--sin-'. tlse-.t:tlo.k tsdaiir be-o
i more favor.ibie aod 6'n a bysi-
bug mi a in g tuinm will be- the rom:2t
i t.3. - ! . -... .1, ..t r,. i
tiie- r,uarry a--t of town It-.te!y
' ; . , - - . 1 . , -4?
t V .'.- t--,--t.-i- ... .
!ejsT-mt!.orit'!it Hi
m the, hikI r.R-:iye.l
; j '
tra,titceiuw. ..u..
A runaway occurre! on Bafurday
i which forlamttely resultf l in iioth5ngiechfK:s of nutstc chus-.-d ca. h oi':-r up
j more serious than a broken nmrary.
A in.iv wliiisf name we did i;-.t '.ttrn
j was hitc-bln? the team to the vehicle
when thev took frie-ht, threw the Isdy
i under the" bopruy (v, t.ich liowvi-r "ud
j not pass over her), ran upon Kii kmt-
wk'siva k,brarM,(-4 oiijaii
! fenee ;'n 1 were c:ui gat bt fure runimijr
i ' !
For. the benefit of thrse who Sihink ;
! there is no :r"n ore in tneso ra t, we i
j w .1 ti t L L" I' t.
ou thai a firmer livintr i
near town lo:-
i all the tires tl' his;
wawn durinsr the dry, hot v ather.
iinloadedand fitarted ncrss tiie mineral
belt with the rnnnim; gear c-f his wasron
and was surpn -eu on reachaiK home
to find every wlieel shod with heavy j
i nch-an d -a-cj uar tcr tirc,ralhciv-d while !
running along,
JittVn Miili-r lias eomr'leted the er.u- :
nitration of Lebanon and Liberty pre-
cinct, and the result is every way
f-ausiitciory. . i lie m miaiimi was ai-
most- douMe what was auticipatc.1 and
the mmitier of farms exceedeel bv SiiO
the fitrures of the careless calculator.
We can Hay fir the population of our
town, what, perhaps no other town
can say, that it outran the estimate
made by everyone.
The philanthropic spirit whTeh lead
to the civilization of the Arm iican In
dian ih to be commended, but it ha?
entailed upon the noor white race
6,000.000 fat, lazy docs which are good
for nothing but to howl an accompani
ment to every discordant noise that
srreets their ears. Jiu tlet the Indian
revert to barbarism and eee ltow cmiekly
the magny pest will loose his franchise.
The work of decorating the town for
tha Fourth beprtui viot-oiibly on the
second day of the month, m.'d ere' lhe
dawning of our nata! day the business
itouseu -r-ri Main street were wrapped
in the pecure folds of the nation's
proud e.isk'n. When fctnid the w reel.'
, und crash of empires, other mitioijal
! emblems shall have tad-d to paleness,
i Z rnlr Z It
', , J'! ,f,er ,s,t,tlfl'
troubled world!
if fed
i iiiav iimi vm.11 ii:-t:, inii Liifimeei, i
neuee to n
Quarterlv meeCmt; strvicis in tlic M,
E. church next Sunday. Sacramental
service at the close of morning sermon.
Preaching in the evening at S 1'. -J.f.;
nuarterlv conference Mondtiv st 3 P.
M., Pn.-hidi1-r Elder S. 1. Wilson i;i
the chair: preachina in tbe eveiiimr at
; qiitti-tcrl v conference of this year
will 1- tile nioi-c
W. M. Kai-er, of Salem, has n reeded
b an urgent request and consented to
deliver the oration at Lebanon the
coining Fourth of July. -There won't
be a tail feather left in the great
American bird '.of promise when
William ets through with him, and
the ech'M.'s of his patriotic olcipK'iwe
will rinsr through the folks of the
Snntiain until the next national holi
day conies around. Jokes aside, Mr.
Kaiser will give Lebanon people one
of the best addresses they have ever
listened to. Capital Journal.
Montasrue must be preparing for a
boom, judginsr by the way lie is Flock
ing up his Mammoth and One-Price
Cs';!i Stores. By purchasing his poods
in such large quantities he nafiirdly
pets much lower prh-es. He puaiati-;
tees pcvxl j;ihH n all t he iicpart meut
of Ids extensive e.Matdishniei.ts rd
prices rust a:.s''n!t!y aFtonisti otiur
merchants in the valley, some of tlu in
poinsrsofar as to say that Montncuo
retails his poods as lew as they buy
tlieru at wholesale. The careful Inner goca to idoutafc tic's.
The One-Price Cash Store ha be
come one (if the futures of T.-!.:u
A-si .veryt;ui!;'i:- m w
md fresh, and the
r?: d
m cr-djt-i;ivit!;r cstni'JMiniciits.
PiO "Alio we;-ire T' t'ltv tll.-.l I'o )MS
!r easii ratnrattv tro to the
I where t!r- v !o o. t iiave to mnke on !
the fdoivkeeper fr the i:e!i-n Inr cs:s-1
tomers who, w!a n they c:m d .s,-, l uy
on credit., and who ai const ii';: :;!:;! v
opjtosed to ttavinp for anything, t'iet
-lie.s at the One-Price Cash Sjt.iv and
if them is any,.n In yon that is the
place where you will ynrthase your
.uri.iw "
Now thst actual work is tenn in
th,. ,aliip...ja mines, both gold and sil-
ver is beinp discovered in
pa in;.
ou.-.ntities, men ai e Hocking in and a
lively mining Camp is sure lo l e tin
result, our business men shonl 1 regard
th5f s. s-'iher tentacle of trade and
'nuon is nolo advantageously mt-
i...u.. ... r. i uh- i.iisi.i.inr l.i;..iu:e lis
uated to secure this tr
.iv .1... - .. : .
anxious coll, nvtitors. as it is
at the terminus of a brasel, ,,f th ' S.
P. R. It., having the advantage of a
g.xxl wagon roa! f r one half the d;s-
tanee fi these mines, one hundr-d and
liftv dollars exoend.-d in trail buildimr
will ojen an avenue . fade t-.,tli rich
TA lender tlir
-or a wceK and npoi t at this o!ikv.
TtiK .i su.u-i y ricsir.
The p!f!e
held on Saturday,
!2?th rf June
Libert v school "ruue," was ad
success It v.s utd-r th mi
l lie grove near
rnnt of Mr. Julius lowc, the etlu ient
teaciser of the Liberty school- Mr.
lK;we t -serves great end.t tV
eessi'ul t. rni of school he ta
neb. of them ooiitHhntbi" 1 1 the v.t l..d 1
exercises, which C'tnsUte.l nfs.i .....!
District No. s
reading Mi l singing,
KS was well reio-'seutrd i
in eliarge of Mr. Tuidsou. This ".,- !
th-mm is murh n sieeted bv hi? j
neigb.bors, boiicr 1 11 'in hiph vstei-m
for the tr-od he b'is done them or"-i;t- !
... . , . V .1 t
""- 't'i c-,,,nic -inir invir .-- i" ;mo
Jh' I
u:l,ler - '"-"'P " ir. lliomp-.
sf,a lo:' bo rt.,nci:-.i red t .r t he
f e they tu. nislnd a!-,
heiX'in" tl
theirex Pent songs, dvclatuations etc.
Even the puzzled Dutchman Hid well
but v. hit Interested the writer is
taueh x more than anything else as
the lino dinner that w:ts served, quit;
an e.vtei.siv.- tahie was h a teit w; h
got d things till it fairlv groaned under
th w.Iglu of roast chicken, pie. cake.
etc all of wh-r li br-re . vi.'. eeeth-it ihf
house wife an 4 daughter in their v
einity are ssilkd in the culinarv art.
Jrxr: R, l?0i.
Asyon have hr.d a few fr ni
isl.H.dirv, tKrhaiis a fv;w more vi;i
j esse s - in cured J iappv l ionic
caip-i-.te-rs: jSavasre At .Son) to frame ids
mammoth rar .which insures hiru a
J iraine.
sir. .Micnai-i litis aimui iiiiis.ifti , :r. i
.-..l-Utt-S 11- V'!! It) ilM !iS'. J lis ,
!'ur ' i!'- r...-ariLjr einiii!vtii. Mr.
- 1 sii'i c;iv;i.; i:.l tie- ruoenaiu-:..! .
i'l:!(.-;ieel tiiC-
j.- l s i. i i--'Tt isi.i
I'l. lit vv l!n
iv -sv
i- i
i;-.s i :i- i
?-'r. ;.iki..i -1 trf
, , . t
' v 1 J I . . . .. .1 . .. t i
' Ki it 1IH.-.II..UI-
''" vv
: rk on hi.-! i,,rn a'.?. .
terc.-iv. "tiss 1
Ko.3 e!-tst il n I
sticeosstai ter'.i oi s- :iu)i !i i
ir-iiri:'te t'XerHsf-r--. Avr'f sttf
v --v,.l.,-..,r, -V,.or!er,U t'w. ,
. - J l ...... I e . tl.. I. I lie s I ; I : i ;
r. n.!i.-n il tlteir
-r i n.-it j
.Slt-H.t'll I'M.fiul I . itlli .11. ;i r. ieilT''l
:...? - ..t... - CU ........ 1 . .c- -... .... ,.,
t.M - J4Vl - . 11 .111 c 1 J y Jl J . - 1 4- - J I ' t ...
; Lea) in h'.s fine i iiino voic. Tiie
j sttie J12IN, ar-ro-s ii ..iif.v.s-, t.ionj ici s
! nnd over nolo f. ne. --s. l-he fox-honnda
lu hot p.ursiiit e.;' a c it--n-til rtthhit.
i until lltit.nv ii-Mue r.:s.nm.led with
i music. Miss It,..-. i-i
ib!e teacher
j in the school rofni, trikiiit-ejii;il inter
m k-I. la urititr hard for
the vsu.wmein of all. Kho and her
wll lhe. :K Ii!e TK l.acouib
i --y. ii.Vi'l'V lioiiliit.
i Airain the mo: t beautiful cf Oregon's
j summer days are here.
i K. B. Vrcom lun a innnl er of men
! clearinx land for raisiiiir har.
smile on the farmer's face is
prwof that he i. well pleased With the!
I Or. , where hewill rciuain a few weeks
j with friend.-,. -
11. J.. cros-ny ia o-or.e to ivnt-.ppn,
- i.,m.'..,eni,fAfj.,;,.rr,.,i r,;1,,
Uvio CU;i3 vov,l8 by U-iiiir more
cautions about 'meeting ttams on the
- Blaekbcrries are not so plentiful as
first reported, the frost having killed
all on the high ground and in the
open wood.
John Simons requests the person
who lorrowed his jruni boots a few
years asro, to bring them htieli,
has another chance to loan them.
Vroom Bros." have jnst completed a
building, to he used lor , a blacksmith
shop. -.Soon the ringing vf the anvil
will disturb the quiet oi' the for ht, and
carry with it the spirit of push and
enterprise. ICA:LK-.EYi;r Zi;kk.
Chilriren l.n.loy
The plesant il.ivor, prentle action and clfects of Syrup of I'ijw, w hen
in need of a. laxative; and if the father
or molhur 1-e eostiv-c or tolious the
most gratifying results follow its use,
wo that it i's the lntt famiiv remedy
! known and every family should have a
Lottie. -
Tl. Kxpcrieto of a ConAt-ietitiouK Wo-
Cir.rAtio Kov 13
Mk. Wispom Jk ar ir: I bei? to
Ibmik von fi.r tbi d. li. hlfnl nt.d rr -
fi-.-sliiiiir " ifoberrine" von so k indl v
ai'iit me. I have used the toilet nrei.ti -
rations of the most -e?ebiiit-el manu-
r th-i sue
tirht; nod !
ii'-.s vi nr. it i vnsiiintr you ino iiiiiiiiiuet suecess i snr.i tire hereby notitied to cme tor-oi-e
iiiiin'-tLiiit. j yiu ilt-isei vt.-, I it-uiain. fisiihtullv yours, j wurd and w iUe the same within thirty
i" XI CitMei". 1 KililA. ABboxi. 1 diiys niid save costs. JoM. rASht;M.
I.aj-lnjj f the Corner St ono by tUe J).
tunic ITratvnilt y.
The corner stone, ns everyone kilo,vs.
Is the stone whieh lies at tiie cornel- i f
two walls and furtnsthe corner of the
found. itioti of the edifice. It in
generally placed in the northeast; and
as the foundation on which the. entire
structure is supposed to rest, it is con
sidered by operative masons to -lie the
most important stone in the edi.'ice.
It is laid with Impressive eerm.inies,
and the assistance of "Speculative
Masons" is often invited to give tiiyinty
to the occasion.
In accordance with this old-established
I! sane, tin (?!:lld Lode of
Orepo.j A. F. .1-, A. M. and - Lebanon
Loilpc No. 41 kindly aeeepte
I the
f Invitstl m giv. n them, an 1 t
stone of our han .l-ioii:-' sehaol Imildin:'
was laid with the beautiful and impress
ive cercmoni.-R of that order.
The tiiaiiii Lul.j. of Orcp oi. wii'i
f.iir old-time (and every tbtie) friend.
It. P. Mason, a- Act ing'Gi airl Manor,
arrived Thuvs 1 ly att-.Tuoou and were
nn a! the depot by the Lehnu.m I
;'.:i i:i drputat'on of M::s i.'is and cit
ir.;:is. Tliev s on f irmed i:i iiu, nnd
j :i.-':l.,.';l ov tie." tj-oanou j;.i!!l, were es
c !tcd tu the M.isii iii-. T, :p!e, where
I fit.- I I n ft I ,.nt n. l-:L ien.'it i:i i?:;e
Mcr.nwhile the i t opic ef I.t-bnnon
and vieluity gathered on Main ftreet,
and the business h uscs 'o lnr alt
i.'.scl, our town to k on a holiday
a-1 .iM-t.
T!;e long pfoeessi.m was soon formed
!sdir the elucient managemeu's of
Judge F. 31. Miller, the Mnm le!ng
givt'i the pi i.ts cf hoiiiir. IT. Mid srri v
inp at the place where the school house
is !: !lig built, the rr-;css!i.i e;s-neil
to the right and. left, the Orand Master
and bin otlicers p'is -d tlirough,
fiowel bv Lebanon 'Lid c.Vo. 4t, the
nel-eftTi.irs, O. A. It., a-td it ;z.-:js.
Dhvct r J. .1. S a an. in a few mat
words. Informed ti e people for what
nurnose tkov wore, there and fntrodne
ed M. A. Milter as omtor of the day.
The oration did credit to Mr. Milb-r
and Lebanon.
Prof. Wright, principal of L- bnn-v.i
public school responded in his usual
iiTiopy way.
The building was thwi given toOmud
Master I. P. Mas ni to d- d with a- he
saw lit. I le announce that it is th.-limc-hou'T-d
custom of Mason r any
underiakitig to llrst invot-c tie; JJivi'ie
Blessing. Lev. J. P. Kit I; pat rick led
in prnyrr. The Crund Mast r tlun
iirtH-c"-(ied to the iaypef of the C'lv-r
stone acecrdlng to. old established
A great mmy prcl-u m'-r-ieiiJ n-s
were 'U -paiited and with solemn tmislc
thesb-.iie was lowered Into place.
It. may not bo m ss to speak of the
significance of the corn, wine and ':!,
that wys poured on the st. ne, omuU
matie f nourishment. refrfhni'.-:it
Perhaiis it is n. . less t- nu n.ion the
reast.n the crner stones aie placed it:
toe noiMeast. part;ailar!y In institu-
"ons or learning. In tins situation u
'os Letween the norm, the ; oi
d trkness and the i-:t. the pi ice of
!;gh!; so I b.e::-c tliin pi-i-ioii s-nibol-
1-' s the prog;- fr.m ! irhiv ss t i:pht
--.,'. i. ..-.. , -..,. -
M.fh5tic, 1Int(.,.
v,t 1 , , v- L,l bv Mr
1 h-hrt : ! h. n p. uh.u-.-d oy ,lr
e in 'U thVve' in!
pub'.ie will enable him to make the St.
HTarles equal to any hotel in the
vihy. The house is iH-iug throne;. ly
l renovated; the parlor Mill ivj the
hads--riuit ro.:n in the town; tie
i le-l-rooins are l-e'.rg tiewly carp'teo
! m,i -icu, ui'j 'k-.js ,K n--
S exn;-iiied ai:d all crazy r sings throa.i
"''' Other improvements will !e
nia b: t'S the times demand. Hit
oihee is managed by the landlord's son,
who is plea.-ed to wait upon the public
day cr night; the kiteheu nod dining
room receiving the peistnt! supervis
ion cf Mrs. lieivl, where th- i'-'s-r man
is sstislb d - iih iki.mi.' oic. Too pub
is. i ere c-u-di iliy in v it t t' p.-.troniz-the
St. Charles, m hike su'ti-iuuiou is
Sititml Suriiienl Institute, Si
Sti-trl, Sn 1'
Otto r iiiort? Mirirr-oiis rc-i rronl:
1-. I j Inel.-l.. H ;'l 1... i.i 1 1 - 1 .l-i li,.!l . 1 !
f H..,u.,,,r,i,:iv i tii:t,..
.,.. lirnu-.weiilp
; I. .
U -
. . .... . ... I J
tin- Hi. (. i::-.i 'es. T-. i tii'.i 11 .J'llv
il at the itewrc hr-a-t, A
4 JT'.h.
1 US! t! 'Ill 1- M-'.-lM!
r-v. ? )
f tht's-l'ilie.
. i.,,,,.,.,,, n (Mil Vutll.-;.
i i!:seis, ot i;... ii n t!;tt Ki;:'- i,i t.
.-I oi ketl limit, e!ui f -ft ami liciliiv tit-
i, 'Unities, 'ii.e.r tu.'s pi tnau! t
tl;-.-se trun hits its- veil as tiM chrunie
tlistasti lias it!:se f.-r l'ie Institute i;
nation. tl reputtttimj.
All 'H.-1-S-IUS Who lilt fi.u!ielllltr fr.ui I
Kefvn nee may be had lo the f 'Ienv-
iiiK reside ids . I. S. Morri-, r-vio Or.; K
N. Coil lit, Albany; L. McFarlund. Al
bany; Mrs. Kai-.; Mtt'ur.e, L.thami?;
Li. ZumwaU, Irving.
CLCSiMi ):XI'.i!t!5rS.
The feitf.TvIn i'rrn.-r?r.iriu v.r.' nmlciT'l nt the
HoMr? f xivreisei of lhe r-lnol in ilt-triei 5a Tn,
Jrme tyth:
S-iiitr. koftwp.- flufii.
Kwi.ati...-. I'.y S'.!M I'euniticion, T'Wny
T'u-ker. .'- r "Tunit'l .'e. (iilln-ri 1 t-iuiUf-t.'f.
Alien ltr-iti. i ntic- 1- .i-r. i-.t-ii-s I '' t;, uiili
Ji-iut-ij. Mrr.'nt iieLu;..:'., '.'.. uie l nx-iitlt, 5teil:i
Lr.v')'!, Kiiii
L''!vt I-.-iiie Jen ki nt; 'nt VI'ln L'ty'.-it.
!"-''!:!. Aliii.i .li-ie.-iiie tv -ie l!ie--!''i, l.'er
ii J.-iiki'i-, :" i :ri-kcu. Knitik Innii-lite. ICr
net l.n ti..;i. t uii'. 'Uirk, i-mivi-r T,nt:i ';.e, ijt-rtiu
' ir-rk, i'.' .. I.i.'. -i-n. 'i iieieie j i 1"iir":..!i.-. .
So-'.tt, --Hi" i.e.iie-t .S)m.-s-' lour jlttl. rtii-1-.
k. -"'e'
!;w'i'i'i..ti-- r'li.rr li-r'.-e'i , Ink reti'tii"?!..!!.
e eH! tv f. ... n e i :t ...y I1, . , 1 1 - ei ..i ri-, mm u
IK. Mr. rtitl
I . Hi.. .1.-T-L-.
l- r.ilia -Se'Uiii,
Je--.t s naii.
, :T',!:':t1 reSuii.i-Kniry south, s.
I truiua.
Susi.t T.nvten.
Mrs. l'tiliitt Jeii-
r..11 nt honor V.x Eov.l. I ettie .f..'di. Tlo-'4
iliuUia, Lulu Cltirk. J. I'. HAk.iiik,
Bpwaro thou the vel e of n f'tanr,
Thimii 'f f: ii'?i'.-h!i its ii.-vi-iit-: May Le;
In his prwrev thy is in tlnrwr,
Tlieii tiee fnmi tiie hj ren. eli, lioi-! .
Voti nuty think tliil lip i in rnniest
Aiirt tluti in- wwtl.l not harm yen,
lint jn -1 vnteh the vviiy he t.-itrs,
s'ii nievi. so v-.piiiitifT nii'l rlev.-r;
i:ev.u:X-ef tl.oe Mi-rii;i;f't ever, bowftre.
Their lvks nix' cmiush to !nv.l;" you.
It tlievilon'i own iitill tile workl llieyoucht in?
So ollon' in eeniieiy you ln-nr,
Ueivaro if tiie wt-.iltli. fur it will vatiisli.
Aii-1 win? ami misery is iietu. iio.
Soi.AVlLLlt, Juro lrt, lStHI.
To Plcnur-!eeker.
Ilavincr p;:-ch:s.'il tbel-'indley prep
city at Lower Sodtt springs, we will
so improve it ns to make it a most de
sirable place to Us visiied by those
w-ekinjr lifalth or pleasure. Will do
our best to make it pleasant for those
visitintj this well-known resort.
Wm. Eli.-kku,
A. 15x.eit.scii.
Wo.idt Wfrd!
I have a la rge' qualility of wood on
i hand which will lie delivered In any
part of town at the followitiK pricea:
li'if WikkI, Pi r eord, maple Wool
i 1T cord ?2.2.).. Leave oldens at Kx-
1 t-nEfs o'.'iee. J. 11. KiJiKrATiiiCil
Go! n ilu.i, J into -J.I. WoniluT rlt.v!j . V.'i- hntl
two victors lii .l.iy. Tin Ir ninneM nr- M:fltn,r i
It.irrji mi.l C. .(. J!.in!-y; n!'.y !.vr:i r. (. .'..
st-o .!t ?!it. Tliotter jtvnlS'inm ur in-ai
11. it'll. Viit!... , t- .... 1
. ; - -'"
K I'. !:tiH:'.t:r. Wo tire vt-- nv.x:.vs for it (
elearu... a" v,e ;l.-x ti !".).;-h ;!.! J .'.i' J.ih:
i'Ou iu r'u cubiti w'i kdc-'jC-'I in t.y th unirx, tli a
liic !i of M liiiiiv-1 v'!ive.! ill. I -.1-' wlrt
ler nu.. ,-i linitl here l.y llie Uiknnf tin- t!;;.lier
tlial l-.l .ivu. Tin; s'ie.1 c:' i!m I.iik y 1'm-v eieo.s
! 1m l y u li.lleii !ne, al.-o llie'Truuiv
O ll-i'l l.y .tir. .
Jesejl. U.jrr: h:hS IfniOev rnn Tm-!: fri;i
!:l:ie river wit.'i il.elr f-e.riT. .;ii!il reni ."; i.imI
v eil! in at l'r;!i;. y'N oM can-.;., u Ihto !u v
!".) p.-i'l in ejiru.-. t. Wo lniitu more will "i'.iir.e;
:!mtm i- '.v.ri.11 who ! Ii t. nx thcr" i
tj'ic.rtie . ;.; ii i-i i-H-ht that r.i!! t.y lo Iie-t Hit
.! . . e,r,,e,,r Vi'e.ok cttttwt r.n m to-itsv
ro !,r., e-;t ; , ,i !;,; ,. ;,(!!; it.,. ....! wine v, rv
. ' ..pi-u Vj. . ... .. i.(..ijl. Hi. V s til e.lef
iiiitjf i:. U unvt histi KiUi.e jivun-t ell. :si
i..' c.niM hi:i. Udo-'U.-iy.
.1i;-k 1 1 r.,ii;ei-. V- nr.'
:!te.) of l leiie-.l i; lit tt; e.Mn. aa.l ! it
l.x s n,it v; ir i.i .e will ! - 'T.; j ra'.iti..,
.i .;-i:::. i i.;.inci. ty. ill y hx. l.s-n a .lorL- ;0i
...... -i ... ....I. t..v n s.i.vv n'ni fhiT'j . . :..!'(!.),. f
HI si i'.-r. V. .! l.t-!.. S.HIH. ., III., i :-, ! -
l ' ' i. I f. -f. i.u. -.:'. .i !iv ;;;. j i ; ki've iv!
.!..! :., :.-,i,;,.!riirr . .,' . it t: i-iiu.:, t,)v ef
i. :s. .-!'. 'j.-u M . . li .-i.i h:;a t.; .
': I'l C c .,..:! ir a:;.t l.i
- r. i-i, j;;t.. i;a li.i..;, iT 51 .' iy, r
-1 . f - r, - el.. 'i ,.. vi . y .i i ti,;t ei-i wi l-i:
e..., . e. ...i j,j 'I ae-v.-ei ii ..'.;!'.-, '. in j
aiijt i.-.i.-h tM j.,.-r tv.;., :-'..! is 'it- e.-o...
'i'i!'..",.r;.-r.,V.'".,Io !; e! V;'.,;!','."'V,V' TV'-V'' !
.: ' .;:.'".,. v .. "... !""!
;:c I . : .-. i ;i( t.i
r.:.. a krvsa.l .-.ili, ti.e llv-! hit.Uim he:-
);-. u .1 rrr.A '.1 i' - i.'-.r..;
e. i;... ;,..--r,. i.:v ,., i t .; . r. .i,.:.. ,..,'-;..
e'..r:-i ht.iI i!-::-.;..-.- vi- ; .- i;- i.vt ri-j.t ;.,-.T
ovd till li. r. i. Ii t ,!!! r.iit-.'nt oa '.'.. : m;
i;on aai uuZ r.auiu;; t Cio river, v JU. Kmyfiti
i; t'. .r. HJh,,!l r;.t ! htive j; c-i-r..-. ,,
".. ;:.- ! in .1 r.i.s. 'I Ley'iL' it hi "me y -y
i !: 1 -'er. a: .. ,V.-.n ttir Jv'; .!!-
-ii. 'J i
'1 e.
!1 i
e i '.e;iry re.-.i. ;.',r. !.:i;.;e
' e- rroiC;y ff.'.U'l. "J !..w !iiK.;.!i',,..l tlu-u
t Mi l sJmt- .1 l.:..'-k i ra:::. i;i toe ci-. .!--.i:.i-:.
t..-;..y r . i--t r.i.i i.iie.- ot u,., i-ii ,
mi. 1 t i;:;e-iii. r.i;i;iii;.(:o. Whrro R.dun.l A'-. e
a-c t -.viri liioy liv- !-t!vi.tUl pr -(s. T:.-
of thai e-.:.:i iii-,y will stin-lv .!.i;ij... in v
!: O.r.--'i. 1 he :-it. !en of tl;- ehiim
i'C-.l;.'.! bv Mr. I !, w ho wh re-l In re. m: 1
n u.? Hit) jn-r tHi. ;: ttoii.'er i.u !;ere
i.'l -.' r..-r m. !i tt.
Mr. I.Kne-o; i: .:-.- jav tbt rsl.!.vv.l the
iin 're! rtitt'ui (r i n'i-K". i'.r.e.,"., villi- m'l 1
i ; ti f-eut or )!:-... v. ill UVe ii.. ;,1
1 1:.. i t.'.e rt :.J. ( ah. K. 1). I!a .! .
pi.tNriAM Mtyr.
J-.. f'Ti h r. ft-tilly reotrncK! from". O Linf-viile
R'l.t -v-;.r-s ilK" M-o-sv liircof-tt cteop In t-ls's .
Mr. Si.stoj l.r I.t lo ihls oilk-c vntto t;ic'Jiacii.
s-:;:.-'i -;s- ri.-ii. . .-j-.v' lir.eii from the -Te..;:i.i..''
. : 1 1 y :ei Al' ;i y r..:..t ; . .; v-. J :
rf. . el ,oiv- !-e io . o. ' . I ...
i j-.. -. ;; ;s t-i.'-.i a' r-.y-. .. U', iii i, ',-: . s !
"I ih'-.-t.l tiie !o-;. I.;:.!e zi - .x '..', i:,; .i i
,:! iii -1 nre i ; ,t r.f v. l..'T is Vi-,.,.. o . .. !
!;e l iatlhr in.. tk-ivmixxe-l h i-;- tan'tcr --'-v I
: ' 1- tv. -.-- . .-. i- i.i
' e h hire;'
ttKiiv '. hi.-h it '.er-t.
Hoit's ntr.S!i;r.K to I'mnhnify
.co f.-iys eh Ori-i-on I'loii-.-er Xincty Vo irs 1. j
Ki-t-isf !r"v -. !.-;--h l1
1 !', tit-st t- -!SJ'X Kli'Nl'v i 1- A e:
,.. , .... ,u me, , rt;-r. it ;. !!.. i !-...o..j i.
to li e .'.fn'.eleii. I ;i u !:e.-. - ,i"r!v i i :''- '
'.I '. e.i;-j, ... jnsr. -n i:i lsti Jn tiie" et;. ;,'-. ,V ; !
e-i-;-. i; ;.;:v ( i t :;:.:nv, H-i i M't-I ,-..': .,:!.
lite .-i.r".....' K!!'.S"::' Tt-v 1 ; ? : t - i-'!-i..
. IiaV:Ii iil'.'.'S'.n..
Jf-rrt'-v i I . v ,. r,.),t. i:.ters.
ii l.tti.r tiiti-, in mi: w ;f $". anil
u;-.Vini. t..e J.-. if John M. j-swuer,
l.tti.'ltle!' I .
I The OoasI i.o Wealth P
M Canrit be saccrsi.'oiij treelftj cHh
H est good htrtliH. To r?ac! sESi'h or trj
4 coreied position is life rer,!:ir;s the full
t pottession csd crtr:!!oa cf cii the tae
H ultlojilr.d raiore fc:s endOKti e with,
fj These eorwiiiSons caanol exii! cr.'.tss la
y (Jhrsicaj belnj U t psr'cct sTk!rj
ericr, and this Is Ir.pastibi tthea ths
liter and tptceaara torpid. Ihojrtslruct
ing the Mcrctiont, caujlnj Indigestion
and drrei'Sla. !'-h H ct their accom-
panjirg horror.
English Dandelion Tonia
exerts a specific Inliaaace erf r the itrer,
excites it to healthy icilan, ressivec lis
thronltf ergorgemcnti. and prcmoiet ti
eeeretlons; etirea Indigestion and conttl
jt pation, tharpent tha appetite, tone op
M the entire (ystem, and aiskes Iii worth
(3 IWing.
llftBgSgawjlMtjHH W fig
So said r, (;:, ft
ner, thai j.':;. ,r jjffS
i3 Liie encoess
trclv, PV
have ndtled with equal force, tb'-t tnrril
i- th? essence of success. Wisdem'3
Relm-rlire is the syncuiti of merit, ari l
it histrry is success. The magical ef-ftct-J
cf til's rptvtri'.'on have beeu atttt
td by th .'t s?-.;l5 of the L'tdipjj ladies of
society n.i-1 the 6ta e. It w the only arti
cls ever ihseoverct! which gives a S'aiar
al and Be-.iiti'Jnl ti!t to tJ:c coraplexion,
nt the sr?':e titn- removing all roughness
of the face an-.l arms aud leaving the
skin si ft, smooth aud velveiv. It has
loitg been the stndy of chemists to pro
duce an prtic!; that while it wctild
iify the ctirtvletion would a'so have the
tnciit ofH-incr hmrr.leAS. but tliee two
imjvrt.'irt q-alities wet-e rever brought tiftil cot'tl.tesd ia
llii? on httnit n ittr-c steek of
. e.,rJi .y
' J13 WE
Call And Secure Prices
Lash Office at Ore con Ciiv. Or., 1
June 12. 1-Mi.
Notiep Is horel'v tivpn Hint tint l'ollnwiin,-miT!iei
si-ltler dm tiled mmee n." liis int.'nl lim to make
tlmil ppKif in Mp eert of hisel.iim. u l lli.ii mid
tri.r will t in-.S- i.e!-i re the "ouitv clerk
'inn c.iiniiy, nt A'-it-itv, Oregon, on rue .!.-. ,
July -it, l-i.'ij, .!: :
it : :vY r.. cr.osftY,
rre-emi'ti-in T . vn. r. .0, f.T tho S. 2C ' '. of f't-c.
li T. 12 S.. V. 1 Kil l. .
lie inniies the t'o'i'win x-.-itnep-c-i to pr.'v-i lii--pontiniious
rei-l-m.-e ujmn nnl ilirnto:. of, t-rA.l
inti.l. viz: li. Ii. Vrnom. .1. M, Sitnoiis. A. V. Lis
ter nml if. A. i'iek'i i-stm, nil ot' 1 1 iia' 1". O.,
Una County, Oie-am. . j. T. A 11 ;'.! ;;,
NOTICE FOP. FITP.LI CATION. 0i.-e at On-on C!r. Orwon,
June ii, trciO. j ,
l.nviiis: tmn.ed felller 1;...-. (iiod uulli-u of les
inte'itio'-i to limiie iiTni'' in mij.- nri ei" !,;
einiui. nu.". font wii.l ).iX'.(' -.vill bt-. mn tev
lA.unty ( leik il" Linn eouiiiy, t All a.'iv, Oreiioil,
on Ti:e.-(hiy, July -jO, is'.'O, viz:
Al.i.Is-OX C. LISTER, '
Pre-iTintl-m I. S. No. cm fur tl-.o I.of a, 1 hn l f.
in..', S. k M of N. V. Vj' of ripe. p. T. 12 S.. K. 2 K.
1!:- Tintii-x tiie io'lmvintr vi!tiee.- to )irovo hi.
'imtinnoits re-u'eiiee upon mnl cu!liu;ion oi'suiti
inn.!, xiz: J- W. i;i.-ihoo, llenrr H. Vrnom. .loUn
Jl.t-'inions. Hot'ry K. :nlv, all of liohniyni r. O.,
t.llii; eouuiy I'.euon. .j. t . I I I. i
C-', i- .rf-it -i- - '- 1 i
bi-uttU y i :t'!l ailvc, to the j"" of even-
!!-!!. !' scr l-, r;i! ;! IrAy f-uul U". a 1-U Uis:
!;. ' Ks.kiiu frienilt. : -.
)'.' !: r.i v..-. ii! I r.e.Mvli t hit week; l:e fjiw?t
i! !:.e '1 iiri.M-je uii'l l.ely.
I '! U I.-c k .fj l;. I. M,!r,f to ti'.Vc h
'jiz .-. 1 -.r i !i.,v. ftii,;r r.isi."
ii- t; '!:: k i-i h- t'; fo'njf to ti'.lcc her to iht-
"5 !- ii e; t t;,i-clr ntntlng twJ fa: ei
ujhI 1 . ; ' 1 : j ; t ; f sii'uS.j iwuh -ri'.t, t preet-jit.
.'iliu ';! 'mui di-il t"i fc-it;! tiwt f!i;!: uu
n.Hc!,l'.i:e Willi t t.t thfs tAhCt lajl'
Tiif1 HiiMof Ih? Tqt iitx; tinr
l.en i we gisi suj!y ot "rel:
i..;i." J .
1 i f !-.,;.'- r ;ei l .rri'in; ttiiaihOKVt! ih r'.iii
ex-n-!.!.iv .;;! ouJ UifcU yieltl is f-.-rct-.-.l
:! .. i .... -.lie; h.'rvo t.
r. ''! ! MrJJ .r.H. Wirt of Iri.-tiJ.arjr. V.-f WiT
h;.. : li; a lei, i!an r,t J.:i .o;i.lj. ti.'iitisr in l!.f i;
iei i Hi ..i dii.l ).; elf; icmI vtatii.x irie.i ln. .- '
W. Teefe.T, .f F.irof Ontvr. I vl-Uift,- tvre nt
eit, l'ie j;tiot of t'lie'.e Wi!!Um luclnT. i.i eie,,.. .,,.., i;...,-).,-. arA jiavc tu a tuue
ea ll.v- "li'e" ul tlu gruiiil i.;.-i)ie.
S ...hi -I ,Trt Us!rivs1 nl III? h .lalc I.vorib
f; .i l: .. el i.T-t. .s..m;ny lnok hale ciel l'.ea;!
p. ..j .....jjis "none we f.,r 1; fs ljei.ii on a
';..';.; -e- e-ri:iiy wvrtisr." - VHtiT;iln; 4nmvi
J '!.! ' r l-.-e:':... ! ;- t .-a s'i- .t. (',.. t vr ,1
;...,n -(-,M;te! til; l..-i ,' ' i'ei. !) r.K
. 1 I- vi v 1 ,-,.! r ; ."..i?. ..t. Ui
- lie v. i i lis o; ;Ui:i:v S:i s1; le, y..n
' Tls Poiiith if s!mo he:,-.
licit !.;(!! l-.x-l v.-ith a m.-w,
!.' ;'...' ., ,.. ' . :j, 1-. i t ii.;-;.iv wi.i Dj.-ir lM..t
.! i:..; '..-it tnu a rrtrr cn'the rtsiit.thca
' J- Tciii-! ! ciwt.' finite a fiis! lit:le
v-' ' ej.-ii.,. i-. 5M.uiiii.nta men
-t 1 i i i-.j i -i 1 r,r:i.-r j ...l p-i't-
--- - : . i.i "e-i.vo i,.,..L'li to- :n t.-i i.'e.ji i-
- -f t' : ;- e r- j'i-i-:'.:ty of vi...; t'i '.itlr
!'- . 1.:. - re. 1. ...... :ol -.e;;li ne inirer l-ii.i
. - : -.le t'. a r.etl, j'.-ii'itri Alii-.M:i el 'Ol:.,!?.
Pit'ih;-' .ltitt:to, Jr. - - '
( V . I; re'ey, or.e ,f I.tirrnil.'s mfet cT.Ir rr.rii
In-; r. i;-. t'kij;-' o: e-.-e-.ivr :i lire half lor
tli-. ii".- ef ihir.---.-r-, U'.-i f he enrne !! ei;t.. r
; i ..c to U'i? hirer le- nit: fiivy o'tc cf tt;e l.-.r-
i'.-.-i.. im. the .-!.,..::..'. hirt:. tuu .lie of tt
.:!.,.! ,n ri-.-. r tu-l Ul- w it ilo the
-i ". !.; m.'l lTi-..n:-!t;-.'.n '"ihh.e: f' tfte luta-l--
i . . e o ! 1 1 m ! nr;i i'-;it, n.vt n i.. h.slhira.'.
()h, y.-- ('i.i yr-n fit.-.-i(l t;i .ct!rl SV.'.nr-ho?
I'tet .- I' l;!li't yiK H lo-... -W bnl 11-..J t
t-v. t; ' ' : i:' C'.i'.t .-; to rmV-e up jab,Ti!iir. t
i. it : t tiii; ie, p latir-injr. t-lenty to e..-! ftnt
i--' -k. . .- s :;:;-i a;.. u-.. ntet.t vA
i-i' h j;..? i-.-n-io.iuir;? e;r: vit'mtt vim' ten hTsn
-v i ml t".!n or three h.'-;.;:: eje at. I re !
hi i' - ;.,'i ;:. a:vi u iw xtnr wr iu
Tv..' 'r..: Ivi.Vts.l .Thi rer.'l,- wrltiss :v.1 pis
M..ii-'e r.'io'.-r tie? h-it-ey nHnio of --ti.-raoerin,"
.-.-. i' -! I,-. .: :;:.t'y t'jieio t'orvr.UK l'..tL.;tl
-i. 'It t.i I or. loi-r I.el ;J!on. ije ly Is'fon lhf
l ie:.:.-, it.-v ii' ias iiair vver.j nn in-li li-irr
ii! -"'I ioi-';t.ul co-.iM have ti.i.'.u ta nir-th'.p
in .f h, . .ii tig at Ihti mie.lie Jat oa
e.;;;i.!-i-. hi- lie t-n l!w? rtott-i trt;. in one
i! ;y. I...: -.. i.r..- ik.: parij.-.eurly is.-rt:iii Iitlher
I..--.1 n; 'it ieiti or -.iwle's iirl eoa-ia or
L;. i.i r'. ;:;r!. voi; I Ui the i;; .r:ii:s;r of the
-..est '' y v ' i he ilr ivp ta to tiie -Ue, ti
'.:. ! . i'l : ! out '!.tf.:k-jand t".- Jn the
: ' . I- i i ;.!-.-. V. h'op U! - Jsrs.jeB.vr. -
V. H. BOOTH, H. t ; .
' r
- .
t'ai. ers-tiv of Iowa: !w pra'tiuifc
!ti tii.? K-ilviie lio.-ii:al Merik-ai Cul-
I " e t r . .: .-. :; -0 en Main !rot. .
Don't Go jo Portland
! Gradvvoh!, of Albany,
To Bs Fctnd in the Metropolis.
He Sweeps the Valley cf
Ail Competitors :
The r .l 'en r.e.lo I! tssar raaiie? .s T.-?-;:3'.tt- cf the
r;t:--t (-.-. ?!. ar..t n-.kif-i K.'vrilvrs',
e-r- :t--:t-.' "I" wtiw-n iff . rtrtel Im-i.:.- in nar;;
.1 e:"i At u kttlvl's.sar.
Ladies' & Gents' Furnish
?.:!-. A-'.-ney fur LuOloVs Fine Ebcsa
Prices Alvays the Lowest.
AT' .- I-.;.', "-n eon, ; ntiinlA-rc's Piti.
I j.ta av-cnt for Real Eslste in
Cowan's :-: : Addition
Choice Residence acd Essinsss Lots
IX A .
Very Desirable Portion of
the City .
Clienp for the Kcxt Sixty Psj-s.
Wly Pay
Ten rr cent MsFcst on Mousy
Whon You Cn Get It ;
For XO.4?
Oregon Land Company
Albany, Oregon.
Ashby& Dickinson,
arm ever"
m:Mn.Trti;rHt b,W
nnl the Ujt choicwof il
oxi.t-rtft. in cutilirott fii.
t-i HEiri -M-1;h)l htnuid Of
d;iMMution, e;uiy ham
! r- c.ri:-ff nil v hisrriit ctl
ti ir wii-kinanfihlTi nnd ntik. ITnrtvaled fori
ti . I -It. oli? t'M Itili t Mrifil flrnurrtcr. thy
nt k; 1 i-i.- I vm I by chf.iv mcilcabU ivn imiiatum
OTtt'u wltl Ur th fjrnutne rllcle. Thtr Rre unre
llnhlo and dan;rern. Tho Bsrr.a ft F.b
tolvgks aro t.Uunj'Hi ujwiu the birrt-ls witb firm's
nnnte, mhlrtws anddattwof ratnla, atwl ftre zkot
Hitrccd irfft!t. -IiwlfHupim '-javiiif them, aiirt it
your flfu'cr cnn not supply yoo an rdrr ser.r, uad
ilitMa b.'low wlH receive tiromi-t att nil n. ltturtp
tivft cuilojnj And pricttur"W atP K iioB. . . .
We Are the
Why? Beeauso we knocked 'em out at Baoljal at Ailtati'
last -week; .But v,o are .Scot in the Baseball !u?inf-.3 alto
gether; tve are in the Dry'fJoods buniness rnoro estensivc-ljv
and thc tinie is approaching when we are goinq to chauo
our baso of doing business, and we want all our friend- to
be ready, and we do riot want anybsdy to feiJ bard ot us bc
cati?o we ; propose to do you good instead of harm by givinj
you the lowest jirices a-going sure.
lew prices, i name -you:
Dry Goods Dept.
Iroalhcad Drt hs Goods
- ; It -. --- it . '
Persian CapJimcre ............
TaUc' Linens.::.:
t tt
tt t:
.v. . .f ir- f;7.r.
Ili"e33 11 :n chains. ,,...;.
Silk Piui-ifs. . .
UBpojb M He-End Cotton.:..:.:
8 yd Shirting , , .
10" " I... " '
Sr.cer.iiij' Reductions in ever- Depart men
n. 1.. ..1 - r-. ..
juKiuciiiiiis jn iarrKr5 ana iaccs.
Laces at ;j
Cents' Fur.n;3h:ngr Goods Dept.
C ... of Po:t.! Overall- ." .
Boss of Kosxt! Overalls
Palo Altn Overalls'
California Buck (j loves. .
; It Ci '. ': ' tl ' : " " ' "
. '
A few of the. icducf ions in this department; too many ' to n9ae on
p?.ier, but every article hs3 Leen reduced in price.
J . . Boot 3i Shoe Dept.
Hough & Ford Ladies' L-onsr. Hand
; eii
" llth.'
W. Goat
Pat. Kid.
Dong. Pat.
- a
- 4:
tt '
A Jiaiice for you to got the best
ever offered in Lebanon. Note the
cftsh prices.. -.We ar in deal earnest
n-incd to change from credit to absolute cash and produce cr r.o fale,
but-we will give ynu value every time. W e mean business, rr. l if you
Will lave .US a Chance We Will save m.-mer for rmr r-nmo r.1 e.-n n--
Tiext io the banjc
; '-;Ci&is,; Ieteao,- Rifiiis!il5: Goods, Etc.'
... - 0.
PIr st- Class : Goo ds
Country Prodtice Taken in Exchange
for Goods.
Give Me a Trial and Be Convinced;
Shingles, Posts, Boards and Pickets;
On or About July 1st,
We Will -Remoye to trie Store Now
Occupied by G. T. Cotton.
BOOTS & , shoes; clothing,
' ' ' '" ' ' "HATS' &:
. Please Call and Examine Goods &. Prices:
j - : ESTALISHED IK 1875
Refitted; Enlarged and Improved.
I manufacture and deal ' in. Doors, Blinds, all styles of Wind--Frames?,
Door Frames,-Mouldings, Brackets. Ktc, in fact anything mu;
nfaetvared and kept on Iiand in a first-clasa planer. .
In connection with the above. I r.hx .have on hand a well-asort-lunilser
yard in which i to he found nvjah aj;d dressed Lumlcr. -Bevel,
Weather Board ;n jr. FlooTinjr. and all hir.da FiriLing Lunh
for Cornices. Etc. -. -
:o :-
; .
. . . W?; !.-f-c 50c
.. 5'!.-; " t?-c
.'. 2'V; " -2:,o
.. .ST-c! " 65c
Gj-?; " To-"!
?. H; 1 OtJ
.- If'-; " VZi
SI 00: n 2
.1 00: 1k:-..T2 r.rb- J
, . M 0; !.of,re 8 vis
. .J?l 00; " 5
.20o; formn- ptice ?.Za
J tt t - r
10c; " lie-
4 I
. C-5-f; forricr pr:ce T-'s
V:. 'C3e;' " " 75e
... lHc; " " ?1 00
- $1 25; " 1 50
. 1 00; . " 1 2
i.. "90: " u I Cii
Turn. . . .$4 25; f.-rmer j.rl-c $3 GTi
. . ..-4 z-j;
Sewed. . 8 00;
2 50;
....... 2 50;
Tip 2 50:
5 0
8 CO
of Goods at the verv lowest prices
iliiTorenet hc-tvetn f'reMi. mica. r.A
in this busings: we re dctcr-
" . . . "