The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 27, 1890, Image 3

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Lebanon Express.
.JUNE 27, 1890.
More rain.
Money is exceedingly scarce.
Mr. Arnett is building a barn.
O Shaw! D.-n, you are a bad case.
Ben Dodge is studying telegraphy.
Charley Montague is on foot again.
Clint Gordon wme home Wednes
day. ;-
Read our Sweet Home letter by Fern
Leaf. j
Car load of new goods at S. P Iiach's
J. R. Ki hpc;ti iek csme home Wed
nesday; :
r. Otle'l of SoJavilie wes in town
Tu -ee planers ia active operation in
Lebanon. ,
Guaranteed machine oils at Cruson
& Meuzics'.
E. D.Johnson, of Rrowusvjlle, called
on us hiU'ty.'
Screen doors and windows at Cru
sou & Meiizies'.
John Beard went to Portland and
Astoria Thursday.
Mr. Harris, of Santiam, called on
this office Monday. .-
The large store room of G. T. Cotton
was plastered this week.
Mrs. Hester Bland Is building a good
dwelling hou&e near town. .. .
Mrs. David Riee, of Waterloo, gave
the Exi'KESS a call Tuesday.
Mr. Hardin opened his kiln MoaCay
and finds his briek first-class.
A new walk was laid in front of tLe
Odd Fellows property lest week.
The basement of the new school
house will be completed this. wek.
G. W. Wheeeler has all kinds of
lumber at his saw mill in Lebanon.
Rev. F. H. Calder went t Jefferson
this week to hold quarterly conference.
Read the interesting mining news
W our regular correspondent, Captain
Mi W. R. Eishoj), of Portland, look
dinner with J. 11. K . kjVtf.iek's i-m'dy
B. F. Blodrett war; excused from
jury duty and returned from Albany
Lisle Parker will drive the s'.arie be
tween this place and Sweet Homeaier
July 1st.
Consider yoiv..elf a "committee of one
to invite people to the Fourth cf July
Mrs Benjamin Holt lus returned
from a protracted visit In Hr nisburg
nd other points.
For sale, a gentle new milch cow,
ix years old, with heifer culf. Apply
to A. K. Ausorge,
Di Peteison relurii'xl f-om Soniliern
Oregon Tuesday. The Dr. ht sufficing
from rheumatism.
M. E. He-rn sold to L. E. Coyle aud
H. W. Peerv lot 3 block 2 in Lebsnon:
considertio h &9-"0.
Rememlier you can get a hot or cold
hath any day in the week at I. R. B
i iifii's barber shop, i . i -
Mr. Leonard, who opened a jewelry
store iu the St. Charles two months
sigio, left Saturday.
Mia Smiioii and Miss Steiner, of
Altera, .v.efe rfiltiftg-, Miss Bellroie
Kirkptitrick Ihfs week
Mr. Hanslion, .of Sv.-eet Home, at
tended the Mronic dedicatory services
in Albany Wednesday.
If the wei'iber i fair yon m-y look
for a ni. ny Lebanon people rt
Luewnb iicaie Suturday.
A great many of our leading citizens
attended the dedication of the Masonic
temple at Albany Tuesday.
Several horse dealers eame in from
Esteri Oi'e;?oii this week, bringing
with them & herd of horses.
The Oregon Hose Team, of Eugene,
will be in Lebanon on the Fourth
to compete for the $4-5 prize.
J. C. McFerswt, the pjinter, brought
with him sever.-1 hands Tuesday and
will go to work immediatelv.
ET. Y. Kirkpatrick, former editor of
the Expki s, returned Monday from a
three months' sojourn in Seattle.
J. B. Gibbard, of Waterloo, hus sold
his farm and will visit relatives on
the Atlantic coast until September.
Pennoyer Is elected and I must have
my money. Come forward and pay up
at once.-. : E. Goan.
John Brwn, not of "Harpers Ferry"
fame, but the very amiable landlord of
the 'Wilson House, smiled on us Mon
day. The contract for mail serviee between
Lebanon and Sweet Home wa.s given
Kirkeudall, Westfall Ar -Co., of this
"J. C. Hardin, of Lacomb, called on
the ExPRiiis office Tuesday. Mr.
Hardin is the school teacher at that
place. .
The "C. C. H." base ball club of
Ijebanon scored another victory last
Friday. Charley says "we are the
Information relative to the mineral
resources of Linn county freely given
on inquiry at the office of Lebaxox
There will be a iorse raee in Leb
anon July 4th between Bellenge--- Bos.
and an ' Eastern Oregon man, for a
purse of $ 100. -
Imposing cermonies at the laying
of the corner stone of the new school
house in Lebanon Thursday. Particu
lars next week.
The Fourth of July celebration at
Lebanon promises to be more largely
attended tnan any similar occasion
south of Salem.
Why pay 10 per cent- interest when
you can get a loan at 8 per cent. .m
J. M. Soniers, office with F. M. Miller,
Lebanon, Oregon.
The ladies of tbe C. P. church will
net a table on the grounds the Fourth,
to which they Invite the hungry on
our nation's bithday.
If reports are to he credited we have
a valuable red ochre mine near Leb
anon. We await with no little anxiety
the first coat of red paint.
For builders' hardware, carpenters
sa5' that Matthews & Washburn, Al
bany, Oregon, have the most complete
stock outside of Portland.
Did you attend the interesting
' ceremonies in connection with tire
f. laying of the corner stone of our public
school building Thursday?
John Robinsm's circus is coming
'this way. ' It advertises that it is ten
." gr"--- -wows combined, four monstrout-
yd trains, fifty cages of animals.
, C Pheips, book and job printer ot
'V, called on us this week. Mr.
' worked on the Expkess under
yr management. Call again.
'ink you can make yourself
akinganother less; or that
!.n climb higher by shorten
' ure of an honest competitor.
We are expecting, peonle from all
parts of the State at o, r Fourth of July
celebration. To insure standing room
saveral new additions t jve loen made
eonniensurute with the occasion.
J. R. Kirkpsdrick 1 us that he
has a fine supply of wood on hand,
txith hard and soft, which he will de
liver to any part of the city. Notice
Gitmd piinient Lower Sxl: the 4th
;July. Dance day and night. Ta
bles well supplied with the lest.
I'ickeis to dance, iuek'iliug supper,
Over three carloads of stoves sold by
Matthews & Washburn, A'any, Ore
gon, the first year they were in busi
iws. They expect to double that this
Sunday School Quarterly review at
the I'. P. church Sunday evening next.
A very interesting program has been
prepared for the occasion. Everybody
The St. Charles Hotel has again
rhansred hands. The new proprieter,
Mr. Doud, is lately from iVnnsylva
nia. He will take possession next
Parties knowing themselves indebted
to Cruson & Menzie's since 1HS9, please
eall and settle, as all of our old aceours
will soon be put in the hands of a col
lector. We have found' the place where you
can grow fat without the expense of
laughing. A sense of fullness will be
imparted at the Exchange for twenty
five cents.
For live, wide-a-wpke hardware and
stove men Matthews & Washburn, of
Albany, Oregon, deserve the large
trade they are having for the low
prices they make on all goods.
Geo. " L. Alexaider returned rioru
Eugene Tuesday, where he had been
visiting since Friday last. His mother,
Mrs. J. B. Alexander, came wi h him
and will visit here until Sat urdry.
Ruff. Hiatt returned from the Kit
son Springs Saturday,- but having fill
ed to comply with his contract to x'ur
nishusa mess of mountain trout, we
don't intend to say anything about
The "C. C H." bosebrll club, like a
Kansas cyclone, sweep everything
before them. The "irrep.-csc-ble k't-s"
will play for the $15 prize on the Fou b.
Any end all baseoall clubs are iaviied
to t he couiest.
The homeliest roan In Linn Co. says
after a elosa and careful examination
that Matthews & Washburn, Albany,
Oregon, carrv the largest stock of
builders' hardware in the valley and
sell at the lowest priees.
William Klepper, while assisting in
running the steam wood saw Wednes
day morning had the little finger of his
right hand badly mangled. Dr. Foley
dressed the wounded member and
thinks It will heel soon.
The Brownsville Co; nei Band took
us unawares lest Saturday night.
They caught us napping and tteated
us to a serenade. It is needless to say
that the boys played well, for this they
always do. Thank you.
The rough, jagged corners of our
chrractars need o be j.und o.T in
the rrsni jg school of experience. The
dull instrument must first be tken to
the grindstone, afterward a smooth
strap will give a keen edge.
Do you want to freer-e up your
pumr3 July 4ih? Don't trv Salem or
; -t la-id, but take the cheap excursion
from Al'xmy to Hng Pass. A solid
veVtn!e tfai.) with reclining chair
c.-5-s for the wei'ry. All free.
Men worry themselves sick; they
worry themselves 5ns?ne, and in a
great many 'nsh'tices they 'worry
themselves "to death. Why not take
the Lebanon Express, live to a ripe
old age and keep sweet all the time.
Editor McDonald," of the Browns
ville Times, us a call Tuesday.
Me, says considerable interest hps
been awakened in Brownsville lately,
bv late news from the mines nt the
Calapooia which are certainly flatter
ing. M-s. S. E. Howd, who ht.s been vis
iting her mother, Mrs. F. E. Hind
r.iaii, for some time, received adispsveh
from Spokane Falls Monday, calling
her to the bedside of her husband, who
is dangerously ill. She left Tuesday
Our pa -en s, Mr. wid Mrs. CVlvm
Afiams. arrived in urownsvitte iasu" iiiSni-iunit:. m me uuzy,
Fridav, after an absence of eleven mellowing distance we caught the toit-
years, their home is in ivansaa, to
which place they will return after vis-i-iis
relatives and friends on this coast
until fall.
The Lebanon Comet Bend will in
troduce the drama "Nevada" or "The
Iot Mine." in ihe Brownsville City
I Hall on the evening of July lsc. We
bespeak for them a full house and for
the patrons of the stae a pleaiant
A dispach from the McKjulass
trorpe slates that they will be In Leba
nou on the Fourth. If the Lebanon
Cornet Band and the McKanlas
bi .u don't make melody on our anni-ve-arv
you may as well "hang up ihe
fiddle and the Cew."
Walter Pefrsxui -.ece'ved a telegram
from his father in southern O-egon ap
pr:s:.i3 him of bis illness. Dr. Peter
son left Lebanon last Thursday for
"he p. acHee of dentistry in the south-e-n'part
oF the state aud we are sorry
to hear of his sieknet s.
That youug man who has so persist
ently u-gexl ii's suit for i 'ie last twelve
moifths, on'v to- find that she lus
transferred her affections to some other
voune man. has come to the conclusion
that women's minds ae Jike ten-dollar
bills liable to change.
The American eagle is hover'ng over , '
our town; tbe stars and stripes are rav--j
elinsr out in the breezeo: inflated
Kourth-of-JtMy oators are smother ng
their patriotism, and the no'some fire
cracker is growing restive 'n anticipa
tion of the re.t t eiebi-ation at Leba
non. Mr. Millard, a thorough mill man,'ete
of California, has one into the planer
withWaltonA Wiley, and their patrons
may expect first-class work. We keep
on hand a full assortment of dressed
Itimtier of eyery description. We are
prepared to turn out all kinds of wood
work. Frof. Langworthy, who is now in
the Calapooia and Blue River mines,
says tlie prospect is lietter than in any
mining camp he has visited on this
coast, and yet a few individuals of the
fossilliferous age, who know gold and
silver only after Jt has been coined,
shake their heads doubtingly
The steady tramp of many horses
on our streets this week and the
appearance of about two scores of lady
equestrians, reminds us that this will
be one af the many attractions on the
fourth. You willl need no magnifying
zlnsses on that day to see the grandest
sight that you have beheld for many
j Preaching next Sunday in the M. E.
erryrch at 11 a. M., by Rev. Laban
Case, Quarterly meeting July 6 and
7. Quarterly conference Mondaj',
July 7, at 3 p. M. Every official inera
iei should be present. Stewards and
leaders meeting Wednesday, July 2, at
? o'clock, at the residence of M. A.
Foil is.
We noted some improvements at
Plainview as we came dwn Monday.
With the advantages which this town
has in location, soil, etc. there is no good
reason why it should not improve for
some time to come. Certain it is. that
Plain vie is surrounded by some of
the most successful farmers in the
The scholars of the public school will
give an entertainment this (Friday)
evening. Ice creum and other delica
cies will ce served to as many as see tit
to give us their patronage. The otjcet
of the festival is to raise money with
which to buy an organ for the new
school house. -
For want of Felf-restraint miny men
are engnged all their Jives iu fighting
with difficulties of their own making,
and rendering success impossible by
their own cross-grained ungentleiiess.
Men inst'netirely avoid the cr.ctus,
the briar patch and the hedge row, but
they never tire of Inspecting the delicate
stent and leaf of thornless eh runs and
plants. What a wonder ul difference
a few prickles make.
Mr. Joe. S. Stetner, of the firm of
Schaeht, Lemcko & Stelner, S.n Fran
cisco, informs us that he lira shipped
63 tons of Chltem bark from this part
of the country. When the resources
of our state are all found out it will Ive
jeen that nearly every re .Hy valuable
?rnluct is indigenous' to Oregon soil,
ndeed, we have a wonderful country.
Even now it very neerly corrwponds
with the elysium of the Greeks, the
paradise of the " Hebrews and the
heaven of Americans. Who wouldn't
live In this country?
The picnic at Ijaeomb promises to
be well attended. Everything thut
eon attract, please or entertain, finds a
place in their programme. Ctmin-r
at a time when there is not lung to dis
tract me aieuttou or wttnumw me
natronage of a plersure-loving public,
everything points to the success of the
occasion. Turn the key to your resi
dence, close the barn door, lay up the
oars to me pasture, unouiloii your cour,
null down your vest and drink in
solid pleasure for twelve hours on the
zhtn or June.
A. Jack Adams and Dr. B.v.ker
located an iron mine four mile- above
Brownsville lat Friday. Tlie one
n this particular locality a'says rs
high es seventy per cent, iron, and the
supply is piTclically inexhaustible.
Messrs. Adams and Barker took with
them two Eastern men who re at
present engaged In this branch of
mining in the district of the "Ureat
Lakes," and the judgment of all presest
was unanimous In favor of a rich de
posit of Iron ore In this locality.
Oregon's resources are immense.
Mr. 8. M. W. Hindman stepped in
to our offi' e this week with an ominous
looking switeh, soiue five feet in lengih.
and instantly there came to mind
visions of our bojbod days and the
warm treatment of a paternal hand.
We could not do otherwise than plead
gvilty and tamely submit to the chat
tiseaient. The brunch w3 'loodet"
for editors, but with some as fine cher-
r es as we have seen since we climlied
Peterson's iree. Ei-other Hindman.
such flagellations ere the making of a
country editor. 1' lease do It again.
The One-Priee Cash Store has be
come one of the features of Lebanon
As everything is ve? r-;u- fieh, and the
priees are so much !e!o..- i'u i charged
in credit-giving e teblUhments, peo
p'e who desire io buy their goods
.or cash naturally go to the corner,
vhere they do not have to make up to
the storekeeper for the non-paying cus
tomers who, when they can do so, buy
on credit, and who are constitutionally
opposed to payincr for anything. Get
o ices at the One-Price Cash Store and
if there is any reason in you that Is the
pi .ee where you will purchase your
Several months ago, Mr. Henry
Plummer, of Clements, Cal., who is
subject to cramps, was taken with a se
vere attack. He had lieen aceustomed
to get relief by dosing with morphine,
but t he disagreeable etleet that fol lowed
would make him miserable for hours
after the cramp had been relieved. I
persuaded him to try Chamlie; Iain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
He was much pleased whh it, as its ef
fect was almost instantaneous, and no
disagreeable after effects accompanied
its use. Chas. Bamert, Manrgvr,
Farmers' Trade Union, Clements, Cal.
For sale by M. A. Miller.
We were seated In our office ch?.ir,
wh'ch is sofb-coshioued and upholst
ered with raw-hide thongs, our feet
comfoi iably resting on the beck of a
rhsdr in the second story of our sanc
tum, vainly trying to hatch a iwo
litie editorial, or nurse into life some
neglected inspiration. Suddenly
r. II ;reat events come suddenly th'ere
crept over us a fe3'Ing Soft and pleas
fit a the foot-fail of the muses
and gentle and tractable as a sub-
lines of u lrarant poem. Hastilv
shouldering our numlier two Faber,
pointing it in the direction of the
nearest stack of stationery, we turned
upon the new comer the 'full force of
our intellectual battery, but coming as
near the truth as we can, we must
gently to the reader that we fell
short of the mark. We are writing
jweet couplets, square candy poems,
for the coofectioner over the way.
The finest cherry tree In tbe state,
so fax as seeu or heard from, stands in
the yard of Recorder Peterson, Lebs
non, Oregon. The body of the tree
measure about six feet in circumfer
ence; the height of the tiee is about
th'rty feec, and its branches, which
a -e thickly set and Interwoven, have
a diameter of sixty feet. This giant
old cherry supports no barren or orna
mental members, but every inch seems
to exist for the sole, purpose of fruit
bring, its annual yield approximat
ing ttai.ty bushels. A ladder resting
among the heavily laden branches in
vii ;s all alike to sate their appetites on
this most delicious lruit, aud many
are the teores who have reveled iu the
succuleare of its ample Btore. -
The C. C. Hackleman club of Leba
non and the Juveniles of Albany
played the second game at Albany last
Friday. Following ia the result:
MeCal lister.
Fiher, Q..
o. c. c. H. o. .
. 1 3 Klepper ........ 1-' S
.... 2 1 Elklns. W ,. a 4
.. 2 Z Marseliea 1 S
3 2 Calder 3 3
5 1 Ralston ....... 3 1
3 1 HlodRett 4 1
.. 3 2 Smith S 1
4 1 Elkins, G 2 4
.... 4 2 l'anih .. . 4 2
27 151
12 3
27 24
4 5 6 7 8
C. C. H
JuvenUea ........
4 S
2 2
Palit Mine.
A valuable paint mine has been dis
covered near Iiebanon. The Oregon
Metallic Paint Company was formed
on Tuesday and articles of incorpora
tion drawn. The iaeorporators of this
company are D. D. Dayton, Adam
Missler, W. J. Levi and Kdward C.
Herren. The principal office of the
company will be in Lebanon. Mr.
Dayton has had a long experience in
the manufacture of paint iu tlie state
of Ohio, and claims that the mine near
this place is far superior to anything
he has ever seen in" Ohio. The mill
and engine have already been shipped
to the mine and will be ready for op
eration July 1st.
Wood! Wood! '
I have a large qtialitity of wood on
hand which will be delivered in any
part of town at tbe following priees:
Fir wood, per cord, $2; maple wood,
per cord $2.25. Leave orders at Ex
press Office. J. R. KlKKPATRICK.
Fifty boys wanted for the loys'
brigade. Report to Commander Swan
immediately and get your uniform.
At th I.n.vtnir of the Corner Stone of the
New Blonlc Temple mt Albany.
Tuesday afiernoon, In response - to a
cordial iuvKatlon from the A. F. & A.
M. of Albany, those of us who could
cudure the thought of "jetting very
wet ' with equanimity., boarded the
3:-10 train. As we ;ie..i- ,1 Albany we
notii-ed it was not rainl.ig, and seem
Ing'y there had Ix-en no rain for several
days. As one of our party remarked,
"Albany .'or Mrsonic ocesslons, bin,
Lebanon for wlie.t."
Sern-ely had the ohr-'ing brakesmui
shouted ""Oboe!" amf slammed the
door, when we ber.rd sonl-inspi.-lng
music, and as the i-ni.i stopped, saw
the Knights hi georgeous array -drawn
in line to greet us, beaded by the Al
bany band. Among the Knijhts in
their berutifnl uid'orms we soo i reco -nizd
our old fr! J. L. Cowan wlio
m?ido ns welcome and invited us to the
carriages that were In waiting, and
soon we arrived at Ihe ten ile.
T!iestrrets and bus'ness houses were
gr;.ly decorated and tbe temple wrs a
i; rvel of beauty. But the herrty
wel-one we wee given and the plers
nnt Bm'le wh-ch decorated cveiy one's
fuce wis more leaui.VI s.l'l.
Pio rpli" rt live o'eork the nroees
sioa fo .icU tie'o.v the temple, headed
ov tae A'ba jy band, with the Koi- ht
Teiiota ae. rg a-, e-cort , of wl'leh
t ? e we-e over a huod.ed ' l frH uni
fo i; wi ii over !our hunt? ed other tbe? p eaenied a s -l spect,'
t-ie. Tne y ocess'o i n? xsietl u o Fe y
St. to, where the officers of t'ie
G-nnd Lw.e joneti he ''ne.
lT-.-ii the -elr"-i of ihe n-ocesston
tsie tern i.e w s ret -cai-H! vr'tn jiii-
ivce;einoj;- o." ihe Gr Lnle.
S; e w !; not nerpU a :e.i'me of
the n'O'irr j, St' 11 e it o say that Col.
John; MU;acl:eiT'i I'ne oa.:on we?
high'y enjoyed by aU. The music
under the i'".ie; f:.-.ion ' oT P of. Iiee
was all that our id he ries;,eI.and M.
Dl P. Mi.nn said several happy little
spec'ies, although, ns he statetl, his
name was not down on the nigrum.
But what woidd we do witnout our
beloved. D. P. Mason? . In all i'.iat tst
crowd there was but was hap
pier for him be'ng there and al would
liave mourned his abseaee. Derr old
After the dedication all adjou'nod to
the AnuoT, where a maiiitieent ban
quet was served to visitors, Masons
and ihei . fam'l'es; hut If you want to
hear about t'ie beaut' til t'ectvrtiont,
the four lo.ig t. j'es eea' xi '3MJ persous
each, the love'y flowers t e shock of
su p"'s3 when ihe bi'liiant arc !i j'lt out lef; us like Moses, in the
a ttie admiTiiion a d applause
wbe.i suddenly tbe hr'l was ablaze
with vhe I'-jht of huared of i-icanoes-eent
'i'ats tw!nel in ihe festoons of ivy
suspended f xm tlie ce-'ing and ! tbe
cen ter of each bor.ret, you want to
kiow about the jo'ly cake and chicken
and other viands, and &bout the grand
dedication ball, ii which over five
bundled couples participated, you w'M
have to ask someone who attended:
the Extkss is not large enough, and
it is to late to ask them to quadruple U.
But one thing more we can s:v, we
will never forget the kmdness and hos
pitality of the of Albany, ttie
great effort they made to make evei r
one happy, and above all. how we'l
they succeeded. Lng life and prtie
perity to one and all of them, (aud if
they ever have another dedication mrv
we all be invited!)
Jcbn A. Taomjv-on has vone ; Albs it oa ba-
y . Jrt'llra Nichols hu Ihe Cnc 'ot or cbV k
ensou je cpJ.
Jostma XirVo" b:"1'n ttcheo. We e e
to re sa oy: vr i-;ne.- whim he e.s i-i do e.
O. J. Jtfate a reowsr asu". hr a Irme
1 of h?jr to ca., r wju a e Orcioa Mia-"
Mr. rn Mr. C. R. Mor'a-ap rinf bt in ir.!
pie a Tew dys. I e:,?c. lJey will ikopat M a.
Mea!T". ... . -. j.-. .. ,- ... ;..
G. W. How, who bn 'wi i wo k "or J-i
Atkinw. Is jotne Ibra R;w (lays. George h:u a
fim jCAntcn.
Ij t treefc herf w.- qr! e a rrnV- of wr-;oi
tuxt !Mtns r.m horr'. i 1 ron over .e tnou.i-nr-
bi. note ;.h!s weet.
A.J. Nichols a"d Fri-k S:f!.!iK''t weri ott
f slUnr a 'c.7 rtrtr i f.";o. I'o rMk-w t'ie ti.m
ber t' er ri?'.i "i'. j '' .iaj .turn .je bo.lM,
tliey cat'' "at p'.vn y for a fVa
Wi'-Ver.-'ki.i s rn no tn ;o v-o.k ; C" ia tic
CaV"v" ;T(ir" i '. irfim v.-lt?t I r, 1
forr he wiir:f" rerc li .lt. I th'n'-c :ie rl x.t
TVt'l Howes line la .he ga.-Ien. I need no;
wlir I ih'nk so.
M.-. Gi'M'and rom o Mn Ihrt 'he 'T-ret
)roe mo iy fwn P cre":. i tl-e em-1 .w-i.
m be dit w wit i f ie row' o'i t. K o." -e
tn't rwut. This Is no: r'-rftl. tl-ls Toed revt .t'e
wort o. mnke It passably goou, aud be iou'u
wor ;
Mr. A. Thnmmr. 'be tw' sr.'ie.r'sor on
o" ,ict, put t'ie rtwd 'n ? t.s orJ , .l-.-e
heavy rat" wi" ih shein tin the ' avet
w"t ranch more wo i necesnu;". The e
.t several who hive no! nni - thcl.' .'meant
now they will be crlled oet.
M'.x Me.-ty is nr -wred to accomvnoiVe 'e
t-Tvpl rrd "r.i fi-'lsh- eo".he - o u . Tt-e
Mer.ler Hoyg ave Hn t o." "el rin tl-.ey ira"se
it e. brntni'is to rceom.roi-r e r 1 th.-i'ob"
wiohnve potw v.iih .Liem r.t '.he patt, r.'d
thus me it the .till pa-ronae they
Week be Tore 1. .1 evev-n-e fea ed a ':'..
'ast week mot ever'ne ;es trwh iro.e
rrtin a.' we h.v1. now e vvMiea "ave eei
! i-fleJ. an', whe 1 1 r. kel oi:e of otv s
tl't mo i whai k'e p osnoc s we. for .
herenVe ihat !t s inw ere.-.r S B .e. hit h a
sis mon .' !-in. 1 -not I'.y as ,o t le t- ley,
bt't eve y.l'n. tin lo h'a vicini jr ts ba-ie.': ji 'jr
the :rin. fit elea a vn It '.ne fo- '.txr .. 1
th'rk ii w''l p-ove be leVciV o i r'1. t iMv
t'n'j'e Wi'liym Thomn-o-i mr"e e fly!n? ' o
Sweet Home o.i v.i He -toiieit rt M .
u era h s r.l t.iey eri"o: nr r to" .othe.'e
e.'e' -y t ee o.'c-et" w ta U"C otis. i, c e.e :c
and ro amou.i of we rss'on w.-i .uTclei.. ( i
lm'-i h at o to a-y tVr.e ". T. oli" aiti !s
70 yea-s o' end re'cetl 'n " -o's a kh". fo v
ree-s. bin he says tlre-jun is he n'nee To H ...
Nosto ms, no cvctone'i. .10 brs s ra'. o'e
of f i-it o"te very so you -e we h'i
cap u.d fo-the .ua're.
It br.sbeen ;"ie remrrk of ere-yone vrr tre"e
were so few j-y a wt erow J; .'?'s nr-. o"
er" y. ll i. .o me M is not Sinn e -c. for I'-e
1 Moiro.aro i o vesi mr v I !. '- e .ne
rereo,. Eve "vo e be"? neve .'i:,ehes'e. ir'e
at C owToo. '-ey "nve Pi-l-fl.'bowa. jea.-xi a"d
rt Wa e--loo me nev see (me ''a'iv) a rood s,-n-iT
o"a-vws. (Ce-ild's.) eon -vji-c ""'y t is eon
Kenia' for iera ' t tbow n'erv.-i toea' . es. re
oniv e it oick. .toivever. Is the 'ot co f.i.seu
mlsi. preve.l '"t iie c tvs -o-n je' e .-
ed borne o' i".e Jey in sV:e the'- bl ai
with dOda wa er, so paa ali'jj o al' o a o. b' (.
I have en ow..-"'.r to "ept! h" orr eo'-
gemai -.e-.d Jie t een.- Ji 'oo-sri he;
eve', e.nd itw i eve-y.1 t v -i ope o.'i f.m r
ter city oT Lel'apou. ilore a.,a'..i.
Take It Before llreahfast. " '
The great appetfwr, tonic and liver regulator.
In use for more than 50 years ta Fjieland. Posi
tive specific for liver complaint. Bad taste In the
mouth on arising In the morning, dull pains In
the head and ba:k. of the eyes, tired reeling' dii
xinesa, languor aymptona of liver complaint.
Remedy Dr. Henlcy'a English Dandelion Tonic
Relieves constipation, sharpens the appetite and
tones uo tlie entire svstcra. tet the genuine from
your druggist for 81.00 and take according to di
rection. J
Electric lights.
A street railway.
An oat meal mill.
A motor line from Lebanon to Soda-
ville and Waterloo.
The above are among the poesi bill tea
or the near tuture.
No fish oil in our machine oils.
Ckuson & Menziks.
Money to loan at 8 per cent, interest,
on long time, in sums of $500.00 and
upward. Inquire of John M. Somen,
Lebanon, Oregon.
We guarantee our machine oils to
contain no cotton seed nor llsh oils;
but pure machine oil.
Cuitson- & Menziks.
The handsomest lady in Linn coun
says that Matthews & Wanhburu, Al
bany, Oregon, has the most complete
stock of stoves and ranges in the
To Pleaaui e-Seekers.
Ilavinpr purchased tlie Fiudley prop
erty at Iiower Sod'i iprin-js, we will
so improve it as to ?t a most de
Hirable place to be vii;ed by those
seeking lieaith or pleasure. Will do
our beat to make it pleasant for those
visiting this well-known rswirt.
Wsr. KLiRKr,
fi.trooiA Miniso PHnnic"1. June 15.
We r. .ivrd a o in etmp. a.'.er iwo fpy' hn:-d
o.k J t tlea lij t:a ', Ir. t Utm'p.y. Mo.u'ry we
l.-y In enmp to res;, rs we ne.e re.y oore atd
lame r. er he ba.d c'imb i-o .lie Ijjcky Ihijr
i .t't. M .l t ordorti youC. t :V oi'h ,ve K:
rr.KM to K-ue a i .-'t up t-.-e C t." ooi.i. M.-, tJ "S
i.o .,.'; r- t-i r e le: ot thai sk'e.
Wei" e ay 1 t.e.i. o":;t:"t.-. '-' fo. t ie mi- i and
.i.-vd ...v Kx. K-. I. wi; toidj Jt 4 !:ko kc f. hojie. Vi ley, J ... U- about lc.i years oh".
w. owns :.: . , o. . d a pVt-e of .(. a .hid is
.iclt. iiild om e e i ril oe 1 . A i, eiMilio;u
fo.- '.ick In I ir ' env. u'e. ItW S.I ier ini-
auLe!..a: a-r,a ... --)i wJ p.ove
c Ull ioii . -
1 .
T rVf . ft-'"- ' y ' irrV iK)k m
b'.' tu r t tie c ;y, . I, 0.i i.cii. over .o
e t'.l . wi-!' .'vc .o n (hkc . We .V. . i. itt
Z: or .ieet, c.u -e-...e . lve- r.ui looi. e". K
v jinn ,iie io..iMao ,.mj rve. e. i. .t.w oa
l e"r.ui c-it.iie -..r .o o..r ei.'j.-.
r i ' . ie a.".uy .ie tolfti. In ; . .. if. .e ;l e.e.
i' nr. ties r.joti -.!:. : . Jrori. W. I'o
aud N. x :li '..w :ont. . a. , o L.-flcy
Ixiy c -' .'. t-4ca :er iiai' o 1 u-
T I ..."" .' wi' Jiu.e '.en wixuimcja'
t.okoi .:e "oi.-..'. '.Ie-. r-.e, m.. e c-tiKJi-'.'o'
l'ei-3i'.. th.i ii.s ,'ie y.': 'i!jm
o eo one tee. tvo. r i" . o up. ; ic mi.i:"
j" -e ffi.-xo- rid I 1 iter M' il i a id
y ' fo.t i. .if. e (;..n ii ly tuay .
to er rn, re. rwi.c: 1. oua o! the hex
io' ii e
MiisiA--, 4 -i li;. i.- v,,-.v frof. I.; i3wo.iiv
it uiu . .'m j.u;.cr.e it .'si etl i ie oi iu inlil
Hi", we vlsi.o.. -cc... .: to.'e "l i 'dcliim
we rl os w ..r c M . Ir'. -"n win.c ci then-
e. t o f e . tea .'bor- 6 rce the iti'. ! ,'m
lii ckock', s io-, -g ilioK.iow had b-en shoi? ,
t.iatdecp. Myer: ii I'.owj have one of tlie be.4 on ot o." t'je imai.i a'n Thef are
ro. he.e r iwc en., tmt we e ixikl-ir tor ilu-iu
ce. v dti . . -.
I'tof. l.'-;-wo a-ya tint the only ren-on
K t he k lOtiao:' t let .l-ese jii.ies atv not wo.ktHi.
is Mint it too iHHix i'liine. If hey were U.0
tn'V away aud ple.i r of l.idimis ,o lake yntr
tci-'p, and n oti ous j:i t. i.itiv wot'ld iieab'T
II. i "or be D-i. es. Thai'vaiids would i-u.ue. I o'j- Ins. Vttdtie-ljr bou?.!. t-ii
mxi.Kls of hir le for VI) c s, e:;--.. tor 10 c a ito:j.
and t int euiy Jive miles ..oia milieu.
Wj-Me c we.e lRkii;at ihe vein k.iot? l athe
Moihcr of Oicou. 1 .of. ljiii; remavke!
Il'r.t iu h 'hKy years' expe.ieiK In mioes on
Y eoa-t he haKfet n nothing ecital to ibis lnce
We Are the People.
:o: .
Why? Because we knocked 'em out at Baseball at Albany
last week. But w are not in the Baseball business alto
gether; -we are in the Dry Goods business more extensivelj
and the time is approaching when we are going to change
our base of doing business, and we want all our friends to
be ready, and we do not want anybody to feel hard at us be
cause we propose to do you good instead of harm by giving
you the lwest prices a-going sure.
A few prices I name 3'ou:
Dry Goods Dept.
Broadhead Dress
1'ersnin Cashmere
Table Linens. .
Dress Oinghams.
Silk Plushe
0 SjmjoIs Mile-End Cotton. .
8 yds Shirtins
10" "
7 (t (
Sweeping Reductions in every Depattment!
Reductions in Riblions and Laecs.
Laces at
" . .
" )-....
Embroideries same reductions.
Gents' Furnishing- Goods Dept.
Bops of Road Overalls
83 Boss of Road Overalls
Palo Alto Overalls
Calif Vria Buck Gloves..
" ...
U - tr - t
A few of the reductions in this
paier, but every iu tide has been reduced in price
1 Boot & Shoe Dept.
Hough & Ford Ladies' Dong,
u "; . ii a a
" Welt
" Mch.
W. Goat
Pat. Kid
Dong. Pat.
A chance for you to get the bept of Goods at the very lowest prices
ever offered in Lebanon. Note the difference between credit prices and
cash prices. Weaieindead earnest in this business; we are deter
mined to change from credit to absolute cash and produce or no sale,
but we will give you value even time. We mean business, and if j-ou
will give us a chance we will save monej- for you. Come and see us,
iict to the bank.
Gloves, Hosiery,
Ladies' & Children's Fur
;j nishing Goods.
Flrt. Street, :-: Froman Block,
K ,-;a ALI1ANY, QttEGOX.
Curiosity Shop.
Notions, : Novelties,
And Gents' Fnrnisnin Goods,
A. : W. : MOSES.
This side of Portland for Variety and
First door south of Exchange Hetel.
Flnaat small .
arm a ever
mntiufactiirad rui i
and the llrt-l clioiwot all
cxrt. In calibre tu.
Ss and U-hti. Sliiula or
double action, Katety H&tiv
rcrluea and Target models,
lie.t jality wrtaiht
tT workmaush
In ami attelc
Unrivaled t
fltilsh ttarablllcv nnd acenrtcr. Do
liu be deoelTtl by cht ap wuUiaJAe irmn imitcUUmm
ofien sold for the gaulne Arttclr. Thrr ane unre
llfWe aud danKerous. The 8uiTrf Jt wecwon Kr
TC" yBHa are acainied upou the bartwl with firm's
'te, address anddateeof i4aUntH, aud are Knar
ijeeo iktiwu idmim apou waving tiiem, una uc
y' f deafer cwnnot sapply you, an order aent to rut
or l 1
m irv:iiw win rew-vc pniiiic nueiiKon. icsvf io,
imihujiiv noil price upui p yiirvniaUU.
t? .11 ITU Oc V ESWlN,
buriugiicld. Mom. ;
for qmri7 and sr-face n.aspee'a. We have foumi x tn whVh :;iil1 a d n.lver can be een aiih
the nnke eye.
If I'.iot. mi IPa wrn's o be a H?cond Dearer, she
tni'f llld a i d -o .bei; liii.ies
Ro r."'. s.,im Ivh 'Hlr to Bine river to
p.wk In ilie re i of the ;ovl-ijt.
7 P. ft Jt i' 1 1 r.i-. ve- Iu i. B.oihei-Acock
Is a rlo'e r. i e T ' 'I t ca'iin. I expect he
w's ;-e . j1 t n o o. comi.iv. Ijiuswoiliiy
iKlm'w"r -.mto1 rl .he MiiCii'ley enbln.
1.1'e e we f.'e tes ' f he o. e f oin "Ire i.lSi-ic.u
in'ii n.i ; -o '..wi I ' i o.i I -y ii. Kve.y
ve.n t 'cb. tine ; 'n ; 'l .t ie -t tile IMifc Jtor
's . s.i; ."n-re I . no lw iu...'t.
jt s17. ft in s tas-n rat ili'r and snowlneaU
r',' t, fin. 1- -.ill ilirnici: will hare lomaytu
ca ilu i 1 .tv. I'io '. ia or.hv tia most ple.t
an.'ioi to I . I .1. One never ,ii-e'f
. ea.' 'ai l.'ti tlxji't .'s ene.:e;iee iu the
J) ...
Jt i r(Jhe and 8' .n,'i mw pp lo-dav
w . a 'o t' o" pw)v''(ii-s a:w- ie.i tie; back for
t e i ... of .he o.i.rl. Wene. cUmdy.
Jf '. I'. folic r"l fs. nt'" eroe up with lie
b o, te'- on.'-. l't.'ish w'll le-.'rn to
h osri "i llle obi.-. V.'bl."4i1 .o ; sscKe tbe Ex.
r. .' 1- U Nkc uiee i inline om hotne
be . '.i"T l.'eai tell you t !' lie news. Te; i.KT
c' 't ur. To--t'o:row t M ho." and m
a r . oil p oocc.i awa'n.
Tha Experience of a ConacleBtlona Wo
mast. t'HICAflO, Nov. 13.
Hr. Wisdom Dear .Sir: I bef? to
Iharkyou for tbe delightful and re
fresh'ig Itobertine" you so kindly
sent me. I hive used the toilet prepa
rations of tlie nn is; celebrated manu
facturers of Londo i and Paris, but con
sider your "Itobertine" their superior
in point of purity and excellence.
Wish I njr you the unbounded success
you deserve, I remain, faithtutlr yours,
Emma Abbott.
All parties knowing themselves In
t'ebted to luto Arm of Unger A Was
sotn are hereby notiflci to come for
woid and settle the SJtne within thirty
days a-id save costs. Jos. Wassom.
. 80c;
. 10c;
.11 00;
II 00
$1 25
. .25c
1 00; before only 6
.fl 00; before 8 yds
.1 00; " 5 '
20c; former price 35c
....10c; " " 15c
Genuine bargains in Embroideries.
65c; former price
POc; " " $ 1
$125; " " 1
, 1 00; ' " 1
. tt " 1
department; too ttiany to name on
Turn 14 25:
former price $5
" " 5
u 3
" " 3
it ti
4 25;
Sewed . 3ti0;
. 2 50;
2 50;
Tip. 2 50;
The Celebrated French Cure,
"w7ur "APHR0D1TINE" Z,El
la K(lJ OM X
l nfe any
lurm nf iterToua
iliww, or anr
tiKinlr ni ilia
(iterative or
ran ot cilhar
ititia from the ar ItK
l" ! une nl EtiniNlaiila. lalmrt-o or Ofiam.
artiimn(h yaiitlifnl imliMrrrtinii, orrr in.lj!;.
m-r, Ap aiiuii as l.iwa ( r.rain wrr, W akrfii).
IK".. I'-rariHC'loarn 1'niita in tlie in-k. Kreiina)
W fnknr, lly.lcria. rriHs riarlraiiuii fiwtiim
al Kmixaioiia. lsdlcorrlicra. liiaKitieo. Wmtk Mem
orr, ijont.t Power and IimMMwr. htrh H n-
FlerteH oflon lead to frematiirvnil are anil inm
tr. I'rire 11.00 a box. CboxaalurlAllO Scut by
mall on reenifit af orira.
Order, l reininl Ilia twiner i( m I'.rnia' -nt
rure i not elTbrtrd. Thonaandt ot tcstimt'.alt
(rvaitildaud Tuin, ol both aexaa, iermaiienter
eured hr AriicontTt-KR. C'lrrtiiar fr. Aoiraaii
wcsTBaii mim.
Holtl Ity I. V.Iiller,
Hole Aitrntfor Ijcbanon, Or.
Smooth Shave and Nice
Shampooing; and Spanish Lus
ter Cures the Scalp of
Gentlemen and tadtea May Indulge in the
Next Door to Peterson A Wallace' Real Estate
i. ii. iioituar, - rrop.
Laud Office at Oregon Clt r, Oregon,
June 11, ISM. I
IN lowinjt named settler has filed notice of his
iiiteittion to make filial proof in nupport of lit
claim, and that said proof will be made, before the
louniy t'lerK or j.inn oounty, al Aiuany, urejron,
on Tueiay, July 18'JO, yiz:
rri'sniption P. 8. No. WOO, for the Lot , 4 and 5
and S. K. 'i of N. V. li of Sec, 0, T. 12 S.. II. i t
He iiiunex the follnwiuif w itnesses to prove Ins
FontiiiiioUM residenee upon and ctiutvuiion oi snid j
land, via: .(. W. llihop, Henry H. Vroom. Joim
M.SimitiH. llcnrv K. t rosuy. all oi io:tnon r. u.
I.iiiii cmnty- (Jft'(iia.
r a i i v ii si" v
Music by the Band.
Vocal music.
Music theaBn d.
Address by A. Jack Adams.
Music by the Band.
Dinner to 1:30 p. m.
Music by the Band.
Address by Dr. J. A. Lamberson.
Other exercises.
Music by the Band.
Foot-racing for prizes.
Wheelbarrow races.
Sack races, ete.
Music by the Band.
Grand Ball in the evening.
Cigars, Tofcacco, FarnisMeg Goods, Etc.
FirstGlass Goods
Country IProd vice Taken in Exchange
for Goods.
Give Me a Trial and Be Convinced.
Shingles, Posts, Boards and Pickets.
lMew Corner Store
The public school house on the south,
The paper mill on the north,
The big planer on the east, .
And the depot on the west, . - "
Makes the Corner Store the Hub
Keep a full line of Men's and Boys' Clothing of .Browns
ville manufacture, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Groceries and
Provisions; in fact everything necessary to keep soul and
bodv together.
Isobody complains of Bach's
On or About July 1st,
"VVe Will Remove to the Store Now
Occupied by G. T. Cotton.
Please Call and Examine Goods & Prices.
goods or quarrels -with