He Who thinks to please the world Is dullest of his kind; for let him face which way he will, one-half is yet behind. VOL. IV NO. ,16. LEBANON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNK, 27, 1890. 82.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. GENERAL NEWS North River's Stupendous Railway Bridge. THE bROWTIl OF .'-NATIONALISM. Mexico's Preference to Anii!xatitn the I'Bitfd States. With A sponge eight feet in circumference 5s on exhibition at a store iu Sew York. A young lady at Dayton. Tenn., has died of hydrophobia caused by the bite of a cat. D' Albert, the pianist, is a strict vege tarian and eats an enormous number of apples. r A youth of eighteen at Bavshire, L. I., has become insane from the excess ive use of cigarettes. Last year Germany granted only 8. 921 patents, against England's 9,779, and 20,420 in the United States. The Royal College of Physicians has passed a resolution that the medical curriculum should be extended to live years instead of four. William Greer, who is engaged in the cattle business on the Canadian River, Deer Fork District, Texas, shot and killed a white deer recently. A one-legged tramp who jumps on and off trains with the agility of a cir cus actor, is known to the train hands of every railroad in Pennsylvania. The Prince of Wales has become much more careful in his habits, lie has given up cigarettes, and never drinks anything until after 6. o'clock. The entire French army is to be armed with a new helmet. It is of nickeled copper, with a cockade, worn for the first time by the French soldier, upon the top. The prices of camphor and gum promise to rise. The German govern ment is making gigantic purchases of these articles for the manufacture of smokeless powder. J. Ramom de Ibarrola. of Mexico, is traveling in this country. He is an engineer of the Mexican Government, He says that "Mexico would rather have the devil than annexation." Edward Bellamy avers that to him one of the strongest proofs of the strength of his Nationalistic theories is that they are beginning to be most vigorously condemned in many quar ters. Oliver Wendell Holmes has taken to a peculiar course of life. He always retires at the same hour, eats dinner in the middle of the day and walks at least two miles every twenty - four hours. According to a recent paper read le fore the French Academy of Science the temperature at the top of the Eiffel tower is frequently much higher than at the ground, though the contrary, as a rule, is to be expected. . Lydia Bacon, of Sudbury, Mass., who has just been cut off in her 103d year, attributed her longevity to hard work, plenty of exercise, plain living, and reading enough to keep the mind in peace with the body's vigor. ' A Florentine millionaire, the Mar quis Carlo Guigneoni, has just pur chased the far-famed island of Monte Cristo. He has started to build a castle there, with a villa on the seashore and a hermitage in oue of the most retired spots. A Berlin professor while dissecting a shark recently found in its stomach a dolphin weigliiug 128 Kunds, forty three fish, a decomposed seal, a human arm and four human legs. . Not h with standing, this feed,'" the brute was probably after a bait when he was cap tured. If the stapendons railway bridge across the North. River at Sew York is constructed, as contemplated, the trains will run at a great height above the house tops of Jersey City and will span the stream at a height sufficient for the highest-masted vessel to pass under. t - farmer living in the southern part of Douglas Countv', Kansas, has ..s covered a vein of marble and granite alout thirty feet in thickness and about twenty-feet below the surface. Suc cessive strata developed different col ors, beginning with a mottled gray and running through a bluish, piuk, blue, red and clear white. It is a fact well known to pigeon fanciers that the two eggs laid by pig eons almost invariably produce male and female. Some curious experi ments as to which of the eggs produce the male and which the female have resulted in showing that the first egg laid is the female and the second the male. The oldest lawsnit on record is now being tried in the Russian court at St. Petersburg. It was brought 500 years ago against the city of Kamonez-Podoisk by the heirs of a dead nobleman to re cover many thousand acres of his estate which had been confiscated by the municipality. The written testi mony is said to weigh forty-live tons. Dumas fils has .begun to publish a series of hitherto unpublished maxims oi nis. xne ursi is as ioiiows: nen Life appears as God has made it there is nothing left but to thank Him for having instituted Death." The last is: Woman, according to the Bible, was the last thing created by God. He must have made her on a Saturday night, for the work shows signs of fatigue." Paul White, a prosperous ranchman at Rocky Ford, Col., about a month ago advertised for a wife, giving an ac curate description of himself and his surroundings, etc. His mail has been so heavy ever since that it has been necessary to pnt it in barrels at the post office, and Mr. White was com piled to bring his farm wagon to town to haul it home. He has not yet made a selection. K It is narrated in Boston, where he -died, that just before he died, Alonzo Stoddard, the operatic baritone, elee iiitied his attendants and others in the -lospital by sitting up and singing one . of his favorite solos. "'He never sang w ith more feeling or with more beauty .of tone. The song was sung from be ginning to eud, the last notes died Way and just as they ended the singer 'ell back in hjs-trsrf dead." ' "'m Hiereare -many Americans," says ward Everett Hale, 4who forget, or rhaps never knew, that there are in is country towns and villages where, . Tactically speaking, there is no crimi ''iLxslass, and no class of paupers. The J4ii;?e of correction in many a county America is empty half the time. here is manv a uoor-hotise in New JUed where tkev take Summer boarders because they have no one else to take." A good storv is told of Rev. John W. Cliadinan, a Vermont boy, who is do ing missionary work in the interior of Alaska. At his request a saw-mill was recently sent to him to supply a press ing need. While on the vessel that carried it up the Yukon to its destina tion one of the men on board asked: "Have they a man to run this saw-mill np there "at Auvik?" The answer came: ''Xo, but that minister is a Vermonter." One woman has made the silk gowns of the Justices of the United States Su preme Court for the past forty years, and she gets $l(H) for each one of them. They are all .made alike, the only dif ference being in the material, the Chief Justice wearing black Chinese satiu, while his associates are robed in black silk. The Chief Justice always wears a new gown when he swears in a President. The new gown is always subject to a good deal of criticism by the older Justices, and its tit is closely seami eiL If Henry George, the apostle of so cial reform, wero jienniless to-morrow, he would have very little difficulty iu getting employment as a typewriter. Several years' practice have enabled him to attain such speed on the in strument as would put hundreds of professionals to the blush. A friend had occasion to call upon Mr. George at his house, on Nineteenth street, re cently, and was surprised to learn that he did very little work with the pen, all his literary work, business letters and eveu his private correspondence being typewritten. THE COUNTRY NEWSPAPER. Inflaenre Wielded ty the Rnral Press Ail vantages and Responsibilities. There is a place and an opportunity not to lie despised for the country newspaper worker, and with this, as with every large opportunity, a serious obligation to careful, thorough, hon est work, writes El win A. Start, in the AV7 England Magazine. It is not too much to say there is no better field for an intelligent, well-equipped man of large sympathies and vigorous per sonality than the editorial chair of a country newspajier, nor is there a posi tion which places upon a man greater duties to the community in which be lives. The editors of the great metropolitan newspapers rest on the heights of im personal journalism, flinging their thunderbolts with a freedom born of almost entire personal irresponsibility; and while the thnuderlolts are in great part shattered on the rocks below, the country editor walks with the multi tude in the valley, gives the weight of his personalty to the impersonal words of his paper, which come to the people like the warm handclasp of a friend, measures his words in accordance with the peculiarities of his constituents.and influences the thought and feeling of hundreds where the thunderbolt of the unapproachable Jove strikes one. It was a successful country editor in a thriving Massachusetts town who ot.ee sagely remarked that, if he were a candidate for' office, and must take bis choice between the combine! sup jiort of the metropolitan dailies and that of the country press, he would choose the latter," and accept with equanimity the hostility of his city brethren. " Every country editor knows that he was right. The" great dailies, so-called, are received in the abstract as venders of the world's news. Their resources in this direction are great and cannot in the nature of things !e rivaled by those at the command of country papers of limited circulation. But the country paper comes closer to the hearts of the people at large, it is more thoroughly read, and it has an influence the greater because it is one of the subtle, unrealized, every-day forces of life. It is held rigidly to -account for the honesty and fairness of its utterances. It cannot palm on up on its readers what are known in the Lslang of the newspaper fraternity as lakes:" it must le reliable hist oi ah. Neither can it violate moral decency to any marked extent and prosper, as can its neighbors in the great cities. In most communities, in New England, at least, its constituency is largely found in the churches, and" will not tolerate vulgarity. The country newspaper stands to dwellers outside the large cities in the place of a friend and regular home visitor, and it is essential above ail things that it maintain the good char acter aud good breeding that are re quired of other friends, if it would keep warm its welcome in the home circle. The Cruiser San Francisco. A rather curious illustration of th superstitions belief in signs and omen! is just seen in the opposition to the name given the new cruiser launched at the San Francisco navy-yard. In honor of that city it had been decided to call the ship San Francisco, but nc sooner was the name announced than the navy department began to get let ters by the bushel, declaring that it was an omen of bad luck, and the ves sel thus named would inevitably go to bottom with all on board. The source of this superstition nobody appears to know. There are no records of naval disasters on which it might have been .... . . " . . . ,jr based. W natever it was founded on. had no influence with Secretary Tracv. who threw the letters in the wasle.basket, aud telegraphed the of ficials at Mare's island to stick to the name San Francisco. The cruiser i? now afloat under that name, and the cranks are probably on the lookout foi the news of a great marine disaster. Klephants. Not long ago says a N. Y. Star writer, I met George Arstingstall, one of the greatest animal tamers ever known. In speaking of the recent escapades of elephants in this country and abroad he said: People are painfully ignor ant about these brutes and imagine them docile, affectionate, kind, gen erous, brave, and grateful, when they are almost the very opposite. They form rough attachments to each other, to dogs, and sometimes to horses, but to human beings never. They are cowardly, cruel, selfish, and thank less. The females are better than the males. The latter invariably grow moody, morose, and murderous as they age. and finally have to be shot. The she elephants "become cruel, clumsy, aud unintelligent, but seldom danger ous. Neither male nor female deserves the affection in which they are held by the public.'' - - - - - The Gold Product of 1889- During 1889 slightly over $100,000. 000 worth of gold'has been dug from the earth on the four continents; the largest quanthy came from Australia, California, and south Africa. Africa is looking up. COAST NEWS. Success, ul Suits Against the South ern Pacilie. LOS AWiKLES lMVroTTS ALIENS. Uailrmul News. (inod Fruit Prospects. Fatalities. Benton County, Diphtheria is Wash. Or., has a paint mine, prevalent at Colfax, Many Oregon farmers have three crops of wheat on hand. Columbia River b ifit-growers have an abundant vield this season. M. F. Davis, a IVUOJfMmtv 1 uated last week .f,&'rst Point. grad- Portland is promised a wedding in a balloon ascension for the Fourth. The Taeoma Crarker factory was en tirely destroyed by tire June 15th. The time consumed by the great Blythe contest lias reached sOO hours, so far. : ... j John t rth, a Southern (begun pioneer, j died at bis home in Jacksonville, June j Sth. j A recent tire at Kittle it Co.'s oil works j in Sail Francis o caused a loss of $10,- uoo. McComhs, the Seattle forger, has leen sentenced to five yeais in the peniten tiary. California Isvrs carried off some of the highest honors at Harvard College this year. A half million dollars has been sent from Oregon to California this spring for beef cattle. Frederick Moresi was crushed to death at Spokane Falls recently by a heavy case of piate glass. Linn County ho-growers w ill make money this year Preparations are lie inje made now to harvest the crop. The coast defense vessel Monterey anil cruiser San Francisco, teing built in San Francisco, will soon Ik completed. Bozeman & Holland, wholesale liquor dealers at Butte, Mont., have made an assignment. Liabilities, about $40,0t0. San Francisco is n-ing every effort to see that the California display at the World's Fair is as complete as possible. A committee of German dairymen will visit Oregon this summer for the pnrjose of securing locations t for German col onies. A railroad smashup in Montana, June loth, killed the hrukeman, injured two others, and killed and crippled 8iK) sheep. The f ntire jiolice hvee, from the chief to the jailer, lias Iieen dismissed by the cit council of El Psiso, for want of confi dence. Professor D. T. Stanley, of Monmouth, has sold out and gone to Chicago. Tl is probably ends the State Normal School scandal. Emanuel Redding of North Cove, Vab., killed a cougar recently measur ing 7 feet I) inches in length and weigh ing 150 pounds. The San Francisco Chronicle cele brated its t wenty-tiftb anniversary by an opening of its new building the evening oi the ltith inst. Commencement exercises of the Uni versity of O;egon closed last week and were the most interesting in the history of the institution. The fruit crop of Southern Oregon is said to he the finest ever grown. Ash land will ship more fruit than ever lie fore, and has prospects for two large can neries. The City Council of I.os Angeles have inset te I a clause in street-work con tracts prohibiting the employment of all aiier.8, or otners not citizens of Ijoh An geles. In puits against the Southern Pacifie Company, lioth the widow of Engineer Miller, and administrator of the estate of Fireman Guthrie, have been awarded damages of $5,000 and f.'j.Om, at Salem. Tlie supreme court of California has rendered a decision reversing the judg ment of the lower con it granting alimony and counsel fees to Sarah Althea Sharon in her well known divorce suit against William Sharon. Mount Shasta's is disappearing. On its east side there are indications of con siderable commotion and large quanti ties of smoke and vapor are rising. Quite' an excitement prevails among the people in its vicinity. A young man named Fred Chse. and a young fifteen-year-old girl left their home in Ashland, Oregon, on Friday night, June 3th. A warrant has been issued for the arrest of Close on the charge of kidnapping. In San Francisco, the morning of the 14th, Mrs. Dora Gamma, aged 10, while while trying to light a fire w ith coal oil, was burned to death. The servant girl, in attempting to save the unfortunate woman, was severely burned. Three camps, numbering 1,00.1 work men of the Northern Pacific, Union Pacific and Port Townsend Southern are at work on railroads at Olympia, Wash. The latter camp is driving 18,000 piles at deep water on the west side terminal. Dr Calvin B. Gardiner, John Frazer and a loy named Full were crossing the river at Spokane Falls, June 15th, when the ferry loat capsized. Fraster managed to swim ashore, but the doctor and the loy were carried over the falls and d i owned. Captain William Warren, one of the most prominent, fruit growers of Santa Clara Valley, Cat., died suddenly June 14th. lk'alh is supKsed to have been caused by eating canned oysters which were jioisoned. Captain Warren was the first white settler in Japan in 1S50. Work on the magnificent Crocker building to lie erected in San Francisco, will begin about July 1st. The building will lie eleven stories high and made of sandstone. The trimmings will lie of terra cotta. It will cost a million and a half dollars. ...... - Two children of Michael Kirby, a teamster li vnri-i;aji Francisco, while playing with matches if a large dry goods box set fire to straw and ottier Sic flammable material in it, and liefore the younger one aged 4l- years, could lie rescued was burned to death. A PRETTY CIRL'S INFLUENCE. HowKemlnlr.it Ileantr Is I I Mixed In ths Fulling of Teeth. 'When a man's afraid, A bemiUtiil muiil Is a uharinliiK lglit to see." That Is what vott heard the maiden sing in 'The Mikado," says a New York letter to the Boston Herald. She was telling about a capital punishment which she had witnessed and her declaration that the doomed man just liefore losing his head ga.ed upon her pretty face for courage was always taken as a Gilbert fantasy. But tiie idea is actually put into practical use in the largest New York establish ments where teeth are extracted under laughing-gas. I have been there two or three times and have watched this feature of the business with amused in terest. Now, as yon mar readily know laughing-gas renders tlie oatient ob livious but not insensible, lie feels all that is done to him and ofteu makes a lot of fuss about it, but upon awaken ing he can recall nothing that has hap pened. It is when tne "man's afraid" that the 'beautiful maid" is placed be fore him as 'a charming sight to see." In other words, while the strong-armed dentist stands at one side of the vic tim's chair with the gas-bag ready for him to breathe out of a girl with au amiable, pretty face takes a position close to the opposite arm. She gazes sympathetically yet smiling into his face. She isn't coquettish about it. It may be described as a sort of cousinly smile that is, somewhere between a sisterly grin and an ogle, with no tie of consauguinity in it. As the man breathes iu the gits and loses his senses the last fading visiou is that of the girl's encouraging face. The practical value of this device lies in the fact audi have this on the authority of the boss of the place that a gooilly pro portion of the patients would become obstreperous and violent while under the influence of the gas but for the ef fect of the girl's presence. That may seem like nonsense, but iu practice it proves to be good sense. Wheu the man awakeus he finds his guardian angel is still there, aud he departs feel ing, I suppose, that she has takeu a deep and poignant iuterest in his par ticular case. Critic in Small Times. Stnart Robson says that in nil his traveling exerieuces the most diffident and pessimistic writers he has found to be in the small towns. He says that in conversation with him one of them would say. ''Yes, Mr. Bobson, 'The Henrietta.' has its stronjr points aud may be all right for Chiniro or New York, but, you see, Dubuque . is peculiar." Another class of embryo Nym Crinkles would say that The Henrietta" was a good play, but it hardly came up in interest to "Across the Continent" and others of that ilk. One of the most amusing exper iences Mr. Crane ami myself ever had with newspaper men was in Indian apolis. said Mr. Robson, while talking I on this subject yesterday, "You would naturally think that in a town of that size a critic would have to know his business. But this fellow was sadly inefficient. We presented The Corned v of Errors" there anil the public is well aware that we worked on it for years before it was ever produced. But we failed to impress the man in question at all favorab'y. He disliked our act ing, that of the rest of the company, and said that the play had beeu better presented many times in Indianapolis. Now, any one who is at all versed in theatrical annals knows that Bob son and Crane have Iieen the only ones to present it in America in the last ten rears, and that it was never done but very little before that. Hang it,' said Mr. Crane, 'what is the matter with the fellow? I don't mind bis finding fault with us, but we have a pretty good company. I'll go and see him. So Mr. Crane went. "I don't like your notice at all, sir,' he said to him. You say vou have seen the play done better. Vho has done it better?' The critic evidently dis liked being pinned down, and said evasively: Oh, lots of people.' 'But who?' Baid Crane. 'Name some of them. Well, Janauschek. said the jay. Crane has a keen sense of the ridiculous, but he was too much dis gusted to laugh on this occasion." Minneapolis inottne. Parental Pride. Ilerr X. is much given to spending his time at the clul-room indulging to excess in what is poetically called the 'flowing bowl." Curtain lectures have no effect on him. as he does not quit carousing until he gets through. Not long since, while thus enjoying himself, a messenger arrived iu hot haste. Herr X.," said he, 'there is a girl at your house." "Tell her to go away. What hare I got to do with the girls? 1 am a re spectable married man." But I mean a baby girl." What! Left an tufant at my door? Send it to the police station. Nobody can blackmail me." But it is your own. Mrs. X. lias presented yo O, she ha otl with a girl baby. & as, has she? Uiat sjserv kind 'of her. Well, boys. I guess I'll have to put up a couple of bottles on that news." And he didn't go home at all that night. Texas Si flings. A Forgotten Senator. Ex-Senator Tabor's luck seems to cling to him. Another girl to the house of Tabor. It is said there was a corner on cut flowers the day follow ing the advent of the little stranger, and that most of them found their way to the mansion on Capitol Hill. This good fortune and a rise of two and one half points in Matchless" induced the Senator's warmest smiles. The evil predictions of a few years since that Tabor's luck was on the wane and that he would soon be as poor as in the old corner-grocery days of Leadville seem in a bad way to be. verified. Denver Letter. As to Finger-Nails. The fashionable finger-nail is said to be longer aud more pointed than ever. Adapted Quotations. Ougtit the children of tlie gas meter accountant to be blamed if they can't tell the truth? Just as the tree lies, the twigs are inclined to, too, j-ou know. "One small turkey stuffed just enough is better than "two ducks that need so much dressing," she sighed, as she was serving up the gobbler, aud stopped long enough to apply the ma ternul slipper to her useful twins. - look out overhead," shouted the bad liov. aStmrktu'd a stone at Dudev bad w v. aaTTTF-lw' Von hoodies' Vn Press. I EASTERN" NEWS. Another Trans-Continenlal Railroad lo San Francisco. SPOKANE FALLS' NEW IiKI'OT. Eastern Casualties Tliriiiiliniit States. the New Jersey towns are lieing terrorized by While Caps. The site of the World's Fair will be on the lake front in Chicago. Seventy persona were noisoncd recent ly at St. Jacob, 111., by eating ice cream. Many lives have Iieen lust and Iowa by cyclones since the month. in Indiana the tirM of A twine trust in Iowa, which cost the farmers many thousand dollars last yeur, has been broken. Christopher A. Buckley, California's well known blind Militici:m, was married in Boston June ltith to Miss .Annie Hur ley. A Birmingham, Ala., Sunday school picnic ended in a fight iu which one man was killed and two othets dangerously injured. The stock of the Union Sin k Yaids and Transfer Company of Chicago, is re porleil to have In-eu sold to an English syndicate. An explosion of the deadly fire-. lamp took place in a I'ermsvlvania coal mine near Dunbar, thirty-two miners losing their lives. During a storm at Glennwood, Iowa, the brick moke stack at the institution of the teeble minded fed through the roof, crushing lour inmates. The National Furniture Manufacturers' association, in session at Chicago, has ordered an advance iu prices July 1st. Tne next meeting will I e held in Bos ton. It is said that the Louisiana lottery eople are gaining ground. '1 he opH nents of tlie lottery attribute this result to the lavish use ul money, w hich has Iieen going on. While a vagrant named Thomas Wat ers w as working out a sentence on a rock pile ut Alton. III., he received word that iie was heir to fs,o00 left hint by an un cle in F.ngland. The oriental Mills Comjnuiy of Provi dence, it. 1., has made an assignment. The firm lecame embarrassed a mouth ago. Tbeie are unsecured debts of f :U5, (MN) and quick assets valued at $ 1:14,0110. The papers transferring 473,(i4W acres of land has heen delivered by the Sac ami Fox Indians in Indian Territoiy. The a'lotment of lands iu severalty to the Indians w ill be made iu the next sixty days. Bev. Father ijiiigley, nastor of St. Francis de fales Catholic church of To ledo, Ohio, has lufii indicted by the grand itirv '"fur misdemeanor for neglecting to report pupils to the board of education." Kaiser, arrested on a charge of plat ing the alleged dynamite Ninth under the Uaymaiket monument at Chicago, has sued the superintendent and other offi cials of the jlie department for dam ages for false arrest. Frank W. Mcllvain, cashier of the Sul phur 1 Vposit Bank of Sulphur, Ky., is missing, and so is Mrs. Ilttie Wat kins, wife of the leading botes keejH-r of Sul phur. Aliout fI0,0.H). of the batik's money is also missing. Jim Turner and Fil Face were killed and Hob Stapleton wounded in Iee coun ty, Va., in a fight lietween tlie sberitl'V 1osse and a crowd of the Turners from larlem, Ky. The trouble was caused by the shooting of a dog. It is now generally conceded in Wash ington that the session of congress will last through August and probably until the middle of r-cptcmlier, and tbeie are some who predict that it will lie October before final adjournment. Wharton F.arker of Philadelphia, ha organized a great c American and F.uro pean banking company w ith a capital of ifll.'iJM.O.OOO, one half of which is to lie is sued at once. The company will conduct a general financial business. Fx-F'-esident Hayes is said to lie worth nearly $1 ,000.000, the greater poition of which he has accumulated since his re tirement from the White House. Who says that farming esjecially that part of it w hich relates to chickens does not pay" Mark B. Kerrs, who has within the pai-t few vears done considerable to)c- graphical surveying in Oregon, has been sent to survey tlie region of Southeastern Alaska. His intentions are to ascend Mount St. F.lias if possible. His party will consist of about thirty men. A construction tram collioeil with a freight train on the St. Lcuis, Keokuk ic Northwestern on a curve near Hannibal, Mo. Firemen Arthur Taylor and Harry Nelson were scalded to death, and sev eral other trainmen were seriously in jured. The I biggin sale of horves took place in New York, June ltith. L. J. Hose Isinglit seven for $10,400, and Pierre lxr- ilhtrd about a score in all, the highest price being the Katrine colt for $0,000. Taken as a whole the sale was a grand success. Speaking of the arrest of two female base ball teams at Danville, 111., for play irg ball on Sunday, the New York Wot Id regrets that the law does not for bid girls playing ball on week da s This suggests an idea. It should be made a lienitentiary offense to play 1 all the way the St. Paul team does. The prosiecttis of a newly projected trans-continental railway has just been issued in Washington. The road is to mn from Norfolk, Va., through Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkan sas, Indian Territory and Texas, to Isci lita, N. M.. where it will make connec tions with lilies running to San Fran cisco. Thomas J. Herbert, a wealthy young farmer, and .lames Boyd, the twenty-year-old son of District Attorney Boyd, of Brenensville, Tenn., quarreled over a hog. Boyd struck young Herliert, and the latter armed himself and gave chase. Both were well mounted, and a running fight waB kept up for two miles. Vlen both revolvers were empty Herliert fell from bis saddle dead. . Chief Kngineer Kendrick," of the Northern Pacific, awarded the contract for building the company's new passen ger dejiot at Spokane Falls June 5th,. to Decks & Witbeck of St. Paul. The C m tract price is $4'),0i)0. The building is to be of pressed brick, with brown stone trimmings, aud two stories high. Its di- mensions are to tie i( dv .hi lie;, l O.I , l ct; u me niouertt linj'rove- A THIEF'S STRATACEM. How Jim Crow, it Washington Notoriety, Turned an Honest l'ennjr. In a dilapidated little hovel near the riverfront dwells a character well known to certain strata of Washing ton's society, as Jim Crow. Jim is a thief, and will, a he states, steal any tlitujr from a chicken to a locomotive. In this city, where his light-fingered habits have become well-ktiown to the police he confines himself under protest, however to chickens, and the floor of his hut is covered w ith feathers seteral inches thick. Feathers being a marketable commodity, as well as distinguishing marks by which irate chicken-fanciers can sometimes identi fy their fowls, Jim picks his birds be fore selling, and carjiets his residence with their feathers until a stifficiont quantity is obtained to-make it worth while to sell them. Jim's former grazing grounds were in Baltimore county, Md.. where his ostensible business was that of a huck ster; but his u.itural love of refined as sociations and architectural beauty, as well a tro close an acquaintance with the minions of law in Bal'more coun ty, led him to select thu capital as his future home. And then. too. Jim hav ing grown old in iniquity, is growing old in vears, and finds more pleasure in gathering around him appreciative listeners, ami telling them the stories of his former escapades, than of re enacting them. lie tells with great humor and expression how, when a young snd an enterprising huckster, desirous of making as fine an apjiear ance Is-fore the public as possible, he exchanged the rickety and battered wheels of his cart for the more preten tious ones of a neighbor's vehicle while that unfortunate man was taking a drink in a country tavern. He also dealt in cattle other jieople's cattle which he sold to the slaughter-houses in Baltimore. Once w hen fortune had been frown ing upon his efforts and his iiockets were empty, he conceived and carried out the bold scheme of visiting the vanls of "one of the slaughter-houses. stealing therefrom a tine black bull with a w hite star on his forehead: cov ering the white mark with a handful of tar, aud selling the animal to its right ful owner, who did not discover the theft u mil he had cut the bull up into steaks. One of Jim's liest efforts was planned while sojourning one Summer in the Baltimore county jail. His term was tiearing its end, ami he was revolving in his fertile brain what to do with his liberty after olitaininir it. He had j sccrcied in Ms cell, w hich he w ished to invest at the highest possible rate of interest. His iuienuitv did not fail him, and lie determined to escape aud take with him two of his fellow-prison ers. With this object in view he went j to work, and after much labor dis placed enough brk-ks from the wall of ids cell to perm it of egress. He then j permitted the two men he had selected lo discover his plot. They, of course, insisted iiMin accompanying him. and after much hesitation, and only upon their threatening to turn informers, he consentetl, ami iroceelet to enlarge the hole in the wall iu order that one of the men a large, fat fellow could creep through. On the night fixed the three prisoners, w ith soft and cat-like tread, stole through the prison walls. md soon breathed the sweet air of freedom. Thev made for the woods. aud there Jim outlined to them his plau of opcratious. He gave them money enough to go to Havre de Grace, telling them to meet him at a certain point near that station two days later, w hich two days he would siM-nd iu en- tleavor'uig to replenish their treasury in a manner w hich he declined to ex plain. The men agreed, and after seeing them safely oil Jim yvent to a friend's house and waited for the reward which he knew would be offered for the ap-prehen-ion of himself and his compan ions. T he next day Misters were stuck up evcr where offering foOO reward for the capture of the escaped prisoners. J in thereupon sent a note to theSheriff and made an nppoiutment with him. When the Sheriff came he delivered himself up and offered to tell where his companions vlere if the Sheriff would share the reward with him and give a solemn assurance that his term would not be lengthened. This arrangement was agreed to.and Jim sent the officers to Havre de Grace with directions how and where to fiud -the tyvo men, and then returned to jail, served out his term, and left with f'-i.-iO and a thos ough contempt for the guilelessness of the chumps he left behiud. Washing' ton 1'oxl. Hat Flirtation. Wearing the hat squarely on the head signifies 'I love you madly." Other styles of usiug the hat have these meanings: - Tipping it over the right ear My lit tle brother has the measles. Fulling it over the eyes You must not recognize me. Wearing it over the back of the head Ta. ta; awfully awful. Taking it off and brushing it the wrong way My heart is busted. Holding it out iu the right hand Lend me a quarter. Leaving it with your uncle Have been to a church fair. Throwing it to a policeman I love your sister. Using it as a fan Come and see my aunt. Carrying a brick in it Your cruelty is killing me. Kicking it upstairs Is the old man around. Kicking it down-stairs Where is your mother? Kicking it across the street I am en gaged. Hanging it on the right elbow Will call ti-niglit Hanging it on the left elbow Ain badly left. Putting; it on the ground and sitting on it Farewell forever. Halter and Furrier. Footprints of Prehistoric Monsters. A reminder of the gigantic footprints of prehistoric monsters in the red sand stone of the Portland quarries ou the Connecticut river has been presented to the Trinity college cabinet here by Erastus Brainard Bulke.ley of the class of 'DO. It is a large slab of Portland sandstone, 11 1-2 by 2 feet and 5 1-2 indies thick, having four well defined footprints of the moodii species. This huge uu im al is Supposed to have walked chiefly on its hind feet, rarely touching its forepaws to the ground, and these footprints, having extreme measure ments of about 18 by 20 inches, were all made b- the hind feet. While the slab is said to be by no means equal to the famous one at Yale coit. e, ei her in size or beauty. vtt it -mi. -1 a superb addition to old TtVUtv'a cabinet. iiUivurci Special to Ine Ar. SPOUTING NOTES. El Rio Kev Kctired Turf. from I he LA BLANCHE VS. Tol Nfi MITCHELL. The I'osMlile End if Prize Fielding in California. Piof. W. Oldriere walked half a mile on the water at Fairview, Md., on June 2nd. Jake Kilrain will quit fighting and te siime bis former profession as an oars man. La Blanche lias at last pnt np bis de Ksit of frul to meet Young Mitchell on the 27th inst. The $20,000 purse fonght for by Sulli van and Kilrain was the rwond' largei.t ever fought for. Fetor Jackson and Jack Ashton were not allowed to box at the Oiiera House, San Francisco, June 2nd. The National league lme ball players claim that the Brotherhood is already flying its signal of distress. John L. Sullivan announces that lie will temporarily retire from the ring and liecome a member of the dramatic pro fession. Saunders, tlie Fnglisb tennis cham pion, defeated Petfitt, the American, in London, June liith, for the national championship. A party of 150 German sharpshooters left New York recently to attend one of the greatest shooting matches ever taken place at Berlin. j Jack Dempsey says be will make a match with any Knglish middle-weight, and is illing to toss for choice of coun try in which to fight. Dwyer's two-year-olds, notwithstand ing the big fancy prices they paid for them as yearlings, have been decided failures thus far this year. As a rule, from a racing point of view, there is very little difference in the seasons in Australia. Horses are kei racing from one year's end to another. John C'larkson is drawing a $10,0 .K) salary from tlie Boston league Club as pitcher, hut ow ing to a had leg. can do nothing to earn it except to sit on the bench. The 25 mile bicycle road race at Hil ton, N. J , on Mar ."'.Oth, was witnessed by 4,W s.ectators. F. W. Murphr and W. Van Wagner won the prizes for the lasiest net nine male. Arab, the Canadian race horse, owned by -George Forbes, of New York, for merly of Woodstock. Canada, won a 7-furli.ng race at the New York Jockey Club, on June 2nd, in 1 :27.l4'. Although August Belmont's Fides won the Tolioggan Slide Handicap anil beat the record for six furlongs 1 :10l4 Oer aldine. w ith a careful, competent jockev, can et lise Fides" record. Watch arid see! In the competition on the grounds of the Staten Island Athletic club for the individual general athletic champion ship, Alex Jordan, N. Y. A. C, was de clared the champion amateur athlete of the I'm ted States. It is claimed that nnder the instruc tions of Jimmy Garroll, John D. Spreck les, tlie several times millionaire and sugar dealer, is the cleverest gentleman boxer on the coast, and more than an equal for his trainer. A pistol match took place recently at Munich lietween Buffalo Bill's Johnny Ihtlby and Prim leopohl of Bavaria. Blaster eggs thrown in the air were nsed. nee l.eos!d defeated bis adversary without the slightest difficulty. After making a tliorough examination of Kl Kio Key a veterinarian has advised Mr. Witters to take Kl Kio Kev out of training at once, and it is understood tliat tlie unbeaten "ham pion will be j shipped to California to enter the stud, j The Fnglisb Ierby was run at Epsom, 1 England, on June 4th. Eight horses started J. Porter's chestnut colt San-; foin won the race by three-quarters of a length from Lefevre's Le Nord. The Duke of Westminster's Orwell was third. Since the killing of McBride by La Rue : in an impromptu battle at the Golden Gate Hub in San rraiiciseo, Governor Wattermau lias issued instructions to the police to use their efforts to entirely abolish all pugilistic encounters in the future. As prosjiecrs are that prize-fighting will le prohibited in Cahornia it is thought that Jackson and Sullivan will never meet, as Jackson thinks that out side of the protection of the California Club lie will not have a fair chance of winning. Frank E. Weaver, of New Haven, Conn., who is making a trip from that city to San Francisco on a bicycle, has arrived in Sedalia, Mo. lie has ridden nearly nineteen hundred miles, or an av erage of over forty miles a day, since lie left New Haven, April 21st. Psotta, the American champion oars man, should win the diamond sculls at the lioyul Henley Regatta on the Thames, England, this year. Guy Nic halls, the English amateur champion, will not compete iu the race. II. Gard ner, the stroke of the Cambridge crew, will row in the race. Greek George defeated Romalow, the Mexican, at Scranton, Pa., on May 20th, in a wrestling match on horseback. Greek George challenges any man in the world to wrestle him at catch as-catch-can or Gnvco Roman style, Tom Cannon and Muldoon prefeired, the match to lane place lourlcen days alter signing the articles. Petcr'Jackson, the colored champion, had a lively round the evening of June 15th, at a wayside inn near Oakland, Cal. A party of twelve Germans return ing from a picnic, dropped in, and being introduced to Jackson, after inviting him to drink several times, began bantering the champion. In spit of the "efforts of Jackson, to avoid trouble, the insulting remarks trom the leader of the crowd, roused Jackson's ire, and be soon found it necessary to use his right. The eleven others sailed into Jackson, when the liveliest tight ever witnessed on the Oak land side took place. Jackson walked back into the saloon after he bad satis- tied each of the twelve tliat they had been i struck with a baseball bat. The drug store adjoining had the appearance of a receiving hospital soon after the battle. i in '" . v, . In jOX harbor. is , . a -W-- B- C I I 111 till ; soriug of delicious dnukw water bub.,- ia ni3 nori-professional capacity. -i bling up through the ma- 'a-t w-tf r tjruiy pleasant outtl ho' tio in. tue urmy ueep. - LEPROSY. How It Raced lo Europe Daring th Mid dle AfM. We have no certain knowledge as to the manner in which leprosy was con veyed into Europe, says the Fortnight ly'lteview, but there is evidence to the effect that in the last century before Christ it had established itself in the Roman empire. Its subsequent spread throughout Europe can easi! be ac counted for; wherever the Roman eagles went the germs of the disease would necessarily accompany them. From this source Spain. France and Germany sootier or later became infected, anil although there are no records which enable us to trace the progress of th malady in Europe during several hun dreds of years afterwanL the steps that were taken to check its spread in the seventh and following centuries suffi ciently indicate the alarming frequency of the disease and the virulent charac ter it had assumed. Leper hospitals would appear to have been established in Norway somewhat later than in other European countries History tells ns thst in the Prankish kingdom these institutions were found ed in the eight and ninth centuries, iu Ireland about the year 8fi9. in Spain in 1007, in England in the eleventh century, in Scotland and the Nether lands in the twelfth, and in Norway in the thirteenth eentury. During and after the crusades leprosy spread with extraordinary rapidity, and leper hos pitals were rapidly multiplied all over Europe. It is estimated that in trie twelfth century there were 2.000 such hospitals in France alone, and 19,000 in the whole of Christendom. So ter rible were the ravages of the disc as that it seemed as though some alto gether new plague had Iieen sent to punish mankind. Indeed some histor ians have asserted that the leprosy of the middle ages was introduced for the first time from the east by those who returned from the crusades. As a matter of fact, however, leper hospitals existed in England some years before any of the crusaders retraced their steps westward. The soldiers of the cross doubtless brought with them many cases of severe leprosy, and au extremely virulent form thus became ingrafted upon the disease already prevalent throughout Europe. Will We Have American Quinine? Adolph Sntro is trying the experi ment of raising cinchona trees at his grounds above the Cliff House. It is from the bark of about a dozen varie ties of this tree that quinine is extract ed, and if they will thrive in this cli mate the trees will become very valua ble. Moreover, the cinchona is a Terr showy tree and highly ornamental, some of them growing to a height of eighty feet. The enormous medicinal consumption of the bark of the cincho na has caused the tree to be extensive ly cultivated in India and Java. It grows in high altitudes in New GteSa- da. Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia, where there is a great deal of moisture. It has been tried with success in Aus tralia, near the seacoast, and Mr. Sntro thinks some of the varieties will grow here, where there is a moisture in the atmosphere all the year round San Francisco Examiner. An Odd Industry. Mme. Yanard, a poor woman in Paris, arrived at competency by col lecting orange peel, and thereby not only helped herself, but gave occupa tion to others. She became a rich per son, a great patroness of art. and a regular habitue of the opera. Her hus band was a distiller of spirits, aud when he died she tried for some time to carry on the distillery alone, but without success. Talking over matters one day with a friend, says Galignants Messenger, she was much struck with a remark that he made, to the effect that that there was a fortune to be realized in the orange and lemon peel which was daily thrown away by the garcons of the cafes. The next thing she did was to sell her stock in trade and become sort of amatenr chiffonniere, with this differ ence, that the object of her quest was orange and lemon peel only. She had a tiresome task at first, but as soon as she got to be known she Iirospered so rapidly that she wase ong able to employ other hands to do the dirty ' work of collecting the material from the streets, and also from the theaters, for the sweeping of which she contracted. She presided herself over some thirty young women in her orange and lemou peel ware-house, all of whom were busily occupied in cler.ning. pressing, and packing the peel as it arrived, an occupation which she christened by the word zester." Vast quantities of zeste were daily sent away to all parts of France and abroad to form the basis of Dutch curacoa, orangeade, citron ade, and the many kinds of light drinks and aperients which are met with over the continent. She has now retired from business and enjoys the fruits of her former hard-earned money. A Plain German Shave. In the average barber shop of Ger many you are seated in a rude chair, with mysterious arrangements fcr the head which you never find qnite in the right place and the officiating artist winds his razor about your face with a vehement sweep that would cause. I should think, nervous prostration in one who had disturbed his nerve cen ters by forms of industry not com mended b? medical adviser. Th friction of the swift razor, keenly wip ing the skin, is, however, sufficient to fix the attention of the patient closely and spare him from imaginary evils. One confidential young" German of my acquaintance could shave the average-sized American face with. I think, six sweeps of the razor. I have known him to do this, and when the deed was done he seemed to think his work was accomplished, but, on being ad monished that the situation was un satisfactory, he would dip the corner of a towel, not selected from a pile of fresh ones, in a shallow basin of watex and rub the sharply - eleanswU and smarting cheeks softly twice, usiug three lingers each time. When any thing more was wanted he understood it to be the application of vinegar," an aromatic and piquant fluid, which makes a distinct impression on th skin just reaped. That young rau could never be indnced to drs the hair unless after cutting or ssarupoo injr. There was a smaTlsomb ja ine neighborhood that thexustomr as at liberty to apply tus own locks, and that fin isheJp&e proceedings. It is proper to say' that the price of the iXUVLt V Ull U OUU the eharve, though rapid and rouh. warnot bad in itself, while the artist ' ater colors vnen uno-? ,r -