Express Supplement LKI AKOX, OJt., JUNK 20, lS'.O, 1MK (FlVltm TBttllil.a. S'.VKHr IIoMK, Juir14t?l. K:mt Eif.: ri'e permit ne s;-ee in the eelumnif the Eim! tot-all the at tention mt the puolie to n few rird of truth concerning our ehurt-h trutihle. T am ery sor y to Imv to do this, lut the time has cocae when I 'ball defend tini's cause. I will aj if we re true l God t will be true to ur church We were jut!y .nt to Sweet Hniw by onr worthy hisdiop, T. It. Ilowruan, of the f angelical associa tion. We wt re not pent litre to take the bread out of Itro, Ynft'ti children's nsr uths, r. I'm. llowt rox Mild in his statement, but we were Bent to Fweet Hme to work for Ood fir the solva tion of proetru immortal mhiIs, neither are we hereto try to train the iufiuem-e of the people by unde rmlcltig oth r r?mirr. We too have U vnt at Rweet Home and are ttn prt-at Mrnnirers here. We hail the n'eas-ure of ticeominjr ae nnaintod with a treat many w:rm heart-d friend. Fnrther, I "will say t It-it there are ?Hd pcotile in Sweet Home wh have knnv n Mr. McElroy und tnvself ever since we were child ren. Ii reply to lirorher Yxt, wo fcnov there were only tlve ordatw-d ministers on the riht aide, while fin-re wert' eleven on the rebellious !le. Yp if any Monger there whs such a ft belli-u oomnrtny when they dcie-ndtri on their elders to hud tht-tii? iVi.trht h-r U where J he mi-take wa9 made. Th'fe ministers frh'-uld have lut-n redip our eh or -h efl.tirs and prnvicp or Gol to direet them orijrht in this iiftViir. If they hnd done this they would ti'ot have broujrht sm-h a disgraceful eh:;rge on our be loved chervh. It has s'irviv lien remarked hy wm of the rebellions ministers that" when they went, t conference thev did not know which side they would lon for ! they wore ipnorant tf the ehiireh trou h!e. They hud read hot very little nltout it. and ols n eertuin niinistT iiid thf when h went home nl would tel! wife about the affair it would ju"f be a lream to her, fr oh" knew no'iiinjr aliout it. Xv. I would d vise fiiinister's wives to read for themselves, an I have done. I have rend loth rides anil nm fully eonvineed wliieh side is for Ood atid the t ru' h. Furth rmnre. it w as remark et thrit when Ur. Itowersnx left, thev thou eh t that was the able. Hr.rther ITowersox is a human nein and we fhnuM lok to one that i hieber then man to direct and save v.s, and when I sweep thrnaeh the entes of the new Jertif-nh-m. I won't exelatm that Bow fios or Polling has redeemed tne, but it will be our Iord and Savior Jesus ChriM. I am that we are com manded not to I carried around by every wn d of doctrine, and that we have such a Kreat friend that will help us iu every time of need. Now let me s-iy. Brother Yost need not think so much harm of our side in tryine to hold the old Kvanpelieal property. The church whs built, and dedicated to that purpose. The peo ple's money built the church. It is true Brother Yot did the mot of the work, but he had ltter lieen preach ing and saving souls and let the people milt the cbim-h. True, Kro. Yost agreed to let Mr. McElroy preoch in the chun-h, previ lin be would not say anything against Ids side or up h i!d hi.Hon n ltr'v, but an srwn as he id one won I jtin.t iiis Kble or spoke in fhvnrof the itowman b!de, he could not have the church to pn-ach In any lonjrer. and Ms elder, nor Brother Fisher, nor any of our party could not preach in the church, and said if it wasn't for the friend that McKlroy had in 8weet Home he could mt have the privilege of preaching in the church. Itowerxox could make his ct:it riwnt amtitiKt the ev!iuircieal church one h ur or inort and say hard tiling ncainst u, but we must k-ep mir mou t tut el a tl and tit t def.-nd the truth. The time has now come when jHHiple mustlieur bnb sidt. We are not here lomy harl things about the eiher party but it Is rijrht for tin to con tend f t the faith th:it wss one deliv ered to the saint., and to work earnest ly fertile upbuilding of Uod's church. d lfliiHl l e for us Iiuchii Im nimiiiMt us? We will not fenr, for Ood end one re the rnnjority. We must remt niler that we ar- working for eternity and much deend!oii the life we live. The lust uijtht th:it Bro. Bowersox preached at Kweet Htune tr. McKlroy a-ked Bro. Yst if he and Buwerso'x were eiiie to let our eld- rs in the e iurh. Hes:tid if we would oen our church In Albany for hi elder, he would then apeti fur our elder. He knew it was not in our power to do that, eo Mr. McElroy secured the hall for worship, for if the church wiia too tine for ur elder it was too fine for him. He offered to help Brother Yst, In a protracted meeliuir and sav noth ing of our trr uide, but work 'for the sulvut ion of the people if lie would let htm preach in the c hurch, hut Brother Yst tdainly toiil Mm lie did not want him for he was nothi::r( and Inm very willing to e called nothing fur the fwtke f Christ. If they are th church whv did they not send their bishop to Europe. It. Dubs declared that split would take in the church, but he added, 'we shall not go out empty handed," and why any ("bri-tiwii man or Wfm:in tn uphold such a man is more than I can tell. It is silly for anv one to think that a aupcnrfed bishop, which they cbifm B:sh-p Bowman is, would come to the const to hold eonfereno-. The bishop Is too smart a man for that, and then why did the elders of the Orogn conference give out appoint ment for the bishop to pi each at cer tain places, for Midi thimts won't work together. Iar loyal ones, let us be true to Gd and true f our In-loved Zion and everything will lie all richt. God wnnto a pure church and I have thought late ly that he has taken this plan to clennse it. May God bless all the true ones, and whea we are done with the turmoils of lire and have fought the good fiht we may meet asrain. Yours Fraternally, Mrs. Ella McEijviv. The One-Price Cash Htore has lie come one of the features of Lebanon. As everything is new and fresh, and the firloes are so much below that charged n credit-giving establishments, peo ple who desire to buy their goods for cash naturally go to the corner, where they do not hnve to make up to the storekeeper for the non-paying cus tomers who. when they can do so, buy en credit, and who are'constil utionally opposed to pavine for anything. Get firieee at the One-Price Cash Store and f there Is any reason in you that la the place where you will purchase your fcupplica. A. W. Moses has removed his store to Kirkpatrick's new building1, two doors north of Exphkss ofilce. HAI'fT HOME. The frmln over here In hrsllng out very short. Hiiy lisrvrst tin commenced. fsiwls' tx In !! her glory now. It h boonl to K-ramr place nf nc yet. 1 he new town of I sroiult, Unit hn brer, lapt In oioltli to I.tiin, lul li'K Ctirly snrt c-omtaaiius jul!e a cn-t.l-ru!.lr sraount i Uadc. !t hwi uvi romp in our ran tlist Mr. Anion W.t d!e hs. mi11 ht.- :ru to Jr. Cathen snl n coins Ik muvn u )iui- 4n fern tiKlxe. Were:l irry l o-e Mr. W sHle' folk aa neighbor and the ilillr. n fr tn our wbl. The 1I T Home ntliool will clone In two s ee an. The picnic at the f?alt Ijikc whoot wa well at-t4r:ule-l, flow iittf the :ntut' interest iu the vauw of et'K-atin." We were all cheered op last work hy a call from M Manila t low.U r. of "OiicUto -n," Tcur., week. Tlie enf In theehii-k. r, rKie, l'ick and hirki J l:ne sre Very irvnt!n'. and will j.obabW b headed (U hru'lel) alioul the 41 ii of next month. Jiuxib Kitr-TBUT. a mblent of Happy Home, ncrer tr.i .c tMirxw, but a friend vt nla trades laree a week. Orn1nia Irtineiin l eonrnlewent araln. She la Hn Trnr i I I and eaunot Unnd ui any more bard 1nU ut iUln-m. M. TayUir w 111 hare to procure gtmX wateh-dt-oii'e tiiat U1 au h tlie front (rate Suutiay rri-n!nr. Canada l haTlrjr a boom. In the last two we-lc iwn tie brti have been buiMitif: In the Home n lirlih.r' Kd. vhn.-. tv-ott built a new 'mm nml pot an B'l I'.ci"n to his hou?e iih a boy wiikinw In I;. Hi nelirhlmra are catehlna; l lie t!Mpl-atVtn. It l hxtx-d thvy wiil eonlinne the twKm. llnf iy Ilotue will tare a new K-hoot hotie soon. Ut week a rTe!lnir Iwlfmtn went throtinh this vicinity. He ftopcd i the home of seteral well-known eitiaen here and displayed his eootls. Immtoiicely the Uwty of the hMle elected her a drex ileris and sevend o:her artiele!". when to their sMttthmL-nt he informed them they wonid have to take all hi and fwty him the miall sum nf $ut it they look aty. eme of w women would ml hair. k ali 'eddler had better keep elenr of untbta. Nor li-rr . - i'. 111 J 1 . ' I I EXCHANGE HOTEL. FORKISHES THE BEST ACCOOODi TiOKS II LEBAHOI. The Bultdlnsr Has Been Overhauled, Renovated and Refurnished. NO : CHINESE : EMPLOYED. Mew Furniture, Clean Beds, Good Meals, Cental Proprietors. No Mutter Whether You Stop One Iae or Abide wi-.h l f..r a Year. Yon Will Find at the Esehaiur All the Comforu of Home. ISAAC BANTA & J. W. BANTA, PROPRIETORS. J- C. McFERSON, House, Sign & Carriage Painter, PAPER HANGER ft GLAZIER. ' Contracts Taken for Any Kind of House Work, such as Plain : or : Fancy : Painting, GRAINING. PAPER HANGING. Frescoing and House Decoration of Every Description. Orders left At the Express office will receive prompt attention.