DR. C. H. DUCKETT, T Between G. T. Cotton Peterson & Wallace, and Lebanon, Oregon. J. K. WEATHERFORD, Attorney-at -Law. Office over First National Bant, ALBANY, - - OREGON. J. M. KEENE, D. D. S. Dental -:- Parlors. Office: Breyman Bros., Building, SALEM, OREGON, -Houra from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. W. R. BTLYEU, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. E. J. M'CAUSTLAND, CIVIL ENGINEER SURVEYOR, Draughting and Blue Prints. OfSce with Oregon Laud Co., Albany. Sewerage System and Water Supplies a Specialty, Estates Subdivided. Maps made or copied on short notice, fl.LMcCLR.UE, (Successor to C. H. Hjumox ) Barber : awl : Hairdresser, LEBANON, OREGON. SHAVING, HAIR CUTTING AND Shampoo! 11 sr in the latest and best style. Special attention paid to dressing j Ladies hair. Your patronage respect- ! luuy soucitea. LEBANON r -r " 1t- li L J -A. Meat Market, ED. KLIESBERBEJ, Frosr Fresh & Salted Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Bologna, aua Ham. Baeon and Card fllways on 4aid. Main Street, Lebanon, Or. Sa' S. PIIiLSBURY, JEWELRY, RBDWNSV1LE, OREGON If anwaBr says na baa the W. X.. TJonanaa Shoes wu hont name and price stamped oa the bottom, put taim down aa a (tsoi, rWHfrv iv T TMi-mritirfr" ""turTrnTnPi i ---' L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CENTLEMEN. ; Rest in the world. T'xamtne his S.OO GEMINK HASH-SEWED 8HOE. i S4.0O HAND-SEW ED WELT SHOE. ! 3.50 POLICE AND FARMEBS' SHOE, .50 EXTRA VALUE CALF SHOE. I S4.35 WORKINGM AX'S SHOE. m.00 and 1.7S BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES, AM wade lu tkmpresa. Button and La. W. L- DOUGLAS i S3 SHOE laETes. Best Material. Beat Strle. Best Fitting, j tf-siet told bv vour dealer, write w. . uotuLAa, mass ) "Examine W. L. Doug-las $2 Shoe nr flAntlfimsn and Ladles." f for Sate by C. C. HACKLEM A. V. Spreafl of Bwddhism. Buddhism is spreading to a consider able extent among the female graduates f the universities and other young people of culture in Europe, and the fact is being laid at the door of Max Muller, who is charged with having first brought that religion to the atten tion of the Christian world. His de fenders sav that the converts are made chiefly by Hindoos who come from In ilia to attend the universities. MUCH THE NEWEST, NOBBIEST Am LARGEST STOCK OF LOTH II G In the County, is now to be ALBANY, S3TVhen you want to "dress up," we would be glad to show you through and make the right price. MERCHANT TAILORING A SPECIALTY. Mr. E. A. Sciieffler, is an expert, and hns charge of this de partment. We guarantee satisfaction. MY SPRING STOCK -OF- DRY GOODS, BRESS GOODS Notions, Miiiet Jackets, Beaded Caps, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, Has arrived. I have also received my Spring Stock of MEN'S, YOUTHS' & BOYS' CLOTHING, FURNISHING COODS, BOOTS, SHOES, ETC., Of which we carry a Full and Complete Line, and will not he uu dersoM. Come and see us, and we will treat you well. O. W. SIMPSON, ALBANY, - - OREGON. THE YAQUIHA R0DTE.SHow OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD. Oregon EeYelopiceBt CoapaEj's Steamship Line. 225 Shorter, 20 Hour Less Time Than by any other.Route. FIRST-CLASS THROUGH PASSENGER .AND FREIGHT LINE From Portland and'all points in the Willamette Valley to and from San Francisco. Cat. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD TIME SCKDULE, (Except Sundays.) I.v Albany 1 x p. m. I.v Corvnllis iop. m Yaquina 6-5 a. m. Atoi9 - Lv Ar 1 Ar Yaqoina"5:3 p. m O. St C trams connect at Alban and torrsms. I Orcsron Development Company 1 11 a vti , c , o.n, ..vu -- . -- - line of stcam- , shim between Yaquiiia and San Frsncisco. j SAILING DATES. ' Steamer. "Fm7s. F. Steamer. Fm. Yaq'na i Faratlon May 5 Wilamette V'y ! Willamette Val'v Mav Q. Farallon May 4 May o ; Farallon . ..Slav i. wiiiamene y. -iy j waiamettejyy.lay Farallon May 10 This company'reserves theright to changeil ing dates without notice. I Passenger from Portland and all Willamette t Valley points can make close connection with I he ' trains of the Yaquina ronte at Albany or Corral t lis. and if destined to San Francisco should ar i range to arrivet Yaquina the evening before the ! date of sailing. Passenger and Freight Rate Alwaysthe Lowest. For particnlars"appty to C. H. HASWELL. I C. C. HOOVE. Oen'l Ft,& Pass. Agt. Oregon Devel'pm'nt Co ?o4 Montiromery Rt. San Francisco, Cal. Act g;en. F. St,P. Agt. O, P. R. R. R. Co., Corvallis. I reg,m. NORTH BOCJtD. ! Leave Corvallis Monday. Wednesday, Friday. 6 a. m. Leave Albany 9:30 a. m. Arrive Salem, Monday, Wedneaday. Friday, s . i p. m. Leave Salem, juesaay, 1 nursuny, saiui-. day. 8 a.m. ; Arrive Portlan4, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 3 3 P- m i rTH BOVSD Leave rortland Monday, Wednesday, Friday, ; 6 a. m. Arrive Salem, Monday, Wednesday. Friday, 7:15 ; p. m. Leave Salem. Tuesday. Thursday, Satur- j Say, 6 a. m. I.esVe Albany, i:p m. I Arrive Corvallis Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. I 3:30 p. m. J. L- COWAN. J. M. R ALSTON. Bank of Lebanon, LEBANON, OREGON. Transacts a General Banting Business. ACCOUNTS KEPT SUBJECT CHECK. TO Exchange ?old on New York, San Francisco, Portland and Albany, Oregon. Collections made on favorable terms. G.T. COTTON, : DEALER IN . Broosriss ana PreYieiene. TOBACCO and CIGARS, SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Foreip asl Domestic Mts, Confectionery, Queensware and Glassware, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures. Pays Caxatti for Ejga. Main Street, Lebanon, Oregon. Seen on the Counters of BLAIN OREGON. THE FALL OF A WESTERN EDITOrt. Ha Established a Reputation longerons Man. When the first weekly In Washing ton Territory was established the edi tor, who was an Ohio printer, made a break in the first issue to establish his reputation as a dan;rerons man to fool with, lie was surrounded for a rou-rh crowd, and he realized that the proper thing to do was to put himself in shape to be sized up accord in;; to Hoj le. To effect this he led off with au article abusive of Col. Tavlor. The Colonel was an imaginary individual, and it was therefore safe to call him a liar and a coward, and to declare that if he ever appeared in town he would be ! horsewhipped up ami down the streets. 1 Every issue for two months contained 1 hit at O1- Taylor, ami he was scored .,,,.--- r . ,: match with him that "the - boys treat ed him with that deference always ac corded to the fearless man. When anybody inquired who the Colonel was" he was informed that he was a desjerado of the worst type, and that he had solemnly sworn to have the editor's life. He was never exact ly located or identilied, but was always dared to come in like a man aud hare it out. One day. just after an issue in which Col. Taylor was stigmatized as a white- j livered coyote and defied to a duel with i bowie knives in a dark room. a stranger came slouching into the office; looked j about a while with curiosity, and then said to the editor: "Well. I'm here." Yes, I see, but what forf" was the ! reply. "I'm Col. Taylor." "No!" "Him and nobody else. You've been lighting iii to me like wildcats for a long time past, and I haven't been say ing a word. I've got tired of it, how ever, and now it's got to stop!" "My dear sir, the Col. Taylor men tioned in " "Pull yer gnn!" Interrupted the Col onel as he pulled his. "But, sir, I beg to assure yon that "Git down on your kneesP j The editor slid off his chair, his , i face as pale as death, and his hair on ' i end. j "Now eat that!" j The Colonel took from his pocket a i lump of clay and tossed it on the floor, ! j and he stood there with leveled pistol : j until the last crumb of it was devour-! j ed. Then he put up his weapon and ' j turned to go. saying: ! I "Next time you open on me I'li come ', in with a whole baj; full of it, and I i 1 may conclude to drive the last of it in ' ! with a bullet! Go fur the rest of 'em j all you want to. but when you strike i the name of Col. Tavlor haudle it with care!" And inside of a week the affair leak ed out, and so many came up to lick the editor, and so many did lick him, that he jumped the plant one night aud was never heard of again. Ar. i". Hun. The Thtiuhle tn History. Lady, did you ever take the trouble to look up the history of the curious little bell-shaped indented piece of met- al vou wear on your finger w hen sew - ing and which yon are contented to ! call your Uhinihle?" It is a Dutch in- : vention, ana was taken to i.nglaml in 1693 by one John Lofting. Its name was derived from the words thumb and bell, being for a long time worn on that member, and called the tliumbel; only within the last 150 years has the wortl evoluted" into thimble. All records say that the thimble was lirst worn on the thumb, but we can scarce ly conceive how they would be of much use there. Formerly they were made of brass and iron only, but of bite years steel, silver, gold, horn, ivorj', cellu loid, and even pearl and glass have been used in their manufacture. A thimble owned by the queen consort of Siatn is shaped like a lotus, of solid gold, thickly studded with diamonds, which are so arranged as to form the ladv's name and the date of her birth and marriage. Queen Victoria has a very valuable gold and diamond set thimble upon which are engraved many historical sceues from English A house at Gold Hill, Nev.. $8,000 a few years ago was other day for $300. that oost sold . the I Told Tow So. tf you marry an angel who can not tnaka rlr, f tpr the hmipymonn. nh. Find nmrrliiiie a fiiliure with all It Implies ltomember my toiling you so. If ron try to ontalilnn your neighbors In style Ann uvn on vno mnnnr you o. Ami pint In the poor-house soon after a wlillo lti nimnbcr my telling- you ao. tf by blowlntr and hrniralnir you try to Impress The world with your eoii(eueiite, oh. Anil iliowyon nothing or poxaibiy 1M Hotnember my telling you so. If you think to make people Imagine you're WlM Hy talking of thlwrsymi don't know. Anil prove you're the fool that you can not disguise Remember my tolling you ao. If you go Into business minus the rash That make the mare iifinrl tro. And after a striiirirle wind up with a smash Kouieuilxr my telling you no. If you try to be tinppy without being good. And And all your Joys liwimio gall and worm wood Remember my telling you ao. tf you try to be healthy by swallowing pills. And natural waya overthrow. And find you're a victim of aches and of Ills Kcmember my telling you so. If you try to make love to a sweet little mlaa w ho doemi't reciprocal:, oh. And tlnd that you are left when you ask for a kit. Remember my telling yon ao. So-so. Remember my telling ynn so. Detroit Free Press. Ana iivinv a me uiai in mow. THE HAUNTED MIltltOR. It was early morning, and Thomas, Lord Rosendale's valet, had waited on his master's American guest to see what he desired him to do for him. Thomas was too well-bred to appear to notice anything remarkable; but there certainly was something odd in the gentleman's niauner, and he had not the look of one who had enjoyed refreshing slumbers. Twice he seemed on the poiut of propounding a question twiee he checked himself. At last, just as the man turned to leave the room, he spoke: "Thomas!" "Yes. sir," said Thomas, turning to wards him again. No matter, Thomas." "Very well, sir." Thomas had his band on the lock of the door this time, but again the gen tleman spoke: "Thomas, I have been awake all night." "M? Lord will regret to bear it," said Thomas, too respectful to appro- . priate the information. I "Something very odd disturbed me," I continued the rentleman. -Have yon any reason to believe that any of 'the women servants have lost their sen- ses?" "Any of the maids, sir?" said Thomas. Oh, no, sir. My lady's own i maid is a most sensible person. So is I the young lady's, extreinelf respect- j able and settled, indeed. As for the 1 cook and oh, no. sir. I am sure none ; of the maids are out of their senses, , sir!" i 'One of the maids kept me awake ! j all last night," Baid the American. j 1 "One of the maids, sir?" cried ! Thomas. i "Yes, Thomas." said the gentleman. ! "She kept running into mv room, at ( luast every half hour, to fook in the : , class and admire herself. i "Mie came out ol that door, and be ; pointed to one in a corner, "and walked j straight up to the mirror; the light i from the nijrlit lamp fell uimio her face; ; she seemed to catch my ey e in the glass each time and smiled at mo as she did so. 1 ouly saw ber once in the mirror, but it was very pretty, though very pale. She wore a short quilted skirt, a little black bodice and full white sleeves. She had a sold cross tied : around her neck by a black ribiam.and ! wore a little cap 011 her black braids I very young girL with a ierlectly trench fa-:c, homas. Vo you know ber?" "If I have the honor of understand ing you. sir, the young person came through this door?" he asked. "Yes, 'said the American. "More than once, sir." "About once an hour from midnight until dawn." "She was yonng, prettv and French looking, and wore a quilted skirt, a bodice and a cap, sir?" "Exactly, Thomas." "And smiled at you in the glass where vou saw her face? I understand she did not look toward you as she passed, sir?" "Right, Thomas." "May I be;; you to do me the favor of looking into this room, sir?" ! The gentleman followed Thomas to the door through which he asserted ; that the young person had passed and j saw nothing but a square closet about I twelve feet square, with no door save i the one that opened into the large j room, and high tn the ceiling a little ; window through which a bin! could scarcely hare flown. It contained no furniture whatever. 'You will acknowledge, sir." said Thomas, very gravely, "that an ordi nary person must have remained here if she had entered. as you think she did, sir. and that we should now lind her here, sir?" "There must be a secret door-or or something!" cried the American. "I am not mad, and I was wide awake. I" "Yes, sir," said Thomas, still more solemnly. "As I remarked, an ordi nary young person could not have con trived to disappear;but lam well aware that the young person you have seen is not an ordinary person, sir. She has been an apparition, for more than 200 years." "An apparition!" cried the American gentleman. "Yes, sir," replied Thomas; "an ap parition, sir. I thiuk you have seen Lady Rosendale's gentlewoman. Rosette, sir It is ten years since she was seen before, to my knowledge, but she has been seen very often. Yes, sir, it must have been Rosette." "1 Bhould like to hear more about Rosette," said the gentleman. "Yes, sir." said the valet. "Thla la a very old family, and they have Uvea on this estate for a long while since the time of Queen Elizabeth, I believe. sir and about 200 years a"-o there was a ioru iieroert my present master is Lord Herbert, as you know; it is a favorite name in the family who was a very gay, wild young noblemen, and was a great admirer of the ladies, sir, u0tevcr. by the time he was V he I ,. 'Y . iiiaitiuu auu octuuu uu vv ii, a9 tjliu 1 Ll 1 1; 1 1 b say; anil having traveled with his wife on the Continent, came home, and be- i g,- to be very much thought of and ; rejected. So was his lady, too, sir, though she was not handsome, aud was j very haughty. j )ne thing, however, the English ' servants did not like; she brought a ; foreign maid with her from France a ' girl named Rosette, and as pretty as a j picture. "My lady thought -J ! her, and would never let any other j woman be about her in her room, and : of course the people were jealous aud I talked against Rosette, ami the women i began to say something about the way y lord looked at her. Though, to be sure, women will be suspicious. How i ever that mav be. mv ladv loved her. and I think she thought too much of herself to be jealous of her maid, until one day.sittiug before her glass, Rosette combing her bair for her, she heard her husband coming into the room. Her back was towards him, and Rosette was behind her, and they forgot the mirror; and so, sir. she saw in it with out stirring both their faces; and she saw the girl smile at her husband and i"ni op oj pjot ftiM it paw wen a oq. j pitmi oqi ni'.CKnot.tnj JJhb.i .v .Xpr. j jfiu Suin.lotn nno tif f 'pnp.o ,i ji Aptmj i eq 01 paq Jtn pwt oiinscii thhoo tinn '. qitqi tt mis 'iiiooj j,t mii.w t-inj,,. i mih 'pjtuu oii 01 .ton 'on miq 01 iiuiqi 1 -.fire jis .ma ait jns pun 'piu.ipfl .ut.vnn 1 0(H inq '7!ui.Cj.A3 pno.iapun oiC, j aoii j dm Ktt jw 'jpmb A.iaA n.is ! tnipit'j a.iotu A"nw tias 01 pt;m 1011 pip , qs pint 'Jfi i spi:q nims tmt Mrs t. lady's hair, for Rosette had gone back j to tier native country. All the time she was doinsr It the ! girl thought shn heard a faint moan ing sound and was frightened ami went back to the rest, pale and tromblmir; and before night it was very well known In the house that the little ; closet there was not ouly locked, but j nailed up. j "There was a coldness between my i lord aud my huly and they kept very much apart; but she had told him also ! that Rosette had returned to France ! and no one ever saw the girl again. J "After that my lord seemed to take j up his wild ways again, in a measure, j and drank a good deal and my lady ! lived very much alone. She never had ! a regular maid and she was harsh to ; those who wnitod on her. There never j were any children, but they both lived ; j to be verv old Indeed, and at last my j ; l.nly died in this very room and was j j buried In the church vonder. You may j I see her tomb there Lady Maud Rosen- ! j dale, aged 80. j j "My lord was as old as she by that ' j time; but as soon as the funeral was j over he went into my lady's room, nnd j I stood a long while before the locked! ! and nailed closet door. I j "Then he said to himself, I can not ! i die until I kuow," and ordered it to be openeiL J "They sent for the blacksmith to do ! it, and all the while my lord sat in his J great arm-chair, staring before him. ; There were hundreds of nails In it. j People said afterwards that all my Lady : Maud's life there used now and then to ! be a little souud of hammering in her room when she was alone, but they j were all out at last, and the lock wm forced, and my lord arose and tottered : into the closet. "A bed stood there still and some gowns hung on the wall, and over the bed one was lying, with cords twisted about it. Then they looked closer and j the maids began to scream, and one nld wnmxn. whn r.mm!urfd ltft4!t i had called out her name, and mr lord ; turned his pale old eyes upon them like ' a ghost and said. God forgive me and 1 have merer on both their souls!' and ! held out his band to !e helped back to his own room, which he never left again. "It wasn't much they found only a few bones antt an ornament or two, "but it was plain that the girl had been tied hand and foot and bound to the bed and left there to dio if she were not : murdered outright by the jealous lady. As for the smile my ladv saw. lie talked of that in a wandering kiud of way on his death-lied. So it cam'! to Ihj known. Hut ever since, sir, whenever there is going to be misfortune in the family, whoever sleeps here iu this room see Rosette come out of her closet and smile in the gla-ts. No oue ever sees her face, ouly its reflection. "She was seen before one young lady it is two generations ago, "sir eloped with a very iufet ior jK-rson. "She was seen before my master's father died, and before my musters brother was killed at the Crimea- I hope no trouble will follow now, sir." T trust not," said the American. "Perhajis it would be best not to uiea s tiou this to any one." j "Very welL'sir," said Thom its, and 1 left the room. i As for the American, he slept else where the next night. He had no ad miration for ghosts, ereu the family ghosts of noblemen, and he ha I no de sire to see Rosette smile at him in the glass again. The smiles of a phantom of 200 years standing are more awe some than bewitching. Evening World. African Kiiglish. English as she is wrote by potentates on the west coast of native Africa rivate is intelligible, if not elegaut. A l letter received here from the F Conro savs that his majesty Kin rench Moni Machindu had lieen stealing the wives of employes at the white trailing posts, and otherwise cutting up in an unseem ly manner. The Freuch administrator sent him a stern and dictatorial mes sage ordering him to transfer his royal person to the French post for a palaver and accounting. Thereupon the king took his en in band and produced the following forcible and deliant answer: "I save English, me save Portuguise, me save German, me no save French. Dem Frenchmen he king for Coango, me be king for Mayumba. Suppose ' them frenchman get palaver lor me, t he lettr him come for my town." j The Frenchman came for his town ' with a gunboat and a squad of soldiers, ; and the king suddenly took to the woods, with all his people, looking back now and then to see the smoke ! rising from his burning village. At last accounts Moni Machindu had quit letter-writiug, and was sadly rebuild ing his village, convinced that his liter ary attainments in this, instance had been a positive detriment to him. N. r. Sun. Nimble Chinese Reporter. The Chinese language as the natives ; U9e l hi3 great force, fluency, and di- rection. It is practical as the nation is practical, and those who use it are too independent to abandou the sicech and writing handed down to them through so long a line of ancestors. It will lie made the medium of instruction in science and is very suitable for Incom ing so. They have contractions for all their characters which foreign students do not trouble themselves to learn, but the use of which in fact qualities the Chinese to become shorthand reporters of speeches in their own language. They do not practice speech-making, but if they did and, if the native news papers formed a staff of shorthand re porters they would not need to learn any foreign system. They can report ' 1mte tast enough themselves with a little practice, and they write the con- tractions with wonderful quickness. ; Their hand muscles are pliable, their : fingers small, and the writing brush ', they employ is an Instrument superior '. in speed to the steel pen or the quill. ; The scribes at an imperial audience probably write all or nearly all that is said. Scribes who are paid by the piece get through a large amount of copying in a short time. Yet let no one expect a teacher who is paid by the month to write fast. He has every reason to be slow. But copyists, paid o much for a thousand characters, try naturally to transcribe as many thous ands in a week as they can. The rapid work of such copyists, esjiecially if they are allowed to use contractions, favors the conclusion that by using Chinese characters spt'ci.ists could easily write all that a good bpeaker says. As to whether they could compete with the quickest European stenographers may perhaps soon be brought to trial iu Japan, where many thousands are now learning to write in the Roman char acter. The new school will soon pro ceed to add shorthand to Roman iza tion, and then it will soon be decided which is the best adapted for swift and accurate reporting. A'orih China Her ald. London Fogs. It is proposed to light up horses heads with electric light during fogs in Loiulua. FA UM NOTES. Keep pieces of chalk where the yonng animals can lick them. Cotton seed meal is too nitrogenous to foe healthful food for pigs The shelter that shuts out both pure and cold air is not a profitable structure. Evcrv animal must sneak for Itself. d "" Us pedigree eau speak for its offspring. The coining farmer w ill trust less to his eyes and more to foot-rules and pound-weights. The value of pedigree Is not in Its Touching for ancestry, but iu its vouch ing for offspring. Rust and rot do more for the Imple ment maker in winter than wear and tear do in summer. The Bohemian oats swindle has gone East to grow up with thu country. If a plajed out in the West. The secrets of large yields always and everywhere are rich soil, good seed, anil thorough tillage. The farmer who makes his own pork j aud beef puts another liond on health aud pays himtelf for so doing. j White clover is said to be disappear-! Ing in some of the Eastern States, but j it Is more than holding its own in the; West. Hoard estimates the annual consump- j tion of bolter In this country to lie I.- i 000,000,000 pounds 2,73J,7-2G pounds par day. The Hessian fly Is said to have been Introduced into England in the straw In packing cases. If a a staud off against the English sparrow. In making men out of boys, and wo men out of girls, consider that the character of the material has something ; to do with how to cut to the best ad : vantage. A good crop of both corn and weeds ; ; cannot be grown on the name ground j at the same time, any more than two ; railwav train can pass each other on ' the same track. Running a dairy without a ther-; tnometer is as inconvenient as running ; a household without a timepiece. The ' good workman must have good imple ments to produce the ln-st results. Professor Wolf, of Germany, has; demonstrated by careful experiments i that clover obtains its ititrogeu from ; the atmosphere: and that, iu facL all " plants and the soil obtain their nitro-! freti from that iuexhauslible source of supply. Professor Wiley regards sorghum seed as second in food value to w heat and snjierior to com aud oats. It i being ground into flour for breakfast pancakes, in which form it beats buck wheat out of sight. A Western New York horticulturist produced a vigorous growth of Dela ware grape ines and a large amount of snjierior fruit by grafting the Dela ware on Concord roots. The grafting was done on oue year old roots. A healthv food for glowing pigs may be made, of boiled potatoes, w ith corn meal and bran added, in proportion of tire pounds meal and ten ounds bran to a b'isiiel of iota toes. The latter should be boiled t. consistency of this paste. The estimated cost of hauling 100 bushels of gr tin in a ;on over ordin ary country road is t) cents a mile. This fact illustrates the necessity and money value of good roa;ls. The dif ference in cost of haulin? is immensely in favor of the good road. It is not advisable to spread coarse stable manure, full of betiding, on niowin-land in winter or anv other time of vear. Such manure as that is ! l I.." I 1 'I' I . suitable only for plow-laud. Top-dress ing for meadows sliouM alwais be iu liiie, well-rotted condition, and be spread evenly not left iu heaps. The Xorthwert says that any com munity which raises good draft horses will be found prosjerous and progres sive. When a half dozen or teu good teams are put upon the market and bring into the neighborhood from $3. 000 to S 000. it helps everybody c: 5t ami drives the wolf from manv a door. D. W. Kurt. In the Colorado Farm er, computes that there is a los of ft 00. 000, 000 ier annum in the United States, caused by the horns of cattle, in the death aud damage of cattle, horses, sheep, and swine, and the loss of food it takes to feed the horned ia excess of wh it it takes to feed the hornless animals. Besides this, there is an average of 200 human beings jier annum killed directly foy maddened horned animals. There is a possibility that careless readers seeing so much in the paers about abandoned farms just now, will think that some sudden depression or disaster has overtaken agriculture. This is not so. The abandonment of these farms has been going on. in some cases for half a century. The general break ing out of so much newspaper talk does not imply that the causes are re cent. Agriculture of 1889-90 is not necessarily under a cloud because of farms that were abandoned any w here from ten to fifty years ago. X. E. Farmer. Professor Ladd, of the New York Ex periment Station, says: 'One half of the money now exjiended for commer cial fertilizers is wasted, from a proper lack of knowledge as to their use and the needs of one's soil. With the tons of nitrogen everywhere about us, con stituting four-fifths of all the air. it iteems there should be no need of pur chasing this most expensive of all tho fertilizing constituents required in plant growth, and I believe the time will come when by a proper system of crop rotation and cultivation we shall he able to draw our needed nitrogen from nature's bountiful supply." The low price of beef and dairy pro ducts is causing more attention to be paid to sheep, which in consequence are growing scarcer. There is auother reason in the great amouut of lilior a herd of enwa make, whether their milk be sold direct, or made into butter or cheese. The old English rule was that the keep of eight sheep equaled that of one cow. Sheep are. however, more delicate feeders, and will not thrive on coarse stalks as well as cows will. They are also close feeders in summer, and on old pastures live where a herd of cows would starve. On the ait her hand, sheep in winter w ill not eat the butts of cornstalks as closely as will cattle. American Cultivator. Professor Sanliorn. at the New York Farmers' Institute, said: "Less than a cent a ton a mile for freight, the Suez Canal, the revolution of steaiu ; ship transportation, and the penelra- i tion of the iron horse and of farm tools into all quarters of the world ' . have made the earth competitors in : one market. It is not now the East , against the West.but Americans against t the world against cheap labor, newer j j fields, and a lower order of living. Our , brainy farmers will hold their own ; order of living and free homes against : the world, but only by a greater appli- j cation of their own intelligence, of i 1 capital and labor, in a higher order of j ! farming in extensive farming, each j acre being handled on the intensive : I plan." j A practical dairyman writing to the N. Y. I'imes says a mistake is often made in the use of hot water in clean ing dairy utensils. Hot water makes milk curd insoluble and hard and tough, so that when utensils are scald ed before they are thoroughly cleaned from the remains of sour milk, the PP&iWS SIMIOP&O STOCK BOOK. DON'T DELAY IN StUUKiNU itKKiium, Finest Book on Earth for the Farmer, Stockman and Backsmitfr' LARGEST PROFITS! For fnlnUtgttrtttnit Agent' Trrm nj,plf tn .G L. PEABLEG, 307 Salome S. 5ai? Francisco, Qal curd Is solidified in the pores of the wood and becomes a permanent areut ! of mischief. Any alkali dissolves curd i of milk; and after first well rising the utensils, and especially the churn, with j cold water, a solution of common soda i or saleralus (carbonate of potash) may j be very usefully employed to complete ! the removal of'al! traces of the sour j milk. Then another rinsing with cold i water mid -followed by cal.liug with j boiiiii": wateraiH atimshingdashingol J cold water, always pure, will compi the wot k. UNROLLING A MUMMY. Details r An Inlorntlnc Kxtilbltloa Which tin Wltnrsned la London. A large and distinguished eompanv of Englishmen assembled in the botani cal theater of Unitcrsity College, Ion don, recently, to witness the unrolling of a mummy from Uper Egypt. This mummy, the London liinr.t avs, "has j for about a half centnry occupied a ; place in the college museum, but it is j not known how it came into the posses- ai.it it 1 Iia will Imrit it.l It B'4d Ml h.mrtti decided to unroll it. and Mr. l' A. Wallis Budge. XL A. of the British Museum, was requested to undertake the task. "The mummy was placed on a table on the floor of the theater and loosely covered w ith a cloth of hue linen of a faded purple color, which had formerly constituted its outer wrapping. Before proceeding to perform the ojeration of unrolling the mummy Mr. Budge made some prefatory observations ou Egyp tian mummies generally. He described the principal methods of preserving the human ImmIv by mummification aa three in numler. The lirst process required that l. e intestines should be extracted and embalmed in four pots dedicated to four gods. 'he body was then soaked in natron for seventy days. At the end of that time it was washed and then carefully bandaged in hundreds of yards of linen. By the second process the intestines were simply dissolved out by means of natron and then mum mi lied. By the third process the body was merely salted and put into a piu Sometimes bitumen was used with other substances to fill the cavity in the body after the intestines had been removeiL At the conclusion of his observa tions. Mr. Budge proceeded to unroll the mummy, which wad closely swathed in scores ol yards of thick, "yellowish linen of tine texture. The Lands of lineu varied in width from four or five inches to about a fooL Some of theni were laid lengthwise along the liody, others were w rapped round and round it. At the beginning of the process of . unrolling there was a very perceptible sickly frtueli of aromatics. which, as the work went on, gave place to a more pronounced and decidedly disagreeable odor. When a great part of the linen had been remoted. black stains, caused bv the bitumen, became apparent, and I nearer to the foody the w rappiugs had 1 ., , - . , . ' ' . : . - , suuered considerably from contact with : this substance. Two smail pieces of liueu with fringes were discovered in j the course of the unrolling, and these ; bore inscriptions more or less impaired . by the bitumen. "When at last the coverings had j been removed the body was found to ! be of a very dark brown color so tlark, j indeed, as to be almost black. The i skin, where it remained, was hart! and j shiny, the arms and hands lay length j wise" upon the abdomen.w bile the heart j and intestines were placed beneath the i knees. The features when disclosed ! stood out very clearly aud were those I of a very handsome person, but the ses I could not be determined. Glass ej-es ' had been placed in the bead and there ; was a liueu plug in the ear. Mr. 5 Budge, at the conclusion of his task. I said that the mummy seemed to belong ' to a period about "800 years before ; Christ. It was filled with bitumen, ; and nearly all the flesh was destroyed I in consequence. Tarts of the skin re ' mained upon the breast and the bones s were still in fairly good condition. The j intestiues, instead of being put in pots. I as they usually were in the case of per j sons of high birth, were placed beneath ; the legs. "The persons conld not have been of : very great importance because there : was neither scarabtetis nor riug upon the finger. The incision on the left side was still found, and was one of the ; most interesting features iu the mum- mv. The jiersou appeared to have been ' ca'tled Bek-Ruh or Bek-Rauef. The ! only inscription decipherable was the ; Dame of Osiris, folded over the part of ' the stomach dedicated to that god, aud ; a prayer for the heart of the deceased. ; There was another piece of linen bear- j ing the date, but the year has been 1 obliterated by the bitumen. From the qual.ty of the linen, its fineness of text- ure, and Hit. fringes to the inscriptions s the mummy must belong to the best " period of Theban mummifying, prola j bly the nineteenth dynasty. The in i scriptions were written in the hierog ' lyphics. The mummy was about live ; feet three inches iu height.and was that i of an Egyptian, probably one of the : class corresponding to the lower middle class of modern times. The body will ; undergo further examination by scien ; tilie experts." An Kxile in Japan. j We were joined at table by a foreign J gentleman with high cheek-lxmes, yel low face, and slanting eyes.and dressed in the latest European fashion with high collar, four-in-hand scarf, and pointed shoes. He was very courteous, and managed what little English he used as skillfully as he dresses. And he gave me a touch of the far East in j the story of his being here; for he is j under a cloud, an amiable exile whose return to ms native lanu might involve his being boiled in oil. or other ingeni ; ous form of death. For well aa he j figured at luncheon with us. I hear that he has been obliged to leave because of j his having poisoned too many of his ' Kl,est: ue day at table, former enemies oi nis, and Decause ol his having despatched with the sword those whose diger-lion had resitei his efforts at conciliation. However this may be, his extradition is demauded; to which he objects and invokes Western ideas of civilization, and protests that his excesses have been merely political. John La Farge. in The Century. A Dress Grievance. Queen Victoria's ladies-in-waiting are beginning to murmur about a griev ance. They only receive 300. and are expected to appear ia new costume at every dinner. The maids aie com pelled to trim up theii old gowns in all possible ways for the queeu has an eagle eye for old dresses aud hate them A howling swell The boil on a mall boy's neck. EXPERIENCED COUNTY CAHYASEHS To make a success when they have under taken the sale of CUT THIS OUT and re turn to. ns with 10 vents and receive ten famou-n that will make you more ttioner in a week than anything ever oflVretf. Something, new, durable and profitable. Send at once to Nohtii wFSTt KX St I n.v Co., So. 3.'5 First Street, Portland, Oregon. nrn . n in 1 1 fl ArtirnirTTTrrr V I 1 I? I III 1 HI IV I I IV III -Manufacturers of iPiinters' Rollers, I -:- and :- ROllsI QlipiliGH. ! PADDING CEMENT ETC. Roller Casting a Specialty. 1 107 Fourth St, East Portland, Or. A BOY'3 EYES. What They S and How They Sjy Oat fteanon ftr ft- The hoy of whom I w rite is never at a loss to find something to o!serre. says Fttre-st and Slrenm. Last year a heavy shower caught him while 1m was fishing. From his retreat he kept his eye out to see whatever there was to he seen, aud shortly ob-iervetl the dragon flies, great anil little, settling in the brook grass for shelter from the rain. Before the shower was fairly over he saw the cedar birds come and drive the dragon flies from their covert, hunting them do-n in all their lace winged finery. The great three-inch dragon flies, jwinted with black and yellow, were too strong for the birds but the little slender fellows done up in fancy colors brown, green, bine, and dusky became meat fur the hunt ers. This falL when paddling up Cancora gouiac stream, we saw ced.ir birds sit ting ont on the rush beds near the mid dle of the stream. This was just after a shower. Had they been catching dragon flies? The boy was not there to tell ns. Some time ago I remonstrated with him for throwing stones at a kingbird, but I was told "that he was doing it only to please the bird. True enough it did please the bird. From his perch on a high tree the kingbird euiealatevl the curve of each stone, chattering his defiance as the missiie whizzed by. ris ing a few feet when he saw that it came too near, ouly to settle again ia the same place. As it amused both bird and boy I al lowed it to continue, and for several days the kingbird returned daily to eu joy the sport. One could not be even the best of boys and not sometimes enjoy hector ing other creatures but frequently the most distress is caused by the most in nocent intentions. The boy is always bringing home chippies" "and yontig robins leaving the distracted parents to mourn until their offspring is re turned. One poor song sparrow doubt less denounced him as a murderer be cause he choked one of her yeliow- motitheu nestlings by feeding it straw berries against her expressed wishes although the jury impaneled on the case gave in an acquittal. Once I knew him to catch in his bands a full-grown yearling common tern, perfectly able to" fir. i rom baby hood this boy's ery has "leen for T?iim sin live to play wiv." No matter what the creature was a dog. a kitten (any stray kitten was treated by him like a priucess in disguise) a bird, a young mouse, or even a toad. The Algerian Women. In Algeria every girl born of native parents is tattooed on her forehead be tween the eyebrows and just on the root of the nose, with a cross formed of several straight lines of small stara running close together. These tattoo marks are a dark blue color. Algerian women are also considerably tattooed on the back of their hands their fore arms and chests, as well as on their shoulders their wri.sts Leing especially adorned with drawings representiug bracelets and flowers strung together. As a rule, women are the operators and it is principally on children be--tween the ages of 7 and 8 that they have to exercise their art. They use sometimes a needle, font more frequent ly a Barbary fig-tree thorn. They em ploy kohl as a coloring substance. It is a kind of fine powder made fron sulphur of antimony, which is also in great request by the Algerian women for the purpose, of face-painting. Health Hints. Don't shake a hornets' nest to see if any of the family are at home. "Don't try to take the right from an express train at a crossing. of way railway Don't go near a draft. If a draft comes towards you. run away. A sight draft is the most dangerous. Don't blow in the gun your grand father carried in the war "of lSli. It is more dangerous now than it was then. Don't hold a wasp by the other end while you thaw it out" in front of a stove to see if it is alive. It is generally alive. Don'i try to persnade a bnll dbg give up a yard of which he is ia pc session. 1'ossession to a bull dog is t points of the law. Don't go to bed with vour boots on. This is one of the most unhealthy practices that a man. especially a mar ried man, can be addicted to. Texas SijXinys. Paper and Steel Car-Wheels. Talking with a well-known railroad man recently he told me that the papei car-wheel "must go." and is going as fast as possible. He characterized it as a "Puiimau fad" which never had anything like as much to recommend it as was claimed. The future car-whee , will be steel-tired, as are the locC drivers, the central portiou iron yore. The tires wiil be run until they show signs of becoming grooved, when they will be planed to evenness again, as in the case of their larger congeners, f Another interesting thing about car- wheels (of course, those used in the ; passenger service only are referred to) is that the No. 5. or big wheel unc r the Pullmans and Wagners is to replaced by the No. 8, or smaller ?i -; Various reasons are given fo'"-. . change, greater safety and & ' sistance to wear and tear bein. - T cipai ones. St. FaiU Fioaet 2 t t 'me 9