f 1 v Lebanon Express. FRIDAY . JUNK 20, t8!K. EYES AND EARS! Ko itkbrstlon nt Soln UIu. Anroit SprinjnT ! I'tiHilitijr a lnrn. At via Mark went to Cotinrirfuiulrty. ClvirWy" proud f his base 'mil ..'Mils." New parts. nirlynls evrry i1;iy in t!wsi Civile Knnpp was in Itlmiton M on tay last. Who mvs "Hackleman's kkls" vtxn't play Imll? Tt lixl;s vrry much liko mill. Thorp, tt did rain. " ; iunrnnt-pil madiiiic oils nt Crusn & Monzics'. Mrs J. A. Bonn) la visiting friends in Junction city. Scrrr-n doors and windows at Ctu n A Meir.h's'. JinJjre Miller wants to know how much wis us got. Mr. and Mrs. Holt are visiting rela tives iu llarrisburg. Strawterriis have given plaeo to cherries in this section. W. T. Cochran rf Brownsville wa? on our streets Wednesday. "All roads lead to Borne" said the ancients ditto of Lebanon. J. R. Kirkptriek took a car load of horses to Portland this week. J. Wavsom has recovered from his lute illness and is srouiid nyiin. 13. W. Wheetler has all kinds of lumber at his saw mill in Lebanon. Win. Brimley started to the Cnla looia and Blue River mines Monday. The "C. C. If." base ball club stood bravely before WiK'Ox's camera Friday. V. A. Milhr and J. II. Ki-.kpatriek went to Portland Wednesday morning. Ascent Hearn and wif were nnm-liert-j with the excursionists toCoburar. My! did yon sh that ivrvtty silver cornet that Willis Calder got last week? Henry Parrish !s hauling lumber f ir new lar; lie will also build a dwell ing soon. Be it known that Podaville will not celebrate. Everylnx'y is coui'ng to Lebanon. Do you hear the tramn of the mull tude eon l ig to the Fourth of July celebration. Miss Bellroie Kirk pat riek lias strain entered the art studioof Prof. A.LeRoy at Brownsville, W. P. Kirk, pre-ident of E. W. M. Co., tells tis that he wants no more wool at present. For sale, n penile new milch eow, iix years old. with heifer calf. Apply to A. R. Ansorge. IlcmemVr you n tret a hot or cold bath any day itt the week at I. R. Bo-J rum a barber shop. Dr. DnekPtt and T. C. Ptehler have laid a new walk in front of their prop erty on Park street. Rheumatism downed Charley Mon tague this wet-k. We hope to eee him around again soon. The machine shop ha3 a gond deal of work ahead. This way with your crippled machinery. A. Did9 boueht a lot in ft suburb of Lebanon caiitnl Kansas City, this week, J for which he paid ?2)t). j Mr. Eastliam bought two lots in I Kirkpatriek's seooad addition this week and will build soon. Mr. Smith, one of Tailnian's worthy i citizens and business men, was over to our town a few days since. Jared Michael, formerly a e3tizen of Brownsville precinct, but now of La Ccnib, was in town this week. Say, the bridge across the Santam at this place is iu a damreftnis condi tion. What are you going to do? Pennovcr is elected and I must have I mv monev. i -lT! 1 ftf l- T". I . ;1 1 .- .-II I"! i at once. E. Goan Rosd Supervisor Blodgettis building some eood bridsres in his district. We hope h 13 fifjurhig on a second terra. John's wife has been vis5tin? only three weeks, and yet he has a face oh long enough to eat oats out of a churn. Miss Lottie Rose, whom suspicion points out as the cause of the Auns paugh tragedy, went to Portland Satur day. J. M. Jsiehols, the Plainview merch ant, w-as with the excursionists Sun day, but he doesn't know that we saw him. Mrs. Buckley and Mias Miller of Sc io bought twenty acres of land in the suburbs recently and intend to build on it. The Academy grounds are now en closed with a new fence. It is the in tention of the trustees to repaint the building. Mr. arner, who recently embarked ; in tne upnoisier and furniture trade in Brownsville, visited our town Fri day last. J. G. Gross and two daughters, from Waterloo, called at our office lately. They left a jug with us. No snakes in our boots. The American eagle at the bead of j our Fourth of July coulmn is not an imported bird, he is Ame-iean bred j and born. I Misses Clara and Irene Ansorge, of Shelton, Washinton, are visiting t heir parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ansorge, at Waterloo. We inadvertently carried away with tts last week an interesting communi cation from Waterloo. We promise to do bo no more. Glow worms are entirely too numer ous for the public safety. A third at tempt was made to burn Scio last Thursday night. Why pay 10 per cent, interest when you can get a loan at 8 per cent, from j. M. Somcrs, ofiice with F. M. Miller, Lebanon, Oregon. D. W. Hardin has burned a kiln of good brick and admonishes the people to build flues and basements while the brick lasts. See ad. The C. C. Haekleman base ball club of Lebanon and the Juveniles of Albany did not play Tuesday. Perhaps you can guess the reason. The peonle of Brownsville have jaws resembling a pair of passive bagpipes. We mean no disrespect to our neighbors they have the mumps. Rev. Mcllroy will hold services in the Academy chapel at two o'clock .-Saturday and also on Sunday at the game place. Come, everybody. The dentle rains lust now 1if il. The when and oats hoein to fill. The poMen eges roll info tho till. And every man can mrclv pay hi hill If where there Is a way there is only a will. Samples of small fruits s'?nt to Cali fornia from this state have turned the eyes of a few fruit growers in the di rection of the best state in the union. Since work has begun on the paper mill, skepticism has lcen set at defiance and we presume that everybody is now ;'-isQed that we will have a paper mill. L. C. Bice, who lives In the vicinity of Liu'ouib, telU us that a recent bht In the eoul mine at that place revealed a vein of good coal three feet in thick m ss. Parties knowing themsclvoo Indebted to t'rusoil A Menii''H since ISSil, please : call and S'ttle, as all of our old accounts will soon bo put In tho hands of a col lector. Dr. Barker, Ben Barker ami some Kaxfern men went up t be Slant hnu lust 1'Yida.v and returneil Miimtny. We t!spvet they are on the heels of sonie lliing rl;:h. Br. B'oth and faniily. of Altona, towa, have located in Lebanon. The dwtor is a graduate of the lown State University and the Bellvue Medical CotU jre, . Y. . Bo not trout new-comers aslntruders, but treat them as men, who, like vour self are in search of an honest subsist ence and believe this ta bo the best place to earn it A card from Rev. Hsinleiter, who re ccn.ly v'sibsl Rev. J. M. Price at the asylum, states that he Is no better and that very slight hopes are entertained for his recovery. Peterson & Wallace have done a good business in real estate this week. We si iv told that they sold some line farm hisr land to some li.Tiiiuiis rewntly from Milwaukee. We not ieed a fewLehanon men aboard the excursion train to Cohurg. John Bonaea fjot ol" the train at Browns ville Ion enough to stretch ami shake the foitls out of his coat. Buildings spring up lxtviH?n tw suns in this town. W e left Saturday and returned Monday to find that a met.t market liad In en erected mean while on Shei man street. Thf Lebanon cheese factory, owned anil operated by L. R. t'beadle, is no trUing industry. Mr. Cheadle owns forty cows which make the milk supply practically inexhaustible. The jjooil min this week did a prosit deal of harm. Items penned early in the week, bewailing the dry weather, were not readable, and our copy had a horrible, mutilated appearance. A large force of men filed out toward tho Hour mill Wednesday morning. If you think no work is heimj done on the paper mill, walk to the end f Main street and open yvureyes. The rains Hi is week eausml a squirm ing in our potato patch; the little potatoes were nil crowded out by the larger ones. Such wldi spread spoli ation is rarely seen in so short a time. R. W. Moses visited Lebanon for the first time Friday. Mr. Mioses attended the dru i-.'its' convention in Portland and stopped at lA-tmtmn to see his nephews and get a copy of the Kx- TKESS. The drsma bv the Lebanon Cornet Band wes a suroiisj to evewbodv. Tho boys don't play like amateur , do they? Do it rTibi and we will guarantee a io'l hojse and a hat full of shekels. Me Kan lass trouoe playel to a full house in Lebanon Thursday. Prof. McKmlass will vis:l our town on the Fourth, at which lime he will give us an exhibition of his wo.idtnul musi cal powers. Work was begun on the new school house tliis week. The bui'tliiiK will In? 70x;)i, two stories hsh, with an ei'-ht-fxit triek Iwement. We a'e told that it will be the t'ue-t sctiool bui'd'ng in the county. The latest prcpoi't'ou by the stock holders in Chevt'le Ditch Co. is to take the water Von the r'ver at Wareloo. In the event til's is done the duch will ie six miles !oi" instead of four, as at first contemplated. V. wish s.-mi. nn en-ibl ho r mml in introduce ol.l pioneers to the scores of strangers who (h-onir our streets Thev an ve-y mw h in the condition of s-aogrs in a strang la id. And -h tbey come. Walk down the county road three huiiM'-'nl yard and examine the new l.i d ie which Sunervisor Biodwit has ju-t b'.rit. It is a good one; but don't vote for him next line c-r you will have a sfti'eiiieat to make. For fw-'ine tbne we have leen exreet ig Sw'et Home to take a 1huu. and it now seeai likely that our exeiaiiotss 9 e t Iw re;i'.'-.ed. 3Iei! w ho have an j ':'! into the future are i-ivesting 'win Iti'e iilase. HI lil.S J. A. Varney, stv-te inspector of fm't p-tsts, is an en:mologist of no mean ability.- He paid Lebanon a visit Sat urday for the avowed purpose of in sjveetinur fruit pests anil suggesting means for their extermination. Bert Wight wps drivintr the sprink 'er down ti&in strtet last Fridav even mtt, when the team took friglit and started on the run. However, liert brought them to a halt near the rcsi ider.ee of II. C. Klepper. 2so damage. C C. Hacklemai bought a bi stock of g.ois in Poiland this wvk. Chat ley sr ys Poriland 13 growing, but uot so rapidly rs Lebanon. C..U some time aisd spend the week walk ing arou id llaekleman'a boots and shoes. Mis. P. E. Reed p-r-scnied this office with a boquet that is rich hi color and fra jianc?. Mrs. Reed has rare taste for the beautiful in natine, which is displryed in a yard ail 1 of flowers and ornamental februboctv. Aiu'u we saw thank you Walton, Wiley & Co. have re-en-foreed the working capacity of their planer by the addition of new ma chinery. More machinery is on the road and when it is all planted they wili be prepared to turn out all kinds of lumber in first-class style. Mr. Millard, a thorough mill man, late of California, has gone into the planer withWaltonJiv Wik -, and their patrons may expect first-class work. We keep on hand a full assortment of dressed luml-erof eyeiy description. We arc prepared to turn out all kinds of wood work. A lank, lean, cadaverous, individual took dinner at the Exchange this week and departed without paying a cent. You see it was this way: The meal he got was so good ami the quantity wras so large that it disfigured him be yond recognition. If you are hungry you see the point. J. A. Lamberson informs us that he bought and shipped thirty-four tons of chitem bark. This now industry has given employment to scores of people and scattered hundreds of dollars through the country. "Verily the hand of the diligent mak th rich." We visited the band hall this week to note the improvements which have been recently made. The building has been repainted inside and looks, well in its new dress. Benches have been replaced with chairs and the stage is adorned with lieautiful scenic curtains. Dr. Hope is just) v proud of his build ing. It has been suggested by someone Mith an eye to buslnes, that ihe town or a company of men buy the public school building and convert it into an opera house. Since the building can be bought cheap we incline to the be lief tnat it would be a paying invest ment. The annual conference of the M. E. church, South, will convene in Leba non August 20, Bishop Fitzgerald presiding. It is expected that thirty five ministers will tie present at this annual conclave. There doubtless will be a large gathering ot the laity on that occasion, all of whom will lie en tertained by its hospitable a class of people as can be found anywhere. The new bridge, a sixty foot span,! which Mas recently built across the ctinal at this place,' parted under Hit; weight of an ox team, precipitating threu yoke of oxen to the bottom of the stream, n distance of perhaps twenty-llvo feet. The water ut this point beiinr several feet deep It was with dillicuHy that sonic of the oxen escaped drowning. Oat ins alls fast becoming n neces sary art iele .f diet. Since it wa- lli-sl manufactured it has been to a law ex tent the product of eastern mills; but our people have learned that the Im portation of oils to a state that surpasses all otherstntes In the yield of this cereal is not profitable. There Is some talk of building an oat meal mill In Lebanon. In t the work go on. J. R. Thompson, one of the staunch farmers m ar Talhnan, called Monday ami gave us the following items: Rev. Carpus Sperry M ill preach the funeral sermon of James Storev and Mrs. Eva Mills at the Oak I'reek Bapt 1st church on the Hah Sunday of this month. Miss Ellen Thompson came up from Salem and spent Sunday with her parents.. Mrs Lyin- of Uoldendale, is visiting relatives and friends In and about Talhnan. The drama "Xevnda," or "The Lost Mine." was played by the I'hanon Cornet Band t a large and apprei-intlve audience Wednesday night. There is some t.lk of going to Brownsville, and If they go we lcspeak for them a good house. Considering the short drill which they have had, both ladies ind genttemeu play well. We hoto this will nt be the last appearance on the state ofn company w hose Initial play uivt wilh round after round of applause. Montague must 1 preparing for a boom, judging by the war he Is stock ing up his Mammoth and One-Price (,'ash Stores. By purchasing his goods in such large quantities he naturally gets much lower prices. He iruaran toos pood troods In all the departments of his extensive establishments nt priivs that absolutely astonish other merchants in the valley, some of them sroimj so far as to my that. Montague retails his poods as low as they buy them at wholesale. The careful buyer Invariably goes to Montague's. Several months nrro, Mr. Henry Plummer, of Clements, Cal., who is subji ct to cramps, was taken with a se vere attack. He had been accustomc d to get relief by dosing with morphine, hut the disagreeable etteetthat fol lowed would make him miserable for hours after tln cramp had been relieved. I persuaded him to try ChamtH-rlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He was mui h pleased with it, as its ef fect was almost Instantaneous, and no disagreeable after etlects accompanied its use. ('HAS. llAMKRT, Mam jrer, Farmers' Trade Union, Clements, Cal. For sale by M. A. Miller. Mirscs Lulu, Ida and Lelia West f: 11 had a rather serious runawav accident last Friday evening. They weie dilv insr out to SKlaville, and were just going down the hill Into that town when they nut the stace. They were driving at a pretty rapid rate, aiul the road bring rather narrow, their horse quickly veered to one side and ran over a log, lipping the buggy over onto the occupants. The horse the.i tun a short distance, but the ycung ladies were not injured, which was very for tunate, as it was a narrow escape. The buvrgy had to have a new top and other rejia'rs made. Frank O'JCeil, who has spent several mouths in the East inspecting and purchasing machinery for the pper mill, returned Sat unlay. Mr. O'Neil has bought nothing "but the best machinery, has entplr-ed the fon nost architect of the country to draft the structure, and says there will not be a better straw paper mill, and but one as pond, in the I 'lilted States. Thne car load of machinery are on th road, and four car lo:tds will arrive almut the first of OctoU r. The main building will I e 120x!)fcet. Twortherstru-iures huge in their proportions will also be built. He will probably employ o0 men the cojnlng week. It is expected that the mill will be iu operation by Decem ber 1st. An Or,r Soi.pikis's Story: In the late war I was a soldier in the First Maryland Volunteers, Company O. During my term of servb-e 1 contracted chronic diarrhoea, since then I have used a gent amount of medicine, but when I found any that would give me relief they would injure my stomach, until Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Ramody was brought to my notice. I used it and will say it is theonly remedy that gave permanent relit f and no bad results follow. 1 take pleasure in recommending tins preparation to all of my old comrades, who, while giving their services to their country, contracted this dreadful disease as I did, from eating unwhole some and uncooked food. Vours truly, A. E. Bk.vpino, Halsev, Ore. For sale by M. A. Miller. ltASKBALL. The C C. Haekleman club of Leba non and the Juveniles of Albany played the first game of a series of three games at tips place last Saturday. Following is the result: jrVKNILKS. Washluirii Ft- her Irvine ... Mi-"nili-ter Veal Fimll FM.. r. H NU-ktTMHl Is OX O. B. c. c. H. . o s Kl-mr... 2 a .. 2 3 r.ikmx. W 3 3 Mrtl-M'lle?- 3 i Hl i.-r 3 kl.-!.m..., J S -lilllitUil. 5 stciih 1 r.ikini, G. 1 llrtBlj ... s ... s 6 ... 1 ... 6 ... 4 27 'J6. 1 2 S ... 2 r 2 ...u i o R 9 r. c. H Juveniles. 027 C LIS most SANTIAM. bANTiAM, June 11, 1800. Errat'S. o he (nl fo'i-s of LetMtnon: nt'eate amo'i ihe Stinair We have hait 'o rv.Vesh'us: ED1TO-S l.KBANO I h!i fa e well . thou: t I wm4 Ii'l'sAjra w'"le. tshowetf oTuHi he ws-t week. All ia'r-e ii gay a.ni our hea la a e M-ht ni t hi'.wnie. I have Wii iu ibc wnrnftoli nii'l Lei 's rmo'13 the uiy ; f"s o" w'Hl lUiwr -s have ra heivl llie flowe r.-.-. 'I't-iift1 ihe wi'u it?s. bl.ipkl rryini w vll yosiM lie hee t'.i'ii t'nr ytxi itr folk tv'll he r-oi '5 a bliokl.n-.'(r a'ni I'ave nlentv of fua I ;. I ilon 1 I-.vv ol any.l'iiift '.)al ohI1 ne ''.e' iO up e iHffe. liii'es '.e yo'.-ipr men m Voe , mw' of ln,ixien.i")f trink w,i'h m?e-em ae. I'te Phi's anl lik '-'"e i(i(t!. Wee have i.w yp .jih .he mml stam'ea o le me. in eve v . e of wont inl not -are'sh their mie;KHXt h- l.iV;;, o.- hv liefiu a,yihi.i(f th.H m'-.-.i, b eei:'eaa.,t "x-l'ec.io"s 'a" yea to co-re? T"-aip, Immn, . gr.t, tohe diuafcanl'g doom. Out o-'a Vvho(l in' tf ami r(r. Over thotlioirjiii of love ajd home. I'11-t .he ehi'.'k Oi a in''tr' prayer; (ii)i' a'ti swift 10 a inindta-d's cr -ue. Over ihe olea of wife anl chU!, Ov-r the hr.li.-st .Its of ... neaMn Oe-hmneit icul s.ml grone wil.l. CEUAU FLAT ITEMS. G.i .'eos have hee.i imich Smprovct 'a this vi-c- ' y by Jie ;ece.i.' ra;j. Ale Li-itl'ev. - he henl ear,ister at nowrioi? Hros . raw m: .L paid Cetlur Fiat a 3io;-t viit on Sfiad.iy 1 is. The (;' Kt r.inl is now at t. best, and ' t'.tc we:i.!ie coiii'nees .avorahie for a few weeks te Mi'ojle 1ij!jo '-lCa-ia 'a will vjon be a ii:n of the a: :. Ii'ai'kwics Intve been sl'phtly liijri-'l by the la;o iniKij); bal e ioa;r".i reinaiu to cxtile ihe wil.lesi l eiMiis of tiie Ucr.y-oieker. Ashore iime n-o .lie resiiUnee of Ed Crosby nairo!y oet'perl beinir rtest i.ye.l by lire. I Rness "Ki:'' w ill be more can. ions about herring brush in the dry H'..t)it, heituiuer. The frei';M we-,ons known r.s "T.y Weekly" and "Weekly lioai's e." ii.i in their aj.ea. r.iire oees-onal'y ai '.tit Souili G-Y.tie for thinjjles. Co;je asai'i, "I.Sfie ' ami Ned. William AUpbi'.ie is s.ill engineer at V-nHra' fihi'.i'r'.e mill, lii" ' .akes to Lin work ao he does to the best Havana ciR.-ir. Isaac Eanie, of the Kxehanire hotirl at lAfhanon, j;Od u a visit h'st week. It is his first a pj eaip nee at t'eonrF'at in live yenrs. lie is the siime "Ike," and coxs a thoimli be would enjoy a bear hunt .ully as well a-i In loruter days. Kaoi.s-EvKQ Zkxe. Money to loan at 8 per cent, interest, on long time, in sums of $51)0 00 and upward. Inquire of John M. So:ncrs, Lebanon, Oregon. THAT RAILHOAD. l.t-hnntin Klatil 0-r Itic I'roapprt of A not In-r Stnixlartl-On tiitv Itoa.l. I A meethisfof the representative busi ness men of this place was held lust Friday evening. The meeting wits or ganized by tho flection of J)r. Foley as cliiiiiutun and Judge Miller ei-cretary. J Sufficient 1 11 format Ion was gleaned from various Miiircea (o jusiify the l; lief that theOregoulan Uailway would be built through Lelmnon upon a proper presentation of facts and llir ures. With this cud iu view, u com mittee of three, F. M. Miller, J. It. Kirkputilck and M. A. Miller were appointed to apprise the officials or the S. IMt.lt. Co. or the interest which ur people imtnlfest In the matter and of their anxiety to Ik- on tho main line, i Messrs. Miller and Kirkpatrick went to Portland and had a conference with Manager Kochlcr. They sub-' milled u lett r in support of the people's ishe us follows: 'We assure you that the distance will be shortened four miU by making said clritige In the route f the ml I road; that Lebanon is a thriving and prosperous town and that we, hi conjunction with citizens of lA-banon, .will aid 3-oti in securing the rip lit or way of the rout I from Scio to Lebanon ami from there to ltrownsvilli", and ho far as Is Iu our power we will endeavor to liiivo ttaid light of way obtained without cost lo you; that the mule set forth in this petition Is a nat ural route of a railroad and so located originally; that a proper place fort-rims) up: I lie raiitium by bridire Is at Lebanon instead of ut the present place, ami as proof of this fact they cite that the county bridge across the Sauliain at Lelsmou hasKbsnl the past 111 years. We nmst ctinlially Invite you to visit Lebanon and examine in jn-r f the matter set forth l:i this peti llou." For yenis the matter of building a rai!roal through L-.-baiion was dis cussed, but all proceeding were balked and matters came suddenly to a halt when the narrow gaue was located four miles west cf tow 11. The present narrow pauio has now ix-en in oK-ratlon a number of years, and with what profit evt rybody knows. Ilt'M-Htei fit sht ts, which have at dif ferent times swept away miles of track, and in some Instances bridtres, and en taUiii! heavy losses, have Inutrht the impractinibility of tliat route and the instability of bridges as at present lo cated. The slluht diffl-reiicv in the cost of the two lines will lie more than com- K'iiss!ted by a shorter route, nigU ground, permanent bridge sites, and additional trafile. These are ft few of the advantages offered by the new route. FROM Itl F I11ATT. Kitsos Sritisca, June J5. Euitob t-KBASos Fxi-rhw: I- f arter. Ru.T Itia't au.l Ma.:er Willie Ponaro ".ell ll'n oil the cTriil.iR of tlic 7ih of June eii'iMwU ut h etvrv-hl'tpt !u '.e way oT fixhii7 Im-kle nl Whsc'.ie.-r.i for rami'.o? nrnt tiuat iin; s'avm oil Uie heaiitra.en r .he W'lam-I.e. nut alo to !m c li..le )n .he Ki.wn hot Mri:ta. The first ir.y crvr) .Mas; moved nioiss very muoo,My a;il we mivl-' tl'e eros:r5 of ihe Mo Ketizle river at CotnuTf, w l-.li-h U a lovely camming rlitf-.-. Master Willie eiii;hl a liiv- rtit ft I n nk.'sM :i:e thi- !-nt helo. an.l I'arktr a.Tal'se.l tile rjuup f..r (lie tii ;o-. in ...v i-.h ..' to hnTe .he rxr-e; ient of rt'nih'-v wri it.-i t. hartr .akt-n whn. tnrni as ,.,- M.i'inry rtn r, w:t::.i is .lie rou ;!.-s i.vl I e-r .niiflr-l: hot e mail.- L, Ijciu. y hinij., .'II hi the ui-eroisio, wteu we ! nl a j'e'-.k.-own, w th uiai-e ;'!: iik a li..ie nukjr, be'.i fo. "yiii'ie: om l.ie.ntsoi inkers, but we tnaie roiR- a.snei' a!t jn:rr"-e vlll we foeou a .'-ker, w 10 isik an old ;i...m-,1h, e.Oetl It oj. ami made h- IneaLi all .t ii , a.nl ue wee. im our way n.ju'riii. 0.1 ;-e S.h'we lan.l.-st at he faiRotm hot k- whir.t rn .,ea.e.l o. Sw i.t ererk. ar5 a.e ..is- o the l'oe:H 1m -t i,'.--s n ,.e c-n.i e' -.. 1 o m-is-j e e fa. I'JI. I.i iotir fin-, of .be UvU Hrrn h e i an iw-)H soi'i.-.. w.'I-! uuikk- it a ci; thl iiv 't i.f I.. e. t 's aS.avery ;.i:-n'; i 'hi e i linty t: ; ,tC:'s ,ioe.;.! :. 1 : t Ui't r ioe it'e'-'s in.-, w a eoit'i'ir e v, tt k I J ihe way or a .t e.-.poa . t u. o -e v. ,ini sl? o' a inernla!. 't. f 1 on I . T.e .-".'e ln',.a! ce I-i-;iy to look a : J. -rle ei i.rts as nr .e as a '-siy,i ...w-ie ar.l .si.te -.eesail in a .M-.tik. 1-uJ i.ie I'rti.- fco:-eii a e n. a ht h.!s- a-i'J W;outi's t-.i..te .i re a.u e!a-t:t .i-eli Ih- '-i1.s. 1 xo:'i.l --ro:i.tril r;l I-1 ei- o i-e riH'Vi.i:- ic 'oute lien-; ft i t. t ;.a.e 1 o,i i.ie k'-ikst'i a roan ;r a tl e-i t'.-js. I. i j,oo.; i".t- a trie.n ".H.iv t. Iter co.t .r1.-v x'ou ra t -ee r-4.;.i-f.oiu rll -..s o' I'e t-wt i.-e.n a'n-oii. ai-ti a" t-'.is - is-ire oll v.t t-.-s. is.nle ti.i ait a.-tl ;-,... I wffl't. eo. e..'i..ren.l . .oe..e lie -e. fr :.e-ee i a I . ;e a-ee uUl'ta h v.e iae ve'so.t r!Ht U-a- ixk- . K is a Jisl -ce or nt Ins i-- -ekf-is "r eve 1 i. is t l-s wh: st!,e. f ee ln i-i " iKve t ". I e.it. evet . I'l'i a:ni. Ps - r . e '.hiVj Va.t. . ti ye.. -" !. !i: .1 o; e f ir;r,ls i't.e .--re.y. It i.s 'or.l wi n ;'.h's. mjfl h-ip n 1. i.i rvti f '1 .-c va'Vy 1 0 yor s, ttf 1.. v itioiii- j '.s. ! v-i,! j.-.. ,-i-v in t-oiM'l.-.io.i .ba;. S!r. 1'arl er. Mas. , 'jie nij.t rit--K aie .n h1.i. ei-e ti-s to. w Jl er s he l-o-s. I.t rr. H: 1 rt. IMPROMPTU On Reading "A 6odaitia Lover' Farewell." Oh tli'l Mo. Invoke the mne tr 1M he siirrly torn he .-rank? ISt1 Iu- ni.iph ui-rve an! Iiain-sn-er Wise In mkii:; verse so very blank? The f.re? expense.! In llio e lines Will Jiirvly .lo ai'l as t-ttteh shkI, As if lie'.! l.iki n .to-; 11 liis saw Ar.l !:ve!! thereivHh a eortl ef n-ood. Or ti! he nrl'i f.H- trlori.-vs fttrne. 0".li'! 1-e write f!r ..li.l w.-mI.Ii. Kow he h 1 ui-iV Uli wei'th awl name He'd Iw.ter take eare of bis heullli. M". ake eare. siieh bra'ri" a rnrn Will not en-line thisroM wniM b.ni;; I" vmi iloa't Iry iim- tnie fail It eitres ou U sink ex-lin i!i your ius. Take It lleO.re Urrikfant. The xrreat appetizer, tonie anl liver n-prulator. In tise for mortj than 5tl years l:t K:iKl.md. Posi tive pe.'ifle for liver smj!ni!it. Iia-l tuste tn the m'Miih 011 nrt-it"? in the iimnilne. tlnll pa!n in Ihe hea-1 nnl hack of the eyes, tire.l leeliiie- I i 7. ziness li;j.-'i ir syiiinhms of liver eotui.lnliil. ltnise'ty It. Itenley'a Knuli-h t'anrtelloit Tonie. Hi'liftes eonsi ijitit.ii, hrtii-ns the uotfte ami tones v.p th- eitire sv.-t.-m. v-l theeMiiine from your tlroei't for Jl.ti aii.l take aeeording to tli rvelioiiTi." We wish tosay to our old customers, and also iicv cm?, that we are prepar ed to furnish well seasoned lumiM-r, made from soft mountain fir, at the following prices: Second clear yin.or ( l.'iir 1 li t'li-nrlxl 1:1 Feiu iiiK, boxini; mid timlH'rs 7.00 Atour mill in Wlrtshurg, Linn t'o., Oregon. jF.xisiNt s & Co. We guarantee our machine oils to contain no cotton Becd nor fish oiH; but pure machine oil. riu sox & Mknzies. CITY PROPERTY. I am ns'i-nt fur Real KMate in Cowan's :-: Addition TO Li:itA'. Ctoic8 Residence tU Ecsiaess Lets IN A Very Desirable Portion the City Cheap for the Next Sixty Days. Of R. S. ROBERTS. NOTICE FOI1 rUHLI CATION. Land O.Tk-e nt Oregon Ci!v, Orrjoii, June II. IX! 0. OTTCEIS HF.I5K11Y GIVEN THAT THE FOT.- low itic nnvtol Hrttli-r hiiH fllml nolico of hia iiid-iition l tnako tinal .nif in Miprt of his Wnini. n.l Hint mill prixif ill he nnulr. I.tfure llie Omiii'v Clerk of l.inu emimy, ut Albany, Oregon, on Tui'sltiy, July 2tf, lf-'f), vU: ALLISON" C. UHTF.lt, I'riM rnt.tiiin D. P. No. R0(). for the Mn 3, 4 anfl 5 ami S. K. of . W. yA of Hw. 6, T. Yi. S.. K. J F. lie names ihe following witucvos to rovc liis 'continuous resiikwe ii)ti ami culllvaiiou of Niirt lu:i'l. i.: J. W. Hi-iiop, Henry H. Vrooiu, J0I111 M. Simons, Henry K. Croby, all of lx-bmum 1. O., Linn comity. Oix'iou. J. I'.-Ari'HltoOX. imCAKEltl AIIKA1). RcetiC, Main street, Lebanon. Place, ofllce. of "8pilre lVlcrson," Time, 8 A. M. Klderly female, laboring under great mentul excitement, enters olllee and accosts "his honor :" 'Morning. Is this tho nlll-e of the 'Btpibe?" , "Yes mum." "I wish to mako a consplidut, f have have been Insulted and I demand full satisfaction, when I married hint he proml-ed to love ami proleet me, ami, and " "Hi Si-ntcd, madam, ami pi ease make a statement of the facts and I will issue the nceersiiry papers. Who has 111 treattsl you'."' "Ill-treated in -? It's n shame! I'm erudied! My rights have Ik-cii tram pled on, my feeling have been h bused, aini the brutr, tat tlnwn on my lfl Sirn tiaif honnrt! If I could onlv get my haixlson hl.-n! tij-h! unit!-I'll I'd'" ''Madam, control yourself; this Is an aggravated case; please maUc il plain statement and Justice shall Us done.'' "Plain statement, Is it? I'll tell you all itliout it, vou b-c wo were catliif,; breakfast and I remarked that If I were a man I'd voten conservative ticket ns the hijrh tat lir duties on the prohibi tion ticket was so much like free woe! that woman's rights should Iv supreme on the Hepublleuii platform mid no mocracy will never flourish until the freedom of the press Is established on the New Koiindland banks and nil sa loons should rlve pink tea parties and I want damages eiimmh to buy a new bonnet and I thoroughly understand what 1 am saying In rt-Rurd lo this bite election that it's a t-liame a lone female Iims no rights and If Susan 11. Anthony wants to join n kuse'-ull club or Mrs. 1- lullu I't ttiltone wants to run wilh the lire engine compttuy O the brute, as 1 wes tt telling yu it was a new b tlinet, and I've got as much right to my opin ion as hm " ".Ah, yes, madam, I thoroughly un derstand what you say; there's" only one way to adjust this case purchase a lot in some addition to Lebanon, which will double In value In less tlm:i a month, buy a new Imtmet, is- friends with your husband, aud 3'our troubles will end." Lnd3" takts advice, purchases lot and goes home happy. Notice. All parties knowing Ihemselvea in debted to lato firm tf Un-r Was- si;m are hereby iiotinist to tsmie for ward and settle I he same wit bin thirty days and save costs. Jts. Vas.som. EVERYBODY COME! -TO PIGNIC AT nPROG RAMM K.-s FXKP.CISF.S COMMENCE AT 10 A. M. Music by the land.. Vocal inu?ic. Iusic h the IVnul. A .dress by A. Jaok Atlam?. Music by the Band. Dinner "to 1:50 p. m. Muic by the Band. Address by Dr. J. A. Lamberson. Music. Other exercises. Music by the Band. Foot-racirg for prizes. Wheelbarrow races. Sack races, etc. Music by the Band. Cirand Ball in the evening. LADIES' : BAZAAR. MILLINERY, CORS ETS, Gloves, Hosiery, FANCY COODS, NOTIONS, Ladies' & Children's rushing- Goods. Fur- H. J. SOWER, First Street, :-: Froman Block, ALBANY, OREGON. Curiosity Shop. lOl l$A.ltGVIIVK IN Notions, : Novelties, And Gents' Famishing Goods, CIO TO A. : W. : MOSES. NOTHING LIKE IT This title of 1'oithnnl for Variety Mild l'ricc'f. LOOK IN ON US. First door south of Exchange lintel. FF VOU WISH A COOD REVOLVER irnrn k SMITH & WESSON'S arm er" nKtniinicttirfMi i ' ' ami tlm first eii.KHof all pxnrra. In uitMlire 3 ns A4 IUL HhiKio or Uoulilr Bi'tion. tinfeiy Hom iiitrlus and Taivtit miKlolft. Unit nualiir wrouulit .(..I. i-i4 r.'f u 1 1 . 1 1 w 1 ,.' L('1 UiT vKorltniiUisli'n anil Mock. Vumaled for! r,..l.t-.Iti .nl.ilit v nn.l iiiViirRrr. (. liov be .It-celvetl by chenu tnaUrabie irvn imitations olU'U aul.1 for the genuine arilrle. Tlii'T arv ilur ll il.le and duiKeroug. The Smith ft Wekdom lla volykhs ars uinil upou the barrel with linn's name, addrcfta uuUUnudof patents, and are Kitr nnleeil IHrfeiTt. Iuslst Qioa 'riavlitK theni. al.u 11 your .lealer cannot gupiify yon, an order ?tit lo cd dress tM!ow wlit receive proinijt attention. Decjlp tiv cabalo(nie and ri.-UToti anplieatiou. fc vriuiiUcS)!, AXkm. W I : A IHSTINOl ISIIKII VISITOR. John F. Miller Post of the O. A. IJ. and Itelief t'orpH were greatly cheered and encourajcd by sin unexH-cted visit ni Baturday and Suiuluy last from our beloved Mild honored lX'partiiientC'oin m uidcr, (J. m ild Variiey.of the Italic. Comhig altogether unexjMctnlIy, he was iiit so largely welcomed as he woiiltl otherwise have been, but nevcr IheieHsa jjissliy iiumlK-r of the mem-la-ix of the Post and of the Corps gath ered In the Post room on Baturday evening and gave liiui a very pleasant reception. V'e had some excellent mu-h Mrs.F. M. Miller lcinir well as sisted by Mrs. Marselles and oth-rs, Mrs. Crtmon g.'tve a very pleasant rccl tntion, shoit addresses were made by tliilerent metnU-rs of tho Post, niwl a most able and edifying address whs given bv Commander Varney. IIU lepoi't of the condition of the O. A. it. throiiKhout the department was nutt cneouragtinr, anil his earnest wonls should encourage and qtiieken us in all our work. The meeting was closed, we might say crowned, by a spread of delightful and bountiful rcfrcshuic-nla by the lashes of the Cors. The Cornet Hand, anxious to hoiw r K distill;ulshct visitor, played "Hail to tha Chief" and other patriotic piecis. Ve assuie the batnJ boys that wr appreciate their kindness, and take this occasion to thank them for their timely appearance. The next morning Comrade fiwan, our worthy Post Commander, took the (Jetieral to visit our mineral springs nt Kolavi!le and Wntcrlon, where he met Coiiirmle Montairue and made many other actpinintancts. We trust he m.-iy return soon ami cultivate a taste for mineral waters. We t-hould mention that with his honor.-d ofllee of Iv-partment Ctitn mandert.f the (I. A. It. he joins that of lusjiector of our Htate Board f Hor ticulture, in Ihe discharge of the duties if which he is niotit diligent and ef ficient. Xhe Eiprrlroce of a Conactentloaa Be man. CltlCAOo, Nov. 13. Mn. Wlsthim Dftr Sir: I leir to thank 3011 f ir the delightful and re-fr-shing " Ibilx rtlue" you o kindly sent tuc. I have used tlie toilet prepa rations of the most ce'ehrnted manu facturers of Ijondou and Paris, but con sider your " Hobertiiie' their superior In jsiiiit of rurity and excellence. Wishing you the unlsMindetl success you deserve, I remain, fuithfuHv yours, Emma Acbjtt. No flsh oil in our machine oils. Crcso.v & Mexzies. THE - LACOIB ! Ths Gelcurated French Gure, l ti rr u APHf?0DlTINEM r.-:ii:i 1L 1 Sl.O ; 4 POSITIVE GUARANTEE l f lire u t '.mi nf iH-ri .tw ?r.c;;-if. r !.jr lfH..r.i'r .f the trem-ntiiTe rr fan of ill.rr .1 - r. 1 1 .-1 ! 1 . r m r. iiii fn.ia the Ar I EH t i use of S'iinutaiit. Tolw.i o tir oi.ittm. r Itiniiigh ruirhtiil iii licr'li.n. over in-i'i!);-tli'i. A-.. fcllch US I j Kl Drain I'nirr. Wakeful. ih-. Itt-nrhi j il.itrn I'nins is ih :.-k, Seininai v.. "k". If v.j.ria. N?rYim rr.trn!i..tt 'r-tijrii- hi K.ti--.t..!i. l-jM!r;rTHr. JiaKim. W rak Mcra- r-r, I f I'riMoraticl ImtM.tmi-r. wliifh If !t?t-U'. ifi.ti IraH to trvniRitrf.).f asrafi A itisan- -ii v fi.m n 'jot. e boxt lur k.00 s. i.t i,t inaii.'ti p.-f.rrT ! T-r-rc . WIIITtKN lit A It ANTKR fm-eTcrrfSfJO mrlcr. to reininl tlio ii.n-r i( a l-rtin n l ine m m.t piTW-ir.1. Tlwnsiiiiiiii t ipMim. ai Ip.ai "I.! ail.! tbiiiik. l lnih t.x, i-riiiiici.t:--cumlbr AMrt.iTiNlt. Clrnlnr fr.. il.Mreac THE APHRO MDiG?NE CO. WISTCKM Nril. BOX 27 1'UKTLANB, OR K11 b.vM. V.3IIllei Note Airpntfor Ijbnnoii, Or. STOP AND READ. Smooth Shave and Hair-Cut. Nice Shampooing; and Spanish Lus ter Cures the Scalp of Dandruff. HOT : AND : GOLD : BATHS. ncntlemcn and ladles May Luxury- Indulge in the Nt-xt Door to ftetcrmn Wallace's Real Estate Office. 1. it. noituar. LEBANON, OKKOON. Xri. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. Land OFFiee at Oueuow City. Oimjon, 1 May 9, sj. Nol lee la hereliy jrtven that tLe follow ina-nameO (M'tllcr litis liled iiullfc of hl Intention l inaVe Mnul nroof in taiptxirt of Ills claim, an.l II1.1t raid proof be made before the comity elerk of Linn i-oiinlv, at Albany, Oregon, on Monday, Jimeo, J.s'.h, vlr: IllXUt P. DKESSOS; Honieslead Kntrv Ko. RIS, fur the N. W. i of See. '.'ft. T. 12 ioutli. L'nnpe I Knst. II" tinmen the fol!oivinj u itnee to prove 1.1. eoii'itmons residence ntnin and cultivation of sav' lund, .villi B vie to commnHni; said -ntr wil.. ra-h i-innat under Sea. iidl H. 3.: J. W. l!Wv;.. K. M. Waldeu. W. Vail and H. tJcHxlrich, ail ' Lebanon, Llaa co.it;ty. Oree'nt. IU j. X. Al i'LIlSOX. E-.sUter. BIFOSE :o:- On and after July 1st, 18'JO, I will commence selling Goods for Cash or Produce. I have conducted a business here on the credit system fur five years, and it is not satisfactory, and I propose to seil Goods for Cash or Produce, f Khali eell Goods cheaper tlian they have ever been sold before, but they must be paid for. I do not propose to keep a book-keeper to keep account of all bills, and shall make no losses from bad debts, and thereby be able to undersell all sell for cash, shall be my'plan, it. Nearly everything in the except such articles as the Douglas shoes, which must be sold at the regular prices I mean business, but no more credit business for me, thankyou. You can get goods cheap of me, but they must be paid for. Be ready for the change. And a word to all those up, as I cannot do business without mone3'. I shall give you some prices soon that will astonish you. C. C. HACKLEMAN. W. B. DONACA, -DEALER IN- GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Cigars, Tobacco, Furnishing Goods, Etc. FirstClass Goods AT REASONABLE PRICES. Country Produce Talcen in Exchange for Goods. Give Me a Trial and Be Convin KEEP ON HAND A STOCK OF Shingles, Posts, Boards and Pickets, S. P. BACH'S New Corner Storey - IS IN THE BUSINESS CENTER STILL. Tho public school The paper mill on The big planer on And the depot on Makes the Corner Store the Ikib OH OliXINTEIi OF GKAVm. IT IS A NEW STORE I CARRYING NEW GOODS. GIYES TO ALL ITS PATRONS HEW DEALS. Keep a full line of Men's and Bojs Clothing of Browns ville manufacture, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Groceries and Provisions; in fact everything necessary to keep soul and body together. . . . Nobody complains of Bach's goods or quarrels with hi 1 prices. . On or About July 1st, We Will Remove to tlie Store Now Occupied by Gr. T. Cotton. UNTIL THEN WE WILL SELL BOOTS & SHOES, CLOTHING, II-AJTSS Ac CAPS, AT GREAT REDUCTIONS. Please Call and Examine Goods &, Prices. JOHN G. REED. HANGE. my competitors. Bay and and I will not deviate from store will be reduced in price who owe me: You must pay house on thq south, the north, the east, the west, 1?