WSt Lebanon Fxmess. Wi N DLi, ADAMS ALE r Pl'lll.8tlKltK ANI ritOl'KIKTOItK. THE OTIIKIt SIDE. Tho Duke of Vclliniton i re ported to have ertid that the art of war largely constats in cortcetly ruefping Vwhat is on the other j-ude., Wrhaps ho wag thinking of the configuration of the country, or of the number and disposition of the foes concealed by the inter vening elevation, or both. In eith er sense the paying is applicable to ti e warfare of life. The marvel lous success of some business men, and the equally mysterious failure of others as honest and industrious and capable as they, depend ujxm this faculty of. correctly guessing "what is on the other side of the -v' i hill a tacttitv wwen resolves it- i . . . i i .. I T self mainly into observation and inference aided by experience. There is a large element of certain ty in the contour of "the other side i f the hill." We may east our own hoit scope, so far as it is governed by our moral character in early life, our struggles and our conflicts, our victories and defeats; but the ,great tide of uncertainty about the doings and failures, of the crowd who will jostle us in our road, j teems at a first dance somewhat i terrifyinsi. There are inanv aie j. lo good guessing testimony of friends and relatives, known heredi tary proclivities, tranifest tastes and tendencies. There is one code or indx of certainties about what is on the other side of the hill," which "we have not yet opened the steadfastness of the moral as well as the physical law. No one expects that on the ether side of a literal hill water will tiow upward, or the lar of gravitation tamely accept any insult, or light be re flected at any other angle, than the angle of incidence, or sound-waves alter their velocity of vibration, or anjv other fundamental decree be changed. Yet there are people who seem to believe that on the other side of a metaphorical hill, morals will be found entirely changed. Grapes will hang on thorns, and ligs adorn thistles. Wild oats are to be sown and the finest wheat Teaped. If on ''this side of the hill" we firmly attach ourselves to some divine law or promise, the oier ation of which will not cease in the .middle of the journey, then we know what is on the othe r side of the hill namely, the workinar out of that law, the fulfillment of that promise. It is true that the appointment, "In the sweat of thv face shalt thou eat bread," was part of the original malediction which apostasy caus-; ed to be breathed over this creation, i But it is equally true that labor! Gfxis ordinance whilst man kept unsullied his loyalty, and that it was not bound upon our race as altogether a consequence of trans gression. We may not believe that in paradise labor could ever have Teen wearisome; btrt we know that from the first labor was actually man's business. Labor is the ap pointment cf all God's creatures. In his primitive state, man was re quired to dress and till the garden. There was no curse upon the .ground; and therefore, we suppose not that it required, ere it 'would vield a produce the processes cf a -diligent . hw-b;tfedry. Man was a laborer from the beginning; God's earliest ordinance scemsto have been, that man should not be an adler. We contend that employ ment is distinctly God's institu tion for mankind, no reference whatever being made to the inno cence or guiltiness of the race. We Tnav smvoose that previously to the fall, labor, so to spc-ak, was one department of piety; and that in tilling the ground, or watching the herds, man was ps leligiously occirpied as when communing with God in-distinct acts of devotion. The great and fatal alteration which sin has introduced into lab or is, that a wide separation has been made Let ween temporal busi ness and spiritual. But we hold it of first importance to t?ach men that this separation is of their own making, and not of -Crod's appoint ing. God may as trul- be served by the husbandman whilst plough ing up the ground, and the manu facturer whilst toiling at his loom, and by the merchant whilst engag ed in his commerce, as by any of U:ese men when gathered into the solemn assembly. When God leel the eastern Magi to Christ, He led them by a star. He attacked them through the avenue of their profession. Their great employ ment was that of observing the heavenly bodies, and God sanction- ,xl their astronomy and honored their occupation. The official count for the gov ernorf the state of Oregon will MCiot he made until the state legis lature canvasses the vote the sec ond Monday in January, 1891. There is no doubt, however, about the result on the gubernatorial contest. The returns as far as they can be obtained now give Pennoyer 4,720 majority. It is an old saving that charity begins at home; tut this is no reason that it should not go abroad. ' ."A-g' n should live with the world as a citizen of the world; he may have a preference for the particular quarter or square, or even alley in which he lives, but he should have a a generous feeling for the welfare of the world. There is this difference between happiness and wisdom, that he who! thmks the happiest man , n ine evemnir ei juue ac really i; so; but he who think, t' TmZ hnrseli the wisest is generally the Hlellts eonsistinar of will rendered and fcital c&t fool Ac; Ouns iis, Linv ffKMI 1X - ! " IH'C. VC :": t'M:l itk,l, Set "! ll U.l kin if "t. ii iis v.; id' r tr.'iv, and apj.-lU- J fn:Vt nri'S-nted wit h hi end 'and mill or erushod berries and su.!ir, am' with the kindred famiea of rural pwains, who can do a good day's work and keep their linen clean, ta all a -most wretched phantasm. Pork and cabbage and dirly wrist bands are the facts. There is a plentiful crop of orators for all the nirieulturnl fairs (most of them city lawyers, hot knowing a Jersey from-a Durham) who delight in ex patiating upon the opportunity for culture .vfforded by the quiet and serenity of farm life. There is no life in the world, which, well hus banded, has not its opportunities for culture; but to say that the working farmer's life is specially favored in this respect, is the gross est kind of untruth. Long even ings forswth; nnd the orator who 1 1 i l - . I . 1 1 1 - -. , --i - - . - !1 I 1. Ill T IllQ ST V I O 1 (4 1 1 Fill 31 1 1 1 V f rji i mg oui oi nis i:eu ar eigiu in me morning; while the farmer is a-field since four. And are not these four hours to be made goul? The m in who rises at four and works hard all day, is sleepy at 9 r. M. It is not perhaps a grace ful truth, but it is a physiological one. Nothing provokes to sleep like out-door life. You may over tax the nervous system ami dodge 1 m-IU l vl a ru" U1V" ocular system must have its bal- ance oi reinise. me one voting fellow with starched shirt may re bel at this view of the ease; but let him take three hours in a bay-field o June, behind the Vevolver rake with the reins over his neck, the land being lumpy, and the colt dipping a foot- over the traces at every bout, and I think he will have a sweaty confirmation of its general truth. If you have an im proved method of farming, then in the language of the schools, "show how its done." KnOlVNRVJUK BKGFZKS. Fourth of July. At BrownsviHe. Gram! celebration. Come every ne. And bring the babies. Grand strtH't parade. Racing, running and jumping. Prizes and purses will Iks given. Interesting exercises, sjeeches and music. liisr ball at the city hall, first-class music, gd suppir, etc. "MeGinty went to the bottom ef the sea," but this celebration will be on t"t and a "bans up" affair. ' lon't hi tea it. J. M. Moyer left for Portland Mon day. C. C Stanard is visiting Albany f; lends. Hay harvest lias commenced in aome localities. John Sentrer is building an r.ddition to his dwelling. Horn. June 9, to t.e wife of G. V. Didson, a daughter. Ripe cherries have been plentiful during tl pa--t week. The E. W. J. t o. nre daily receiving large quantities of wool. .Vrs. Clyde Foster has for the past week, been extremely ill. Uncle John Dinmond, f Coburg. was on our streets Friday. Miss Viola Temple returned from Portland during the past week. The census r the- present year is now being taken by the enumerators. G. K. stanard and wife, of Albany, paid ilrownsville friends a visit on Sunday. J hn Cox, of the firm of Cos Find ley, of Orawfordsville, was in town on Saturday. The little son of I,. Harvey, who has been extnmeiy ill with lung fever, is convalescing. O. P. Coshow, Sr., on Thursday re turned home from a recent visit to Sa lem and Portland. A. P. Howe and family on ThursJav mored into their new residence ii; Haasman'a addition. E. A. Kvans has commenced the, construction of a new dwelling on lii farm one mile east of townt Hop vines are looking thrift, r.n' akmz into consideration the dry weather, making a good growt . I. V. Htarr, at the City dni store, has built up a fine trade irt the cigar line. Try one of his smokers and be happy. Mrs Susan Zemwalt, of . San Francis co, has !een visiting H. J. C. Averiil and family, also family friends in this locality. Jake Bilyeu, who is confined to his bed suffering from an attack of f-iek-n ss, was at last accounts rapidly im proving. JcIIa'gae & Gei try, at the City bakery, have a novelty which they arv d broils of showing to the public. Cail and see it. The excursion over the Oregonian rtilroadon Sunday last was well pat r nized, a large number of citizens par ticipating. Waters I?ros. have cornered groceries down to a 'line point," and are giving the best quality and largest quantity for the money. Mrs. Keeny, who received Mine painful injuries b- being thrown ironi the wag n of Jode Pearl, is again able to be on tne street. Mr?. John Ke'sey, of Harrisburg, who for the past week has been visit ins her cousin, II. J. C- Averiil, on Friday returned home. Harvey & Smith, at their brick yaid in South Brownsville, have commenc ed operations and will si on have a supply of first quality brick. The present term of the North Brow nsvi lie district school closed on Friday, the 13ch iut., with appropri ate exercises at the city hall. Mhses Ethel Lewis and Ida Furger son, of CorvaJIis, who for the past week have bet n the guests of Mrs. J. W. VVillsor, returned home Thursday. Pillsbury, at the Red Front, is giv ing immense bargains in notions, nov elties, picture frames, chronios and cutlery; he also carries a fine line of fishin'g tackle. Professor and Mrs. Garland, at the conclusion of the present term of the Brownsville academy, were, by the pupils, presented with a beautiful silv er pickle castor. Work has commenced upon the new bridge tospan the Oalapooia river. Tin old bridge timijers are being burned, preparatory to the new work, which wili be completed in about five weeks. Cooley & Co., of South Brownsvill ', have completed their windmill and tank of large capacity, which wilt furnish an atmnauee of water for irri gation. a3 in case of fire, "it3 a good scheme." James G. Clark, lyric poe t and bal- beautiful musicui compositions. Pi ter Hume, who for ihe pat worl 'las be -ii to Crawlordsv lie in the hi l.ri "(s of ih i.i so i.ln Mi'is of l iu i!c ul!i pr.iju-riy, which isU'Uiu thorough v -p-dud tui't put in running oniei for the fall Ji.'fvt'st, hi Fild iy 'return ed ho(ie t Hruwiisvill.. . tleoive Wurnienth nd ilfe on Fri 1 iv xiurteil t lie mountains t- 1 one t he entire summer montlis; ihe will vbtt uppi'i'iind lower Soda spring on the S;oitiam river, l- isli mid Chm laktM, and uls the hot springs at the head of the McKeii'.ie river. The residence of lailhcr White, In outh Brownsville, during the past week b.-trely escaped dcsiriK'tiou b iire, whii'h Ciiuaht In th.' moss upon ho "roof, presumably front filllnr sparks, mid hud gnlm-d ennslt'erabh headway U-fore It was discovered ami extinguished. The so-called MeKnnhiss Mbifrtre! Co., on WtHlip-sdar evenin-jr at tie Xoilh Brownsville Cil v irave to a very small utten binee mi tquaUi smnll ihm tormance. as reirnrds niel li mid oriirintihtv. The prosrrnnime - carried out en this oeeicimi w uld no' fivorably compare with a Ix-cr lnill. file m i f irnu nee, the ne's being old .nit threadb: rv, and the clmrire fer iid mlitanee 7 wnts an extortion of the th-st water, for a very purr show of the "oarn-stornilmr " c"ider. The strict parade and nn.s'c whs excellent am1 o istitnted the entire uttraction. Mi'isrs. PereefuM and Pln clc.v oi Fritlav returned from the Caliipi-i: ind lhu river mining distilet, when they have been on a prospecting tour having mt t with gr oil stieei ss In loen -imr a new claim, en'pplngs Ironi whlel -Vtw remrk;ible rlehni'ss of the pit c ioiis mend. The troll trading to tin Brownsville elainw rs In some pbu 8 M-H'kcd by fallinjr tiniU r. or wash I the winter, and one of the "laieUv 15v" buildings bus been crushed ey v fling tree. In pluees the snow ye' i m on the ground, but not in rtilll- etent quantities to interfere with pros pect nig or numng. On Saturday afternoon r.t the farn 'if W. T. Cochran, Ijol-i, the Symr oh dmigllttt of J. M. Howe, n'u t with son-e serious inlurios, nearly resulting.1 I"cie: tn. I ne little clrl, in iiniiitiinv f other ehllilri'ii, wns riding on a non v. from which she fell, her feet i'comhii eiitaimled ia the stirrup b-sither and he was dn'rired over the rock u'reund. ice iving some d-nnrerous o--' painful wounds, prine:pvll v on thi head. At iii-st reports tlielittlesntferi1' wns r'sting easy find hopes rre ent'! tained that no serious d;:tnage ha; 1 een done. On Saturdnv evening the Nirtl Brownsville oily hM wns iwmlrl t its ut in. ist i-tinc.i'it v bv thos- iissemble i witness the entertainment by m sehl, cnsisi in- ef sonirs, reeit:iiloii-. lialojiue's, a Ix-tiutiful nnd well ex eu'ed Japanese fan drill, a five char "ter dialogue, "Feat ho a-d Sh'-lte.'' al an Ig'it etmr ti t i d alosne-, "Hov r lo Whom Honor is Due," duets h Misst-s Itiley and Brir-e; v o the Giblors; solo, Mary Jolsti-on; ir.;-Cn-S'C Boss; ree't::tion. tieoryria Dunn Th folitwj!ig i hameters were ehinungly represented: Pric-tet-s i l oiitio-e, ( Bihy; Flora, Ann'. .VonK:.k; Terrcs-tria, .linnie H i!e tie. mm. tiraee .Vellargue; Chrvso iine. Belle Cushman: Aeilu, Oietn ley; .Veloria, eorg'i Dunn; Ce lestn, KdnM Dvson; Psvehe, Jntld Howe; l h i t una, Alma I-Boy. (rat Cn-dit is due, not only to Ibt pupils for rapid improvement and pr ficiency in their studies, but als t Pnfe.:sor nnd ."..'rs. (?aland, prineip-;! :u;d iipstefant, n's' Clyde Knapp wh--has had chanr of t he prime ry o1.isit. for the i-liiRp ntlefti.m civen to. their departments dull g the past te m We ii iv happy to attite that the services f Profes r and Mix. tJnrland have been teeureil for next year's tuition. "SAi.MAoixm." HO FOB THK SIIMIS. Martin's P.avch, June 5. We b fi HroM nsville for the mines on the Blue and t'alapooirt river mines on the 4;h of June. Our party was couimwo of the followiner gentlemen: Nate H'aud ish. J. llieg!ey, Mv. Ijiinsrwoitliy, Mr. I'erfiru'.l, ainl .'fr. .Aeoek (who wa left, but made his npprain-e on the 'Srownsvilli; Lihtuim; Kx press Imhi four miles from Brovviisvil'ii ), also J. !'he;rley, Jr , and your eorreiKindent. We eannel the "firt nibt at .Vr. Wrifjlit's, about forty miles from Brownsville. A fie" tupper lie:ir and HHisrar yarn were in onler, Jr. lung wort by in the chair. The nu-uilieiv told their experience to f-uch a tle;;i- that tut y did not sleep mmh that nisrht, a the lensi noise idmut camp wns thought to Ih? a U-ar or eousrar. when it was only a iiojr looking for the scraps that weivlrft from snpiwr. Al" were ttimplainin all li;y nbout iiemjf ; sleepy. AV. 1 1 unworthy to-tl,y put j on his war paint. At noon when we i stopped for dinner he went to ihe river j to wash, and came baeU with his fao a!! painted red. He had wiped lus fae. j w;tiia:cd handkerrhb f and it dved 1 his f.ue red. reaiiiided one of an ItidiiMi i'i his wir pHint, and we have named him Iteil Cloud. If he-vs.i h'7ii'tiTv-OM i Th. .wil n-i'ke -Ve hnn S. xa n i'i puiiee Ti"s ii s. ' i i fi-h i !c mpr lii bp-l Ai l c.i ca i'" lm i i ilic seii of his iiiis. JfE G. We ts-avelcd (o-day alwiut tliiriy ni'lcs and cnniiei at the Martin Ran.'ii. The rMids are ppUndid -never saw thorn lietter. JtrXK 7. T-da v we have comt iilont thirteen m';bs. 'e stopped at Ilick boii's and Wveu'l's, and went to see the famous Knuna and (Soldeti Kagle mines, two very promising miiK-s. but they, like the n:t, are waitini? for wmie one with eapitid to take hold of then: and them paying prni-ty. There i-i enough paying ore in : i .h to last fifty years. The Knuna is owned by IV.anchard, Waters and Thompsoi' oi Brownsville, and the tjoldeti llagh by Iiivelen of Halsey. To-nijrht we are eamjH-d at J. Davis' ranch, where we will leave oi r wagons and pack to the mines, a distance of ix miles. We will have to do some good work on the t'-ail as we jr in. My next letter will be from ihe mines. Cait. K. I). Hagan. To l'leasnre-Seekern. ITavinir purchased the Findley prop erty at Iwtr Soda springs, we will so improve it as to make it a most dt sirable place to be visited by thost sei'king health or pleasure. "Will do our best to make it pleasant for those visiting this well-known resort. Wm. Eijirhd, A. Blkitsch. Notica of Dissolution. NOTIOi: P-l HEKF.IIY ;1VKK TffAT THE CO (Mi1?ier.ii; oxi.iini; InH-veeu John t'i'::cr ft.i'i -To.-. Wn--MTii, k:vnvi; ns the llm: i L"iirT & AVii-"-eiu, is t!is riny tlisv.lve! 1 ninni;il CDtiut; nn:t t'.'.l c-luiuio to nvrl tlii late linn will lo paid rceiivcd by Jo.M.', li Wn-iMmi. Sijrced this 3'-)lh y of June. isrr. Joil.V I'N'K'!, Sen'. JUS. WASSOM. St al.J BRICK! BRICK! 12o.OOO IBriclc At my yard lu the suburbs of Ix.banon For Sale at Reasonable Rates. All Kinds of MASON WORK DONE With JCr-atncss anl Despatch. Inquire of P. W. HARD IN. OF MILLIONS! OH. r-tY BKCKl BTOI IT NOW, OON IT UillU PC TOO LATK. 1 Ivivc :rr tr:juMrvl nntv vi nm 'Srith iti--c'f )! Ilir kiilucv nnd Inve triwl iimiiy ditV.-rc'il tettip'lip nri'l have .ttiK .t khI Iroin (hifrrt'nt ih5clnn with ml rt'iici. Aivmt tne itn oi ajuii I mit iinci'inr ftotn a Tery violent nllnclc Hint almost prontrnu-d mt in urn a timnnrr t int iu ncin ovrr. When 1 mt down It m nlmnxt Impiwsiblc for me to ccl np alotir, or tu put on my clothr. when k:A rroviilince ent lr, llculcy, with the ORliOON Kll'Ni-:Y TKA, to my hotel. 1 Immediately commenced uslujf the tea. It had an almost miraculona ellrct, and to the aston bhincnt of all the nucflta at the hotel, m a kw days, I am nappy to atnte, that I wn n new tnnn. I will!) tecummenil the tea to uU afflicted! aa 1 have been. O. A. TCrrER, Proprietor rvddenlnt Hotel, banta Koaa. Col. So said Bui wer, that I ereutest of Novelists, a n it h e LiKe Success nevif sH'ke nivire trulv, mid he tnieht have added with equal force, that merit is tlie essence ot success. S isdom Roliertme is the synouvtii of merit, and its history is sncccfts. The ninirical ef fects of tins preparation have been attest ed by thousand of the leading ladies of society and the st;i"(?. It w tlie only arti cle eve r discovered which cives a JVaiur- al and Btaxttiful tint to the complexion, at the same time removincr all rouehnesa of the face and arms and leaving the skin soft, smooth ami velvety. It has long lee n the study of chemists to pro duce an article that while It would beau tify the complex ion would also have the merit of tieiitK hartiti'css. but these two important qt-abties were never brought wjjctaer until continued la 5 UODERTINE h?;:-Ki "''' i " 7 - , uont Kinr Youit old stove. You can l uy a?.y of thu ZWlZir PATT11UNS fhi-'ap, of SWM HHOTHEHS. TIILY CAHHY A FULL LINE OF Tin, Copper. Llfnnden and Siom Wars, also PUMPS ANI I'lTMP FIXTt'ItH4. Jntt H'ort: done on S.hort S'oti'.-i: NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land On he t Orec hi lit v. Oivt-nn, Jii t Ii. ls;o. f ii.-i- U h-n lr r!von th:i th-.- fniiim Iiie-n m 4i ir li:is l-.l.-.l ti.tiMi r l:5-s ITircntum iti .inrtl inv in fiii'trt f hi- el-tjoi. nn I iht !inf :!! Imi K-fur tl:e ftmot v llerlt u' i Inn r.Mii,;-, nt AH.any, Oreim, mi 1ue-4lay, July i'. 1-50, v: HEMtV E. UOnY. Prf omW'.on 1. S. N". 'Vs:""). for the X. E. H of Sw. Ii Ti. I J S.. li. 1 hji-t. II-. i!ini th fulliiwies iiB-wtn froie 111 ihi;iiiii'14 rf-i'lrtM-- upon ail fui!ivoiiii . lnii.1. vi.t II. H. Vmom. J. M. Simon. A. c. I.i- ii-rainl M. A. IH-'kewii. nil "f '' li"n I. O l i'in rmintv, OriKo'i. J- T. A1TH'.S N. IU'Ki--le.' Timber Land, Act Juno 3, 1378. NOTICK lIK 1'I JII.H ATIOX. I'sni ii si Trs I.ani urn. r. Di:r.. n r. dtviroii. ;reli ::. 1A. ( TTOT'CK IS IIEHKUV l;IVK" THAT IN I'OM l i.Hi.r;.- n ii ii he iin if iht- n-l f e -.-. i, in- :t. eTai. n:titU-l "An m t fr ilit wl t' ii:nl t r i:rnl lu tnv S'b. -' i'li..min. On-pm. Nv-'iflii, nii'l itMiiniti"!! lvrri!er. THOMAS J. M!L..til, If I-banmi, roui.'v of l.lim. Slate of Orrsin, lm hi'l;v t'.lnl i lh'i t"Vi-v M t.wni -la'i'm n' S.. V. t. I'.'r Mit 'iir ha.' f Ih1 N. K. V4iil ',- i, ill fn ll-hm N. l-'M.!tll. rulifu"' ' -!i-t. nn.l il! irfTcr I'tinif l -hint ll .uli.olnr' ..Mij.'it 1- tiinr,' v(l1ii:iI'!o ."r i't llmlw-r i-r -. in n fin- iu-rii l!linil lmn '. Kti'l I 'MHl-li-li ii rlniiit l' i-l lnml lHfmv the n-pi-ter iimi Tvvtwr of lh:sii:!i.-e lit iri-fim 1'ity, OtesHi oi .l.nnlfiv. Ilu- ilnv if AiiKii-t. I .. 11. iiliriic-i wi'm-M--: lieo. hv. M m. Hrtl. M. li'irliiivt nml J. E. Squitv, all of Ia-Imiiikii, nr mill nil i'riw e'lii-iiins Bilvertb" t! alHivt'-il;! r'.Svl Ur.N rttv r.--.iH-t,i l fiU theii I'l.iiwn u iliiiuiv mi nr h Torf miM -.SMh ilny ol unit, ll. J. T. Al'l'i-.11SS. Relri-UT. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA SOUTIIEBN BAC1 FICCOMrANY'i- LINK. The Mt. Shasta Route. Tiao Ectwesn Albany and San Fran cisco, 35 Hours. California Express Trains Run Dally BETWEEN PORTLAND AND SAN FRANCISCO. SulTII. lion i. x....Lv KUHTH. i6 a7 m ronl'ill).. :ls r. M....L.V 7:i A. M....Ar All'iiny I.v... -.t. ,1,11 i,"ri:i'iM.-o....l.v... 7:.KJ Lcca! Pass. nf;r Trains Dally (except Sunday a. M....I.V rorilnnd U:IH I. 31. ...I.v Uiutuy 2:1 P. N....Ar KuRvne , ...Ar... 3:4 V. M Lv...ll::ifA. . ..!.. 410 A. M Local Kassengrr Trains Dally (axcept Sunday , : jO r7N...l7TTT. A11.HI1 -."..- Ar... H:W A. M. y:i P. M....AT l.i'1-aiwil I.v... 5:l. A. M. lt.'O P. M....1.V Albany Ar... ":'.'.- a. m. 1:M P. M....Ar Ij'llillHllI I.v... S:iO A. N .:! a. M....1.V Albimy Ar... 4.'JH P. .x a. M....Ar......lxfl:iiiiu ..Lv... :i.4l) r. M. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. TOURIST SLEEPING CAHS. For aeciiriiniofiatimi ot SccorKl-Cla.'-l'ussciigein, nttitclicd to Expivw Trains. Tbo S. P. Co's Fuuy make crtnmy-llon witl ill iiie rcpiilnr tra'nH u Uw 6iiU lliv. iron ihjI of lr Mrvut, I'oriiiuid. Vest Side Dlvlaicn. PORTLAND and CORVALUS Mall Train Dally (Except Sunday). 7-:!0a. I2:i p ra.... I.v......... I'iirtlniMl lo Ar l.'-orviinir Ar:'iO p. in Lvl:M) p. n At Albany nnl I'.rMillis tonncct with trains ol OreK.m I'ncilic Kuilroa'l. Express Tral Daily (Except Sunday',). I :f ) v. n. ... I.v I'm tli.nil Ar. H.-00 p. iri....Ar Moitinnville Lv, JvA a. m THROUGH TICKETS - To .V 11 Points SOUTH ASD EAST YIA CALIFOMIA. jJir-Tnr full lnfor7nnti:n rrjmT1inir nts, mn. etc. -.':'ii mi fr.niiny'it r.cnt nt Albany. K. KCIK1ILKR, K. r. KO'lKRS, Maunsei Asst. ii. F, A l'asa. Agent. fHE CRY M t3j 11 MONTAGUE'S COLUMN. Hang Out Our Banner on the Outer Wall. ITHE CRY IS STILL COME. THEY Montague's Magnificent Spring Stock oi Dress Goods in Endless Yariety, Such as De Belees, Foulards. Challies, Satlnes, Organdies, Qwiaa Lawnt, Olthop and Victoria Trlaimlngs, Rlbboni, Velxtt, Pluth I i Many Shades, Buttons, Om Thousand Varieties Qts, Hosiery, In fai-t fvorytliiti!! to make a liulv'r pyi'i fairly ppurkli'. Itolh the Mam .moth store and the One Price Cafu- -tore are the rei ipiunts of Intim-nsi Stocks, ami Montuiiue jrojMsc to .t-li theia ti the ii.ojle who deal ii: Lebanon at 3 IIIC13S -THAT Defy Competition! in any town m the Mate of Uresron Fu tliufe wise (?) ones who trot of t oil i ir than thrir home town t iiun li:ie cheap John trash, paui ere it Ik. too late; tlit-eard the idei of buy nip anvwhire but at home ami then out r of Montaaue, anr you will have your routh reneweii your mind in pen ne ctntent, nm IW centi' worth for Tour ilulla every time. o halts, no -.hromo? no f-tiii or woou engravincs oi wfullv liomelv shoemakers tl.e: Montairue uelmie his customer .vit li, Lut he DOKS rive them tin htiii e of tne very I test frotnlp fron tke larptst selection this silo o iVrtlnnil, at the most nuMlerati rices for cash or approved countr product. Ho who Hea!jt mjr purse Meets lrah r roni tlie lact that 1 have emp titl it in purchasing tlie ab-ve lamed gotMis at panic prices, ant ilso in purchasing tlie daisiest lot o LA D I KB' SHOES, CHILDREN'S HIIOEB, MEN'S SIIOE, BOYS' SHOES, GIRLS' SHOES Talk aliout other brands of shoe than the magnificent line kept In Montague. Mkhi, ilv, don t lothe ne; there is nxm enou,li in thr world for thee and me. Wc car FIT anyone, and when Montagut 'ays FIT he means it, ami he is not ;oing to send you out of his palatial tores with thoe nboiiimalile monster in leather winch von nniv noesibh iml in other establishments not r. liotiniitl miles from our grand eni (Miriam, nml which makes your fee' look as though you were n new arrival 'roni Chicago. No, lo not make any miiitiikc when you want GOOD Ilootr or Shoes for mother, wife or sister, he grandmother to the baby, the grandfather to the last new boy, but lie mire to call on Montague and se ure what you may require iv that line. Every pair fully warranted. Noy as to Clsthing. When the purse was emptied, n ilmve succinctly set forth, Montague was ioHi(Mllcd to oKn another hur'l ir the purpose of wcuring to our cus tomers tlie latest novelticn in tine suit is well as tliixte atiaptcd to every-lay wear. We are now opening up our elegant designs in Oregon City Cloth ing, California Cassimero Clothing, Men's Clothing, Youth's Clothing, Hoys' Clothing, all Imported tSoods, v'legant-liltiii! garments, at scandal msly low pricew. Moiitai.ruit him had over forty . j-cars Xfierieiiee in Helling goods, twenty o Ahich were -spent nmong you right here in Lebanon, and he now propose io spend tlie evening of iiis life in giv ing to one and all hik-Ii prices as the lioss Granger of Linn county nevei dreumcd of. Make Moiitsgue know you are going to py cash dowu and no grumbling (the ehronie grumbler is a despicable creature), and he will make prices to you all right. MONEY ONCE MORE. The people who promised to pay up by the 1st of last January and faikri to connect may find their accounts where it will not - please them. Montague does not propose to waste valuable time in huvting up these delinquents, but will send the most forcible collec tor he can employ to wile the dollars due me from those much-promising and never-performing gentlemen. CHAS. B. MONTAGUE;. THIS SIJAC1S RESERVED I'OIt- Peterson & Wallace, Real Estate Brokers, LEBANON, ORECON. AT COST! To Make Bmiu for My Spring and Summer Stock DRY GOODS, FURMSHIKG GOODS, AND BOTIOHs I WILL CLOSF OUT MY KutireHtHkof IBoot. & Shoes Now In the Tim? to SECURE REAL BARGAINS. I Propose to Hava -THE- Leading Dry Goods Store In the Valley. MAIL ORDERS Promptly attended. VV. F READ .Vltiiii v, Ori'tfon. Wliy Pay fen per cent Interest on Money Whn Vu C'n Oct It For Ijohh? CxVLL OX THK Oregon Land Company Albany, Oregon. Ashby& Dickinson, Managers G. HARDY IIiis on hamt lnn;c stock uf JEWELRY JUST RECEIVED Call And Secure Prices. xv. it. oisvnsr, THETA1IOR, ALBANY, ... OREGON, Mas opened tlie largest and finest line of suitings ever brought to Albany. It includes patterns for full dress mi its or coats, vestsor fiants separately, aud em rneeM some of the finest of imported goodn not seen here before. Mr. Graham EMPLOYS SKILLED WORKMEN AND - GUARANTEES A GOOD FIT. As well as the best quality of good. Those desiring . something ri-ally tine should call aud INSPECT IIIS NEW PATTERNS. .- y7w "' j? A VI .SV -k-, .Wi VS.-"-. - ..I'-; Tt Patriotism Turned Loose! r . ii..v AMERICAN EAGLE UNCAGED ! Lebanon Trodden Down by 10,000 Visitors Eager to See Nothing Like It Since Years If you wish confirmation of the throng on tlie Fourth and keep etep If this celebration does not draw, oculated with the love of freedom! butte and catch a glimpse of the proceedings in the suburbs of the city! OFFICERS OF PRESIDENT M. A. Miller VICE PRESIDENTS J. L. Cowan, Albany; T Jeff Mvers rs, Scio; Sam Mar, Harrishurp; Henry Moi an, Sweet Home; ris, Shedd; J. IL II. Morelock, Urownsville; C. M. Smith, Jeff f5eo. Dav tri?on. MARSHAL J. R. Kirkputrick. AIDES R. A. Irvine and Cieo. Huiuphrejr. SPEAKER V m. M. Kizer. READER Prof. R. N. Wright. CHAPLAIN Rev. U.S. Hanleiter. AMUSEMENTS AND LIST OF PRIZES. HOSE CONTEST Firet prize, Pecond, 115. BASEBALL For plavcrs under twentv vears?. Prize, $15. ONE-HUNDRED-YARD FOOT RACE Prize, 15. FIFTY-YARD FOOT RACE Prize, $5. FAT MAN'S RACE Free for all over 200 pounds. Prue, o. LADIES' FOOT RACE Prize, sfo. SACK RACE Prize, 12 50. WHEELBARROW RACE Prize, 12 50. PLUG UOLIES In the nfternoon. ORAND BALL In the evening, given by the Lebanon Cornet Band One interesting feature of the dav will be the "McKanlass Minstrel Band," who have been engaged to furnishing music for the celebration. GOLDEN RULE DON'T : GO j TO ; PORTLAND! j i Gradwohl : of : Albany ! HAS EVERYTHING To Be round int heMetroolis j HE SWEEPS THE VALLEY i i or all'irriToit.s i i i In C rocker v, Fancy (Joor!?, Toy?, Rogers Brcs. J X o Q O rilverware. rrench China and tIa?vrare, Iiovs Wagom?, Doll Carriages, Etc. NOW LISTEN! The Golden Rule Bazaar Mates a Specialty of the Finest Teas, Coffees and Baking Powders, Every Package of which is Manufac ture.! fur and Bears the name of Oolien Rule Bazaar. WATCH!! Everyone who buys gets liis money's worth, and in addition to that he is given some Fine Glassware and a chance at a Gold Watch. ALBANY. Lebanon Planing Mill -AND- UNIVERSAL WOOD-WORKER. EST1USEED IK 1S75 BI S. 1. IICttRSOI. Refitted, Enlarged and Improved. NEW MACHINERY OF THE BEST MODERN YPE. I manufacture and deal in Doors, Blinds, all styles of Window Frames, Door Frames, Mouldings, Brackets, Etc., in fact anything man ufactured and kept on hand in a first-class planer. In connection with the aliove, I also have on hand a well-assorted lumber yard in which is to lie found rough and dressed Lumber, Rustic, Bevel, Weather Boarding, Flooring, and all kinds of Finishing Lumber for Cornices, Etc. BEARD Druggists & DEALERS IX- Pure Drugs and Medicines, PaiutH, Oil nnd . STATIONERY, Fine Perfumery, Brushes & Combs CIGARS AND FANCY TOIX.ET ARTICLES. Prescriptions Accurately Compounded. Mnin Street, Lebai'.;"ii, Ore-piti. --' - the Fireworks! Lebanon Celebrated Ago. above header??, join the immerse with the muie on that day! vou are an alien and need to be in fteenre standing room on Peterson s THE DAY. Black, Halser; assist tke Lebanon Cornet Band in 00 N DO Ac HOLT, Apothecaries, i 1 ; i ,5