" " LEBANON ?KESS. r He Who thinks to please the world Is dullest of his kind; for let him face which way he will, one-half is yet behind. VOL. IV. NO. lo. LEBANON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE, 20, 18M. 82.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. Ifjjjj"'"""" 1 TOBACCO IN FRANCE. K Stat" Monopoly, and Om or the Principal Source of ltivwu. Visitors to Franco have noticed how careful the customs officers are to see that no one is smuggling in matches or tobacco. The importation of matches is prohibited, ami then; is a verv heavy duty on tobacco. Any one w"ho has made the acquaintance of the French match will not readily forget it. Its peculiarity is that it is very reluctant to ignite, and it is no sooner alight than it proceeds to extinguish itself. Matches have hitherto been made solely by one company, which paid the government a large sum every year for the privi lege of supplying Frenchmen with bad matches. As a proposal to continue this system threatened to overthrow the lira id ministry recently the gov ernment hits decided to take the manu facture of bad matches into its own bands. The tobacco is made to suit the matches. It is also bail and dear. The tobaceo business has long been state monopoly, says the N. Y. Sun, and is one of the principal sources of ltsA emus. The latest report ou the sub- j ieot shows that last year's crop was I :iO.175,000 kiloirramnies. which was valued at 16,423.000 francs, or 3,284, 6'JO. Tliis was a poor year, giving only 9'.)o francs worth per hectare, while in 1S87 the value per hectare was 1.811 francs. This was the home production, but the government im-oj-ts a great deal of Americau tobacco fa leaf, and manufactures it in France. The state gives the privilege of grow ing the weed to planters, and looks niter them with motherly care. It lixes in what departments tobacco may lie grown. It marks off the number of acres to be planted. It selects the variety of plant and settles what num ber may be grown on each acre. Not only sis but the army of officials, who are always prowling about on twhalf of the state, count the plants in each acre and the number of leaves on each plant. Should a planter have less than the inventoried number of leaves when the harvest comes the officials will be down on him. A much graver offense, however, is to have too many leaves. This is regarded as an attempt to de fraud the state, and unless satisfactorily explained is followed by tines and im prisonment. When he reaps his crop the planter has not the privilege of ask ing a price for it. The price is fixed by the state. Tobacco is now grown iu twetity-e ght departments. There are 62.284 planters and 16,507 hectars of plantations. There are twenty-seven stores for the reception of indigenous tobacco, and stores at Bordeaux, Diepiie, Duukerque, Havre, and Mar seilles for imported tobacco. The j s?ate has twenty-one manufactories, j The largest is that at Lilie, which j turns out 6.000.000 kilogrammes of to- bacco a vear. There are 20,871 cm- j ployes in the factories, of whom 2,o30 are'men and 18.311 women. This does not include officials and agents. The government does not treat its employes very well aud strikes in tobacco factor ies are frequent. All the tobacco stores in France be long to the state. There are over 40, 000 of them. The state does not sell tobacco at retail except in three stores. The' others are let to widows of officers, government officials, and sometimes to the widows of senators, deputies, and prefects. They take the place of pen sions. If the government grant3 a pen sion to the wife of some man who has died in the service of his country that generally means that she gets a to bacco store, or .bureau as it is called. As the social position of the pensioners will not allow them to ruu the bureaus directly, they let them. The dealer is allowed 10 i"er cent prolit by the gov ernment, and is prohibited from selling any tobacco except that supplied and priced by the state. Neither ntust mey make cigarettes out of the gov ernment tobacco. Every cigarette must bear the official stamp." The state has tlm-e bureaus iu Paris where the best quality of cigars can be obtained. Thes are either inijiorted or made out of imported tobacco. Pooling The Detectives. "The arrest and prosecution of twen- ty Chinamen for unlawfully engaging i in hydraulic mining on the Omega I claim in Nevada County reminds me of i one scheme that the 'moonlighters' car- I neu on up mere wnicn was a pre-eminent success," remarket! an old-timer the other day to a San Francisco Ex- uminer reporter. "Some of the boy. had a cltum up above Nevada City that could only be reached by a certain road, or, more properly speaking, a narrow pass in the rocks. The Anti Debris spies learned that the illicit work was being done and a dozen times tried to raid the mine. They were always too late. When they got to the place, although it was apparent that work had only just ceased, no one was working, and those who had been had "'At length, after several months of i, A,; nK, men discovered the reason for their failures. In passing over the road they touched an ingeniously arranged rock in the parti which was connected with a buried wire. By using a battery the movement to the rock completed an ,;i ..... ing at that distance the 'moonlighters' had ampii opportunity to make them selves saf1.''' Get Up and Dance. A Mexican letter to the Cleveland j Leader says: If yon chance to lie a i visitor at a Mexican baile." quietly j fitting ou a bench minding your busi- i nessand watching the show, do not be j surprised if some bewitching senorita j with raven hair and roguish eyes trips lightly up to where you are sitting and ! unceremoniously smashes an egg over your head. Don't be alarmed or fright- i ened, but take it all iu good spirit The egg is not addled, nor has it con tents of any kind save soiue sort of sweet-smelling perfume, sachet pow der, or perhaps bits of tine gilt paper, all of which drops about your head and shoulders in a perfect shower. This curious action is merely to show her preference for 3'ou. and means an invitation for you to get up and dance with her. The ceremony described is to Mexican bailes" as our German favors are to onr ball-rooms. This lit tle diversion is carried to a harmless extravagance at times, especially at v private "batie parties, when the eggs, r possessing shells frescoed and decorated in the most delicate extremes of art, oftentimes contain valuable contents, and even perhaps gold-dust. If the per son who gives the ball is a man of wealth and consequence then the favors are likely to be so costly as to reach the verge of extravagant nonsense. A farmer living between Marceline and Brooktield, Mo., found thirty-seven bee trees during last summer and fall, aud as a consequence has on had more than barrel f Btraiaed honey. ROMANCE OF AN EX-EMPRESS. tha Story of an Only a Affulr Kamambarad Few People. A Berlin letter has the following ro mance about the recently deceased Empress Augusta of Germany: A member of the suite of one of the best known among our Princes tells a romantic story concerning the dead Empress Augusta, and it is believed that it has never before been given to the public. Augusta was a Princess in the petty court of Weimar, where she was hedged about with all the strait laced etiquette the small German prin cipalities affected. When she was sev enteen sho was a romantic g rl and had learned by heart the stories of the previous half century's gallantries at the court of Louis XIV., and so well had she read that she was prepared to fall In love with any man who might first apjwal to her sense of beauty; but the rigid surveillance of her ducal fa ther and mother made male acquaint ances almost impossible. Before this romantic spirit had lived !"u ble long enough to die a young; French no- scton ot a more or less long uueage stopped at the Court Weimar in the progress of a pleasure jaunt from Auvergne. He remained for some weeks at this place and became a fa vorite ot the Duke, lie was accomp lished, handsome, and a dare devil. At a court ball shortly following his ar rival the Frenchman met the princess. They were permitted to become part ners and indulged in mutual love at first sight. This love soon developed Into Indis cretion, which took the form of secret meetings in the palace grounds. The only people aware of these trysts were the maid, and valet of the principals, who served as the medium through which the correspondence was carried on and the meetings arranged. The maid, whether through carelessness or spite, lost one of the letters intrusted to her, and it was picked up by the Duchess, mother of Augusta, before the maid could recover it. The letter was impassionate and elo quent, burning with the love song of the smitten Parisian, and filled with all those prettv words that came in with the Grand Monarch. This was all very well, for the two were young, but it led up to the suggestion of an elope ment. It implored flight, and pic tured the ideal life of love on the pas toral lands of the new America. The Duke and Duchess were con sumed with rage at this discovery, and poured their indignation in unstinted volume. So high did feeling run in court that the Ducal Chamberlain chal lenged the Frenchman to a duel, and the lover fell, mortally wounded. As he fell the Frenchman tore open his tunic, and there, pressed against his heart, was a handkerchief belouging to the Priucess. Toward it his haud tee bly moved, and he died at the moment he had seized the lace and was strug gling to carry it to his lips. The Duchess was so affected bv the incident that she silently placed" the handkerchief on the breast of the young man as he lav in the coffin, and it was buried with "him. His body was cov ered with roses, strewn tiiiun him by j the devoted Augusta, and she, from swoons and sobs, became hysterical and almost crazed. For weeks the Princess sobbed about the palace, un til her parents were conviuced that her sorrow must have souie relief or she would lecome insane. They suggested a marriage with Prince William of Prussia, and the Princess gave her indifferent consent, careless and thoughtless what might become of her. With William it was a matter of equal unimportance, for he had first Wen crossed in a love affair, aud he was heart broken as well. There was no misunderstanding be weeu them on the subject of their mar riage. It was an affair exclusively of the parents and of an obedient but dis consolate youth and maiden. During their lifetime the Emperor William and the Empress Augusia maintained toward each other the most perfect and severe poliieuess. They were friends, they respected each other, bnt that was all. They were not lovers, and they could not tear from their hearts the memories of their early love and their early disappointment, The Empress always preferred French books, ideas, dress, and sentiment, and it was her favorite language. The in fluence of that unhappy loss remained I with her until the last moment, and she doubtless carried the sweet regrets to the grave. Years have effaced re membrance of the affair, and it is safe to say that less than a dozen great per sonages know of it to-day. Could Only Speak, for Himself. Ton have met the old man of the country village who, having been all his life a devoted church member, and having been a deacon and a member of the council of the church, and all that ! 'ort of thing, has gradually grown into ! such familiar relations with the Creator that he advises Him every morning what to do about the weather, and about the village, and about the Gov ernment. There is a beauty, after all, about his egotism. It is at least honest, snd if he jierhaps overrates his influ ence with the Divine .Uuler it is because I he is conscious of having: led an up- ! right life. He doubts the chance even j af the minister in the matterof Heaven, ! but he has no doubt of his own elec- tion. Uncle," said his niece one day, ! "are you quite sure you are goin to j Heaven?"' "Sure! Why, my dear I ;hild, I am just as certain of it as that j I am sitting here!" "And aliout aunt?" I "Well, well, my child. 1 hoie so. but I'm not at aii Mire about her.1' San Francisco Chronicle. A Rattlesnake Baby. The following is taken from a letter written by a Wasco county lady. Af ter giving the name and date of a child's birth, she writes: "Where the child's fingers and toes ought to have been there were rattlesnake's heads, and there was a small snake grown from the top of its head aud hung down on is face. The head of the snake was the child's nose, and when ever the baby moved ihe snake ou its face would raise up, run out its tongue, and hiss. The baby only lived five hours, but the snake part lived five bourn longer." forLUuuL Ureyonian. A Mean Mao. This time the meanest man hails from Allapaha, Ga. A few months ago his wife, an estimable lady, died, and after disposing of other matters he took a trunkful of her clothing out in the street and auctioned it off, piece by piece, to passers-by. No Distinct Remembrance. They had a big banquet at Spokane Falls the other night- The reporter who attended it concluded with the eandid admission that "it is not distinct ly remembered by anybody present who made the last speech." EASTERN NEWS. An Ex-Convict of New York Saves Eleven Lives. SKVKUAb DEATHS FROM llYIMOI'IMIilA. lUilrnad News. Numerous Throughout the East. Murder Columbus, Ohio, Is bavinir serious trouble with the street-car strikers. California lias made'a demand for ten acres to display her boiticultniul pro ducts at the Wold's Fair. At iEllsworth, Me., a riot occurred le tween cirrus employes and town men. Many broken beads resulted. A furious wind and rain storm swept over Central Nebraska, dointt a (treat deal of damage, but as far as learned no lives were lout. The sixth international Sunday Fchool Convention of the I'nited States and British North America and provinces will open in Pittsburg June 24th. The. wife of laniel Lock wood, a well-to-do farmer of Vineland, N. J., lias been arrested on the charge of trying to Kison her husband by placing morphia in bis tea cup. The contract lalor insnectota attached to the New York Intrge otlice stopped seven Belgians from landing. They were exrt glass blowers ami were ImmiiuI for Glasslioro, N. J. Exchange Broker Wolff of New York ban disappeared with $2il,0i0 of money w hich aixmt one hundred Hebrews had entrusted to him to send to relatives in Euroiie to pay passage to Ibis "country. A number of children were bitten by a rabid dog in liny, Belgium, a few days at;o, anil two 01 them nave died Irom hy drophobia. Several of the survivors have been sent to M. Pasteur for treat ment. Near Addison, Steelien county, N. Y., F.nunett Crane shot Mrs. tiale "Perry, a married woman, the mother of "four children, lierause she refused to ai-eept bis attentions as a lover, and go and live wi'h him. David Began liecame involved in a quarrel in a saloon in 1a Porte, Indiana, with a young count iv man named Wil liam Byckle. The latter struck Began a powerful blow in the face, w hich resulted in breaking bis neck. John I,. Sullivan was snubbed by Isaac II. Bromley, the veteran news im per publisher man, at a lianquet in Washington reifntly. Bromley te fused an introduction with the remark that Sullivan was a bull v. The school ship Saratoga, sailed from Delaware Breakwater for her first sea voyage, June 1st, She lias 10.1 boys on board, and will visit Faval, Southamp ton, Lisbon, Maderia and other points, returning to Philadelphia altout Octolwr. Ex-Judge Henry S. Austin, an old memlier of the Chicago Bar and one of the founders of the city of Keokuk, Iowa, has leen imprisoned hy order of Judge Koblsaat for the emlier.r.lement of funds from an estate of which be was admin trator. Bill Thomas, a colored brakeman.'a giant in size and strength, was shot eight times at Birmingham, Ala., by six colored men, and instantly killed. Thomas was bated tor bis ' physical strength. Four of the negroes are un der arrest. At El Faso, Tex., I -eon Barlow and M. (ioudine, two prominent young men, quarreled over the latter' attention to Barlow's l-year-old sister. tSoudine shot and killed Barlow. During the shooting three disinterested enons were wounded. In the collision of two freight trains on the Ybah Kailroad, near St. Ixruin, June uth, eight men were killed and twenty-five injured. One train was en route to the Kansas City races w ith eight palace horse cars. Many of the horses were killed. Thomas J. Basso, .12 years old, ex chief of detectives of New Orleans, who escaped from the state penitentiary at Baton l.onge, where lie was serving a sentence of fourteen years on a convic tion for forgery on Nov. 20, lSHli, has been arretted in New York. Frank Manning and James Tve, en listed men at Fortress Monroe, Va., bad a difficulty at Mill Creek, and on their return to the fort, while Tye was sitting in bis room preparing for target practice, Manning came to bis door, rifle 111 hand, and idiot him through the bead, causing instant death. The American Wheel Company of Chicago has purchased White's wheel works in Fort Wayne. Ind. It is one of the largest wheel factories in the state. The same trust also controls N. G. Olds & Sons' works of Fort Wayne, and now operate fourteen plants. It is said to have a corner on hickory. Several white men went to the house of Bent ley Davis, a colored man, near Augusta, Ga., recently, for the purpose of whipping his daughter. Davis resisted with a shotgun and axe and killed one white man and seriously wounded two others, but was himself mortally wounded. Further trouble is feared. A dozen persons' have been bitten at Smithfield, 111., by a supposed rabid dog. The dog was finally killed, bnt not until be had bitten several other dogs. James Be vard and two other persons have al ready died in great agony from hydro phobia. It is learned that others may be seized with the awful disease and the whole neighborhood is in a state of dread, Mrs. Parsons, in a speech recently made at Chicago, said dynamite was to be the liberator of the human race, not that people should go around with bombs and destroy human life, but that as gun powder had destroyed the power of feu dal barons so would dynamite in the bands of the working classes render the armies of the capitalists useless in a street fight. A rumor that the Philadel pbia & Read ing railroad company had ordered its conductors to withdraw from the Broth erhood of Conductors or leave the em ploy of the company has been confirmed by Assistant Superintendent Bonzan. The action was resolved upon by the of ficials of the company after the last con vention of the Brotherhood of Conduc tors, who assembled at Rochester, N. Y., on May loth. Mr. Bonzano says they have all promised to leave the Brother -ood, ana some have already done so. "THE AIR-BRAKE DIP IT." Aa Engineer's HernUtn an it Modesty Disclaiming Credit Therefor. We went winding up the mountains, says a writer in the Philadelphia Item, our massive engine drawing us np the curving grades without an apparent effort- We had crossed an iron bridge and made a curve, at the end of which another was in sight, winding to the left, and from the track a cottage home stood In the shadow of the hills. Look ing past It to a point just bevond, which was visible front mv side of Ihe engine, I saw and excitedly exclaimed: "A child on the track!" At the exclamation John sprang from his seat. One glance down the track and his face became pallid. A child. 3 years old perhaps, stood midway be tween the rails and not 100 yards from the engine. 1 looked from John to the child. It stood facing us, claiming its little hands as it was wont to do from its mother's arms, ierhaps, at the pass ing cf the cars. In another instant I. was thrown forward, almost pitching through the glass window In front. At the same moment I heard a scream, a woman's voice, and with arms aloft and face paralyzed with terror the mother stood upon the steps of her cottage. We were nearer the child it was not twenty yards from the englue, which, under the pressure of the air-brake, was bumping and jolting furiously. 1 looked for John; his seat was va cant; agaiu ahead; the pilot was within twenty feet of the child, the train still in motion, too rapidly to be checked before reaching it! 1 shut my eyes; my heart stood still. Again the moth er heartrending scream, and I opened my eyes to see the child tossed several feet in the air. My head swam as I averted my eyes, and I fancied I beard the crushing of the little form by the now slowly revolving wheels, when in husky tones I heard a mau's voice ut ter, "Thank God!" I opened my eyes, and standing upon the pilot was John Akers, holding in his arms the child, its face wreathed in smiles. The engine was now at a stand still. From the cottage the father came with a blanched face and trembling steps. The child, in merry accents, called out: "Want to ride, papa?" He took his baby from John Akers1 ex tended hauds, and. folding her in his arms, sauk down on the tartb beside the track. John clambered back to his perch and sounded the whistle. The passen gers looked out of the windows, won dering what had occurred. A trem bling nand drew the lever, which start ed the engine, pulling and hissing uutil it was going at full Seed again. 1 looked toward John his bluee es were on the track ahead, but they were dim med. Tears were on his cheek, as he, perhaps, thought of what would have been his feeliugs if bis own little girl had been the one on the track. Not a word did either of us Seak uutil at Christianburg. on the top of the Alle ghanies, 2.0UO feet above the level, the train stopped. As I started to leave the engine 1 turned and grasped John's hand. "You did a brave thing, John a no ble act." Twas the air-brake, he modestly and blushinglv replied; 'twas the air brake that did' it " A STRANGE LAND. Features of Anntralla flower Odor No Shade. Wlthoet Australia Is a country in which na ture has established conditions un known elsewhere, savs the Boston Journal, and where civilization must adapt itself to surroundings which it finds novel and strange. It is a coun try full of absurdities in animal, vege table, and human life. Its native race, in point of intelligence and develojr ment of resources, is far below even the cave-dwellers and the people of the stone age of Europe. Its animals er petuate tyes which disappeared from every other part of the globe some mill ons of years ago. Its trees and plants are representative of Secies found elsewhere only in chalk audvoal measures. Hardly anything here has the char acter and quality of its relations in other lands. Although the trees and flowers are chiefly those of the temper ate zone, the bmls are, for the moit part, of the tropics, aud flash the gor geous colors of the parrot and the cockatoo through the dull foliage of the sad-toned eucalyptus. The birds have no song, and such notes as they possess seem like wierd echoes from a period when reptiles were assuming wings and filling the tree-tops with a strange jargon, before beard only in the swamps and fens. The flowers have no scent, while the leaves of every tree are full of odor. The trees cast no shade, since every leaf is set at edge against the sun, and shed, not their leaves, but their bark, which, stripping off in long scales, exposes the naked wood beneath, aud adds to the ghostly effect which the forest already holds in the pallid hues of its foliage. The contour of the country is of 0110 that is but newly risen from the waves. Its thousands and thousands of square miles, level as a table and set with no other growth than the gray eucalyptus, looks like the uplifted bed of 'some great sea and is as monotonous as the unrelieved expanse of coast itself. Here and there are low hills, which show in their sides and in the country about them the evidences of ancient lava flows. Elsewhere are piled up masses of bowlders, which bIiow the long-ago courses of glaciers over the face of the laud. Everything seems pre-historic, hoary with age, and for gotten. To the traveler from other lands an impression comes that he is visiting a country which had ceased iu its development long cous ago. The Richest Actress. I saw Lotta recently, and the little actress seems to be enjoying her rest hugely. Although the richest woman in the world who has earned her own money, she does not 6eem at all bur dened with business cares. She has a hotel in Boston, adjoining her Park Theatre, which she owns. She figures among her assets a flat-house in New York and lots of real estate in different parts of the country. Yet she does not bother with its management. Her shrewd mother, who has saved all this money, takes all the responsibility of its care and Lotta is left to enjoy her self. After this year of rest and pleasure iu the United States she is go ing to take a trip to Europe, and it ha not yet been decided whether she will work next year or not. She is old enough and rich enough to enjoy the balance of her life out of the theatre. -2f. Y. loiter. The March of Progress. 'You can kiss me if you want to Charley," she said, "but" and a de lightful color suffused cheeks, brow. and neck "my brother is behind that screen where you see a small hole iu the center, with a detective camera, COAST NEWS. The Experiences of an Exploring Party. rillirUND 1'LASTKKKItS STKIKK OF P. Jay Ooultl Again at Work ill the North- west. The total loss bv the Bucoda lire of . June 7th was f I"i0,00 . Only married men are street work iu San Diego, employed 011 I'nion has Iteeti selected os the comity seat of I'nion County, Or. The ft 1 ike of the Portland plasterer's was declared oil Jun Bth. Potts and his w ife,' the murderers of Fawcelt, must hang tl e ift't 1 inst. Yieka, Cal., lias a new lieinocralic iH'r, called I lie Siskiyou Tclegiam. Chii4u n are id to U faking out a great deal of g.ld from Southern Cali fornia mines, Mexican authorities refuse to allow American stockmen to return cattle which stray! nto .Mexico. The Odd Fellows' l,odge of 'ueavill. Cal., buried Ihe remains of a deceased brother re-enlly by moonlight. Mrs. MeF.verey, an old lady of 70 years, was killed by a railroad train at Mad lliver, Humboldt County. Okanrgan Is the largest county (R000 square miles) and Island is the smallest 175 spiare miles) in the stale of Wash ington, A printer named Morris Adams, while lxiatinj with five others iu the Seattle harUir, was drowned by the Itoat being capsized. t . If I'll X- I . ... ...I in thinning out a grove of walnut' timber I on his place, wil l a c.irload of W,(H) I feel for !,liO The Seattle F. vening Press exploring imrtv met with manv mishaps, and werej jup'' rescued from starvation by an Indian .-Father-in-law.- said the never-do-an I a white pros.ni-tor. j welL ..vou 8aT t;i... , , 4.ri,. P. O. Sullivan killed a 501 iound liear j on Ihe South Fork of Ihe Boise River by j slipping up while bruin slept and plnng- j ing 11 knife in a vital spot. The resilience of T. T. Hamlin, Tulare j County, Cal., w a burglarized by a t'hiuaman and (137 and a watch taken. '. The ( binauian was arrested. Twenty-four Chinese were trailed from Mexico into Arizona. They were over taken on the desert, where they had nearly jierislied for want of water. William Moody stepped on a banana peel, at liridley, Cal., and falling broke a rib. He worked half the next lay fore he knew what was the matter with him. Captain I. W. Lee. Chief of the San i Francisco detectives, lias len allowed tint WH) for Ibe capture of the stage rob-U-r, Frank Williams, ilis claim was for I'.KN). W. F. Harmon, who forged Ihe signa ture of Warren Jones to a check lor llKiKlun the Humlioldt County Bank, bus lcen found guilty by a San Fran cisco court. Two biabbin lers, ordered by Huong Wing to kill Sam lf , tired at him at Woodland, Cal., Thursday last. They sm-ceeded in wounding Ah Tse. tjuoiig Wing was arrested. Frank Smith, alias Whalen, who is charged with the killing ot J. C. Margot, a fan Francisco sahmn-keeper, was held to anwwer lefore the Suerior ourt w it ti I mi I fixed at f-0" . The Ixxly id ex-District Attorney Frank M. (Mernder was found by the grave of bis child in Ibe cemetery at Meiccd. Cal. He left home after a quarrel with Jii wife and purchased bidiium. The Second Cavalry, IT. S. A., for some time stationed at Walla Walla, passed through Portland, June bth. en route to their sist iu Arizona. A large nnmiier ot soldiers irom rort ueur 1'Alene also arrived. J M. Munson, of the" Point Adams l.iiibtbouse. savs that a pair of prettv Chinese pheasants, in gorgeous plumage arrayed, come to the lighthouse twice a week. He looks out for them ami pro tects them from marauders with mnr- lerous guns. The Sierra Valley Leader savs. There are capitalists here from New ork w ho are endeavoring to induce Ihe ranchers of this valley to sign contracts for water to irrigate Ibe bind at ft cr acie lor tbe first year and f3 er acre for each suc ceeding year. Arthur Kemley, one of the oldest set tlers on Big Meadwwa, New, was drowned while trying to swim his horse icross a slough alxmt two weeks ago, md his hadlv decomiiosed ami mutila ted bodv wm found nine days later in the HumlMildt. Two voting girls-were arrested in San Francisco the other day for vagrancy. When they apHared for trial Ihe next morning two young men ttepied into court with licenses eager to marry tbe wavward girls. Ibe judge allowed them their honevmoon. Lieutenant D L. Brainard of the Sec ond Cavalry, arrived at X'ancouver last week from rort Iteno, Nev., with the horses of bis troop from Fort Bidwell, Cal , intended for troop k of the Fourth Cavalry, which has been ordered to take station at Vancouver Barracks. The Sixth Annual tournament of tbe Sportsman's Association of the North west will tie held in l'ortlanu June IS, 13 ami 14. Prizes aggregating .tNM) will he olfered. Besidos the medal for the best average there will be the Asso- ation yold badge valued at $250, and tbe Tacoma (ilolie diamond trophy. It promises to be the largest meeting ever held in the Northwest Washington, Montana aud California teams will par tic pate. It has just transpired that recent nego tiations lor the purchase of the Seattle, Iake Shore and Eastern Kailroad have been in the interest of Jay Gould and other New Yorkers. J. B. Pace, the wealthy Virginia tobacco planter, and a large holder of the stock, has been the prime mover in the matter, and it is now stated has secured a controlling interest in the road. It is also asserted that the road will be at once extended eastward 10 Spokane Falls and connect with the transcontinental road and north to con nect with the Canadian Pacific. CHINESE WIT AND HUMOR The Oleitlali Can Appreciate Pan, aa Mae Me Seen la a Wmw Selected Jokee. The Chinese have a large volume culled the Book of Laughter, which contains a full selection of anecdotes and jests current in the Middle King dom. General Cheng-Ki-Tong. charge a" afaires of China at Paris, has recent ly published a translation of some of these Chinese jests. Many of them are very comical, possessing even in trans lation, a peculiarly dry humor, and some of the ru prove that jokes and an ecdotes well known In the West are also classic In China. There Is, for instance, the very familiar story of the nervous man who lived between two blacksmiths only in this Chinese version one of them ii a coppersmith! The nervous man tries to induce the two noisy artisans to move, and one day they nnnounce that they have made arrangements to do so. Overjoyed. Ihe man treats them to a magnilicetit dinner, and after they have partaken of it the blacksmith informs liiui that he is going to move into the coppersmith's shop, and the copper smith into his. Less familiar Is the storv of a worthy old man who was unmercifully beaten, at regular Intervals, by his undutiful son. This cruel treatment did not pre vent the man from lavishing caresses on his little grandson, bringing him many presents and indulging all his caprices. One day the old man was asked why he was so very good to the child of the undutiful son who beat him so cruelly. SUV said the old man; 'Tin spoil ing him. so that he'll beat his father when he grows up!" According to another story, a miser had three sons-in-law; one was a tailor, another a jeweler, and the third a spend-thrift. who did nothing at all. One day the miser called the third son-in-law and said to him: "See here! Your two brothers-in-law are thrifty men, and are gradually adding to the family fortune; the tailor py cabbaging a little ot bis customer s cloth now aud then, you know bless you. they lou t know it! -and the jeweler well, by debasing the jewelry lust a litt le, don t vnn wh! Hut Tout ' elime,l Dm n'iu.r ,K- .1.. bar; I will go out. ami, watching nir chance, I will break in merchants' doors, open their tills, and bring you back thousands of pieces of silrer where my brothers-iu-law bring you ouly paltry gains." "W hat! I row?" exclaimed the miser, in terrible anger; "can it be inissible that vou would actually be a thief?"' Here is a story of a man and wife which is of the same type as a good many that have been told in Weiera countries: A man urges his neighbor, who had been v isiting him of au afternoon, to stay to 6iipper. "I should like to do so. said tha other, "but I have an important duty at home at this hour w hich I must at tend t "What is it?" 'Why, you see, mv wife expects ma to empty her foot-tub for her." What!" exclaims the host; "you a man, and allow yourself to be com manded iu such a service by a woman? Who ever heard of such a thing? I'll tell you what I should do iu such a case; 1 should " "Well, what would you do?" said his wife, calmly, who had entered the room uuobserved. "Why, 1 should run right off and empty her foot-tub. Oh. yes, yes I should start right off!" iutiWt Coin pumun. lore Stories ot Dove. A Scranton man who bas raised pigeons for many years tells this story The wife of his finest male pigeon flew home one day badly wounded. She had lieen shot and she died within a few hours. For three days and nights her mate walked back and forth on top of the pigeon-house, mourning constant ly for his dead wife, and giving vent to dismal sounds all the time. lwo female pigeons that had no mates tried to win his favor while be was mourn ing. They alighted in his pathway every little while, but all the notice they got from the grief-stricken bus band was a thump that sent them kit ing from the roof. Then the females fought one another, and, when they had fought enough, they undertook to w in the male's love again. So it went until the fourth day, when the wifeless flutterer chose one of the festive females for his male. The unfavored one then went off and moiied a spell, but she got over the effects of disap pointed love. The same observer says that the only bigamist he has ever seen among pigeons is a male now owned by him. During the breeding season the bigamist maintained two separate wives and households, devoting just about as much attention to sue as to the other. He helped raise the broods of each female, and his affection for each was equal. The double duty kept him very busy, but he seemed to take pride in having so much responsibility. New Vme For Tbe Phonograph. Mister," said a haggard-looking man as he walked into the hardware store, "can't you tell me where I can buy n phonograph?" T guess we can order one for yon, sir," said the salesman who met him at the door. His face expressed surprise but his tone conveyed assurance. "Can yon get one that will work automatically; one that you won't have to grind yourself, but can fix it all up aud let it go of its own accord?" "I think we can arrange an attach ment that will accomplish that result. "All right; get it as quick as you can, win your "You want it as a sort of amanuensis, I suppose?" "No; my wife has gone out of town. I find that when I get home at night everything is so kind of solemn aud still that 1 don't feel like coins: to bed. and when I do get to bed the silence is so oppressive that I can't stand it So I thought if I could get a phonograph aud have the hired girl talk into it for about three-quarters of an hour some thing alKMit its being a nice time of night for a self-respecting married man to be getting home, and all that sort of thing I would set it before I went to bed aud succeed in getting to sleep. It's funny how a man will miss these old familiar sounds." Merchant Traveler. Fertile Land. The most fertile land in Europe is a district of Russia lying between tbe Carpathians aud the Urals. Corn has been grown ou some of this land for seventy years without the application of manure. SPORTING NOTES. Peler Jackson Anxious to Meet Sullivan. A HACK AM) A FOUTt NK WON. Ibnin; Hewing, and I'ssiing, Shooting. WrestliBS Young Mitchell is in training for Lis meeting with Im Blanche tbe 27th inst. Peter Jackson is impatiently awaiting tbe result cf Sullivan's legal complica tions. Small Hopes, whom Vanderbilt plid $10,0 K) for, is now pulling au expros wagon. Edward Hantan defeated Fred. A. Plaisted in'a Mingle scull race at Little Kock, Ark., on May 2-Mh. Tommy Warren, "the Spiiler" knocked down a bully lM'caue be insulted his dignity by calling him a little dude. At Irondeqnoit, last week, tbe f wo contending teama with the I'mpire, were arrested for playing baseball on Sunday. August Belmont won $20,000 on May lOth, at tbe Brooklyn Jockey Club track, by w inning the first race with Her Hig' rtens. At Springfield, Mass., on May liOth, John Joyce defeated John Casey in a 3-mile ra-e for t-VW. Time, 20 nunntes 40 seconds. Congressman Scott has quite a num ber of 2-year-olds who will win with long prices against them during the New York Jockey Club meeting. George I-e Blanche, the Marine, lias been doing Boston. One would supu.e he should he ou the slope training for bis batlle with Young Mitchell. Huntress, owned by the Chicago Stables, is one of the liei-t fillies racing 011 Ibe turf. In the West she bas so far raptured the majority of the big slakes. Edward Hanlan, the oarsman, still continues to le popular. Tbe sfsjrting denizens of Little Bot-k, Ark., gave him a royal reception during his sojourn there. The Southern Athletic Club offers a purse of $:(. J for Jake Kilrain and Joe McAnliffe to battle for, or the same amount for Ed. Smith and Jake Kilrain to U contended for in Jul v. Senator Hearst's 40,00O colt. King . 1 1 : ... I - 1 1 ' ' " " : ilton handicap at liravesenn, 11., oni Mav an, carrving six pounds less weight ! than Judge Morrow, the winner. ! " j Jake Kilrain, the well-known pugilist, ! arrived in Baltimore, Md., on Mav 2?b. j He stated be was enjoying tbe t-est . of j bea th, ami w.ll.ng to meet anv pug.hst ,n tbe world according to any rules. ! Adams, the j-x-kev, was suspended at ! at the St. luis Joekev Club track, on Decoration Dav 'for pulling iHiU-bman and Mable. two of tbe favorites. Ibe! owners were ruled off and all bets de- ! dared off". j yon to do, on less von are generous and , , . . I are disposed to divide your bag. So (..eorge Henry and Or. k tieorge j long as yon shoot them in this way s.gned articles of agreement May olst to : on, , nn accident will enable you to wr.-stle best 3 in a falls catch catch- do J harm t the beaatifal er.ltarea. &u-U: breast-plate of feather. i rf'youLTr'wnr'ie-t Tbe eight oared race between Bowdin J them fly overyou. and shoot them as College and the Boston Athletic Associa- i they recede. t ion was rowed on May iMih on the j "The fact that tbe ducks fly high and Charles Kiver, loton. Tbe distance j are very swift of wing renders it was one mile and seven-eights. The difficult to kill them on the wing at all. Boston t-iew won in 10 minutes 43 15 I and as very few men are really good seconds. j shots resort is had by the majority to In a half-mile dash at the Brooklyn ff'V1' hooting as is rr mi Ud-Jkev-Club track at Oravesend. L. I., Buries . of course, forbidden, and on Mav 2bth, Civil Service and tieraldine f? re sneak-boxes is rd the like- Eat ran a dead beat in 48 U, on a heavy j " ,s permitted to tbe half-skilled Sports track. Father laly insisted on the ace , men io lui!d blinds of reeds along tbe being run off, but Porter Ashe of Califor- nia refused, aud tbe judges decided that Civil Service should receive the purse. The international tennis champion- ship match tietweeu Thomas Pettitt, of Boston, and Charles launders, of F.ng- land, for -r,000 and tbe championship oi the world, eniei at uuiuin, ireiana, on May oOth. - Pettitt won three sets, mak- ing a-total ol seven seis. .-aunuers j cored one set, bringing his total up to j live. Pettitt is now champion of tbe i world. I i t.i..i, .!, h f.,n.b i "u . ; " . , ' ..ivji-i:.,.!. cHani pi7 hrt." and" tta mlddTe- I ! b Md weight championship of the world met ; e sportsmen can shoot at wbat rang, with defeat. l.e Blanche claimed Demp- lneJ W"J- sey wononaloul blow. AKain, when! Preach Military Force.. a Blanclie conquered Jack Demisey at i An fetenjnt officer at the arsenal San F rancisco, Dempsey made an excuse , ,n conTerstation said that France to-day that the gloves were too large and had 500,000 fully equipped soldier, in Ia Blanche committed fouls. j iVwitbin seven At the New Jersev Athletic games at days 1.200.000 could be put in the field, Bergen Point, N. J.) on May 3th, Willie ! and within three weeks a totsi of 2. D. Day started in the three mile race t 600,000 men could be bad for effective) w hich was a handic ip and Day started ! war service. This seems like bi fig from tbe scratch. The othercompetitors j nring on paper, but from the large were allowed starts ranging from twenty i bodies of soldiers located in every Til seconds to two minutes. At tbe crack of j lage and hamlet wherever yon go it the pistol Champion Day was off, and doesn't seem like boasting. There tbe shouts and cheers were deafening, j geems to be a general impression that Day ran bis first mile in tbe fast time of j trouble may ariso from Italy at any 4 minntes. 35 3-5 seconds, and., the two moment; therefore France is prepared. The most remarkable performance at ; the annual shoot of tl e Newark Shooting j Society, at Newark, N. J., on May 30th, j was the feat of William Hayes. On the j ring target be distinguished himself by making 74 out of a possible 75 oiuts in three shots, this leing the first time this ! score was ever made in the shooting j nark and tbe third time it was made in Ibis country. Bernard Waltber, presi - dent of the Settler rune l. iut, also maue ; the fine total of 73 in three shots. j I On Mav 20th. at the California Ath- i " ! letic Club, Kobert Fitzsimmons, of New i , j Zealand, fought bis first finish tight in i this country lor a purse oi i:.h ana? knocked out Billy McCarthy, of Aus- tralia, in 9 lounds. Fitzsimmons avoided j his oppouent'a blows and landed apiar- j ently at will upon the Australian's head and face until they blexl profusely, w hile fritsimtnons remained unmarked. Mc Carthy was knocked down several times during the fight, and was unable to re epoiid after the ninth round. Carbine, tbe Australian racehorse, must be a wonder. At the Australian Jockey Club he won tbe Autumn Makes, one aud a bait miles; tne isyoney t- np, 2 miles; tbe All-Aged Stakes, I mile; the Australian J. C. Plate, 3 mUee, and ; the Cumberland Stakes, 2 miles, all m four days. Carbine is four ears old, and is by Musket .Mersey, as a two- year-old he ran o tunes ana won ecn race. At three years old be ran 13 times, won 9 races, w as second three times, and third once. This season he started 14 times, won so far, 9 races, fin ished second twice, third twice, and once ran ii r, i.l s-ed lie started in 32 races. won 23, finished second five times, third three times and only ran once unplaced. ALL H A SINGLE ROOM. A Worth Carolina Family of Twenty. r.!j! Who term In 0 Apartmaot. In the western part of North Caro lina, about seven miles west of Hot Springs, there lives a family by the name of Brooks. It is a very Interest ing one, and many a visitor to the quiet little town of Hot Springs has had his curiosity so aroused by stories of this family that they have hired teams and driven seven miles to the Brooks residence. This consists of a little, tow log cabin in an unsettled district, and is occupied by father, mother and twenty exceptionally hand some children. Every one is a blonde, with golden yellow hair and peachy complexion, and all as ignorant, wild and untutored as they are beautiful. In addition to j the above family proper tbe two older i girls are married. One is a widow i with two children, and the other has j three children and a husband. Both these little families are living with tbe ' old folks at home, making fa all a family of twenty-eight when none is missing. The home, or log cabin, con sists of but one room, and that a veryn small one. On two sides of this are built seven berths, one above another, against the wall, and they were evi dently built with the cabin. In these "boxes" the parents, child ren and grandchildren lay themselves away when night comes on. Threo times a day this interesting family iray. be seen at meals. The older members seat themselves about no the ground ia front of the bouse "Indian fashion.' and are favored with tin plates and iron spoons, while the younger ones stand around a rongh home-made table inside the cabin, eating beans with a relish that is good to look upon. Thrs- is tbe principal diet; now and then they bave a change, but it is of tbe same Id ain. cheap order. They are all tealthy and robust, knowing nothing of sickness. Tbe father of this family, who has to hustle" for the beans to fill twenty eiht hungry mouths, makes as high as f 14 some months, bnt oftener his in come will not exceed f 15 per month, which sum he earns by walking seven miles daily to Hot Springs to work in the mill of a Mr. Frank Gahagan. Tbe mother, who has a baby in arms, seems contented and happy as she sits with one foot on the 6kie of the home-made cradle, made of an ordinary pine box, with rockers sawed, out of a rough board, which she every now and then gives a "kick" to keep the cradle moving, while she sings over and over again a few lines of come old hymn she has learned. Every one is struck with the remarkable beauty of the children, from the youngest to the oldest. It is anmtl,incr wnn.lcrf ril 1 h rraronra . , , , - r ... fonnd namesfor all bnt one whicb ,..w"hDt DfmB " Jet ' SL L-?UiJ 0 lobe-Democrat. . - . T To Kill Caavaa-Baolc .18 ooly way to km canvas, back ducks is to shoot them OB tb. wing as they fir over yon. If yo ar. tiafT y0a will bave lots of sport, and you will not hurt tbe ducks. Yoa will blaze away at tbera as they fly toward you. wnicb la precisely wfrat- lover of the species, would best like snore ana to snoot Irom behind Lbem j when the docks approach within range. In this sort of shooting verv little barm would be done but for the fact that the j canvas-back is beset with a curiosity i surpassing that of women. t "If he sees anything in motion on tb . shore which be does not understand, no consideration or prudence will restrain him from paddlinsr toward it. regard less of all danger, and the duck shoot ers take advantage of this by training little dogs to run about in a frisky, absurd fashion in front of the 'blinds ! hen d?ck a '?ht As oowas tne ducks see what is going oa ihe to rush a torrent upon her shores. Four heavy iron-clads are lying in the outer harbor, several others inside the docks, with six or eight steel cruisers all ready for their crews. A fleet of sixteen first-class war ships, and about twenty torpedo boats could be reported ready" for sea from Cherbourg ftton. within twentv-fonr hours notice. The yards at Brest and other station, are i said to be equally prepared, showing that France mast have a powerful navy, not old-fashionexi 'hips, bnt of the latest improved batteries and sp steel cruisers recording twenty knot. and upwards. Cherbourg Letter. A. Carious Calculation. Justice, a London paper, bas beea giving the result, of some curious cal culations, which, if correct, will mak. a fellow a little cautious about guessing on the size of a crowd and offering to bet his last dollar that be is right. Ac cording to the calculator on the staff of Justice, all the people in the world about 1,400.000.000 could stand la a field ten miles square, and by the .aid" of telephones could-? addressed by v single speaker. Politic and Literature, In a recent interview EmJIeZola, tb. French novelist, said: "I bave always. instinctively kept clear of politics. A. V man cannot be a politician and a liter ary man at the same time. These are: two beings who strive in different way. for the same goal, that is, to be knowa and lauded by tb multitude." . R.r shrill ia r .v. i I public men who subscribe per-clippings agencie. to newspa- -.-CV- 4 r