j i xs - .MAY 30, 181)0. EYES AND EARS! l)ccrtlotrday Election dinmr Monday. --. PoUtienl ppoakliiR this afternoon. This will be a blK ,jav ibanon. A drop of Ink makes hundreds think. Several renl rotate transactions lately. Itefreahliig showers of much-needed mln. ?unrantepl machine oils at I & Mensiea'. J. It. Klrkpatrlck returned from Be- auie Monday. Bom, May 23d, to the wife of M. 1 tobi net t, aeon. Rerepn doors and windows at Cru on x Menr.Iew'. Tle roof .is being put on G, T. fjot tou's new store. . ' Born. May 25th, to the wife of J. B. Pmith, a daughter. Thompson A Overman, harness and aaddte, Albany, Or. Social and supper at the new City restaurant this evening. Many heavy loads of lumber are rolling into town daily. It. McCalley went to Junctiou City this week to see his sons. The plmterers are now at work on the big h.xel.at Bodavllle. IV-iliaU snld two lots last week to Mr. Simomte, ofBweet Home. Where are the Lebanon people gv lug on the ever-glorious Fourth? Dr. D. V. Odell, the Rodaville phy sician, was in to see us this week. Heveral Lebannnitea attended the speaking at Brownsville Monday. Prof. H. N. WriRht Is attending the teachers' examination at Albany. No fish oil In our machine oils. Crvson A Mrs sirs. For anti-runt tinware call on Mat thews A Washburn, Albany, Oregon. Mrs. O. W. Bice has something of Interest to the ladies in another column. The ladies of the CP. church will rive a strawberry festival in the near future. A "jay bird" tells us that there will beoneormore weddings in town before very long: - It is reported that the burnt disirict of Scio wdl be rebuilt with substantial brick blocks. F. M. Miller has been appointed census enumerator for Lebanon and Liberty precincts. Remember you can get a hot or cold ath any day in the week at I. It. Bo rum's barter shop. MtB Daisy Danniels, of Albany, visitied hrr cousins, the Misses Swan, a few days this week. We find that Thompson & Overman rarry the finest line of harness and saddles in the valley. The first cherries of the season were i sale at 8. P. Bach's. They were brought in by A. Dunn. For board, with or without lodging, inquire of Mrs. J. Elkins one door south of the C. P. Church. Messrs. Bcni Donaca and I. It. Bo rum, accompanied by their families, visited Brownsville Sunday. RufT. Hiatt has sold 200 cords of fir wood to O'Nei! Bros, for the paper mill. Price paid, ?2 per cord. Lelanon will have a street sprinkler mta summer. Messrs. west rail A jo. are having the machine made. The celebrated Charter Oak and Jewel stoves and Bangis are sold by Matthews & Washburn, Albany. - - Do . not f;t.il to ec the Improved High Arm Singer M. Hardy's jewelry store. J. A. Archibald, Ag't. , The census enumerators will get in . only 24 days actual work in June un less they are allowed to work on Sun day. The Philomath band will give an ex hibition at the band ball Saturday evening. C B. Montague and son. Robert re turned Wednesday from a week's stay at.Maley's. I. It. Borum has a nice new chair at his barber shop. It is very easv, and he now has to talk fas to keep his customers awake. Dan Shaw returned from Seattle last Saturday. Dan is rlad to get back, and says Seattle is "Xixy," when com pared to Lebanon. J. R. Kirkpatrick has fitted up a neat office for himself in the upper fttnrv of hia now ttiiiMfnr rtnA riswf. north of Exprksh office. Next Monday Is the dav to walk up and hand in your little ballot. There'll . probably be some one around who , will tell you how to vote. For builders' hardware, carpenters aay that Matthews A Wrashburn, Al bany, Oregon, have the most complete stock outside of Portland. Seven thousand brick are beins- tnrnea oai aany ai ine DncE varrt. There are nearly 100,000 brick Iii the kiln which will be burned soon. We guarantee our machine oils to contain no cotton seed nor fish oils; but pure machine oil. Cbtjsok A Menztes. I am prepared to chop grain Thurs 'daya, Fridays and Saturdays; saw wood Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. II. Cross. All parties knowing themselves in debted to me will please call and settle, as X need my money. . M. A. Miixer;-' While in Albany call at Thompson A Overman's and examine their line of saddles, fine driving and team har ness. All goods manufactured at home. Rev. Oalder held quartet ly meeting at CrawfordsvJlle Sunday. Mrs. Calder visited over Sunday in Brownsville, and they returned home on Tuesday. . Over three carloads of stoves sold by Matthews A Washburn, Albany, Ore gon, the first year they were in busi ness. They expect to double that this year. Ourentireforcedesiretoextend their thanks to Miss Jessie Ralston for a beautiful boquet which has been dif fusing lis iragraiice iu uur oiuoe mi week. Parties knowing themselves indebted to Cm son & Menzie's since 18S9, please call and settle, as all of our old accounts will soon be put in the hands of a col lector. The handsomest lady in Linn coon says that Matthews A Washburn, Al bany, Oregon, has the most complete stock of stoves and ranges in the valley. Mr. Walker, who had his forearm nearly severed by a four-foot circular saw-at Cedar Flat last Week, was in town Wednesday. His arm is healing rapidly.: When the census enumerator calls on you don't be afraid to answer all questions, for he is under oath to tell nothing that he gains in the way of information. - m " ' " ' i" mj i valine i i ven laacn near nere wumn the pss i ', huh we are inrormtu i.nat a ruo1 many more will be located soon. Election dinner will be sorved In the building next door south of Beard e Holt's next Monday, from 11:30, until 4. Supper from 5 until 8. Meals SS-tc., children 15 . Hon IJh. B. Curry delivered an atldress on the political issues of the day Tuestlny evening, nnd Hon Thos. II. Tongue W advertised to speak Thurs day afternoon. And now we hear of a Canada hen that produced n golden ejrg. Mr. Savage recently killed a chicken In whose gizzard was found a nugget of gout worth 50 cents. The young folks enioved themselves til i no eanitv-PtiHiiur Frluav evntunr. An entertaining program was roitdervd; but "tatfy" was the most enjoyable icaiure oi iho evening. IVtcrson a Will lace sold for J. A. Powell 20 acres of land off the don at Ion land claim of Jas. Marks, one-half mile northeast of lbanon, to Miss rannle Huekner, ofSclo. For live, wlde-a-wake hardware and stove men Matthews & Washburn, of Aumny, urvgmt, deserve the large trade tncy are having Tor the low prices they make on all goods. ine census enumerators commence worn aionnay. f armers snouid pre pare to answer the questions of the enumerators in regard to the extent and value or their productions. A party of seven men and four women from Taeoma came to I.banoti Monday for the purpose of locating timber claims near here, . We under stand that all have filed on claims. I am now prepared to furnish my customers with pure Boiled and Rate Unseed Oil, sold on guarantee. I also carry Masury's pure colors. M. A. MlI.t.F.R. Quite n party from Lawson made the ascent of Peterson's butte last Sun day. The IiCbanon band accompanied them and furnished music. Crawford, the photographer, was present and took their picture. O.Neil Bros, announce that the Ijeh anon flouring mills will continue to run as heretofore. The mills are under the management of R. McCalley, the old miller, who first started these mills. Dan Shaw says he will furnish us an item next week. It will be interesting to some of our readers, if we miss-take not. He alsa says he will soon return 1 1 Seattle. It is no easy Mattie to keep track of Dan. The homeliest man In Linn Co. says alter a clone ami careful examination that Matthews & Washburn, Albany, Oregon, carry the lartrest stock of builders' hardware in the vallev and sell at the lowest prices. U. F. Russell, democratic candidate for county school superintendent, was in town Thursday. Mr. Russell Is well and favorably known as an educator, and It looks as though he is going to Russell himself into office. Preaching in the M. E. Church next Sunday morning nnd evening. E-en-ing text: "For the bed is shorter than a man can stretch himself on it; and the covering narrower than he can wrap himself in it." Isaiah 28, 20. The only place where Democrats, Republicans, Prohibitionists, Union party and Mugwumps are known to dwell together in unity is at the de liciious election dinners given by the ladies of the First Presbyterian church. The work of clearing the ground for the paper mill still goes on. Frank O'Neilis in the East and has ordered all the machinery for the mill. The machinery wll cost $25,000 and it will eit f 10,000 more to put it on the first floor. E. Ooan's big planer shows up spendidly in the eastern part of town. It will soon be painted, when it will look much better. The machinery willbeputin right away, and they will soon be ready to receive orders for work. i Mr . Garland and party returned frorii their timber claims Tuesday. They re ports that there is still a good deal of snow a distance of twenty-five miles from here, although it is melting rap idly, three feet having disappeared in the last thirty days. I, the undersigned, hereby challenge any base ball club, composed of play eis under 18 years, in Lebanon or vicinity, for a single game or series of gnmes, to be played on the Lebanon grounds.. Time to be selected by the Clubs. C. C. IlACKI.EMAX, Manager. The body of Lawrence, the 5 vear old son of Dr. J. W. Cole, of Scio, (frowned in thecreek at that place on Anril 26lh while playing in the water with soma other little boys, was recovered Maj 20th. The bodv had risen and was lodged 'a gain st some bushes just above me oriage in town. On next Friday evening, May 30th, there will be a grand opening of the City restaurant in our new building; and we will give a social and supper, to which the good people f Lebanon are cordially invited. The Philomath band will be present and furnish some excellent music The young people may engage in games and have a gen eral good time. Supper, 25 cts. It. J. Moses. E. W.Potter, the postmaster at Elm Creek, Neb., says he has personal Knowledge or several cases or rheuma tism, in that vicinity, that have lieen permanently cured by Chamberlain's Pain Balm, after other remedies were used without benefit. He has sold it at his drug store there for five years and says he never knew it to fail, that "any customer who once uses Chamberlain's Pain Balm will have nothing else in stead." For sale by M. A. Miller. Montague must be preparing for a boom, judging by the way he is stock ing up his Mammoth and One-Price Cash Stores. By purchasing his goods in. such large quantities he naturally gets much lower prices. He guaran tees good goods In all the departments of hts extensive establishments at prices that absolutely astonish other merchants in the valley, some of them going so far as to say that Montague retails his goods as low as they buy them at wholesale. The careful buyer invariably goes to Montague's. The One-Price Cash Store has be come one of the features of Lebanon. As everything is new and fresh, and the prices are so much below that charged in croon-giving esiaiuisnmenTs, peo ple who desire to buy their goods for cash naturally go to the corner, where they do not have to make up to the storekeeper for the non-paying cus tomers who, when they can do so, buy on credit, and who are constitutionally opposed to paving for anything. Get prices at the One-Price Cash Store and if there is any reason in you that is the place where you will purchase your supplies. Cheerful news for newspaper pro prietors comes from Ohio. A paper in that State recently brought suit against forty-three -men who would not pay their subcription, and obtained judgment -for the full amount in each case, l wentj'-eight at once prevented attachment by making affidavit that they "had no more than the law allowed. Under the decision of the Supreme Court they were arrested for petit larceny and bound over in the sum of $300. Six of these did not - give bond, and went to jail. This is the result of the working of the new postal law, which makes it larceny to take a paper and refuie to pay for It. LMOllAl. tAV. Written rorlha Esnt Far ' In (In mimiv !ith-!nml. lu'i-i' I In- mmniK of rvlii'liliin Hist Ml, Thry uru slvtniK l Kriivi'H tiumimlH-red, Our lovi-d one liu (iiiiiitil o well. On Hid rnt'fcy Ihims nfthe mrimttln, Ami lh Imrntui stmriH il' Un biin, lUi'rtch tUt I m !it" of t tiiisy imirtvr hurtHMt, f iir the eutinj ihcjr ilii-il to ui!n. How tunny liirt nn on the bnltlc-flcliln, When- vli'lory ili'ttrly iut bimht; Tin' fiU'e, l.mlr lilt- lor their eoiiulrv. Ami they kU.mi ihrre where I hey l'iiii;ht. On thi tmiik ef w ImlliiK rlwrx. Where t!ie Mlverr tir llow, Whorn wllili-.i ftufm!! of -liner l'iit, Autl uet wtlil liowen, of summer prow, They rent t liens with slumber mil. role t-n, llriive tintiherts tetiiler nnil Inte: Their ItnuiiMtekn tl bhinltetn tlielr lilllotv, I neir wiiuiiiik sheet, nil, while ami I blue. Knr thivtn leynl fetus of freedom, A null. mi's ;ulwe Iwat And tonlny in eommon Itmi hoi hinl The Rnttt-rul nilllloiifi meet. To brlnir kind word nnd njr of ini!.te, And n-wfrratit llowerx In iree The hhi u here or Iioih-ii lie burled 111 iiur Imvj 'k hut reMliiiK (iliue. I.t them rex! In (tenee fonver. And hi Kdeu'a irnrden liny, My tin y Kitlhi r nvei le-t ilowern, In one Ioiik Memortnl pay, M. M. ItKCOltAl ION DAV. Decoration Day, Mny 30, will be ap propriately olwerved in Lebanon. Te ceremonies will li ciniductiHl by the U. A. U. Post assisted by the W. R C. and tlrcmen. The following programme has been arranged by the committee: John r. Miller Piwt will nrnible st the engine hall t t cluek A. M. ordkr or morrrwioM. City nffleen Ix-lmnon Cornet Band Women Hellef rri Q. A, K. and old aultllcr Firemen Kfthbnth-m-hiMtl t-hildren, with flower lllixen. Mreh to the M. E. ehiirrh. Aildrrm by I'ura. P. R. N. Rlnekbnrn. Mun-h to eemetery and deeontle gnvex lluolness men are resiectfullv wm!iI to close their business houses from 0 o'clock A. m. till 12 M. ami imrtleiimte in the exerclw-s. lly Older of committee. HAND KNTKltTAINMFXT. The band Ioys are rehearsing for their entertainment, the date f which will be announced next week. The programme will consist i " an overtu.-e, ''Kcho," by the band: drama, in three acts, entitled "Nevada, or the Lost Mine," with the following cast of char acters: Xevtd. the wanderer Al Cmmm t ermmii, an old miner. Tom t nrron 'lv,n. (John lloiie Pandy lih-k Slla. tsteele. mlmkmarv of hrmlih 1. U iu,. Jer-len. ileleetlvc ),u N,im,l Jiilw. a bhiek miner .. . Win Klknm w In hye, a Chinaman Witli t -aider Mother Merton Mr u w Cmn Atmes Kirlee. Mbw Ida Mavrr -M.x llo, a waif. Slaud Mi-kerou To conclude with a laughable farce. Baaeball. C. C. Hackleman has onranlKed n ba!HbalI club, havlmr emraired ami signed articles with a mine composed of our bst piavrs: ami in another place appears a challenge by him. The boy have commenced practicing in earnest, and will soon be able to play a Hirst-claxs game. They will have some dandy uniforms soon,- and these hoys not being, "snhlev when it come to looks, they will cut quite a swell when they appearon the diamond In uniform. following are the names of the mem bers: Henry Smith, captain; Geo Kl kina. Arthur Hardy, Chas KaNton, C. i lodge, r rank I'arnsli, L. Marsclles, W.Boanland, Ira Itlotlgett, A Big Planer. I have Just ordered another machine for my new planer at a cost of f 1,000, and shall continue to add to my plant from lime to time to meet tfce rcquire- iiiema oi ix iiuiiumg puouc. iy new building will be 4x64 fwt, two stories high, and will lie thoroughly couiiipcil with the latent and best mai hinery. I have made arrangements to keep on hand a large supply of gmnl lumber, nnd will have a lumber yard tlie equal of any on me coasi. 1 nio nave one or the best-stocked furniture stores in Linn county. E. (Joax. About the Cenana. ine soiieriiucndent ot the census has issued tbe following important or ders to all census supervisors: "Please instruct the enumerators in crises where liersona rcfue toanswer the questions on the population schedule in relation to physical and mental disabilities, or to questions relating to rarms, homes ami mortgages, to enter proper place for the words 'refused to answer.' Is'o further steps will le necessary on the part of the supervisor or enumerator. All legal proceedings will 1? instituted at Washington through the depart ment of justice." School EiUrUluint, The putdie school of our city will give an entertainment at the band hall hnday night, June 6. A good program is arranged and promises to ho. of un usual interest. The proceeds of the entertainment will go to found a library in the new school building. This is an object worthy of the patronage of every citizen of Lebanon who desires to promote our best interests. Let everybody attend. Twenty-flve cents is not much for each one but for all it will net quite a little sum for the library. A school library is a public neccsetiy. Th Waaaom Addition. " There having been some complaint by the purchasers of lots in the Was som addition to Seattle on account of lots not being cleared, as per agree ment, we desire to make a statement of the facts in the case. A contract wa made with a party to clear ail the ground, but he claimed that he had lost money and jumped the contract. We have now employed seven men to do this work aud will clear the ground and fulfill all our contracts. W. W. Bkck a Co. Rtinswty. George Ross, the well-known farmer, was unfortunate in having a pretty serious runaway last Saturday. While engaged in hauling rock on his farm in a cart, the horses became frightened and started to run; the cart was tipped over on Mr. Ross and he waa dragged some distance, having two rilis frac tured and being badly bruised all over. Dr. Foley was sent for and attended to his injuries and he is now resting easy and rapidly recovering. Ceneue Enumerator. The following have been appointed census enumerators for Linn county: C. W. Watts, B. F.Tablerand Richard E. Conn, of Albany; D. G. Gary, of Brownsville; V. C. Iliggs, of Craw fordsviHe; 14. A. Michcnor, or Tan gent; Jco L. Sutherland, of Scio; F. M. Miller, Lebanon; Fred C. Godlev, Halsey; O. B. Cyrus, Scio; Chas F. Cunningham, Harrisburg; Samuel J, Paul, Scio. Dr. B. Hamlin, of Lemoro, Cal., saj-s a few dozon bottles of Chamtierlain's Cough Remedy which he sold there cre ated such a demand for the remedy that he couid not well get along wi tout it. Those who use it find it so much suporior to any other remedy they have ever tried that they recommend it to their friends, and that is what makes it 60 popular. For sale by M. A. Miller. T. S. Doten, Justice of the Peace and merchant of Bristol, 111., says he can recommend St. Patrick's Pills. "I have used them, "he says, "and kuow where of I speak." Anyone troubled with con stipation or biliousness will find them a friend. l hey are prompt and certain iu their action and produce a pleasant cathartic effect. For sale by M. A. Miller. m TUB CANDIDATE. Ihiowsviu,i:, May 27, lmo. Klimils I.KRArttl Ktl-KKw They have come, and they have gone. Like a beautiful spring flower. the politicians mi l the 2ith of May have wandered on their weary way, leaving but the aroma of cigar stumps nnd a (liv.iiiiy, hny, far-away mem ory of I'hiss b:inds, public speaking, orange peel and penmtl.-i. They have recited llulr little pieces, niul as the sphil moved them, mured forth elo quent dppenls for party and principle, or otherwise angered a weary but kindly-disposed and forgiving public, with lwhat I will do fur tuv constitu ents," springing usnn them" tbis and aim outer weii-ronnred and time-worn "client nuts," to which the ienp!o have become accustomed, ditto iho iiieanls, as time aud circiiuiHliinct-s imiv bring inriu. juii yei i ih nrownsviui! public should not conipalu, they have been treated to "variety, the snleo of lifo .' and tiaveeuoyed ail almoxt IntorrtipV- rii now or, in many ciikcs, most em phatic harangue from the confident. massive-framed, two hundred pound er, who, with chest expanded, elevat ed head, and arms that cut the air, gave gratuitous Information In regard to the "solidity and certain sueeeMS of the party" and who, when red In the face, and short of wind, , made way fnpfftlM lifrlfV tiiiKt lnuiii.,bAn m.H who would ask the kind indulgence of the assemblage, aa he said a gootl word for that highly respectable old lady, f imbibition, Mho, unfortunately for lerself. Is at the present time under going the necessary, but disagreeable iirocess, or moulting, and consequently lieiugrn dishabille, fails for this reah to put In an appearauce during this political campaign. Another blast from the welr-iHilinlied horns, aud an- other aopirant to ofllee step to the front, blandly smllingiw he pours forth a conciliatory address, the sum and substance of which Is, that he burled the party Hatchet, and with a truly oenevoieiu purpose works only for the right man in the right a"." and on reflection is convinced that he hiiitxelf Is the right man, and would willingly accept the right place, or any other wun rat salary attached. Thru we have the man who agitates the labor question for the benefit of his fellow- man, fiut as for himself he Is In favor oflaliorlng but on nnd excepting cer tain davs of the week: these are boll- days, days of public speaklMg and the naiance ortne nays. juring the time that may Intervene he thinks labor beneficial to the average American free man. Again, we have the speak er, who, with much agitation and nerv ous tremor, tries to advance an opinion relating to something or aomeliody. and tieing terribly undecided In what he was trying to talk about, soon bad his listeners In the same condition, and is happy t. think that lis has at mm nune an impression, mat the en tire assemblage agree with him for dee, i. e., that he had lietter tie at home splitting wood for ServplH-na Amanda. These and many more types are to tie round during a canvass, and when taken in connection with the shoulder hitter, the bovootler. the confidant and assuming, the timid and retiring. the lMin.lliol.Ji-r, the monopolist, the manipulator, the bulldoeer. the curb stone, free cigar smoker, the man who is willing to finger political money, hut generally gets left, the iiosilive man, the timid man, the man who can secure votes, the man who gives points and never refuses lo drink, as they iwss in review form a panorama. which ii not ootiai to views in the liolv land for the instruction of Sabbath school children, who will be admitted at hair price, a procession as neatly and varied as some of the assertions made by ttie candidates, the oulv color of whose nose lielics their aWt tious, that they would not vote for Pennoy- cr oecause ne was not in ravor or more water. 1'rohib. Forty Ladiea Arrrated. A large company of ladies from all parts of Linn county and representing every caste of society Mere naming down Main street in Albany gaelng curiously about as ladies are accustom ed to doing, when without a moment's warning they were all arrested bv the sight of the Ladies' Itassar aud were taken before his honor, IL J. Sower. Each, anil everyone pleaded guilty, paid cost and expense and car ried home some of the specialties of W 9 r -a me mnies itazaar. t. very department of jhe Bazaar Is replete with the latest styles. The only thorough!)- skilled lady cutter and trimmer in Albany is connected with this establishment. One glance at our window is equiva lent to an oracr ror one or more or our specialties. Illvd. Frank H. Galloway, who had been lying ut tho point f death for several days, died Wednesday afternoon, June 28th. He was nfilictcd with serus erysipelas, with pyemia (blood poison ing), which originated in a wound re ceived on the bead a short time since. He formerly had to sustain a double amputation of the arm on account of the same trouble. Frank was well knows, having lived here all his life. He was a young man of good habits. and was very industrious. He was alrout 23 years of age. He leaves a stepmother and three brothers and three sisters. Orer the Mountains. Charles Knudeu arrived in Lebanon last Saturday from over the moun tains. He reported about five feet or snow on the summit and savs that if the road was cleared or fallen trees, wagons could cross in about three weeks. Mr. Knuden crossed the mountains with a wagon by the O. P. It. It. route in February, being the first team to cross this year. ' To Fleaaare-Seekers. Having purchased the Findley prop erty at Lower Soda springs, we will so improve it as to make it a most de sirable place to lie visited by those seeking health or pleasure. Will do our best to make It pleasant for those visiting this well-known rewort. Wm. FiiDKKn, v r '- A. Bleitscii. Take It Iifor Ureakfaat. The great appetizer, tonic and liver regulator. Iu use for more than .SO vpr In EnvTanil P.l. nvc specific for liver complaint. Bad taste, inthejup, but come a-running and get imxiiii tju mtimiik in me xminuiijr, mill pain in the head and hark of the eyes, tired reelitur li KiitcxM. lnnsuor gvmpton of liver rompliiint. Keinedy Ilr. Hi-nli-y'a KiiKlih Dandelion Ttmic. Relieve cimstipntion, liarpen the appetite and tone up the entire system. (Jet the genuine from your druggist for J1.00 and ttika according to di rection. Notice to Coatractora. Sealed bids will be rccivetl at the C. P. church Saturday evening, June 7, for erecting a parsonage for said church. For further particulars, Inquire at DoDaca'a store. The Lit Time. All parties knowiner themselves In- dtHed to me will please call and cot tie at once and oblige, E. Goan. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING- 17.r.th Edition Now Heady. A book of over pnffes, piv Ing more intorination of value to adver. tisor than anv other publication ever Issued. It Rives the name of every newspaper published, having a circulation ratine in the American Newspaper Directory of more than 25,000 copies each isttue, with the cost per line for ndvertixlns in them. A list of the best papers of local circulation. In every city and town of more than 5,000 population with price by the inch for one month. Special lists of daily, country, villn;?e and class papers. Barsrnin offers ot value to small advertisers or those wishing to experiment judiciously w ith a small amount of money. Shows conclusively "how to pet the most service for the money," etc., etc. Bent post paid to any address for 3(1 cents. Address Gko. P. Kov ki.i. Co.. Publishers and General Advertising Agents, 10 Spruce Street, New York City. 7 KlI.I.KIt Hf A FAM.1NO 1IIKK, W. V., Peterson received a, telegram frotn Woodlitirn lust Saturday evening Informing him or the dentil of Fred Kendall, a l.n.t ln-r-i n-lnw. Air. Peter son went to Albany Sunday nmriilng In time to lioard (he early train and attended the funeral, which took place at Molaila, Clackamas county, Sun day. - Air. Kendall was killed bv n falling tree, and the sail accident 1'iapi ii lied 111 this May: Mr. Kendall and his brother were engaged slitting down timber at ineir iintiie near Worn I Imi-n 'II...,. sawed a large trie entire v nir mm, l wnen u started to fa . Fred t-.m di. reciiy backward from the way It started to iaii: as It reached an alllm.l,. .,r n oou r, j.j degrees It shot backward inn; tho butt end of the tree lilt the unfor tunate man on th sl.lo t,r i... i,.., i shoulders and breast, killing him In! stautly. It-struck with such force mat it tore away a portion of his head and scalp. IU leaves a widowed mother, three brothers and three sisters. He was aged 2-1 years nnd was the main suptKirt ftr the family, tieing tbe eldest son. lie was known in Lebanon, having been here awhile some time ago, and was a brother of Jim. Peterson aud a nephew of Henry Klum. He was an excellent young man, highly rcsiiected, and the entire community was shocked at the sad death. rntKBVlI.I.K CICK1NGS. (From the Oehneo Review. Rain Is badly needed. No cattle rodeo th:s spring. Wool Is worth only about 14 cents this spring. The townslte people over on the Des chutes are still hopeful. Hualnesa within the past week has brightened up wonderfully. Severe frost 0f late have discouraged garden truck in this vicinity. The st-chinen who have lteen riding for. Imrtij rciiort InJlflerent success. The range Is unusually well supplied with water, and there are worlds of grass, and for these reasons the horses are badly scattered. T,,e reaHon there was no cattle rodeo this year, was because the cattle were thought to lie too poor to 1 disturlicd after the hard winter. The fall will show what we have left after the severe weather of last winter. Sheepmen and dealers say that our wool clip this year Is nfthe best quality that has ever been produced In the county. The fleeces are light and un usually free or dirt. Too bad a better price j8 not ofIYred for It. LISTEN Tl MR NOW. I will buy all the chltem bark that anyone will bring to me. In Ibanou, at 3 cents per lb., cash. Will also furnish sucks and twine. Bark must be dried in the shade, orifil Hed In t lio sun lay it with the outside up. Bark must be tree or moss and dirt and brok en Into small pieces, and must be or a golden yellow color on the Inside. Fulfill these conditions and you will get you cash. Dh, J. A. Lamukhsox. Kotfc to I'raw Balldvra. The clerk or school district No. 18 will receive bids until the 4th or June, 1S90, for building a fence around the block. The fence to be built In a workmanlike manner. The board reserves the right to reject any or alt bids. By order of lioard. J. J. Swam, Chairman. YOU POOR SODL ! How You Do Suffer witli a Poor Sole! YOUR FEET ARE Drawn :, Twisted, Contorted, AND YOUR TEMPER HAS BECOME AS CRANKY AS YOUR FEET. J - ' WHY X0 YOU rut up with this sort of thing? It isn't necessary. Shoes are made to fit the feet with ease and comfort to the wearer, Shoes that are not stout and substantial and firm and finished. ; YOU POOR SOUL, Are a poor investment, hard loot. A good sole will cost no satisfaction. WHY XOIVT YOU Come to us and see what we keep shoes that keep their shape and keep our custom. Good leather is of no account with THE STUFF, THE STITCHES, THE STYLE! All Must Be First-Class in a First-Class Shoe. Give YOUR POOR FEET A treat by putting them into a shoe that is not a prison, but a palace, firm to look at, firm in work, and with a founda tion of solid but supple leather. We have the best shoes in the market; make the best prices. We give the best atten tion to the minutia of shoe-fitting. You can be best served and fitted by coming to HACKLEMAN. CKl t. Also, as a side line, I have tiest part of this growing burg. Lebanon Planing Mill -AND- UNIVERSAL WOOD-WORKER. ESTALISHED IH 1875 BT S. A. HICKERSOH. Refitted, Enlarged and Improved. - NEW MACHINERY OF THE BEST MODERN TYPE. I manufacture and deal in Doora, Blinds, all styles of Windw Frames, Door Frames, Mouldings, Brackets, Etc., in fact anything man ufactured and kept on hand in a first-claes planer. In connection with the above, I also have on hand a well-assorted lumber vard in which is to be found rouprh and dreesed Lumber, Rustic. Bevel, Weather Boarding, Flooring, lor Uornices, fc.tc. A arSANQE BUT TRUE (TOUT. What Happanad at tha Ladlaa' Latt Etactlot Dinner. ,. I'-ome lMen In tn while I tell A fttmnuo, weird title of a mil befell A oter lnl "J-.U'i-tloti." 'Twin, in miii, and though be hnd not dined Mo could not yet nnikn ii Ids mind. He timid not umke wlcctliHi. When h'1 di miee he hoard, "Pome In, 'J'liH In the .'w-e lo ieitd yotir tin, I'.viie in nod li. w our table," He til In and took n m-r'. And Mien (oh, my !; Ix-puit ill eat A . Ioiik a he wax able. Tlir innntl now yon rotiot not mle V hi:n he went Ill lift looked like till I f H it h ben lie did Hulk out. Hie i.ietttre "took ' wonld look Jut So ( I For lie did eat and he did grow And now lie was quite utouL 'lo t lion and do liken le next Monday . OI80RAOEFUI. SOENE AT CHUROH. Bwr.cr I Ion it, llaf 27, WSO. ElMTOR T.Ktl.VNO EXPRBMt: I'l.-.iM! mi iru In your valuable paper to ntmver a M-nrvy etub who linn takes II upon lilinw-lf In rrlth lMi mjr account of a disgraceful eene In rhtireh, and Intimiitins that my report orenlrawn. All that I reported can be proren In a rmirt of law; It can be proren by thtme who were ihera and tk no hand in the uproar, tliere- em. are nn ennHrliea lo lie Ul wtven IIMTtUM'tveH; that the ierman bowed by their look and ae- noii nmi lin y nail eoliio for a ruwj and Inier- rnpim ino prrwiirr ana rstel mieh an upnmr tiiut lilt oli-e could not b heanl. therein iolat ttift the law, for which Ihcjr would have had lo my tbe fH-ually if It bmi not Uiftii for tha rabr- f.ueo i orixiiau orix'Nraiic 01 rreacner jot and oilier who were there. Now my erliiclrtn on whht the aenib Who ahrn 9iuivii iroirinirr of --iniin 10 cne quarter, roliiiiiii of falM-hood. K that he had better rhaniMt hi nora de plume to the "Cbmpreawir ttt KalM-liood," for I do nut think that more tin etiuld be coupled totrether and ut on paper la mailer mku-o willioul uxinir maller type. I do not wb.h to din-Una Hie Kafier-IViwman rw-ket. but d.ni I run awav with 11m notion that I am not pooled berait I am not Dutchman, furthermore he l a black beep and arabby, and ouahttobadipe4lWDotlKUUif h la own uama. a. rtuxowa, HAFI'T HONE. H.rer Bows. May 2S. w I hi MrawLerrlea are uulia plentin - now oa tbe hllb-klea. We hare shurch al Rer. Fltxwater'a the fourth Kiin.lny of eaen montli. There h a irreat deal of tick new reported In our iieiuny, uui ii Kema io ue mmuy aoiutig euiM rcu. firalu In our locality wan never better than it U thl i.rin and tlie outlook fur a big hartrmt U . ncre 1 great neca or a new cnurrn in our rieiKiiiHirliooa and also la need or new school not imc. Our whor l Is pmc.reiiifr nicely with ilbm May fbwi a teacher. Tha daily attendance la about zsorau. Ml tic Laura and Irena Fltrwatcr bare been tery h-k, but we are glad to bear they are coiira- rr m- u Ul. IHed. Mar IS. 1890, 1 lie little daurhter of John ami snlcy t'ralfl, ai-e.1 S month. Tbcy hare our ncartieti rympainy in ineir ma ncrearemcnt. Hint ererrnne Is mlna to haullnv lomher aiitce the road are gcttiiig otiite dusty nnd thcr w ill bare tn tmprore their time and haul lumber wnue ine roans ar guud. uraiuluia Duncan, tierharai tha nM IttAw In otir co.itnv, over 100 rear old. la lvln Terr low with liut tlteht hfwa i J twr m...... but we have one fflMt ami tutiai-tirnt ihaf ftk 4m - rood Christian and mni rcaty and willing to go mmf uuc, sue Krui 10 ue oyuig m OKI aire, Mo AkoS. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land OmcB at RnsnrrMi. Oreewi, l April III h. f NolW H hereby rlren that Ihe fol low Inr named aettler ha tiled txtOce of hi Inieution to snake ftnitl f.r, . tf in , li.u trt nl hla .l.i . : .( prr will be ma4ie licrtire Ine Jtvlge In his ab- rnt-c m-nr ik ricr m inr countr cnurt of I .Inn cmntr. Oreron. at Albany, Oregoo, on Sat unlay, J. J mi tm , tew, Tlx; F. IIKXTERMEtER. Ilnme1ead Etitrr No. Mi. for the W Kint a w and N. H of 8. E. Jt Sec 10. Tp. II B., i 1 EaM, He name Ine followinc wit new In no hi contlnnou residence Hmti aud cultlratbin of aid lann, ris: nniiam Mi:itire. Jacob Hush. Oliver kuwii, retcr i aikerson. all of cwect Home. Unn county, urcgoo. I'rUt. W. JOHNSTON. Beeistcr. Calloused! on the pocket and hard on the more and cive so much more can do for vu in shoes? We bad work. for sale ten nice lots in pret Now don t wait till they co they go one or two of them. and all kinds of Finishing Lumbei 1 On or About July 1st, Wo Will Remove Occupied by UNTIL THEN WE WILL SELL BOOTS & SHOES, CLOTHING, AT GREAT IlEDUcflOKS. Please Call and Examine Goods & Prices, v JOHN G. REED S. F BACH'S We w Corner IS IN THE BUSINESS CENTER STI LCI Tho public school The paper mill on uig pianer on And the depot on Makes the Corner Store the Hiil j Oil CICIVTlilt OJC OKAVITY. ' " - IT IS A NEW STORE I CARRYING GIVES TO ALL ITS .'PATRONS HEW DEAtS'.- Ke?n a full lino of rr'a n.1 rMi.: It vine manuiacture, Uents' burnishing Goods, Groceries ?nd Provisions; in fact ever-thing necessary to keep soul and body together. hiobody complains of Bach's goods or quarrels with his prices. ; SEATTXaEk The -:- Wassom -:- Addition TO SEATTLE - Is without doubt where men and women of monev aid senso and refinement will make their homes and wbv? BECAUSE The College, the Mineral Springs, RavennaPai !; THE VIEW OF MOUNT RANIER (Which is grander here than wnicn, ii ior no otner reason, would make it the . most desirable), . In Seattle a Mighty Take hold of the best while " 3ou prices. Every lot in full view of Mount Ranier and Lake Tvash- inscton: on railroad: at depot: can be completed to it; half under construction; 2o,000 September, 1890. - TO THE PIONEER A WORD. "Whv did you cross, the your lite and that of others in your feands to come t- this Coast? What pen can write the history? You hare corTu-'i this land, made the growth of great cities imperative, and the amaii: of great fortunes, almost in a daj-, possible. Now, by the investn-crit -f a few thousands, or hundreds, you may reap the harvest thr.t belong t-j-ou. Will you do it? The greatest corporations, the ablest finn: r of Europe and America, are investing thousands nav, miHi :s?, ;v Seattle, illvou not invest? Your chance is NOW. Feize have a 60-acre tract, an 80 and two cheap; ripe for platting, any one of in a short time. Buy quick, I can't REV. J. R. KIRKPATRICK Sole agent for the Wassom Addition in Oiegon, is 3ou. Call on him at once. tlie Store Now X. Cotton. tore house on the south. the north;, i v. :l tne east, the wegt, '"- ; NEVcGOODS. anywhere else on Puget Sohnd City is Building ! have a chance at 1 or, an electric railwav as sc-.n dozen fine residences already Female" College to be - o-icirid ;. . - ' plains? "Why did you 40-acre tracts. Onlv lw which will mjke you duplicate them. your-f to G. W. W. BECK.