The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 16, 1890, Image 3

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    L Lebanon Express.
...MAY 16, 1S30.
C II. Ralston building a lmrti.
Wire cloth at Cruson & Menzie's.
W. J. Guy went to Dallas Tuesday.
Wm. Prtmley visited this offlee Mon
day. Finest machine oils at Cruson
Mr. Brown returned from Seattle
la. t Friday.
"mv. Miller bought the Welch prop
erty this week.
Mre. W.J. Guy has been visiting rel
atives at Dallas.
J. C. McFcrsou ia painting for Kirk
patriek this week.
Thompson & Overman, harness and
saddles, Albany, Or.
The foundation for the new planer
was laid last Friday.
Why go hungry when we have two
hotels and a restaurant?
We were glad to see our old friend,
3tf. T. Lindsey, Saturday.
Real estate to the amount of ?7,0C0
changed hands last week.
O'Neil Bros.' bought 20!) cords of
wood of ltutr Hiatt this week.
RufFHiatt tells us that he intends to
erect two dwellings this season.
Kirkendall, West fall & Co. are put
ting rustic on their livery stable.
Percifull of Brownsville invested
$500 in Lebanon real estate lately.
R. O. McClure's wife was visitmg
relatives in bweet Howe last week.
Rev. H. B. TCH worthy of Brownsville
gave this office a call a few days ago.
For anti-rust tinware call on Mat
thews fe Washburn, Albany, Oregon.
The relaxation following the severe
political tension of last week is painful.
Mr. Garland and party left for their
timber claims up the San tiani last week.
"Now comes the winter of our glori-
eus discontent" house-cJeanin time.
Our enrpenters are very busy nowa
days, and have work contracted far
T. C. Peeb'.er is having lumber
hauled with which to build another
F. M. Jack of Brownsville was drink
ing inspiration at the Democratic rally
We were treated to an exhilarating
ride behind Kirkpatrick's ?t500 team
last week.
We received a handshaking with our
friend Jas. Pearl, republican candidate
for sheriff.
One hundred and forty-four (one
Gross) men called on the Express
this week.
F. C. Godly, Republican candidate
for recorder, called on the Express
this week.
J. C McFerson of Brownsville has
invested in Lebanon real estate to the
value of ?300.
Dr. Hope, our efficient postmaster,
owing to ill health, has been resting
from duty lately.
Rtaiemltcr you can get a hot or cold
lath any day in the Week at I. R. Bo
rum's barber shop.
We find that Thompson & Overman
carry the finest line of harness and
saddles in the valley.
Mr. O'Neil collected the stipulated
two-thirds of the ?o,e00 bonus for the
leaner mill this week.
Ilackleman is too bimy to write a
new adrertist-mens this week, but look
out for him uext week.
A new porch in front of the Ex
change hotel. Other improvements
will follow at an early date.
Kmothered thoughts are like lead in a
musket, they need' some power behind
them to make them effective.
fay, gentlemen, how many of you
patronized the soap vender three weeks
ago? Don't all speak at once.
If the businessmen of a town do not
patronize one another, can they expect
other people to trade at home?
The celebrated Charter Oak and
Jewel stoves and Ranges are sold by
.Matthews & Washburn, Albany.
Phil Smith sold his half interest in
the it. Charles last Monday to Mr.
Waldo, of Dakota; consideration $2000.
The proprietors of the brick block
haye repainted the front of the build
ing, and it now presents a very neat
Messrs. Isaac & J. W. Bant a will
open the Exchange hotel for the recep
tion of boarders and the traveling pub
lic next Sunday.
Ten thousand sweet potato plants for
kle by O. P. Burkhart, Albany. 1 25
er hundred, boxed and put ia exprees
office for shipment.
The Lebanon train ran over a cow
belonging to Mr. Baltimore, near Tall
ma:!, Monday, and very narrowly es
caped being wrecked.
Mrs. E. Davis' father, brother and
vrife, paid her a visit Monday. Mr.
Maxwell reportB grain in fine condition
on the Albany prairie.
J. A. Dobkins received the machinery
for his machine and repair shop this
week. He will be ready to receive
work in about ten days.
Our 100-foot flag pole floats eighteen
feet of patriotism, rather than fourteen
feet as stated last week.
For builders' hardware, carpenters
gay that Matthews & Washburn, Al
bany, Oregon, have the most complete
istoek outside of Portland.
One of the nieest bouquets we have
seen this season was brought to our
office Wednesday by two of the nicest
young ladies of Lebanon.
The building for the machine and
repair shop is Rearing completion. This
shop will lie thoroughly equipped with
the newest and best machinery.
If you need machine, engine or
cylinder oils you should go to Cruson
& Menzie'sand get the lest oils that
have ever been kept in Lebanon.
I am prepared to chop grain Thurs- j
nays, t riaays ana Saturdays; saw wood
Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesda3's.
H. Cross.
The music of the wood-saw is again
heard in our town, and will continue
its musical notes till fall, or to the close
of the tooth and cord-wood campaign.
While in Albany eall at Thompson &
Overman's and examine their line of
saddles, tine driving and team har
ness. All goods manufactured at home-
The engine was planted in the new
planer Wednesday, and Thursday the
whistle was heard for the first, time
calling men to their new field of lalKr.
Over three carloads of stoves sold by
Matthews & Washburn, Albany, Ore
gon, the first year they were in busi
ness. They expect to double that this
The handsomest lady in Linn coun
fcpys that Mfctt.hews & Washburn, Al
.Tk.Viv. Orefon, has the most complete
We were shown samples of shtr.trlcs
from Walker A Co's Miinele faeiorv
lately, and muet say that ih- -hi.-.-!i-Is
etjual if not superior to ai. thing yet
seen. '
B. " not surprised, if the Express
arrives urns day ahc of time, .she
carries no empty ears, but just as soon
as loaded moves out regardless of
schedule time.
Fin ley Molten and ramily of Browns
ville pent Sunday with Rev. J. R.
Kirkpniriek. Mr. MeRea started to
Seattle Monday with horses for Kirk
pat riek fc Son.
Burney Mark ham was the victim of
a painful accident this week. In rid
ing across a walk his horse slipped and
fell across his leg In such a way as to
crush his limb.
Some men spend half of a life-time
in discovering what they are good for,
wheras if they had applied to their
neighbors they would have found it out
tn five minutts.
If Democrats are as thick to the
square foot ill other parts of the State
as they were in Lebanon Saturday,
the outlook for other parties is any
thing but eneouragiug.
For live, wide-a-wake hardware and
stove men Matthews fc Washburn, of
Albany, Oregon, deserve the large
trade they are having for the low
prices they make on all goods.
Some people are always so busy
meddling with other people's business
it will not be surprising at the general
resurrection to find some of them get
tiug out of somebody else's grave.
I am now prepared to furnish my
customers with pure Boiled and Iiow
Unseed Oil, sold on guarantee. I also
carry Masury's pure colors.
M. A. MilXEti.
You may talk about your cultured
men, your educated horses, your tricky
mules and bucking bicycles, but Clint
Gordon has the only dog in Oregon
that has ever been awarded a diploma.
We heard an old Oregonian make
this remark last week: ""I defy any
paper in the county to compare with
the Express." Nil wonder men walk
two miles to borrow it and the women
cry for it.
The Governor's speech in Lebanon
lat Saturday was a masterly review of
the political situation in Oregon. He
had a warm reception, a lnrce hearing
and a host of admirers Loth secret and
A man who lives near Albany was
beard to remark that "Lebanon is a
livelier town than the county seat."
Of course we do not claim this", but we
are moving along at a little more than
an average pace.
C. C. Haekleman is riding his hob
by still. Ife received 141 boxes of la
dies fine shoes of the Hough & Ford
manufacture. Be your toes round,
pointed or square I" can suit you iu
size, shape or quality.
The homeliest man in Linn Co. says
after a close and careful examination
that Matthews & Washburn, Albany,
Oregon, carry the largest stock if
builders' hardware in the valley and
sell at the lowest rriees.
All the stock for the Cheadle canal,
which is to furnish M-ater power for
Lebanon, was subscribed Tuesday. A
corps of engineers will l e here next
week, and work on the f-SO.lKX) canal
will begin at an early date.
Miss Buzzell gave a very interest
ing address at the C. P. church
Wednesday evening. Having labored
among the Chinese for year?. Miss
Buzzell is familiar with the customs
and superstitions of the empire.
Died, in Lebanon, Mav 12, Mr. J.
Hyde. Mi. Hyde was born in Ver
mont in the year 1SP5, emigrated to
Michigan in 1ST1. He was well known
in Salem, Brownsville and Lebanon.
Deceased was buried in Brownsville.
The man who habitually sponges his
news would steal sheep if the occasion
offered. Society calls one a well
read gentleman, the other a thief. We
have no instrument fine enough to dis
criminate letween the two characters.
Mr. Hani in has built two mills,
cleared his yard and will soon be ready
for active operation. He will turn out
7000 bricks daily. So skillful has he
iK-come in this branch of industry lie
is called by way of distinction "Brick"
O'Neil Bro?. have already engaged
2000 tons of straw for their paper mill
at this place. It will require the annual
straw product of 3000 acres to keep the
mill in continuous operation, for it
must be remembered that the ma
chinery stops not night or day for 3115
days in the year.
An old blue-grass fellow interrupted
Sam Jones the other day iu a sermon
and said: "We raise horses and bring
up children." "Yes," letumed Sam,"
you raise horses worth Sr.0,00;a piece and
bring up children worth three dollars
ahead." in
that remark than Sam usually gets off.
Chas. L. Miller, of Brownsville, i a
breeder of thoroughbred chickens. He
has the Silver-Laced Wyandottes,
White Wyandottes, Plymouth Racks,
Brown Leghorns, Houdans, Black Mi
noreiis and other breeds of the purest
strain. Farmers will find it much
cheaper and safer to buy of him than
to send East.
The following passengers boarded
the narrow gauge Monday for Port
land and intermediate points: Peter
Hume, J. M. Bilyeu, Lee Bilveu, J. J.
White and wife. J. F. Venner, Mrs.
Miller, Di'.la Stanard, Hon. Jeff Mey
ers, Stephen Goble, J. C McFerson,
James Goble, Frank Smith and wife,
A. Jack Adams.
Mr. Cummings brought to the real
ertate office of Peterson' fc Wallace last
week some uuique specimens of petri
faction. A heavy slick of oak timber
weighing about 100 pounds has under
gone the transforming process in such
way as to show the grain of the wood
in as perfect a manHer as shown in the
living oak. Call and see them.
Let each Sabbath school in Linn
county send delegates to the mass con
vention to beheld in Albany, May 29
and 30. The delegates will be'enttr
tained by the good" people of Albany.
All Sabbath khool workers in the
county are invited to be present and
take part. For program, address
Dr. G. W. Gray, chairman, or Rev.
G. S Hanleiter, secretary:
The Lebanon fire company gave a
drill last, Friday evening, the object
iK'ing to test several sections of hose as
to their reliability in case of an exi
gency. One section succumbed to the
pressure and will soon be replaced with
a new one. The company exercised
quite freely, had the usual amount of
fun and accomplished their purpose.
We have an A 1 fire company.
Dr. B. Hamlin, of Lemore, Cal.,says
a few dozen Itottles of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy which he sold there cre
ated such a demand for the remedy
that he eouid not well get along witout
it. Those who use it find it so much
suporior to any other remedy they
have ever tried that they recommend
it to their friends, and that is what
makes it so popular. For sale by M.
A. Miller.
Mr. Frank O'Neil, of the rm of
O'Neil Bros., of California, si rived In
Lebanon last Saturday. It will be re
membered that O'Neil Bru bought
considerable property in Lebanon last
winter, their object being to build a
paper mill that shall turn out not less
than five tons of paper daily. With
this end in view Mr. O'Nei! has come
to Lebanon and the initiatory steps iu
this great enterprise will be taken immediately.
K. W. Potter, the post master nt Elm
Creek, Neu.t says ho has p'Tsnal
knowledge of several ens--a ot rheuma
tism, In that vicinity, that have been
perm Miently cured by Chamberlain's
Pain Bairn, after other remedies were
used without benefit. He has sold It at
his drug store there for live years and
says he never knew It to fail, that "any
customer who onee uses Chamberlain's
Pain Balm will have nothing else in
stead." For sale by M. A. Ixliller.
Montague must Iw preparing for a
boom, judging by the way ho is slock
ing up his Mammoth and One-Price
Cash Stores. By purchasing his goods
in such large quantities he naturally
gets much lower prices. He guaran
tees good goods in all the departments
of his extensive establishments at
prices that absolutely astonish other
merchants iu the vall'ey.some of them
going so far as to say "that Montague
retails his goods as low as they buy
them at wholesale. The careful buyer
invariably goes to Montague's.
The One-Price Cash Store has lccome
one of the features of Lebanon. As
everything is new and fresh, and the
prices are so much la-low that charge
in credit-giving establishments, people
who desire to buy their goods for cash
naturally go to the corner, where they
do not have to make up to the (store
keeper for the non-paying customers
who, when they can do so, buy on
credit, and who are constitutionally
opposed to paying for anything. Get
prices at the One-Price Cash Store ami
if there Is any reason in you that is
the plaee where you will purchase your
By far the largest real estate transac
t ion in Lebanon was made Friday. J.
R. Kirkpatriek bought of J. M. Cowan
his addition to Lebanon and 33J acres
additional, for the sum of i,0K). It is
seldom that entire additions change
hands in any city. The above transac
tion shows the faith of the purchaser
in Lebanon's future to a remarkable
degree. Ten acres of the acquired ter
ritory M ill be transformed Into a beau
tiful park and will add to our town a
very attractive feature which hitherto
was supposed to belong to cities alone.
Mr. Kirkpatriek has declared his in
tention to make of Lebanon a second
Seattle in kind, but not in degree.
One of the most enjoyable entertain
ments of the season was that given by
the W. R. C. of this place Friday night
lat. The occasion was that of the
presentation of a flag to the Lebanon
public school. A highly-seasoned pro
gramme regaled the large audience
until a late hour. Lack of space for
bids an extensive mention of individ
ual merit. The first on the program
was a recitation by Bert Wight, and
showed rare elocutionary ability in one
so young. "The Star Spangled Ban
ner" by the male quartette was en
cored. Dr. Duekett, Al. Foil is, A. Rob
erts and Prof. Wright have musical
talent of a high order. The flag was
presented by Miss Saltmaish in the
choicest of the "King's English," and
was accepted by Prof. Wriglit in behalf
of the public sehcol in the purest
diction of our vernacular. A song,
-!ear to every American heart, "The
Red, White and Blue," was sung amid
the waving of banners by a score ef
girls. The declamation by Mrs. Cru
son, ''Our Flag," was well rendered,
and showed her to be the possessor of
unusual elocutionary talent. Follow
ing this was the reading of "Samantha
Jenkins' Will" in poetic metre, which
was very amusing and was enjoyed by
all. The entertainment closed with a
laughable pantomime farce and a tat
leau. The Lebanon Cornet Rand fur
nished the music fbr the occasion, and
aroused the patriotism within us to
such a degree that wefelt like shout
ing three cheers for our cornet baud.
Watehloo. May 11.
(i-.inlens look fine.
Thnaiier stortn Saturday.
Rev. Ciie was seen on tiie Mreet We!nely.
PsAa is not ont yet. but think it will fce by Sun
day. l:orn. to Uie wife of Jeff MelMuiiel. a cirl.Ton
May 1L
j VJ.?. Dollnrhiiie, jf Sultm, nasat this place on
J. ei. c;ross has a new lot of groceries. Call and
Vrs. F. A. Gleaon I visiting nt her father's at
Born, to Ih wife r.f Sherman Bellinirer. on
J Thur-iiay, May 1, a boy.
Quite an enjoyable soeinl was j-pent at Mr. T.
M. Ltvine's on Fri-iay nilit.
Mr. Mark Oarrontte. of Cottas Grove, is riit
ini: at fcis uriel, J. Gross's.
We were tleifejliled In h:vins a ool tit of new
potatoes this week. How is that for Oregon?
Mr. Xiekmsnn and ;ran1ma Pevine. of Albany,
were viUins et Mrs. T. M. IWine's this week.
Sever-.H teams (nsc-!l through this place (via the
tiril!.T) on their way to the Wirtbury saw mill
Anyone wi-hinp to see a sample of the eeU-bmt-e-i
I ntTon Mower grimier, call at J. ti. (jrods's
' grocery store.
j We see our fncnl liiee eanrht quite a lot of fine
i trwut on Mo!l;:y. Wo uudervtnud he has grvat
j sjcccf fishing.
j 1 (Rev. Urown filletl his appointment here on
ir.i.lav. Kev. Fiuwatur wiil till the plaee next
Sun'lsr, May IS.
'iir itn'i- nas eompttMeu on i-nominy renoy
for travel. We know it U substaniiul now, al
though it ought to lie raised.
Mr. I.or.g, the traveling artivt. pael throneh
tki.; plaee on Tiie-'iay. We understand he U to
take the picture e-1 the whool.
The bri-ttw on the ron.i between this place and
Lebanon is beins; repaired and thy road to this
place w ill toon be in good order.
Mi.-s Krami Xewqnist and Mr. Jnncr Bel'ineer
were united in matrimony on April Slst. at the
residence of the bride's parents; Kev Care oiTicia
tinff. Messrs. Kenton & ISnbeoek, of Albany, were
here Tuesday ami Wednesday prospect inp for
frold. They found several fine Fpeeiinens and
they believe there to a ledtre not far from here.
Quite a number of our citizens went to Lebanon
on aturdiiy to hear Gov. Pennoyer's speech. The
report is that it was very srol, although it was
not so pood for our fellow townsmen fovihey w ere
caught in the rain.
This very warm weather makes T ittle Bird
wvary, so 1 close.
JjTTl.E ll!Rl.
Bids will be received up to 12 o'clock
noon on Monday, June 2d, for furnish
ing all the material and labor necessary
to erect a school house building, at Leb
anon, Linn county, Oregon. Plans
and specifications will beatC. C. Hnek
leman's store in Lebanon, from Mon
day, May 19th, until Friday, May 23d,
and at the office of C. W. Ayers, archi
tect, in Albany, from Friday, May 23d,
until Monday, June 2d. ISids wiil be
received by the trustees of district.
The right is reserved to accept or reject
any or all bids.
Forty Ladies Arrested.
A large company of ladies from all
parts of Linn county and representing
every caste of society were passing
down Main street in Albanv gazing
curiously about as ladies are accustom
ed to doing, when without a moment's
warning they were all arrested by
the sight of the Ladies' Bazaar and
were taken before his honor, II. J.
Bower. Khc1i, and everyone pleaded
guiity, paid cost and expense and car
ried home some of the specialties of
the Ladies' Ba.aar. Every department
of the Bazaar is replete with the latest
styles. The only thoroughly skilled
lady cutter and trimmer in Albany is
connected with this establishment.
One glance at our window is equiva
lent to an order for oue or more of our
A Card of Thanks.
The ladies of the W. R. C. desire to
return their thanks to one and all who
so kindly assisted them in their enter
tainment last Friday, especially to Mrs.
Mattie Holt, who came to the co'ps'
rescue without a moment's warning
and sang "The Red, White and Blue,'1
which had been prepared by another
party who tailed to appear.
Ei'tTon I.FiMMo FtPin'-w:
While nt Fori laml last week I w.-s
very mucli impressed with the great
development that has teen made there
In the past six months, In way of trans
pottstion 13' electric railways. They
have four fine systems now Iu opera
tion and more In contemplation. Why
cannot Lebanon build an electric rail
way to Wateiloo and Pothiville? At
Waterloo Falls the plant could be plac
ed at small expense. A gotnl turbine
water wheel would give the necessary
power. The rails for the road c;uld be
obtained from the S. P. Co. when
they change the narrow gauge to a
standard gauge, and the probability Is
that the H. P. Company would
sell, say six miles, very cheap, and we
could get cars from Portland that have
tevn replaced by larger ones, or we
could buy two or three of tho narrow
gauge cars. I believe that this Hue
could le established and put upon a
paying basis at once, especially during
the summer season. The people would
soon find that they could get to tha
noted Soda Springs at Sodaville and
Waterloo at a comparatively low cot.
Iebanon, Sodaville and Waterloo
could have electric lights, and probably
Brownsville and other jmints would
contract for lights. A franchise could
bo obtained along the county road for
the line, and in fact the whole plant
could be put in very cheaply, ami In
my opinion it would do more to ad
vertise the resources of tills locality
than any oMicr one thing. In the
near future there will probably le a
large hotel ami, tcihai, a sanitarium
established at Waterloo. Hodavllie's
new hotel will soon Ih completed.
The properties of thoe springs are such
that if the people of Portland and oth
er places knew that they could obtain
relief from nearly all the Ills that the
llesh is heir to, why these wonderful
springs would become noted far and
wide, and an electric railway from
Lebanon (the terminus of the S. P.
t'u's Lebanon branch) would have
more travel than they could handle
from early spring to late into the win
ter, and in all probability fill the year
round. With our water ditch an as
sured fact; the O'Neil Bro. on the
ground to commence ojKT.ttions on the
paper mill; the fsiNiO school house un
der way; not to mention the many
other public and private improve
ments going on in Lebanon, surely we
can justly feel proud of our reeord and
when an electric railway i in running
order we will then have the bot. little
city of its size in the state of Oregon;
and if the S. P. Co. oan Ik? induced to
run the old Oregonian Railway line
through Lebanon when it is changed
to a standard gatttre, then Ibanon will
take a rush forward that will as
tonish the oldest inhabitants. They
will either have to fall into line and go
ahead on the wave of prosperity or fall
by the wayside. Who will lie the next
to nsritate "this question ami keep the
ball rolling? Yours truly, B. F. 1$.
fma! ar? as scarce as Jay birds' teeth this
A yonnp troeerv clerk ptefer Ivy to all other
flowers, bud or blossoms.
A pair of jays were seen flitting around Tuesday
nisTRt Ion? after roouiug time.
(iood piekiu?at the entertainment Friday nhrht:
but Im-ciiu of riome unpleasantness I tie jay did
not pair as usual.
One of the jays report ood fornrintr in the
foo:HI:s and a treaty of alliatieo with the feath
ered tribe at Sodaville.
The iniatnry rite was conferred on sevaral birds
hi tt-eek: and llcdvlinm will in the future re
ceive the attention of older jays.
Not lonsr since a pnte on Main streefwas broken
down under tiie combined wciicht of two etior
tr.ons jays. Since thea they rwt at home. '1 is
As to that "permit." Norman says he nitnnot get
a certain need gentleman to see it that way. it
is to 1 hoi-d that the e. a. jr. le bn-eeht
around before very long. Hut whit's the matter
with t hurley?
Three javs, two fcmal.-s and one sinser. are
hobbhmr this w"ek. t'mse. two of them fortrot
that jays hare no webs and a cold water bath
brought on the rheunmti'm; the crowned Jny
reeied his wound in ntteiiiptisi to invade the
territory of the envle ai was erut headlong from
the rocky aerie. Some of tue Dmood.
Follow Ins Is a report of nmra o. 2 of Lebanon
Public Schools for month ending May 9i
A ventre enrollment . . IS
Avenue dnily attendance. . . 4fi
Per cent, of attendance .....9rt
Number of rases of tardiness...- .......... to
The following students were neither absent nor
Clarence Shriver
Homer bormi
Ilda Klkins
( laud Katon
I. Ma Faton
Julia t 'hesshir
Willie Hardin
Jno. Ibml'ln
Waher .Miller
Weltster Wltht
Onetta Crouch
Ola Smith
Fmnkte Burkhart
lawi" Inirkhort
Nona Miller
. Ilattie Swan
Ahhie Fry
t'arrie I Hirer
Geo. I'nser
I.uhi O-l.vrne
Mav liRtcheU
iMt ;
Lulu kues
I am plead to be able to make such a rood
reiMM-t for our school.
Very seldom Indeed is it that an averaife at
tendttnre of fi" er cent. cn te retsirted. Wi'h
the continued earnest asM'tm.e e.f "studt-nt and
the renewed help of parent, we luie. for the
ceiuiuK month, to do ho'.ter still.
We earnestly ak ail interested In the welfare f
the 'hool, e-peoi'.i:!y patrons, to ih an. I
thereby encourage both teacher and students bv
your presence, lain. R. N. Wright.
A lilg Planer.
I have just ordered another machine
for my new planer at a cost of $1,000,
and shall continue to add to my plant
from time to time to meet tVe require
ments of a building public. My new
building will be 4SxC4 feet, two stories
high, and will be thoroughly equipped
with the latest and best machinery. I
have made arrangements to keep on
hand a larire supply of good lumber, and
will have a lumber yard the equal of
any on the coast. I also have one of
the best-stockjed furniture tdorcn in
Linn county. K. CtoAX.
Xo Plecsare-Seekers.
Having purchased theFindley prop
erty at Lower Soda springs, we will
so improve it as to make it a most de
sirable place to be visited by thone
peeking health or pleasure. "Will do
our best to make it pleasant for those
visiting this well-known resort.
Memorial Iy.
The (t. A. II., of Lebanon, extend a
cordial invitation to old soldiers, lire
men, bands, churches, Sunday schools,
ad in fact to every g.sod element of
society to join theiu in the exercises
of Decoration day, May 30.
Ily order of T. A. Swan, Com
mander of Miller Post, O. A. II.
We take this occasion to thank kind
friends for the assistance given and
kindness shown during the late illness
of our father J. Hyde.
Mn. and Mks. J. F. Hyde.
We wish to say to our old customers,
and also new ones, that we are prepar
ed to furnish well seasoned lumber,
made from soft mountain fir, at the
following prices:
Second clear, .................fil0.0G
Clear li.tio
t'loar 1x4 - - l:.W
Fencing, boxing and timbers...-. 7.00
Atour mill in Wirtsburg, Linn Co.,
Oregon. Jexnins & Co.
T. S. Doten, Justice of the Peace and
merchant of Bristol, 111., says he can
recommend St. Patrick's Pills. "I have
used them, "he says, "and know where
of I speak." Anyonetroubled with con
stipation or biliousness will Una them
a friend. They are prompt and certain
in their action and produce a pleasant
cathartic eneet- ior sale oy jni. a.
Itev. I. D. Driver, who two years ago
took the held against the prohibition
party, will, in the interest of the Repub
lican party, make campaign speeches
opposing the proiuomonisia.
Giving Away Kid Gloves !
Ilackleman has been over-run with applications for the
gift, and wants it understood that he has not a pair to give
away. The misunderstanding prcsbabhy originated from the
remark of some customer that they were literally giving
giving away ( Jloves at Ilaeklemas'H. Of course the' simply
meant that the prices asked were next to a gift, which is
true enough. Ilackleman sells the
Every pair warranted or your money refunded. Come and
take a look.
Refitted, Enlarged and Improved.
I manufacture ami deal in l).orp, mind, all styles of Vindew
Frame?, Poor Frames, Moulding, Brackets, Etc., in fact anything man
ufactured and kept on hand in a fir?t-cla.3 planer.
In connection with the above, Ial.-o have on hand a well-assorted
lumber yard in which is to Im? found rough and dressed Lunilier, Hustie,
Hovel, Weather Boarding:, Flooring, and all kinds of Finishing Lumber
for Cornices. Etc.
Albany Furniture Co.,
Picture Frames, Etc.
Fiest Street, Between FERnv axd
nonse, Sign & Carriage Painter,
Contracts Taken for Any Kind of
House Work, such tB
Plain : or : Fancy : Painting,
Frescoing and House Decoration of
Every Description.
Orders left at the Express ofTice will
receive prompt attention.
16o Acres of Land
3 Miles East of Lebanon.
(Jood mail; good water; rich land;
good school in mile; Bmall
Price, : : $8 per Acre.
Apply at this ofllcc or to
Martin Hickman.
IjhhI Office nt Oregon City. OroRon,
April !. 1S90.
lowing namuil ?M lor 1ms fili-tl notice of his
intention to make ftnnl )mof in mi)iMrt f his
claim, anil tlmt snitl proof will lx inn.l before tlio
County Juilire or in liis absence before the County
Clerk "of l.inn county, nt Albany, Oregon, on
Monday, June 2il, KM, via:
Homextewl Entrv No. 5iai for the N. V, of S. E. U
ami P. i of N. E 4 of Sec. IS. Tp. 2 S., K. 1 E.
lie u amos tho following witnesses to prove lit
continuous resilience tiiin ami ciiltivmion of nil
Intnl. vix: 8. F. Piiuonx, . Moduli, . I.iiidley nml
J. M. Simons, all of Lebanon. I.inn countv. Ore
gon. J. T. Al'i'EKSON. Ueiifclor.
Land Offick at Oiikoos City, Okehos,
May 9. 1-X).
Notice Is hereby piveo that the foilowiiijr-nniiieil
set t lor has tiled notice of his intention to ninke
Html proof in MtipiMwt of lils claim, unii that sait
proof w ill Ik- made before the county clerk of Linn
county, at Albany, Oregon, on Sionduy, June SO,
lsuo, viz:
Homestead Entrv No. MM. for tho N. W. Jfof
See. M, Tp. 12 South, Knnsre 1 Ea.t.
He names tho foliowims witnesses to pnove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of said
luwt, with a view ti commuting said entry with
cash payment under Sec. 2:ail K. 8.: J. W. Iiishop.
V. M. Walden, W. Vail and R. Goodrich, all of
Lehnnon, l.inu county. Orecon.
iy J. T. Al'l'KRSOX, Resrlstir.
iaw null lor Mile. Address I.MiANON Fx
rnKvi. Unless you mi'itu bu uicss lo uot uj ply.
To Make Room for My
Spring and Summer Stock
Entire Stock of
Boots Sz ShLoes
jSJJC cost.
Now is the Tim? to
I Propose to Havo
Leading Dry Goods Store
In the Valley.
Promptly attended.
You can buy any of the
Cheap, of
Uaaden and
Stone Ware, also
tiT Job Jf'ork done on Short 2ioiioe.
5521VB SnllTH & WESSON'S
Finest small
tmruif.ictured i
ami the flrnt choiueoC ail
K and 44-ltO. Single or
1 .... i.ij. ... U.fttf Uank.
Bec qaality wreuffbt
1- r wmiiuanbii tp au J stock, vurlvalca
finiMbfl dnrsibility and arcaracy,
ti,t b ciecelved bj ctmnp moileobie irn imitation
often aolU for tb imiixina articlo. Tbcy ar ouv-
Uijl,le aiKi oantn'roua. xno eitrrn ac ncsos ux
VOLVKKa are unniel upoa the barrel with flrai
Ban:e, aildreM auudattwof patent, and are r
Buteed DHrfact. liwlst npoa iavlDK them, and It
your t-aier cannot Bupply yon, an ortler ser-t to a4
tlr.a In-low wtHrecvtvijroiiipt attonrlon. lXscrip
al QtUUufeTue and pricraupon appUcation.
C-prlucficId, lUman.
fori ,3
On or About July 1st,
We Will Remove to the Store Now
Occupied by G. T. Cotton.
HATS &c CAI&1,
Please Call and Examine Goods & Prices.
In Oregon
All his Subjects Must have Houses!
From Mud-Sill to Frieze I
Coburg Saw Mill!
24 Hours After
Enable Ms to Undersell the Lowest. Address
J. C. GOODALE, Coburg, Oregon
lilt; -:- vv cibbui II -:- auui uui i
Is without doubt where men and women of money and
sense and refinement will make their liomes and whv?
The College, the Mineral Springs, Ravenna Park
(Which is grander here than anywhere else on Puget Sound,
which, if for no other reason, would make it the
most desirable),
In Seattle a Mighty
Take hold of the best while 3011 haA e a chance at lowest
Every lot in full view of Mount Hanier and Lake Wash
ington; on railroad; at depot; an electric railway as soon as
can be completed to it; half dozen fine residences already
under construction; 25,000 Female College to bo opened
September, 1890.
Whv did vou cross the
vour life and that of others
thiu Coast? What pen can write the history? You have conquered
this land, made the growth of great cities imperative, and the amassing
of great fortunes, almost in a day, possible. Now, by the investment of
a few thousands, or hundreds, you may reap the harvest that belonjrs t
you. Will you do it? The greatest corporations, the ablest financier
of Europe and America, are inventing thousamls nay, millions, in
Seattle. Will you not invest ? Your chance is NOW. Seize it. I
have a 60-acre tract, an 80 and two 40-acre tracts. Only a few left
cheap; ripe for platting, any one of which will m?-ke you your fortune
in a short time. Buy juick, I can't duplicate them.
Sole agent for the Wassom Addition in Oiegon, is among
vou. Call on him at once.
Is : Kingr
Tnt TVow,
Order Is Placed.
City is Building
nlains? Whv did vou take
in vour hands to come to