The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 16, 1890, Image 2

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Lebanon Express.
A. J A Civ ADAMS, Olio. I Al.KXAN DEIt.
oz,:? viA7 -vvir
It is natural lo venerate tlse sn
rient, it 13 n-itxmU, too, to dread
what is sKM ttlntive or ' experiment
al. Men '.hesitate Wforo cutting
tle.T:i a bridge which hears the
footprints of many... fenerations,
tli-mjrh a hetter hrkljre may he
eiveted. Man cannot easily shake
otl'the associations of time, nor is
it desirable that he shonM. The
known has certain ad vantages over
the unknown. In business, in pol-ti?,-
in medicine, in government,
and most of the concerns of com
mon life, the same regard for the prevails". Change, it is
thought, always involve more or
Jess of risk, and though results may
be right, processes may be hazard
ous and difficult, llutby the bold
ness of many inquirers even change
itself has bean enriched by pleas
ant associations. Thi heretic in
civilization, not to speak of theolo
gy, has done most for the world.
Undaunted by te threats and
ostracism of a cringing,' cowardly;
temporizing class of leaders in the
i ntel'.ectaf.i marc!) to higher achieve
ments, .they have entered unex
plored fields, and for the time
men thought them mad. Funda
mental truth cannot he changed.
Newton did not deny that two and
two are four when he promulgated
the doctrine ot gravitation; nor
did Coulomb 'deny the diurnal ro
tation of the earth when he im
proved the mariner's compass.
Balance or stationariness in goy
- eminent or religion is an impossi
bility. Why should not men know
more to-day than men of the last
century? They do; and stranded
.along the p-ist are the dried mum
mies of intellectual greatness. All
hail the men who dare to leave the
beaten tra?k of the multitude and
the stereotyped way of doing things
and are leading the people into
.ver-widening revelations of truth.
Sylvester Pen nver for Governor,
in preference to Dave Thompson,
first, last and every time. We
take it for granted that the people
of this state want a governor rather
than a ring-master. We want no
man for this high position who will
Ierote his time and bend his ener
gies in guarding the interests of a
political squad and forage for
jrreedy mammon-hoarders. Gov- j
ertfor Pennoyer's record is "known i
and read of all men" and
no part i
-of it can be construed to favor the j peevish idiot, butibon or disgusting
rich and antagonize the poor, j la-chanal. He i-i capable of such de
Governments exist to protect the Sator-v Pra,k extremes that as
- , . e - -r - the occasion serves, he with eqal fa-
nghts of inmoruies. Power is ev- Lilitv rises from the t ended knee of
er stealing from the many to the
few. Weighed against monopolies
and money bass, the people are in i ?ole "capwwnoe. A consummate a
, , J " '.. t,,1 "(brawling and a suspicious egotist, he
a nopeietjs minority, ine mono)-
-iists ana me ricn need no pretee
tion; the' have many friends and
lew enemies. I he time to assert
rights is when they have been
denied; the men to assert them are
those to whom they have been
denied. Make a locomotive with
furnaces of open wire work, fill
them with anthracite coal, and '
when vou have raised it to a white 1
heat mount and drive it through a
powder magazine and you are safe,
cotirpared with the jieor.le who
invite grinding monopolies and
sacrifice their inalienable rights on
Mammon's altar.
A general outstretching of the
human mind is characteristic of
the times. Knowledge is a gener
al and communicative thing, and
jealousy at its progress is ordinari
ly the index of its wants. You
cannot arrest the progress of edu
cation, but you may insist that
the education should be moral at
any rate; a ble.-vsing, not a curse;
and save the land from being cov
ered with that wildest and most
ungovernable of all populations, a
populatioNjnigMy alike in intel
lect andsigodlinces. A popula
tion" that knows everything but
.iod, emancipated from ail ignor
ance but that which is sure to
breed the worst lawlessness con
c livable. An uneducated popula
tion may be degraded; a popula--ti'-n
educated, but not in godliness?,
will be ungovernable. The one
tnay be slavery, the other must be
tyranny. Aside from ever' theo
logical system, the moral element
Las always determined the true
value of civilization. Virtue has
meant safety, vice has meant dan-;:-r.
- - '
Political parties are now declar
ing in favor of the Australian sys
tem of balloting. We think that
an American system of balloting
would not be aniis3. In pome parts
of oitr country they have an organ
ization known as the Improved
Order of lied MenVhat we most
need is an improved order of white
Jost fo long as the soft-handed
gentry insist on handling the labor
question, will the discussion be
Hands unused to the
processes of hammer
-ii, 1 :-jade know not
h-'ild of the problem.
where to lav
The town of Lebanon, with a new
railroad, a big paper mill, an ex
cellent water power, and united
Imsiness men, will make herself
filt in the arteries of commerce.
joverner i ennoyer was given an
-.v. ajvjon at Brownsville, a triumph
L!anon, and will be the party
io a coronation at Salem next
"hf- matter of . a city's growth
r.Ives itself Into-the one question
individual enterprise and confl
ict oa the part of its citizens.
.'ot;:- your convictions straight
! thsr-re will le less crookt.'dnefis
"i i.IlfS.
Man is a fallen (Sod on the earth.
Ilia erect ncss, .faculty of speech, do
minion over inferior life, and power of
reasoning upon the future, have n
strange liifht of divinity lingering
u;i them even now. In his wildest
talk there are aceonts and snatches of
expression which must have come
from heaven; hi majesty is a blurred
reprint of an ancient charter; His
thinking is the dim light which strug
gles through an eclipsed genius. He!
does not know himself a fallen niemlver
of the heavenly hierarchy; he grojH-a
anil flounders as though ho had hist!
something; and now and. again there
come through his daily life gushes of
tenderness and glitterings of mind
which have a deep meaning, a mean
ing which makes the heart sore and
sad as it vainly tries to piece itself Into
We learn the depths to which v
have fallen by the length of the chain
let down to up-draw us. We ascertain
the mightiness of the ruin by examin
ing the machinery of our restoration.
We gather that we must be totally un
able to climb our way back, from the
fact that none less than the Son of the
Highest has the strength to light the
bsttlos of our race and restore us to
joint rulership with the "King of
There have always been thos-e who
would place a light istimate upon the
hurts which man has inflicted on him
self, of the sickness with which hois
sick: who would persuade themselves
and others that moralists and divines,
if they h;ive not quite invented have
enormously exaggerated these. Hut
are these 'statements found only in
j n
truth imprinted upon every region of j
man's natural and spiritual lite, ana
on none more deeply than on his lan
guage? It needs no more than to open
a dictionary and to cast one's eye
thoughtfully down a few columns and
we shall find abundant confirmation
of this sadder and sterm-r estimate of
man's moral and spiritual condition.
How else shall we explain this long
catalogue of words, having nil to do
with sin, r with sorrow, or both? How
came they there? We may be quite
sure that they were not invented with
out being needotl, that they have each
correlative in the world of realities.
Open the first letter of the slphalef
what means this "all," this ":siax,"
these dH?p and long-drawn s:hs of
humanity which encounter us there?
And then follow words such as these:
Al'rtiction, agony, anguish, assassin,
a! heist, avarice, and a score more of
words of like import. That man has
fallen, and dri ply fallen, we nerd no
more than hi: language to prove.
Among the creatures of the devil no
one bt.3 a more decent claim to his
clemency than the caterwauling, cant
ing hypocrite. The hypocrite of cir-
cunirtancea prays, or pretends to pray,
J in adversity, and swears in good earn
st ill rmi-writ r. II.. it .Mtlior pl ronr-
In- litti:stiiitf or n wlooioi !f n
supplication to extend the hand sf sen- j
S quality to the object of his m:overn-
win hear no one but himself, no onin-
lon out ins own. in ins own nnuse lie
is a bear;- in the house of another a
nuisance, and everywhere a nil desi-
ideratmn. Self-eulogy is his constant
theme, and no noise is loud enough to
be heard above the thunder of his self
applause. His loathsome flattery,
either npplied to himself or others is
bespattered with the most impious in
vocations of deitv to witness his rewl
lious professions of patience, submiss-
ion ad every other exotic virtue
J'ZZ9. Ix JT "Ve" ""r
ever paltry or consequential, "he' is the
same venal wretcn tnr.-.ugnout. ine
cringing, wriggling wretch, at length
having wormed himself through a
world of ud pitied degradation, tilth
I and obseetlitV, attempts at the Clld of
i l . ... .... t i. n,
V'fS?J,lnJ?y.?.Z:. " t ...7,. ..'1
nasueeii boiiiuigtiaiitij, rvivyiim ty
devil. lie.dies as he lived, a pauper
equally to fortune and fame, without
one redeeming qualification to keep j
alive even ins name.
We frequently hear men say,
when any measure looking toward
reform is proposed, "Men are not
educated up to that yet." It is
practically saying to the husband
man, "You shall not eat of the fruit
of your toil until 3-011 can explain
the secret processes which form the
men are etlucateil Up to the )oint j
of obeving law before ordaining a
i, it o o t? it ' . i
law against theit? if all men were
educated Up to that point it IS j
WTCllg to Steal, WOUlu VOU Want anv i
law agamr-t tlicu? Approacn a
man vlio is educated in t'oe rinci
ples of honesty and whose integrity
no one doubts, and say to him,
"Thou shalt not steal," and in
stantH he will regard it as nn af
front or a pleasantry. He will tell
you that he has no notion of vio
lating that law, that it is intended
for the man who is not educated
ni-w r. tl,ot it ; , i ;
Up tO tllC point that It IS Wrong tO
Steal. God Said tO the Israelites
"Thou s:
, , , n,. ' :
Shalt not Steal. 1 llCV Were I
stealing in the wilderness then, and
there is stealing in America to-day.
God did not wait until the Jew s
had received this higher education;
if He he had there would have
been no law passed. Such reason
ing is so transparently false that a
child can detect it. It makes an
archy the source of a pure citizen
ship and ignorance an apology for
crime and lawlessness.
If the voters of Linn county
have anv regard for merit, Peter i
Hume of Brownsville will be our
next Senator. Official merits are !
but the outgrowth of civic qualifi- j
cations. Judged by the highest!
standard of citizenship, Mr. Hume f
has everything to recommend him i
to the voters of Linn county. He
is a warm friend of the laboring!
fl si in crrmntlie ve?t- oil to !
e ' , i" i 4. j i
no clique or ring.
snnerior I
Waiving all claims to
judgment, we believe that the se
curing of the standard-gauge road
through Lebanon depends upon the
enterprise of her citizens.
A good rule for voters to observe
at the coming election would be
for every "man to vote his honest
convictions and not the sentiments
of someone else.
grain. Are We tO Ulltli anin,l durm e.ll that ti ne has done iinthine to
lSltO WNSVII.I.K UK1-.E7.1S.
Mviultocii hnvc rotuc.
TrAini Htf very ntiincrott.
I ' t y n lot la ttie !Imini.m mlclttlon.
Ike I'utnnni went to Almty Saturday.
Mrs. O. C. CdoV'V i ri'ijr'tf) quite tctt.
John IVnrl ut" Itsilwy wax In tvi Krlilny.
i r-. Win. iUnkfly stHH. fur Seiittlc.M.miliiy.
rrof. r. II. I'urmH went to Altmy Snttr.-.lny.
l-'r-mk .I.-.rU rvjorts liw lmjis In tine e.miUiion.
Mix. A. (". Ihiuronuti ivint tuAUmny Sntunlnj.
:. (T. (Vni!o- & Co. rt'ixct lnnn salos Stitunliiy.
Mrs. San-.h Avi-ri'il has tui'ii ti k Tor two weeks.
J.K.- Diinknnl of ltun'Wurs w ns tn town Kriiluy.
V! Aium Yottnuor rettirneU froiii Salem Moti
Vty. W. V. IMwi tl vl AV.m'.w & in town We.liip
liiy. O. W. Wolier of D.iUav Is roglKtrmt - Ht tlio Ar-
F1vi t.w were oM last week in the rtatbmUh
Ir. I. W. Slarr wns c."siu:!t In a hnitftouil Tlinrg
iluy nlglit. II. Curl went loSVloSatnnlay to vtit
her mother.
FVi t tu) Clnib Wilson hnve pnri-ha.-ert a line
IrtiSJ-T lioie.
.1. H. I.011B lins retnrncil froin n week's vlrit In
I.Hne eonmy
ttnOi Uueti-r (tml wife of Mtilmwk nrc In town
vlltint fliemls.
J!k-e' )"mo I.eroy anil Mauile Howe went to
AHrtiiy Sutnrly.
S. F. Veiiner went filiiti Priilny Bu t reiwrts
hdvhi? luek.
John Arthur-:, of Mountain Homo district, wns
In tow n Srtiurctny.
K. lhnnmn. lute of Sun Fmncisro, h wesving
ia the Kmle mllU.
J. r. Vernier hiss purohnseit several lots In the
!!.:;i :r.Hil nllit!on.
r'nley rcUn ftirted for"?caltle Saturday, to
remain r.'l Miinnier.
?.1im. W. t Cioley hft Iteen viek for twortnys.
hot is now ir.mrovir.rr.
Honi. to the w!r( or Klhiq Hale, a thmplitcr
weU'hiojy eleven :oondi.
J. )t. AnnrtMr;?".il F. A. Cook or Portlam! are
r K!.-terert at the Arlington.
!. C. t'oolt-v wr.s verv siek one nlirht this we.k.
He li nttiMHlo 1 hy pr. Roee.
Jeff Vyer of S-Mo r.iwl O. D. Ahnims of t'lain
vicw wef in town hvt week.
John Wi!l.on has ixlt::ruef! frim the lofrtve
l tw cn lirow nsville anJ Albany.
E. T. JTohnwn v ensnsre'l i'i T'alntinf John
Cooley's hous; and porch liiis week.
We nre lnronnel tl'M K.un IVreifull ha trailed
Seattle pnerty for lots ia lohanon.
A. C. Foster anl l;tly toot a trio In the country
Friilny to visit friend anil relative.
Ja:n: Driver returned fnm Albanv Sundav ar.d
will renifin in Itnwnville for the i!v;ent.
I)r. Starr was called to the ldide of Mrs.
Ktickitigham, in Benton eonmy, this week.
We nw liiil Waters a few days io on the street
with a pair of baby hoe! lii liU hand. Ah. then-!
l!ejoTt !cy5 that Oi-M'Oariinite tKthe correspond
ent for Ihe Fire end Hammer. It is a miserable
Fr a r.,uare meal po to the Arlington: f a
s-jnare deal, raip:ht j;imm1s and oldiio eleikr.
Ko to Waters l'.ros' ior1.
We taW- this oeenstm to thank the r.n.wti-vi'l.-Cornet
Hand for the U-aminil aiiui!. r tillered n'.
our roinoa Suiniay cvcr.lnir.
Pr. Starr went to Monro. Iler.ton ennf;-. thii
to attend Frank Wry.n'. v li. p.R Ids leg
bmken by fallinr; ihroTiph n
Ja-e );i!y'U I:ai r-reived a tviv thrcM-.-rated
covered bai k to aci'onoii'wiHif br- ;ur.'a.nj; bixi-
( r.i . He Is ham? llie Maine tviled oVi-rlltuil.
! W.n. ATu-t, w hile dievina a 'rel! fi,r Joe White.
"tmrk a vo".d-teari:iir io':t-r. hsie. Our exiTi
r. thnt !:rini:Til!e in rvMins on a ic-ldes: fonn-ibti-
J. H. Waterv informed ns thr.t he v. as itIii-; t
Seajle Monday n t:tvi:ieT.s. Tl'.t busioev
.-:'. is iUe:ilei!y ihi.i. It i all richt. John, but
rem.. ii:1k r esre tfvvi on:o your rac ket.
A pr'-ad dinner was piven a' J. It. Templeton's
o-i Msy i:h in honor of Mrs. M. 1. llrr'?fs. w lio
has -ren visiiin-r friends in iVniroa and w ill stv.ii
Mai! f.r her hon- in iowa. Stie w ill t- drtainist
in A'.n.iny by the ieknes of . niers?.
We hereby tend. r a nnauiUKais rote of thank
to tii"se younj; ladles who .serenaded s in or
l.-vncly finarters Monday nieht. Tlwir W-autini!
trselv'-dy i:Ud our ilnams w ith bright vbbmsof
frl faces and em-hanttsd music, t'ouiu ajrain.
T. S. rilbbnrr has received hit. new stork of
.Ksi. Wevi-invi his More and w-ere shown a
ehoiisa seliMiion f cillery, picture fratni-. toilet
arTirles, ehromiKt am! itl:i-r :ir".iel both
aud onirtmentnl that will W sild lower than tliey
e in be bought ft in I'onlaml.
The fr-t dray th-.t ever rolhd throuch 'lie
streets of itrow r.sville arrived in Sutunlav's train,
c-'r.-ivned to Jake b'.lydn. our cnterprisini; liverj'
?;sV,i' r.ian. The band lnvys d- tt r.nineil to celc
bnitc the c-c 'ion. dressed u; in their new uni
iiTtiis. iwrniird the drav and drove thnrtii'h vn
lv cour-iinr wis;t mu-k- as tney passeil thr-jiiKli
the ia
lue pri.iei;! trecu
d o'd M other Nature has rxen very )n-y for
si three weeks weaving a )eautifui cani't t f
:mTit:1 eixi-n for the hilN nnl vallc-. W:t
r.p.:! tfnirh of ht-r niiisrie hnnd k!i a-v(kc the
or,w-y v'irrialjT' wwM frtani It uintvr stumT-r.
nri' rfth Mill.? iil( nt Am) Tine is rmMTitr l'
sritninir. deny i":ut- to rfviv a sirik ot wrk-o:M
' to 'hHt'n-e iv:r a?nir:in'T. We sirMi on it.e
s'.oplns In!! i-'e n-. ar the rt-Mii tery Isv Siimit.y
i!Kriiin?, the -:ni:ij tian .'formation x-ene of
t n MVIV.. fcOl IH I.'l 'IT 117. T1I inn l
! U thnt the use of ininele ha. retnrtnsl. If
CBnles.5 .tiul nnf-ratpft:! rr.un wonUl -rforni his
di:ties n?i i.aiilil'it'ly nnd lox'inirly a lHine Nnture.
ht a beaut ii'til wotl-t of t-ei-nt'ttsnl Mllll:itlc this.
wonUl W. l-i us hope t!int the rctiiru .f -.rmr
will Tit;'l;ze the ceniu of a ii tiltT life and purer
itniticiii ii'.nt i:e uorumnt tn ine Reims ot u manv
of our iK-t';l
Tim Uon. Svtve-ler VirtnriT tlnminr of Hr.. I
ff.t-. ot-n-i! ih -i:ti'-i.l 'niiu'a rn In Bpmtw-i
I vine Miiiroey ovc:t:ns i.y cesivern-r an itrv
Vn-w.U-r;te mil.' in rr-r I,1V.H hi-.t I
f til ii to our''-" I'i-1 rt a.-onfor li'ehnrciinr Hota.
liov"fnm the jniperimeTtdontcv of ttie rHni!en- i
tliiry: or ln.w it ha.i-n d Ihat a eeriii'i jiotorioi n J
ni.- H-..1.T f-oiAi ii,,.! tt it.. or i-n!.,rt
for -t ltclnoviM (trmie. was nliowed to'Mip ihrmiuh
..c ir.-Hi , t,.c in. w iw a .w i.r-
l-er.ple and the endsf jnstt.e- The ikiver
norV Mi"4siir ilnt in thii eainiiiirii 1 hi veto u
the l onla.,1 ,.,,; bill f. the rreatlo,, of non-!.- Um U. an.) vet -hen we turn to pairr
am! -7 ot tne Ijiwj- of tireiron e liml taat 11l I rJ w
Kxet lip-u-y. on tite !!h of r.-t mary. I-T. simted ' society- and the Stagi. It is the only arti
a bill eivinif Vfie iss'.u the riKht p iiMie lmndu f j cle ever discovered which gives a Natur
of tr.K.n. Feb. it. isvt. he ti'i. sten -d a .iiiriv- ! l n"d btauttjHl tint to the complexion.
ine Baker rny the rain to iMie boiuH Mirjeet to i
'fie s.r.ine eon'liiion. " oitristeney. tlion nit a
j. nel." and (Joversior IVrim yer, beini: nitliout
e .ri.'tijnfy, mn--t not exieft to wear the evel.
If lie does exrx'ct it he i!! l.e sadly diinptir-:Htcd.
The people ere tiled of iiiU Hlitical ji:t.Rlerv.
Keep a l'trnrhfr from 1 HHi js
Ilia Ai'pointnient.
The Rev. Ths. A. Yost lias been rirenel iuc at
TTr.rt wii.t viio;v 1i-.r lli ti1 t.i-o v..r
ev.ise. the Unst comi-laint, and has lived ep to
vKlt ht' v---i and v.Un tbe k n.-SP.r.i ot the
titizevi!' of Oil con-.iv.unity. Therefore the treat-
imt hewPClwl Vvftvpi;r hiw tlieju
indfe-ntmn of everyone who lieliove? in fair play.
Yesterday morning Mr. Yiwt went to the tilde
tjondeiice h1khi1 hu.-e to lUl bin rejrular appoint
ment, ar.d upon to jrive out his text, .
intcmiptCMl by John Soring. feonded by one
li-.aefeil. nVK J and abetted bra Mrs. Kinehart.
w!u mi-til -ue!i nn npnar that Mr. Yit !ef!
ndl'.er than !e inade. a jmrly to nirh a disrr.u-.rnl
Jitiirlm!iet! K'id wniit tohll another appoiiuiueiit
a:i-.l his friends weiit hiie.
Tbe Ou'.c h n-a-"scm'iltd in the whiHil h'm"e to
listen to one ". M. MeKlroy. a l!or. nianite.
Whether lie discoursed or aearehy 1 do
not know, but I do not think that relic-ion would
have l.een an nppiopiino theme afier ftieli an
nnehn-'ii.iTi de-.nonsiraiioii.
lmrinj? the ron it eaine ont that the Uowman
eoiifeieitee Had cent orders to t he tmtee or t he
elnm-h it Sweet Hometii l.vk out Mr. YoM and
t let him preach in the buiklinir Said bureh.
re it iiihiitmikhi. wr.s onui inroiiKii anu ny .Mr.
VoM. he doinjr far more work than anyone elM- in
ils eon.tnu iion. Now it they cent Mich nn order
if stamps them, in the minds W nil fair-minded
men. as a 5et of bl-iek-Iiearted hyjteritec. and u
(Ustiltee of Chrirtianity as a frog lh of featbeti-.
Sweet Home, May !:. A. Ft:i.Low..
jiocmaix HOME.
Tt. V. I'l.i'Iips took n flying triu to Sweet Home
Thtirs-rtiiy l ist.
TIk. Th.-mpon went to Sweet Ihmie on busi
nevs Tlinrsday la-st.
Ilsmltl Wimii.or and mother, of Irving, are vis
itin in this vicinity.
John Arnold is visiting friends and relatives In
this vicinity. .
A (rood ruin i-i what the farmers need to btinjr
on ptrdc'is r.;n! spriiiK Kiain.
I'nlcsH it rainx proily s-xn the hay prop wi)l be
liffht this yir.
Xiw lone Arthurs is toaeb'ns the Mountain
I Home school with
daily ntteiKlanee.
Messrs. Hiilliiw and Cooiht have taken a con -
Irai of cntiinir seveinl eonls of wood ftr N.
Itridjfv'X. near Spicer.
Jas. Tyler started for California on a hnsine?
trip on May 1. lie is intending to tie absent alsiut
three weeks.
Messrs. Javier and Wm . Fmit have taken a eon
tract of enttin sixty cords of wood for Itert Tem
pleton, near Jirow nsville. Cot NTitv Jakk.
If, as scientists say, the size of the
lungs is in proportion to the volume of
ity of that mates lungs who sneezed
down a sign-board two blocks away
Rlu loosened seven square yards of
expulsory effort?
Pools are born; the mugwump is
thrown together, and the obsequious
poltician is a caricature of God's
noblest work.
Ail parties knowing themselves in- !
j tVbted to me will please call and settle, j
' "SI. A. Milled
Rev. J. It. Klrkpntriek will preach
hereon the Puiidny night before the
lirvt Sunday in June.
Lumber tennis nrc beginingto travel
ami tliere will simui bo n jtrettt rush to
the mills and lumber yards.
Mr. I'eter Hither wns in town this
week. Jlesityshe ia intending to lay
oft" his farm on the prairie into town
lots, to be called "Hithei's addition to
Mr, Akin, who purchased a farm
near Crawfordsvllle a few weeks since,
has sold to Mr. Fox, lately from Wis
consin, which leaves Mr. A. tigaln on
the lookout for a farm.
Mr. Zarbron-h, wife and son from
Texn-, have loeHlvd here. They like
this -jutiutry, and we ttre pleased to
hnve people of their appearance and
apparent qualities nii'ong us.
Mr. John Wright aud Miss Sarah
King were ma'rricd on last Wednesday
evening at the residence of the bride'
father, Jtev. Mulkey of the Christian
church officiating. They have acted
sensibly by going to housekeepintr at
once, ifuvhifr purchased a home for that
purpose. They have many friends
who wish them a hnppy and prosperous
journey through life.
CrawfordsviMe had not yet had Its
boom, l ist why should it not come?
We have a fine fnrtiiiiirr country, ex
cellent stock raising, niilis, timber find
water jvowcr, health and good society.
What else is required to produce a
healthy boom? Wesley in the Dem
From the Ochoeo Keview.
Shct pmcJi In the northern part of
t ne county will he through niiearui
within two weeks.
FartncM front different parts of the
country, who were in town miring
the week, report a splendid prospect
for garni crt)js.
The snow on the mountains letwcon
Gehocoand Pridge creek litis about all
K'ne olf, and the read across the moun
tains is said to le in fair condition for
The stock lnstootor lias Inspected the
sheep In the northeastern part of the
county, and finds tic: loss of sheep
in mat part ot me count v out or a
little over lOO.otX) head was 31,000.
jacK I- rost or some otner Rimt or a
frost nipped all tender vegtablc In
I'ritteville Thursday tiitrlit, which
c-iused Kitrdeuers to "cuwt" iretty loud
it w as so severe mat It killed cabbage
On Wednesday afternoon Robert
Itn'.ran, H-iimr tneiiiU-r of the firm of
: It. Itowiui & Son, quietly pass;d awsv
at me residence ' ms sm. . 11.
Rowati, afttr a lingering illness of tt.o
Dan Powell returned on Wednesday
from Red Imitfs t.'al., where he went
wiin a nnr.ti or Horses for sale last scp-
teitiber. Mr. Powell saj Red Rluff is
a ptx'r horse mnrket, mid that he
almost jnve his liorvett away - In order
t get tln'iil "if his hands.
The ttial of Win. Pntre iu the next
term of Hrcuit court of ll.-irnev count v,
for thf killing of Bill JJrown, creatt
considi-rable Intercut here, its both
parlies were well known in this county,
both having lived here a number of
years. Mr. Page's friends her liope
Ihathemay get out of the diflleulty,
as ho is looked upon ns an honest,
strnliihtforward mart.
''hansitl Kverj Wcck.J
Eirgs lilc per loz.
Sitriner iliiekeiis ?l 00 per lo.
Old chickens no er diz.
Jlroilcrs C.t 75 ier tlor..
Ducks li C) er doz.
Oei-sv ?i) K) per dox.
Turkey 12Ac per lb.
Silk's hie per
Fltouiilt rs 8e per lh.
Hams lite per lh.
llutter 2-jc jn r lt.
I.ard in pnils $1 '2j v-r can.
" " bulk 8u per lb.
So said Bui
Bui- Pl-flfin'trf ri
yrcr t
Novelists, and he
nevef spol"C more
,.i .i
truly, and he nntht
Lie Success
have addetl with equal force, that tnerit
u the essence ot success, wisdom's
Robertuie is the synonym of merit, and
,f j its history 13 success. The magical ef-
fects of thi3 prenaration have been attest
Kt k nf tt, i0,i; .,;
same tune removing an ronptinesa
of the face and arms and leaving the
skin soft, smooth and velvety. It haa
long been the study of chetniats to pro
duce an article that while it would beau
tify the complexiou would also have the
nierit of beiug harmless, but these two
important qualities were never brought
together until combined iu
,j0c VyOmaTlTlUB
Offered by Peterson & Wallace,
Real Estate Brokers-
Below you will find a list of a lew
of the nmny bargains they have for
3:ile in city nnd country property.
City lota from $-0 to $lof good terms.
Vc have a number of Improved lots,
including dwelling and business prop
erty, also a good hotel in a fine location
can be bought reasonably and on good
terms. Also the followiug:
No. 15. Trice 13000
200 acres improved land 41 miles
from city. Stock or grain farm.
o. 1G. Price $3000
367. acres improved land 1 mile from
city. Good for gardens or for raising
N. 17. rriec $3000
100 acres improved farm or fruit land
21 mihs from city.
No. 4. Price f COO
20 acres improved bottom land J
mile from city; well timbered.
No 12. Price S2S0
10 acres 1 miles from ity;soil sandy
loam; good for gardens and fruits.
No. 9. Trice ?2000
165 acres well improved land 8 miles
from city.
No. 11. Price ?0000
322 acres flrt-cliisa stock and grain
farm 8 miles from city.
Por further particulars concerning
theilMive or any other information in
rcwrd to Ileal Kstatt; address
, Pcteksox & Wai.lack,
Lebanon, Oregon.
Hang Out Our Banner on
the Outer Wall.
Montague's Magnificent Spring
Stock of Dress Goods in
Endless Variety,
Such as Do Beiges, Foulards,
Challies, Satlnes,
8wli Lawns, Bishop and Victoria Trimmings,
Ribbons, Vatvats, Plush I Many Shades,
Buttons, On Thousand Varieties
Gleves, Hosiery,
In fact everything to make a lady's
eyes fairly sparkle. Both the Mam
moth store and the One Price Cash
Store are the recipients of Immense
Stocks, and Montague promises to
sell them to the people who deal in
Lebanon ut
Defy Competition!
in ftiy town in the State of Oregon.
To those wise (?) ones who trot of!
to other than their home town to
purchase cheap John trash, pause
ere it lte too late; discard the idea
of buying anywhere but ut home,
and then onl of Montague, and
vou will have vtuir votith renewed.
your mind in serene content, ami !
100 cents worth for vour dollar '
every time. Xo baits, no '.hromos.
no steel or wood engrnvings of
awfully homely shoemakers dt cs
Montague delude his customers
with, hut he DOES give them the
choice of tne very lest goods from
t.e largest selection this side of
Portland, at the most moderate
rice? for cash or approved country
Ho who sreaU my purso slurtls trah
From the fact that I have emv
tied it in purchasing the above-
l named goods at panic prices, and
j also in purchasing the daisies! lot of
Talk about other brands of shoos
than the magnificent lino kept by
Montague. Shoo, fly, don't bother
ine; there is room enough in the
world for thee and me. We can
FIT anyone, and when Montague
says FIT he means it, and he is not
going to send you out of his psilatial
stores with those abominable monsters
in leather which you may possibly
find in other establishments not a
thousand miles from our grand em
porium, and which makes your feet
look as though you were a new arrival
from Chicago. No, do not make any
mistake when yon want GOOD Boots
or Shoes for mother, wifo or ister,
the grandmother to the baby, the
grandfather to the last new boy, but
be sure to call on Montague and ee-
i cure what you may require i- that
hue. Every pair fully warranted.
How as to Clething.
When the purs was emptied, as
above succinctly act forth, Montague
was compelled to open another bar'l
for the purpose of securing to our cus
tomers the latest novelties in fine suits
as well as those adapted to every -day
wear. We are now opening up our
elegant designs in Orrron City Cloth
ing, California Casiniere Clothing,
Men's Clothing, Youth's Clothing,
Boys' Clothing, all Imported Uoods,
elegant-fitting garments, at scandal
ously low prices.
Montague has had over forty years
exjierienee iu selling goods, twenty of
which were spent among you right
here in Lebanon, and he now proposes
to spend the evening of his life in giv
ing to one and ull sueli prices as the
Boms Granger of Linn county never
dreamed of. Make Montsguo know
you are going to pay cash down and
no grumbling (the chronic grumblor is
a despicable creature), and ho will
make prices to you all right.
The people who promised to pay up
by the 1st of last January and failed to
connect may find their accounts w here
it will not please them. Montague
does not propose to waste valuable
time in huv.ting up these delinquents,
but will send the most forcible collec
tor he can employ to wile the dollars
due me from these much-promising
and never-performing gentlemen.
The Building Has Been Overhauled,
Renovated and Refurnished.
New Furniture, Clean Beds, Good Meals,
Genial Proprietors.
No Mnttr WhcthiT Yimi Stop One Ior or Al.l.le
with t' for n Ycnr, Ymi Will Flint at the
Kxrlmiigc All the Cum Torts of Hume.
Fancy Goods.
I Have Just Received a Large and
Well-Selected Stock of
3sCillineiy Goods
My stock comprises everything
usually kept in a first-class millinery
store, embracing only the latest styles
and fashions, and all at prices that
iffy competition.
Wtiy Pay
Ten per cent Interest on Money
When You On Got It
For Ljcss?
Oregon Land Company
Albany, Oregon-
Ashby& Dickinson,
Smooth Shave and Nice
Shampooing; and Spanish Lus
ter Cures the Scalp of
Ocntloiprn and Ijulicn May Indulge in the
Xcxt iKxjr to tVlcrwrm TTallAru's Ecl Mst
J. It. HOKUM. - - Iri.
Has on fcasvi larse rt'ick ot a
-ts""w jar. i5r
Call And Securo Trices.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
Oreojs City. OreRon. March SI, ISyO.
A plifince with the provision of tie act of Con
irtwof June S, 1S7S. eutittvl "An art lor the aale
of tiinUr lauds in the 3?att-sof t'aiiirnia, UreOB,
Nevada, an-l Wa.hin(ttoii Territory,"
Of Ilianon, county of I.iun, Ptate of Oretrmj. has
thl ilav filej in thi. oftioo hi sworu ratemvnt
Ni. I'.'ti":!. for tho purchase of the N. E. of sec
tion No. 10. in tmviuhip No. V2 .uth. miie No. 2
enst, nnJ will ofler jr.f to phow itmt the land
sought iff more valuable for its timber or stone
tlinu for agricultural purprwvs. and to establish
hi olnim to snid lanl licfore thi- rrpistrr and
rrwlvirof this office nt Orcpon fit y, Oregon, on
Monday, the 'Jth rsuyof Anjrutf I-t9.
lie niinies as it !iVs-"tK t;. Hale, Wra. Ilale,
S. M. tiarland nnd J. E. (Mjuiren, all of Lebanttn,
I Jnn county, Orecon.
Any and all person claiming adverwly the
ahoreicwribc-d land are requested to file their
rlaiiu to this office on or before 'aid Tth day of
Angiiot. l'J0. J. T. AFrF-KSON, Kegistor-
Land Office AT Roftmno, Orejron, I
April llth. Item.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
fttler ha filed iiotic of hi Intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, r.nd that said
proof will lie made before the jnilm' or in his ab
sence before the. clerk of the county court of Linn
countv, Oregon, at Albany, Oregon, on Saturday,
May 3lst, layo. vi:
nmcstcad Kntrv No. 391. for the X. H of B. W.
V; and N. J-J of t. E. H, Sec. 10, Tp. 1 1 8., R. 1 East.,
lie names the followinjc witnesses to prove his
continuous ret-idence upon and cultivation of said
Innd, viz: Vl'illiam Mcriure. Jacob Hush, Oliver
Knsw'11, reter t 'alkcrson, all of Sweet Home, l.inu
county, Ort-gou. CUAS. W. JOHNSTON.
7 Register.
Tha Gelebrated French Cure,
"iTu-Jr "APHR0D1TINE" rf3
la Soi.n on k
to cure any
form of nervous
disease, or any
disorder of the
generative or
...... nr
isiue from the AFTER
xerafive uac of Ktiiiiiilants. 'i'oliaceo or oi.lnm.
rtliroui;li yeutliful indiscretion, over IikIiiIk
lurv, Ac. studi n liss of Krain Power, Wakeful
new, Kesri i ii; down I'aina in tlio Hark, Seciiuat
Weakness. Hysteria, Nervous I'roMtration Koet'uru-
1 Emissions. hcitcorrhca, I i?Hlties. Weak Mem
ory, of Power and Impotaticy. which If lie
(rlected often lead to prcwiatnreoid aire and insan
ity. Price tl.OO a bo. 6 boxes lor 5.00 buut by
mail on receipt of price.
A IV K I -IT K ' ii V A n A STE K for every S.t
order, to refund tlio mom' If a l'rnm--nt
rnre is not otlvrted. Thoncauda ot testiuift.nls
from old and vomit, of both sexws, cruianeuiv
curcd hv Apiibopitink. Circular froe. Aritlresj
BOX 27
Hoiai.v3X.-.V.3XIllcr, '
hiatu Agviilfor Lebanon, Or.
Cigars, Tobacco, Famisbing Goods, Etc.
FirstClass Goods
Country Produce Taken in Exchange I
for Goods.
Give Me a Trial and Be Convinced.
Shingles, Posts, Boards and Pickets.
New Corner Store
The public school house on the south,
The paper mill on the north,
The big planer on the east,
And the depot on the west,
Makes the Corner Store the Hub
Keep a full line of Men's and Boys' Clothing of Browns
ville manufacture, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Groceries and
Provisions; in fact everything necessary to keep soul and
body together.
Nobody complains of Bach's goods or quarrels with his
I t l '.A !t I .V: HOLT,
Druggists & Apothecaries,
Pure Drugs and Medicines.
X'ululai, Olln uuI GlasH.
Fine Perfumerj',Bnishes & Combs
Prescriptions Accurately Compounded.
Main Street. Lebanon, Oregon.
Lumber ! Lumber !
All parties contemplating building, or desiring lumber for
any other purpose whatever .would do "well to call on ;
At his lumber yard at this place or at the sawmill.
"NVe have on hand a first-class stock of T
Rough and Clear Lumber. i
Bills of all kinds filled on short notice.
. Give me a call ;
Before Purchasing' Elsewhere,
Humphrey & Taylor.
Has opened the Inrpest and
finest line of suitiugs ever
brought to Albany. It
includes pat Urns for full
dress suits or coats, vests or
pants separately, and em
braces onae of the finest
of imported goods not seen
here before. Mr. Graham
As well as the best quality
of goods. These desiring
something really tine
should call and
Money! Money!
Good Farm Property
AT ''S
8 Per Cent.
I examine my own security, write
my own papers, and if title is perfect
can close business up in short order.
Call on or write me.
With E. O. Beardsley, ) -
V-' - .-