The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 09, 1890, Image 3

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    )anon Express.
MAY 9, 1SSX).
How is Lebanon?
Health Is very goodv
business Is prospering.
Bhe la enlarging he f borders.
Have you been to the springs?
Wire cloth at C'ruaon A "Menzie.
Mr. Bodwcll visited Portland last
A good letter from Sweet Home this
Entertainment at the band halt this
Finest machine oils at Ciuson
S. Peroifull of Brownsville called
this week. .
Get the Studebaker wngotl of Cruson
& Menzles.
looks well in its
You take no chances In buying Ihe
Studebaker wagon. Their praise ere
spoken by hundreds of thousands of
teamsters and farmers.
Therj will bea nvither' nicotine., un
der the r,uspi-es of the W. C. T. U., t
the M E. church I'-. iday, M-y luch, at
3 o'clock. All Uid:cs invited.
J. J. Chai-leton, son of J. K. Charltnn,
will RraduatentPrlnevlon ci.llesre; h is
hIho t lected president of the class and
will deliver the farewell address.
1 .
"u. 20 3 cords of
thin place;
p--rst tn-or",h Le.t
en route to Hanlton
The St. Charles
r.ew spring dress.
Charley M Uteris clerking lu a drug
Ftcre at Sheridan.
A. iXxIge will build a building near
the depc shortly.
Mr. J. M. Merks Tjas a wagon to ex
change for a horse.
Location for a portable saw-mill. In
quire at this ofiee.
Thompson & Overman, harness and
aMHs, Albany, Or.
Ceo. A. Dvn of Brownsville was
The Studebaker Wagon' Works are
the largest in the world.
Ruff. Hiatt and Win. Donaca return
ed from Seattle Tuesday.
The marshal Is kept busv crllectiug,
taxing and slaying dogs.
. Mr. Hardman has just h-ld a new
walk in front of his residence.
S. Percefull and M. I. Washburn are
looking at Lebanon real estate.
Z. T. Bryant and Jack Hickman are
working oi the Kodavi'.le hoieL
8. P. Baeh reterned lYom his bo .
ness trip to Salrai Tee G;y evein-j.
What is the use ef boi-ing for gas
jrhen every third man is a gajm;ter?
Dr. Odell repris a good deal of sick
in the neJfaborhood of Sodaville.
W. R. Kirk, President E. W. M. Co
ef Brownsville, eulled on us Wednes
day. Mrs. Dr. N. J. Redp-in, of Fort
Steilacom, is visi;?!ig relaUver in Leba-
Mr. Rudolph
non this week
Mr. Hicdaaan h laid a new s de
walk in front cf his residence on
Uncle Billy Corhcam w.n9 ume
Mongolian ihv mail's to tuke to Cali
fornia. From two to s'x loads of Irmber a ;
hauled daily for Gown's mammoth
Two larsre store house and a ma
chine s!op in course of construction
this week.
The oresent mansjrement of the
narrow gau-je will coni Inue about tt ee
weeks only.
Mr. Cruson is repainting the St
Chariea. The work bespeaks artistic
taste and skill.
Everylwdy thinks it will rain, but
weather prophets are as silent as the
Itehleniber you cun get a hot or cold
Vath any dayin the week at I. It. Bo
vuni's harler shop.
Win. McKinnon has discovered a
two foot vein of excellent coal 1J milf
below Lower Soda. i
T. A. Swan has received several loads
of lumber and will build a comfortable
enee this season.
We find that Thompson & Overman
carry the finest l:ue of liarness and
saddles in the valley.
Messrs. Bartta and Willams come
near building a hooe in a day as any
mechanics in the country.
Man's delight and woman's satisfy
ing portion ice cream, at the i"Lair
aint every Friday ereniag.
Prof. IT. J. Garland and wife have
lieen engaeed for another term in the
Brownsville public school.
Wherever you go, even to the far
thest verge of creation, there yon will
rind the Studebaker wagon.
Over twelve hundred men are con
stantly employed in manufacturing the
celebrated Studebaker wagons.
The first political breeze of the sectson
fanned the fevered cheeks of Judge
Miller and Rev. Case last week.
S. P. Bach went to Saleni Monday,
and intends to stock his store with
goods of E. W. M. manufacture.
Tfre rtofrsri- faun who Vttw mrrrvm
Trie rrark of pros-res. pnta anrt bustle.
Will shortlv be festooned with moss
If he don't get up nd rustle.
Don't wait till your house rets full
of flies: but go to Croson & Menrie's
and get screen door and windows.
Mr. Ed Goin, the enterprising Scio
miller, is preparing to pot in an eWci-nc
light plant in thatthiiving little city.
We acknowledge a pleasant eall fTm
Mr. O. Saltmarsh and J. K. Charleton.
Onr doors are wide open to old Ore-
Mr. Hardin, a brick manuf.'cttT-e',
has procured ground or A. lx''-e ne.
the railroad and has begun work on
bis yard.
Borne of our young peofde launched
a boat on the lake Saturday. This
means moonlight rule and poeticrd
Miss Minnie Cattle, or T.-ota
Wash., niece of C.-.rUn, of Por
land, is visiting her aeat, M-s. C. D.
Bellroie Ktrkw trick r nod fwra
Brownsville Monday. Ti.e prt fe 'do
at that place will be closed n v e er
the election.
Rev. Marelles his lxe n. ed.
to preach for the Firs. Pivt'.yteiisn
church in this place and w ill shortly
move among us.
Mr. Nickevso.i-s pV -er is rrnnlng
on time once me. Ii i i h. rdly likely
that he -will be caught another yer
without lumber.
Mr. McClnre, the b.i be', Te"ievea th: t
"cleanliness Is next to noc' jcs," and
liis well-arranged ba t-ixom is x lie out
come of his belief.
Mr. Munsey s;-ys th: t neky old
bicycle doesn't behiive beuei" he .'ili
add another wheel and he and C'.Loii
will ride it double.
G. W. Wheeler 5s receiving tome
large pine logs at his saw-mill. Should
vou want some nice pine lumber, you
know where to get it.
It is doubtful if ths Jaybird colum af
fordsmueh amusement for the general
r(i-N. mr, the ii" !i: j trd see much in
e 1,131.2 .
. -.; yo:- r?.;chdais. Give
- '"r.rir- snare caih iio.ig viih your
and you will be able to buy
!ondjng1y cheap.
Mr. Redfkld while In Ibanon ipt
wet k made a host of friends. All party
nthiiation aeems to be forgotten in a
generous rivalry for his election.
If vott need machine, online or
cviinder oils you should go to Cruvn
A Men?.'.es and get the Ust oil;, lu t
have ever been kept in Lebanon.
Mr. I. M. Banta has rented i'.ie Ex-!
change hotel, will overhaul and refit it
from basement to garret, and asks the
people to dine with him occasionally.
While in Albany call at Thompson &
Overman's and examine their line of
Kiddles, fine driving and team har
ness. All goods manufactured at home
One ofourCitiKcns was out in the val
lev a few days ago and he tells in that
lie never f-aw a better prospect for a
bountiful crop than he saw on this
The ice cream swpper given at the
restaurant last Friday night was so
gencraly patronised that it reduced
the tempsratuie several decrees iu this
Don't far-set the entei t?i anient to be
given bv the W. R. C. Frid. y evening
atthehUnd hill. A very intent lug
1 programme bids you come ou a nd en
oy y ousel f.
If you have fnylbirij good for our
columns, don't wail for an apt preface
or Introduction, but go right into the
subjevt like a hungry negro Into a bowl
of clam soop.
Phil Smith has been snowed under
with the baggage of a traveling public,
but is now on top ith a hand-cart
transferring baggage from the depot to
the St. Charles.
Seveal coops of turkeys were shipped
to Poiiland this week. Has the Pres
ident pioclaimed another 'Ilianssctv
ing, or are PoriUndeis niosw thankful
thaa other people.
J. R. Khkn. trick returned Wedw-
day with the following purckases: Two
t: Ii:.raess. a doi'ble-seaed c.-rviage.
seven head of hOfSt.'s. two car-loai's of
lumber, and two vcj m
M! ried, near Lebanon, April SO, Mr.
Jasper N. BeHinser and Miss Frnma
Nexvquist. The newly-marrietl couple
will accept the thauks of this offiee for
the delicious cake icelved.
Charley Montague and Norman
Smith went to the county seat on Mon
day evening. Sorman wanted to see
the county clerk and Charley went to
see hia brother. That's al I.
J. A. Winter visited his daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Wilcox, lately. Mr. Winter is a fine
artist and has been located in Browns
ville for three or four years.
-'Brick Dust," or "Chicken Bristle,"
has been in town, and says he is mak
lug arrangements to start a rrfturaut,
not a place to eat, but a place to rest.
He thinks there is big money in it.
Died, in Lebanon. May 4, Mrs. Aaron
Springer. The funeral service were
held in the C. P. church. Rev. Denny
officiating. Mr. Springer has the
sympathy of a large circle of friends.
We do not look for any open hostili
ties between the jay birds and the
moonshiners for some time to come.
The most that the latter have been
able to obtain so far is a sort of purchas
ed forbearance.
If vou wish to reside in a healthy
loeahtv, one where your children can
get the best schooling, and where the
"vple are sociable and accommodat
ing, Vne to Lebanon, aqd take look
at our surioisndlriga.
On Sund-w evening, Mav 11th. Rv.
Calder v. ill deliver a lecture to young
people founded on the text, "Tf sinners
entice you, consent tnou not." All are
invited to attend. Services will 'om
nience promptly at 8 o'clock.
Wm Eidred came down front lower
Soda this week. He is nego'iathig for
this favorite summer re-ort and should
the property come into his po?sesiou
lie will make it a most attractive place
to spend the pumraer months.
We omitted to mention our supple
ment last week, but then our readers
hjve found it out before this. The
fact is our voluminous eorrspondence
necessitatKi a clo-ly-prhited, double
sided supplement. Ditto this week.
We received this week from the
North Paeifte Pub. Co., the Annual
North Pacific Almanac and statistical
handbook. The book is replete with
information about Oregni. Washing
ton, Idaho, Alaska and British Cloum-bia.
Governor Pennoyer will speak in
Lebanon, Saturday, May 10, at 2
o'clock p. m. A host ef the unwashed
are expected from Albany. Let every
bodv from the mwssback to the tender
foot come out to hear the hero of Bull
Indirectly, we have heard that the
hop-vine story given in our last issue
was not credited in certain Quarters.
Some people are of such slow doubting
tendency or mina mat, mey win oe
lieve nothing unless certified by the
Suttle Bios. are. hru.
wood to the rarroaf
Mr. Gentrv 10:1 em'driu-veral oiIht
;. -Ms Vave contracted for from 100 to
'J;0 eoMs, making in the acrr;igptc no
fur tVoiu !C0O enrdsof vo'U for the ra."l
i'od couipi'ii v alone. The paper mill
will use ' ttu;w ?-H,t wdf of wood an
nually. '.'. he one ii-Mii of fuel ia Leba
non counts luo money fast.
Dr. 11. Hamlin, of Lemoro, Cat., says
a fow do.ou lotiles of Chamberlain's
C iugh Ri'incdy which he sold there cre
aUKi such a demand for the remedy
that he couid not well get along witout
It. Those who use it find it so mtu-h
suporior to any other remedy they
have ever tried that they recommend
it to their frleuds, and that Is. what
makes it so popular. For sale by M.
A. MiKer.
If you are a kicker and see the
shadows of failure in evervthiug that
is proposed to help the town, no to
some secluded place and kick your own
shadow, and thus give the men who are
working to build up the town a chance.
One chronic kicker can do more to keep
awny business and capital rroni a town,
than all the drouth, short crops, bus,
cyclone and blhaards combined.
Prineville News.
A private letter from a reader of the
Ex tress in Seattle informs us that
the young fugitives who so efl'ectully
concealed tneir flight from this place,
have been seen in Seattle; that they
give the impression of having left
fcome unfinished business in Lebanon
and are desirous of returning to their
favorite haunt. Open arms are ready to
receive them on the first sign of contri
tion, and the ' fatted calf" is loose-tied
in the stall. . .
W. Potter, the post master at E'
k, eb., says he has personal
in advertising our town and surround
ings, as is abundantly proven by the
arrival and location "of immigrants,
the advance in real estate, the increased
volume of business and the general
awakening in all quarters.
An electric railway from Lebanon to
Sodaville and Vatorloo, coiinecarg
these summer resorts by rail, with the
centres of population in the va'rey, is
a scheme that is neither Utopia i nor
visionary. Full details of t lie fccheaie
will be given in our next i isue.
The deputy marshal caught a dog
last week without a collar, co'lared
him forthwith and thvew iiiui upon
the walk, with a view to putting a rope
on b:m. The owner of the dog puihed
i he depu ty off" his property, w lid ec Don I
hs was knocked down by the
This reminds us that dog days will sooa
be upon us.
The boom has struck that beautifjl
and fertile country up in the 10'ks of
the Sauiiam, known t the oust'de
world as Canada. A townsUe is .K'ing
laid off at the junct'on of the O -goi
Pacific and the Oregoniaa lailwav.
The place is to be called. Hope City, and
it is lioped vhot the town of Scio will
move to tbtt pla--e. Oregon iau.
Died At his home nerSpicer, Linn
Co. Walter E., son of Edward and
Margaret Myers. Walter was born
March 8th, 18TO,and died May 2nd,
1S90. He was an odedient and loving
chi'd. He was buried on the 3rd dry
of Mey in the presence of a la-ge con
course of weeping friends. His pareats
have our heartfelt sympathy and we
hope to meet little Walter in Heaven.
John M. Price.
Fellow-townsmen, home-seekers and
speculators, if you want a bargain in
town to?s I ha re it. On account of ill
health I will sell nineteen clmiee lots
which are of extra size, ranging from
84,xl49 feet to 67x237 feet. Will sell
from one to nineteen lots at a bargain,
one-third cash, balance on time, one
year or lese. These lota I must and
will sell within the next thirty days,
oa account of wanting to travel' for my
health. Call on R. Hiatt,
Or Peterson & Wallace,
knowledge of several cases of rheuma
tism, in that vicinity, that have been
permanently cured by Wnmberlnln's
Pain Balm, after other remedies were
used without benefit. He has sold It at
his drug store there for five years and
says he never knew it to fail, that "any
customer who once uses Chamberlain's
Pain Balm will hav" nothing else in
stead." f or sale by M. A. M ilkr.
Montague must he preparing for a
boom, Judging by the way he Is stock
ing up hia Mammoth and One-Price
Cash stores. By purchasing l is goods
in such large quantities he naturally
gets much lower prices. He guaran
tees good goods In all the departments
of hU extensive establishments at
prices that absolutely astonish other
merchants in the valley, some of them
going so far as to say that Montague
retails his goods as low as they buy
them at wholesale. The careful buyer
invariably goes to Montague's.
Sodaville is taking on a small boom.
B-ides the big hotel, a blacksmith
shop is being erected, and a butcher
shop will soon be opened. Many
visitors are expected there this season,
and tti new hotel will afford good ac
comodations. Heretofore many visitors
made a short stay on account of the ac
commodations not being such as they
desired, lion. M. C George visited
the springs las summer, and was given
a ro-in ujstairs Mr. George is rather a
tall man, and on entering his room and
straightening up his stovepipe hat was
shoved clear down over hia ears. He
left the next morning.
The One-Price Cash Store has become
one of the features of Lebanon. As
everything is new and fresh, and the
prices are so much below that charged
in credit-giving establishments, people
who desire to buy their goods for cash
naturally go to the corner, where they
do not have to make up to the store
keeper for the non-paying customers
who, when they can do so, buy on
credit, and who are constitutionally
opposed to paying for au3'thing. Get
prices at the One-Price Cash Store and
if there is any reason in you that is
the place where you will purchase your
The city council at Its last regular
meeting, Mav 6, passed an ordinance
relatina to the licensing, taxing.
-v- . . ... . - - - -
liquors in the town of Lebanon. The
ordinance contemplates a restriction of
the traffic, regulat s the hours of open
ing and closing saloons, and bristles
all over with restraint. The reports rf
the various committees gave evidence
of duties we:l dbclmrged. Fte ts
were ordered cleaned and alleys clear
ed of rubbish. The reports of the sev
eral committees indicate 'a healthy
state of affairs in the various branches
of municipal government.
Fellow citt-reiis, we must have that
standard-gat'se ro" through Leba
non, even if it be at thecostof smotli
enng our patriotism o the Fourth of
Jply. The value of this i-oad to our
town cannot be written with fewer
than six iiv.iires. The pre ent road
will pvo!. bly o altered to a standard
gauge before full, -o th. t
pc ion in the matter would be neither
hasiv nor premature. Men ere at work
already su - rej ng he roc ."e from Sil ver
ton (o Eust Portland, and if I lie busi
ngs men of our bwu would call the
attention of he railroad officials o the
practicability of the propofsd lhicand
its advantas over tiie old ihie: if we
could get a survey o.i this shorter j
row; e, the Saving in" distance together
with the advantage of a perm.metitj
budge she, world doutvl'ss ecu to
Lebanon another stand.'.ni-gacgeittad.
Let all who are in ei- :ted in the
growth of our town and ihe develop
me ii t of ou ; resou res u n ite t he: r e (forts,
pool tneir strength and their
voices in behalf of an enter-vrise I'jat
promises eat thirds to our towa and
".ou at i y.
A rw Cla :ie'-'!r f a obark.
He neer projects any scheme that
would advance the interest of ins town,
but has a r?edy t. lent for condemning
thspitof e-itert)rise in others. He
regards HI mcxrh?.ntr as v.mpircs and
n;itro3i's te i olyu healwenee of
foot pe'iloi. lie tei is every stranger
vho' Ofli-s tn'ofl i that if he wishes
o avoid a fi.u ncial c-h he had bet-
er Keep mo.'ey m nis pocKet. He
rvds c.i ievn nevsp.:;iei3 because he
c. n set them a. $.0d per year; is al
w. .vs t7e.'ve months ?eiilnd the tim0,
and e-.'l" it c oaomy. He looks with
disfa.or ppoi the educational faeilitU-s
cf ihe ce and sighs for a retu-n to the
primitive log school house wi'h its
ioi",h-bewr benches pnd WclMcr's
speue?aa i?Tt book. IT'h's were a
n.-v loc. we could add ta h podixiw
Swket Hr.MK, May T.
Fprino!, vrlwrne Spring, Willi her
lic itif tit -lowei-s una grasses, ia rt
last w.'t 1u, nud man nccordi;iily Icoi.a
n pint the tiibi-js a h.i;l:lngci's of l-e'-ler
times ami takes ht-ni t anew efur
ih hx and dreary whiter just ex ;eti
enc v.. .
Tin ;trds are lookln wei', and ve
will lie uuli-1 feast on new pnlut'H-K In
nU.ut, t!iw vfks; though we have not
yet arj-ic'-u ut l!mt stage that the stock
; are afraid to SI-down on the grrss ut
night I r tear ; f h iving to hold n flrt
class funeral In the ntori ing ns a re
sult. Ithtt everything betole is activity
the Mound of tne hammer, l':e p'
ami the saw is hitri on nil -h-. Sev
eral new buildings are already ll:!!-lu l
an! m-ire are in t r i , while ('icis
are still contemplating Imil'Miig.
Among the former I miuht mention
the neat cottage l-.-sidence of Mrs. Pal
lium and sons, late -f Kansas; and
among the latter a butcher nhop for
Messrs. Davis te Avers, which wMI soon
iie opened, and le nf rrert be-c fit an
well ai convenience for, the i'?',Idcuts,
us iresn me.t is a rarity.
We will also soon have our new not
ofllee flidahfHl, and this will lie rnoilier
lulcUlinn, and ery much more roomy
aii for our genial tosimacti-r,
M . jL.ubke-.
Taken as a whole we are a thrivin?
httie town and the outlook is quite en
couraging. I hear we are to hare a resident phy
sician here again, and the people, I ain
sure, will he nhlc hi appreciate that, ns
we have to send away either to Leba
non or Sodaville now. There is some
talk, too, of the same gi'MS letnau put
ting in a drug store ns well.
Onr merchants, Messrs. Hamilton A
Andrews, are carrying a f.rst-clasii
stock cf goods, and as a ct nsequeuce
are doing a splendid business
Could Buy Cheaper !
Our public school onei;?l l':e first
Monday in April with an enrollment
of 40 pupils and Mrs. J)r. Giltert a
teach?. As she is a teacher of lar gts
and varied exerience, we look fr a
Hod aud successful school.
A very pleasant event took nip. e r-.t
Ine 27th ult., when Mr. J- in C:i
braith and Miss Courtney Wet'd'e d
cliled that they would w'alk the path
of life together for the future. The
wedding, which was held at the resi
dence of the bride's parents, was a very
enjoyable and sovial affair. Rev. T. A.
Yost officiated. The happy young
couple were the recipient" of nuite a
number of handsome and useful pres
ents, and have gone to housekeeping.
I will close by civintr your numerous
readers a very cordial Invitation to our
Fourth of July celebration, for we
mean to have the largest celebration
ever seen in this part of tne couutry.
rantETiLLK i-ickisos.
Giving Away
Kid Gloves !
Hackleman lias been over-run tvitJi applications for the
gift, and wants it understood that he has not a pair to give
away. The misunderstanding prsbably originated from the
remark of ?onis customer that they were literally giving
giving away Gloves at Hacklemax a. Of course they simply
meant that the prices asked were next to a gift, which is
- a 11 .1
true enough. liacKieman sens tne
Every pair warranted or your money refunded. Come and
take a look.
Forty Ladles Arrested.
A latge company of ladies from all
p-rts of L.inu county and representing
every caste of society were passing
down Main street in Albany gazing
curiously about as ladies are accustom
ed to doing, when without a moment's
warning they were all arrested by
the sight of the Ladies' Bazaar and
were taken before his honor, H. J.
8ower. Each, and everyone pleaded
guilty, paid cost and expense and car
ried home some of the specialties of
the Ladies' Bazaar. Every department
of I lie Bazaar is replete with the latest
style. The enly thoroughly skilled
lady cutter and trimmer in Albany is
connected with this establishment.
One glance at our window is equiva
lent to an order for one or more of our
On Top.
S. A. Klckerson wants it understood
that he is again on top and has a yard
that will be at all times stocked with
an abundance of lumber of every de
scription known to builders. I have
the only planer in town that is alwr-vs
ready and run by water power. My
shop will be enlarged and machinery
added to meet the requirements of the
i trade, This way for your lumber.
From the Ochoco Review.
During the past two weeks Col Nye
has tiought 4000 head of mutton sheep.
He now has some tiOUO bead.
Reynolds Bros, of Fremont, Ne
braska, have boucht some 16.000 head
of sheep in this county, and will drive
them to Nebraska after shearing.
C. C. Lee, who spent the winter at
Sodaville, Linn county, ivturned the
first of the week, and will remain in
the county until he can cross th
m uutains wnen uc expect to lake a
number of horses to the Willamette
valley for sale.
A Burns paper boasts that that
town supports seven attorneys. That's
better than Prineville can do. We
only have four limbs of the law here.
and one of them has quit the practice
and gone to mixing pills in a drug
store, wnue tne oiner tnree are not
getting fat cither in erson or purse.
reverai weeks ago mention was
made of an old gentleman i;amed
Athen who started across the desert
from the Meldrum place coming north
during the deep snow in January, am
not having b-.'en heard of since. On
Weduesdsvofthr; wk red Moare
ihe mail carrier from Sliver lake,
found the remidiis of the old man
lying near a log on Pine ridge, about
18 miles this side of th Me! i! run place
From the appearance of the body, Mr.
Moore thinks the old man had become
fatigued traveling on foot through th
snow. Had laid down to rest, fallen
asleep and frozen to death.
Tlirv Jars flew np to SlTille Tuedny.
Two rroniwl Joys went to Albany to get penults
to forace in pairs.
-O. B-.hl a lnl. wt Buhl-a land," I two or
tlie bniod-' favorite lays.
A rni?i. nniTtraiwd Jy Urolled nnnnn"led
on tlie b:'.nk of the Santiaui, but sbe got Bach all
tbe same.
A Jar wa seen perehol ra a Kick of eofl wml
preeiifiMr Iter wing lor a flis'at In hk iaville. bhe
ilew Mil not alone.
Some crowned Jays show a iartlcnliiT fornlnc--for
certain ssfeeieof inm.ets. Miller a: e warned
tu keep in rimirs pi all Uiucw.
Tbe latest deliverance by the lwva Jar m that
Rinlfafeat!KT fliwk b -' her."' an! that hi
lnKi i not w.ile.- ftin U and therefore ceunot
itlMiaie with moo'ishiiiers.
One orihe rimviKi ln-a-ls, movett l.r he ml :ra
try",c , loi t-. I.irl" eye vkv ef xvlaviiie
iat Si.nt.iy. Whether he w'ns in rfarrb nf nt r..
fie d new ir bins of a briKhiii ph naTe limn to
be found in n-e leave for Orv lo decide.
We uaie.-sl!! I he . a; fUi'e saxfviW.
A Jar 'tint .ays that a (hint bant w'CT5n! el
m 1 inn- ;iv er iintr, lo re Known i" 'he i
denatuanx. They pnirureii in..tninients and fa
vvd eonie of their titenis uitli a ercnnV,
al'hou-h 'hey roubl not play very well v ilh-o
little pi ,tite. A -ma-. -back." who heard (hem
iys tliey pr-dnped mhiimU that were rather lis
ti in; ami mule hmi very weary. This jay
.Iv i -! liiese p -ople to forsake all siieh FollKeK
Tvrc jay, one old and ne yotm?. In eareh of
pleat ure. prepan-d a tiinner and rettvatd from
Ihe buy Muni' of ihe city to ihe bntte cat of
town. They wy they v two (,'nai-e n a limb,
and think Ins them j.iy and desi-ins; a place lo
aitsn'. ney aiiemivt'.Hi lo occupy tne mine nmb
wit'i them, w hen the yuipo d Jays lit out. Thev
pmbablv trot scared at Ilie lanre loo-knot of the
old Jay. The jays then fou'id a plea -ant place on
a rock ana pncieii to eat tiinner. n e under
ktand ilwy have a kxhI Joke on the rock. They
reunited, lo Ihe city at evening and M'.ik citv life
he b- .l. Sons or thk Bbood.
On the evening of April 27, Mr. J.
X. Galbraith and Miss Courtney J.
Weddle were united in the bonds of
holy matrimony by Rev. Thos. A. Yost.
at the home of the bride's parents near
5weet Home. Ouite a numtier of
their many friends assembled to wit
ness the ceremony that united two of' best and most highly es
teemed citizens. That their vovafre
o'er the sea of a matrimonial life will
be a lone and joyous one Is the wish of
all who are acquainted with these, es
timable young people. Observer.
A Bin Planer.
I have just ordered another machine
for my new planer at p. cost of $1,000,
and shall continue to add to my plant
from time to time to meet tVe require
ments of a building public. My new
building will be 48x64 feet, two stories
high, and will lie thoroughly equipped
with the latest aud best machinery. I
have made arrangements to keep on
hand a large supply "of good lumber, and
will have a lumber yard the equal of
any on the coast. I also have one of
the best-stocked furniture stores in
Linn county. E. Goan.
Lumber : Is : King
In Oregon .Tiiist Noav,
All his Subjects Must have Houses!
From Mud-Sill to Frieze I
Cast Your Eye on Our. Cash Prices:
Best Table Peaches, per can...
" . "-. Plums, " " i
5-lb Can San Diejro Honey......
4-lb Package Germea
4-lb " -Monarch Rolled Oats...
i-Gal Can Vermont Maple Syrup
2 lbs Block Boneless Cod Fish........
3 Cans Concentrated Lye......
4 l'ackaffcs JJird fceed ;
3 ' Corn Starch
3 " Gloss Starch..
Best Young Hyson Tea, per lb.;
Onr Begular 00c Uncolored Japan Tea
50c Japan Tea.... ....
" 40c " "
In bulk or papers.
9 Cans Tomatoes
9 " Peas.. ;. .
9 "Qwvi..?f..;.:;:r?.:
15 lbs Golden C Sugar ::::::
15 " Extra C " .. ....
13 " Dry Granulated Sugar..
14 " Rice 1
4 " Costa Rica Coffee ,1
3 " Best Rio " 1
2 " Raasted "
Frazer's Axle Grease, per can
8,400 California Matches for
Hats &. Caps, Crockert A Gi-akswakk
At Greatly Reduced Prices
We mean business, and if you wear Clothes or use Gro
ceries you can get them very cheap from us for a short time.
We need more room, as we contemplate adding a fine stock,
of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, c, to our stick. .
Don't be deceived by those who claim that there is noth
ing worth having except the goods that they may have for
sale. An inspection of our goods will convince you that
vou have been mislead. Don't go to some other town toi
.siend your cash and then ak eredit of your home merchants.
$0 20
20 i
5 t
20 .
. 2d ;
. - i J s
f vT -
. )5 .
. 25 - w
G0 50,
. 40
. 1 00
. 1 00
v i oo;
1 00 - ?
Cobmrg Saw Mill !
24 Hours After Order Is Placed.
Enable Me to Undersell the Lowest. Address
J. C. GOO DALE, Coburg, Oregon
Ctitircriill &
MonteitPi's Old Stand.
Albany Furniture Co.,
Picture Frames, Etc.
First Strkf.t, Hettveen Ferry and
The -:- Wassom -:- Addition
Is without doubt where men and women
sense and refinement will make their homes-
House, Sign & Carriage Painter,
Contracts Taken for Any Kind of
House Work, such as
Plain : or : Fancy : Painting,
Freeoolng nud limine Decoration of
Every Description.
Orders left at tlie Express office will
receive prompt attention.
Tu Make Room fur My
Spring and Summer Stock
Entire BUx-k of
IBoots & Shoes
Now is the Time to
I Propose to Have
Leading Dry Goods Store
In the Valley.
Promptly attended.
jV11hi-, Oregon,
We wish to say to our old customers,
and also new ones, that we are prepar
ed to furnish well seasoned lumber,
made from soft mountain fir, at the
following prices:
Kcoond clefvr, ......... ..............tl0.oo
Clear 12 CO
Clear 1x4 ............. 13.X)
Fencing, boxing and timbers...... 7.00
Atour mill in Wirtsburg, Linn Co.,
Oregon. Jennings & Co.
Clias. Xi. Miller, of Brownsville, is a
breeder of thoroughbred. chickens. Ho
has the Silver-Laced Wyandottes,
White Wyandottes, Plymouth Rocks,
Brown Leghorns, Houdans, Black Ml
noreas and other breed of the purest
strain. Fanners will find it mucli
cheaper and safer to buy of him than
to scud East,
17.r.fh Edition Now
Heady. A book of
over aoo frlv
inicmnnMiiibrtnutitm of vhIiw to iwlver
tiai'nt thnn any other
pnMicntlon ever issued. It sivea the mime of
everv newxpaper pulililiel. having a rireuliition
ratintr In the AniPriran Newxpnner llre'tory of
more than J.",(K rntpiti" enoh Iwue, with the eost
per line for ailvertiNlmr In them. A list of the
bet jmpern of loi-al clnuilntlon, in every eiiy nud
town of more than 5,000 population with prie
by the inch for one mouth. Sieial Ht of daily,
country, yillnire and dun pajier:.. Harirnin oirerx
o valtic to rtriall advertiir or those wishing to
experiment judiciously v. ith a unall nnioimt of
money. Shows conclusively "how to Ret the mmt
service for the money," etc, etc. 8ent pot paid
to anv addrenn for :in centa. Addrens (Iwi. P. How
KM. Co.. Publisher and (ieneral Advertising
Afrcnta, 10 Spruce street. New York Hy. 7
16 o Acres of Land
3 Miles East of Lebanon.
Good rood; good water; rich land;
good school in j mile; small
Price, : : $8 per Acre.
Apply at this olllce or to
Jl ARTIS HiCKMAX, lirsr Work :duno on S.'torC Todcv,
You eaii buy any of the
Cheap, of
lIInadEn. and
Stons Wars, elIsc
of money anc
and why?
The College, the Mineral Springs, RayennaParK ,
(W'hich is grander here than anywhere else on Puget Sound,
which, if for no other reason, would make it the
most desirable), - - -
In Seattle a Mighty City is Building!
Take hold of the best, while you
have a chance at lowest
Every lot in full view of Mount Uanier and Lake Wash
ington; on railroad; at depot; an electric railway as soon as
can be completed to it; half dozen fine residences already
under construction; $25,000 Female College to be oined
September, 1890.
Whv did you cross the plains? "Why did you take
your life and that of others in your hands to come to
this Coasl? What pen can write the history? You have conquered
this land, made the growth of great cities imperative, and the amassing
of great fortunes, almost in a day, jiossible. Now, by the investmHtof
a few thousands, or hundreds, you may reap the harvest that belongs to
you. Will you do it? The greatest corporations, the ablest financier
of Europe and America, are investing thousands nay, millions, in
Seattle. Will you not invest? Your chance is NOW. Seize it. I
have a 60-acre tract, an 80 and two 40-acre tracts. Only a few left
'heap; ripe for platting, any one of which will m.kc you your fortune
in a short time. Buy quick, I can't duplicate them.
"?ole agent for the Wassom Addition in Oiegon, is among
you. Call ou him at once.
00 !
00 I
55 i
25 )
I- '