The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 25, 1890, Image 1

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He Who thinks to please the world Is dullest of his kind; for let him face which way he will, one-half Is yet behind.
Tr , . . :
History of th Most Important Fonnd In
The first nugget of any great Import
ance, and which played a prominent
part in the early history of California,
was found by a young soldier of Steven
son's regiment, ia the Mokelutune
River. while drinking from that stream.
He hastened to San Francisco and
placed his prize in the hands of Col.
Mason for safety, after which it found
its way to New York, where It fanned
the smouldering flame and caused the
nations to realize the importance of
California. This nugget weighed be
tween twenty and tweuty-tive pounds.
In November, 1854, a mass of gold
was found at Carson Hill, Calaveras
County, which weighed 195 pounds
troy. This is the largest piece of gold
ever found in the State. Several other
nuggets, weighing from six to seven
pounds, were found in the same locali
ty. On the 18th of August, 1860, a large
piece of gold was taken from the
Monumental Quartz Mine.Sierra Coun
ty, which weighed 1,596 ounces trov.
The nugget was purchased of the owner
by R. B. Woodward, of San Francisco,
and exhibited at Woodward's Gardens.
Mr. Woodward paid $21,636.52 for it,
and afterwards melted the nuo-o-et,
realiziug $ 17.654.94 from it. e
A Mr7 Strain found a large slab
shaped gold quartz nugget near Knapp
ranch, half a mile east of Columbia,
Tuolumne County, which weighed fiftr
pounds avoirdupois. After crushing
aud melting, the gold was valued at
In 1849 a nugget was found at Sul
livan's Creek, Tuolumne County, that
w eighed twenty-eight pounds avoirdu
pois. !
In 1856, at French Ravine, Sierra J
vuuuy, a uns" was iouna which
contained considerable quartz, but
yielded $10,000. while another was
fouud at an earlier date in 1851. the
gold from which was valued at $8,000.
In the year 1867. at Pilot Hill, El
Dorado County, a boulder of gold
quartz was found, w hich yielded in uld
$8,000. '
Several other boulders of smaller size
were found in the same claim. The
boulders were found in what ia known
as the Boulder Gravel Claim, immedi
ately west of the Pilot Hill Post-Oflice,
. A Mr. Virgin and others found a
nugget on Gold HilL Tuolumne Countv.
which weighed 380 ounces, and wis
valued at about t6.50O.
In 1854 a mass of rold wein-hino- so
ounces and valued at $6,625 was found
at Columbus, luolurane County.
It has been reported that a nuet
weighing 266 ounces and valued at$5,
000 was found at Minnesota, Sierra
In 1850 a piece of gold quartz was
found in French ravine. Sierra County,
which contained 263 ouuces of gold
worth $4,893.
It has been reported that a French
man found a nugget of grold in Sorina-
uuivu, vuiuuiuia, luoiumne vountv.
wnicn was nearly pure gold, bei no
worth more than $5,000. The tinder
became insane the next day and was
sent to Stockton. The French Consul
recovered the nugget, realized its value,
and 6ent the money to the finder's
family in France. "
On "the 4th day of A',ist, 1858, Ira
A. Willard found on fcoe west branch
of Feather River a nugget weighing fifty-four
pounds avoirdupois beforehand
forty-nine and a half pounds after melt
ing. -A gold nngget was f jund. date not
jrTven, near Kelsev. El Dorado County,
which sold for $4,700.
In 1876 J. D. Colgrove, of Dutch
Flat, Placer County, found a white
quartz boulder in the Polar Star hy
draulic mine which contained $5,760
worth of gold.
It has been reported that a nnirset of
pure gold was found in the middle fork
of the American River, two niiies from
Michigan Bluff, in the rear 1864. which
weighed 226 ounce-, and was sold for
$4,204. Another account of this nug
get slates that the weight was 17
ounces. Virginia (Aey.) Vtirutiice.
A Story "About Bismarck..
An advance copy of the third volume
of H. V. Sybel's "History of the Ger
man Empire," has been received. Pro
bably the most interesting chapters
refer to the relations between Prince
Bismarck and Count Reehberg. the
Prussian and Austrian Ambassadors
respectively at the German (Frankfort)
Diet. Bismarck (then Herr von
Bismarck Schonhausen) soon found out
that Count Reehberg was hot-tempered
and passionate, but in the main honor
able and good-natured. Count Rech
Wrg. on his side, cordially disliked
Prussia and its astute representative,
but did his best all the same to keep on
amicable terms with his colleagues.
Both officially and socially there "was,
however, plenty of friction between
the two. On one occasion things came
to such a pitch that Count Reehberg,
entirely losing his self-control, passion
ately exclaimed: 'One of my friends
shall wait on yoa in the mornina-.n
Why all this unnecessary delay?"
Herr Ton Bismarck coolly replied. "In
all probability you have a pair of
pistols handy. Let us settle the matter
immediately. While you get the things
ready, I shall write a report about the
whole transaction, which, in case I am
killed, I request you to forward to
Berlin." Both set about their work.
When Bismarck had finished, he hand
ed the sheet to Count Reehberg. re
questing him to examine the same.
Kech berg's passion had in the mean
time given way to sober reflection.
After having perused the report he
' said: "What you say here is quite cor
rect; but is it "really worth while to
- tight a duel for such a reason?" That
is exactly my opinion." was Bismarck's
answer, and the matter ended. tall
Mull Gazelle.
A New York society lady is said to
.have attended a dance there recently,
left the next morning to attend two
balls on successive evenings in Boston,
and would leave immediately to attend
a ball in Philadelphia the next night.
Four balls in three cities in the course
of four day 8 would seem to be the
height of fashionable follv.
The Russian Winter Palace.
The huge Winter palace at St.
Petersburg is, with the exception of
the Vatican and Versailles, the largest
palace in the world intended for a resi
dence, and though tasteless and rococo
has a certain grandeur from its immen
sity. Like all the Russian palaces, the
Winter palace is a mixture of 'splendor
and shabbiness, luxury and discom
fort. In going over it visitors see
everything gorgeously adapted for
statu ceremonials, but wonder how
and wliere the imperial family can
live. The k hole of the splendid
interior was lonsumed by fire in 1837,
) ut speedily r sttrd. It is said that
not less than 1 5,000 persons have fre-
- fnently had a abitauon ia too Wintr
Ohio and Mississippi Floods will Cause
Immisratioa lo the Northwest.
Omaha Coachman Commits Suicide. li la
rose and Starch Trust.
The lower Mississippi is the highest
ever known.
The Red River
against revision.
Presbytery otes
It i stated that the German reichstag
will open n Slay .
A German Evangelical
in Chicago with a row.
church opens
Duluth riparian case are decided hy
tne stale supreme court.
Striking plumbers in Chicago talk of
starting co-operative aho(s.
Arkansas City, Ark., has 8,000 ople
nomeiesa from the floods.
Cnla ia excited over prospective
nexation to the United States.
The admission of Idaho ia decided
on by the Republican of the house.
The Steele court martial results in a
Sentence of reprimand and confinement.
The lease of th Wisconsin Centra) by
the Northern Pacific is formally an
nounced. The Chicago lioard of trade is power
less thus far in preventing quotations
from leaking out.
Assistant Post master General Clark
son admits the complete tailure of pro
hibition in Iowa.
Senator Cnllom introduces a
make thintis more unpleasant
Mormons than ever.
bill to
for the
Two thousand five hundred Utah Mor
mons are to migrate to the Canadian
Northw 'St this spring.
Horaiv Smilrr, a New Ytrk piinter,
shot and killed his wife because she re
fused to live with him.
A Chicago paper makes very
If rave
I charges against the citv authorities
I wnection with gambling
A syatein of messenger pigeon stations-
is hemg established throughout Canada
to assist in detecting poacher.
The Brazilian bishops will shortly is
sue a pastoral refusing to consent to the
separation of cl.urch and state.
As the result of a dispute in a restau
rant at iVhrecziii. Hungary, forty chal
lenges to duels have been issued.
A bouse committee will visit Southern
states and investigate charge of corrupt
practices made against federal officials.
The two steamboat companies operat
ing between St. Paul and St. Louis make
an agreement touching the season's bus
iness. The Massachusetts hoiie has adopted
without division a bill making nine hours
a legal day's work in state and municipal
Nine hours without a reduction in
wages has heen granted the 2,200 work
men employed in twelve of the marble
factories in Boston.
It is predicted that the Ohio anil Lower
Mississippi river floods will cause a large
immigration from the inundates! districts
to the Northwest.
Sixteen person are poisoned in Ar
kansas hy eating wild turkey that had
eaten bait impregnated with strychnine.
Twelve will jrobably die.
Owing to the prevalence of smallpox
at I'invns the American squadron of ev
olution will not go to Athens. The I
-qaadron remains at Corfu. '
homestead of !
Chappanaqua, j
The htiue on the old
Hora-e tJreeiv near
N. ., and otvtipied by his daughter,
has heen destroyed hy fire.
The trust ie-ently founded for the pur
jiose of controlling" glucose and starch
lias purchased the extensive works of the
Voorhees March company in 1 'anvil le.
The crusaders excitement at Farming
ton, Mo., is still at fever heat. The two
wrecked saloons will nt Ih reopened.
The women destroyed fifty-five barrels
and eleven cases of leer.
Six of the leading concerns " manufac
turing white lead in New Yoik have con
solidated under the name of the National
Lead Company of New York. The com
bined capital is $l,000,0tM.
Dudley Farlin, president of the Lima
(Ohio) Oil company, is authority for the
statement that the property and fran
chises of that company have been sold
to the Standard Oil company.
A coachman named (lot lei b Benson
blew out his brains in the parlor of
Millionaire J N. H. Patrock at Omaha
in the presence of the seivant girl, who
had refused his offer of marriage.
Edward Sylvester, Charlev McCran
and Harry Williams, three of the most
expert counterfeiters in the United
States, were arrested at Buffalo, N. Y.,
while at work turning out counterfeit
The Portuguese government has in
vited one firm in America and several
firms in other countries to make tenders
for the constru-tion of four new cruisers.
No tenders from English firms are in
vited. A new manage' of the Savoy hotel in
London offended the clief, who immedi
ately struck, followed by sixty cooks.
Then the waiters, maids ami porters
struck, and the hotel is practically
Some one of a pnrtv of men in the
woods at dimming" Hill, Russell Mills,
Mass.. dropped a lighted cigar, setting
the underbrush on fire. Before it was
stopped over a mile of territory was
Fntx Zmnanon of New York killed a
Hudson river pilot, William Abernethy,
with a How which broke his skull. The
murder is believed to have been incited
by a steamboat engineer, who hated the
dead man.
The Pacific Mail company's steamer
China arrived at Hong Kong' March 31.
Her time from San Francisco was twen
ty days, including a stop off Yokohama.
This reduces the time two days, being
ho faaUat trip record.
Carlo, gpoctael Which Mlnglo Th
otofr with th Antic of a Clown.
John Swlnton, is an interesting let
ter to the N. Y. Sun describes the so
called "Mystery Play" witnessed by
him at the city of Nice: The play was
performed in a weather beaten tab
ernacle known as the Theatre Rlsso,
located in a part of the city with which
fashionale visitors are not apt to be
familiar. It is approached through a
narrow old courtyard, near which are
scores of thesa very narrow streets
lined with strong and high stone
houses that were built ages and ages
ago, and that are likely to stand for
ages yet to come unless" their demoli
tion is brought about in the interest of
sanitary science. It is entered through
a curious opening at one end. where a
burly and large-mouthed individual
(who afterward turned out to be ohe
of the actors) announces that admis
sion is free to all. an announcement
which is qualified, however, by the
fact that the desirable seats must !
paid for. and also by the -passing of
the hat" at the end of each act of the
The title of the mystery was "The
Manger of Bethlehem." It represent
ed the incidents of the advent of Christ,
as recorded in the gosels, from the
annunciation to the birth in the
manger. The chief figures on the
stage were Joseph ami Mary, the
Angel Gabriel and Satar; but there
were also other characters not to le
found in the scriptural narrative, in
cluding a clown and his partners, who
introduced comic features that were
greatly enjoyed by the spectators. In
truth, one of the most singular thin"?
about the play was the mixture of fan
tastic elements with the oolemn mys
teries of the advent. The house was
frequently rent with laughter just
after or just before the highest religious
sentiment had been evoked.
The characters of Joseph and Marv,
as they appeared on the stage, were
dignified and natural, and their dis
course and intercourse was in every
way becoming. The Angel Gabriel
was represented by a stalwart and
beautiful youug woman clad in white,
and she wielded her sword with suc
cess against Satan, who appeared with
me trauiuonat norns ana irarh. and
sprang around with agility in his vain
ruorxs to ao oatue against the advent.
The stage was well set and the
ocenery was plain bnt appropriate. At
the end of the performance the infant
was seen in his cradle beside Joseph
and Mary, under the guardianship of
GabrieL v
After having been notified at the
door that admission was free, we paid
for our seats, but this was not the last
of the demands upon our purse. At
the end of each act performers left the
tage, took a plate, and went from
seat to seat through the house solicit
ing gifts of money, and securing a
good many copper coins. It looked
queer to see the Angel Gabriel in flow
ing robes of white, with others among
i e actors, in us engaged; and it
pieasing to see tbat neither
a .
Joseph J
nor aiary naa been chosen to
part of this work.
no any
Didn't Have to Sins-
'Excus me." he . said after having
followed a young man into an office on
Congress street west, "but isn't vour
name Blankf"
"Yes, sir."
"I thought no. You are a singer.are
you notr'
"I am.
One of the best in Detroit r'
'Undoubtedly, sir."
"Well, mj errand may seem strange
to you. I hare an uncle at my bouse
an old, old man. who is dving bv
inches. He has the idea that lie can't
die until he hears some one sing a fav
orite sweet. sad song of his. If I
should want you to come and sing it
would you do so for money?'
"Very we'll. I will take ydur tele
phone number and let you know this
And when evening came the singer
was called up to hear the message:
oaj . ne uieu aooui an nour ago. so
fou ol1'1 have to sino hilu to death?"'
tr"t '
Private Gorman' Plan.
We hand in our company a T'ry
conceited young man named Gorman,
says a writer in the X. Y. San. and
from the day he shouldered a musket
i he was anxious to invent a plan to
save the country. He had some where
read that a private soldier gave Napo
leon the plan of a successful campaign
and was rewarded by leing made a
general, and his whole time was taken
up in inventing plans, all of which
were knocked in the head by our cap
tain. One failure after another had
no dampening effect on Private Gor
man, however. The more he was sup
pressed the harder he thought, and his
time finally came. When Burnside
moved up to attack at Fredericksburg
Gorman wrote him a letter, saying
that he had a plan by which Lee's
whole army could be driven into Rich
mond in terror or captured without
bloodshed. The letter was put in such
strong language that the general de
cided to investigate, aud Private Gor
man was sent for to explain his plan.
He came back to us a prisoner, and
was kept in the guard-house all that
winter, and it was three months be
fore we got a chance lo find out what
had happened at headquarters.
He explained that he was ushered
into the presence of Gen. Burnside
with ceremony, identified myself as the
writer of the fetter, and the general
wheeled on him with:
"Well, how would yon scatter Lee's
"Easiest thingin the world, general,"
was the un bashed reply. "Wait, for a
dark night; then let 10,000 soldiers
dress up as spooks, put on false faces,
and cross over the river. Each one is
to step softly, groan every few seconds,
and if accosted he is to answer that he
is the ghost of a soldier slain at Bull
Run. The sight of these spooks, will
strike terror to every rebel's heart, and
he will either fly or surrender. If this
don't work I "
But be got no further. He said that
the general booted him out of the tent
It was a sudden and radical cure, and
he spent no more time planning great
cam paigns.
Odd Furniture.
The latest odd thing ill furniture is a
net upholstered with palm-leaf fans.
A single fan forms tne seat and another
fan the back of a chair. The frame
work is of gilded bent wood. Two
fans make a cute substitute for the
cushioned bottom of a tete-a-tete, and
ven the table-top is of fan.
The debt of Canada at the beginning
of the prMut t ear was $24,6lB,a41.
California Represented by Three Com
binations In the East.
All-around Sporting Notes. Baseball Sea
son Opening.
Jack Davis will come
about two weeks.
to the coast in
Peter Jackson will among his Cali
fornia friends in a very short time.
The Alameda Olympic Club will
its monthly party on the ISth Inst.
Twenty-five Olympic alhl-tes are
training on the new grounds of the club.
Hugh W. Collender. the veteran bil
Hard player, died in New Yoik on April
Jim Fell is still on the ('omtx-k,
looking for buttle with a local heavy
weight. William K.
Oakdale. I.. 1.
Vamlerbi't's stables at
are completed. Cost
The inemliers of the Acme Club are
contemplating a cross-country run in the i
near future.
Ihe Oakland and
tlivtri miv in Mi-tit-inL il.lw f. ... ....
j . - - r"" ' "o j me win
ing contests
At the recent Ixmisville, Kr., disaster.
Chas. E. Davies aud Peter Jackson had
a narrow escape.
"Senator" Morgan's bicycle team has
disbanded, several of the members re
tiiing to private liie.
1'resident Hammond of the Olympic
Club tips off Jim Coi belt as a sure win
ner of a tour-round go with Sullivan.
Jack IVnipsev in jn Portland and mill
watcit for the outcome of th "Marine"
Young Mit-.hell battle with an anxious
Tom White of Chicago, and Billy
Brennan have signed arti. U-s to fight in
May in Chicago, at 12H pounds, for $300
a side.
Joe Choynski is taking a rest prior to '
starting in for his training to meet Jack
Davis at tlie Occidental Club
The Dayton, Ohio, Athletic ( luh have f
arranged a glove fight between Jack Bo- i
Ian of Cincinnati, and Billy Corcoran of
A ls-kburn's aaedliay horse Jer.iee
won the Nottingham Spring Handicap of
500 sovereigns, at Nottingham. KngUml,
on April 1.
W. Hal pin of the New Jemev Athletic
Club, who has a record of 23 'feet for a
running broad juii.p, leaves for Km one
i in a fhort One.
Richmond, Va., sports are in hinh
giee, now tnat a hill lias heen passed to
allow glove contests. litgilisto is boom
ing and no mistake.
The directors of the Olvmnic Clnh will
hold a meeting on next Mondav evening,
i and on May 5th the club will see its
' thirtieth anniversary.
It seems now to be a sure thintr that
Corlett will meet Sullivan inside the
next two weeks. In the meantime Jim
will have a go at Domini, k McCaffery.
The National Athletic Club, a piomi
nent amateur organization of Brooklyn,
N. Y.. at a recent tneetinc unanimously
elected Richard
K. Fox an honorary i
The great chess player. Max Judd, is
expected to arrive in St. Louis about
April 11, when the minor details of his
match with Showalter for a $V;0 stake j
will be arranged. ;
, , , . 11,9 PaJ receives a daily raliou of
.jaudaur savs he will 1 moat happy J three-quarters of a pound of meat and
JLIT. ,i x"' httU1P,.on f h!oue pound of white bread. Durinu-
TX i' i"r-,mte "" l,,"e b',re i Iacreverything else he required , m
i&L S TOUMr- i b tvneronPThaSe K
i r, , pa,.. y nen on aclive service he is well
Mike Lucie has been granted six i Hf.? h aUKfharee- , . , ,
weeks leave of absence bv the Golden I ere has been a great deal of non
Gate flub, in order to allow him to ae- "f nste and written of late about
company "The Marine" on his Eastern j J"? insuflJeiellcy ol the soldier's food,
sparring' tour. They give their first ex- , be fact he gets plenty to eat. but be
hibition at lead ille, CoJ. j has to PV for much of it out of his own
; pocket- Examine anv corps on parade.
The Imseball season will be an inter- j f.nd the P,umP. ruddy appearance of
esling one, and I he struggle between the I :ue m?.n.wlU P1"06 how well he is fed.
plavers of the Brotherhood and the Na- j -,tn to the daily rations, which
tional league will create no little inter- 1 have ,1'eu described, every com
est. Which of the two rival organ iza-1 PaDV mes8 purchases tea, sugar, milk,
tions will make or break themselves vegetables, etc., at a daily cost of
Novemlier next will decide. ! about 3 l-2iL to each man. Most men
also buy in their canteens beer, hot
Th young lalies of the class of of t sausages, butter, jam, and other luxu
the Packer Collegiate Institute, Brook-j ries. In his recreatiou-room the
lyn, N. Y.. have formed an athletic club, j soldier can be served at all hours with
They exercise regularly in the gym nasi- good tea, coffee, bread and butter, etc
um aim engage in iour waiss or u icycie
rides on Saturdays. They have
decided to give athletic g'.tmes.
not yet ,
The great English Collie do. Christo- i
pher, according to an English sporting 1
sheet, which was first in the recent Lon- j
don Collie dog show, has it is state. I, j
neen soui to nir. aitctiael Harrison ol the
Chestnut Hill Kennels, Philadelphia for
$1,000, the hitthest price ever paid for
a collie.
California is now represented by three
sparrii g combines in the East. Pig and
little McAuliffe, under the management
of Billy Madden, Murphy and Gibbons
under the management of "Parson" Ab
rahams, and George Ia Blanche and
Mike Lucie who are being piloted by
Phil Sesstinger.
There was a spirited cocking main be
tween Stoneham and Wakefield birds on
the morning of March 27, near Wake
field ; the Stoneham birds winning by
the close wore of 10 to 0. .Three birds
were killed in the pit and five died out
side. The main was for $.V) a buttle and
200 on the odd battle.
Schaefer and Moulds punched a game
of 14-inch balk line billiards at Chicago
on March 24, the Wizzard winning by a
score of 400 to 93. Schaefer's best run
was 129, and his average 53s'. Mould's
best run was 2tt, and his average 8 5-11.
Ives defeated Spink in a 300 to 150
Kame, the Californian securing 103 but
tons. Ives' average was 20.
Several of Harvard old athletes are
in active training for the indoor cham
pionships. Among them are F. B.
Luna, '88, a 10t second man for a hun
dred yards; G. S. Mandell, '9, pole
vaulter, good for JO ft., also a fair sprin
ter; G. P. Cogswell, a great half-mi er,
ran that distance at Harvard in 1 min.
59 4-5 sees, in the spring of and H.
H. Bennis, the well-known walker, and
iaUreaUeglate aa-aaile oa amnion in '87.
, - :
Carious Calculations Concerning This
Enormous ton at Muncj.
F. II. Swords, a banker of London,
sat In the Continental corridor recent
ly reading a newspaper. Suddenly he
pointed to a paragraph In the latter and
"Listen to this statement: The Van
derbilt estate is now calculated to be
worth at least $300,000,000."' Mr.
Swords folded his paper, aud. leariW
back in the chair, continued: "Ofcour t
I do not know whether that statement
is true; but I saw it published in the
Standard several weeks ago.
"The Slim seemed an oimi-mmia i
I spent quite a while in calculating thr
physical proportions of that number ol
silver dollars. Here is a little slip iu
my wallet here that may give you some
luea. it Ailain, when he first looked
around in the Garden of Eden, say
6.000 years ago, had been met b Satan
and had been emploved by him at a
regular salary of $50,000 per annum
aud his board and clothes; and if Adam
had carefully laid his silver dollars
away in barrels each year, ami had
lived to the present time. would
now have $300,000,000. Again. If a
man born in the Christian era, 1890
years ago. had lived and leen steadily
employed at a salary of $14,000 tier
mouth. $443 a day. aud bis living ex
penses besides, aud had saved every
dollar of it. he would not to-day have
three hundred millions.
"If it were necessarr in imnaivin
,i .... m
; uuiuoer or Sliver dollars it would
i require 536 freight cars, each of a ca
Alameda tennis- pacitv of tweuir tons. If tl laa
u: i . .. . : T
were put into one train it would be
more than four miles long. If it were
possihle for 300.000.000 silver dollars
to oe laid on the ground in a straight
line, with edges touching each other
me wnoiettistaure, the hue would reach
farther than from London across the
Atlantic Ocean aud over the North
American Continent to San Francisco.
A sidewalk of three hundred million
silver dollars could be laid six feet wide
aud more than fifteen miles long. If
three hundred million dollars were laid
one on top of the other they would
make a column 473 miles high. If
taken down and arranged in the form
of a cube each side of the latter would
be thirty-five feet long and wide, and it
would weigh more than 10,000 tons. If
such a weight were dropped from the
roof of the new city hall the concussion
would be great enough to destroy that
part of the city." titUadeli Kia frtss.
Noticed By the Supreme Court.
Attorney General Clapn of Minnesota
considers that he was most highly
honored while attending the United
States Supreme Court in Washington
recently. So he intimated at the
Capitol recently.
A particular mark of distinction
I -was paid roe by a high dignitary," said
! he. with the utmost satisfaction".
"How was it? What happened Tell
us." chorused a coterie of colleagues.
"Well, it was this way," said the At
torney General, com'placentlv. "I
was sitting in the Supreme Court, an
Interested listener to a case that was
lieing argued by several of the most
brilliant ami rhetorical lawyers of the
country. Presently a page touched me
on the shoulder. "WelL sonnv, what
do you want?' I asked. Please, sir.
He replied, are you the Attorney Gen
eral of Minnesota-" I told him I was.
t and he informed me that the Marshal
of the court desired to speak to me.
This pleased me immeasurably. I went
over lo the Marshal, ami he rijndly
pointed to an unlighted cigar that 1
Lad in my mouth and said it was
against the precedent and dignity of
the court to hold a cigar in one's mouth
in the presence of the Justices of the
court. You will please remove that
cigar. he added in acrid tones. I was
so astonished that the cigar actually
fell from mv teeth to the cariH-t."
ioneer Prtss,
What The British Soldier Kata.
The pay of a private soldier of a line
infantry U the, tm.n.
est man's rate of pay in the armv is
one shilling per diem. In addition to
ine question lor the government to
consider is how much of the soldier's
daily food is to be paid for by the slate.
harper's Almjazine.
Making Pearls to Order.
Whether the pearl has gone out of
fashiou because of the facility with
which artificial ones have been made is
a matter that may be accepted as in a
great measure true, for the earl is
one of the most beautiful of gums. In
addition to the efforts, successful, too.
towards making artificial pearls, efforts
have also been made from time to time
to force the oyster itself to produce the
pearls by introducing foreign sub
stances within the shells, which have
not been altogether successful. In the
South Kensington Museum in London
the writer has seen several evidences
of these attempts, as well as shells
which came from China containing
small images of Buddha. It is said
that these were originally moulded in
tin foil aud then placed between the
shell and the mantle of the oyster. The
shells were then returned to iheir natu
ral beds, and after a time a layer of
mother-of-pearl coated these 'figures
and attached them to the shell. In
some iustances they are cut out and
sold, and it it said the Chinese priest
claimed them to be evidences of their
miracle-working powers. Denver New.
Turning Taverns Into School-Houses.
The scheme of the Hungarian gov
ernment, already in operation, for buy
ing up taverns throughout the country
and turning them into school-houses
will be watched with interest in all
countries. Of course it comprehends
certain paternal measures which could
be practiced only in monarchical coun
tries, but it is a bold aud interesting
experiment in social science, none the
less. The government evidently buys
up me piaces ior a valuation Jxed bv
com mission and then supprosifos theoa.
Harper, the San Jose
Bus at Liberty.
TravH Between Marion and Polk Counties
on the Increase.
Heavy rain fulls in the Northwest.
This season's Ion cut is the
ever kuoati in the Northwest.
Argument of counsel was co nmenced
at San Kram iM o in the Bli the rase.
Cheney oil'ii uls have leeii busv lately
in arresting and chasing tramps' out of
the town. ,
William Bonnie, tne opium smuggler,
did not appear for trial in San Francisco,
and foifeited ti'tOO lail.
The contractors of Montesano are
taxed to the utmost to meet demands in
the cont-truction of many new buildings.
Richard V. Dev. of San Francisco,
privute secretary to John W. Mackay,
was seriously attacked by heart disease
H. M. h. Warspite, a turret ship, is on
her way to British Columbia. She will
tie the largest man-of-war ever in the
Pacific ocean.
Frank Harper, the notorious San Jose,
Cal., firebug, has ' been released from
jail, having served a ten years' term, de
ducting exemptions.
The Wallowa Chieftain has finallv j
summed up stock losses, in that county;
as follows: tattle, 10 percent.; sheep, t
H per cent; and horses, ier cent. j
Tt . M I i '
i ne -enaieni river country has a trreat
future before, it. The river is long and
free from obstructions, and traverses a
fine elt of heavy timber throughout its
Uoliert Bradv.
and a resident 6f the city of San Diego
lor twenty years, died from the effects f.f
an overdose
of morphine taken to pro-
duve sleep
The Seattle Journal sars that of the
relief fund remains unexpended,
and suggests that the balance be devoted
to assisting in the establishment of a
home for frienoless boyu and girls.
Jarvis Kmigb's store at Rickleton was
burned shortly after midnight April
Hi" building and contents were a tnri
iok. iss, sSKJf; insurance.
The fire is thought to have teen
cendiary origin.
of in-
Princess Martha F.sgalit. helT, who
toes aiiout denying that
luenan prison
and that the
hells are uncomfortable.
czar is a monster, is deeply offended be
cause people think her a paid Russian
agent. She is now in San Francisco.
The San Francisco Examiner's special
advertising train has tieen started on its
travels, going first to San Jose. The ex
((edition will cost $32,000 and will visit
and write up all points in the state that
can lie reached by standard gauge track.
The new steel cruiser, the Monterey,
will be launched about October 15, at
San Francisco. Work will be delayed
somewhat by important changes in the
iiaiis ot me vessel, instead of
teen-inch gun, two twelve-inch
be used.
one six
guns will
Tillamook is lieginning to receive due
rw-ognition at the hands of congress and
he government authorities. The estab
lishment of a life-saving station at that
place will Is? of great benefit and will
give mariners more confidence iu enter
ing the port.
There was brought into Redding, Cal.,
the other day a uuifget of gold mixed
a ith quartz, valued at $5( 0. The loca
tion of the find i kept secret pending
projer location of the claim. More gold
is supiajsed to 1 hidden where this
lump was discovered
The travel across the Willamette river
letween Marion and Polk counties is
growing. An average of from seventv
dve to toil teams cross dailv. On Satur
day Inst up toti o'clock lL-0 teams had
crossed. The new steam ferry ai.l fill a
much needed want.
The work of clearing the timUr ..fTrrf
the hill just south of Fairhaven is lieinu
t 111 N 1 1 11 ! Mi.rl r m 1 tutv,.... ; .. K..;.... j
.-ii mum. me ourmiig limner shows to
good advantage, many trees being 100
ieei in iieixiii, ana are a mass
from the tsittom to tiie top.
of flame)
Colonel an Cleve. of Scio. states that !
the men who are opening coal mine j
near that place have struck a vein rrf I
coal ten feet thick at the end of a thirty-
toot tunnel. Thev propose to develop
he mine thoroughly and expect to prove
that they have a valuable coal deoosit.
Will D. Jenkins has dividml kriiw !
county, outside of Seattle into seventeen !
list nets, and Seattle into fourteen lis- i
tricts, for the purpose of facilitating the j habit of work is formed it will be trans
takiug of the census. He estimates the i figured into the love of work; and at
population of Seattle at 41,500, and of I last you will not only abhor idleness,
the county out of Seattle at 23,500. To- ! but you will have no happiness out of
tal, ho.OOO. . work which then von are constrained
During the past three weeks a move.
ment has been iroina on lookimr to th
organization of a Chehalis street railway
company. It is understood that no
money bonus will be asked, but a liberal
otter to land for the company's ush at
the beginning and terminal (mint of the
road, will be expected.
A Garfield citizen, according to the
Enterprise, has discovered that the
squirrels that are shot and left on the
ground ure devoured by their fellows,
and he has turned the knowledge to ac
count. When he kills a squirrel he cuts
a hole in it and pnta in strychnine, and
in this way has killed a large mini tier of
the pests.
A gent Moorehouse. of Pendleton, has
received the plans and specifications oi
the new buildings for the Indian train
ing school, to be erected in the reserva
tion. One of the structures will be of
brick, and the other of wood, with foun
dations of native rock. It is expected
that the buildings will cost in the neigh
borhood of $45,000.
The county commissioners of Yakima
have been petitioned to form an irriga
tion district lncludiug 75,000 acres, ihe
cost of putting water on the land is esti
mated at 4 tier acre, and the cost ol
clearing land of sage brush $2 per acre,
A trreat deal ol government lana wur,
R Is Being- Crawdad Aim out Entirely Oal
of Employment.
What is to become of the boy if the
present tendency to crowd him out of
employment goes on? asks the N. Y.
Tribune. Messengers with beards
seem to be growing more numerous all
the time, and the elevator boy has been
largely replaced by the elevator man.
Cash boys, once common in the citv,
have given way to cash girls to a great
extent. The uniformed, brass-buttoned
call-boys at the hotels are little more
than a memory, and in their places are
men. It is true there are still news
boys about the entrance to the bridge,
and other places where there are gen
erally crowds of people, but news
women aud newsmen are competing
with them in ever-increasing numbers.
Uptown the newsdealer has virtually
driren the boys out of the business.
With bootblacks the story is the same.
A few of them still pursue theirealling.
but grown Italians have seized hold of
the best corners, and with their big
armchairs easily take away the busi
ness of their youthful rivals, whose cus
tomers have to balance themselves "on
one leg against a sharp corner of the
building. There are a few hoy ped
dlers of shoestrings aud handkerchiefs.
but this occupation is far more' appro- I
prune to t nose wno nave arrived at
years when an amble is the natural
gait. Oil trains there are still many
lads who go about distributing illus
trated papers, light novels and candv,
and then eo about again collecting
them, incidentally selling a few of the
articles, but even" here the men are e-et-
ting ahead of them. Y'es. what shall be
come ol the boy is a serious question.
If the present movement toward his
displacement continues the only thing
left for him to do will be to grow up
and become a man, bnt unfortunately
this takes time. Ar. I". Tribune.
Dispositions on Tap.
It would be an enormous advantage :
to numauiiT we could buy or hire
dispositions. Millionaires would keep
a stock of all kinds and ban? thens in a
wardrobe as they do clothes. When
you wanted go to a wedding, for in
stance, you would go and put the ap
propriate disposition on withyourdress
suit. You would have a disoositinn
' tor t.ind of occasions.
nd you
couiu aojusi yourseu to anr
stances, jocose or sad- But you would
have to be carefuL For instance, if
you put on your wedding disposition to
go to a funeral there might be trouble;
it would not be so bad if you put on
your funeral disposition to'go to a wed
ding. People would think yoa were
sad about the girl getting married, as
a result of your own experience, if you
were married; because she was not
marrying you. if you were not. It
would uut do to go to a high tea with
your prize-fighting disposition, either;
and it would wreuch your hi-rh tea dis
position to go to go a prize-fight with
it- A great many men would not go
home and change their disposition
after business any more than thev
change their clothes. - . . "
"There. Man." a felloW would say
to his wife when they were settled at
the opera. "1 quite'forgot to change
my disposition, and I have mv lawsuit
one on. 1 might as well go home."
"What are you home so early for.
John?" the anxious wife would remark
when her husbaud came home early in
the afternoon.
Got some fellows from Chicago to
entertain. Where did vou hau; nv
jovial jag the last time I came home"
"I hung it out to air. You'll find it
In the back yanl still a little moist-
San ! 'rattcisco L'hrunicU.
Success In Work.
Sir Andrew Clark, one of the most
successful and distinguished of Eng
lish physicians, has recently had a por
trait of himself presented by the staff
of the London Hospital. In his speech
replying to the presentation address
Sir Andrew gave some account of his
life and of the causes of his professional
success. Hia story deserves perusal.
Sir Andrew was born in Scotland, and
went to London thirty-six years ago, a
young man in delicate "health, and
without a sinsrle friend or influential
connection. He had, however, a small
patrimony, and was enabled to pursue
the study of pathology, and to keep
himself quite free from any intrigues
or quarrels. He devoted 'himself to
work, and before many years, despite
ill health and opposition, he was made
physician to London HospitaL His
subsequent success was slow but con-
tinnous, and was achieved without anv j
definite expectation at first that it '
would eventually be so brilliant. Sir j
Andrew gave the following as some of j
the conditions necessary for success in 1
Firstly." he said. "I believe that
every man's success is within himself,
and must come out of himself. Jio
true, abiding, and just success can
oeconuiy. a man must oe seriously in
earnest. He mnst act with sinrAn.a
i, ..
of heart and purpose; he must do with
all hia micrht .nH with oil Hi
tration of 'thought the one thinr t th
one time which he is called upon to do.
And if some of my young friends should
.1 J J; .Sv. t
not love work.' then I answer that
there is a certain remedy, and it is
work. Work in spite of yourself, and
make the habit of work, and when the
from love to do. The man must be
charitable, not censorius self-effacing,
not self-seeking; and he must try at
once to think and to do the best for his
rivals and aut agonists that can be
done. The man must believe that labor
is life, that successful labor is life and
gladness, and that successful labor,
with high aims and just objects, will
bring to him the fullest, truest, and
happiest life that can be lived upon the
earth." Medical Record.
The Plate Flher-I-Lw.
"Among the Piutes," says the Vir
gina City (Nev.) Enterprise, "it is
always the father-in-law that makes
the trouble. Every married Piute is
always glad of a visit from his mother-in-law.
He welcomes her with his
broadest grin. The arrival of the
mother-in-law gives him a double team
where before he had only one animal.
He hails her appearance with delight,
and piling a jackass-load of wood upon
her willing old back sends her into
town with bis wife (similarly) packed
to peddle out the fuel and bi ing back
to him a supply of money for his favor
ite game of poker. The Piute faiher-in-law
is of no use as a wood-p.-ieker,
nor will he gather $r -- , n
Strsnee Teetabi Growth F
CeDtnl Amcrleu swamp.
Leror Dunstan, the well-l . -naturalist
of this city, says a Ne .
leans letter in the Philadelphia i ;
who has recently returned from
tral America, where he has spent
ly two years in the study of the
and fauna of the country, relates
finding of a singular growth in on ; - -the
swamps which surround the g
lake of .Nicaragua. He was enga, .
ia hunting for botanical and entotuo -gical
specimens in this swamp, wbf
is known as San Sebastian's, whea',"
beard his dog cry out as if in ag, "
from a distance. Running to thes .
from which the animal's cries eat
Mr. Dunstan found bim enveloped u
perfet network of what seemed to bt
tine, rope-like tissue of roots or fibrt'
the nature of which was unknown
him. - . -c "
The plant or vine seemed cotnp. -entirely
of bare, interlacing stems- ;
sembling more than anything else?
branches of the weeping willow de " -'
ed of all foliage, but of a dark, n r
black hue and covered with at- -viscid
gum that exuded from the f ' . -Drawing
his knife Mr. Dnnstai
deavored to cut the animal free'-
was only with the greatest dif '
that he succeeded in severing the1
muscular fibre. To bis horr ,v
amazement the naturalist th ' -that
the dog's body was cover;' - i :
blood, while his hairless skia r r-- " - -to
have been actnauJs:e x
ered in spots, and the aoioai ;
gered as if from weakness and es
tion. ' . , t.
In cutting the vine the twigs t -like
living, sinuous fingers abou "
Dunstan's hand, and it require
slight force to free the member fr "
clinging clasp, which left the fies
and blistered. The gum exoding
the vine was of a grayish-dark
remarkably adhesive and of a disi
able animal odor, every powerft . - 7
nauseating to inhale.
The native servant who accomp "
Mr. Dnnstan manifested the gr
horror of the vine, which thev e '
sagedas de diable, the devil's seer "
snare, and were full of stories o 11
death-dealing powers. One of
stories was of an Englishman resi "
in Managua, who. while hunting
the swamp a few years before,
down beneath a tree where a large . -powerful
specimen of this singw
plant was ETowinff. and. inadvertent'
failing asleep, awoke to find himse
enveloped in its web, and. in spite .
every effort raade fbmjcate bim, pe; '
ished in its deadly em brace? s.
Another story was of an escaped con-
viet who had hi'dden in the swamp and
whose bones had been found in the
folds of the sagenas only a short time
before Sir. Dunstan's visit. These
stories, remarkable as they may seem,
are fairly believed in by the people,
but the only three specimens which
Mr. Dunstan was able to find were all
small ones, though the meshes of the
largest would probably., if extended jn
a straight line, measure nearly if notf''
quite 100 feet- He was able to discover
very little about the nature of the
plant, owing to the difficulty of hand
ling it. for its grasp can only be torn
away with the loss of skin and even of
flesh, but, as near as Mr. Dunstan
could ascertain, its power of suction
is contained in a number of infinitesi
mal mouths or little suckers, which,
ordinarily closed, open for the recep
tion of food.
The gum exuded seems to serve the
two-fold purpose of increasing its tea-
acity and of overcoming a vietim by its
sickening odor. The plant is found
only in low. wet places, and usually
beneath a large tree, and while dor
mant seems only a network of drv
dead viues covering the black earth for
several feet, but coming .into eorita
in fa
with anythiog will instantly beain to
twist and twine upward in a horrible,
life-like manner, breaking out with the
gum-like substance spoken of before,
aud enwrap the object with a eeleritj
that is almost incredible.
If the substance is animal the blood
is drawn off and the carcass or refuse
then dropped. A lump of raw meat
being thrown it in the short time of
five minutes the blood will be thor
oughly drunk off and the mass thrown
aside. Its voracity ia almost beyond
belief, it devouring at one time over
ten pounds ef meat, though it may be
deprived or aJ food for weeks wit horn
any apparent loss f vitality, ilr. Iua
stan attempted to bring away a root
of the sagenas, but it died during his
return voyage, growing so fonl with a
sirong ooor or real animal corruption
that he was obliged to get rid of it.
How Edison Made m Ban;.
I wonder, asks a St. Louis Republic
writer,- how many of oar readers ever "J
beard the wonderful story of how Edi- T
son made a bug? It hapneaed away
back in 1880 or 1881. berore the elec- I,
trician had become a count and known
in the most remote cornersaf tt ,
world. There had beeaf wv l!r three
persons killed by the electric wires,
and people were seriously contemplat
ing some plan to get them out of the ;
way and still keep the new wonderful
wnue iignu
Edison proposed that the wiren be
put in the gas-pipes; but bow on earth
was the pipes to be "threaded" with
the electric wires? .
After studying the matter one night " '
Edison said to fellow leetrician: t -"Why,
see here. Johnson. I'll make a
bug that will drag a wire through f :
every foot of pipe in New l'ork city, if Im
it becomes necessary." " j
"Make a bug!" exclaimed his com
panion, thinking the inventor had lost
his mind. "What in the world do you
mean?" -
Well, ril make a bug," said the in
ventor, confidently, that will go
where I send him, and drag a wire,
tOO." '
A few days afterward he laidacn- -riously
constructed thing on the table
in the office before time to go to work: - '
it was his gas-gipe bug. It was c- "
Structed thus: A minute electro
net. carrying behind it a forts insnfaTSfl
wire-pawL Now. observe everv tim f'
the circuit was closed through the mag- XZ
net the armature was attracted, the
pawl clutching the sides of a piece of
gas-pipe provided for the occasion, and
the magnet behind was drawn toward ji'i
the armature about the sixteenth of an
inch. When the circuit was opened "
the armature reached forward ready to ::
take a second stet. - Thn at. everv - J
f closinr df the circuit, the little bug a-' . ' "
vanced one step, dragging the wire I . v
hind. Jfo doubt this description w. -be
hard for non-exprrts to uuderstan v -
but as verrjtil knows somethin
arKu-eiectr9w., -.-aaaya a olerab? - "
'hen"; --" .-"bo.'' " -" "" '
Bitmtttn. Jquh mil