3 ! H?a Lcbaqoi? Express. FRIDAY. Aim i. IB, 1690. EYES AND EARS! Now school house. Ureal big paper mill. Tw here for that ditch. Wheat 19 Cli cents in Alliany. J. F. Hyde visited llrownsvillc this week. Prof. J. A. "Wilson called on ua Bat u nifty. Mr. Saltmarsh moved to his farm last Friday. Clean towel to every customer at I. R Borum's. Salmon will soon begin to ran up the Santiam. McMahom'a circus will be in Albany this month. J. R. Kirkpatriek went to Corvallis Wednesday. We had a light fall of mow last Fri day. Uth Inst. Mr. T. F. Kirk came back to Leba non this week. S. Umstead has hern Appointed post ninxtei at Halsey. E. E- Montajrue, county clerk, came in on Wednesday. I.umlier is iH'lr.jj hauled for Q. T. Cotton's new store. Rev. Lynch was the guest of II. E. Fairish last Friday. Wm. Noble, a citizen of Liberty pre cinct, died last week. Mr. J. M. Cowan of Albany was in Lebanon this week. An iron bridge is to span the Cala pooia at Brownsville. IT. E. Tarri-h will build a residence In Iialston's addition. Read Reed's Readable Reliable Re ductions in another column. J. F. Hyde has sold his interest in the chopper to Mr. Crabtree. Charley Mille went to Portland last week and returned Tuesday. Examine the fine stck of books of all kinds at Beard and Holt's. Married, Mr. O. W. Pngh and Mrs. Ellen Foster of Crawfordsville. "Early birds catch the worms," but y gardens eaten tne "iticKens." Mr. C. H. Ralston is repainting the fence around his residence property. Charley Montague has been suffer ing of late with an exerutiating tooth ache. Mr. Hardin is building a commodi ous dwelling in the eastern part of town. What have you done about building telephone line from Lebanon to Sweet Home? T. C. Feebler has sold Geo. Buhl a half block in Raiston's third addition for f550. Call at the restaurant one door north of the Express office, for good meals at all hours. Charles Elklns, well known here, is the Republican nominee for clerk of CYook county. Young man, walk cireumieetly if ou wish to keep out of the "Eyt-s and Ears" column. Beautiful Bargains, and Better thau ever Bieger, BrigMi-r at the Farmers' etore. See ad. We grt quite a list of sutwriVrs tli's week, all of them without any solicita tion on our part. A washboard given stay with every tub bomrht of Cruson & Menzics in the next thirty days. We are glad to lenrn that Mr. Har din will operate a brick-yard in Leba non this summer. Mr. MacKay, of Junction City, is to about to conclude to open r. furniture store in Lebanon. The Lebanon flour mill w hoos-ht Vy O'Neil Bros., who will make of it a first-class roller mill. Rnember ou get a wsshtoard froe with every tub purehns-pd of Cruson Menzics in the next thirty days. Mr. Alvis Gentry sold his farm of 37J acres near Ij.b.uon to Mr. bimonds of Nebraska, last week. ' J. M. Ralston last w eek sold to T. C. Feebler a block in ltalstn's third ad dition to Iebanon for f 7-50. Moses Bros., of , A Isea, are now citi zens of Lebanon. They will soon open a bakery And grocery store. Prof. Hickman "has gone to Califor nia. Prof. R. N. Wright took charge of the public school Monday. Get onto our "Express" train (head of first page). Annual ticket only $ 2. Only train that "gets theie." If anyone should ask, What mean these lumber piles in Lebanon? just tell them our town is growing. The men who report fcr the "Eyes and Ears" columns mut makeoi) their minds to wear out shoe leather. Among all the pictures 'taken byWil- cox last weeK, that or "his satamc majesty" attracts most attention. If you are a mechanic and contractor and really want work, respond totlu- want expressed in another place. Miss Lizzie Foot, of Brownsville, passed through Lebanon Friday en route to Sodaville, her former home. Mrs. Calder and her son Willis went to Brownsville Monday. Mrs. Calder is visiting old friends, aud so is Willis. Miss Beuna Kirkpatriek hastened the publication of the Express this week by her deft manner of manipulating type. There is an increased attendance at the public school this week, there bcifg 49 pupils enrolled in Prof. Wright's room. Sweet Home wants a railroad. Rest easy, fcl low-citizens, it will not be long until we shall have a railroad up the Santiam. Mrs. R. J. Moses opened a restaurant In Lebanon this week. We never saw so many hungry people as frequent this place. Anyone desiring lodging can be ac commodated by calling on Mrs. H. E. Parris5, one door, north of The Ex press office, Frank Malone, who lives near Sweet Home, is afflicted with a complication of ills. We learn that he is in a very critical condition. We chanced to be in Brownsville at the opening of the "Red Front." Mr. Pillsbury has a very neat and well- atocked jewelry store. Mr. T. A. Swan is fencing a lot ju north of C. H. Balaton's dwelling and -will build a re-ideuce just as soon as he can tet the lumber. No. 1 cedar tub f 1 00 4 O CfQ ' " 80 At Cruson & Menzics. Miners are arriving in Salem daily, all bound for the Santiam mining country. Mostly down to tied rock the boys are, you bet. Salem Journal. The Council has ordained the death of every tlog in the city limits, unless "- -4$, -iid on the same, and that ' i ... "Mr. Smith, I understand you are going to Seattle l live. Is it true?'' "Certainly; I would I a fool to go StH) miles from home to die." It is highly nrobable that the pres ent nnriitw gauge lino w ill be cou verted into a standard gauge and that it Will le built through Lebanon. Petewon A Walhice this Week sold for Ed Huston two lots in Cowan's ad dition for f375: and one lot for Jos. Buhl to James Boyle for $140. Quito a number of people from the adjoining state of California have re-c-ntlv come to our town aud have found it a most desirable place to locate. Miss Uillerman, who resides near Tiillnian. and who has liecn unde the treatment of Dr. Foley for nearly time moi:ths, Is so far recovered as to he AlMkllt. The dwelllngowned by Dr. Courtney on the corner of Second and Bherman treets, is undergoing repairs and will soon rank among the desirable homes in mat locality. Rend the Interesting correspondence from the new town of Laeomb. La- comb is situ at ed on the Santiam east of Lebanon and is rich in promises of a bright future. H. Y. Kirkpatriek and Dan Sltaw left for Scnttltf Tuesduj". We were sorry to see them leave, but there is consolation in the fact thnt they will not be gone long. Mr. Niikerson, who owns and oper ate a planer near the Lebanon hour mill, is adding more machinery to bis establishment and expects to be kept very busy this year. Urv. Lynch, of the Baptist church, is announced to preach at the C. P. church next Sunday morning. All memler of that denomination are re quested to be present. J. B. P. rh, who lives two miles west of Lebanon, reports the farmers behind with their work. He tells us helms 'e-shay in bis barn than he has had for a number of years, ow ing to the lng, severe winter. The Lebanon Cornet Band has six teen instruments, meets twice a week, and can play letter music for the amount of practice they have had than any band we ever heard. Conductor Edward Huston, in step ping from a car in Albany on Monday, slipped upon a cobblestone and sprained his ankle, on account of which he took a vacation for a couple of days. We revived a letter from a company of Salem architects this wwk. These gentlemen ask if the new school house will be built. The public school build ing is to be completed by Sept. 1. Wm.O. Bradlev of Albany committ ed suicide in thelltel Poitland on the 16th inst. Mr. Bradley has been in the employ of E. G. Beardsley at Albany. His family are in Washington, Ind, Two cows died in Lebanon one night recently. They lay down upon the green sward in apparent good health, but the grass under I hem grew so fat that it tickled them to death before sunrise. A Californian who has spent a few days in Lebanon is so favorably im pressed with our town that he wilt ex change his home in the ''land of the f rape" for a permanent residence in ,ebaiion. The school larl have been tendered two very desirable blocks on wnieli to loeate the school house. Either block is va'ued ct fl. 5ueh large-hearted generosity is seldom seen in towns of Lei aiion's size. Rev. G. A. Blair, pastor of the C. P. church ct Eugene, spi-nt a few days in Lebanon this week soliciting money for the new church edifice in Eugene. He preached in the C. P. church three evenings while here. We inadvertently stated in our lust ii-sue that the narrow gautre sold for SI 1. "nn,0i .O, whereas we should have said it sold for J-1,000.000. However the mistake is so slight that it is hardly worth while to correct it. At the school meeting held Inst Mon day the new public school huildiiur was voted with comparatively little opposition. Ijebanon v ili yet lo noted not only for its numlTles industries but as an educational center. A private letter received by Mr. C. B. Montague from Frank O'Neil assures us that' work will le begun on the pa per mill in about two weeks. We ex pect a fruit-t-amiing establishment to be built in the same quiet way. Messrs. Klepper, Boone and Cadwal ader, who went up the Santiam last week in search of homes, returned Fri day. Two of the party took claims, and all three of the men expres them selves as well satisfied with the coun try. The paper mill which is soon to be built at tliis place will empioy not less than Bixty operatives; the monthly nay roll, including material, will not be less than $4000, and the daily output of the mill will not be less than five tons of paper. It is stated that the men who are ononinir a coal mine near Scio have struck a vein of cool ten feet thick at ! the end of a thirty-foot tunnel i propose to develop the mine thoroughly and expect to prove that they have a valuable coal deposit-. Mr. Gunard auel Dr. Barker return- - .., hr,.ht Kftok with them 1A- ,i 'fnin. o, i,ii. j S j inens of the ore were left on exhibiton at the Fxpkkss oflice. Elder B. F. Kittinger of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, says he had Iteen suite ing with a cold and cough, also his wife, that they took to using Cham berlain's Cough Remedy and received great benefit from it. Yet he says, "It was so pleasant to take." For sale by M. A. Miller. Chas. L. Miller, of Brownsville, is a breeder of thoroughbred chickens. He has the Silver-Lacod Wyandottes, White Wyandottes, Plymouth Rocks, Brown leghorns, Houdans, Black Mi norcas and other breeds ot the purest strain. Farmers will find it much cheaper and safer to buy of him than to send East. As we passed down Main St. we s:iw an oth rwise good-nat r -d man weal ing an expression of sadness on bis face, while in his brawny arms were 40 yards of carpet, more or less, and lying inside the gate weresome 10 or 12 joints ot stove nipe of various sizes. We in voluntarily attributed the changed visage to extraneous circumstancje. A great deal of improvement is goirg on in the country aronnd town. Par lies who have Itought small tracts of land are clearing the land up and set ting out fruit trees, berries, Ac The next few years will show much greater advancement in this valk-y than we have seen in the past. Small farms well tilled is what we want, for there is nothing that makes a country show 1111 to better advantace than moderate- j sized well-kept homes. The One-Price Cash Store has become one of the features of Lebanon. As everything is new and fresh, and the prices are o much lu'low that charged 111 credit-giving e&tablisbrueuts, people who deHire to buy their goods for cash naturally go to the corner, where they do not have to make up to the store keeper for the non-paying customers S,ho, when they can do so, buy on credit, and who are constitutionally opposed to paying for anything. Get prices at the One-Price Cash fctore and if there is auv reason in you that is t he rl:ice where vou will purchase vour Pprlng house-cleaning is now the or der of the h 3'. Now above all other times the busy housewife is monarch of all she surveys, or In modern par lauee, "hos of the ranch," and the In dustrious hnMlmnd finds It very con venient to xpend his time at his ahp or at the hack side of the farm us I lie ctiso may Is-, unlil the clouds roll by. Very few men like to be utilized as a carpet-'treteher or floor-mop. It Is fdeasant to take a vacation until peace s declared and the tempest isHtilleel. Fellow-townsmen, hoini-seeki-rs and speculators, if you want a bargain In town lots I have It. On account of 111 health I will sell nineteen choice lots which are of extra size, ranging from Mixl4 feet to 67x237 feet. Will sell from one to nineteen lots at a bargain, one-third cash, balance on time, one year or les. These lots I must and will sell w ithin the next thirty days, oa account of wanting to travel for my health. Call on It. Hiatt. Or Peterson A Wallace. Montague must be preparing for a boom, Judging by the way ho is stock ing up his Mammoth and One-Price Cash Stores. By purchasing his goods In such large quantities he naturully gets much lower prices. He guaran tees gsMl goods In all the departments of his extensive establishments at prices that absolutely astonish other merchants in the valley. some of them going so far as to sav that Montague retails his goods as low as they buy them at wholesale. The careful buyer invariably goes to Montague's. At a miners' meeting in Brownsville Monday evening twenty mining claims were poold and articles of lncorsira tlon drawn. The company was organ ized under the name of " The Cufopoola aod Blue River Mill and Mining Co." with a capital stock of $HH),0in. The claims that were pooled were selected from all parts of the district, and are considered representative clairn. It U expected that this company will ef fect what individuals have hitherto been unable to accomplish a practical test of the mineral wealth of the two districts. Reports of a subsequent meeting have not yet reached us, but we are ussuretl that steps will lie taken to develop these claims. The Trinity Mill and Mining Co. of Brownsville own three vnJu;.blee!nl:iis in the Calapoola district. The Gold Dust Is 19 feet wide and assays on the surface letween $10 and ?il, mostly irold. The Zanonl is a weil-dcllm d 1-ad 6 feet in width, with granite ai d p M-phyrv walls, and has la-en located f r a" distance or two miles. The Jenny Lind, the last of the Trinity group, lies parallel with and at a di tunee of 100 fret from theZanoni. It is a wide lead, and, like the Zanoni, assays well. These mines are owned by J. A. Winter of Jefferson, A. Jack Adams tf I-baiton, Cant. E. 1). Von Ilngan, Wm. McLeoel and Peter Hume (l-ankerl of Brownsville, asd H. W. Qjddard of Portland. The company w.ll make developments on their claims thi coming season that will s'.artle the "natives." APRON PARTY. Last Saturday avenlng a number of invited friends attended a piirty given in honoi of Mr. H. Y. Kirkpatriek be fore hi departure for his r.ew place of resilience at Seattle. It was called an "apron party," which turned out to be only a scheme of the young Indies to get their aprons nicely hemmed by the unsuss'ct"mg young men. But the scheme worked surprisingly well the gentlemen hemmed the aprons in short order, and the l.idies were made ac quainted with S'ime new methods and drsigrs in ti e h; mining line. The young men of Lebanon deserve credit for the skill th-y have acpiired in sewing. (By the way, some of them sr. asxious to have a "patching party," o as to get even.) ilr. KoU-rt Montos:tii' was awardeti an appropriate prixe for iloing the nt-Atest job of hemming; nntl a prize was alo given t the one doing the worst job. This prize was awarded to a timid young man who couldn't se-w worth a cent under the circum stances. Out of resjs-ct to his feelings we forbear giving his name. But a uits-t disii-ult task was given the gentlemen when they were called upon to decide by hallet as to who was the prettiest young lad v present. At first the votes were very scattering couldn t agree at all, hut they finally compromised and made a selection. We will not give her name, as several of the defeated candidates are kicking vigorously against the decision. The ludii s had a similar dilhcult undertak ing in voting as to who was the ugliest young man present; but thev finally agreed on our friend Kirkpatriek. The defeated candidates in this instance mle no objection to the decision. "Kirk," we extend our sympathy, believing you would not have Iteen elected were you still the editor of Thk Exprkss. All then repaired to the dining room to partake 01 refreshments. 1 ins was not the least enjoyable pirt of the evening's entertainment. Just as lunch was finished delicious strains of music reached the ears of thu happy crowd the Lehnnon hornet Band had come to 1'loyjAftftr rendering a couple of selections 111 an excellent manner, the band toys were invited in. They accepted the invitation and did full justice to the deliciite rcpuM set before them, after which thev discoursed some more sweet music. By this tiuie the hour for ad journment had arrived, and it was unanimously voted a most pleasant and eventful evening s entertainment. LAIOHII LACONICS. Lacomb is booming. We are setou to have a lcU for the school house. Farming is moving along at a nice rate in the vicinity of Lacomb. Mr. H. Jenkins has built himself a new residence near Lacomb, aud has I now moved in. j Mr. F. M. Vanhorn has moved in j the Glrard house. He has licen quite j ill since he came to his new home. j A party of ladies and gentlemen vis- ! ited the Downing Bros.' Haw-mill last Sunday, and we presume they had quite a" pleasant trip. There was a school meeting at the Lacomb school house last Saturday. Not much business whs transacted. Everybody wanted to do business, but did not know where to begin. The Downing Bros, have got Iheir new steam saw-mill in running order and are now prepared to saw an im mense amount of lumber. We hope they will succeed in iloing a good busi ness. Mr. Myers' folks have found good coal oil prospects near Downing's saw mill, and we understand they have sent lo the Standard Oil Co. for an ex pert to come and examine the pros pect. We understand that Messrs. C.J. and M. L. Tucker have got their black smith built and a wooden horse tied up waiting to be shod. If they do not shoe him pretty soon he will starve to death, as he has been tied up for three days. The coal mines are proving good, the men having struck a ten-foot bed of coal. They expect to run abont thirty or forty teams all summer hauling coal to the railroad, which will be good for teamsters. In a short time they ex pect to work day and night in the coal bank, working two sets of hands. A. B. C. All parties knowing themselves in debted tn mc will pleahe call and frettle, I as I need my inoney. A ;ki-.at WIIKK. There lies on our table, aud also on every other table in Ibis country, an annual, the popularity of w hich is a standing menace to the small country newspajH-r. A glance at Its contents will reveal the secret of Its popularity. It Is nothing ls than an encyclope dia of science, literature, art, pills und spavin cure. To avoid mistakes, lil months are consumed In Its prcp-ira-tloii like the dog fentn-1 It matures annually. It would ! Impossible (without writing to Dr. J. C. Ajcr k Bon for statistics) to compute the ntnntar of languages Into which It has been translated. We, onrsrlves, have seen translations In the language of "Bristol," "Jayne," "Hood" and "Aver," with some choice selections in the classic language of Bill Nye. The lack of a p vfaee, so conspicious In work's of merit, Is supplied w ith a Iwautiful frontispiece an anatomical plate, which doubtless suggested to Gray the preparation of that little book of his that Is so universally read by doctors. Surrounding this picture are suie valuable hints to the medical profession; written In hieroglyphics and of little value to any hut the initi ated. We have no doubt that your curiosity has excited desire to read more aiul we haw not yt turned the first page of this wonderful volume. Very early in ths body of the work we find a circular picture called the .odiac, enclosing some rare specimen of natural history. This picture re-semble-s in Its outlines the modern corral anil was a device used anciently by Texas cowboys lor capturing billy goats for secret societies. In this museum of antiquity called the zodiac, may also be seen the Siamese twins, who were called gemini by the Ro mans, some Coluiubia river salmon, a lolister from Yaqulna lay aud a fine sjtechiien of Latinixod Itcef called Ta-irus. This book Is likewise invalu able to the tailoring classes Inasmuch as it tells them when the sun sets and is as effectual in quelling strikes as a regiment of militia you seldom hear the mechanic strike after the sun takif his seat. It also tells when the sun rises, a fact which very few people care to know. Coder t he head of tes timonials (one of the very Interesting chapters of the book) we "get the news of recovered friends and relatives and for another twelve months our solici tude for suffering humanity is relieved and we involuntarily exclaim. "Lone live the author." The above are some of the reasons why js-ople read the almauac in pref erence to the newspaper. W e have but one objection to raise to this com pendium of know lodge, the-so books are printed in the east. We do most heartily protest agai list the in) Dona tion by eastern weatl-r bureaus jf all the alsHiiinable dim. C features of 40 -tntesand territories. Any man who undertakes to manufacture n western weather reirt in an eastern climate, twelve months in advance ha entered upon a most perilous course; a course that must inevitably break down onewheie. W.-nther tnaii:if.tctun d in the east spoils in shipping, l'lease bear tliU in mind. A R!f t oonlry. We gather from parth-s recently re turned from up the Santiam that there are thousands of acres of fine agricul tural and timlter land ou this stream yet unsurveyed. Here Is a va't stretch of territory unequalled in Cie fertiiltv of its soil and in Its dense fore ts of pine and fir, which w ill lie utilized by the present aud succeeding generations in building up the grande-t empire this world has yet known. A prelimi nary survey has ls-eii mad through this conutiy, aud la-fore many years pass a railroad will transport the pro ducts of this section and give its in habitants communication with the outlying worm. ,- lew tamiiies neve located in the Ixittoni-', and it is the In tention ot lr. v hitcomh to put 111 u snw-mlll and other Improvement New-comers in" search of homes and who nave not the money to buy Im proved farms, might do wnnw thnn to locste in this section of country. -Shall XVm Mar More C hurrliro r Emms l.EAien F.xprkss; lliix Ik iji-sdim thnt sm-prn every rltin-n of lA'litttion. We ee no rvisn why u-e ahotiM tiH hare more Chun-h otjnmUnlions; there rertnioly l preat tMM-exaitjr Tor them. It i-cvui lo 1 the eonclu-'ton of me otie t lit one-fourth of otir people mtn ne-esrlly po direet to hell ami oue fis.irth g hrtllins between two opinions. In onler to keep tip the finance of the church itml to keep our eitlzi-iishlp t-nipc-rty rlirMed into Christian?, haU-C'hrltiii!t-t and sinners. There I no reon why every citizen of Ix-ha-tnn should not Ihj a ehureh-jmer and a Christian, llosidei this e exxs-t people to come from the E:it and South to live with u. Thry a? coining-. We pteet them conlinUy, and want them to have all the chun-h privtlenoi iosille. More church onrnnlzalhino do not necessarily make i-pintual division. If It doe, woe unto fhristlanity! An lo two MethiKli.-ni, they have existed in America for nearly tiny years with Stealer uhww thnn before. Citxl in hia prrvi deuee lia so onlcn-d it, and man xhould not rebet. Tlicre need be no spiritual division or ani mosityif there Is ntch you may look for the "fall." The term South amount to nothing; It t only a mark of distinction irfreii at the division ia 1MI. Why need vdc hate that word any more than any other word "in liiewe ilnysof eace?" The term South has nothing to do with the war, hav itiK been (liven to 11s yearn before It, in separating Into two bodies. The Methoilist Eplejl church South has property here, and ha had it for years; they have member and friends here, and a Mron.it financial board In Nashville, Tenn., to btck them, and by the help of God they expect to ortninixu and build soon. Let tin consider this matter prayerfully Hitd come up to the help of tin- lri, without prcju-dii-e or sectarian bisotry. If we do thin in a Christian spirtt, tod will bless all churches with an outpouring of divine love, and we will see a higher standard of Chrislianily ill our low u and vicinity. Business will also prosper. A Lover or Tne CAi sr.. Itrport of Ilntrlcl fio. 81. Spring and summer term nnnincnrcd Slnri'h 10th. No. of pnpilK enrolled, 27. Those who werw neither ahsent nor tnnly lnr liiB the month were Frel Joiitry. John lUtn, Cfporg Tlllotson, Melvcrn Stewart and Nellie Tillotwin. Thoxe who reeeived per cent. In nritlmietic. In the Gniinmur M-hool prude, in eliiss A, were Etna hcttle. Myrtle Keebler, Ellen Uentry. Annie Eavenis; in class n were Nancy tiontry and Cath arine Hanwird. The one who received the moM headmnrkK In claw X In Primary prode if (ieorpe Tilloton. The one who 1 the neiiteKl work in Primary grade was Mary Mcfunnick. Mks. II. Tit.uTsoN, Teacher. LEBANON PRODUCE MARKET. Changed Every Week. Ejrgs 15c per doz. . Sprinp; chickens $4 00 per doz. Old chicket)9 $5 00 per doz. Uroilcra ?S 75 per doz. TJuekfi $S 00 per doz. Geese 9 00 per doz. Turkeys 12Jc per lb. Side 10c per lb. Shoulders -8o per lb. Hani ll'cperlb. Butter 25o per ' Lard lit paila ?1 J5 pt-r can. " " bulk Ro per lb. "Kold Kash Kounts" at the fcgiv "gtore. t-iec ad. Phar- WHO STARTED IT? WHO STARTED THAT STORY THAT HACKLEMAN WAS Giving Away Kid Gloves ! IFackleman lias been over-run with applications for tho gift, and wants it understood that he has not a pair to give away. The misunderstanding probably originated from the remark of some customer that they were literally giving giving away (Jloves at llacklrma.'s. Of course the5' pimply meant that the prices asked were next to a gift, which is true enough, llackleman sells the CELEBRATED MATHER KID GLOVES Every pair warranted or yeur money refunded. Come and take a look. THE FARMERS' STORE. DID YOU SAY You Could Buy Cheaper ! IS03IKAVHKHK ELHE' Cast Your Eye on Best Table Peaches, per can Plums, " " ; 5-1 b Can San Diego Honey 4-11 1 Package (Sermea 4-lb " Monarch Rolled Oats ... I-Cia1. Can Vermont Maple .Syrup 2 lbs Black Boneless Cod Fish 3 Cans Concentrated Lye 1 Packages Bird Seed :$ " Corn Starch " Gloss Starch Best Young Hyson Tea per lb Our Regular 00c Uneolored Japan Tea 50c Japan Tea .jQc In bulk or papers. 9 Cans Tomatoes 1 9 41 Peas 9 " Corn 15. lbs Golden C Sugar. 15 13 14 4 i 2 ' Extra C " ' Dry Granulated Sugar ' Rice 4 Costa Rica Coilee ' Best Rio " Roasted " Frazer's Axle Grease, per can 3,400 California Matches for CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, Hats Cats, (h:x kkky A Ui.asswake At Greatly Reduced Prices TO O L O !- 1Z OUT. We mean business, and if you wer Clothes or use Gro ceries you can get them very cheap from us for a short time. We need more room, as we contemplate adding a fine stock of Drv Goods, Fancy Goods, c, to our stclr. Don't be deceived by those who claim that there is noth ing worth having except the goods that they may have for sale. An inspection of our goods will convince 3011 that you have been mi-lead. Don't go to some other town to spend your cash and then ak credit of your home mer chants. .T O XI TV O . 3R, H2 HI I , CPitircPiill & Nlontit4i's Old Stand. AT COST! To Make Kooui for !y Spring and Summer Stock DRY GOODS, FURNISHING GOODS, ASD NOTIONS, I WILL CLOSF OUT MY Entire Stoek of Boots 8c Shoes Now Is the Tim to SECURE REAL BARGAINS. I Propose to Have THE Leading Dry Goods Store In the Valley. rviviL, ORDERS Promptly attended. W. F, READ, Albany, Oregon.. Our Cash Prices: 0 20 20 55 20 20 GO 15 25 25 25 25 60 50 50 3 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 10 25 - STOP AND READ. Smooth Shave and Hair-Cut. Nice Shampooing; and Spanish Lus ter Cures the Scalp of Dandruff. HOT : AND : COLD : BATHS. Gentlemen and Larliea May Luxury. Indulge in the Next Door to I'ctcrson A Wallace's Real Estate UUiec. I. It. 1IOHTJM, - - Prop. LEBANON', OREGON. Money! Money! ON Good Farm Property AT- 8 Per Cent. I examine my own security, write my own papers, and if title is perfecl can cIobc business up in ehort order. Call on or write me. S. N. STEELE. With E. O. Beardsley, REAL ESTATE AGENT, ALUANV, OKKtiON. IU2S Mighty growth, last ten years, into one of the WrV lireat Cities is without a parallel No pen can now poi.;, her resources or the continued prosperity that the year?? cf he future will pour into her World Renowned And her SCENIC shore lines on Lakes and Sou: d? Never has the hand of Nature been so lavish in her gifi - make the WORLD'S LAST GREAT CITY! Roim f her seven hills was as Hothing to Seattle's snow-crow d .; Olympias on the North and West; Cascades on the East n d Sjuth, and from these mighty bulwarks of health en?-. inspiration-giving, there rises the mighty . Mount anier Above every competitor one of SEATTLE, the Queeii Citv at her base, which in another score of vearsxnli- rrs f--in POPULATION every city on the Pacifie;' the wm.tTT birrest ocean! ! THE WASSOM ADDITION to SEATTLE! ! JUST PUT ON Lots $200 Each JTKIIIIIV OFF SOME OF ITS Every lot in full view of Mount Ranier and Lake Washington: n railroad; at depot; adjoining Ravenna Park; an electric railway a.- - as can be completed to it; half tlozen fine residences already under tract on Addition; t2nXAH) Female Without THE WASSOM ADDITION Is the place where men and women f Money ment will make their homea and why? :b :e o The College, the Mineral Spring?, Itavenna Tark, the view of y -r Ranier (which ia grander here than any where else on PugetSt ; which, if for no other reason, would make it most desirable. In Seattle a mighty City is building. Take hold of the best " vou have a chance at Lowest Prices. ,. , TO THE PIONEER A WORD: Why did you cross the pis.-.? Why did you take your life and that of others in your hands tocv . s this Coast? What pen can write the histery? Vou have Con' -i tins land, made the growth of great cities imperative, and the am-jl?,.-..- of great fortunes, almost in a day, possible. Now; by the investm- " f a few thousands, or hundreds, you may reap the harvest that belr ' x ' I you. Will you do it? 1 he greatest corporations, the ablest nnar !'- f of Europe and America, are investing thousands nay, miUiou-. "'-,. Seattle. Will vou not invest? Your chance is NOW. Seize r. t ' have a 60-acre tract, an 80 and two 40-acre tracts. Only a few I cheap; ripe for platting, any one of which will make you your fi r it. !.. in a shert time. Buy quick, I can't duplicate them. Rev. J. R. Kirkpatriek is among you and Sole Agent for .- ' - - I ' WASSOM'S ADDITION1; In Oregon. Call on Him at Once- 1; I will be in Albanv in a few days and will remain only a d-. I would be glad to meet you personally and urge you to join us i: material upbuilding of Seattle, the Queen City of the Paeifie. , in Seattle be sure and call at Room 348 Seattle Block, wheie I wi.. genuine pleasure in showing you the city. 1 Barber A-w-a- on the Pacific, remind'rg THE MARKET. and Upwards i:V 30 I.A3f ADVANTAGES. College to be opened .Vptewber, Doubt and Sense and P.-; u s is BECR supplies. i M. A. Millkr. y " r . - . . - cr--