The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 18, 1890, Image 2

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    rutHtiKl Every Kridny
JktAM die Al-'EX.AT'iOim.
.I- ..U.JJ.JLJLJI.'J. u a 1
The Repwblicau State Conven
tion, which mot in Portland Wed
nesday, made the following nomi-uaii-nis:
Congressman -Binder Hermann.
' (Jovernor- I). P. Thompson.
Secretary of Btatc G. Me
BriAe. Treasurer Phil Metcham.
'Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion E. li. McKIroy.
8ince the narrow gauge has pass
ed into the hands of the 8. P. It. Ii.
who intend to shorten all un
necessary curves, convert it into a
standard gauge and otherwise im
prove the line, we venture to sug
gest to that company the propriety
of building the line through Leba
non. Several reasons might be
urged in support of this proposition.
Th route through Lebanon seems
the natural, as it is also the short
er route. No one knows better
than railroad men that bridges (es
pecially long ones) are very expen
sive and if insecurely built are
liable to be Bwept away by each
annual freshet. The South San
tiam bridge has twice been carried
away by the tlood and has sub
sequently sustained heavy damages.
Owing to ths low lands in the vi
cinity of the present bridge and the
soft yielding banks of the river at
that point the company must neces
sarily be at . considerable expense
annually, besides a loss of traffic
consequent on such damage. These
leases can be obviated by bridging
the river north of Lebanon. The
riTer at this point is narrow, the
banks are high, and solid masonry,
ready made, is at hand. When the
narrow gauge was built nearly
every town on the proposed route
Teas given the alternative of a bo
nus or death. Lebanon, in com
mon with many other townB, refus
ed to give the xmua and took the
risk of losing the road. Lebanon
has grown steadily despite the im
pending doom? While the road
has many times shown unmistake
ble signs of dissolution. Had the
road been built through our town,
which is the most feasible route, the
narrow gauge would have avoided
several heavy losses, travel would
have Iwn uninterrupted and the
company would have had many
thlsanda of dollars when to-day
nas noining. -
A stranger, who thinks of locat
ing in Lebanon, asked us this week
if the people of this town intended
to cut that ditch which is to afford
water-power for the various manu
factories which are likely to spring
up here. Said he, the water-power
at Albany and Salem is the cause
-qf UlfirI'5' growth of those two
cities. When this ditch is cut Leb
anon wili take a stride forward that
will surprise even the most pro
gressive citizens. Let the work be
done and then we shall escape the
dull monotony of manual processes,
and challenge the maufacturing
world to h. comparison of handi
work. No sooner do our people set on
foot one enterprise, than another is
projected. Now that we are to
have a large paper mill, a fine pub
lic school buildings in addition to
the Academy a machine and re
pairing shop, our enterprising citi
ens begin to cast about for some
new enterprise. About the next
thing will be a water ditch or canal
to furnish power for the numerous
manufacturing industries of this
western "Lowell."
Do you see anything significant
or suggestive at the head of this
paper? This is no narrow gauge
train. We intend to make our pa
per so interesting that the old will
subscrile fr it, the young will cry
for it and evervlxvlv read it. You
5vtH--&lJLt"cKeaper to pa v $2 for
the "Express" than to spend one j
day in each week making a house-to-house
visitation to get the news.
Citizens of Lebanon, if you mean
to vent your patriotism on the
Fourth of July it is none too soon t
begin preparations. Lebanon has
been going abroad to celebrate
long enough; let's kindle a fire of
patriotism at our nation's next an
niversary and send the American
blood coursing through the veins
of every patriot with such rapidit y
that they will see strange sights.
Everybody, even the candidates,
are pleased with the nominations
made last week. Next June one
half the countenances will not be
so radiant nor beautiful.
When a man is 60 stingy as to
borrow, a newspaper when he is
able to buy, he will talk through
his nose to save his teeth. West
v Side.
The political world was shocked
on last Sunday by the announce
ment of the death of Samuel J. Ran
dall. Mr. Randall has enjoyed a
long and brilliant career in Amcri
ican polit ics. He will long occupy
warm place in the heart of every
true American citizen for his manly
strilVand tireless efforts on lehaJf
carts we leave behind is not to
die." Of every really great man it
may be truthfully "said be is more
influentially present' after death
than during life. Shakespeare dead
exerts a greater influence than
Shakespeare li ving, and so of all
others who have wrought upon the
springs of civilization and given the
eworld ahint that thereis beyond the
narrow', visual line of party boun-
darics a region f principles world- I
7einxnoir lniiuejyrc una griMnci
Frosty nights.
Mrs. Joseph Sawyer Is on ths sick
J. B. Moreluck went to Albany Mon
day. W. R Kirk went to Portland Mon
day. Brownsville needs an lectrle-llght
Miss Annie Itlce was In town Wed
nesday. Mr. Lnrkell leaves for Portland
II. V. Fitzgerald has gouo Into the
flail business.
South Brownsville is to have a
butcher shop.
V. K. Rockwell has received a new
stock of clinirs.
The Odd Fellows are gvttlug a beau
tiful this made.
Wat Starr baa been on th sick list
for a few daj'S.
John Blandish, of Halsey was lu
town Saturday.
J. M. Waters went to Jefferson to
day on business.
Miss Ben in Irvln is visiting the
Mieses Archibald.
There is to he a wedding in Craw
fordsville' Suuday.
A. K. Shaw f CrawfordsvlUe was
in town Saturday.
A. F. Fitzgerald has sold his lots in
Seattle to Mr. Pereefull.
The KitgletnUL received a consign
ment of wool Saturday.
Minor Jackson lias opened a cigar
statd la his barber shop.
It is rumored that Pat Moore has
taken out license to wed.
Doe Oamutte Is again wielding the
cleaver in the butcher shop.
A. P. Howe i Improving his prop
erty in Hausmau's uddltion.
Sir. Dodge, of Lebanon, was In town
Tuesday purchasing harness.
Our livery Btnble men are putting
every thing in first class order.
It. A. Sanders Is building a new fence
and sidewalk arouud his house.
A. C. Haustnan it building a new
picket fence around his new house.
Jos. Sawyer Is foreman at the planer
during the absence of Mr. Moyer.
Found, at Waters Bros' store, a silk
umbrella, It Is uot ours. Nemo.
J. C Simpson and E. T. Oil key, of
8tfn, are registered at the Arlington
J. P. HuCwan, proprietor ot the
Philomath poultry yard, wasiu ton
Our youn? folks were tripping the
light fantastic at the City hall Satur
day night.
Bert Willson and Pat Moore went to
work in the aswortlngdepartuient of the
woolen mills Monday.
The malls between Brownsville and
Lebanon go through now i one day.
Many thanks, Uncle Samuel.
C. H. F.lswick is building a new
porch on his house and making other
improvecr enta to his property.
Brownsville needs a machine and
repair shop. Such an enterprise would
Le a good investment for the right kind
of man.
J. K. Wentherford, of Albany, has
been invited to deliver nn address at
the Oild Fellows celebration in Browns
ville April JiOst.
Dr. I. W. Starr has received two new
show cases and a new stock of goods
for the drug store. This store would
be a credit to any city on the coast.
Bom, to the wife of W. Swearinjren,
at South ItmwnsvHlp, April 12, a
daughter. (1. V. Htandish is responsi
ble for this that is the item, not the
Why don't our rifle club arrange for
a prize shooting contest on the 2tlth.
There will be a largn crowd in town
and it would add another attraction to
the program.
Mr. J. M. Jaeger, Supt. of the Eagle
Wooleu mills, has gone to San Fran
cisco on important business looking to
the improvemedt and increased capac
ity of the mills.
We met two hard-looking tramps on
tne railroad bridge Sunday afternoon,
and upon inquiry learnc-d that they
had eome to Brownsville to eet a job
on the Calapooia Valley Railroad.
Bill Waters says that any young man
who will buy one of those silk shirts
for sale in the store will he guaranteed
a first -elass girl for tne Odd Fellows'
eelcbration. This is a chance for a
good speculation.
The contract to rebuild the county
bridge between JCorth and South
Browi'sville has leen awaried to Hoff
man A Bates of Portland for the sum
of ,800. This is the best news we
have heard for a week.
In the arrangement of the goods in
Owen Osburn's store we can trace the
artistic hand of a lady. Owen was
gone on a lng vis-it; perhajm he
brought home a wife. How is it, Owen?
We want the bottom facts.
Messrs. Wm. Moore, Bert Willsnn
and Luther Moore went grouse-Vunt-ing
Saturday and killed seven line fat
grouse. The biys then rested and had
a grouse dinner. It is strange what
long tails the grouse have this year.
C. E. Rockwell wants to sell his fur
niture shop and (tore. Cause, age and
tailing health. He linn R good water
power, building and store and consid
erable machinery. This would be a
iKtnanza for a couple of enterprising
men with small capital.
Sunday was a beautiful day. Dame
Nature put on her most winning smile
to tempt both young and old out into
the beautiful suushine. The Utile ones
were out on the hills gathering wild
flowers, while the more serious were
giving thanks to the author of all our
Mr. Hasbrook, an old and respected
citizen of Linn county, last Tuesday
was suddenly called to that bourne from
wnieh none "ietuni. While plowing in
the field he dropped dead from what is
supposed to have lean heart disease.
He was discovered by Mr. Banty and
taken to his home. Dr. Henry was
summoned, but too late to do any good.
We visited the band rooms Monday
evening, and was just in time to see
Mr. Ed Sawyer dressed up in one of
the new uniforms jut purchased by
the band. Ed Is a handsome fellow
under any circumstances, but when
dressed in that bright new uniform he
fairly took our breath away. The uni
form consists of coat, and iants and a
dark-blue helmet trimmed with red
and gold braid aud surmounted with a
bright red plume.
The situation in Brownsville in re
gard to the saloon license is decidedly
Funny. The prohibition element is
very angry over the action of our coun
cil, while "the devotees of the flowing
bowl sip their bug-juice with a com
placent smile; and our city dads are
seratcking their heads in a perplexed
way as if they had forgotten some
thing. Perhaps the reason that our
council did not act sooner on that
question was that they were waitiujr
for a learned professor from Europe to
cipher the meaning f the ticket u on
which they were elected. Tiie ticket
rend high 'license, and is in harmony
with the action of the council. Some
people say thxi It was a straight-out
prohibition ticket in other words pro
hibition under false colors. The whole
thing is a ridiculous farce and Urn less
said about it the better. If we elected
a council on a bigh-license it-sue and
expect them to make prohibition laws
we expect them to do something con
trary to the principles upnu which
T hey were elected. If the advocates of
prohibition are afraid to print that
word tu the head of their ticket they
had letter sell cut. We are disguteiJ
with the whole business.
( From the 0 Uoco Review.
Considerable snow remains on the
ground at Big Meadows.
The miners at the head of Oehoco
have begun work in the placer.
Several freight tennis arrived here
the first of the week from the Duller.
Thev were a mouth making the round
Owing to the dlseas.d condition of
many sheep hi the county' shearing
will'ltegln earlier this season tint 11
The people of Burns are talking of
Incorporating a bank at that place
with a capita stock of $100,000. About
$80.1)0(1 of the stock has been subscribed
and It la expected that the bank will
be ready for business about July 1st.
Follow ing are the repuhMcan nomi
nees for county oftlecrs In Crook county:
Representative, John W. Stuart; coun
ty Judge, Frank Forest; sheritr, John
Combs; clerk, Charles W. Klkins;
treasurer, John Templeton; assessor,
A. Black.
Joscphns W. Wilson died at Chlco,
Cal., on March 10th, nged 43 years.
Mr. Wilson was ttnrn in Cass county,
Missouri, and camw to Oregon at an
early date, locating in Linn county,
where he married Miss Etta Dixoii.
He came to Prinevllle alsut 1972 anil
since that time has been at various
times cnjruged In funning, stock-raising
and mercantile business. For a
number of years his health has been
falling, nd last summer be went to
California hoping to get relief from a
climatic change. Mr. Wilson was one
of onr most substantial and honest citi
zens and his deuth will ha penerallv
refrrctted by all. He was a brother of
Mrs. M. liodges, or I'rtnevllle. and a
half brother of Prof. John Johnson,
president of the state university.
At the convention of theStnte Union
party, held at Oregon City- April Mth,
preamble and resolutions and a State j
ticket were unanimously auoptett. The
preamble set forth that:
V. BKnr..vs, The hm mvat tJcrt of pwi'tn
mrnt are (o twun to the elttarn the rik-tin of
lilt, libf rly ant) pnwerlir. and
tV'HitEAS, The rljrhta arw Impaired and Im
periled hjr the evil ot rus leirblutlon, the l iiion
party of vtvgtnt. tvpnwentlng ihe united opuoai
tton to these united evils, adopt the foltuHiti;
There were H planks in the con
stitution, commencing with the uiom-y
system and closing by declaring in
favor of the eight-hour law, and touch
ing noon the subjects of corporations,
tariffs, government land system, gov
ernment ownerahp of railroads, liquor
traffic, citizenship, Australian ballot,
tiustsnnX combinations, strikes, tax
ation, non-taxable bonds, election of
senators by a direct vote, and mortgage
tax law.
The following state ticket was nomi
nated: F Conjrress Major J. A. Brnre, of BetHon
Jovvrnor Ijett In the hand of the exeemive
Secretary of Slate N'athan Heree. of t'mntilU.
Stau? Trea.mrer K. F. Walker, ef Jwkson.
Superintendent of Public Instraetiitn T. C
Jury of Marion.
fctate Printer J. W. Fnwer. of Mulitumiah.
Supreme Jnda Left In the hamla ot the eser
utive committee.
Here b a f ftylollar cpir.
Hut I have not the chetk to ask it.
And If It will not do Tot your pa?r
1 know !t will do for your basket.
I lore to mtcMo In the wd.
In the bvauti.i! p:1rg of tl'.e yer.
To e the !ephant chew his eud.
And snuff the Oregon air.
The rising sun o'er Jefferson" peak
With glorious HKht was glidirg:
Orouse were plenty, so to speak.
Hut eougor aiul ar. were hiding.
The kinds or game we have are many.
The spuriMaati to amuse.
But of giraffes we nave not any.
And we are out of kangaroos.
The cunning trout within the brooks
Glide swiH, a silver dart.
And sate from either line or hooks,
Peiy the angler's art.
There are some fish at Yaqnina bav
That tnortly stay In water
And are alioul as hard to catch, they say.
As a wealthy farmer's daughter.
The enery here Is grand
It Is tit-itutifiil, I repeat.
With mountains rising on every hand.
And webs" growing on our feet.
Oh. what do yon think f Oregon weather.
With I's months of mirt and ram?
I think if luy pas don't grow together
I w 111 go hack to Ohio again,
t RAwroKisvu.LF. April 5. 181.
There w ill be a t'tiion county convention held
at Albany on Thursday, the 1st day of May at 10
A. to nominate a county ticket.
No vote having been taken to serve as a basis of j
r -presentation, but knowing a latire majority of j
the voters are In sympathy with Its principles. It
Is recommended and remiected that each pre- 1
cinct ract t at their respective places of voting cm
Siturday. the 2t'.th of April at 1 p. M. and elect
I five delegates to attend tlie I'uion county couven-
j All voters, without reganl to race, color or prc
; vious i;itieal servitude, who de?ire to be releasel
from the evils of class legislation an'. the grasp of
all legalized nt'nopoiles, are c rlially invited to
participate in the election of delegates.
J. F. HtMK!I,
Temporary county chaLrman.
Tke government of Piam hits sent
Fix of its brightest young men t:J be
educated at Went minister collejie, a
Cniied Prcnbyterian school loafed at
Wilmington, I'a. The young men
came from the highest caate and royal
fine and the King himself will de
lray their exjen.e8.
For a lame back try aaturatinp; a
piece of thinnel with Chamlarlain's
Pain balm and binding it on to the ef
fected piirtH. This treatment will cure
any ordinary ciuse in one or two days.
1' Halm also cures rhcumetism,
sprains, awcllings and lnme.ieaa. ."0
cent Ixtttlca for sale by M. A. Miller.
A dog-fight occurred on Sherman
street Ailurday, and within five miu
uten Ihe male population footed up
sixty able-biMlied men on the spot, be
sides six or eight who by reason of old
age or infirmity missed 'the fight by
two t locks. The census-taker may got
a p. ii nter from thin.
When you desire a pleasant physic,
try8t. Patrick's Pills. Thev can al
ways be depended upon, and do not I, m iuIa ,!"., . t sri , o la iiai MrrtrkA IIia I
bowels. For sale bv M. A. Miller.
fir one hnmlrwl thousand lrick in Ihannn.
Inquire at The sikrm ottirc. I'Dlcaa you mean
MisincMt, oo uol apply.
Land Otnoc at Or-jfon City. Orison,
April 9. lKTO.
l iving iianitd HettliT lms t'R-d notlco of his
intention to moke (inol pro.f in BUport of liis
claim, aud that ail nnjof will b mii l)efore tbe
fount- .hid?c or in liis ahsenre nifon- the l ounty
lrk o! 14na ounty. at Albany, Oregon, ou
Mraiflay, June -iH, Jh'.", Tii:
ironx".-ail Fntrr No. 51t6 for tlie X. nf S. E. Ja I
m (r.'ii f N. li. '-4 of ixr. 1ft, Tp. 12'S.. K. 1 K. t,
ITS rianir the fullowini; trilncw u prove hid I
cotfiuiioiit rit1t:nce upon and rulth'ation ol'suirl j
Kind, viz: S. K. Situottf, V. HvhU. i. Send try and ;
I ( f-nuon?. all of Ijbanop. I.jnn eoiintr. Ore-1
-on. J- I. Ai-i'LltSOX, l:4-uter.
We give below an abstract of the
annual report of L. M. Curl, County
School Superintendent, for the year
ending March S, 181H):
No perm ltn em I ami M years of n
retuliiij; In I hit county Males. S071
Female.... SW4
T'ttnl - KUfc
So. resident ptipllt enrolled In piitilif
nchiMi during th vesr between 4 and
2tl yearn ol Ke Slulca . 2)r'7
le unties 1
Total I0j
Av. dally atteudnnee Mnlea 1-1
Female Its
Total...., M22
No teaehern employed during year
Mule 11
Ke millet , CO
Total 203
So teacher examined during year
.Male W
Females -
Totol 179
No. npplleaim thai railed during year
Male S
Females . 3U
So teaehertemployed holding first-grade
cert itteale! ... - PS
No. teacher employed holding teeoud-
grade cert lllcates IM
No. teacher employed holding thlrd-
gra-le certificate 4"i
So. pcrmiii' Rmntcd durltiK year
So. pupils between 4 and lit Diit attend
ing any ehHl list I
No teaelier employed In rivale arhooll 1 1
No pupil attending In private nrhooU... 2-10
Value of ar.Vvil htm-seii and gnHindx ..tW.70 til
Value of Hchool ftirnllttre .-. . 7,'.'. 't
Value of aehool apparattt i.27i Si
A-nt Insurane" on aehool house. ete..... 3J.f75 i)
Salary ald uperititendent W-0 )
Whole No district In emiTttv inn
Whole No district tv.rtlng H
Average nuntlx-r month (aught..... 6.t'7
NosehiHtl hinM' tt9
No graded schools . ...... 4
No teacher employed in graded aranoU 1
No pupil attendtnjr...... S3?
No els-ter' fHctionarie In wmiol.
No leral voter Sfll
No-hvl visited by uneriiitende;it... fd
rttnt Hchool Oind III handnof clerk .812.1 IS S3
Atnt rn!s,"d by tllstrlct lax ... 4,81') 13
Ami apportioned among tllstricU.etitinty
ntnd.. 27.H1 W
Ami apporrtoned from Hiate luiid-.... 7,.7I ift
A mt ral-d be rate bill SI 7 in
Auit ratvetl rront o.hcr aouroea fiuo t
Total amt recclve.l. SM,.M1 61
Anil paid out lir teaehem" are f:'S 43 II
Anil paid out fur other ptirtMisra...
Ami In hands tlLstricl clerks 5,2i'.7 49
Amt ttmtpport toned njmla In hand of
county treasurer 28.315 00
Offered by Peterson & Wallace,
Real Estate Brokers-
Helow 5'ou will find a list of a few
of tb many bargains (hey have for
sale in city and country property.
City lots from $ to $ 150 good terms.
We have a number of Improved lota.
Including dwelling and business prop
erly, also good hold In a fine lor atioo
can la l--ought reietoitishly aud on good
term. Also the following:
No. 15. Trice $3000
2W acres improved land 4) ml lew
ftvm city. Sbvli or grain farm.
o. 10. Price f.TOt xl
307 acre Improved land 1 mile from
city. Oood for gardens or for raising
No. 17. Price ,3000
10J acres improved farm or fruit laud
'2 mil s from city.
No. 4. Price o0
20 acres Inrproved lottom land
mile from city; well timbered.
No 12. Pri"e f 2S0
10 acres 1 miles from city;soiI sandy
loam; good for gardens and fruits.
No. 9. Price f
1C5 acres well improved land 8 miles
from city.
No. 11. Price f5i!0
322 acres first-chins stock and 'grain
farm 8 miles front city.
For further particulars concerning
the abirc or any other information In
regard to Heal Estate address
Pbtteebox & Wallace,
libation, Oregon.
irm e r ; :
BMfmfnrfeinid Ikstttii
utd Uic tk- cikf t j 1
espmi, lu ctre 3
&4 and 44-liaJi Bitikflo or
wowmsT s;iivu, -udia- xi in is -
B- inMiT wrtmht
MMI. C&lWlJiV huihVLrtd
far workniantthip nnd stock. XJitri. aWI for
finlnli. durmbilitr and nfrnCT. ln
tiK be dftcetvv. Iy tHirtap mtill-ahim irmn imititfiumm
often moM tar the frrnuiue urtJln. Thf-r mv oiuo
tfjbJe AtMl diuktreruu. Tbe fiMmi ft WmnR Hm
TrH,"alft re suimixHl tipou the Ixtrrels with firm's
Bfltine, atlclrw mlUat4n C patmtM, tuxl arr (anr
mileed perfMHt. Iuflxt upini VttvtnK (hin, otiit tt
Tr (loftier en nennt "UinX TK mn onW lent tonJ
ilnM lwKw wtli rtcetrotinmt tmtt.'n. iMttcriv
Mt CsfcttlUirtu? ftn1 pritHupsrti TirltcciH.
lrtBB41cM, MaM.
Worth llM.UO. t &sS
wmHi h fh world I rlrj
luker-peT. WnatilHl hryt
Mttjt win MniMine -.
B-iri Ifadrf-' atwl art ,
'with Wfir) nd rs nf
rsnwl fmc rtKWNla
vlk VrlUy ran -
ofhr with r tair
ihibt lineof II Mrrr.rll
'iAaitlaai. TTir alii aaiat,!. a-it
I Tt . AM ib. tyfi -.
h1 t to tlmw wlMt artt.1 rm t iboar who. ri.ll-r.rtir
frbtfit mi4 nrhrraiMt mttt rnthm a
Ht -ilMMainiitr rr us. which H"bl" fr-n vrUm mmrrrl,
mmd tluii v rrtpatd. U H wm. fn Hrtil. rlc. Aftr
m know on, if yim wnl I like i fro lu rk t ita. vnm ra
ar tt ft-wm fl'XO to -f bm1 Tmarr1t. AdrfrM,
aWia)ua, c Ca. Jlx. fmrtlmwui, JAtft&aw.
Tfeo GelcbratGd Frcncb Gurc,
Warra.W n U DOH ITI M C r tn..i.
te sura
Is f.i.r om
to cure any
tiM,. or any
hnil.'r of ttte
raix-ratito or- G
yans of ritlu-i jf
Uiiifr from the AFTER
ixtwiut use of tiunlatit. 'lutar!o or opium.
:r ttinm-h routNhtl I inti.rtrotion. ovr I !k
iu,i', A-.. stirii it I os nf tlrain I'.nver, Wakrfui-ut-m,
I'.carinv: ilown Pain in tln llMok, Sctnluat
'ctikitc. Il)t.-n Nvrrou l'r.lraiiiiii Nortitnt
l KniivslniHt. Koii .iTli.r. ii4iirws. Weak Mew-Oi-y.
ljs of I'nwvr an.; Iim,mX;iu v, wlilrli H un.
ptiM-U-H olutit lead to prtnoalilir oi.l avoaod iusnti
fty. Price a bt. fi Imix). for fculit by
mail ou rn,o.rrt of prirs.
A W K ITT KN I! I' A It A NT1ER lr everr li 00
order, to refund tlie nionv if a IViiur- -nt
rnre I not enert.!. nf imUi:i n!i
from old and rutins;, of both tvxos. 4ruiuentr
ruretl l. ArtiRootTt:. flTiiar froe. d-ireg
Sold - 31. V.XIller-,
Wole Atgvnt rr Xielionon, Or.
WM! IS WW. u Av
tb wasrlf'. Our ta.-lii;,-aia
ropoa I n tf f ft . Ca
unri at1, u. iiul tn iit!rli(s our
auM rt rni! en ift iHtri. kK
Uovk i t s. h itNHt-t
s.alt' v. ttny iU'-fi .yh writ
t tw at mr -ai b uhr ruw tf
the civ i;tr. A i y..u lutvr to do In
r-ansi to sk-' our "" to
th-- rk" rail nr Bt-Krlibcra
antl iti. tw!ttl fft. 1 Uf im
ropa, Tb fbllowin cut pie
i ii" -rat - nf ii r)-ihjt-)j ta
'boot th 3fri:l. fan -f It- hnlk . H if a TrnJ. dt t:tr lii it Jr.
ft rtf, Ifir-x";. ca-v -rry v. ill li:i v-n i
ran ttvtk" rVutn Vi -StO t'tnr t l-r. tr in IU-- khii'.m
J I m v - v
r- ' Oi
1 1
Hang Out Our Banner on
the Outer Wall.
Montague's Magnificent Spring
Stock of Dress Goods in
Endless Variety,
Such as Do Beiges. Foulards,
Challies, Satines,
8wt Law.,. Bishop and Victoria Trimming.
Ribbons, Valval. Ptwsh I i Many Shana.
Button, On Thousand Varlotlat
Qlovai, Hodory,
In fact everything to make a lady's
eyes lairly eparkJe. IUth tlie Jlam
moth store and the One l'rio (!ssh
Store are the recipients of Immense
occwEB, ana .nontugue projxtsefl to
sen inem ui the eopie wbo deal in
Iebanon ut
Defy Competition!
in any town in tlie State of Oregon
To thotte wise (?) tines who trot off
to other than tht.'ir home town to
purchase cheap John trash, pause
ere it he too late; discard the idea
of buying anywhere hut at home,
and then onl, of Montapue, ami
you will have your youth renewed,
your mind in erene content, and
KHJ cents' worth for your dollar
every 4inie. No hait., no chromoP.
no steel or wood engravings of
awfullv homelv shoemakers docs
j Montague delude his cu"tomcrf
with, but he DOES give them the
choice of tne very beet piods from
tlie largr-pt pclcction this eide of
Portland, at the rnost motlerate
rircs for cash or approved country
He who steal my purse steals uah
From the fact that I have emi-
tied it in purchasing the above
I aained gotHid at panic prices, ami
alw in purchasing the daisiest lot of
Talk about other brands of shoes
than the magnificent lino kept by
Montague. Shoo, fly, don't bother
me; there is room enough in the
world for thee and me. Wo can
KIT anyone, and when Montague
says FIT he means it, and he is not
joing to send you out of his palatial
store) with those abominable monsters
in leather which you may romibly
And in other establishments not a
thousand miles from our grand em
porium, and which makes your feet
liK)k as though you were a new arrival
from Chicago. No, do not make any
miMtake when you want GOOD Boots
or Shoes for mother, wife, or fister,
the grandmother to the baby, the
grandfather to the last new boy, but
be sure to call on Montague ami se
cure what you may require in that
lime. Every pair fully warranted.
Now as to Clething.
When the purse was emptied, as
above succinctly set fortli, Montague
was compelled to open another bar'l
fnr the purpose of securing to our cus
tomer tbe latest novelties in flue suits
as wt 11 as those adapted to evcry-day
wear. We are how opening up our
elegant dtnifrna in Oregoti City Clothing-,
California Cafsiniere. Clothing,
Men's Clothing, Youth's Clothing,
Boys' Clothing, all Imported Uoodw,
elcgant-tittlng garments, at scandal
ously low prices.
Montague has had over forty years
experience in selling good, twenty of
which were spent among you right
here in Lebanon, and he now proposes
to spend the evening of his life in giv
ing to one and all such prices as the
iiotss uranger r Jinu county never
dreamed of. Make Montagu know
you are going to pay cash down and
no gruin tiling (the chronic grumbler Is
a despicable creature), and he will
make prices to jou all right.
The people who promised to pay up i
by the 1st of last January and failed to
connect may find their accounts where
it will not please them. Montague
docs not propose to waste valuable
time in hutingup these delinquents,
but will send the most forcible collec
tor he can employ to wile the dollars
due me from these much-protniaing
and DBver-pcrforming gentlemen.
We invite you to
Groceries, Provisions, Tobacco, Cigars,
Hides Furs and all kinds
We Gviarantee Fair Treatment to All.
Corner Brick Store, Main Street, Lebanon, Linn County, Or.
You cau buy any of the
Cheap, of
wooden and
Stone Ware, also
Job J) 'ork done on Short Xvtive,
Has 00 hfttMl large stuck of
Call And Secure Trices.
The Mt. Shasta Route.
Time Between Albany and San Fran
cisco, 35 Honrs.
California Ixprasa Trains Run Dally
4:00 r. M..l. I'ortliuiJ Ar.10.-4j a. M.
t:ts p. W....LT... ..Allinur ...Lt :4ft . M.
7:4A A. y.-.Ar fan yranclsco....LT... p. w.
Local Passrnirar Trains Dally (except 8unday)
8HW A. M....I.V I,ortland...Ar... 3:4S p. M.
1J:W P. 5I..1.T AllMtuy Lv.l 1:35 a. m.
:4tl P. M .... A r-.... Kupvne-... ..Lr... A. M.
Local Passangar Trains Dally (except Sunday)
l: 20H. l.v A limn v
HW p. M....Ar U-tiaiion.....
l:.rM) p. a.-. l.v Alhanr
::;t6 p. M....Ar Lplamn
7.30 A. m..I.t Allutnr
8.'t a. u....Ar. Ix banou...
,..Ar. :30 A. M.
..Lt. 6:45 a. M.
.....r 9:'S a. M.
8:40 A. St.
. Ar. 4.-JK P. M.
...1.T 8.411 P. .
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
For aectnru)datin of Second-Claae
Puesengera, attaoht-d to
Express Traiua.
The S. P. Co's Ferry make eonnoetioa with
all the regular train on tbe aat t-kle Mt. from
foot of F auvet, Fun Land.
West Side Dlvlsrien.
Mall Train Dally (Except Sunday).
"30a. m....l.v.......lVrtland........ArjflrJ0p. in.
laas p. m Ar GorvaUls t..Lyiao p. m.
At Albany and ('n-ollls connect with trains of
Orrurm l'a iiic Iuilroad.
Express TraU Dally (Except 8unday.
4:fi0 p. tn....I.v ..Portland Ar9.-00a. sa.
8.-00 p. m....Ar McMinnviUe Lt5:4S a. m.
To Points
8-For full Information ropnrdins; rates, mop,
etc., rail mt company's aeent at AHnny.
R. K(K11I.ER. E. P. KCMJER8.
Manas-er Asst. G. F. k Pan. AgenL
J. P. HUFFMAN. Prop.
tJrfoder and , -r of thoroupb
rvd I'lirtrwici-, While and Btitf
Wilno. Ltcnt and Park Brali
tax. Liingi-hanR, rose and finale
oitil Itrtmn lHKhorns. Lacvd
WvandottMK. Plvmniith Horlr an.1
,'i Sifvrr PptiRlfd HamburKt..
ena for circulars.
come and look through oui Mam1
moth Stock of r
Glassware, Lamps Etc. 7
of Country Produce taken iR exchange for ods,
We have opened a New Store
Peebleu & Buhl's Old StanD,
And wish to announce to the people of
Lebanonon.and vicinity that
Give us your support, for we intend to
stay among you. We have a good and
fresh stock of
G R O C E R I.E S,
Canned Goods of all Kinds, Confections,
Grass Seeds and Wall Paper,
In fact, everything tLiat can
be found in sl first-class
Grocery StorE.
Druggists &
-dealers in-
Pure Drugs and Medicines,
I'alnlM, Olls unci GIhmh.
Fine Perfumer5Brushes & Combs
Prescriptions Accurately Compounded.
Mair Street, Lebanon, Oregon.
All parties contemplating huilding, or desiring lumber for
any other purpose whatever would do well to call on
At his lumber yard at this place or at the sawmill.
"YVe have on hand a first-class stock of
Rough and Clear Lumber.
Bills of all kinds filled on short notice.
Give me a call
Before Purchasing Elsewhere.
Humphrey & Taylor.
AV. It. GRAI ,
Has opened tbe largest and
finest line of suitings ever
brought to Albany. It
includes pafl'rna for full
dress suits or coats, vesta or
pants separately, and em
braces same of the finest
of imported goods not seen
here before. Mr. Graham
As well as the b"st quality
- of goods. Those desiring
something really fiue
should call and
Why Pay
Tea per mi Interest n Eoncj
When You. Cn Got
For X&msf .
Oregon Land Coip&y.
Albany, Oregon- i
Ashby& Dickinson,
1 1
-. . .jf-