7b(Q Lsbapo.) 'Express. FKI1UY EYES AND EARS. linprovo or 'rclrofrradc. , Call on us fnr npfit Job print Irk. Vote for tin pohool bn'.MInjr t;-d:v. ' Iiobt. Covhntu w In town Frhlny. Fotogrnfa taken in nil language l.y Yileox. Neil Gilbert nult. u a cheerful c.-iU Monday. Clean towel to every customer at I. K. Itoruin's. Father llusscl, of Sweet Homo, died last week. Prepare for a rush ly pushing with both hands. Jeff" from, of Plain view, whs in tmvn Wednesday. Born, t the wife of K. C. Roberts, April 4, a pom. I. R. Kirk put lick returned from Se attle Friday, hut. Prof. J, Gilbert was seen on our streets last wct'k. Dan Phaw moved Into Jake liilyeu's house this week. Potatoes in California markets nre dearer than Hour. The nights nre frosty, but veyctiition Is growing rapidly. Mr. 1). Feebler bought two lots in Lebanon this week. Mr. G. II. Klami inoved to a farm near Sodaville Friday. Oa, my! how eay and quick Wilcox takes the baby's picture. Jake .-Bilyeu was shaking; hands with old friends this week. The prospect for a bountiful fruit harvest ia indeed flattering. Our grocer, G. T. Cotton, has moved into A. K. Cyrus's dwelling. W. O. Stanard, of TCast Portland, came to see us last Saturday. Mrs. Martin Ilickman is aera'n able to attend to household duties. Examine the tine stck of books of all kinds at Heard and Holt's. Mr. Matehett moved to his farm neaH f?antiaui postofflc Friday last. Get Wilcox to take your photo and you will be solid with your girl. Mr. Stone is Uuiklini a residence in Vwom's advllttion to Ijflwnon . Judge Miller is building a neat fence on the south side of his residence. Invest In real estate now that your children may enjoy a competency. Build new walks where needed and drive down the nails in the old ones. It. 8. Roberts attended the Prohibi tion convention at Albany Saturday. There were several additions to the Lebanon fire company Friday night. R. S. Roberts has .moved into the house recently vacated by Mr. Bland. April sfctwra Bske jistiKv srret-n, And In this State mftv uovr K won The tallest rra.s ia our iaml,.! ween. R. A. Saunders and Gid Foust,' of Rrownsvllle,' were in town a few deys ago. . . - What has been done in the matter of organizing a building and loan associa tion? Messrs. West fall & Co. have laid a new sidewalk in front of their prop ci ty. We invite correspondence from all parts of the county. Send along the news. .- - Anewwalk ?s being built on the north aide- of Rose street its entire length. Mr. Joseph Elkins has enough moi ey solicited to re-fence the Academy grounds. i Eggs still have a downward ten dency especially when nicely fried or poached. Mr. - Arehilwld'a child was taken suddenly ill on last Sunday, but is now recovered. Four fine birds of the Mongolian type are caged at the office of Peterson & Wallace. We ran into a sewing society this week.hence we have an unusual bud get of news. Mr. Brown Hansard, ef Txbanon, lias bought- R. A. Saunder's Baloon in Urowiisville. Prof. R. X. Wright is on a visit to his aunt, Mrs. . J. Trine, who resides in Springfield. Mr. G. Wheeler and wife retnrned Tuesday from a visit to their son in Independence. Ah, there! fine day to get your pic ture taken, and Wilcox will do you a way -up job, too. A was-hboard given sway with every tub bought of Crusou & Menzies in the next thirty days. Mr. E. Goan sold his residence prop erty to Jos. Nixon this week. Con fcideration; 51200. Rememlier your dutsr as a citizen and parent and vote for the school house to-morrow. Euccene has a coal excitement. It Is believed that the article has been found near there. A good way to brinnr people to your town istoe'nd The Expkkss to your friends in the East. It having: rained on Enpter Sunday, tradition says it will rain for the seven acceediug Sundays. Quite a number of our pple went fiiiBuus coroetist Levy. As evidence of our town's growth we publish in another column some recent transactions in real estate Mr. D. Andrews, of the popular firm f Andrews & Hamilton, Sweet Home, went to Albany this week. Married, March 23. 1S00, by Rev. A. F. Lice, Mr. A. H.Frum and Miss A. E. Williams, ooth of Plain view.. . i ne cnasusemeni wnicn emo gave also a communication from Marshfiold, Xjncle Sam last week quickened las . . , , ,. . ' pace and the mails are on time. "ct rr'r,ot J??1'1'" JJ account 1 of lack of space. e haven t room for Mr. Cadwalader, of California, anything much but ntra. Correspond Iwught property near town this week j ents, make a note of this. aad will build a residence soon. . Remember yon get a wash. board free vith every tub purchased of Cruson & ienzies in the next thirty days. nr. t . TT- CL.n, J IT T T.-"., .. . , .1 ,n,l T-onia Galhraith a of Rrowns- ! ,-ille, were in to see us this week. Tbe weather outlook is verv favor Vic, but we shaU not jeopardize our j After residing iu Lebanon eight sputation by doubtful prophecies. ; weeks we make the following entry ia r. Lea vett, of Jefferson, was in town ! our diary: The most orderly, quiet "'3nsday. We hear that the Dr. j town we ever lived in; the best busi ooking for real estate in Lebanon, j Hcss rKint we know of . and the.K-ia-o many improvements are being j bilily end hearty good cheer which lc in East . Lebanon thst we have i greet one on every hand is reu irked . .-KiiR'r space to particularize, i by cvei y one. Who ever saw a nuoecsslul business man who didn't advertise? - The men who advertise do the business. It now takes two coaches to accom modate the traveling puMIe between Lebanon and Albauv, and three trains lally. Mr. llanison Johnson has Ixeu seri ously alHioted with the noimilglA, iut h s so far recovered as to be about again. Mr. G. T. Cotton has Just received a fine lot of plain and fancy candies. He never tires of telling folks to keep sweet. If you hare not planted garden wait until the "man in the moon" shuts one eye. Always plant In the dark of the moon. Anyone desiring lodging can be ac commodated by calling on Mrs. II. E. ParrlsV, one door north of Thk Ex press onlco. J. K. Weaiherford and Jot!" Meyorsu'ldIng, and look over their tine Pr- two of our rising young men, were nominated by the democrat a for the state senate. Mr. 55. T. Rrvant. of this nlnoo. hasS the contract for building the hotel at Fodavillw. He is framing the building iu Lebanon. The heavy loluts of lumber coming into town daily are Indicative of a healthy business pulse and a season of rapid growth. Our devil Is taking deep Interest In his work. When we came home Mon day he was in Ink up to his eye brows. lKn p enough. . If you know anything new that would interest the public (and yon do), stop at Tiiv: Exprksa office, and un bosom yourself. Prof. Hickman has tendered his resignation as principal of the public school, prof. R. N. Wright will teach tlw unexpired term. Dr. Barker fe Co. have returned from their prospecting tour. They brought with thera almt thirty pounds of quarts that assays high. No. 1 cedar tub f 1 00 2 ' " !h) " 3 " " w At Cruson A Menzies. Mr. J. F. Walton met with a painful accident last Friday. His hand wis caught by a small circular saw, which almost severed three fingers. Mr. Boyle, who lives near the planer, hits laid a new walk In front of his dwelling ami Isniwenelivsins his prop erly with a neat pickvt fence. Miss Bellroie Kirkpatrick went to Brownsville Monday to enter the art studio at that place which is under the supervision of liev. A. Leroy. We learn that there are some new comers in town who rrc desirous of engaging in f nit-raising. No better locality than this can be found. Mr. E. Goan purchased six lots of M. A. Miller this week. Mr. Goan in tends to build a dwelling, anew fur niture store and furniture .-hop. Mr. John Donaca, Mr. Hamilton aud Mr. Mancheit, the delegates from Sweet Home, left Tuesday fr the re publican convention at Albany. Mr. H. H. Chance, formerly ef Cot tage Grove, has purchased a saw trill and sitHgl'. mS!l at. CrawfonlsvlHe, a:ui 'will run them this summer. Mr. Thos. Khy, formerly Sup't of the li. W. M. Co., of Brownsville, but now Bt the heid of the Kay Wooleu Mill Co., of Salem, Called on" us lately. Why not organize an amateur dta matic club in our town? The enter tainment at the Academy Ftiday night proves that dramatic talent is not rare in Ltbanou. Mr. L. C. Kic", who runs a farm ten miles from here on Beaver creek, has some very good eroppingsof coal wrdeh may load u wune vuluable discoveries in tlie future J. A. Pear 1, C. C. Hackleman, C. D. Montague, S. O. Wallace, E. E. Ham mack and E. C. Keebler were delegates from Lebanon to the Democratic coun ty convention. Mr. Kirk end all has bought the prop erty lying east of the livery stable. He is building an addition to his barn and a good fence and walk on the side facing t!ie county road. Mr. G. D. Abrams caPed on us Tues da3 Mr. Abrams was a student iu the Brownsville public school hist winter. He informs us that he will teach this dimmer. If people persist in tormenting our little "devil" we Khali unchain his majesty, rough-shoe the cloveu foot and open up pandemonium on Main street. Fair warning. Words by town assessor; music by the people: I w-ouM not lfve alway, I don't intern! to stay Wh,re every public fc!shvay Is nought !u mir an.l city. The Brownsville Cornet Band will furnish music for the Odd Fellows' celebration at Brownsville. The Lel anon band, ali hough they made appii cation, were not eager for the engage ment. Tiie entertainment at the Academy last Friday night reflected credit upon teacher and pupils. A lengthy pro gramme kept the audience until near midnight with little or no abatement in interttst. r The other day a skeleton was found !"mleddod in tnelwmkof Thomasoreek, near A. R. McDonald's, or;st of Soio. It was badly decayed, and looked as though many years had passed t-ince life had departed. Rev. G. A. Blair, of Eugene, will be in Lebanon next week, and will prob ably preach in the C. P. church Mon day evening. He is a most Interesring iiiid able speaker, and those attending wiil be well paid. Messrs. Walton & Wiley are overrun with work at their planer. As orders accumulate they can only hope and pray for good weather and more lum ber, which cannot be hauled while the roads are in the present condit ion. We receivedan article this week from Forest Grove on "Popular Teachers," J. K. Charlton, J. H. Peery, James Crabf ree and Jacob Fritzw.ter repre sented Santiam precinct in the Derao- j eratic county convention. Sweet Home Thos.Morns, John Davis and Geo, Pickens: and Waterloo, J. Newman, J. V. Rurrell and O. P. Card. Mr. J. H. Archibald, the Indomita ble Hgcnt ot Uk Singer Manufacturing Co., wants li understood that ho Is heretoj.)ay until he puts a "singer" Into tvery household in this part of the country. A correspondent to the llrownsvllle Times reports the snow from two to twenty feet deep nt the Blue river mines. Unless we have warm rains to n.elt this accumulation of snow, very littltf work will tj done In these mines iM-forw June. Rev. C. A. McDonald delivered an address In Eugene last Sunday even ing on "Eighteen Years a Railroad Engineer.0 Thin address would If? In teresting to the rteoplo of Lebanon, and we wish "Chnrfey" could be In duced to deliver It here. When you visit Albany don't fall to visit the Photographic Pa rlorsof Craw ford & Paxton, next door to Masonic traits and Views, and If von wish any thing iu their line, If they cannot please yon," you need not try eisew here. lOaster Sunday was observed in the most primitive etyle by imwt people. The Industrious class of hens were rnbtx'd of their hard earnings, the only recompense Is'lng an oblong piece of plaster of par is, which will Idnee them to repeat tlieir folly another year. In order to dispose of the old-style postage stamps ami Introduce the new style, Postmaster Hope has received orders to dose out his ttock of old green two-cent stamps at the rate of thirteen for it cent and a quarter. Let no one act the hog and gobble them all up. For rheumatism there is nothing letter than Chamberhin's Pain Balm. The prompt relief winch It iifVords Is ulone worth many times its v;t, which Is bat fifty cents per lottle. Many bad oasea have Ih-cii perma nently euped by it For sale by M. A. Miller. Mr. Klepper, Mr. llnon and Mr. Cad walader went up the tfantiam this week in search of homes. A great deal of very desirable land remains unclaimed in this seetiou of country, and these urenllemeii will avail themselves of the opportunity to secure good homes at a men' nominal sum. R. S. Roberts brought to our office Wednesday an egg of remarkable di mensions. The Wyandotte hen con tributes more to the perpetuation of Easter than all the common breeds of fowls which do nothing but ir!eHud dust themselves. The compass of this eirg will be given to-morrow at brcak f.ut. TTieshtcp of A. C. Goodrich aud brother, a half mile north of the fair grounds, near Salem were run into by a north-bound freight train anj four teen head wen' slain. This ! the largit killing of mutton since the pjis-cnirer train la-t fall ran into a llm k near Turner and killed a hundred bead. Mr. John IVmnea, of Sweet Home, tells us that, the winter just past is the severest ke has ever known in Oregon. He has lost already 12 bead of cattle. He Ix.ught fome oats in Lebanon thla wet k us this kind of grain cawnot lrf had in his so"tiim. Sweet llom Is in one of the ljet grain growing dis tricts in the Ptate. Lebanon and Sweet Home are to le brought withiu shaking distance of one another by means of a telephone "inc. This would le great conven ience and we want tb.e citizens of hot It towns to consider the uiat'er and ncn-e ujHm soine plan for establishing tele phonic communication "between these twopiaecs. Talk fast. Concratulations are coming on all hands in behalf of our Cornet Band. The band made it9 first nppearance in public last night and acquitted them selves in a creditable manner. Merit in this case deserves more than a pass ing rceocnition and friendly gratula tiona. tJive the boys some solid token of appreciation. A very agreeable surprise awaited Mat. Scott, the democratic nominee for sherifT, on his arrival Wednesday niaht. The Lebanon Cornet Band played some noul-ehoerlng music and a large constituency indultred in a two round cheer. Mu uld a like legre of enthusiam greet Matthew at other points he will go Into office next June like a whirlwind. If you know of anyone in Lebanon or vicinity who is not a tubscrilcr to Thk Expriss, please give us their names and perhaps we can eave them from a Rip-Van-Winkle slumber. In this age of lightning progress the man w ho d'vs not patronize his home paper will fall farther In-hind the tinis In five yea's than fell Rip Van Winkle in one hundred years. Who kicks actitixt the mosrbiwks and howl aca'nrt tlie town? Who rrnr atviut t'le nw school liou" ami rric? nil i-nigTes ilow n? The gTiwler. Wlio -pll aftai:iEt monojoly anl trie tho world to pan? Who trie to use the pockets of every other mail The growler. Who make? his life a burden ami tries to Hire ad his Kloom? Who never bus a garden where roses ever Moom? The srowler. Mr. J. A. Dobkins intends to erect a machine and repair shop at this place, the plant to cost not less than $2000. To this end Mr. Dobkins is soliciting aid from the citizens, who are contrib uting I literally to the enterprise. Only f ISO of the required bonus was lacking Wednesday morning, and it is expected that this amount will soon be secured and that work will be begun on the i-hop in about ten days. W. B. Blanchard & Co., of Browns ville, have run a tunnel 100 feet at right angle's with the "Emma" mine, and expect to cut their lead within the next ten feet. The depth attained by this tunnel will be about 100 feet. Ore from the surface of this claim assayed $75, and the owners are expecting some rich ore at the depth of 100 feet from the surface. Their expectations are not groundless by any means. Fellow-townsmen, home-seekers and speculators, if you want a bargain in town lots I have it. On account of ill health I will st 11 nineteen choice lots which are of extra size, ranging from 84ixl49 feet to 67x237 feet. Will sell from one to nineteen lots at a bargain, one-third cash, balance on time, one year or les. These lots I must and will sell within the next thirty days, om account of wanting to travel for my health. Call on R. Hiatt, Or Peterson & Wallace. The One-Price Cash Store has become one of the features of Lebanon. As everything is new and fresh, and the prices are so much below that charged in credit-giving establishments, people who desire to buy their goods for cash naturally go to tlie corner, where they do not have to make up to the store keeper for the non-paying customers who, when they can do so, buy on credit, and who are constitutionally opposed to paying for ftnj'thing. Gtt prices at tlie tine-Price Cash Store and if there is any reason in you that is the place where you will purchase your supplks. i Mr. A. Cadwalader, lata of Califor nia, bought five aetes 1 mile from town He Is it nephew of our esteemed eltl sen Z. T. Bryant. Our country Is rnpidly filling up with a desirable pon u tat Ion. These people are coming to our country with u view to locating permanently and wo welcome thrin to i ne nest country yet known. The following are the newly-elected direct tors of the Solo bank: Wm. Cyrus, 12 Golns, J W On lues, P O Smith and H Bryant. Wm. Cyrus was elected President and Jet!' Myers lee President. These are sulld men and will do a Hue bunluess In I he crow ing town or rM'to. i tiev contcnipiatt; erecting a brlek building in which to carry on their business. Appropriate services were held in the M. E. church last Sunday. The church was tastefully decorated. An Impressive sermon commemorative of lite tsavtor s resurrection was proaeiieit at 11 o'clock, and was supplemented by a programme In the evening con sisting of spiritual soups ami other exercises tWot hreuthed tho Chilstlan spirit and were pregnant with truth and spiritual significance. Be cordial to new-comers and show them around. The way In which a community receives strangers has much tedo with their Impreson of It, ami the probability of their remalnlnir. I f the ixtple take pains to make them feel aareoablo and Miow n spirit of accommodation, they will very likely conclude that It Is n" des'rohle locality iu which to cast their lot. But If treat il in a cold, distant and suspicious way it will result otherwise. Mr. G. W. Sbnonds and son, recent ly front Nebraska, have bought small farm near Lebanon. We understand that these gentlemrii will give their attention t t he culture of fruit. We inn almost assure them that we will have a caninrj' In the near future that will a Hold a givod home market for every variety of fruit eeu!iarto our titillate. A tVort residence in this part of the country will convince them of the wisdom of their choice. Montague must lie prrpsrlng for a boom, judging by the way he Is stock ing tip his Mammoth and One-Price Cash Stores. By purchasing his goods in such large quantities he naturally gets much lower prices. He guaran tees gootl poods In all the departments of his. extensive establishments at prices that absolutelv astonish other merchants In the valley. some of them prolog so far as to sav that Montague retails his goods as low as they buy them at wholesale. The careful buyer Invariably goes to Montague's. The Prohibition count- convention was held In Albany last Saturday. A resolution was adopted that the Pro hibitionists unite with the Colon Lalwr party, as the interests of the two par ties are so marly identical that a di vision of firces was not considered ad visable. The party resulting front this union will hold a convention in Albany Saturday, April 12. Delegates were elected to the State convention to le held at Oregon City May 7th. Mr. J. M. Marks was elected as delegate to the State convention from Lebanon. A party of young folks pleasantly spent Tuesday evening with Miss Mat tie Nixon. The cxercbai of the even ing were both varied and amusicg; aiul, for once, the gentlemen carried away the honors, organ solo by Messrs. Dan Shaw end Charley Miller belli worthy of special mention, uNn a little quickstep by the lust-named gentle man, which ho was called upon to re leat several times. The h Iteelbarruw . act of Mr. Norman Smith should not be overlooked, and Mr.Orvil Thomson performed some marvelous feats with, a table. PltlNEVILLU (From tho Ovboeo Review. j Andy Lylle and family have re turned from Eugene. The Baldwin Sheep and Land Com pany report having lost only about 2X-0 sheep out of 30,000 head 'during the winter. Snow still remains on the surround ing high hills, and old &cttlers sav so long a snow is in sight there will be frosty nights. Billy Sumner, who carries the mail bctwen here and Mitchtll, i now cross ing the mountain betwen Ocheco and Bridge creek. Mr. RenoUfi baalought about 10,000 mutton sheep in this county, which he will drive to Nebraska about the middle of May. R. S. Price and J. J. Brown of Camp creek report having lost more stock since winter broke thai; they Jt'id during the storm. Nothing has yet been heard of old Mr. At lien, 'w It is supposed to have I teen lost on the desert this side of Meldrum's during last January. A hall is Wing built at Hay creek that will be used for a school" house, church house, lecture room, dancing hall, place for holdiug elections, ect., eet. On Saturday, April 12th, Jimmy Woods and Jell O'Kclly will give a sparring exhibition at the old court house building, the stakes being '7o a hide. Tlie merchants here complain of the scarcity of money in circulation, but tho saloon men report as much money iu circulation with them as there was this time last year. S. P. Put man, an infidel lecturer, wll be in Prinevlllo some time in July and will deliver a scries of lectures. He will probably Invite Christain ministers to engage with him in joint discus-sion. Sanders Logan, of Camp creek, one of the largest cattle-raisers in the south ern part of the county, says he to lievcs his loss of cattle will reach near ly 50 per cent. He does not think he lost more than 10 per cent of his horses. B. F.Childs and family left yester day for Brownsville, which place they will make their future home. We regret to hseMr. and Mrs. Child from Prineville, butnt the same time recom mend them t the people of Brownsville and wish them a pleasant sojourn iu their new home. The Southern raciilc nya tb T. G. At Salem, April 4, in pursuance of a decree of the U. S. ehcmt court for the district cf Oregon, made Feb. 0, 18!K1, George H. Durban, master in chancery of the court above mentioned, sold at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash or its equivalent, the narrow gauge roads, including all the rolling stock, depots, etc. This sale was made under trust dowls, and R. Koehler, of the Southern Pacific, was the purchaser at ?1 1,000,000. This formally gives the Southern Pacific title of the narrow gauge lilies recently purchased by them. Big Expectations. Newt Curl, of Scio, brother of our townsman Cal Curl, has been stopping in Jefferson for the past week. Mr. Curl is interested in the coal mines fourteen miles southwest of Scio, and says they have a ten foot ein of good coal in sight. He also says we may ex pect some reniarkahle discoveries in that regiou in the future. Newt says he can't stand more than a week's va cation and so returned tohiswoik yes terday. There is no doubt but what there is coal in abundannce in that re gion and will undoubtedly be developed Sts soon as spring opens up. Jefferson fleview. srto siFiiMi. Frnm tin' 1'n-M.l Tim qnextlou I Mill scio have elcrtrlc Hnht? An effort l heltiKinnde to ornntilwi a KatKhti or Pythian lodRct In Selo. t'lajr Myera hn tho misfortune nn Mfiilny to Ifft Mi" rl-.'ht iiaad wvirvly imiAhed Lr timber full ing on It. O. V. riitUli lmn ili llvo arret of land at WM Belo to Mr. tioiislu, of Sioux city, Iowa, for a poultry form. Kev. Mr. limpt "1 Ire hve Rone to hotisekecp Inif. They exeet to hoM a M-rien of holiliem meeting la thi.ieily. Kuril, In this city, Stnrch SO, to the wife of Itev. New, ailmiKlccr. Mother and ehIM dnlug nicely hut tho futlior Is uof fX)pelcil lo recover. S. 1. Shore litis urelmw'l an Interpxt In the pi-UlilUhm.-r.t of Jnh:im, IP.blor & Co. There vi lli bo no elite-8 In tti - Hnn lumiis 4t .rtrint. A. J. Johnaon lnimUns wnne wililiuillitt m provrtiaMit on Hie rorty in Hits rlty recemly Umghtor l.ve Itltycu. Sflo 1 naklnii: tip this Kirlii5 hh kIip never itM hefura. B. M. To undid in c1oIiik out hitork of poixtn here, preptuntory to removal to Rii(;erie, wln rvho will go Into tin; hotel hirlnow, lmvln lcui-J the IIoII'iiibu f tonne, tho Utt'liug hotel of lCiipun !. No cie-liler wm ulcnted on Tuottlny for tho new hnnk. but It 1 eiiH-euvl tlie (-tiloii lll ho tcn lerc'l to our worthy rvcordvr, o. S. Miir. when the bank is rcaily Tor buxir.rra. A .)'l tua kc-Icc-t loo. On Tuesday inxt will oiftir lh itit'etlinr of the Irtrorporstoni ef the Kelo Huiliomt 'ontpnny, when Hnal im-n-.irrH will no loiiltt l laketi 1kIhiik to the bulhlini: and eiiillnt;anaie!ard ffaiiKeroto rrom tltlii elty to Miinkem slntlon on the O. I. Il will tnko but R-w wt k to build the nwul whan ni-tive iieratloa are otn lnnuKuratel. Tho time are rii ft the wheme. t'KAWroRDSVII.I.K CfttlNOfl. Mtx n-lt I'ltance will teach the whixtl in the dlit rift vulb of here. J. TL wtwinnn In out BRttln and now thliiku .in.le ou-rht U have im-a le h"tj ymmir. Vitn. I'lu-h & Miitkx-k have built a ntore building aud ciaiuuoenl merclmudMng iu liollry The iH-inorrntln rlmnry sent a delegate to the Cimuiy convention, It, W. Mu-ua and tleo. Hulcy. The Repnblii'an primary eleeted R. Olrra, E. N. MeCawr and W. II. Scott a doletrale to the t'iMinty convention. Hon. J. S. Rico ha been confined tohla houe about tbn e w eek with acute rheumatism, but l now ab!t to tlr around. Hertntin Rolw Ih'Ft'! Icachuifr the whoot here lnxt Monday with a itikxI attendance. Think he will havn rMTcnftil term. Mr. Frank Malone H quite trtt k with an a.tb niatie ilKtwe. He ban led a very active lif and Il f'H-s hanl with htm lo lie routined to hi home lie li now under medical Irvntincnt and we hoi to nee him out agnln noon. A new pot office h been etabllhed mile ea--t of Crnwforlv!lle, nt IloUey. a new town Jut tniti(r, w 1th ti. W. Iliifh a Na!y a id J. i. M.eh k a-wtitaat. A po-tollb a ha been wanted at tht place by the p-n!e for a lonit time, but until lately no one was willhijrto tnk theoiriio as It would necessarily have Been In ome rivie dwellitn;, but that objection has been removed and they have the oiHee. "Weslt y" in the IK. m oi mi. REAL. ESTATK SAtKS. M ! BY HtTKlt-! WiLLiCR. Fold for 9. A. tientry to U. W. Simcml. Ltte fnrni ttn.ter, Kebratika. 3' acre of hitid ifi ml. north of tow n. Sold for I. W. Hrdl:i. to A. Ctvlwalader, late frm t'allfornin, acre $ milt from t wn. Sold for E. Uoan, to Jo. Nlxn. S t'nproved lot In J. M. Katitntr addition to jrlmiiou. Sold for JjJllcj Boyle, to titore VVcsteot. SO acrv t mile w t of SuJnvMe. Sol CorJ.H Ilithl. to Kavl l Pvebter, lots S and 6 In block 5. ilivfin'i a M'.tU a HXlrTliX' At liiTTOS. Jm'. Cuw.-.n to E. Kirkeudnll 2 let; to 1. W. !tt1intme lot, aul T. A. Bwau one Hit. M. A. Miller, to E. Goan, lot lu Reliten' addition. U. Y. Klrkparli-k sold Jim Munwy 5 lot. 5250. P. ljrriri'. 1 lot, JS3.e0; B. Ljoy, Hot. r.o.VQ; A. Do.!p!. jt.bK k ,. K. Ilbdt soil II. Y. ElrkiMlrlck, i Vif, A 0. Mr. Bantaand wife, of Fresno, Cal., arrived on the train Wednesday. Mr. Ii uita Is a son-in-law of A. K. Wil liams. He Is a gisxl mechanic and we hope he will decide to locate in Leba non. WHO STARTED WHO STARTED THAT HACKLEMAN VA3 Giving Away Kid Gloves ! Hackleman has been over-run with applications for the gift, and wants it understood that ho has not a pair to give away. Tho misunderstanding probably originated from the remark pf. some customer that they were literally giving giving away Gloves at Hacklemax's. Of course they simply meant that tho prices asked were next to a gift, which is true ehoyigh. Hackleman sells tho CELEBRATED MATHER KID GLOVES Every pair warranted or your money refunded. Come and take a look. .Druggists & Apothecaries, DEALERS IN Pure Drugs and Medicines, r!ilnfi, Oils Ji nd G In mm. STJVXIOMKJRY, Fine Perfumery, Brushes & Combs CIGARS AND FANCY TOILET ARTICLES. Prescriptions Accurately Compounded. . Pvlaln Street, L,i?taraon, Oregon. Shall We Have III ore Chorche? There i ti'i old proverli which all know tub-) true thnt If, "la uiil'y there bi Hin-ngth." Tli: M vine Mu tcr mil 1, "A ho'tm rtlvld tdniilnt Itf'.r c.r;niit fM'id-" Am eHt;vn of l.'.-l.i:i)ii aud n ehiiroh K r nu wlh to miy thnt wo do nut nee at this time (lie ii-.;e,el:y for mora church orKunlas- t!lIO. , Our ion ti Ssinoftma.lt, we haro not more than K-Vi'ti hundred pvnfile at 11101, one fourth of w horn never bo to church and another on -fourth kh only ocetttlonally. Now when we re member thot we have three well onrnulxerl ehtirclie wllh rikvI church bulldincr and othe! charch pni-ny U out of debt aat wltUacn pneby rtitbcleiit lo eomfiHtubly neat every man woman and clill I of the town at one time, an ' wl'li a tin ivtucy (millclenlly varied to meet tic wniiiaorihe ni'i. t pemdnr mind, It dm scan ac Ihoiifh any pcrm wl'hlnif lo live a rlirhrtlaa aoi do K""d, ons'.it lo bud a home la one of the rhnndie alnr.idy hern. Another rcttroti we oiT.ir bi lha aiafter of flimn ee. It I noMtinll btirdon tt.K:ie'y awnm win 11 it take the n-Kiointllilllty of bull Uin? a church and npiiorilii(t a mlnlrter. When the ehu h t built Hint 1 he poKtr pni4 tlili doc uot end th eviicii'e. 1 here hi acoiitlnutl lemad for mon ey to keep uj the ruat:lagexp"ti ftf tfte chmrh. ttn one of tho rhurebe now atxiul til fur Jirdlor, f 13 for fuel and tiWfor oil per atttititi . B. -id: thine there are many extra call wide, mutt met by a eliurch. It L aafe toeiyftr t je rtiuiiiiuT exrf-n-CK It will tefca !'W. ami forle iicvoIcticc S.'Jlif, Tor pauor aad preltlln(f elder 7 0. Tolailltrrj. Sonic ono iniut pay thetie bills. Who will It be? To meet tlce rem It will b. iii.elhliiK of nntianclul question; l'.y ivhoiaan.. how are lltey lo lc mett Another re on which fay nototha q'lowlon at the head of this article, la, that the aptlrt of rhrl-tiuiiity 1m unity aud not division. Every time we multiply chiinhe we divide snd rot tcille. Therefore wo think it should be the duty or all christian to look foela squarely la tha fow, and lay a-.lde the lm;.le idea of a church name Ell I uniu- f.r iiituua! bru .','!, no n.1 to build up a few orrstnlnitlon a tuwHbb..: bat make thotse which Rre hi rv 'iMiin1 proir-eroa. Vitc tre e-ime ti look at t!ie two branhe of McihiNll-m. what lthe diffofr nee . what 1 there indemnod two oranHatlon? They are identical tn nopirlne and nearly no In proi-tice, the tnlr dlflcrcr.ee in ode I the Me!l.-lit Eol-citt chore j-lh oth.-r thj Met ho IL-i Ki!i;l rhtirch Soulh. What doi thai term Sonth amount to fu these ilny of pence, tho qtu-tion which divided them yean a.j, U now dead aud ei:ied forever in thU court' ry. nny win enniiian men eihtir to s name which baa lot iu m-aultig. Tlu MeOi-xltl E )leoil church t here. She ha a fine rhurrh property all (ld for, can seat 3U0 people and make them corafttrloble and her deor ore open to all whowl-htowonhlptJo.!. AudaoItU with the other chun-hiMi whleli are here. We ay then to alb "Come thou withn and wewllldoyuuffood." !h m ilivlde. If you do you will ace when it I ho late that you hive atsuined burden which to too heavy to carrv with ea.e. Cit:ieh, BAKOAIM. iv cnoi e lurm 01 mi acres, within a rnllw of town, for sale. Inquire of T. C. TEEBI.F.R A ClK lor t lame back try saturating a piece of flinn-d with Chamberlain I'uiii tmlm and binding it on to the ef- fectiHl prl. This treatment will cure any orniniry cane tn one or two days I'nlit Ibdm al cures rluumctism, sprain, swellings and lameness, to cent Imttlt s for sale by M. A. Ali!ler. Money! Money! ox Good Farm Property AT, 8'Icp Cent. I examine my own security, write my ow n pitprs, and if title ia perfect can rio.te business up m short order. Call on or write mo. S. N. STEELE, With E. G. Beardslev, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Albany, Oheoox. m28 THAT STORY IT? Mighty -growth, last ten years, into one of tho Work, a Great Cities is' without a parallel No pen can now porfersf her resources or tlie continued prosperity that the yscja cf tho future will pour into her ,t Worn Ren And her SCENIC shore linen on Lakes and Sound!; Never has the hand of Nature been po lavish in her gift of make the WORLD'S LAST GREAT CITY! lLonw .nj her seven hills was as Hothing to Seattle's snow-crowntl Olynipias on the North and West; Cascades on the East f L; South, and from these mighty bulwarks of health estrt j inspiration-giving, there rises tliQ mighty Mount Ranier A - w a Above every competitor one of SEATTLE, tho Citv at her base, which In another coro of years wJ r&je: 1 POPULATION every city on tho Pacific, tiCI.u in biggest ocean! 1 THE WASSOI ADDITIOH to SEATTLE! ! JUST PUT ON Lots $200 Each TrciSlN- OFF SOME OF ITS Every lot in full view of Mount Ranier and Lake Washington; rt railroad; at depot; adjoining Ravenna l'ark; an electric railway as can be completed to it; half dozen tract on Audition; zo,UUU r emale Without THE WASSOM ADDITION Is the place where men and women of Money and Bene -ment will make their homes and why? BECAUSE The College, the Mineral Springs, Ravenna Park, the view of Mnt " Ranier (which ia grander here than any where else on Pnget Sob ; which, if for no other reason, would make it most desirable. In Seattle a mighty City ia building. Take hold of the beat wfcM you have a chance at Lowest Prices. TO THE PIONEER A WORD: Why did yon cross the piU.r i ny did you take your.uie and mat oi otners m your nanas tocoav this Coast? What pen can write the histery? You have conqMitj , thi3 land, made the growth of great cities imperative, and iJr'jnM3 of great fortunes, almost in a day, possible. Now; by the invest r a few thousands, or hundreds, you may reap the harvest that b-l4 v you. Will you do it? The greatest corporations, the ablest finaiiBrf. of Europe and America, are investing thousands nay, miXione, Li?. Seattle. Will tou not invest? Your chance is NOW. Seize it. I' have a CO-acre tract, an 80 and two 40-acre tracts. Only a few 1A cheap; ripe for platting, any one of which will make you your fortlu.' , in a ehert time. Luy quick, I can't duplicate them. . Rev. J. R. Kirkpatrick ismong you and Sole Agent for - WASSQIVrS ADDr In Oregon. Call on Hun at Once I will be in Albany in a few days and will remain only 1 ' would be glad to meet you personally and urge you to join". . material upbuilding of Seattle, the Queen City of the Past tv' f in Seattle be sure and call at Room S48 Seattle Block, where, " . genuine pleasure in showing you the city. I . " . ; -1 .owned Harbor ........ I 1 on ho Pacific. remlndh2 f . ' THE MARKET. and Upwards IIV 55 O X5TO. ADVANTAGES. tine residences already under (Joiltgo to bo onttaeiLgeptembes, Doubt W. Bii t