TJjs Lcbaijoij Express. Fill DAY, A rUII. 4, 18!M. EYES AND EARS. Next 8umhy I Krttjr. Itufl. llJutt U njjnln alilo to be owt. Mr'uthlll l.ft rr (J rum's Pi". FJrst cleas work at MoUluiv's bnrbvr shop. Reboot cloaca t the Acnlny thin week. Pmf. F. M. Mlteholi calUd on us lr. V. 11. Kowlund cnllot nt thin ofllcs ThurtHl.ny. We noticed Hnynl drover, of UrowiiB vllte, on our streets Inst FrMtiy. Ilev. llarscllea held services In the Presbyterian church last Huiulny. Jake Hilycu uliipiu'il his household good to Rrcwnsvlll Wedmedny. JJow U the time to plant trocs, how peed and otherwise beautify your home. Plalvlew iicetl a lilftokwnUh. One locating there would doubtless do well. Dan Hhaw h now emjdoyed In the livery ntahl of Khkendall, Went fat I A Co. . O. W. WheclorVmlU will begin saw ng as soou as repair are made n the tlnm. Win. lit therfurd went to llrowiiavllle Wt Baturday ou business and returned Monday. Mrs. Dr. Gilbert, of Bwect Home, ajent two or three days In Lebanon this week. Onr merchants are receiving theli spring phmIs and are expecting a busi ness revival. MUs Jessl MeCalley returned Tues day from a visit to relatives at llose burg and Jlnrrisburg- Telt your people there will te a tcn-thousand-doltar nchnol house built In Lebanon this summer. The ladies of the Presbj terian church will give one of their delicious dinners on election day, June 5. G. VT. Taylor rented II. Y. Klrkpat rlek's house this week and will occupy the same m a few days. The weather Is brlghtentnj iif some what, but altogether too late to save the reputation of the groundhog. C. C. Haekleman spent several days In Albany this week. He iep.rts a silence In political circles that Is almost piinful. ( The town Jnll was move! this week from the bt back of the school build ing to Main street near the firemen's building. Anyone tleslrlns lodging can le ac commodated by calling on Mrs. II. I ParrlsV. one door north of The Kx- press office. Mr. Otto Rerling has. sold his farm tn the forks of th 8antiam, consisting of $0 acres, to Mr. Noel Clark, of. Ronton, Mm, for Jo-'xX). We heard a lady ask her husband at 7:lo In the morning If he had jut com from band practice. The boys are really In earnest. Forty-ecvcn cses of foot-wear were received at the Mammoth store this week. Montague looks after the "sole" , as well as the lody. M. A. Miller is clearing his two blocks in Halston'a addition with a vw to felling Inta in this deeiral-le portion -.f the town. Unless wa are to juda:e by men's actions, up to this time there are no aspirants fr office. So far no one has declared his intentions. The C P. churoh have engaged Ilev. Jf. L. Jfew as i actor. Services will be hold on the second and fourth SundayB of each month, as formerly. IiCbanou has a fine, well-disciplined Are company. The membership Is large and wilt ne increased by the ad dition of several memlers soon. Tr "Nemo's" correspondence In creases In the future as it has In the past we ahall have to issue a supple ment. "Nemo" is a good newsgatherer. We cannot account for the late va riety In the weather unless it be that every immigrant brings with him a sample of hts country's climate Looks plausible. J. H. Archibald and family moved from Janction City to th'.a plree Wed nesday, and have rented Mr. llouek's bouse. Mr. Archibald is favorably lenown In these part, and we welcome him to our town. Recorder Peteraon is assessing the .town for road and street tax. Please don't contract your purses, but help to make model thoroughfares of our fct reefs and roads. Swan Bros, want it understood that they are not running in opposition tft Jeweler Hardy, but they ask the pub lic to call and see their time-piece it's a marvelous "ticker." Twenty thousand bushels of wheat were fold from the Lebanon warehouse last month. The price paid was GOccnte. It was sold to the Palem mills and Caesar Bros, of Portland. Mr. Jame Matehett and family, who have been living in town this winter to take advantage of our school facili ties, moved back to their farm at San- tiara postofBee this week. If the Odd Fellows have not already engaged a band for their anniversary celebration on the 26lh, they can do no better than to secure the services of the Lebanon Cornet Band. V Mr. Garb?nd, formerly editor of an Eastern paper, called at The Exrnss '""office this week. He gives it as his opinion that Lebanon will have a pop ulation of 3,090 in a few years. Jake Bilyew 'tr' !osth to leave our "town. We don't -want to advise in a matter that is purely personal, but we rtowish Mr. Bilyeu would reconsider. TTwTcainKaafd-tC -lO4 h '71, i -The clause in the fish law prohibit -" j th? cfttrLing of trout passed out of l3fe;et March SI, and now those who y -J-,h for trout can catch them (if they kill bite) with a clear conscit nee. visited Sweet Home It la rumored that Win. Uethorford ; hna bought property In Brownsville. It U thus that Brownsville and Leha i non pre playing a game of "glv and take," with the odds, so far, In HrowiiM-vlil.-'s favor. School meeting Friday, April 11. Let all who are interested In the edu cation of our children, who are favor-: id .le to good aehivtl - fiiclllllea and our prtifp-Tlty In general, Ih present on that occasion. Mr. Newton Uusselt, of Sweet Homo, lain a very erllle.d condition, lie Is sutlerlng from a socon t attack of la grippe. Father llussell, aa he la fa nil"iuly ciIIn1, Is one of the oldest settler tn that part of the country. The people were startled this week by a dull, heavy thud, as of the drop ping i f a meteoile stone; but it was afterwards learned that O. C. Hackle man had pulled the "pin" and allowed prices to "drap" in Hoot aud shoes. Marshal Miller has been for several days Inspecting disordered Iihs and flues with a view to protecting our town against tire. He has completed his task, and ample precautions will be taken to prevent any "tlery" disasters. Many of our people are beautifying their j ails m a most tasteful manner. Flower beds In beautiful designs and ornamental shrubs and trees add many attractions to the homo with a compar atively small out lay of time aud money. !. the ennu-r !mi Vx burning On our iiwn till late al night. Peine r"r Htmstor, hoin roturuluf, May Ita Im-kiu to ttHt. Trim fiwr tnuii, nuvit imW lr. Turn on the IiIkw to tlio hij;h"t leh, Mivt all ur p o'il at time iirr A Rlx-ftvu w lk to a miuMy ctlirh. Mr. Nichols, riainvlew's live mer chant and poatmatter, called i.t this office Saturday, lie reports business lookln-r up at that platv. A town site will soon be laid otT and lots put on the market and Bold at reasonable rates. rhlltp Wm. Nichols, who has lieen foreman of Tin: Exikfss for alaut a year, left Tuesday for his home at Ku tjene. Mr. Nichols is thinking of en gaging In some bust uca that will afford more sunshine and less confinement. Success to a worthy man. Lebanon Bath and Shaving Parlor. I. It. Borum, proprietor. fcmooth shaves and latest styles hair cuts. Shampooing; and Spanish Luter cures the scalp of dandruff every time. Hot or cold baths. Gentlemen and ladies may Indulge in the luxury. Mr. Wheeler, who Uvea near Peter son's but to, called for trespass nut ices this week. He says that hunters cut his wire fences, roll rocks from the hutle, and flre their guns regardless of his lierds and flocks, and he has to adopt this nicans of protecting his slock. Mr. Wirt and wife, of Sweet Home, were In town recently. They visited Kansas a few mouths since, but the entomological report of that State wa iltogvther too voluminous for one ac- "UKtomed to living in a country where destructive Insects have not taken ! Ion of everything. The M. K. church, Sooth, cled their meet Intra at tills place Tuesday nlybt. This denomination will orgnn- '?: a church hero. Thev have also se cured property and will soon ertvt a church and parmnaire. ltev. Price has t:ike charge of this circuit and will hold services in Iiebanon once each month. A Wc were hown some large, healthy eat.bago plants this week from W. J Guy's g-irden. Tho t-ahbnge stalk which were left In the ground last fall matured and dropped their seeds, and from tln-se seeds has grown a crop of fine plants. We are inclined to think that Mr. Guy takes the lead In amateur gardening. There having been sonto Inquiry as to who is the fighting editor of this psi-er, we hasten to announce that we have engaged Mr. T. A. Swan to act In that capacity. All who wish to "settle" with us in this Sine will please call upon Mr. Swan at the furniture store and he will do his best to render satisfaction. Stop at some of our stores as you pass down the street and eve where tha com man household article, the wash board, is manufactured, figure on the first cost of tho article, and tell us, some of you lumber men, If there is not a good profit on their manuf:wcturc here at home. An exchange which professes to know Coll Van Cleve's business say ne nas onerea j ju.oou tor the narrow gauge road. It is supposed that he wants it for private use in taking a hnnt once in awhile for the wild goose and Mongolian pheasant. Yet some people say It don't pay to run a country paper in Oregon. One of our subscribers called thi week and ordered his paper sent to the new tovn of Lacomb. This town is situated en Fern Ridge, and owes its birth to the ere. tion of alare saw-mill a few weeks ago. Other Industries will doubtless spring up aud the p-imeval forest will eoon be converted luto thriving village. Notwithstanding wo have aeveral saw mills near this place, we are com pel led to purchase lumber Irom the mills up the valley. The reason our I own mills do not supply the market is because the roads are too heavy for hauling. A good deal of building is delayed on account of the scarcity of lumber. A company consisting of Dr. Barkei , Ben Barker, Mr. Gunard and Mr. Clark started this week for the moun tains In search of gold and silver. It is expected that the above-named gen tlemen, being men of experience, will make some valuable discoveries. The many rich mines already discovered in the Cascades are hut a tithe or what remains to be unearthed. The OTse-Friee Cash Store has become one of the features of Lebanon. As everything is new and fresh, and the prices are so much below that charged in credit-giving establishments, people r-ho desire to buy their goods for cash naturally go to the corner, where they do not have to make up to the store keeper for the non-paying customers who, when they can do so, buy on credit, and who are constitutionally Mr. Chesher visited Sweet Home opposed to paying for anything. Get week and report a consideratiie prices ai me uae-"riee Cash Store ana loss of fctock between Lebanon ana - n mere is any reason in you that is that place. Cause, hard winter, iiif- 1 the place where you will purchase y our ficienxyof feed and lack of shelter- t 'supplies. ROUAYIL1.B. HUOWNHVII.I K KOTKft. trnterirl t'nntmilti(t Tha Spring 1 nligid ami Iturot vd. HaiiAViM.K Or., March ill. Thk Li iiano Ex Pit ok says that ksxia. Wiilton & Wiley, proprietors f the new planer, are dressing lumber r the f "itH)0 hotel, which will staui be u!!t at Soduvllle. This la only the H tjtiinli.g of a very bright future that waits Sodavllle. That the railroad ill be extended to Sodavllle simiii Is 'a reel y admissible of a doubt, and Mr. lard man realizing this, no doubt, as many others do, has taken time by the ivloek and is now erecting and pro- umcs to have completed by the 1st of une one of (lie best equipped hotels u tha valley. The site for the new otel Is uu the northwest corner of the ItH'k occupied by the Fountain House. 1'bc main laiildlng will be BOxtW feet, 1th such additional buildings as a ouse of such proportions requires. I'hc Inadequacy of one hotel and many rivate boarding houses to aeeomnio- lato tho throngs of vlaltors to the springs last summer demanded the nterprssj now under way, and as Mr. lardman Is a man of sufile.lent means ud energy the public may fool assured f meeting with every aoeuinmodatlon hat the most fastidious could desire. Some llV'dy work has occurred here n real estate transactions recently, and from indications Stalarlllo will be heard of through real estate agents te- re the snow Hies again. Messrs. Ter- hune and P were, both moneyed men, avo bought out the livery business here and are preparing to enlarge the stable and add a new set of bungles. new butcher shop, a blacksmith hop and a drug store are the next lu rdcr as soon as suitable buildings can obtained. Podavlllo has undergone the perils of mosshacklsm, as has every ther valley town, but we are glad to bserve the i aoss coat shedding off and the spinal column bracing up for the production of a more vuluable growth. The public springs have recently been ularged and remodeled, and now It Is estimabst that they contain water enough to quench the thirst of all the pmple of a city. A strange clrcum- tauca has 1st n developed r o ntly that few are aware of, namely: A Portland firm have arranged with a Sodavlle man to have the water fiom the spring shipped to the former city for bottling, .ind during tho winter this water has Itcen sent down In barrels, bottled In Portland, a label of a Portland firm attached, and the water returned to Albany aud sold tn Invalids at a good pice, marked, "Soda M-atr from Sdavlllo, Oregon." Here Is a chance for some Linn county capitalist to douhle his fortune. This water sis reg ularly being shipped to Spokane to private Individuals, to Taeoma and other Hound towns, besides the barrels that are bottled r.nd sent every week to the ditTernt towns of tha stat Why don't some one think of thi have the rai'r.tad extended here, open up some of the other springs yet undc- volopl and start a bottling house Correspondence to the Ik moerat. Om on lh (ilrla. The girls of Albany are onto a new- racket. If, when desiring that moft enjoyable pleasure of having tha oppo site aides of their ribs pulled together by the gentle embrace of a loving arm, ske cxhiui-ts her store of hints and he iVil to catch on, she asks hint to take the word "" and from it to form two words, of one syllable each, which Imply anything in the world but enough. Of course he takes the word and after a short time of hard rustling never fails to solve the Intricate prob lem. Then the fun commences, aud the other residents of the block imag ine they are in Pompeii during the fall of that city. Itottcr Than Tbajr Kiw, The men who located Lebanon 'builded better than they knew." We are surrounded by an agricultural country, have near at hand an Inex haustible supply of timber, a rich miu oral belt within a few days' travel, and an abundance of water to run factories mills, etc., with little to do but to put the water wheel in place and take ud vantage of forces already created Thet-e are the factors that build cities and the man who does not recognize this fact will have to be Inoculated with the spirit of our times. The Narrow Gi Ahead. An exchange says the longest train ever hauled bv one locomotive came IntoGraflen, W. Vs., last week. There were ninety-eight freight cars and a caboose and the train wus a few fet over a mile in length. Let's see; the distanco from Brownsville to the Leb anon Junction Is 12 miles. Last week a locomotive arrived at the latter place when the passenger coach at Browns ville had not yet turned a wheel. Give the N. G. credit for 11 miles 1250 feet. Timber Land. There were several men hero thi. week .whose object Is to locate timber claims. The lat timlnir lands In the Cascade range are as yet unsurveyed but this need not deter people from taking the same. By persona associ ating themselves together in sufficient numbers, as required by law, and call ing for a survey, these lands can be appropriated and titles acquired in a legitimate way. Odd Fellawa Anniversary. Calnpooia Lodge No. 42 I. O. O. F. of Brownsville has Invited all neighbor lodges to join them in the anniversary celebration on the 6th. We feel safe in bespeaking the attendance of Leb anon lodge. A nice grove, good speak ing, rare music, ample accommoda tions and other interesting features guarantee a good time to all who may attend. Eautrr Hertlc. There will be Easter services at the M. E. church. Sermon for 11 A. M., "The Resurrection ot the Dead." At the evening service there will be printed programmes for the full con gregation. Good music, select readings and speaking by members of the Sun day school and congregation. A cor dial welcome to all. You will be highly entertained it you attend. Come. Wild flowers are very plentiful. Mrs. Gtd Fout Is slowly improving. Tho hills are putting n a coat of green. l E. llockwclt left for Portland Monday, ltev. V. Sperry again walks without limping. The Comet Band are to have new utiifoims. Miss Lilly Bruce has gone to Salem to attend school. Itolicrt and Bert Tenipleton went to Portland Monday. Mr. Goodrich Is slowly reeoveilng from the la grippe. Born, tn the wife of llobert Blanch- rd, March 2S, a son. A landslide was removed from the factory raeo Inst Saturday. Who Is the Brownsville correspond ent fr the Fire and Hammer? The supper at Dr. lteese's office Frl- lay evenlug was greatly enjoyed. Bert Wilson Is visiting his brother- in-law, W. H. Powell, In the country. J. M. Waters returned from Seattle Saturday. Report everything boom ing. MUs Ethel Lewis, of C'orvallls, Is In town visiting her sister, Mrs. Jos. Will- son. T. S. Plllsbury's new store Is nearly coniplttlrd. II presents a neat appearance. The saloon Is nhuut to change ban. In, parties from Lebanon b.lng the pur- hasers. Bort, to the wife of Eprlani Betts, at Olymphi, on or about March tith, a daughter. Miss Ellen Blancliard, of Oregon City, Is vl-lting with Mr. aud Mrs. Robert Blaiichard. H. B. Moyer with a crew of loggers went up the river Baturday to haul th" tray logs back into the stream. Tho dance given Saturday night was very pleasant affair. All who at tended report having a good time. Everybody Is talking of building this summer, but not one word about protection against tire do we hear. ! this wise? John Hayworth, residing nesr liar- rlsburg, was in town Saturday pur chasing goods. He ha found It to his advantage to patronize the merchants of Brownsville. We met one of onr young merchauts. who was recently married, on the street Sunday with a young baby lu his arms. fo our look of surprise he replied. "Just getting my hand In." Mrs. II. B. Moyer, Miss Kate Arch! bald aud Ml-s Stella &wank took a trip up the river Friday on the scow to see the log rolling. Tha boys say come again; that dinner you irotight was Immense. We are glad tr see Thi! Htarr n our streets aabi and restored to henllh He came to town Wednesday on bnsl ness and was taken suddenly il!qvd hits been under tho care of his eon, Dr. I. W. Btnrr. Dr. I. XV. Starr bought one dozen Winchester eggs of E. D. Von Hagan Wc will watcU the hatching process with Interest, as some doubts are en- crtaiued of tne doctor's ability to run a chlekon ranch. Our express delivery wagon has pi oved to bi" a pood investment. Mr Moore has all that he can attend to delivering goods for the stores. This Maks volumes for the business enter prise of our merchauts. Brownsville is the best location In Oregon for a furniture factory. Ws make this assertion without fear of suc cessful contradiction. Why don't our board of trade do something to induce practical nun to start one. Mr. M. Jaeger, Sup't of tho Eagle Woolen mills, shipped to 'Eastern Oregon last week a yearling Holsteln bull which lowered the beam at 700 pounds. The auimal Is a beauty, and evoked much coiunieut at WooJburn where It was weighed. The band boys have decided to give their dramatic entertainment on or about the 2Uth of April. The players were thoroughly rchearsvd for the stago, but It had to bo postponed on account of the sickne ss of Miss Anna Moore, who is cast for ono of the lead ing parts. Miss Flora Foster was agreeably sur prised last Satucday night by her young friends, who called on her in a bw'y. Those who were present state that it was the most pleasant surprlso party they ever attended. Mr. and Mrs. Dolan spread a bountiful repast, and all had a right royal time. What is the matter with the mail service between Brownsville and Leb anon? It takes three days for a letter to travel from one of tho above towns to the other. Uncle Samuel, this will never do; you had better roll up those striped pants of yours and get a move on you. That yarn about the China pheasant bucking tho trains oft' the track and delaying the mails is too old for service aud ought to be retired on a pension, 'lhe people are rolling up their sleeves In an ominous manner. which means kicking and hair pulling in tne near future. Now, Samuel, no more fooling; you can put the mails through between those points in one day with au ox team. If you do not do better in the future than you have in the past wo will conclude that you are a lazy, good-for-nothing scrub. A word to the wise, etc. Nkmo. Following Is the program for the en- ertalument to be given at Santlam Academy Friday evening, April 4: jimrti-ea. ,.,...,.H-iiia if Wali'imir .4 ...1U0.. u...i 1, j lila umi Hul'V Ilium!,, !'. Uimi uu J l.nlii Kivti-. MkI.ihiip (io-lrer lln fcnuto firijitn utilr , Mara lint on nmi .u) Iimtil. Intit) ) MillKl IIuIIhi-1. itiM'Utttlim.... t.!f H rllju'H Kiiln Wt'K Mm- t'r., ninWtin I.Cioliiif! liolmr't i!in!!! Imim cluiiiu- , Ni'lllu Ahum ami t. -! H-1 'tili-atl Ucm'ih! ut Julia Smith bv I'tH Hlumlai Or nun -u'.ti H ull.) WilUnir.i. niM)onn..... ....., a Ftmilr suiko ItRHII MMO mum t i ue niutm. Afclno t'i'aii llilli tClkln.. , ,. 1 'in fill vki1 Durk li anil Ilia t in-kim Mi I t l.nion. It-'cllMlon... Dliitoaue...,. S.ll( ,.,. ENTKI1TA1 M H.N'I'. TMKSK lilSTI-INU 1)4 YH (ir UOOM Oriran 1.. ivy Smith. Nfonr H-0r Vu Klvhl IrVT rivnma ami limvi-r Ititrkli-iiiau. Pimm miu ,. Ilila Klkliia. Ms'no-W .- Ttmt tlairnl Tat Churn" ....,. Tli llv. ry B Tutili'itu . Tlio Vhuiib Wuii ri-nipii llim VwkI iliwlii' ., Muu 1 KmIi.h mi. I II. U F.o.lti. tiintHtiir....Ihm t Murr)- a Drunk nr. 1 to Ri-rorm Him irgwi fit -........ . .... Mi". ttiurti. Hhiirt a'tdroM to atu-luata. . Uimrlello., ..,... V hU 1 ielr jf , IVUM I.IX1CIU llocil. Doors open at 7 r. H ! entertainment begins at 7:30. Admission only 10 cts. Montague must lie preparing for a Itoom, judging by the wnj' he is slock ng up his Mammoth and One-Prleo Cash Stores. By purchasing his goods n such large quantities he naturally gets much lower prices. Ho gtiaran- ees good good In all the departments f his extensive establishments at prices that absolutely astonish other merchants lu tho valley, some of them going so far as to say that Montague retails his goods as low as they buy them at wholesale. The care ful buyer invariably govs to Montague's. Win. Churchill, a well-known fa mer, had a serious runaway act blent in Albaay last Friday. Mr. Churchill attempted to stop tho horses by hold- ngon to the bits, but they dragged hhu quite a distance, when he was thrown wneath the horses' feet and the heavy wagon passed over his body. His shoulder was broken, and internal Inlurles were inflicted which may prove fatal. For rheumatism there Is nothing better than ChamUrlrin's Pain Balm. The prompt relief which It affbrds is alone worth many times Its cost, which Is bat fifty cents per lottle. Many bad cases have been perma nently cured by it For sale by M. A. Miller. Tell mo not In tuournftil aiiinln-rs That l!i lown 1 full of glifJin, fitr the man's c-rutik tin i hi nil urn In tlii'Hi Im.llliitf rtnirit of hiifu i. I.lf la real. 1 li' 1 i-ariu-nt, Alii thif prA.v li tint Ma (riml; I'vi-ry ilnlldr thnt Hum earnit tli'ljx I (J iriaht tin? U1 town roll. fiut iiijiiin'iit aid iKrt aorrotr F onr liwft'ii"".! emt or mttj; If Tnl havit tin i:im:i')' Ikiitiiiv, ritijr a fit nor M eclt dujr. I lit'if Kioat In a nil rmntinl nf We etsa win tiitmortnl fame: It IM lere the cljimi lu lilml n Am' ao'U fvt llirtit Jiwt Hm mnw. , In tlilt worlil'ii l.r-ia 1 flTid of tatUs, In tho tiivoiiiw; of life, lt u a.ko the lrjr ilajrt rattle liny a n.rin r Inr your tilfo. It im then I up ati'l dotni?, Wlib a heart fur tcry fa:e, tlll achlcvtiitt, Ktlll (Hirtuinir. Iliioinhig aarljr, IxMimttis late. P. T. R. Cash paid for Prtaluoe by II. fi. Rob erta. Mrs. Davis moved from Main to Rcc ond street Ve!neday. Examine the tine at ek of books of alt kinds at Beard and Holt's, Messrs. Benders k Curtis were up from Albany lately buying horses. Mr. O. T. Cotton, tho old reliable grocer, Is ttbreast of the times hi his fine. Mr. Moses, from Alsoo, will open a variety btorc soou lu Mr. Montagu V building. At Mt hama Run day morning there was six inches of snow, but it disap peared soon after noon. ' Mr. W. B. Donnea has not deserlei! his old staml for the reason that iieopla are aeetixlouted to trading at the '"brick corner." When you desire a pleasant physic, try St. Patrick's Pills. They can al ways be depended upon, and do not nauseate the stomach nor gripe the bowels. For sale by M. A. Miller. Our Cornet Band have employed V. W." Crawford to instruct them once a week. - Nearly all of the members have the advantage of former training, aud as a consequeuee can play well. For a lame back try saturating a piece of fl tund with Chamberlain Pain Istlnt aud binding it on to the ef fected parts. This treatment will cure any ordinary case In one or two days. Pain Balm also cures rheumctism, sprains, swellings end lameness. 60 cent uwltles for sale by M. A. Miller. liAKOAlX. A choice farm of 137 acres, within a mile of town, for sale. Inquire of T. C. PtEIlLKIt CO. Mighty growth, last ten j'caf Jrcat Cities is without a jiarall ter resources fir thi continued tho futuro will pour into her I World Renown And her SCENIC horo linest on 3 V, Never has tho hand of Nature hvm fo la!. make tho WOKLU'S LAST (illKAT 1 ler seven hills was as Rothinc to S?att, Olympias on tho North and West; Ca?ea 4 South, and from these mighty bulwarks-: ' .i .... .1 . .... s inspiranon-giving, mure rises uio inigtti Abovo every competitor ono of SEATTLE, tho WHO STARTED IT? WHO STARTED TH AT STORY THAT HACKLEMAN WAS n uivini Away Kid Gloves ! Haekleman has been over-run with applications for the gift, and wants it understood that he has not a pair to give away. The misunderstanding prbably originated from the remark of some customer that they were literally giving giving away Gloves atllacklemax a. Of course they simply meant that tho prices asked were next to a gift, which is truo enough. Haekleman sells the CELEBRATED MATHER KID GLOVES Every pair warranted or yeur money refunded. Como and tako a look. When you visit Albany don't fail to visit the Photographic Parlors of Craw- Gnod SpelBin of Coal. Mr. J. J. Swan of this place brought to our ofliee last week a very good specimen of coal which he found on Mr. Bishop's farm near the head of Hamilton creek. The fact that coal beds are being discovered in many parts of Linn county seems to justify the belief of old settlers that there is a stratum of coal underlying this section of country: and just as certain as we become the leading manufacturing State of the Union will this fuel de posit bo forthcoming. At the Republican primary meeting yesterday afternoon tho following were elected as delegates to the county con vention: XV, II. Klum, F. M. Miller, ford & Paxtou, next door to Masonicjj). p. Hardman, T. A. Swan, A. A, buiidius, and look over their tine I'm- j Kecs. A. M. Arant and JoseDh Was- "tind if you -visit nn som. M. Hickman was nominated for :i nuy, i som. e, if thev plcutat '' it try t'lntwlii yi t; ieaceuuu li. ...... ,t r 4 'V'varts BEARD & HOLT, Druggist and Apothecary, DEALERS IN Pure Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils and Glass, STATIONERY, Fine Perfumery, Brushes & Combs CIGARS AND FANCY TOILET ARTICLES. Prescriptions Accurately Compounded. Mnln Street, Lebanon, Oregon. Uti Mount S anier k -s on tho Piici uny at ucr base, wmcn ."vsr in POPULATION every bifrp-est ocean ! 1 THE WASSOH ADDITION to JUST PUT ON V . . ... ' " : lt Lots $200 Each and t TLICISIV OFF 11 3' 3. SOME OF ITS AD Every lot in foil view of Mount Ra'. railroad; at depot: adjoining Ravenna PaX' ' . as can be completed to it; half ist: en fine r tract on Addition; I25.00U female College fcffJSs Without Oo'ji the wassom:: Is tho place where men and women ef MoQ; ment will make their homes and why? B E C A U NOW WE ,HAVE 'EM. Known The Crreatcst shoe Ever IS THE SUNSET $3.00 SHOE FOR MEN'S WEAR. This shoe is made of the finest tannery calf, has solid heel and soles, and is the firest sh Manufactured by Calm, Melsiirg & Oo - AND FOR SALE IN LEBANON BV for, $3.00 ever pioduced San Francisco The College, tho Mineral Springs, Itavennr' Ranier (which is grander here than any w;-' which, if for no other reason, would mai.e it ii. In Seattle a mighty City ia building. Takj you have a chance at Lowest Prices. f TO THE PIONEER A WORD: Why dil Why did you take yourllife and that of other.' this Coast? What pen can write the hi?tery7' this land, made the growth of preat cities imf of great fortunes, almost in a day, possible. a few thousands, or hundreds, you may reap f you. w ill you ao it r l ne greatest corpora ; of Europe and America, are investing tb.-5 ' Seattle. ill you not invest? --Your chance, have a 60-acre tri-an 80 and two 40-acre tra cheap; ripe for platting, any one of which will in a ehert time. Buy quick, I can't duplicate' Rev. J. R. Kirkpatrick is among n aJ- . WASS"-' Tn Oro(TnTi ' " All UlV-Ull I w-ill be in Albany in a few,' would be glad to meet you p material upbuilding of Seat" in Seattle be sure and call atKo6m"? genuine pleasure in -5howir" . V.