i f! v urn n j A Wii, -w&r , tril, r T vj" ffr' NVho thinks to please the world Is dullest of his kind; for let him face which way he will, one-half Is yet behind. LEBANON, OUEC.OX. FRIDAY. APRIL, 4, 1800. NO. t DUCKETT, 1ST OKl'ICR; Between t. T. Cltoti and Peterson & Wallace, I.RilANON, - - '.stiCOX. J. K. WKATHHRFORD, Attorney'- at-Law. Office over First National Bunk, ALU ANY, - - OREGON. J. M. KKKNK, D. I. S. Dental-:- Parlors. Office: Broymatt Bixw,, Building, SAUEM, OREGON. jST"Honrs from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. V. R. MLA'KU, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, ALBA N V, OK KOON, h. H. MONTANYK, j ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, i NOTARY PUBLIC. j A.UWANY. - ; UREOON.j Will practice in all Courts of the State. Kj. M CAUvSTLAND, CIYlif ENGINEER SURVEYOR. Draughting and Blue Prints. ; Office with Oregon Land Co., Albany, j Sewerage System and Water Supplies a Specialty. Kstates Subdivided. Mas ! made or copied on short notice. j R. L. McCLURE,. Successor to C. H. H rmVS V Barter : anil : Hairdresser,) LEBANON. ORECON. S HA VINO. HAIR CUTTING ANI Shampooing in the latest and bes j style. Spx-J-d attention paid to dressinc Ladies' hair. Vour patronage respect, j tally solicited. ; DR. C. II 13 EN T-. J A.. V A N. J. M. RALST " .iOn Bank of Lebanon LEBANON. OREGON. Transacts a General Banting Business, s ACCOUNTS KEPT SUBJECT TO CHECK. Exchange sold on New York, San yro, l'ortiand and Albany, Oregon. Conectiou5-nra;te on lav ;ra le terms. .'-LEBANON Meat Market, " ED. KELLENBEBSER, Pronr. Fresh & Salted Bef, Tork, Mutton, - - Sausage, Bologaa, anJ Hani. j Baeor) aod Card plvuays or arjd. Main Strec', lernon. Or. 8. S. PILLSBURY, s "v r--vL'f f f: vr. -: ' ; , "j- MuiTHE NEWEST, .Si NOBVEST AND LARGEST STOCK OF i Oil &ITIMII N G the Corkty. is now to be ALHANV, I want to 'ill ess vcii through 11 ml t J3I make MERCHANT TAILORING A SPECIALTY. MriK. A. Sv'Hkkfleii, is an expert, ami has charge of this tle- partiuent. We guarantee satisfaction. MY1 SPRING STOCK -OF- DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, r - - Notions, Stockinet Jackets, lira Jed Gaps, Ladies and Children's Shoes, 1 j lias arvivetl. I have also received my Spring Stock of . filEN'S, YOUTHS' & BOYS' CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, ETC., J or which we can y ft Full ami Complete Line, ami will not he un- tiers M. Come and see u w ALBANY, THE YAQUIHA RODTE. I nprartTl PiPTVin RAILROAD. qs Se?elGDieat Zmm'i steamstlp Line. ! 225 Shorter, 20 Hours Less Time 1 Than by any other Rome. j FIRST-CLASS THROUGH PASSENGER AND FREIGHT LINE From IMrtlani) and aH points iu the Willamrtte Valley to ami from Sau Francisco. Cal. oregon pacific railroad. TIME SCKDVLK. (Kicept Sundays.! I.v Allny imp. m. I I.v l.v Corvallis lop. ra. I 1.x Ar Vaquina 5:30 p. m. Ar Vatiuina 6:45 a. m. Cor-oUis 10. a. m Altmny ti .to a. m. O. & C. trains connect at Albaiix and Corvalli. The abovt trains conntrct at Yaqnina with the 1 OrripH) J cit-IoMuent Comnny s hue 01 hleam rtiii between Vaquina ant San Franciwo. SAILING IATKS. STEAMERS. Willamette Valley Willamette Valley Willamette Valley j from s. I I fm vaiji-1!a. I March h. Marvh 16. March 25. Marv-h 11. March a, March 30 This company reserve the right to change sail inn dates without notice. Passengers from Portland and all Willamette Valley points can make close connection with the trams of the Vaquina TMHe at AltMny or ton-al-lis. and if destined to sun Francisco should ar range to arrive at Vaquina tile evening lefore the dale of sailing. Passenger and Freight Rates Always the Lowest. For particulars apply to C ' H HASWKLL. 1 C. C. HOGCF.. Genxl Fr't Kc l-ass Agt I Act g t.en. F. & l Agt. trt4on level'pm't Co. 1 t. '- R. R. R. Co., JO M San Francisco, . CalJ twegoii. south lorND. Leave Corvallis Monday. We.lnes.Say, Friday, 6 a. m. Leave Albany e:"w a. m. h . Arrive Salem, Mondav. Wednesday. Friday, j p m. Leave Salem, Tuesday, Thursday, Satur day, 8 a. m. Arrive eortland, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 3:30 p. m - - SOt-TH"BOl"Nl. Ijraw Portland Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6an. Arrive Salem. Mondav. Wednesday, Friday,7:i5 p. m. Leave Sa'.eni, Tuesday, Thunalay, Satur day, 6a. m. I-ave Albanv, 1 :.io p m. Arrive Corvallis Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. 3:30 p.m. iran-MilM- My Tic na. the W. T,. Donrtma shora without name and prtea atainped oa Ike bottom, put biiu down M m fkuO. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE FOR . CENTLEMEN. ltMt In tlx. wnrlil- TtiikImi III. 85.00 KENF1NE HANI-SK V EI SHOE. S4.00 MANO-SEWI-.U WELT SHOE. 3,50 IMlI.ICJi AND FARMEKS' SHOE. i.50 KXTKl VAI.ITE CALF SUOt. 4.2.1 WOl: KINGMAN'S SHOE. k2.IK) nl Iftl.tS BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. All made -'onr rcss, fin turn and Lace. 17. L. DOUGLAS C3 CliOE FOR LADIES. Beat Material. Boot Stvln. Best Fitflne. tl imH sold v . our dealer, write W. L H LOLAS. BKOCKTON. MASS - ' i , "-"lis ,9J -Rvvtr Seen on the Counters of N 5 OREGON. "IV wo wouM he ghnl to show the right price. and we will treat vou well. SIMPSON, OREGON. G. T. COTTON, -: HHAI.KR IN :- Prnneirioft nnrT nrmnninnn Ill Uuul 100 ml il U I IDIUlljj. TOBACCO and CIGARS, SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Forcip ami Domestic Fruits, CDM'lvCTIO n l-: K V , yueensware and lilassware. Lamps and Lamp Fixtures. 1'Mya C'ejs.lt fr I C u Main Street, Lebanon, Oregon. 1IIh, Drums anil Hwords. The doll is thoiisands of yrars old; it has Imen found inside the graves of little Roman children, and will be found ajrain by tins nrchadogists of a future date among the remains of our own culture. The children of Pom peii and HerculantMim trundle hoops just as you and I did; ami who knows whether the rockint; horse on which we rode in onr vounjr days is not a lineal descendant of that proud charger into whose wooden flanks the childreu of Francis I.'s time dug- their spurs. The drum is also indestructible, and setting time at naujrht across the cen turies, it beats the Christmas-tide and New Year Biimmons that bids the tin soldier prepare himself for war. and shall continue to la-at as long as there exist bov amis to wield the drumsticks. and grown-up people's cars to hedoafeii- etl by the sound thcreor. lhe tin sol dier views the future with calm; he will not lay down his arms until the day of general disarmament and there i.s, ad yet. no prospect of universal peace. The toy (-word also stands its ground; it is the nursery symliol of the ineradi cable vice of our race the lust for bat tle. Harlequins, fool's-cap-crowned and bell-ringing, are also likely to en dure; they are sure to be found among the members of the toy world as long as there are fools to le found among the inhabitants of our own. Gold-laced knights, their swords at their sides, curly-locked and satin-shod princesses, "stalwart musketeers, mustached and top-booted, are all types which still hold their own. The Chinese doll is : youug as yet but she has a brilliant, future before her. Ulackwoott's Magii' ': SUM. An Indian's Memory. ; "How long is it," I ouce asked one of these Northern Crees, who as guide : was directiug our steps as we were i struggling along in the bitter cold in i the wild Nelsou River country north j west of Hudson's Bay. "since you trav 1 eled through this land? You seem to j know every portage and crossing and ' you strike the points you say you will, j although for days I have not seen the least vestige of a trail or pathway or I the slightest evidence that human bo- ings have ever penetrated these wilda 1 before." j '-Missionary," he replied, "I never j made this trip but once before, and j that was many winters ago, when I i came this way with my father." Great indeert was my astonishment. I as for days I had admired his skill and ! judgmCm., as with never failing accur- I acy he had cheerily led us on through FACTS ABOUT FINCER-RINCS. A HUtory ofth. !' r ThU Well-Known Ornament. The prat-lice of wearing finger-rings has been almost uuiversal from an early period in the world' history. There is n tradition which asoribes their Invention to Tubal Cain, and the Latin authority 'ho Hvcs currency to the story spenklng of the wedding cir clet, says: '-The form of the ring be ing circular that Is to stay, round anil without end Inmartelh this much, that mutual love and hearty affection should roundly flow from one to the other, as in the circle, and that continually and forever." The tlrst authentic reference to linger-rlngs occurs in the old Testa ment, where (Genesis xxxviil.) men tion is made of Judah's signet-ring. That they were also in use among the Egyptians at that time is evident from the 41st chapter of Genesis, where we read of I'haraoh taking on his own ring and pulling it ujMin Joseph's ha ml, when he made hhu "ruler over all the land of Kgvpt." The ha mis of female mummies, found in the tombs of Kgypt, are profusely covered with rings; the wealthy laities of that country wearing eostlv ones upon nearly every linger, whife their poorer sisters had to content them selves with circles of bronze, glass, or Imttery. The ancient Chaldean., the ersia'ns, and according to Herodotus, the ltabylonians wore rings; and It is proimble that from Asia they were in trtHlueed into Greece, lit the later Greek legends the ancient heroes are spoken of as wearing them, and at a more recent date every freeman throughout Greece seems to have had one. The earlier rings aptear to have been used not so much for ornament as for the practical purpose of atllsing seals; but later on they became merely ornamental, and were set with precious stones. The Romans, who are be lieved to have derived the custom from the Sabines.wore signet-rings of iron as was the case with the Lacedaemon ians -and every freeman had the right to wear one. Ambassadors In the earlr years of the republic used to wear gold "rings as juirt of their official dress; this jus nn nuli aurel being afterwards extended to Chief Magistrates, Senators, and, later on, to eijuites. Kmperors were wont to confer this right on those whom they wished to favor, and the privilege became gradually more and more ex tensive, until iu the time of Justinian all Houiaii citizeus could avail them selves of It. The later Romans used to wear many rings uhiu their lingers, some even having different ones for summer and w inter, m hile the height of 'dan dyism" was reached by those who never wom the same ling twice, but threw it away hen once it had doue service. Svi- amt Queries. The New OVoton Aqueduct. From an article in theCVwMrt.on the alove subject, we tniote the following: "Comparpared with other tunnels, the new aqueduct is easily at the head of all j works of a like character in the world, j The cities of Chicago and Cleveland j are each supplied with water through j tunnels extending out into a lake. The first Chicago tunnel is ft feet in diame ter and 10. IC7 feet long. The second tunnel is 7 feet in diameter and 3L4'.H feet long. The Cleveland tunnel is only 5 feet In diameter and C061 feet long. All of these tunnels were laid in comparatively soft materials. The Baltimore water supply includes a rock tunnel, twelve feet in diameter and seven miles long, and is lined w ith brick-work for alxmt two miles. The old Roman aqueducts were several of them longer than the Croton Aque duct, but they were all very small, and were merely masonry conduits a few feet in diameter. The Liveriool water supply is couveyed by an aqueduct about twice as" long as the Croton Aqueduct, but it is mainly a surface aqueduct, there being only a little tun nel work. A portion of "this aqueduct is merely a pije line. The supply is from a reservoir formed, like that at Croton or at Sodom, by building a dam across a narrow gorge in a valley among the mountaius in Wales. The dam is larger than that at Sodom, be ing 136 feet high, while that at Sodom is only 78 feet. Compared with the proHsed dam it will be small, as the new dam is to lie over two hundred feet high, and will be the highest dam in the world. The aqueduct tunneL when compared with railroad tunnels, is a little smaller iu diameter than the three most famous tunnels, but is very much longer. The Hoosac Tunnel is only 24,000 feet long, the Mont Ceitis is 8 miles long, and th. St. Gothard 9 1-2 miles long, while the new Croton Aoueduct, as we have seen, is nearly 30 miles long Asleep In a Churchyard. An old mau who sleeps by the road side vonder. and tiiwn whose tomb are the familiar lines beginning "Rem ber me as you pass by, spent the greater portion of the last ten years of his life by his wife's grave, lie came in the early morning, and after remov ing any microscopic weed that might have showed itself since the previous evening, would light his pipe anil solemnly- contemplate the stones in his vicinity. He went regularly to his meals, and as regularly took his after noon nan on the grass by the grave side. Shortly before his last visit to the cherished spot he requested me to decipher for him the dates upon seV' eral of the firravestonos; and we con versed about many whom we had Lnnun in life and who had passed awav. I remarked that the ciuirch varJ was a very pretty place and his face lighted up as he rejoined: "Ah, mester, I have always thought that I should like to be buried here, for," i looking around, "you see, there's such 1 a splendid view from here." This was uttered in good lailli ana me oiu man seemed convinced that neither coffin lid nor churchyard clods would obstruct his view. 1'eihaps tliey aon ii in few brief weeks he came to his favorite haunt to Slav. "Poor old William, the flowers o"n your grave have run wild long ago aud no one seems to re member "you as they pass by. Cham bers Journal. Reserved Seats in Mexico. You don't have to bother securing reserved seats in some of the Mexican theatres, for there are no seats at all You just send your servant ahead with one of your own chairs, and he does all the hustling necessary to secure a good position. Ii you doc t have a servan or a chair t available, you can hire i chair at the door for 0 cents from an old woman who, as you iv her. will I murmur. "Give me a cigarc'.- Hnor. I for God'a sake," in COAST, KEWS. A Landslide Near Vaquina tncarlliH a Vein of Coal. 0 HAM) OK HonSKTIIIKVKS MSC0V Kit F,I. Klleitsburg, i'urry Co., Wants to ('limine Hack to Utiht Item h. Snohomish is soon to have a telephone system. f I-exinntim wants and prolmhly will have a bank this summer. The indications now (Mtint to a splen did jteach crop along the Hnike rivei. Mmlflat proerty on Coos bay is low selliit K at the rate of a little over .:iKI an acre A larger amount than usual of sprinjr grain will !e sown iu Morrow county this season. The warm weather lias bi.d the ellWt of reducing the price of hay In the I'a loiiHe country. A four-nuisleti schooner will l built on Cooa bay this sprint;. It will lie need in the lumber trade. F.lletisbiirv'li will soon have a new 25,(1(10 school building, which will be erected in the public park. Coqtiille City lias orjraniiied a Hoard of Trade, with A". W. .Mc.Vrthur, president, and A. J. Mierwood, secretary. The total amount of taxes for the cur rent year in Maker county is -Vt,000. In I'niou county the total is" 7?,tHJ. Mr. 11. It. Luce, of Ilillsboro, lias pone to Fort Townseiid to accept a position as assistant editor of the leader of that place. A biff land-slide t wo and a half miles from Ynqnina City uncart bed a vein of coal, wliirh ex-rt pnniounce to lie ex cellent in quality. The O. R. A S. branch Pari lie system last week of the I'nion wtid -.:;'.- in Lmon and !::,-.:! in Faker county as taxes for the year. The fieople of Fairfield, a small town south of Rockford, have ex pressed theni selvei against the admission of Chines into the community. Sheriffs of the various counties are busy now i:atherini; in the taxes all over the state. tin Saturday last Sheriff" llirdsey collected $(i.ri(0 at Ashland. Sixty men, ambitious for such mili tary glory as may be a bieved in time of eace, have siunitled their intention to oruanir.e a militia company at Flletis burgtt. The pnrresive citizens of Ijttiiamle are actively pushing wotk on a lare numtier of new buildinpt, the eWtrie liybt plant, the aitesiau well and the new brickyard. Vancouver need a new school build ing in Ibe eastern sect ion of the town, flie city building lias lieen so crowded that an additional room lias been fitted up in the basement. The farmers of Crook county are con fident of raising sutlicient wheat this year to supply all home needs. This is an excellent idea, as it will retain in the domestic field at least 150,000. Frankfort, In Pacific county, almost opMtite Astoria, is the latest in the way of new towns. Its projectors 1ioh tbut it may be destined to become the lnetroolis of the lower Columbia. A number of imiitiilist eonlfiiinlute the establishment of a t-"0,000 brewery ! at Ashland. The production of the nee-; essary raw material ami employment of j many men would prove a good thing Fr j that locality. j Stockmen have discovered a regularly ! organised band of borsethievesnear Pine ; uv in the Rig Rend country. One of the gang, a young cowboy, has been caught and confessed. A jiosse is out after the others. The Harney Items, published at Burns, has leen enlarged to a live-col umn quarto. It deservps its present prosperity for the relentless manner iu which it has waged war upon swamp land-grubliers in that section W. V. Wright, the surveyor of Polk county, has commenced the work of put ting in mile posts between Salem and Pallas. Hum example should he fol lowed by every county surveyor in the state on every public road that needs the same. The citizens of F.llensburg, Currv county, are verv anxious to have the name of their town changed back to Gold Iteach. A i-etition for making the necessary changes in the nstotlice has been forwarded to Congressman Her mann. i The Pasco Headlight informs the! world that ISO emigrants from the Hast 1 arrived at Wallula one day recently, a! few of whom were headed for the Sound, j but the greater number were latuud this way. some having the Palouse country ; for their destination. i A gentleman acquainted with the sheep industry of Lincoln county isie- iiorted as having stated tliat before win ter set in there were 40,801) sheep within the hounds ot that county, and that 10,875 tierished during the winter leav ing a remaining balance of 2'.),!25. After careful inouirv among residents of every ortioii of the county, states the Wallowa Chieftain, we have concluded that stock losses in this county during the past winter will not be more than 2 per cent, of horses, 5 er cent, of sheep and from 10 to 15 ier trent. of cattle. The Times-Mountaineer states that a person attempting to plow his farm near bufur was surprised to see his horses 8 nk in the soft ground almost to their j s loulders. lie managed to get them ! n it unit returned to bis limine lh hhvs t ie ground is so wet in places that it is i n possible to plow and plant it. The Board of Trade of Douglas coun ty, in the Big Bend country, is doing the handsome by sufferers from the severj winter. Many farmers were compelled to feed the grain saved for seed in oider to save their stock, and the Board of Trade isVtupplying the deficiency from their own pockets. Thirty feet of snow is reported at the head of Rock creek, about ten miles southeast of Gatesville Or., says the Jacksonville limes. Atvnat point ixuis r inner, oi Meuama, nai)ei a hoard to tree at snow level in -1 u or ls-12, and J3 t'r crtviiitiil apixlired ui ooarii j j NYE'S BRILLIANT CAREER. J Hilt THU Ilia Story of Ilia Life How Il Atxiltalittd Slavery. Itill Nye was recently approached for : sketch of his career. Unwilling to 'trust to the tender niercle of a biog jraphcr for a faithful presentation of j his noble deeds, the king of humorists j Is-tni-s the following autobiography: j -Kdgar Wilson Nye was born In ! , Maine in 1H.VI, Aug. "25, but at two years of age he took his big parents by i the hand aud, telling theui that Pis- j j eataquis County was no place for them i ho boldly struck out tor St. Croix j County, Wisconsin, where the hardy , young pioneer soon made a home i for his parents. The first year he drove j the Indians out of the St. Croix Valley, J and suggested to the Northwestern i Railroad that it would be a good idea i to build to St. Paul as soon as the com ' pany could get a grant which would I pay them two or three times the cost of i construction. The following vear he adopted trousers, and made 175 from j the sale of wolf scalps. He also cleared twenty-seven acres of land, aud i raised some watermelons. In 1H54 he established and endowed a district ' school in Pleasant Valley. It was at this time that he began to turn his at i tent ion to thi? abolition of slavery in the Sot th nnd to write articles for the j press signed "Veritas," in which he ad i voeated the war of 1800 or as soon as ! the government could get around to it. j "In 1855 he graduated from the farm ; and began the study of the law. He ! dill not advance very rapidly in this ' profession, failing several times in his examination and giving bonds for his it1 pearance at the next term of court. e was, nowevcr, a close student ot political economy, and studied er t soual economy at the same time till j he found he could live on 10 cents a ' day nnd his relatives easily. ! "Mr. Nye now began to look for a j new country to build up and foster, aud as Wisconsin had grown to lie so 'thickly sett led in the northwestern part of the state that neighliors were ; f requeiitlv found as ner as live miles apart he broke loose from all restraint i and took emigrant rates for Cheyenne, : VVy. T. Here he engaged hoard'at the Interocean Hotel ami licgan to look : about him fur a Hisitioii in a bank. : Not succeeding in this, he tried the law and journalism. Hi: did not succeed iu 1 gftting a job for some time, but finally ' hired as associate editor and janitor of i the Laramie Setttitul. The salary was sms.ll but his latitude great, ami he ' was Hrmitiel to write anything that She thoiirht would please eople, ; whether it was news or not. "Ity ami by he had won every heart ! by his gentle", patient jioverty aud his j delightful parsimony with regard to j facts. With a hectic imagination and ' an order on a restaurant, which adver : tiseil in the p.'tM-r, he scarcely cared i through the livelougduy whether school ; kept or not. He is the father of several very Itcaniifttl children by his first wife, who is still living. She is a Chicago girl, ami loves her husband far more than he deserves. He is pleas.mt to theout f side world but a perfect brute in his j home. He early learned that In order I to win the love of his wife he should be ; erratic and kick the stove over on i the children w hen he came home. He ! therefore asserts himself in this way, j ami the family love and respect him, i being awed by his greatness and gentle ! barbarism. He eats plain food with 1th hands, i conversing all the time pleasantly with any one who may be visitiug at the ! house. If his childreu do not behave, ' he kicks them from licncath the table ' till they roar with pain, as he chats ou with the guests with a bright and ever : flowing stream of bon mots which j please and delight thtse who visit him to that degree that they almost forget that they have had hanfly anything to eat. "Iu conclusion. Mr. Nye is in every resH ct a lovely character. He feared that injustice tiiiirlit be done him. how- ever, iu this biographical sketch, aud so he has written it himself."' Sleep In Pajamas. The old-fashioned .night-shirt is be ing rapidly supplanted by pajamas,and this is a very sensible revolution, says the N. Y. ISwM. The sudden change from complete street or house dress to a thin sheet of linen or cotten or silk was productive not only of colds, but of rheumatism aud often of pneumonia. Draughts strike the legs of a person who wears a night-shirt, and the legs are very sensitive lieeause they are at all other times heavily clothed. Then, again, such is the flighty na ture of an old-fashioned night-gown on a restless sleeper that it is always apt to work above his stomach and expose it to sudden chilling, ami that is often fraught with serious results. If you will wear the old-fogy night shirt, wear a flannel band about the waist. The pajania not only insures a cov ering for the legs the night through, but it guards tle iKiwels.too. And it is incomparably better in case the sleeper should be called suddenly to get out of bed. In a suit of pajamas a man can always be called "clothed." to a cer tain extent. In a night-gown he is al ways an old-womanish-looking fright and uncompromisingly unpresentable. Physicians do not "think it matters much to a healthy person whether pajamas are made of silk or flannel or iiuen. But those who are in iipor health or ndvanced in years would i doubtless do well to wear none but flannel. The Progress or Languages. The progress of languages spoken by the different nations is said to be as follows: English, which at the com mencement of the century was only sjiokeu by 22.000.000 of people, is now spoken by 100.000.000; Russian is now siokon by 68,000,000 agaiust 30,000,000 at the beginning of the century. In 1801 German was only spoken by 35, 000,000 of people, to-day over 70,000, 0H) talk in the same language that William II. does. Spanish is now used by 44,000.000 of people, against 30, 000, 000 iu 1800; Italian by 32.000,000 in stead of 13, 000. 000; Portuguese by 18, 000,000 instead of 8,000.O(K). This is for English an increase of 312 per ceut; for Russian, 120 per cent; for German; 70 per cent; f r Spanish, S6 per cent, In the case of French the increase baa been from 34,000,000 to 46,000,000, or SO per cent. A Boy's Composition. The following is an extract from a real composition written by a small boy in rJ ew Jersey. J. he subject given by the teacher was the extensive one of i -Mun." Here is what the small ; boy wrote;- "JJi- a wonderful i animal, lit"-"' a ! ilia ears aret ' in Riul ! is ' EASTERN NEWS. Illinois, Kentucky and Mfssourl Low- Lands Submerged. XEISKOEH TAKEN HHI.M JAIL AM) SHOT. Wirf Nail Mills Hose Down. Ttaw Per son Killed by ft U. P. Train. Two thousand grain ixirters employed on the docks at li verpool have struck for higher wages. - The tireslivterr of Jersetr Citv baa de cided in favor of the proosed revision of the confession of faith. Sappington'i Place, a hamlet on the Mississippi in Arkansas, is under water, but no livea have been lost. The French government has decided to occupy Whydah. a province of la bouiey, on the slave coast. Tlie Missouri anti trust law has teen declared unconstitutional bv Judge Dil lon, of the circuit court, at St. I-euis. Ex-flov. Stick of Kansas declares that no man should lie permitted to make I,KI,OIO a year. Another blow at the country editor. The city council of Toronto have de cided to invite the Woman's congress of the t'nited States to hold its next meet ing in Toronto. Tiie Mersey dock lioard lias decided to improve the entrances to the north docks at Liverpool. The improvements will cost 450.000. An advance of ten shillings a month has been matte in the wages of liver pool steamship firemen and seamen, and the men will not ttrike. A shortage of several thousand dollars has been discovered in the a-ounts of ex-City Treasurer llansher of I -a Porte, ImL, who died recently. The fire in the Morsa (Wales) colliery is spreading. There is no hofie of reeov. ering the bodies. The latest estimate is that at least 10 1 were killed. The lowlands in Illinois, Kentucky and .Missouri along the Mississippi are all submerged, but no wqiorts of suffer ing or damage has tieen reorted. A verdict of murder in the first degree lias leen found against Base Ball Player James J. Slocmn, who murder d his wife in New Y'oik on New Year's eve. A thief at Dallas, Tex., broke a plate glass in the front of a jewelry store and made his escae with a tray containing 5,000 worth of diamonds ami rings. Iird Salisbury has notified Emperor William that he declines to favor any scheme by the lalw conference lookin-s to the legal restriction of the hours of labor. Neville H. Pickthall, who was sup posed to have lte murdered bv Bur cbell, under arrest charged with tfie mnr der of Ben ne II, has been heard from in Arizona. The wire nail men of the United States, with few exceptions, have closed their mills and announce that tbev will not resume operations again until the 24th hist. The English syndicate now forming a terrapin and shrimp ttnst in the South mar possibly get along all right, but if it tactles the eels there will lie some tall squirming. Bell Allen and Witherford Trying, two negroes charged with the mnrder of Con stable Belcher at Princeton, W. Va , were taken from the jail bv a mob and shot to death. Ni-t withstanding denials it is stated that Herr Tisza, the Austrian prime min ister, has resigned ami that t. ount Sr.a- nary has formed a cabinet, in which he takes the interior portfolio. Frank H. Tomkins of Boston, an artist of high repute, attempted snieide in tlie street by shooting himself in the head with a revolver. Ilia chances lor re covery are favorable. Philip' tellers of I.ojdonvil'e, Ohio, has confessed that be was ah accomplice of George M. Davinev, the burglar, who was shot and killed I y Farmer Justin V. r rengle near Crest line, reb. 10. The Frankfort (Ky.) lottery is making a great effort to prevent the state legis lature from putting antnd to its opera tions. It is charged that its agents have been attempting fo brine legislators At Kansas City Rev. David McGrew, pastor of the colored Baptist church at Armstrong, Mrs. Andrew Beyman and Will Jackson, all colored, were run over by a Union Pacific train. and killed. A. A. Courter, cashier of the Equitable Bank of New York, has been charged with forgery and with having received deposits after be knew that bis bank was insol :ent. He pleaded not guilty. The alien labor law bill has been poj t- poned indefinitely in the Canadian bouse ot commons. 1 he cause was that nego tiations are going on at Washington for the settlement of international matters. Ten Cretan refugees have lieen sen tenced to fifteen years' imprisonment at Retimo, Crete. A court martial at' Canea has confirmed the sentence. The news has caused a sensation in Atheivs. t The case against W. P. Dickinson1; a prominent oterator thought to have Vieen connected with the recent conspiracy to rob Mr, I. . . . . , , - , .- , InfcliirtKort. has heaii diaiV,wufl by the CI hicago board of rwdedirectora. An unofficial trial of the dynamite guns of the cruiser Vesuvius was made at Philadelphia. Wooden bom bs loaded with gunpowder were used, and the test ia reported to tie eminently sa'isfactory. - An expedition is now being organized in New York to add to the geographical knowledge of the world facts about Alaska. The Frank Leslie Weekly and Judge Publishing company is at the bead of the scheme. At Council Bluff's Iowa, Andr' I look, a gambler and w ortti!ess" -. acter, shot and Heriously wonni','"' Kit tie Bowers and then eor cide,wJlouk -as niadlv' ,. """f rers j but she - -. ' - : :? r . i - - . Cjl LITTLE WOMEN'S PENS AND PENCIL Many Children May f ArtUt If Tu Mak a TrUt. Jules Goodman, . the artist, and hi" wife (who writes as well as be designs., are well-known people in the world tl letters and art. What child who lores a good old-fashioned circus, itli daisies growing all. about t!ie tr made ring and the grass carjietiig L ground, over which tiers of seats hat. grown like Aladdin's palace, des nc. delight in such stories as tlitt wLice me iootim:ns made wnn pen ant pencil a week or two since In llir.r't Weekly- story of the ohl-fashioned country circus in all its glory? xtiese talented toiKS nave a little g rl who already, at the age of 7, makes pictures of people and good picture too. Not long ago she sat down In her mother's parlor, while her par-uts wet a talking to a friend of f :'rs. and drew on a sheet of white pajv Yikku1 of tneir iriena wnich was so rne it eemi I to speak. She sent it to him ia a letter and he sent her a book in return. '1 his is her answer: "WEDsrstSaT. kt re un rtoK!cB "1 thank yon very much fr your Twyik. I rmid ote f your Worte. I like tt verr amrh I am gotnjr tooe tltte rlvnin. t ft r to iwff ajralnjoura "auurfoo'it'wt Gladys may make a iMfs ., after a while. She draws s ; -thab she writes. Her lie J. Florent-e. the Tvonulai. w . ; ': plavs with Joseph Jeffers, ben Mrs. taerciiu, w ,.u , -.-w the white house before Mrs. Harrison" ' went there, was a little s-;rl named Frances Folsom she wrote a little story called "Little MolL" of which tLis wa the plot: A young writer on a famous icir York paper has to write every day in the criminal courts. The ferreting out of crime and the arrest of criminals and their daily tubishment are hour by hour reported by mm. Stones of erime blue It and foul as were ever - written are unrolled before him until bis belief in human nature nearly perishes. Bnt his faith is preserved through meeting a poor newsgirl who comes and goes daily to the office for copies of the journal on which he serves. The sequel can be imagined. The reporter steeped as he is ia visions j of the world's iulquity sudjn daily s danger of his life (since i. " "froij the enmity of criminal ciaises), lias t. a ' life saved by ".Moll." la ratnrn ne , places ber at school and ultimately marries her; after which be leads a life of happiness. . How rt :, j girls cat irae. pictures aha rite stories if titer wil? only try. About Wi When a woman get-'fros sk cross at everybody." " How soon a giri"s capital I become little ! after marriage; Smile at some women and they v tell you all the troubles they ever k. That for which a woman" should consoled she is most often ritfi-i -her homeliness. : "'Trf ? When a woman Can wash Canne"" , s they will not shrink sit iu'Sw-CTTCugli to get married. A woman is never so btly In love that she does not try to find w.l tin cost of her engagement ring. As soon as a man gr-ts gre built and the room warm. hi, wlf comes along and wants to "air fite house." One of your delicate women will never admit that she is hnogry; she will say that she is feeling a little faint. TI.. .!..:i i i , . .r . -taMM. the mother who wants to send her daughter husband hunting at 16. You occasionally find a woman who thinks she is intellectual because she has a large number of correspondents. There is only one thing that pJejfs woman more than to be referred to nJ "" a dove, and that is to bear a man re ferred to as a hawk. t A woman never becomes so intelli gent that she learns that it is n. ' pleasure to others to hear her coax , j children to speak a piec.?,, V W . ibe question with the women: Is it better to marry a man who is thought- less, and leaves the door open bebine him, or to marry a man "Ho thits r close tne door, but forgets to leave ou. the slam? Atchison Globe. In Old New Mexico. The language of most of the people of New Mexico is the Spanish language of the time of Ferdinand and Isabella. The people still thresh out their grain with sheep and goats, and tread out the juice of the grape wii the naked fe;t. l'hey plough with wooden plows, and until within the past ten years had de parted in hardly any respect from the customs of the first colonists, who were only a generation or two later than Cortez and his conqnistatlofes. The country reSTuds on of Pales tine, savs jtM.;r in a current perotii cal. Patriarchal customs prevail and the wealthy Mexicans constitute an un titled aristocracy, who are followed im plicitly by the retainers living on their great domains. The country is a pas toral one, the wealth of its people con sisting mainly of sheep and cattle. All crops are raised by means of irrigation, and in the valleys 8U"prismg results are obtained in grains -aud fruits, an' particularly in the gripe. The grea artery of the. country n ri.e Ilo Grand river, which amuses iet-;.ity turougn out its wide, sandy valk-v. Unlike the other front vr settlements of the United States, the New Mexico towns are quilt compactly-, each about a plaza, so that the houses form a strong wall of a fort. The principal house in such a settlement is usually that of the owner of the great Spanish or Mexican grant on which the town is bnilt. This method of construction was . rendered imperatively necessary by the continual war mf de against the whites by the surrounding savage In dian tribes of the plain anil mountains, i u : i. i. nni. aaaa.i t, 1 1 , 51I1U WUIUJt I1A3 VUIJ lift UV IWfl t . - P?,., w-i.w lre Spanish t V"w " ll - irains all-f- eUaractC.'' He is bii one fint)Vi one-stor I sustai n; AndaUi. -once V. -1 Here i ' ' the rid j to be ' .:. the 1.-' llqllllL e iiTiT I thaljuuUAi,:"4jihir''.--i----" i -doesn't mean to lie et x .biT over three 1 , a uouieo yuan J " t