The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 28, 1890, Image 7

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    LAST T.
rWritkta Cat Tub 9rnma 1
Ifornla. I had returned to
fsnolHV after successfully termln
ig impnrUMt business in the mines,
' and now boltif possessed of plenty of
!Mdnst," awaited the departure of the
111 rat ateamcr for the Eastern States.
1 In those days the oocan steamer arrlv
; ed and departed but once a month, the
event Ming one of considerable Impor
itanoe not only to business men, but
; also the entire population who, at the
sound of the cannon, which every
' steamer discharged on nesting the
jetty, would flock to the landing, Imps-
tlent to near the news ana welcome
nowlv arrived friends.
j A few day passed, and one morning
mn omrrinK the notei omce i waa in
formed that the most welcome steamer
i had arrived the prevloue nljrht. First
to the poet office for letters from home,
then to purcnaH a ucnet ana set-are a
tierth on the outward bound steamer,
and all arranswmcnta would be com
pleted for, I hoped, a speedy and aafe
return home. The dav was nrlirht and
clear, and ai I, in a lazy mood, eaun-
terra alone tae ousy streets, tne
thoughts of the many changes that
year had wrought, that were passing
through my mind, were suddenly dis-
bjiIImI h a amart alan fin lh alwttilrior
I and I turned to erawn the outstretched
hand of my old schoolmate, Harry
Keen, "rveii, old man, I've found
yon ut last.. . Hear you've got rich and
return home by the next ooat. Glad
to see you anyhow, want some points
!n tne routes," vs retnroea to tne
hotel, Hvry received the "points,"
and the balance of the day was cn
. sumtd purchasing his outfit for the
j mines, for which he intended starting
I the next day. Bupper was aver; wa
had smoked our cigars; the twinkling
! stars had put in an appearance, and
I the many sounds peculiar to night la
I Han Franclsce began to be heard.
I "Let's take a stroll and see the sights,"
I said Harry, and so lighting a fresh
I cigar.'-we walked down Kearney street,
I past gambling house, aaleoas, " cheap
I Johns," beer cellars when the so called
"Hurdy Gurdys" and "Heer Bllng
era." mostly German and Swedish
girls imported for that purpose, either
danced or served their patrons with
beer. Now we reach Jackson street
and a pandiaomlum of sound breaks
upon the ear, the discordant sounds of
squeaky violins, bag nips, norns,
drums, an indescribable din of so called
music coming from the many open
doors of closely ranged "divcsJ lining
both sides of the street from Kearney
to Dupont streets, Spanish dance
bouses, German dance houses; negro
dance bouses, beer halls, bar rooms,
notorious places kept by the lowest
Haas of humanity, equally notorious
for tbelr lewd aad brutal conduct;
quickly we pass these uninviting
haunts or vice and turning enter Mar;
derer'a Alley, where, closely packed In
snail dirty shantlea, are found the
lowest and most filthy portion of the
Chinese population; the doors of the
Knvala a.r wide nrte9 ad In mK V
K ' seen a table upon which is placed a
thinese idol, surrounded by the vari
h vus oflertngs and burning lump, never
allowed to go out; passing tnrougn me
alley we enter Washington street and
breathe more pure air. The bands are
Playing in front of the Eldorado and
lielle Union gambling 'saloons: We
wiN enter the Bella Union and see how
it ISwa with those who are trying their
so la led luck. The saloon is crowded
by aniotley crowd representlngalmoet
every nationstitX, most of whom are
dweply Interested in the varion games
or chance being dealt by men ana
wowen: the air is heavy with the fumes
or liquor and tooacco smoKe; tne mo
notonous voice of the dealers mingles
with the rattlQ of ivory checks or sharp
metallic ring or gold and sliver coin,
which is piled on the various tables to
the extent of many thousand dollars.
"Ze red .wins aud K black loses," cries
the dealer as e approach the game
known as "Rouge et Nor.'.'. An eager
crowd ore assembled around the table
anxiously watching tbo cards as they
fall either to the players' gain or lose,
but most absorbed and exelted was a
ribyer occupying a prominent position
n front of the table. Ho was but a
hoy, fair haired, blue eyed and honest
looking, a .laughing, merry ace under
other circumstances; but now drawn
and set, beads of perspiration on brow,
eyes that shoue with desperation and
saw but the fast diminishing stack of
coin that at every turn from the box
was fast filling the ' money drawer of
the dealer of the game; another deal
and another loss upon loss. Was it
luca- or science? The players would
say luck, but the professional gambler
would say science. A few pieces of
gold coin yet remained to the player,
and as a new dtal commenced they
were placed upon the square of red,
and with slow precision the game went
ou. " Zc black aim and te red low."
Over the face of the boyish player a
gray pallor crept, he trembled from
head to foot, and turning staggered
rather than walked from the game.
Harry and I remained but a short
time, and emerging from the saloou
took our wav down Washington street.
We had proceeded but a short distance
before a slight crewd obstructed the
sidewalk, and stopping to ascertain
the cause were informed that " a man
had just shot himself:" Elbowing my
way. through the throng I saw lying
prostrate upon the dusty walk, face
upturned to the cold clear moon, the
boy player af'ltouge et Nor," who
had made 44 his last bet." The remains,
Upon which nothing was. found for
Identification, the sole article being a
time wojn and dim letter to " My dear
sou," sod signed " From your loving
mother," was taken sn charge by the
corner and laid away In a pauper's
Cave. Way back In the aunn j kills of
New Hampshire, In a tiny cottage, a
gentle, patient, grey haired mother
awaits the: coming of her boy , ' and
dally prays that God will restore the
wauderor to his home, but let us hope
an all wist Proyldeucs will pardon the
bey's last rash act. and that mother
and son may meet In Heaven.
We would be glad Indeed to see
more visitors come to our school.
Now Is your chance, girls; bo np and
In the fields while birds are plentiful.
We are expecting Mr. M. A. Miller
here on Friday to give us a talk! on
Jay Bird .Graduate Is absent from
school this week, so his partner has to
take his place.
School is getting slack now, as some
of the scholars have been falling off
since Christmas. ,
Tbeacbolars who attended the Insti
tute at Albany last week report baring
a faverable time.
Rev. G. W. GIboncy, formerly of
Lebanon, paid this school a pleasant
visit on Tuesday morning.
" The eJitor seems to hold that "wo
man excels man In pure intellectual
force," and draws conclusions. While
we shall try to abate nothing from the
mental worth of the ladles we will
defend the aanse of right for this is a
personal matter. Yes, we really think
the girls are willing to accept the mat
ter as final. There is a reason for this;
we have been challenging them for
another debate and they won't agree
to it because they are afraid there will
not be so much partiality shown next
time. The thing is, they are afraid to
attack us again.
We are very much obliged to the
editor of The Exfrkhs for not falling
to overlook us m mentioning tnose
attended the Institute last week, Tor
we really did have the pleasure or
being wttn that honorable body a day
and a half, and we think that were we
to live to be aa old as Methuselah we
would not fonret this eveatfnl day in
our career. Jong before the peep ox
day we crawled out and hurried to tne
train only to get there too early, and
we were wbliired to sit around on the
railing until the palace car was opened
for our reception, w arrived m Al
bany soou after dswn, and after skir
mishing over the city but wa did not
get lost wa brought up at the school
house where the Institute was to be
held. After sitting around until we
were afraid our pants would be worn
out. we remember of writing our name
on a slip of (taper, in all the attitude of
a scnooi teacuer, ana cramming u uuo
the hat as it passed, In order to get re
duced rare over the railroad.
. As our dinner sadty disagreed with
ns. we do not retain much of the dis
cission of the afternoon session. But
one point Impressed Itself very ford-
LI.. ...LI. I - . . I
ui) , wurcu we ujubi lucutitiu. nuru
the tellers took up the questions the
only one of any imiiortaac, there being
but two, was as follows, apdressed to
Bra. 'Bell,- the fat man of Roseburg:
get some black ink oh bis nose would
yunTub It bffVitb your finger?"
With some remarks about bum.
snakes, and dancing in the publie
school, toe afternoon session closed.
The entertalnmentat the opera house
la the evening was pronounced to be
good by everybody. Bat we saw no
special occasion for the applause in
some eases, although we had company
we were not in the best of sglrlt, for
the lady was mora than eighty years
old and not very garrulous, hence we
were not so well entertained as we
might have been under other circum
stances. After tue entertainment was
over we were in a worse perplexity,
for we did not have enough money to
pay our way at the hotel, but fortu
nately it turned out that we did not
have to sleep in a box ear or police
In the morning we rots bright and
early and at the required time repaired
to the school House wnere tne insti
tute soon resumed session. Quite an
interesting discussion was held about
school libraries, but this, of course,
being of little importance It was sim
mered Into the very Important ques
tion, " Whether or not the child should
write or should print his first lessons."
This discussion resulted lu a victory
for a lady who held that he should
After dinner we rolled Into the bag-
stsjco for palace, if you please) car, and
arrived in Lebanon with 67.9 cents in
our poeket, aud having inourred no
stain on our moral character.
Now we duera It a thing that all
should attend all such institutions as
this, when they are given rut rates.
At leattt we considered it a great treat
as It was the first time we were out of
Jat Bird Graduate h Co.
A choice farm of 137 acres, within a
mile of town, for sale. Inquire of
T. C. Peebler ft Co.
Elder B. F. Klttlnger of Gettysburg,
Pennsylvania, says he had been suffer
ing with a cold and cough, also his
wife, that they took to using Cham
berlttln's Cough Remedy and received
great benefit from it. xet he says,
" It was so pleasant to take." Tot sale
by M. A. Miller.
When you visit Albany don't fall to
visit the Photographic Parlors of Craw
ford & Paxton, next door to Masonic
building, and look over their fine Por
traits and Views, and If you wish any
thing lu their line.lf they cannot please
you, you need not try elsewhere.
Rev. Turner la assisting in the meet-
lags new in progress at this place,
The profesaionjd " tramp 'I piles ills
calling with all the business acumen of
a Gould or Vanderbllt; but, aa In the,
following case an unreasonable de
mand upsets the shrewdest calcula
tions. A representative of the above-
named class called at the residence of
one of our citizens and demanded a
dish of soup. The good lady of the
house told him that she had jiono on
iand; he again ordered his favorite
ieh prepared, but was told that the
a oMense of beef rendered a compliance
with his order impossible. With the
Imperative tone of a Napoleon Bona
parte, he ordered a fat steer killed and
tils favorite dish prepared. The beef
was not slain. The above transpired
In Lebanon and Is fact. . .
MMaassjHffBHHaai ,
First-class work at McClure's barber
Stanch and Reliable
s?Do not fall to buy a Columbia."
Lebanon, Oregon.
James Keydenv
Graduate of Edinburgh, Scotland.
Can be found at J. T. Harbin's
Blacksmith Shop, Lebanon, Oregon,
All Diseases of Horses
AND -'li'-"
Satisfaction Guaranteed
anul a luiaa vaLBM,':-''
surra & vEigrft
mrmt r
mmi tfc SnS Htntamt
DM fa aatfbraa kl
A and M-tua SUi
Salaku aavmMlM ufamuait. bo ""
Oea aaM fat Iba mlu arttafa. TIhtm Wfc
BMa ami daagcroaa, TW Sana a Wmmag t-m
ai.Ba at waouwl apca Itm bmmi wkU, attul
MtniS(ai hMMwAiTwInS toma.mVlt
wvm aikSm m mA mty aa orW mat to 4-
Bum tut Srni"irr rt r '- PmaSj
mrM, aVtuiiM
ll Tf riai Im wt towlhr.'
' III? - nam O.IT Hwm wa
PVt'i. MnliliMHra
t T C. I . Smm ok u-vm bmiMm
fc.,W' M., , Mil nt W Ik. mm
mU SauA mn lu H U fraa. mkl ton
i 1 1 it i t"t -r
U - iuimtt a uuH at maw, r
Land Offlce at Oregon City, Oregon,
February 15, 1880.
IowImk named uttler hftn flk4 notk-a of hi
intention to make fii al nronf In upirt tf hi
Claim, and that all ytonf will be made before the
lXunly Clork of Mini County, at Albauy, Oregon,
on Mondar, April 14, WW, tU: v
Preemption D, S. No. MOO (or the tot S, 4 and 6,
ahd 8.K. K of N. W. of auvtlou 6, Tp 12 B, R 1
Eaat. i
Uc namet the following wltntwn to prora lili
continuoui residence upon and cultivation of (aid
land, vU: J, W. Bishop, II. Vroom, i. Blinona, of
Mnn county Oft(ron, and L. Orant, of ClaUkaule,
Columbia County, Oregon. . .
J. T. APPEHSON, KujUter.
IWUV W.. II lit
f mam nt
dftna, mu "J turn
ftoh. tan ""?' "'
an )hf m ,
rhMll ,tM.
,a rha
anWWMaMi wnwn mnmrn iw Z . . . .
mAmmtminaU. W ff U mwtm, a .
wm? 9iau
111111 a-rwtaaii;j. rr- ,
Mighty growth, last ten years, into' one of the World's
Great Cities is without a parallel No pen can now portray
her resources or the continued prosperity that tho yean of
the future will pour into her
World Renowned Harbor
And her SCENIC shore
Never has the hand of Nature
make the WUItLD'S LAST UKEAT CITY I Rome on
her seven hills was as nothing to Seattle's snow-crowned
Olympias on the North and West; Cascades on the East and
South, and from these mighty bulwarks of helth energy
inspiration-giving, there rises the mighty
Above every competitor
one of SEATTLE, the
City at her base, which in
in ruruLiATiUM every city
biggest ocean! 1
Lots $200 Each and Upwards
'9- j) i
jTAKEPC. off
9-.f VP
, ! Every, lot in full Tiow.of Mount
. : r.
T&ilroad; at depot; adjoining Ravenna Park; an electric railway as eoon
is Cfrh .W completed to it: half doien fine refiidences alreadv.under con-
I tract on Addition; 125,000 Female
' I I
Is the place where men and women of Money and Sense and Refine
ment will make their homes apd why?
' T sT7 an A TT. "W,' "i ...v:'iW
The College, the Mineral Springs,
Rantnr fwhirh is irrnrwlpr Hafa tKnn" nmv' urlinra nlun Pm,4 tl.'n,l
which, If for no other reason, would
In SeattU a mighty City is building, take hold of the bcsVjwhilo
you have a chance at Lowest 'Prices.
; TO THE riONEER.A WORD: Why did you cross the plains?
Why did you take yourlife and that of others in your hands to come to
this Coast? What pen can write the histcry? You have conquered
this land, made the growth of great cities imperative, and tho amazing
of great fortunes, almost in a day, possible. Now; by the investment of
a few thousands, or hundreds, you may reap the harvest that belongs to
you. Will you do it? The greatest corporations, tho ablest financiers
of EuroDe and America, are investing thousand nav. millions in
Seattle. Will you not invest?
hav,a 60-acre tract, an 80 and two 40-acre tracts. Only a few left
cheap; rip for platting, any one of which will make you your fortune
in a shert time. Buy quick, I can't duplicate them.
Rev. J. R. Kirkpatrick is among you and 6ole Agent for ' 1
',: v..-.
In Oregon. Call on Ihra at Once-
I will be in Albany in a few dayB and will remain only a day. J
would be glad to meet you personally and urge you to join us in 'tho.
material upbuilding of Seattle, the Queen Citv of the Pacific. When
in Seattle be sure and call at Room 348 Seattlo Block, where I will tako
genuine pleasure in showing you the city.
, . t
lines on Lakes and Sound !
been bo lavish in her . gifts to
fianier A - w - a - y
on tho Pacific, reminding
another score of years will pass
on tne rauific, the world's
" iiv ; .po jyjkrsrm
Ranier and Lake iWasninarton: on
College to bo opened Septembei;, 181)0.
TJvVenna Tark'iHoiewToY-.Jiiouht"
j. "V; tsi.
mate it most, dosirable.
Your chance is NOW. Seize it. I
W. W. BiSCK.