FIRIl "V BAN FHAM1MO lUlAYMKN, - . ' 1- , . 1 "Iraa; 'JheraHwllniotilals are; constantly com-. lliKWiiwniiire ui me proprietors or me brst remedy on earth, The Great Sierra JCidney and Liver Cu,e.. This U posl tlveljy a t rely v'egetabl&'metftjliie that hi warranwd to do Hie work'it is advertised to (In. For "ule by all druggists.. ..,. Sierra Chemical Company, tffl Mission '' slrtft, San Francisco, Cal.: , (iKNTLKmen ; My partner and myself purchased one dosen boti lea of yotir Great Sierra Kidney and Liver Dure. We have taken It, and to our surprise find there is one flrt-claa remedy that actually does the work it is advertised In do. We join In giving tin- (J h k at Siiihra. Kiiinkt and LlVKR I'ciiK the highest reaotunietidation, and would a" vise all hat an debl luted in any way to give It a trial, an we Jiave done, Very respTtfnlltr tmira, Farnsworth & Hrnui.Ks, 100 California sirnet, Man Franriico. IV Way of fair Woman." I Rot an elegant lili'H from my wife this moriiliiK." " Did It nunc liy mail?" ' No, sho expressed it," MAKF.H I V KKKKCTl'AtLV. A Imharaie, dormant condition of the liver la hardly to Ih overcome with draatir cathartics aud iiaiiw-oiM oholiitfoKtic. A Ri'iiilnr, filcaant er and far more eltoctive mean exists of arous ing Hip nrgau when somnolent. 'J'lila in Hnstct ter's stomach Mlttcrs, vouched for ly the medi cal fraternity, teated ly the publlu lor many years. A resumption hy the biliary nrsau ot Ita kiH'ri'tlvv (unction, Willi the activity attendant iiion health, a return to ninilerlty of tlie bow flu and a renewal of diRi'stlon are tlie no lean hae-ny ami certain riilta of using the Hitters aysteinatieallv. it laxative effict la never jialn fill and drenching. Ita tuudency Im'Iiik raiber to IHTimiiiite regularity tlian to produce a ropioua action. Malaria, nervousness, debility, kidney trouliles aud tixuralKi It subdues enVtually. Fall Klver anions lalk of asking a law fixing fllfy four lioura a a wwk's work. THK ONLY (iHIHMKICI) M'ltE For all blood taints ami hiimora, lnlea, l.lnlclien, Mruiitioni Mid akin dtKi-aM of cvtry name and ualnr l lr I'ierep'a (tolden MiMlieal lilw'nvnrr. A I'frtlneate ot marantw tnnn a nKiniiihlp biiaiiiooa hotiHi warrauti it to bene fit or cure, or luonrv reiuii'ieii. Cbrnnlp Kaaal Catarrh iMimrlvpIv rnrH(J by Dr. Sage Kemmly. &0 oentu, by diulstK. t M ieb lean baa aevonty -flight fu 11 ttnre Fartorlei half of wblrU are la tirand Kanlda. If Dohblna Electric Soap it what an many Inalat that it ia, you cannot afford to sro without it. Tour trrorer haa ft, or can get it,an"l you can dscidf for yourself verr norm. Don t let anotner ftonday paaa witbout trying It. When vnn find a man who la workiur hard and aaylim uotbliiR, it it Rood bIku tuat he la auceevdliiK. 'ONHl MrTION, M HOFI LA, lieneml llelillltv. Waxtliix lHneam-f of Children t'hrnnlR Comrlia and llroncbltia can be cured by the w of Mrott'a Kmulaloit of J'ure t'od l.lver nit with Myixiphoatiliitea. f'nmilnent nbyal !lan nae It and teatify to Ita ereal value, rie'aae read the following: " I lined Heott'a Kmulaton for an olwtlnatn oonirh with bemorrliaife. loa of apietlt. emaeiatiou, alwib aMiuaa. etc. All 01 theae have now left, and I believe your Kmulaion baa aaved a caw of wcll dt-voiiHl eonaump- tloli. T. I. FlNHI.KV, . 1)., Iiue htor. lei. Why It Waa IllKh. Amiticant iar Board . . . 11..! k.l..U I That U ho (Ktiile can not Jump it. An Klecant Frha-e of Fine tarda, Iiioludiim 13 rare noveliiea, ahaiKtH and ar tiatic iiiKHtrled (ileoKraphic and rhromatic carda. Tiiia lare and beautiful collection aent bv mail to liny one wh will do tlii: Buy a bo of the genuine Dr. C. McLane'a ihraed l.lver nil irom any aruniat. la' i'i cetita. and mail ua the outeide Vjniicr with your addreas, n'aiuly writ tem and I cents in Hlaiiipa. The genuine Mcl.snrfa TilU are preared only by Fleniinsf Bnw.. I'ittfburx, i'a, and have been iuconMlKiit tiae for over alxty year. They nre auperior to all oiherH iu purity and etlectiveiieHx. A cnriain cure for In diReMtlon ani ick headache. Addreaf, t ietiuiig tro.. J'tt taimrn, l a. The Maiden Claude, tlear. hold -th' nrjiberi'lly more oviir tno or eUe til' people'll think we'B! married. - Sontraniier ahould leave the city without a box of "Taitll' I'micti ( t I f lira. It l better to be a rtoerkeener III a New Kni?- laud dlmemtiaeiim tlian toowu a farm in . the Weal. . fllJCHl P1L.KNII FII.KIS!!! lit, Wllllam'a Indian Pile Ointment la the only sure enre lor ltliud, Bloedluit or Itching File; ever discovered. It never falls to cure old chronic casi of long itaudlLg. - Judge Comubiiry, Clevelaud, 0., 8ay: "I have found rj experleuce that Dr. Wil liam's Indian Hie Olutment gives immediate relief." " - l)o iiot suffer an instant longer. 8old by Wil liamson's MatiHfaotartug Co., Props., Clevelaud, Oh la. (Oc audit. , n Bold by U BlHmauer A Co.. Wholeaale Drug gists, Portland. Or. That Tired Feeling Is experienced bylmost every one at this ea son, and many people resort to Hood's Kurimp wHlla to drive away the languor and exhaustion. The blood Is laden with impurities, the mind falln to think quickly, and the body is still lower to re.Hpnud. Hood's garaaparllla is Just what is needed. It overcomes that tired, feeling, parities and enriches the blood, makes the head clear, creates ail appetite aud tones the uervous system. Hood's Sarsaparilla Hold by all druggist, 1; si for r. Prepared only bv C, I. Uooll & CO.. Apt) hocarles, Uiw ell, MtUa. , 100 Doses One Dollar . A' wotev itrx lit JEilrrttufcttT.'.' What Im kniwn a'aue'tu'tricnl hotel ha been rimnlnit i, Waiiimfoj piii'Verlajiil. 'Die kiiiidinif ia lienicd b. detlr t-itv mn- nratod liy a watw-nbeul ireU. ri by A rataract. All the rooina are Hnp,ilie I wnn electric ilgnalH, and the corilu.g range conUin reaiatanre cuila b'ongb' in a red heat b v. a Dowurtiil current. . Water na. lie heated and eK eooktid on tun dining ia it i tiy meam a a current 01 electricity , 1 lie running ot a noiei iy e ectriciu- and Ita ai. plication in a thousand other waya la not equal to the aclcn ihc,fnnner In which Did. Diirrln eniploy t-he niibtle fluid in the teHtorati6n of health tolhe af flicted, an th following multiph Iiir re Kuluaho. Dra. Damn appear to know tie uaea of electricity to ti human -y li tem mine aa wen aaioiHoa aoea to tne application of machinery. Mr. William 1H. alwell f tlie Colombia Itlver ManofHcturliiK Company Cured ' of Hclatlo ICIieumatlam. Editor Oreaoniunl)uA.R Srn: Havlnir heard of Dr. Uarrin ihrough my brother, Geoigo L. Cal well, who waa cured of a mimiMiean f the arm of many years' atandinir, I waa induced to apply to him for relief from acialic rheuiiiatiam, which waa then extremely painful, and aiao a diaeaaed liver, from which I a ti tiered verr much, I waa cured of rheumatiam In two weeka time, ao that I have felt no recur rence of the diaeaae, and am rapidly re covering from the liver difficulty, ao hat my Health la setter 1 nan for never i year. WILLIAM M. vALVVIXLi, Skamokawa, Wash. Ilrlef Meutli T l'l Cared lir lr. Ilarrln. Mr. F. W. Vllet. Portland Ileiglitt- Ncii-hlgla, or tic doloreaux, three year; c red. h. I'. Smith. Freenort W h. ' I,iver ad kidney complaint ! cured. He waa alao re duced eigliU-en pound in flesh. Mra. J fllartln. mex. ur, tnronte rheinnati-m. general debility and variona aiunenta for three years; cured one year Jl. Van I'eir. alem. ur.- severe nean- aclie, to the extent that U caused him to at gger and undermined ma neaun; re- atored. MIhb Sad e L. Canmb'll. employed at Lltt'a dreaxm acinar eatabli-bment, Fort- land Cured of catarrh, bronchitis and weak lunga. k. k. cnaniherHln. woods. iniamooK county. Or. Afllicied fifty yeara with kid ney ana liver compiaini. a a neuralgia i the itotnach; cured in six weeka. Dra. Parr In can he consulted daily at the Waahlnirton buildind. corner of Fourth and Washington streets, Portland, and Hotel Gondolof. Tacoma. lioura. 1U to 0: evening. 7 to 8; Sundays, 10 to 11 AU chronic dieaaes, irregularities of women, blood taints, loa 01 Vital power and earlr indiscretion permanently cured, though no references are ever made in the preao concerning ati' h cases, owing to the delicacy of the patients, (examina tion free to all, and circulars will be rent to any andreaa. Charges for treatment ac e irding to patient's ability to pay. The poor treated free of charge from 10 to ll dally. All private dineaxe confidentially tteated. and -cures guaranteed. Patients at a distance can be cured home treat ment. Med eines and le' i ' cut without the doctors' name appearing : ' A well-informed tailor in New York adver tinea "fauta for genu aud trouaers for geutle meu. TkY Oekmk for breakfaat.' "Good and Honest." for yean, aud find it to be the medicine of medicines FOR GENERAL Uf E. It la n B'nid. hoiunt medicine cud hnu st men will not besituto to recommend it to suffering humanity." ' JOHN K eXEMMONS. Bookkeeper. - At Trr-it'f and trt.M;. "' TH CHARLES A. VOCELER CO.. Battimors. Mi. THE WORKMAN'S SOLACE "I tell vou, mv boy. 1 get a heap more com- li,rt out i.'f a Imekaire of 'SKA I. UK N'OKTH C'AKO lima Pi.mi Ci'T ' than Jay Oould does out of all his millions. 7K eOfnn 2 A MONTII'oan he mad 91 w -lUJItV- working tor u. Pemom pretiirretl wno oan jurniana nurenaiiu aifii.ii-j.ui time In the Imnineas. tipare momenta may be iirotHauly snmlnvHil alao. A few vaosnoii'S in tnvna and titles. U. r..lUlin null JKJ,t maiu a,, iviuiuiimuu. are invited toeotmult the old en titbl lsheit Pateu t fl nil of M a hi is Ki:n wl'Ki.LAWHK.Nc is Vmli..l.(Ji ' SEEDS. 25 Packets of Vegetable Seeds for $i. Bend for catalogue and miike vour select lou. 'IUIIMIH'1.1.- BKK BK, 1 ' 1 ilM'.'l Saiisoiiie-hlie 't, Sun l' rauclacO. fry 7y u mm praisea : lt illlllx UTI IH'l't- ColuiubUi, fM s Tlr 0hl0' Feb-6-lm- I "I have used St. Ja- J jm Cuba Oil In my family t Hjijih de Qie sIwMm man i I jiHw ImmiMii "v f s-r .!awv Cmio jr u wWj ist Jr ',,,, m" A aV-. ' w---Jrf' oaitan pronounoad a k1 'I J "ip'l I HleleM(jrlijisl l rWflr" 1 i'oiatw, tieiiit for trr. m I Islll'lT I'' '"'emmoa gaastl 1 . JZM IT IW f Itilk' and oiimar.Hw ; 4Wyai V l( XHi'trM jf Vj.I'Vsr t 100 Jr, E, fllrCIHCIHNTI. aassa IIIEs' ltKK CKU IM ! It, UsiiuisU. N. P. N. V No. 32o-S. F. N. Vi No. 405 X MOTIIttim LOVKAVKf IIKlt TKST YE tK OI.I , : T My little girl, tu years oil 'age, had Brl'ghr's disease. Her ankles -,et and eyes wore tnrriMvJ awolen. Four of our best' physlclana attended! Jiit. blit her life was despaired of. A mother's lova aurmonnt all difficulties, snd I determined to try Dr. l;vld Kenndy's Kavorite Keratiiy, marie at RonHoiit, N. Y. Hrlght's disease I How happy I am that I determined upon tuU ceurse for one by one the well-ktiown symptoms of the disease left her. Words fail to express my gratitude, and I cannot too earnestly rorom ipend the favorite Kemsdy. Ilr recovery was entirely duo to the Favorite remedy. wb.icn; was the only' 'medicine taken after he case wa abandoned by the physicians Ma, Xaura A. Kempton, West Rutland, Vermont. . Da. Kknnk'ot' Kavokiti KiMEOT, made at Rondoat, K. Y. $1; for $ft.: ' Kend for book, bow to cure Kidney, tlver and Btood disorder. 4 The man who has nocharlty in fall heart gives no quarter to the hotel waiter. 1 t HURK CUHK tOK flLKH. tsre care for blind, bleeding and Itching Piles, One box baa cured the worst cases of ten years' standing. No one need suffer ten minutes after using Klrk'i German Pile Ointment. It absorbs tumors, allays the itching, acts as a poultice, gives relief. Dr. Kirk's German Pile Ointment is prepared only (or Pikes and itchiug of the private parts, aud nothing else. Is warmntcd 1 Hold by Dragglst and sent by mall on receipt of price, f 1.00 per box. J. J. Hack dt Co., Whole sale AgendiSan Francisco. Beware of Imitations of the celebrated Seal of Nortb Carolina Plug Cut Tobacco. ., . . d re surely caret Perry 0dWsv re & d tlie d rectf ens A LETTER FOR YOU. Ehtkkmkii failCND: We are still offering as good bargains as yon obtained of at laxt yearon the sam favorable terms. We use even greater cat than ever In selecting; and packing goods, and ran-ly have a complaint of price, quality or failure to arrive tn order, but thousand of let ters of approval aud encouragement. " 1 he 'Home Circle" ia published each mouth and weekly bulletins giving market changes each week;' these will lie sent to you or your friends on application. Our stock Is much more com plete ihau ever liefore, and comprises almost everything a family needs to make life a pleas ure. At this time we offer until sold pecial bar gains iu Unidiiu layer raisins at Jl.SU and $1.75 tor '.'0-lh. boxes; cheap raJsins down to 60. uud common Uiaainu dried grapes low as Wand even t tls. for 1.(W. Butter is too low for anything. Interior dairies fair to good, per roll of 2 ttis.,a) to .UK:. ; choice coast dairies :WC. to Kfie. In quan tities of 2bor 60 mils, and but little more at re till. We will send you a 12-roll box thia week at 14.00 that will guarantee to suit. In shot's we offer Infants' soft soles, Nos. 0 to 3, at '4) aud 2 ceuta, and nice kid, good enough for vour baby or ours, sixes 1 to 6, at 4ur. to fiUc. Ladies' Wines we sell, Huudayor every day, aud good value, not auction goods, but regular stock, at (l.fiO; children's school shoes, we have Uieui 0 good and cheap that you could save your taxes every month buying of 88. Men's every -day shoe at $1.25, but we dou't recommend them, but at l.fiO. $175 aud fi.OO we warrant them to glvn satisfaction. Underwear, we beat the world for price, quality aud variety for men. womeu aud children; lowas 10c. for infants In grey, aud high aa you waut to pay. But send us a trial order or ask for the full list. Do uot lend for a few items bv mall without adding for postage. Address plalulv, Mnlilt's I'hsIi More, 418 Irout St., fcail r'riaucikco, Vu.1. . Season Opens for Trout April 1st TACKLE: o D 03 aJ H. T. HUDSON, 03 first St., 1'ortland, Or, K IN Arms, Revolvers ' and Sportsmen's Goods 'BEND FOR AEW lUXSTRATEDCATALOOjjlS. 10,000 AGEUTS t"JI? . ..To soli thsoomplets fa ORQfllPI fcidUirv of tlisiiiunl.rot Mil JWlllllii fcivinir a full and oomnlute acoouutof the conspiiwer niuiil"r,ilio vuryot Uio lioily, ftrrts,Coronci( iliiuUMit, tlie trta.1 and vonllct. Tlie bekeniliiee'M eo !" Vmt. Onulatye mo- volllme of tHut6i)pa Pne 1.771. 1.T1. iil TriTsMiw Kl(lV. 8cna,at vm-.e,25ouwt InVTioutntkllrrtiiomo.llrsteerved. onrllf4llli(; hlgiiiilimilBHW.IUI. Aililret., .LA1SU UUI, bids 1 Mller W Xev CO tamitrsiu-ss ssawnweesi-jwesi 1 :,.. w:'r'''.!.V:.:T-rf...V MOST PERFECT MADE. FROM THE PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY, CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF PHARMACY, ' San Fhanpihco Janu(i' y 24, 889. I have made a careful analysis of a sample nf Dr. Puice'h Ch am Baking Poworr purchaaid by me in open market. The results of my analysisHliow that the Cremu of Tartar uaed in its manufacture is pure, and that it does not cohtain any foroipi substances, ettch as Alum, Ammonia, Lime or other impuritieg. .1 consider it to be pure and wholesome and in every way a guperior a'ticle. . , ,. W, T. WENZELL, M. D., PH. M., PH. G., u Profeesor of (.'hemistry in the Ca'a. Col. Phann.: University of California. 1 Dttwertbe and fall dores Big O as tb only apeetflc lurtheeeriaiacur of tfaladlseaae. O.U.LNtiKAHAM.M. D. Amsterdam, N Y. Ws have sold Big O for many yeara, and .1 has , given ttis Deal or salt faction. D. K. DYCHK ft CO., Cblcuro. lit ISl.OO. xld by Druggists. WHAT THE : f j'Oimla "1 fl TO DTS.I M Swaaw4aH aw ; fea NrSMlykySM 'llrusOamksiai. ! i flattaaarlJrTi B 3r are those pot no by Vk (T D.M.FERRY&CO. t P-LI- Who are thelargest Seedsmen in the world. Unllntllll d.m.f.v&co's 1 nKlmlllK Illustrated, DeicripUve and Priced E ItUIIUsJlU SEDAllNUAtl rtrrnO for 1890 will be mailed FREE toall ap- M SI ! I I plicauu, and to last season's customers, ff Bm I ill I j tiling Garden, timer or Held B , I I zttidt tnouia tend lor it. Aaareu 1 1 1 11 D.M.FERRY CO. & r- 1 s . j ' ; I ,'.V TC , ; I Ciiizen So you think of locating here I . ' ' Phym'ian Yes. I thought some of practicing among you. " ' ; Cifizen See Here, young man, there is a good opening here for a man as under stands his biz, bat we don't want no practicing, or experimenting doctoring' what we want! 1 . ' 1 Many times women call on their family physicians, suffering, as they imagine, one from dyspespia, another from heart dis ease, anotner from liver or kidney disease, another from nervous exhaustion or prostra tUyi, another with pain here or there, end in this way they all present alike to themselves and their easy-gouig and indilfurent or over busy dx:tor, sejiarate and distinct diseases, for which he prescribes his pills and po tions, assuming them to be such, when, in reality, they are all only symptoms caused by some womb disorder.- Tlie physician, ignorant of tlie cause of suffering, encour ages his "praWt'ee" until lurge bills are made. " The suffering iitiont gets no better, but probably worse liy reason of the delay, wrong treatment and consequent complica SICK HEADACHE, liilloiis Headache, Dizziness, Constipation, Indiges tion, Ililious Attacks, and all derangements of the stomach and bowels, are promptly relieved and permanently1' cured by the use of DR. PIERCE'S PELLETS. They are Purely Vegetable and Perfectly Harmless. Aa a XaX'VXSrt. ZPXXjXj, I "equaled! I ONE PELLET A DOSE For a Stock of Candy or Anything for a Bakery 1 ; '- SKNI) TO t ' 1' Alisky Candy Manufacturing Co., ; 106 E STREET, PORTLAND, OR., ;JoWiert in Showcases, rVafi'sl Paper Bajr-n' fact, anything you need in a Coo fectiOner's store! Salesroom Coiner of i rout and Oak ntreet. . . CHieHgSTCR'S ENQLI8H PENNYROYAL PILLS Mlc Drunid't for Diamond Brand, to rrrt, metanio boxei, Ktied Willi oiu a ribbon. Tuke ih- p. All p-lla v Id putbonl boxs. pink wrapper, ar JI---Maana aantaaattflm. Hnl (stKDiost for Darttoultr. teatimoniftl U4 KelleT Tor idie,n m wmt oj i mil. J am mptr. STEINWAY. KKAVICH. : PRAMS BKACH.8abler.ltoe- rish Pianos; BurdettOrsrana Band Instrument. Largest stock of Sheet Mustoand Books. Bands supplied at Eastern Prices. MATTHIA3 OKAY CO. 206 Post Street. Ban Francisco. The famous Hover Seed Store of bjoatun, and llovey anierie or tamonuge, Mass., have been moved to Kant Pasadena. California., where the business will be eondacleil as The Raymond Flower and Heed It tare, C. II. Hovet, Manager, Eaat Pasadena, Val. Brad for eompltta cataloaua. sar Pine's Cure for Con sumption Is TH E BKHT for keeping th voloa clear. 'Mnta, TQWN WANTED. tions. A proper medicine, like Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, directed to the cause would have entirely removed the disease, thereby dis)X)lling all those distressing symp toms, and instituting comfort instead of pro longed misery. It's the only medicine for the peculiar weaknesses, irregularities and painful de rangements Incident to women, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee that it will give satisfaction every case, or price ($1.00) paid for it will be promptly refunded. For a Pook of 1(10 pages, on Woman : Her Diseases and their Self -cure, (sealed in plain, envelope.,) send ten cents, in stum is, to World's Dihpknhary Medical Associa tion, tSi3 Main Struet, Buffalo, N. Y. ! e