Willi .. , By VtJdXR ,B3AF, ; "Viv head." said 1.iii, hinging' It .Kh nis"grei fist5. US tht ttiiitcb, 'bell be fore the;itKiVtU''ahi5d.tg.; And my tmiguo, it In us dry as it bsyiy . last iiigli't--l.isl night whore the dnyil was I i.t nijjii.tr Get up. fool, and put on your emit; ami (time out. AVe have work to du."; ! The follow made u reply. He was stn. p'ni'y wondering why his head was so hi uvv and his legs like lead. Come." Mathew repeated, there la no time to hso. lp. nian." ... They left the hou.su and walked up tbe street. . , . Whou they were frxe. Nan took the pipe out of her mouth. ai,l considered the position of things with a cheerful smile. "A for Mathow," she said with a grin. "'hi will get suit eel for his supper. Suit eel nothing abort." . ( She doubted for awhile whether to im jHirt the plot to the fugleman. Bui she rememliered that though he was no older than herself he would take tin thing dif ferently, and a fight ln'twu lam and IHtn. not to seak of Mathew as well, could have only one termination. Hud sho been tweuty yean younger, she would not have hesitated to engage the man her self, aw she had led many a gallant board ing party against any mid. But her hi.'hiing daVs were over. What she at last resolved upon marked Iiit as at once the bravest and the most sensible of women. But her resolution took time for the working out. She sot 0:1 her stoue seat ami smoked her pipe as usual. When any boys passed her door s-he shook her stick at them, a:id used hur strange sea phntsew, ju.t ait It nothing was on her mind. it grown dark in the short November l;iy soon after 4. which is the hour when folks who can afford the luxury of candles light them, sweep the heart li. and prepare tlie diali of cheerful tea. There was no tea for us that year, but small ale of our own brewing or buttermilk. And my mother feat in great badness for the most part, not knowing what would be the end, yet fearful of the worst, and Mug of feeble faith. Certainly, there wan little to give her cause for hope. , It was 6:30 or 7 that I heard footsteps outside, - and presently a knock at the door. I saw, to my amazement, uo other than old Nan. It wit a cold. and rainy evening, but ahe had on nothing more than her esual jacket and hat.. A hard j.nd tough old woman. "Child." she said earnestly, "do you think that I would lead thee wrong, or tell thee a lie?" ' "Why. no. Nan." then mars. me. go not forth to-nigut. Why should I go forth: It is past 6 o'el.jck. and already dark." .. ' "If messengers shouliheotue Look! who is that?" wit slipped behind the door as a boy came running to the door. I recognized ' him for a lad. half gypsy, who was well - known to all runners, and often took part m driving the n.n-.s I Aire headed boy with thick coarse hair and bright blifkeyea. who was afterward sentenced to be haiiged, but n;prh'ved, I know not for what reason, and I forget now what he had done to bring upon him this en tcure. ,'.'. 1 "Tlie fugleman savs"he began at oiu-e, ;.. ill.,.., 1,.... 1. .. i. liis fulten down arid is like to have bnken his buck. IUi wants to mm you at oc." "Oh," I 'Tied, '-wUit dreadful thing Ls thi? Ti.i; him .111 onite at ooce. Iluu, Uy. niii' i will but put on a fiat and"- The boy turned and ran cluttering up the mi I uml across the bridge TheiA Nan luuiu out' frm lehiud the door. . "It's true, then. The kid'ir.pirig vil lains' li s true. But I never had a doubt. Go in doors, biuncy. Stay at home. As Tor tlie fugleman. Vfi 'warrant Jiis kick to ht sound as my own.' W'ait.'wait, I say, till you see Mathews face to-morrow, A villain, iudtjed'." "But, Nan. what do you mean? My dear old fugleman a villain! What has he 4 do with Mtttbwt" " j ;j "No. child, iwt he. 'Tliere'a only one vHIian in Warkworth. though many fools. 'Hie vitiian is.Mathew Ilomhh). The big gest fool is Ian Gelge. He is such a foot that he ought to be keel hauled or flogged through the Fleet,' at least. Stay at; homo. This is a plot. The fugleman is at the Hermitage at work among the stuff. There 'a to be a run to-night. And they think. .Avasta bit. brother. ;Ay. ay, they shall have what they want, v There's a hock of salt pork and a pease pudding for supper. I looked forward to that hock. Never jnind it. The -villain-he to run this rig upon a girl! Untold Nan knows a mast from a monger yet, and values not his anger a rojH.''s end." 1 Ilere she became incoherent, and one heard only an occasional phrase, such us "'from the spritsail yard to tlie ii'.i..eiitopsuil halyards;" a mealy mouthed, swab;" fresh water, wishy washy, fair weather tailor;" "thinks to get athwart my hawse," and so forth. To all of which I listened in blank wonder. " Tims bavin; in thia nautical manner collected her thoughts strange it is that a sailor can never mature his plans or resolve upon a plan of action without the use of strong words h begged me to lend her my caidinal, which was provided with a thick warm hood, of which we women of Northum berlaud stand in need 'for 'winter days and cold spring winds. She said that sho could kep'.hcr oinIoth jacket, :becauso the, work she should do thsrt niglit was cold work, but she borrowed 0 woolen wranpor which slaf Iwd vcr her head and round herneektdeaclng her three eornert'd tailors hat ia" my keeping. ' Lastly, bIio bortnwed and put , on ft,, pair of warm leather glovea, remarking stlint nil would: bt feuHdumt lf mice ttiflVw'nr .'felt hcj baud. vTltwto la hr,WTUi agwat deid larger than' hi' commonly found, among women. 'When all ihese arra'ugnnnmts erfe euiTiiplvt she put jh the carilinal, and pulled the homlovurlier head. 'Now,' alio asked. wh am d?'V V - l0f eoiiEsq, having my clothes uMn hen and being alxmt the same height, with hor face hidden beneath the hood, she seemed to be no other than myself ' Then with a last refereuce to swabs. hibVrs and land pirates, she once more 'bade ' me . keep within doors all night, if I valued mv life and my honor, and ttnr.lged away, telling me nothing but that u piratical eraft slumld that tilght be laid on beam ends, that her own tteckn were eleareJ, her gun- double shotted, the surgiim in the roc pit, and the chaplain wkb him. and, hi hort, that she was ready for action. . I saw uo more of her that night, which I spent in great auxiey. wondering what this thing might mean. But '..1 the morn ing, fearing some mischief, I walked up the street to the castle The fugleman was in his room: he had sent me. he said, uo messugp at all; uor had he fallen, nor had he broken his back. . The boy Cuddy, it appeared, bad been helping him and run ning about backward and forward all day. When the ponies were loaded he had re turned to the hermitage to set all snng and tidy. When he came back to the castle they were goiV. But no breaking of baeks and no sending of the boy. This was strange Indeed. 'Then, fugleman." I said, "Mathow Humble sent a lying message, meaning mischief." What he designed I nnderstood hi two nr three days iiut for the time I could july think that he wished to open again the question 01" his suit. Yet, why had Nan borrowed my cardinal aud my gloves? On the way back I looked into Nan's Cottage. The dour was open, but there was no one in the house. ' I went home, little thinking what a narrow escape was mine. Had i known but had I known .J should have been divided between gratitude to heaven and admiration of brave old Nan, and deteata UtM of the greatest villain in England. ' p CHAPTER 3L ' r , v ) tAILOR S.iS'-WB. T. ' The nlglit was cold and raw, with a northeast wind which brought occasional showers of aieet. There was no moon The street, at the old woman walked up to the enstk'. v.-aa quite deserted, all the women and girls being seated at home about bright coal fires, knitting, sewing, and stunning, while all the men were at the ale honse, telling stories or listening to them, an occupation of which the male sex is never wearied, especially when beer or rumbu, with tobaeco, accompanies the stories. Nan climbed up the castle hill, and. passing through the mined gate, began to pick her way slowly among the stones and heaps of rubbish lying about in the castle yard. The fight of the fire in the fugle man's chamber was her guide, and ; knew very well that just beside the door of that room would bf lurking Strong l)an. with intent to seize her by the waist and earn- her off. Perhaps he designed to carry her in his arms all, the way to the Dorder. "This thought jileased her very much. Dun was quite able to do it. and the distance isonly thirty-live miles or so. It pleased her to think of such a ride in the Srutig Man's arms, and how tired he would l at t lie end. : - . '. Accordingly, when she drew neaf the door she went very slowly, aud was not in the least surprised when, as she r.ood in the lire light, the man stepped from some hiding plai-e at )iand, caught her bf the waist, and tossed her lightly over If f shoulder, making no more account of her weight than If she had been a mere bag of meal.- ; , "Now, mistress," he said, "struggle and kick as much as you like. It don't hurt mo." She cheerfully acceded to this request, 1 and began so vigorous a drumming upon his ribs that, had they not been tougher than the hoops of the stoutest cask, they mti3t have been broken, every one. As it was, he was surprised, and perhaps bruised a little, but not hurt. Ho had not, thought that a young girl like myself had such power in her heels. - 'Go on." he said; "you're a strong 'un, and I like you bet;..-r for, it. Kick away, but don't try screaming, because if yon do I shall have to tie yonr pretty head in a' bag Master Mathew'g orders, not my wish. Busbies, what s the use of pretend ing. when there's nobody here but you and me, bless your pretty eyesl I know all about it. and here's a honor for you to be carried off, nothing less, by your own man. Why, -there isn't another woman in Warkworth that be'd take so much trouble for , Think ujsin that! Now, then, miss, another kick, or a down, if you like. Ah, you can kick, you can. You're a wife worth having A kripy man he'll be. Lord, it would, take the breath out 0' most, that last kick would. Why, I'll swear there not a woman in all Northum berland with such a kick a.s yours. Keep it t;p." ' 4 . - Tli its talking, while she drummed with her heels, he slowly carried her through the dark gateway, picking his feet among the sfoites.", ; Outside the castle, beyond the great gate, another man was waiting for thorn, wrapped in a great cloak." It was Mathow Humble. IIo had been drinking, and his (speech was thick. ... "Now," -he said;' seining the prisoner by.the arm, "you are in ,my power. Es cape i imsohdibW. If you cry ont hut I ' '. . i'?- j . '.. .'-..,'. ntii vonr muster" now, aiul for' tlio'rest of your life I luuku to be Yuu dtave got to bo an obedient wife. I)ii you hear? I've" hrtd enough -uf'ytlur cmrtenipt and your1 rt jeers.' You'll write to the boy, will you,1 mlstresa? Ha! Fine opitortunltles J'ou will have im the way to Scotland to-nlghf,-Uo! The boy " will lie pleased -when h.o' hears of this night's job, won't he?"-1 ' . "Cone, mistress,'' said Dan. setting her down gently, "here's the place and here's the ponies, and rf p6tT like. Just for t lie look of the thing and uut of kindness, us a body may .say," to nu me a cuff or a clout, why don't thiuk I mind it, Oh, LouT : . ! .:-,...' It was a kind and thoughtful Invitation, and it was followed by so vigoroiut, direct, and well plauted a blow that he reeled. "Lord!" he cried again, "I Isdieve she's knocked half my teeth down my throat. Who the devil would ha' thought a slip of a girl Why, even Nan herself" He asked for no more clouts, but kept at a respectful distance . There were half a thueii oiiies, all loaded In readiness for the road. Maihew, Duu. and the 'boy they called Cuddy, were to conduct the expedition, the two letter on font, the first on pony back. There was also a pony with a saddle, designed, I supHse. for me. - . "Now. Irusilla."aidMathew. ."get up: there Is a long journey before us mid no time to spare. .i'cuicmlicr silence, whether we meet friend or stranger. Silence. I say. or" Ho shook a pistol in her face. She drew the hood more closely down, and pretended to shrink in alnrni. Then, without any more resLitaiu-e. she climbed into the saddle, and Usik the reins from Mnthew's liands. "That's a good beginning." he said. "A!y be you littveconic toyour senses and know what is best for yourself. And hark ye. my lass, if you behave pretty, we'll send Barbara to the devil, if you don't you shall have a mistress at the mill as well aa a master. Thiuk upon tliat, now." Then the procession started. First Cuddy; then the Kiuies. two by two. who followed the boy as the sheep follow their shepherd; lastly, Matliew, upon his pony; Nan npon hers; and on the other side of her Dan Gedge. still wondering at the un expected strength displays In those kicks and that clout. In addition to the advantages already spoken of possessed by Warkworth for the convenience of a run, should be men tioned the happy circumstance that it lies close to the wild lands, the waste moors and hilk' which occupy so large a part of Northumberland. These moors are crossed by bridle paths, it is true, but they are mere tracks, not to be distinguished from sheep runs, except by the people who use them, and these, are few indeed. If yon Iivm the trark. even in broad daylight, you run tlie risk of deepquagmires, besides that of wandering alsmt with nothing to guide the inexperienced eye, and erhap terishing miserably among the wild and awful hills. ; As for the hoy Cuddy, he possessed a gift which is sometimes granted even to blind men, of always knowing w here lie was and of keeping in the right path. It is with some an In stinct. IIo was invaluable on these win ter runs, because, however dark the night, whether the moors 'ere covered with thick fog or imjieiietnihle blackness, nr even If they were thre feet deep in snow, he never failed to bud his way direct to the poiut whither they desired to go. In general, however, the wildest rond. though tlie shortest, was avoided, and the ponies were driven through the country which lie north, or northeast, of the Cheviot. But on this occasion', so great wus Mathew'g desire to insure the scety of a run hi which his ponies carried something more precious even than lace or rum, that he resolved upon trying the more dillicuit way across ('hill moor, south of Cheviot. Kveii on a summer .day the way aiToss this mi Mir is ditlicult to find. On a winter's nrglit it would seem impossible. ! ' Yet Cuddy declared that he could find it blind fold. - They were to cross the Border by way of Windgate fell and to carry their stuff to the little village of Yetholm. on the Scottish side. , , . ,. , It was Mist midnight, aud they had been in the saddle for five hours and more, when they reached the place, close to the village of Alnham, where they were to leave the guidance of the winding burn and trust themselves to the knowledge, of the boy upon the pathless moms. Hero, under the shelter of a liimey. Mat hew called a halt. Dun produced a lantern and a tinder box. nnd presently got a light. Then he found some provisions In one of the packs, and Wiey ate and drank. "Y'ou are so far f .urn your friends now," said Muthewto his prisoner, ' that you can talk and scream and do exactly what you please, except run away. Now you guess wbut 1 am going to do. Once over the Scottish border yon will be my wife by Scottish law, if I call you wife. So thai how. you know, you had better make, up your mind and be cheerful." ; She maile no reply. : "Well, thou, have you got nothing to gay?" , ....:( . She hud nothing. ; ' "Sulk, then." ho snld roughly. "Fall a sulking till you are tired. You may think, if you please, what your young devil of a sweetheart will say when he finds the nest empty! Alive ami pro.sjs'Hiig, is he?" ; He proceeded U express his earnest hop! that the boy would shortly bo be yond the reach of hope. This done, he informed Nan that the worst part of her Journey hud yet to bo accomplished, and tlmt she had bett v tu!;o some incut ami drink, unless she wished to fall off her Saddle with fatigue, in which case Iuu would have to Carry .her. ' Sho accepted S'tl liout je'eakins. and, under cover of her hiiod, ninue an excellent siipier. being.' In fat, 'already )retty,eirejthimst(d with," futiguo-ind Jiunger. , When hhu had lln-i julietf. Mathcw offered licr, a bottle which .cimtuinod brandy.., .Ilo was amazed to Bud when she returnod .it to hint that she hud tnkt'ii'.at imo Alrtutght aboiit' half b' pint of the spirit, so that he looked to see her reel and full off the. pony, 'That she did not do an ha attributed to the effect of Hie cold night air aud the long ride. iKdng'unsiiHpleiotfs how" strong ..and sea soned a head was hidden beneath that'' bond. ' " -! ' : ' ""...'..' -' Siipiwr finished. Mat hew exc.mlued the Isiy etmcernlng the road, lie would' tell nothing at all about' it. yet he said lie knew where to llnd it and , how to follow It, and. In short, undertook to guide the party without danger by as short n'way .is could Ik found nenms it w moor., : He was certain that he could do this, but he would not explain how , he knew the way uor In what direction It wound among the hills In fact, how was the boy to de scribe a read who" knew not north from south, nr east from west, nor hud any bnt the most simple English at his command In which to sjcak of valley or hill, ascent or descent? 1 The misir over which they crossed that dnrk night in as perfect safety as if a bread highway bad been laid down for tueiu. and was lit wltb oil lautHrus like wiiiim of tb streets of Ixnidoit is the winluMt. I suppose. In all England ' The hor oa before, led the way walk nig without hesitation though the night was so dark. What be saw to tndicat ilia road no on could tell Nan. for her own part, could ae uothliiR at all Is' fore imr foi the pitchy darkness of the mglit and the continual patlanng of Hiw ram Uore Is tbe very bead of the Cheviots the nilddla of the moor and fells, across which o many parties of plunderer eat lie liflere and smugglara have made their ay There la not a valley among these wild bills which ha not wKmsuMMi many t gallant fight There la not a hillside hicb has not run with streams of blood rhere Is not a mountain among them ali Inch ho not Ha ghoau of alain men "be heath and ling hava been tram plod inder the feet of thousands of soldiers t.r in thaold days there was no peace upon .h-border, and vary man waa a soldier all uia Ufa But. since the invasion or tlie uung Pretender, there has been no fight UK 011 tbe Border Smugglers have taken '.ue place of the eattleltfters, aud peacerul ffinea laden with forbidden guods gn u iuM tbe moor In place of borsea ridden ot men in iron. For those who love to le j wed by tbe wildness of Nature, a place admirable and wonderful, but full of ler tn at all times to tbe heart or sensibility 1 tie not aay. however, that the moors were .urrible to any of those who crossed them n this cold and dark night, save lor the lai kness and the rain, and the fear that a any moment tbey might , all go bead irrt into a quag The boy, to begin with. as quite Insensible to any Impression -lncli can bo produced by natural objects ok: as precipice, wild stretches of land, lark woods all were alike to him , As tor Dun, I suppose be never thought of uiyiliiug at all Maihew was toe full ol .lie gloomy forebodings which always precede the puiilsbui.Mil of wickedness, to 'efaiil the things around lum and Nan. is inseiistble on tlie boy. woe wishing uuly .bat the journey was over. IssMtuse sho wa horribly cold and gelling tired . ..The lsv led them by iUat wtrtaUtrful 111 tinct u tlie sIom- uj ib. lull to a high level whore the wifnl wa .keener and the mill colder He kepi a nearly as (sissible :n llie same level leailliiit tfiem miiitd the middle iieiglits iijsui "the slojs-s of the great Fells ami alstve 'the dales Tbe tli j reel distance ih not more than eight miles. out tiv reamin ot tlie winding ol the way su(iHm limy must have doubled. Unit .lidunc It was I ocliM'k when they left Ainliaiu Is-lnnd them anil H was already ) Ueloiv lliey canie down itlu lull oil III nortti side of Win.lale .' "Master " said the lsy at last, point .''ig ntsouieUiingliivisiljlo "vondiT's Yetholm. ant) you are in Scot land " , Maihew started and sat upright In tho satltlle ihrewiuj Istck bis cloak He waa in Scotland. Why then, bla work was done tie laughed and laid but hand upon (im prisoners arm ' "My wife'" be cried. "Bear witness, Dan my wife. I say " Ay ay master Give ye Joy. miss Master, another dram to drink the leddy's bealltl " ,r tf ; .., . , Maibew gave htm hi bottla Dan took doep draught, and then, wiping the ttioiithof the vessel, banded it to the lady "l ane a drop " be said "U11 warm font Uiootl after that long ndo." Then followed so prolonged a draught 'if the brandy that Dan. too. as ...Maihew had done five hours ago, looked to see llw ifirt. unaccustomed to strong drink, tall from -bur saddle But she did not. And Honest Dan marveled, remembering, be sidea the vigor of her heels and the un expected reality of that clout A wife so pitied with manly strength of heel ant! iiand who could also drink so fair, seemed 10 tills simple tullow a thing to bo envied, unletd '. . - , ; As regards the run. hit mo aay at once, so as to hae dune with it at onco, that it was quite successful, and proved a profit stile venture to all concerned, though Maihew for his part, never showed any oy when llie work of the night was spoken of . ll was a bold thing to venture acrooH thquiisirs on so dark a night.' no one In otiicc nfoked for such a venture In the little village of" Yetholm. and tho si 11 11 tuUen ill tho farmers' carts to Kelso, was ah sold of! at once, therefore Muthew might have been proud tit his exploit,, But lie was iiou aiid';tehon the old wmuit. accompaiiiud by the tMy, came berti'v twu 'lays Uiier and Jiiought, llIM' hews hf ,hat imd miptiMrt. ,heiHiieiss the venture lust il us mierest m preta-utibe wou- ilertiU lalt Ibe bad U. tell ; , They nan - into Antjiolro ai good whllo l. lure iliivtin-uk, nd ,lhe people of tbe inn little inure Hutu a Village ale hntise were nll in their beds , It was now rain liU aif urn 'with scold ilnl while iht-y waited Mt tlie house lo be tillseil and th-i tire to be laid Nan liegati now. 'indeed, Umiigli she natl Isirlie bravely tie rough liiiruey of the night, lo 'fetd the keen UKirmiig air and the fatigue of ihe long i iile llei liniim were iiiiiiiIkmI, and w hen, ti last the door was OfMtiiml and llie fire ill, Dan Had to lift her off the pony an I carry hei in Tbey placed her In a chair before the tire where shs wit huddled up in Imr cardinal aud hood. relusuiK to lake luui nil . ' ''' When all was nafelv Is-stowed, Muthcw (hnuiflil mm ' hi" bride and came into tlie (Htrliti now hrighl with a Clieerf ill Hw and a candle lie threw oil bat and cloak will! sigh of relief . Coniu. h said, "let lis lie friends, In-Qsilia since we are married Yes, child i!irn,i Von wiiuhl have me lit 11 lict way Uit un have 110 more skulk R " She nwired not hlng ' 'Well, it mat lent not " Here tho land lord and Ins wile with Ihin and 1 servunt weiirli came 111 log1her "Somet hing to eal. Mslbew ordered "Anything that yen hive My wile is tired with hur ride over llie oimirw "Uvei the moors?" Hits was the land lady "Von haven t surely brought a eddy over the mount ou sic a utgbt aa this?" liulewi, but I have. he replied. "Cnme. madam He selzetl her by the arm and dragged bar off tbe chair oh, Ihe fertile wistert -ao that she stood be fore bun "Bear witness, all of you." he aid. taking ber gloved hand. "This Is TO UK CONTINUED.! SEMI-LIQUID PEAT, Great Destruction :ul by m Pelage ( the Htnir In ISM. , .. The shifting of peat-bogs in Great Britain from one place to another is not a rare occurrence. On the ilrd .of Janu ary, 1H.VI, a Ixig of Enagh Monmore, Ireland, nearly m mile in circumference, and several feet deep, began a move ment which lasted about twenty-four hours. It stopped when it had made an advance of about a quarter of a mile. Pennant describe another affair ot thin kind. The Hoi way moss in Scotland was an expanse of semi-liquid hog, cov ering l,mio acroo, and lying somewhat higher than a valley of fertile land near Netherby. Ko long a the moder ately hard crust near the edgo was pre aerved the moss did not flow over. On one occasion ome peat-diggers impru dently tampered with that crust, and the moss, moisionou uy ncsvy rain, mirsi it bounds. On the night of tire 17th of November, 177L a farmer who lived near by woe alarmed by an unusual noise, lie soon discovered a black deluge was slowly rolling In upon his house, and carrying every thing before it. lie hastened to give his neighbor warning, but he could not reach all of them. Many were awakeiied by tho noise made by tho Stygittn tide, while' others knew nothing of its approach un til U had entered their bedrooms. Ten nant says that some were surprised with it even In their beds. These pnssed a horrible nljfht. not knowing what their fate won Id' Ik until next morning, when their neighbors came and rescued them through' the roofs. About three hun dred acres of bog flowed over four hun dred acres of land during the night, ut terly ruining the farmers, overturning building. Illling Rome of the cottages up to tlie roof, and suffocating many cat tle. The stiiff flowed along like thick blnck paint, studded with lumps of more Holid peat, and it 111 led every nook and crevice in its passuge.' It Is said that cow stood for sixty hours up to her neck in mud and water, but was finally hauled out When she was rescued she did not refuse to eat, but would not touch water, regarding it with aa much terror aa if she were suffering from hydrophobia. Chicago News., The llommtlo of the 1'erlorf. "Jt. Hankinson, you will excuse me if I receive you in tbe dining-room this evening." "Don't mention It, Miss Kajones. It is much more cozy and homelike." "It Is not on that account, Mr. Hank inson, hut Bridget has gone into the parlor to take a nap on tlie lounge and given orders that t;ho must not bo disturbed."- Chicago Tribune. niinlereit Nun's Vailing. Nun's vailing of heavier quality than that worn lust year is wide enough to servo for the length of the skirt, and has a border on ono solvago in solf-eolored and black stripes or figures, aa beigo with a brown border, mauve with a black border, green with black, or Suede with black. A novelty in vailing Is a vandyko border at the foot Aniimed with fringe, bs green vuiiing with brown Vandyke points, edged below with green velvet lines and completed by brown fringe; or else broehc Vandykes on beige vailing with black velvet Btripes along tho straight edge and black fringe at the foot. Striped vailirigs are also new, with plain stripes ()f tnauvo gray, Suede, or violet alternating with brtieho stripes of flower on cream-colored grounds. Printed vuiiing for ten gowns haa very lijrge flowers all over the surface, or merely a-'hwiti of (lowers l), a aolid uolonid fubcie.r-Uaria'r,8 BazaW ,