' . ... . .... ,...' ,:-."L. Vm-.vv ....v '.. ...-' vr T': '" "'" t ' . . "' ' f . ', i.'i.i: i ; i.-l- . i j a l i ii i mi . m u w i mm l.i.. w .. ., ri rr, wx Mill xm v. ., He who thinks to please the wofld is dullest of his kind;1 for let him face which wayjhe wilU.one-half Is yet behind;"' VOL. I V. LEBANON, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 28 1800. n6; :i. LKBANON I.OIKIK. NO 44. A. V A. M : Mwitu t tlmlr imw hull In Mutiuito Mliok, no Htrrt miliik, on nr Iwfon U (nil niiuin ' s i i ' nT WAHHOK W. nt. LKHANON T,(I)()K, NO. 47, 1: O. O. K.:' MwU uriliiir nf moll wk, Kt Olid Fi'lliiw n Hull, Mlu Mrwt: dultliig bmtlirnii wmlll(v liivileil iti tth(l. J. J. OHAKl.TON, N. a. HONOR LOTKIK" NO. M, A. O. II. W., Lliinii, (Iraiiin: MraU nvury tint mill third TliumiUy etu Wan ill Ilia month. V. II. HoHOOK. M W. , REMOIOUS KOTIOKS.j 0 8 '1 m. k. anvHcii. I j i Wnlliiii HLlnwiirdi. miNtiir Hnrvlfifil Pi'h Him dy Hi It A. M. mill 7 P. n. HwUny Hclionl Ml 10 A. M. vnith Huniliiy. FKKHIIVTKKIAN CHURCH. (. W. OIIhiiiv, jmiitor rvlw -Hch Rundnjr t 11 A. M. Huniliiy Hdliool 1U A. H. Bcrvli'cii with Hmidiijr nluht. Tt'MHKHLAND PKKHIIVTKIIIAN CIII'MI II. J. K. Klrkimtrli'k, pRKfnr--H"rvln the 2nd mil 4th HiiikIhvh hi II a. M. and 7 r. M. Hiniilay HcliiMil em li HniHlny Hi 1U a. m DR. C, H. DUCKETT. DENTIST Oflii, lmtwwm G. Ptituriioa & Walluce. T. Cotton and J.KH.40. l(.(.0. T. K. WEJKTHERFORD. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlce 0r Viril Nutioi'ml Hank." ' J. M.Keene,D,D. S. Dent;U PaiTftit Office": Breyman Brc'.' -BuildingW' MAMCM.OKKUO. .'. tW Houra rrom B Af 14. to 6 P. M." . W. WJBlLYEli; Attqrney at Law, DR. J. M. TAYLOR, -i- L. H. MONTANYE, ATTORNEY AT LAW AN1 - Will practice in all Cwnn of the State. E. J. M'C AU STLA N D, CIVIL ENGINEER ANH SURVEYOR liuuKlitinx wil Jtlnw I'rlatM. ' Olllue ylih OreKim ljand Ckiinpany, Albuuy Kwiirtte SysUtni und Wulei Hiplie Hpuc- tally, irjiiitum Hulxli vidua. Muimi iiihiIo or copied uu Uort nutiuo . . . . 4 H. Harmon.) BARBER & HAIRDRESSER I.KUAKOK. OHAVIN(l, HAIR ( Ivi-nNO AND HH AM. k3 nooiiiK in tint IhU'kI hikI licnr ulN'le. iSnvcMil atliiiitloii pHid to drt'KKliiR l.ixlUrs' lmlr. Your iHtriniuKC rvnpfctfully oll(iitd. . J. L. OO'AN.- J, M. AI.TON. BANKOF LEBANON, LEBANON, ORECON. Transacts a General Banking usUiess 'ACCOUNTS KKI'T Kl IMK4 T TO (HfXH. Kxclmngo sold on New York, San KrunoUoo urtluiid and Albany, Otckoii. ColluGtioiiBinade on fuvorublo Uirnm. 1 UV TIMELY LT:SS6i?, ? f '7''Tt W aH McAllistflr' foult t j In hi ex treme anxioty to norve Maud be bod neglected to consider Godfrey' interests. Maud wai a"youiig lody wboni be wor shiped rather humbly from afar t.he being rich, beautiful, and of a formidably arbto Icrdtie iiinily, while waa a lcine Bohemian "but with whom ha (oul4 claim ai-tfetio kin. blp, since be and she had studied in the saim building. She was an amateur, it happened, and be a bread winner; they both managed tc turn out some very good work, and each wai often of au4tance to the other, - ; " One fine' morning in early summer Ml ..Maud wuoho surname was Satterlee en tered her studio with Ik slight shadow on bei high bred, rose fair face. Her companion, charming brunette girl a little ber senior, followed, looking amuid.' Mtat ' Fortescut was a happy coniprmnine between ctmperonc and conlldniite. Hlie was a girl' of excellent senne and judk'nvnt and brimful of, humor, which will roitunate, for Maud had only a father, ;tn in Eurojie, and an aunt, whf was ' "Sly 11I." wild Min8 Fortescue, re- proailif . f.nt lalf lmigliiuj,you know very w,.-,. . v. o nut and hunt yon up a model if you wi-.ii it." iliss Maud bilfihtencd, . , . "I wish you would, Carrie. I'm just in a splendid hkxmI to Ix-piu a portrait. Get me something ruKgcd, uncouth, if you like." f. rilm tim.'l herself down on the studio sofa and looked inquiringly at ber companion. Miss Fortexcue reflected. "Tliere'n the banana mun the Italian .down -on the street corner" . 1 1 , "Oli, I don't wunt him," aaiof Maud, con iqnjptuuuiily. , f' i J uHt tbeu a top at the door. It wns Ilarry McAlhsl)1!'. After the usual polite "good itKMiiiiig" he requi-stwl ienaisDou to bring in a fnend to sev'Miss Natter'lee'K' handiiomt -vjiuand cxaniples. "A friend from my old tiomo in Tennessee," he exi-lumuHi, "going to jiend. -the sunmier ii fowu. A little pro vincial, you know, but of good family.", , .Jluud aMMitml jimjuidiy.'- But when the "yWUng stranger enteml with McAllister she Slit up Suddenly like one revived.' - 1 - -Mr, Godfrey U'uriiijj was large and tulL lie wiis Kiiuliui'm'd .und und knigish, light brown buir and p-ile blno eyes;" A nose of good t.ize und a long, cleun shuvt'ti upjier lip were facial JimilJui Itien, iid iLr. Godfrey Waring "was hlt-swd with an aliundiince of KJ4i(iileium.lIe giized dlHtliiiin wiLb u smile fOf . upprovid, siiook liaudh 'twice with the indii.ti, cmiiniiMited m a clear, high, nasal voice on Maud's work, and finally departed in u state of sell complu' ency. ,. . . ' " "Fine gii is," he reniai ked to JIcAlisUr, .when buck in thnt gculiuuu's saui'tuBv I "Eh?" queried ' JWcAUisUir, a Lttle startled ut tlie irreverence. "1 sy tliey're fine girls. She's au heiress, ain't she) Tliinfe I made an itnpi-eision ou bei: .. MeAIli.'er gnsjied. Theu hk sense of the iiuuuirouu prevailed. IIo answered dryly; "Ahem! I shouldn't wonder, iliss Satteriee bud her eyes on you all the time." "Wouldn't mind having ber if my family didn't object," remarked Godtrey, with a re Jlcctive little click of the tongue aguiust hit teeth. ' As for the young ladies, they bad preserved silence until their callers were out of hearing range. Tiieu Miss Sattcrloe exclaimed: - "Eu , eu , what's that word, Carrie, be ginning witu a eur "Euchre, euphony, European, eupepsy" , ' 'Nonsense! I mean Eureka, I have got a Biud.iL" . f '-J .;,'.. o-You mean, the Tennesseean, my dear?!? "Yes. 1 could sketch him already, take bis face just as it is; crown it ith a ragged Straw hut; put a flannel shirt ou him opening carelessly from the neck; plenty of red and tan." "Hut how will you get him to sitf" "Oh, Mr, MdAllister will manage it all for me." " And sure enough Mr. McAllister did. That is to say, he brought Mr. Waring frequently to Miss BMlteriees studio, and the young artiste began to surreptitiously appropriate the features of the Teimesseeau as best she could' from recollection after be departed on each occasion. 1 Meantime Godfrey began to look very self aiitisdud and to throw out certain little hints about the conquest of an heiress, and such a talented one at that. .McAllister took bis cue tbeivat and drew a serious fuce,; - - ' "1 os, be Snid with great gravity, "there's , denying it.Uiof, old fellow. You are making line bcadwuy. But whut about a CTtatrl little girl down home that you wera telling me off" Godfrey replied in n -practical' tone, He wns sorry, but he eould break otr tlie ul- (iir with MuUl ,foor Mabel, lusl whose voluminous correspondence was no longer curried about nest his' heart. Poor Mabel, who crossed and recrussed her foolscap iu flowing schoolgirl band to such little purpose. At length the acquaintance bad gone on so pleasantly flint 'Miss Hatters thought she might venture to unk the young mail to sit for her, "1 cii'n work in the costume afterward, you ' know," she snid to Miss Fortescue. Ko when Mr. Godfrey culled nguiii the fol- lowiiig inoriiing at the studio Miss Fortescue stepped buck into tho little adjoining room according, to a. previous agreuineut with Maud.; And Maud her eusel being cure- fully coyftd-J-sat buck 1u her '.'chair, and With most charming naivete begun to speuk as follows;-'' -" f ''" V "I hojfli yo Wuriiig, 'be ou are not verv-hard hcftrteil, Mr. lecuuso I liav(r & comcssioii to make." fcihe cast down her beuutiful eyos and a lovelysmile played about ber beautiful lips. "I hope you wdl consent to pardon me," sue said. . J I t. .. 1 1, '" V ' . "There isnt anything I wouldn't pardon in yon,", suid .Godfrey! impressively. " Miss Suttoi'loe fanciciUho beard a ulxlued xnori'iment in the room adioining. Could MJsg Fortescue be undignified enough to glgglef ' Then Maud went on: "Well, then, would you be very much of fended if I should ask you to to permit me tonrnkeaskeUfhiif your face? 'You know we art stuilunts are constantly on the watch for countenances, that are not insipid, and common, A uce indicative of strengjh of character and and ambition is not com- moa'' Godfrey began to smile and look conscious. "You don't. know how complimented I'd feel," lie said. ' ' i I . ? ' , j "Oil, I'm so glad. Will yau sit for me to day! To toll you the truth, I've begun al ready; but, of course, it don't resemble you a bit as yet." And she uncovered the cunvas. And Qwlf rey posed for an hour, to the great satisfaction of Mb, . ... I c , J' ? ' After that besat-eA-ery morning nearly for A week or more. Mr. McAllister was amused to discover thnt the Tennfesseean wifs quite ia earnest in bis idea of laying siege to the aitisUi's heart and gave up trying to impress upon him the absurdity of bis aspirations. Godfrey evidently believed himself irre sistible. . . .. , 'j . ' 1 n 1 Miss ForU-soue was always pisent ai the sittiugs, but sonietimes found it necessary to retire to the adjoining room to repress ber laughter, the model's ingenuous remarks were so highly aula"' Occasionally she gave Maud some ud vice us follows: "If be be comes too talkative, my aear1, you must snub him. Knub him gorgeously, you know." " What I can't ,ulldestand,,,. said Godfrey one morning, "is how you can paint so welh I guess you uiu't more than 23, are youT ' , "Kot nuich morn," said Maud. - " ' ' "Then I guess I'll be about two years older than you in September. ". .'.,- ,J i Maud Indfedl ' 1 ' a A Godfrey A fact. - , v i - Maud 'Well, that's anrceage. I suppose you'll go into business and succeed finely. Godf rey Own fault if I don't (Clicking bis tongue on nls teeth.) Guess -Tve got money enough to back me. Muud Yes? There, how am I getting on with the picture I Godfrey Well-, 1 guess I'd be lucky to get ai good a one agum. but do you .mean to do with it any way 1' a. t. Maud Do you with it! Oh ah why, ex hibit it, perhatis. Godfrey You wouldn't sell it, I suppose- to me? '.'.,. Maud (slowly) WelL franklv, I- would rather keep it myself. :; Godfrey (suddenly) I wish I had pneof youl . s ' . .,'. " Maud (raising ber voice) Carrie, come und criticise. Godfrey wns certainly , very determined. When' the sittings were 'over be requested permission to cull at Miss butteriee's borne. Muud was very pleasant ' "To culir she refieuted, smilingly. "Really. I should like to ask you, but, you see, the bouse is closed, us we go to the seuside very soon. Our receptions ore wer for the sea son." Godfrey bore his disappointment like a bero.i Hud she not painted his portrait and refused to sell it even to him? . "My deur," said Miss Fortescue, "I'm afraid your beautiful eyes have worked misohicfto that susceptible youiig southerner." u ou think sol Deur me, I'd be sorry for biui. But he'd sutler ju a noble cause the cause of art." I Uodfrey continued to call at the studio. "I'll have to lock the door," said Maud, "or I'll never have a chance to wo: k up the cos tume. I must finish it this week. Aunt Karab is complaining because I don't ar range about my wardrobe." ' ' ' "You'll never want any wardrobe," re plied Miss Fortescue, "if you close the door such weather as this. You'll melt or stifle in short order." "Then I'll risk bis coming and leave it open." And she did. When the t young ladies arrived at the studio quite early, one or two mornings later, Miss Batiurlee found a letter awaiting Jier. Bhe sat down to read it, and was so long at the tuk that Miss Foricscue began to wonder and inquii'ed us to the artiste's perplexity. "It's a proposal I'm considering," replied Maud. . ! ' "indeed! That's diversion. Ilovv funnyjbe portrait looks. Ah, if he should see it!" Maud frowned. "I'd like to burn the old thing!" "But you couldn't, my love; there's no fire, thank fortune!" "Xiisteu to this impudence!" cried Maud, and began to read aloud :. " 'Mv Dkar Miss Macd Though I have known you so short a time, 1 do not believe you will be wholly surprised to learn that I buve come to regard you as more than a friend. In fat I buve grown to cure for you more than 1 ever eared for any girl. I ulyiost believe i can never bu happy without you. I know you know that I urn a gentleman ; I even think you like me a little and will soon like me inure. 1 can olftu' you a name upon whose honor no stain has ever fallen. Of coum we are both too y.oung ,f or on imme diate marriage, but I hope that some duy we may .become ull in all to each other. I will call to see you this afternoon at a. and hope lor an a ; ' me happy. Till then and always Your own " 'Godfkky.' " " 'My dear Miss Muud, your own Godfrey,' repeated Mis Fortescue. "Ah, jny child, did I not warn thoe? Well, what to dor" Maud covered tho portrait with an iuqictu Ous movement. "ril give tlie presumptuous 'outb a little lesson," she answered. "Mr. McAllister suys ho has an exalted- tyca of his powers; that he's been virtually engaged to a little girl down at bis home for some time past." As 2 o'clock approached Mr. Godfrey's heart beat with oonfldent exhilaration. lie meant to show his friend McAllister a thing or j two. McAllister bad undertaken to remind him of Mubel Clare. IIo tossed lus bead as be remembered this. "I guess there ain't many girls but would be glad of a chance at me," he said, as be set out for Miss Satterlee't studio. lie expected that Maud would It shy at first But gradually the would com around. He purchased a large bunch of rosea as be proceeded en his way. ' j Maud was alone apparently. She smiled and took the roses with many thanks.' " "Pray sit down,". she said. ."You look quite warm." Mr. Godfrey drew up a chair.. , "You received my note?" "Your notel Oh, yes, of course." . "And what did you think of the ideal" ha queried, with delightful self complacency, What did I think? Why,' of course, I thought you meant it as joka I'm sure I ho$e you did, because you know, or rather yoa ought to know, though, perhaps, you don't know, and I'm sure I'd feel dreadful if I thought you'd been led to suppose the truth is, Mr. Waring, I'm engaged to a gen tleman who is now in Europel" Godfrey turned pale. - , r . r, "Engaged!" he cried, tragically. "Why, for that mutter, so am I. But I'd break any engagement for you!" Maud arose, looking very grave. ' "I am sorry to bear you say so. I have beard so much about southern honor." "But you won't decide at ouoc," he stam mered. "Promise me to think It over." Miss Maud regarded him coldly. "You must have misunderstood me. There is nothing further to 1 said, and will you please excuse tner She 'turned toward the other room, and Godfrey had no choice but to leave. He was iu such a state of mind be tween disappointment and chagrin that be left hit bat upon ,lb sofa and went bare beaded all t he way down to the street. a 4" He had gone half a block when be discov ered why i-ople were staring at him. Then could be go back? Oh.no! And yet the hat was new, and Oodfiy wus just a little liosa about unnecessary exnse. He therefore re turned and eliinlied the ftairs softly, hoping she might still be in the inner room ano would not bear him enter. ' 1 ,; .. '. f J But as he reached the threshold of the studio be was greeted with aU astonishing sight. Kot only Maud, but also Miss Fortes cue had emerged from the inner room; they apparently were taking great pleasure in re garding a picture upou tiie easel, which had been moved from its customary position. They stood with their backs to the door. .' "An excellent likeness," said Miss Forte cue, ; and the two young ladies laughed heartily. . "r might pity him,"' said Maud, if be weren't so capable of pitying no, adoring himself.".-... .:!.,.... ...,. - Jw then they moved a little, and Godfrey caught a glimpse of his own portrait, ragged, batted, flannel garmented plainly uliuost a caricature, j ; 1 , -. For a moment he was fairly stunned; then, turning, he fled, hatless as before and chok ing with gasps of rage and mortifieatiou, to the street. He ran thus for several block before lie thought of a hatter. . , He "kept out of McAllister's sight that even ing and Tor several Cays after, rHut gradually he came to himself and wrote to the loti" ne glected Mabel -Lily Curry Tyner iu 3,'ew York Mercury, t I.illes for Culinary Purposes. n a lecture to a girls' assemblage,' not long ago, Prof. Ames, of Columbia College, said that in some parts of India the lily Is actually used as an article of diet y It has been ' found by the bota nists to be a highly nutritious article of food, being peculiarly rich in nitrogene ous compounds. The poor Indian, who evidently "considers the lilies" from ' a gastronomical point of view, either eat them as a vegetable or kneads them with dough and makes them into cakes. In either form they are declared to af ford a most substantial and nourishing repast, and the restbetes of ten years ago, when accused of "living on lilies." would certainly have been enabled to return the laugh against their torment ors if they had known the culinary atH tributes of their Cherished 'flower.' Mark the result of the-professor's in formation: At a stylish luncheon re cently given by an enterprising belle stewed lilies were one of the novel dishes. They tasted like an amalgam of spinach and cabbuge and were not very dainty, but they are bound to have vogue for awhile, anyhow. Chicago Herald. ' -' ; ' ' Rome men are so much in love with themselves that they never see their own mistakes. They display a sort of heroism in the hopeless struggle to jus tify their own errors, and when their faults ure mado so plain to them that a confession is oxtorted from them, they still manage to make some capital out of their infirmity by boasting that it only proves that-they are human, Christian Advocate. ? r ' , ' ' ' Orange Ba'skefs 1 - u.fd's Party. Select the numberrequiredof nice, bright oranges and cut them,' leaving half the peel whole for the basket and a hall-inch strip for the handle. Keep the pulpand juico for niuk'ln? jelly by straining through a white strainer and using it for flavoring. : Soak one box of gelatine in a pint of cold water half an hour; add pint; of boiling wae and a pint of sugar: add .sufficient .orange juice to flavor t well an, .enough more water to make 'three pints' of liquid, (strain it and. after Dlacinar'the baskctinTl flflfaM broken ice, to keep them upright, till dissolving them in tepid water, filtering with, the jelly. Put a spoonful of tne solution an(i boiling, that it may re whipped cream on top and serve on a "ystalize. This form of soda is some- bed of pretty green leaves. I SHOES OF MONARCH S. Foot-Oear Worn by Mnry, Queen of , Boots, Elizabeth ami Hour VI II. : Mary Queen of Scotland's last shoes, fatrAti fmm font, aft.. nvctmif fnn. arA- dalnty little affairs of stamped leather, and mado from a very peculiar pattrnr The heel Is very low. A narrow piece of leather roaches high up on the in step, , covorea ; wito strange aevioes. The shoo Is very small and beautifully : made. When Klstorl first essayed the part of Mary, she had a pair of shoes made exactly like these, but she found .', It Bo difficult to kfn thfm on hp.rfnfet. on account of the low heel, that ahe bad the pattern changed slightly, theseby ;' creating the style that is worn at pres ent by actresses in that part .Henry VII L wore in battle a shoe of heavy crimson velvet fastened with a huge silvor-buokle.. The sole is entire ly of iron, and it has hinges at the joints, so .that the -Saying concerning- tnis King, that he trampled his subjects unuer an iron heel, w not altogether figurative. It was one of the late come-l dian Bishop's ambitions to at some lime- have prodticrd the play of Henry VIII., ' and ho had mmn so far as to'nrocuro a. part of a cost ume. Among other things, he had some shoes .made which were exactly like those in the Regent street collection of London last summer. I "Queen Elizabeth left-some very dainty slippers, made of white .'satin, with birds ', and flowers embroidered upon them in. silk and gold ,.,The heel is covered with latin, and the shoe , is lined with red. Joseph F. Graham, of NewYork, has in bis possession a shoe and a sandal which were worn by Queen Elizabeth more than three hundred years ago. The. shoe is 1 in a wonderful state of preservation.-' It is a .No: ' 1 in length, jaut rather too broad to be considered snapeiy at the present time. It Is made of yellow brocaded satin, lined with fine, stout linen canvas. The sole is of oak-tanned leather. 'The heel is exact-,, ly like the high French bed of modern times. It is placed well under the foot and is at least two, inches high. The toeronstoa sharp point ,. Across the instep are two satin straps which' evi-" dently were once fastened with jeweled clasps.. There is no Stiffening in any ' part of -the shoe. The edges are bound ' with yellow silk braid. Shoe and Leather Review. WELL-MADE BRICK. It Is Without (Juration the Safest of ; liuildlnff Materials. , In spite of all that has been said of ' other building material brick Js,( still and is likely to remain . the favorite building material. There is nothing except a Wedge wood crucible that will' withstand Are nearly, as well, and the smoothness and sharpness with which good bricks for fronts can he produced with cheapness and dispatch, puts this, material further in the lead of its com-, petitors in their respective processes ' Iron Is confessedly unlit for building purposes where it may exposed to the weather or fire, and is rapidly going out of use. Stone will always have its uses in combination with brick and terra- cotta, but stone will not weather any better in this climate than well-burned brick, nor does it begin to withstand fire as well; besides, even with, every Improvement in the manipulation of stone, it is so much dearer as to leave it out of competition with brick for the heavy portion of the walls. The use of various materials is wise anl the effect upon the architecture of tho city is handsome, but when enthusiasts in one of the other materials assert a supre macy of their favorite over brick, they reckon without their host Egypt, the land of all others where stone was most available, dealt ryot more heavily in brick. Along with her ruins of stone are yet to be seen imposing piles of brick, and sun-baked brick at that, not more time-worn than the massive stones around them. .While the sun-baked brick of the cities of Assyria under the damp, hot climates becomes, in course of ages, shapeless mounds, the kiln baked face bricks are as sharp and clean as ever, and testify to the indestructi bility ;of a well-made brick. Parts bf the walls of Koine built by Aurelian, of brick, still remain practically perfect in the ruins of thoso walls not .utilized in the building of modern Rome. Hut it is hardly necessary to cite instances of the-durability of brick. Its friends 1 can not add to its durability, nor ifs enemies say more against it than that'' brick wall or building is not artistic Clay-Worker. How Silicate of Soda U Obtained, , (t This salt is obtained by fusing one part of silica Und two of dry carbonate of soda) mixed in ypwder, in an earthen ware crucible, and pouring the fused mass on a stone, slab to cool. This is.,: then pulvwizcd and treated with boil ing water to dissolve the soluble' part. The solution is filtered ad concentrated by boiling,., so as to f gem crystals on f50olinl? - These aP() again -purified by times used In fine laundry work. Christian at Work.