f I. .U'r c' : j 2 Lebanon? Express. Vn ID AY, MARCH 21, IfliW. olmnon JliiiH ITohno; hokum, proprietor. Hmooth shaves mid latest style hair ruts. Bhainpoolng--Spanish Luster cures the scalp of dandruff. Lebanon. ''Lt'l' "." i g.'l' EYES AND EARS. Mr. Al. Frum was In town WodncB- : duy. Robert Cochran visited Lebanon this Miss Maud Ralston Is in Albany, thin week vlHltlng friends. Examine the hue stock of books of bit kind at ttourd and Holt's, Mr. Tuttle, from the "Hound," has Imught several lots in Lebanon. Tiik Ex rmcflfl in adding to ltn sub scription lint at a satisfactory rate. The several sawmills natir town will be kept busy thin season If they supply In-bunon's duitnnd for lumber. Tho vote for the Bchool houHe on Inst Saturday was carried by over two third's majority, us Tim KxruEHS predicted lut week. Hereafter we Bhull publish tho Leb anon Market report. Examine this report and be convinced that this is your bent market for all kinds of pro duce. - ;;' Sometime In the near future we pro pwo to canvass for subscriptions to The Exieh. Don't Iks in a hurry to send Ju j-our name, but wait till we show you our inducement. In the absence of better and less latorious sport our people have taken to jumping, and some few cxerts thrcntcu to beat the traditional "cow that Jumped over the moon." Rev. N. L. New will preach lu the C. P. Church next (Sunday In the morning ou the subject, "The Money Fide of tieQosiel,"aiid lu the ovening his subject will be "Home MMons." One day this week Rev. J. It Klrk patrlck let out a contract to Mr. Rhell, of Albany, to build him a $4000 resi dence in the Wassora additiou to Se attle, work to commence about the 15th of May. Hhow us tho man who based his pre dictions of an early spring ou the ma iieuverings of the groundhogsix weeks ago! Such unwarranted prophecies deserve to be classed with the night mares of Pagan ism. " We guarantee that th ere are more ". eople ou our streets daily than there i are In any town of two thotwaud In habitant you'ean name. What does this argue? business, of course. Is it any wonder the visitor mistakes our smiling business men foraurop of office . i seekers? .'vTMr. Feter Hume, the Brownsville bunker and treasurer of the Eagle Woolen Mill Co., called on Us Monday, Mr. Hume is so thoroughly identified with the business interests of Browus villo that a conversation with him is better than a day's study of a business , directory. Elder M. F. Klltingcr of CSettysburg, Pennsylvania, says he had been suffer ing with a cold and cough, also his wife, that they took to using Cham berlain's Cough Remedy and received great benefit. from it. Tet he says, "It was so pleasant to take." For sale by M. A. Miller. ; Dr.'E. R. Barker brought to our rfllce a Mr, On nurd who has spent some time in the mines of this coast, and who stands high in mining circle. We showed the gentleman a few spec imens cfquarlx. He gave substantial ly the verdict of every man who pro fesses to be a judge in the matter . rich. Seldom a day passes that some one does not bring intojour office rich spec imens of quarta from the great mineral belt in the Cascades, We predict thai the extensive work which will be done the coming fieason will draw a great many wen from the valley, thereby giving those who remain a better chance for employment. The Board of Trade have ordered the printing of five thousand circulars sim ilar to the four thousand which were printed two weeks ago.' Some old "Kip Van Winkle" will say this is mouey thrown away,, but is it? Oo read of the forced marckes and pitched battles of an excited people to secure forty acres of laud that would support a good sized Kansas grasshopper and . you will agree with our Board that what jthosejpeople heed is a little en lightenment, such as these circulars can give. Uivc them more light. Many of tho town people arc making garden. Mr. J. Wassom went to Albany Mouduy. The health of this locality Is remark ably good. Rev. F. II. Caldcr went to Browns tllle Monday. Mr. William Blakely.;of Pendleton , was in town this week. We acknowledge a pleasant call from our friend L. T. Berry. Rev. H. B. Klworthy, pastor of the M. E. Church at Brownsville, was the guest of Rev. Calder Saturday. Mrs. Henry Parrlsh returned from Htayton Friday night. She reports her mother convalesce!. J. R. Klrkpatrlck has let a contract to Mr. Springer to build a barn. Al ready work has been commeneed. Rev. C. M. Hill, the Baptist hft.no nisslonary for the northwest coast, preached in Brownsville last Sunday. It is reported that 100 houses will be erected in Lebanon during the coining year to meet actual needs. Oregon I an. Mr. Hansard has moved his saloon us far south as the barber shop, to make room for O. T. Cotton's new store. Mr. and Mrs. Royal Orover and their daughter Belle eume on Friday's train md were visiting; their friends in town. Our Brownsville correspondence was received too late for publication last week. We trust no such tardiness will occur in the future. W. C. Peterson made a business trip to Hillsboro last week. He went armed with a bundle of circulars and says he painted the west side red. Mr. Willis Calder rendered efficient service in Tit's Expukms office on Thursday of last week, euabliug us to get out the paper earlier than usual. Our school board have been offered $1200 for the public school building. In the event that the new school house is built, this sum is not to be despised. The several additions to Lebauon are selling rapidly, and what is better, in most instances to men who will build residences and become bonaflds resi dents. F. M. Miller was elected U the office of Junior Yioe-Comraauder at the Grand Encampment of the U. A. R. last week. Honon could not have beea more worthily bestowed. Home people are afraid of their shad ow, and, groundhog-like, they keep iu their boles just long enough to miss all those rare bargains in real estate offer ed by our resident agents. Prof. J. L. Gilbert, for several years at the bead of the Santiam Academy, at this place, was shaking hands with old friends on our streets Saturday. He remained in tow n over Sunday. The huge boiler and all the appurte nances of a first-class saw mill were uuloaded from the cars, Saturday, and drawn upon Main street, where it at tracted a large crowd. The warehouse ft this place, which Is owned and operated by J. Suttle, was taxed to its utmost capacity (00,- 000 bu.) last fall to accommodate the farmers of this locality. We understand that the proprietors of the St. Charles tVliik of building an addition to their already commodious hotel. Should this be done Lebauon will have better hotel accommodations than any town iu the valley. The rain which began to fall lust Saturday continued almost without In termission up to Monday night. As a result, the snow has disappeared from the hlUs iu our immediate vicinity, and we may reasonably expect warmer weuther. A sertee of meetings were commenced at the Presbyterian church ou Wednes day. The officiating ministers are Revs. Price and Haukiter, of the M. E. Church, South. . Everybody inter ested iu Christian work are invited to co-operate iu these meetings. When we read of the mad rush of people for the possession of small strips of territory in the western states and territories we feel like luvitlng to our owu broad territory, where they will not be harrassed by the military nor jostled out by a greedy horde of land grabbers. Comethis way. Messrs. Hickman, Hyde, Swan, Saltmarsh and Miller, of the John F. Miller Post, Mrs. Saltmonh, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Swan aud Mrs. Hindiuan, of the Woman's Relief Corps, weut to Eugene last week to attend the Urund Encampment. The warm greetings of old soldiers and the hospitality of Eu gene people are remarked by all pres ent. . Several real estate transactions this week. Mrs. Martin Hickman is somewhat better. R. C. Miller is spending the week in Albany. He Is on tho trial Jury. Mr. Jos. Elkins is soliciting, money to build a fence around the Academy. If you want to know who our busi ness men are, consult our advertising columns. Mr. Hays, of Flarriseurg, called on us Tuesday. Walter is showing him about the olty. Win. K. Temple and II. R. Powcl sold their wheat in the warehouse to day at 66 cents per bushel. Bedrock Driers, new goods and stan dard brands at both the Mammoth and One Price Cosh Stores of C. B. Monta gue. Lost, ou last Sunday night, a white silk muffler. Anyone finding the same will confer a favor by leaving it at this office. We take this occasion to remind cer tain business men that they agreed to build a brick block, provided a hew school house was built. Both of our schools closed Wedncs day at noon for this week to give all the scholars a chance to attend the Teacher's Institute at Albany. J. C. Bilyeu passed up Main street Tuesday with the longest string rf fish we have seen for some time. They were caught in the Santiam. The Junction City Pilot has chang ed hands again. Moria &, Back are its new proprietors. We wish them success in the broad field of journal ism. Mrs. C. W. Cobb, her infant daugh ter, and sister, Eunice K&kpatrlck, took the train Tuesday morning for Seattle. They were tecompanled by II. Y. Kirk patrick as far as Portland We are requested to announce that Rev, F. H. Calder will preach on infant baptism next Sunday; also that that ordinance will be administered to as many as may be presented on that oc casion. The Albany nerald has grewn like lightning of late. It feeds very large ly on electricity since taking the asso ciated press dispatches, which accounts for its present jiroportions and increas ing popularity. The Lebanon Cornet Band has or ganized in a businees-like manner. An organization effected in a careless, slipshod manner, is necessarily short lived. Blow away! Our only refuge Is in the theory of the "survival of the fittest." The marshal is making a house-to-house visitation, examining disjointed stove pipes defective flues and other disoiders of this nature that might subject the town to a general conflag ration. Afaln it has been demonstrated that woman excels man in pure intellectual force. This time it was at the public school, with Prof. Hickman as judge. This Is humiliating to the boys, but the'girls are willing to accept the de cision as final. This week we were shown through the furniture factory of E. Goan. The furniture manufactured here is all of native timber fir, ah and maple. Aside from its durability, our native imber is susceptible of a high polish, which nn.kes it very valuable. With a slight effort on the part of Oregonians and a small expenditure of money In judicious advertising, every town in the valley that is advanta geusly situated ought to duplicate its population before the first of January, 1991. Come, neighbors,' enter for the race and let's see how many will come up to the record which Leoanon is expected to make. One year from now our citiiens will uot be scattering circulars broadcast over the country. An eight thousand dollar school house, a twenty thourand dollar ditch, a paper mill costing fifty thousand dollars and a rolling mill worth sixteen thousand dollars, will do more to advertise Lebanon than 8x12 circulars could do if shot into every Dart of apace. Following are th6 names of all who attended the Teacher's Institute at Albany, so far as we could karn, from this place: Prof. Hlcgman, Prof. Wright, Miss Fannie Griggs, Miss May Ross, Frank Marks, Miss Oelia Smith, Mclvin Williams, F. E. Roes, J. B. Marks, E. Parrlsh, Miss Abbie Fry, Ray Jackson, Miss Zoe Marks, Miss Ada Miller, Mies Lizzie Reed, L. A. Wiley, L Jackson, Misses BcJlroieaud Beuna Klrkpatrlck, Miss Ivy Smith, Jay Bird Graduate & Co., and about two dosen others, OUR BUSINESS BAZOO MUST NOT BE PERMITTED TO flET RUSTED FOR AVAST OF KXERCISE, SO HERE S Big JU8T TO PROVE TO OURSELVES AND FRIENDS THAT WK HAVE NOT LOST THE KNACK. THE TUNE IS The Last Rows of Winter, AND WE PROPOSE TO PLAY FOR EVERY NOTE THERE IS IN IT BANK NOTES ARE WHAT WE PROPOSE TO BLOW OUT AND BLOW IX. THE LAST ROWS OF WINTER GOODS TTr ATT.Tvnwp n" mm htiptvps wtsit r.r wtttt nxv av a av AWAY Come and see us. Next to tho C. C. HACKLEMAN, Lebanon, WE WILL PHOTOGRAPH Your Baby, Your Doff,Your florae and JBug-g-y in Motion, YODR BOOSE, BOTH INSIDE : CLUB, Takf Groups Anywhere at Any Time, Raise Old Photos and Tin-Types to Any Size; In fact, we will do everything in the Dhototrraohic line. anA rnnv o.i and Enlarge any picture to life size in AIR BRUSH WORK, .. .. O Water And do all work right here at home, : nrnprrafl riai!v. We will en Aran iowot prises south af Portland. Call and see Samples of work. GEORGE U. YILCOX Lebanon, Oregon. There are some indications of a bakery soon. Rev. Calder went to Brownsville to assist Rev. Elwortliy lu a protracted meeting. Mr. Geo. Fry, who was indkted for burning the sawmill of Jennings & Co., on Hamilton creek, was cleared this week. V Mr. Geo. L. Alexander, of Eugene, a special friend, and formerly fore man, of Tub Kxpbebs, is in town viiiting this week. Mr. J. J. Swan went to Albany to day to consult a lawyer in regard to the legality of the proceedings at the school meeting last Saturday. Several haad of lef cattle were driven through town ' Thursday. Whcnoe cam all this tallow? From the country of mild wlnterf Willam ette valley. . The Calapooia Lodge,!. O. 0. F., of Brownsville, propose to c$lelmt the next anniversary at that place, and invite all neighboring lodges to join them. Full particulars will be given. A good time is expeeted at the Acad emy, Friday, April 4, at which tiniesu entertainment will be given. No pains will be spared to make this the most enjoyable occasion of the season. At a meeting of the trustees of the Bantiam Academy, on Tuesday last, the following trustees were elected: J. D. Walton, 8. A. Nlekeraofl, C. II. Ralston, J. A. Beard.O. B. Bland and B. Burteiishaw. The board voted to accept the resignation of Prof. R. N. Wiight at xlration of school term. J. A. Beard, Bec'y. sac-,- as A BLAST OF THE- Bazoo WITH 'EM. Bank. Oregon, AND OUT, YOUR SOCIETY OR Colors, where you are invited to watch k ton von mmOT;. i ,i Rev. J. R. Kirkputrkk went"" to Eugene Tuesday. Miss Gllie Waegom is recovering slowly. Rev. Henlieter came in on tie train Tuesday. This has not been a very eventful week in Lebanon for various rearons. Lebnnon is reaching out in every direction north south, east and west. Moms. Walton & Wiley hare, re ceived the machinery for their tcw planer. Mr. Davis, formerly of Brownsville. uuwwm, UM wen m Eastern Ore., for many years was in town this week. We noticed a large pond of water near the center of town that should be drained before the weather bet oraes warm. The Elite Literary Society itueta every Friday evening. It is the opin ion of some that when its members' tabu tlwt... ..... ' ' .1 . t v ...en evma cungress u:ai iwiy . will no longer be charade rued ,aj( sleepy. ? ' On inquiring yesterday of one of the school directors about whew Ahe school house would be lratd,.(he; said the first thing they intended-, to do was to have a first-class lawyer 1 J - - examine their resolution and past work, and then, if the work waa all legal, lliey would take steps to decide. where to build and to get ready for i. . - 4