The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 21, 1890, Image 5

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    'lie Gri
i Great Sierra Kidney and LlverCure
loly the most perfect medicine of
h age, Don t use t'ie mineral V Iduey
J)medlci on the marke t, but try us? we
are purely vet etable. All druggist hell
thase valuable floods.
Sierra Chtmteal Co., t24 Minnim street
Okktmjmkn: On your bottle label you
aik far teatliiionlals In regard to the effect
of your remedy. I take pleasure in giving
to you my heart y thank aa well aemy tes
timonial, which you can publish. 1 have
euffe ed a great deal with kidney and liver
trouble, and have trliut many medicines
a well a riiffrent. doctor to gt relief.
LIVKR. CUKH was recommended lo me,
and 1 have given It a trial. Much to my
satisfaction. I II lid It haw cured me of all
in' kidney and liver diilleultla-; also t
severe paiiia in my back are entirely well.
I cheerfully recommend your truly al
liable remedy lo all In the aaiun condition.
Very kindly your, O. Waiii.hcim,
1112 Twentluih at , Sau Friitic.o, Cat.
llieliiku of Seville lia teen pardoned
by the Queen of Spain, lie w.ts con
demned to ImniHiinient In lHWS fore peak
ing of Iter Majesty in inmil:ing t.irnia
because mIio reused him an tttidieneo.
A Cli!eHo d s;aich ci tho 21 inslunt
anya: Tub Northwestern and I'nioti I'a
cit'lo line to-day Inaugurated an im
nroved pUHHener service, A vol d vesti
bule fain will li-wafmr leave Cbicugo
daily a, lip i nnd run through lo the
Purine CoitHt, delivering pHH-eiie'H with
out change at Denver in thirty-threw and
a lialf hours, Portland in -'eighty-two
bourn and Nun Fr.uie.iaeo in- eighty-five
A lethargic, dormant cwidltt'm of the liver Ih
hnrdlv lo lie overcome with dra.itlo catlwrtlrs
nd ii'aneuui (lioluKnuen. A svuller, dcaant
crand fMr mure enVctive mean exlt of arnus
I ti K tlie orifMii wlien somnolent. Till" I" llostet
ter'n rfuimaoii Miller, vouched fur by the uient
cut frmenitiv. tel' il ly tlie iMildic for iimny
ye. A resumption liy the lilllaiy otxhu of it
nwrettvi-fuiie'l in, Willi (be nativity alleiidaiit
upon health, reliirn to rculnr;y of tlie lnw
el aud a renewal of (ilK.'Htmii hre tlie mi le
happy ami certain rcMiltn of iiiiuk tlie Hitter
nvmcniHilriill). lu laxative effect i never pshi
fiil and drenchlm?. It tendency bWug rather M
jieniotuate remilarltv tliau to produce a coplolii
action. Al alarm, ncrvoiiKne, rtohi II ty, kidney
troubles and iteuralKla It subdue effectually.
A Nassau (K. H.leiitton firm linn cut waffei
"Iwcniwe of Houtlieru competition."
Ever alnee lHfil there have been women
4more earh yrar) who claim that t here in no
noap half a good or a economical as Dob
bine' Electric. There muni be some truth
in their claim. Try It; ae how much.
Your grocer baa It.
The nuiohltie sunns of the Pennsylvania rail
road at Marrlsbunr are 10 be enlarged.
Atk your dealer for "Taustll's I'niieh."
, The I.omIkvIUp and Nashville mud will "tart a
brans foundry' at New Leeatur, Ala.
If vou want the himt, aen I your order
forRKMAiil.EorCAStAOK I ran-ia of com
poifttiou; or better at ill, Hmd your molds
to the ONLY ateani roller f ictory.
iAl.Mt:n Si Uky Proprietora,
Portland, Oregon.
A bill lKfore the MaaeliUHtta I'U'lnlature
duel flbt hours m a Uay'a work on railroads.
Hnra care for blind, blee tlnlf and ltehtiif; Pile.
Oae box tin cured thu mint casi of Um ycir
tandii)8. No one need nolle- ten inluutt aftor
aiituK Kirk ' Oerman file Oiutraeiit, It Btisorlpi
" tmnom, allays the Itehiua. anU a a imitltli.
ulvwi relief. Dr. Kirk'n (iuriuan Pile Ointment
in nriniaiiid wily for Pl) and lUililtiR of the
Itrivate varl, and uothlug elite. Kvory bo in
warranted .
Hold by OniKKlaf and aent by mall on receipt
Of price, I.IW t'r uox. . J. ami w uu., uu.r
tale AkoiiU, Sau rruuoinco.
llewareof Imltatioiifi of tlie eolobratud Sea' of
Xnrtli ( arollua Plug Out Tobacco.
Tkt Gkkmka for breakfaot
to i.m: i.onu.
How to rrolonc I, lie After Middle Age.
View ol mi Kiuliiunt l.oiiilon I'hyNli'lnu,
Whoae Hpeelulty lu lllaeaaea of the
John Gardner, M. P., is a London Thy
aician who mnkea a 8)ccia!ty of the treat
ment of dineases of cldorly pursonii. In a
recent hook upon, tins subjeot, Dr. Gard
jier saya :
"A hcaltliy and vigorotio state of every
part und every organ h eiMeutiul to the
liealth and well being of tho whole system
'To grow old gracefully,' is not the com
mon lot of all. 'Willi advancing years
oome increased infirmities they are by no
means inevitable, and their presence is due
to the failure to keep up to their work the
various organs of the body. Tlie study of
the body by scientists furnishes unques
tionable evidence that the duration of
human life may be prolonged to a hundred
Why, then, do so few live to that nge;
nod why after middle life and often be
fore is there so much guflering from ner
vousness, rheumaUwm, feebleness, lack of
appetite, sleeplewiiieHs, and debility? lio
euuae long Ule or overwork 1ms weakened
the nervous system. Kcv. T. Willinton.
the famous author of "Christ's Millcniui
Keign," when eighty four years old, sttf
fered with indigestion and rheumatic af
fections. His attention was called fortun
ately to Paine'a Celerv Compound. A free
use of that great medicine for the nerves
wired him, and made a great improvement
in his general health.
This grand discovery is an unequnled
medicine for the aged. It produces life
nwd energy and ia a marvelous preserver
of the (lie and vigor of youth. There is
nothing like it foratrengthening the nerves,
and curing the diseases to which old folks
ore specially subject. It is truly called in
valuable by those who have made a special
iitudy of dia'aes of elderly people.
Two Promlnnnt People rublloly Pro
elnlin Ponltlvo Belief and Cure bt
lvlectrlelly. . ,
To Whom It May Conrrw! Through
the tea' IrnoolaU which aimear in almoat
every paper in the State praiHing Drs, l)ar
rlo for ihDirakill In curing and relieving
the ii filleted who call on them I am happy
to ay 1 have at last found a road to health.
I have atiffcred 'or years with kidney com
plaint, canning great pain in my back and
extending down to l he sctallc nerve, at
times slnioat unbearable; also Ions of vigor,
energy and courage. 1 had about given up
that iheie wa any help for me, when i
met Dr. Dan in ihu forming hla lightning
cures. Now, after a few weeks of his
electro-megm-tie treatment I feel almost
like a boy and perfectly free from pain. K
any ona auftering from any curabledlseaae
will give the doctratrlal,ininvjudgmeut
you will lie entirely cured. I chearfu'ly
recommend them to the afllicted. lie
specifuily, J. W. Kkknev.
Long Creek, G ant county, Or.
A Knmarkable Cure.
Editor Daily (jrryonian: For many
year I ave he. n a great. aufTererfrom va
rlous a 111 ctiona to wlilcli women are Hub
ect. to-wlt : Womb, kidney, atomach and
head trouldea, il.h t-iich severity at times
as to hemme nearly insuii", and prsyed
that deat h would come and relieve me of
mv siiflerlnffH. aa I saw all former phvsl-
cluna and reined le prewnh -d afforded me
no rel'ef end despatrea tit ev r getting
well. In this com It'on I was Induced U
call on Urn. Darr n and consult them In
reference to my cnae. 1 hey gave me en-
eounigeinent, and I put myself under
their treatment, jvow, arter a lewmonina
treatineiit I feel like one anaUhed from
the jawa of death; their treatment has
brought antishlne and brightness to mv
mind, bealthv a.-t'on to my liver, strength
and vitality to my stomach, and perfectly
free from pain, and my other troubles are
g iiia. I gladly gve my name to the public
Ht one re.MCiied rrom suiiering- anu ueinn
by I)r. Parrln'a peculiar treatment. (Jan
be referred to at Prin-ville Org n.
Mas. JosEpn Smith.
Dth. Darrin run he coimnltd daily at the
VUil'-iinio" Imildlng, comer of Fourth
otd Wa-hin-jton ainta, '..rtlnnrl, and
H'iit-1 ft iii'tnl .f, Taeoma. Honrs. 1(1 to 5
ev-Hiiitft, 7 to 8 S'indava, 10 tali At
chrmiie di-ease, blood talnta, lo a of vbal
p iwerand early inrll-cret.i'Uit permaneoily
cured, t hoUuh no rrf reiices are ever made
In the presH concerning such cae. owing
to the rleii acy of the patients. Kicamlna
- ions f rtw vo all, and circulars will be sent
to an v address. Charges for treatment ac
e .rdiiisr 'o natieut'e abMitv to pay. The
noor treated frae of charge from K) to 11
d til y. All private dWeaaea ceufltJentlaJly
Hvaiu, ' " ' r,
at a dlhtMiire ran be cured by home treat-
- ... i . i
ment. Med clues ana letters Bent wituoui,
the doctors' name a"pearing.
GIbks work" will be started at Atlaula, (ia., by
the llrosliih City lilaw Company.
" The world grows we:iry prnlslng men,
And wearied i?rowof lieiug praised
lint never warled Brows tue pen
Whli-h writ, k the truthi that have amazed
the thousands who have beeu (riven np liy their
pIlVHleiRIIH HIU WHO Illive lie-U r-lliru vufi.iu
! i t.l. 1 .1.... yuliult tl all ,imiH1 Kl
IlHJie lll-HIIIl I'V U"HI i . w... .... ..
or fuuetlonal irregularities and weukuesses,
. i ............ i, i Uii Pit fits-
VCIllllll art HIM imtlW "l ni'iunuanm. " ",lM
..i ... t uiuwiu'i KavnritA Prpsrrlittioii.
tho only nrrto nre for all thou chronic
HilmtMl B pHOUllur lO WOIUUII. iweau iuc juniBw-
Wj on the bottle wrner.
To rpfrulHto the stomach, liver anilrOvveU Dr.
Pierce' Pellet cxceL Oue a dune.
lllFllllnllFWII tl Hi iih,iii.1""o
mKiid u uine hour day ou the M of Way.
April May
Are the best months in which to purify your
Moo t. During the long, cold winter the blood
becomes thtu and Impure, the body becomes
weak and tired. Hie appetite maybe lost, and
Just now the sybt'-m craves the aid of a reliable
medicine. Hood's . f-arsaparilla is peculiarly
adapted to purify and enrich tue blood, to create
a good apavtite end to overcome that tired
N. B. Ho sure to got
Sold by all druggists,!).; six for $5. Prepared
only by C. I. I100D & CO., Apothecaries, Low
ell, Mas'.
100 Doses One Dollar
rl)!.ih ie qle VJ JjlW$&
na) dW knotf JT yf ffi) )
An Klegant Pacha of Fine Cards,
Including 15 rare novelties, shapes and ar
tistic Imported olographic and chromatic
cards. This large and beautiful collection
sent bv mail to anv one wh will do thin;
Buy a box of the genuine Dr. C. McLane.'s
Ueleorarect uret mun irom any arupKiat,
price 25 cents, and mail ns the outstd.
wraooer with your address, n'alnly writ
ten, and 4 cents In stamps. The genuine
McLane's Pills are prepared only by
Fleminff Broa.. Plttsbure. Pa., and have
been in constant use for over sixty year.
They ar superior to all oihers iu purity
and effectlvenees. A certain cure for in
digestion and ick headache. Address,
Meniing iiros.. rutsnurg, i a.
Tt is estlmsled thst 2.00O,0t)0 wortn of lottery
tickets are sold in Boston every year.
" I toll vou, my boy, I got a heap more com
fort out of a package of 1 Bkai. ok Nokth Cao
i.ina Hluo Cut' than Jay Uould does out of all
his rallllous.
Happy Ueravery.
Thm la nolhtnv I now enior that I do not
owe to having used I)r. David Kennedy's Fa
vorlte Rcmedv, of Roundoat, N. Y., at a thne
when I was suffering all that a human being
could endure. My troubles began In my kid
dovs, from which I never expe:ted to recover.
My physician said I had BrigM's disease. Later
1 bail a bad attack of gravel. Klx years ago last
June how well 1 remember that day I saw
Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remsdy advertised In
our psjier. After aslng three bottlen 1 wan well,
j have never had a return of the disease, and
thmifrh I im riTer alxtv vearl of age I am vig
orous and strong, as I was in mv prime. What
physicians and the many remedies 1 had taken
could not do. Dr. Keuuedy.s Favorite Remedy
did; it staved the diseas ana mane me a wen
woman.-Mrs EmiMno P. Misner, Bni-g Hill, O.
Da. K P.NNKOY s Favokitb ksmkuy, maue ai
Rondout. N. V. fl; 6 for to. ,.
bond for liood, how to care Kidney, Liver and
RIikhI disorders.
Tht Oldisi Mfdicine in tkt World it rthtify
Tills urtiuloTa tt uuniluily preiiansl phj'sioliui s pre-
--i. I l.. .u.aiut.ii.lf nod fn. 1UUL1-IV fl
KriMUI'U, Mill ll UWJH u v..nnM.. wn. .v. . ,
century. Tliere ant few dlseaaoa to whloh niaoklnU
are tuojoot more oiHireasois inan aore y "i
none, p:rlnoM, for whieU more Vonieiltes have beon
trksl witliuatsuooess. For aU external intlaininatloD
of the eves It Is im Infallible remedy. If tlie dlreo
tloninrefollowcKlitwlll r.everfaU. Wo parMaulBTly
Invite the attention ot phys ,n HifAiJ3- wfw5
'Blabyalldruittriits. Stm.V ).. THOMPSON, JSON8
A 00m TaoY. S. Y. F.swbllnhed 17UI. "
Suffered Years in Pain.
14 Sumner St., Cleveland, Ohio,
Ang. 11, 1888.
In 181 T sprained my arm clubbing chest
nuts; suffered yearn in lain anil could not lift
my arm. It was finally cured by Ht. Jacobs
At DsrooisTS and Pfaler.
Alter spondiBg Ten Winters South,
was Cured by Scott's EmuMon.
IM Centre Ht. N ew Tork. I
J una 26th. lass. I
The Winter after the great fire
In Chicago I oontrooted Bronchial
a fractions, and since then have
been obliged to epend nearly every
Winter South. Last November was
advised to try Scott's e mulsion of
Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphltoe
and to my surprise was relieved at
once, and by continuing Its use
three months was entirely cured,
gained f1et.h and strength and
was able to stand -even the Bliz
zard and attend to business every
Fabsrs Golden. Female Pills.;
ForFemRle Irre?'ilar
i tie: uoth ina like them
on the market. AVnsr
fail. Kneceasfiilly lined
by prominent ls'iies
monthly. Guaranieed
to relieve suppressed
Dou't be humlaurecd.
Bave Time, lieiilth,
audmouey ;take uo oth
er. Rent to any address,
secure by mail on re
ceipt of price, fiOO.
Western Braacli, JJos 27, rOKTLAXD, OB'
Bold by Wisdom Jbi:o Co.. Portland, Or.
Goods is something we have to do at times to
Ret rid of overstock. We ofl'er good dry grapes
at 2c lb., flga 2'4'i; iu lots of 20 tbs. and over. We
have higher priced, but these are fair quality.
Noetarines, 6n to c; Kaislns. 4c to 8c; String
Beans, 1 1 doz. cans. Sheep Tuhaeco, "e to 8c for
extra quality; Canary seed, lUO-tb. lots 4o ft.;
dry peaches about 8c; for average apples So to
10c. The latter price for Aldeu. Meu's heavy
wool mittens, red, 26c; boys' susiieuders up to 8
or V years, 6o, and for men and big boys, 15c to
$1; Triuts (calico), 5c up; Kress ButUiuii.&c dos.,
grest bargain. I'lnbrellas, fjOe; good to use or
lend. Iiioft groyblaukfts,tl.25apair; Red blank
ets from U a )air up. Jieu's all wool )4 hose,
red or gray, slses 9Va to 11, at 25c, or 2.60 a dos.
This is a good time to send ns au order. Adk
for full list of 4.1XK) articles if you have none.
Address SniUb'M C'hU Store, 418 trout
Street, n fraiiclitco, Cat.
Cas be made easy by
raising Chickens. A
large 32-page 1 1 1 ust ra
ted Catalogue de
scribing Incubators,
Brooders, Uroouiui
Houses, How and
What to Feed, How
long to keep them in
the Brooder, Drinking
Fou n tains, tt i i s e a s e s
and their Oure, in fact
more information
than is glveu in many
25-oeut books. Sent
to any address on re
ceipt ot zc. stamp.
Wire Netting, Bous
Mills, Boue Meal aud
all kinds ot Poultry
Pitaluna Incubator Co Petaluaa. Cil
Its aiimirlnr sinellMi'-c ururen in inlllloiisof homes for
mors th in qiuirter of century. It it iinl hy tS
I'nited Hlates llHiveniinn t Knnfed lijr tlishi-a lsof
tlie Oreat l'niHinltie M th H-ronjo-t, Puma and
laust Hlthiul Dr Prl-e'sOmm llakln Powder (haw
oi.toontain Amiinnls, MiniMir Alum. "-oM only la cans
kew vnnK .hic.iio rwAxmHon.
The fnmom Ilovey Hed
Store of Ikwum, and Ilovey
N nrserles of Cambridge.,
Mas., have bsen move,! to
Kast l'aiuulcna. CaUfornin,
whers tlie business will lis
eondiirad a.
The Xaymonit Flower
ttnd vva snore,
C. 11. IlovsT.Waiuiser,
T.mut Puaadrnn, C'al.
Bend far eomilet esulogus.
' Mllie sim ftiwtija n'tistne. juitW
k liruKHiit for Diamond Brand, ia
rUi mytftnto ooxes, niva who mm,
riblMiu. Take no oth r. All piUn
In nskxtAhnnrd tuiitM. nink trrsmxrt. srs
luntrtromi eonntriFMt 4v
HtmiiM) for iiarttoulnrs, tenimoQlslt M
ltollof for Lmlt," !-, rtAurm
Mull. JVam P,t6er.
infHTC WINTPn 115 per month guarau
AuIiBlij HAlUIiU. teed to energetic ladies
or geutlemou. Call or write for particulars and
bo convinced.
II. A. Ill'SS & CO.,
Room 1, First Floor, Abiugwu Building.
jTlie Printers of Portland;
! Palmer & Rey's i
And say that ft is superior to any
com position they ever used. .
N. E. Portland.
NE. Portland Is the plsee to buy lot
NE. Portland is cleared and set in fruit, '
NE. Portland lots are 50x102 left each.
HE. Portland is nearer than Ht Tabor.
NS. Portland is high, sightly and level. ( ( , '
NE. Portland is within walking distance.
NE. Portland is Portland's best snburb.
Lots, $100-130 down; balance, $10 a month.
t First and Alder, Portland.
J are ttioe put up by
Who are the largest Seedsmen in the world.!
D. M. Fssst & Co's
Illustrated. Descrlotlve and Priced
lor 189a will tie mailed r Kttt to ail sp-1
plicaats, and to last season s customers.
It is Dctter in.ia ever, z-very persoo
using Cardtn, tlowtr tr riela
birds should send lor It. Address
HI RFS WHFHF ill tt St 111 5L
IttttuoiiKB bymp. 1 sstes gooo. use
in time, mini nynniKpim.
1 niwrtbe and fnltr cn
dorse Hig O as the only
specific forthecerialncura
of this disease.
U. H. I N1 RA HAM, M. D-,
Amsterdam, N. V.
Ws havs sold Big O for
many rears, and .t boa
OlnataBaUjSTSl faction.
' MsrtlSl.OO. Sold by inuKKlsU.
f i l TO S DATS. j
jCwumI V u W
I ''ISfllll Cantol OS,
dlClilWAIs fc BKACM.fiabler. Ko
"ish Pianos; Burdett organs. Band lnstrumeaUi.
Iargeht stock of Sheet M'isio end HookR. ll:mds
.iitiplied at Kastern Pric-a. MATTHIAS
GltAY CO. 208 Post Street. Kim Kranciw o.
V"Tlftv tTS0t .Sfcfc..
X Cmioo Has
cW"4ti3W taro w erfcamsny ts
skV'.-ii'i'$-W cam prunuiie4 a.
fCtlJrlKiUl hOelwbjphi-l
WrTTirTj 1 I: oiaas. bend lur m-m 9
I '! H 1 1 1 3! I I Bo 'tmmn lesssf
XlSJrSiAmftM tiTslll' and namseoasJ
iiTT-i? . teMimooials.TiwJr
ySJJCiaeiNHSTi. SMp(as
r. ITILS' Itai CUES CO., UOIaaSt., Uscisuti.
" I used often to read the newspaper aloud
to my wife," said Bert Robinson, " and once
I was fairly taken in ' by a patent medicine
advertisement. The seductive paragraph
began with a modest account or the sea
serpent, but ended by setting forth the vir
tues of Dr. Piorce's Golden Medical Discov
ery, which, it was alleged, was a sure cure
for all Bronchial, Throat and Lung troubles,
and would even cure Consumption, if taken
in time. The way I was taken in was this:
I had lung disease, aud I bought a bottle
of the remedy; I was a stranger to it, and it
took me in and cured me." Robinson's
experience is identical with that of thou
sands of others. So true is this, that after
witnessing, for many years, the marvelous
cures of Bronchial. Throat and Lung affec
tions wrought by this wonderful remedy, its
manufacturers foel warranted in selling it
as they are doing, through druggists, under
a positive guarantee that, if taken in time
and given a fair trial, it will relieve or cure
in every case, or money paid for it will be
refunded. No other remedy for such mala
dies Is gold under such trying conditions; ns
ordinary remedy could sustain itself under
such a plan of sale.
For all chronic or lingering Coughs, Weak
Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Short
ness of Breath, Asthma, and kindred ail
ments, it is a most potent remedy. While it
cures these diseases it also cleanses the blood,
invigorates the liver, improves digestion, and
builds up both flesh and strength. Contains
no alcohol to inebriate, no sugar or syrup to
sour or ferment in the stomach and inter
fere with digestion. It is a concentrated,
fluid, vegetable extract -Dose small and
pleasant to taste. It stands alone in the field
of medicine, and is aa peculiar in its won
derful curative effects aa in its composition.
Therefore, don't be fooled into taking some
thing recommended aa " just as good.'1 Bear
in mmd, it's the only Liver, Blood and Lung
Remedy possessed of such transcendent
curative properties as to warrant its manu
facturers in selling it under a printed cer
tificate of guarantee, which wraps every
bottlo. Wobld's Dispensary Medical,
Association. Proprietors, 063 Main Street,
Buffalo, N.Y.
unions Headache, Dlzztneas, Constipation, Indiges
tion, Billon Attacks, and all derangements of the stomach and
bowels, are promptly relieved and permanently cured by the use of
They are Purely Vegetable and Perfectly Harmless.
A a Zjivun PIIjIj, irnequaled!
For a Stock of Candy or Anything for a Bakery
N. P. N. U. Ne. 327 S. F. N. U. No. 404
Aliskx Candy Manufacturing Co:,
Jobbers in Show Cases, Rcales, Paper Bae in fact, anything you need in. 'a Cun
foctioner'g store. Salesroom Co) ner of Front and Oak ntreet. .'
,'?i;.Wlw.W":-'t1t,:vtM, ., -.;.... . ........