The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 21, 1890, Image 4

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"Sine I hnvo been of such great serT
lee." ho said, "to Mathew Huinble, he
seems to think that ho must not come o
often as he did. A worthy man, however,
and, perhaps, he Is moved by tho - shame
of taking assistance. ' ' .
"Very likely, sir." I said, wondering
what thing, short of the pillory, with tho
fugleman and his pike beside It, would
move Mathew to shame. "It is strange
that men should lima court tho appear
ance of ingratitude. Did yon ever, sir,
borrow mouey, sums of money, of
Mathew Humble!"
"Lend. jm mean, Druellla," be replied,
turning rod wit h sudden nnger.
"No, sir. I said borrow. Pray pardon
me. sir, 1 had no Intention to offend."
"Hut you have offended, child." lie
puffed his cheeks, and became scarlet
with sudden pasaiou. "Vou , hr.vo of
feuded. 1 . eay. Not -offended? Do
' voti know what you have said!
have words meaning for you? Should
I. Solomon Hethcrington. Knight.
bM.mii nvul VAnunl fin! fill mv ivun 1 1 It
from Tower mil to Temple Car. and
from IiOndou Bridge to Westminster,
steep to borrow to borrow.'I kw, paltry
sum.-i for kotoiild lend none but paltry
sums of a petty f.-.rmer? Not mean to
offend! Zounds! the gi;-I Is mad."
"Pity, si!-, forgive me. I um so ignor
a::t that 1 know not"
"To be 111. my dear, to be mire." lie
became as quickly appeasi-d as he had
b?en easily oilonded. "Sho does not know
the difference between lending and bor
rowing, flow chould she?"
"Aud have you lent Mathow much,
"As for lending. I have. It i.s true,
placed in his hands, from time to time,
tsiiis of money for which I have no
security and have demanded no interest.
Cut let that pass. ' I am so rich that 1 can
afford to lose. Let it pass.- And whether
he pays them back or not, I do not greatly
Yon gave this money to him." 1 said,
"bv drafts upon vour bankers. I suppose."
"Why. certainly. You do not suppose
that wo London merchants, however rich
we are. carry our money about with us.
That would indeed be a return to barbar
ous times."
"Tueu there was the paper that you
signed in the presence of an attested at
lorit y and of Barbara, what was that.
He laughed and made as If he were an
uoved, though he appeared pleased.
"Tut. tut." he said "A triile a mere
trifle: let an old man have bis little whiui
sometime. Dnisilbv"
"But what was It. slrT I persisted;
"Mathew would have me call It a mort
jrage." my fatb?r went on "A mortgage
indeed! Because he wished his sister not
to know It was ho, ho! a deed of gift,
child That is all It was when 1 as
signed certain lauds to him. A deed ot
gift, Wo called it a mortgage, but I could
not prevent showing Barbara by laughing
ha, hal that it was something very
different In addition to the money, I
have bestowed upon him a field or so for
the improvement of his farm. Th.' gain
to him in great: the loss is email to uio.
mortgage, we agreed to call it. Ila! ha'
Duly signed and wituessed. Your father,
Drusiiia, is not one to do things irrcgu
Lirty !!v signed and witnessed."
This cfii; creation made it quite clear to
n.n f ! -t I,.,, ,aA Mil 1 111, ? , i .
ua7 . i. - 1 1 ' . i unu wiii.i 'vi an uir'iuiu
able plot, tor our ruin. For the supposed
deed of gift which my father wished to
sign, he substituted a real deed of mort
gage, iu which my father was to acknowl
edge tliu! he bad received ZW for which
be assigned his house for security, aud
without, as afterward appeared, any
-!:mse o- to time allowed after notice
-should lie given of foreclosing How far
ihe lawyer was concerned iu this con
, spiracy I know not. Perhaps be was in
nocent. Indeed, I am now inclined to be
lieve that ho was innocent of any com
plicity How far Burimra perhaps she,
too, was ignorant of this wickedness
All that night I lay awake turning the
thing over iu my miud. I planned a
thousand mad schemes: I would break
into Mathew's room aud steal the papers.
I would go round the town and proclaim
his wickedness, I would Inveigle him into
surrendering the papers by a false promise
of marriage: 1 would seek the protection
of Mr. Carnaby. All these things 1 con
sidered, but none of them approved them
solves on consideration, because a forget
and a cheat will always be ready, if ho
escapes punishment for the first offense,
to repeat his wickedness. Lastly, I re
solved upon seeking Mathew at the mill,
where I ejuld talk to him at greater
I went there in the afternoon about 8 of
the dock. When I lifted the latch I saw
Barbara sitting on the settle near the
window working. Before her, as usual,
lay an open Bible. Strange! that one who
was to hard and severe, could draw no
comfortable things from a book which
should be full of comfort.
She shook her long lean forefinger at mo.
"I have known," she said, "for a long
time the ruin that hangs over your house.
I saw your father sign the mortgage. Ho
laughed and called ita deed gift, I remem
ber. Ah! good money after bad. But my
brother, who was foolish enough to lend
the money, was not so foolish as to let it
go without security, A deed of gift! He
is cunning, your father, and would de
ceive me if ho could, I doubt not." Sho
turned over tho leaves and found some- j
thing that seemed to. suit the occasion
iul my demerits. " 'IIcThath made thy
vino bare.' My brother Is full of com
passion. 'Ho hath mailu It clean bare.'
Thy punishment huth begun." ,- ..
"I wish to boo your brother alone."
"Do you come lit peace or iu enmity?
If Iu peace, you must tlrst nmko submis
sion, and confess your deceits as regards
t'le boy, who Is surely dead. Nothiug
elso will satisfy him. You can beglu with
me Where la tho boy?"
"What I have to say is with your
brother, not with you."
"Uo, thenj but remerr.ber, when you
are married, look not to lie mistress here.
I shall continue to bo tho mistress as I
have always been. If you come In enmity,
then you have mo to battle with and not
my brother alone. Two hundred pounds
is not a sum to be given away for naught.
Men are soft where a woman Is concerned,
Mathew limy be a fool for your sake; you
may look to wheedle him out of his papers.
Ah. but you shall ixt Ho may be a fool,
but I am behind. I am not soft; your
eves will not make a fool of mo, Mistress
'She then bade mo go within, where I
nfioiild find her brother.
'" It was a cloudy afternoon, and. bo early
in tho season, already growing dusk;
Mathew was seated besido tho lire, and on
the table a stout jar containing Hollands
which lie had already begun to drink.
"lYetty Drusilla!" he cried, astonished.
"Have you brought the money?"
"No." I said, "i como to learn If you
are In earnest or In Jest."
"In Jfit?" Then ho swore a load oath.
"Hew you. my lass; if that money Is ant
paid nest week, your house will bo sold.
M.ike your uicouut of tlutt, But If you
comply with my conditions, tho papers
shall lx tor;i up."
"Then I a.-.i ronio to tell you, ..Mathew,
that although I shall u.t comply with
your conditions, the cottage will not be
"Why not?"
"Because, first of all. that mortgage Is
false. 1 kuow now what you did. Ynu
caused my father to sign one paper, be
lieving it to bo another. That is a fraud,
aud a hanging matter, Master Mathew."
Ho laughed, but uneasily, and ho turned
ialo. Also, which is hardly worth the
noting, ho swore a great oath.
"It's a lie!" he cried. "Provo It!"
"I can prove it. when the time come
Meantime, retiect on what I have said. II
is a wicked and detestable plot. I'cflect
npon this and tremble."
He laughed again, but nneaslly.
"There is auother reason," I said,
"why you will not sell tho cottage. It Is
thia. You are afraid that Halph may
come homo cud demand ax amount.
-- . ........
Well, I can tell you this; thnt he will not
come home just yet. But. if you do this
thing as sure as I am alive, Mathew, I
will write to him aud tell him all I sliall
tell him how yon have persecuted me to
marry you. not because you want nie for
your wife, aud though you havo had your
answer a dozen times over, but because
you want to plague and spite your cousin.
I will tell him, next, how you have spread
falae reports about another will, and how
you have whispered that he is turned
highwayman. And lastly. I will tell him
how you have practiced upon the kind
heart of a poor demented mau, and made
iiim sign his name in testimony of your
own foul plot and falsehood. I will not
spare you. I will tell him all. I will beg
iiim to return post haste, and to bring
with him ollicers of justice. Then, in
deed, you may look for no mercy, nor for
anything short of the assizes and New
castle j-itl." "
I spo!:e so resolutely, though porhnji
through ignorfuico I spoke foolishly, tliat
1 moved him aud he trembled. t
Yet ho blustered. Ho said that nil
women are liars, as is very well kuuwii;
that the boy was long silica dead uuu
buried, else why did he no return to
claim the property? That, as for my
story, he did not value it one farthing,
while, aa regards my accusation, lie would
laugh. In fact, he did laugh, but not
"Come, Bmsllla," he said; "your fathet
is welcome to the money, for aught I care
I do not desire to sell the cottage. Sit
dowii and be friendly. Tell me all alxiut
tho boy; aud look, my lass" his eyes wer
cunning indeed "look you. Write to the
boy; tell hint, if you will, about the
money, ieli mm that i am wining not. to
press it if ho will give reasonable a-ssur
anee or security of his own in exchange
Let hint, for instance, give mo a mortgage
on tho mill, and let him, since he is so
prosperous, pay the interest himself."
This was a trap into which I nearly fell
But I saw in time that he designed to Cud
out in this wav what he lmd to fear.
"I have told you," I said, "what I shall
'Ah! your story, I doubt, is but made
up by woman's wit. Drusllla, you are a
cunning baggage. Come, now, give over:
stay here and be my wife; thou shalt be
mistress in everything. As for Barbara,
I aiu tired 'of her sour looks. She scold
all day. Site may pack; she makes the
meals uncomfortable. She may vanish;
she stint the beer, We will keep houae
without her. Sho finds fault from morn
ing to night. She is a"
'You called me. Mathew?" Barbara
suddenly opened the door and stood be
fore us. Her eyes followed nie as I went
away with malignity difficult to describe,
and Mathew. sinking back into his chair.
feebly reached out his hand for tho jar of
When I went homo I told my mother
that for the present, at least, we need not
fear anything from. Jllathew. Of thia I
was quite ri,"uiiu, My assurance that I
would appeal to uiy cousin, the doubt
where "tho boy" might bo there wiw no
retwua. .for l;i'itanca why he should not
bo at Ne-wiMHtlo. or ut Itothuury, or at
Hexham, or at Cullsle to say nothing of
my charge of fraud, went homo to Ids
guilty roufcelnneV.' .These things were
sure, 1 tlioug'lit. 'to deter a Hum not nat
urally courageous, although .Ills con
aeionco might be uurdoited, from tempt
lug the veugeaui'v of his Injured coiihIu.
No far was 1 right, that for the whole
of the spring ami Hummer we had no fur
ther molestation from Mm, hut cnutluued
iu our (pilot course, .spending as little
money as we could, yet looking forward
to the timo, now growing very near, when
there would be no more left to spend. As
tor myself. I may truly declare- that my
faith was strong I mean not the faith ol
a Christian, such as I ought to have held
but faith In my lover so far away. He
would send me au answer. ' The answer,
whatever it might ho, would surely sot
all right.
Mathew not only ceased to persecute us,
but ho ceased to desire the conversation
and company of my father. He camo uo
more even to church, us if conscious of ills
wickedness, and ashamed to face honest
people. Ho was rarely seen oven in town,
and he left me quite alone; so thut I )h
gau to think that repentance hud perhnp!
si -iiied upnu his soul Alas! Ilcpcritaucc
knocks iu vaiu at tho heart of such iu
Though, however, we saw him not, I
heard, through my faithful fugleman,
certain intelligence about hint. Thus, In
drank harder; he neglected his busiiioM.'i
lie quarreled dally with his sister, who
reproached him for his drunken ways, unt!
tho neglect of his worldly affairs; also,
die continually urjred him to recover t!t;
JL-(X) owed him, as she thought, by m
father. She hungered and thirsts afte:
this money, which, it seemed, she did i:ot
know that her brother Mssensed. Vii
hud he concealed from her, she asked him
with anger, that ho had so much as .'."."OU,
wheu he wotdd not pivo her even money
to buy things wanted for the house? Ix;
him get the money back. Was ho niad to
let Interest and all go? She let hlni have
no peace; she longed to have this money;
perhaps sho longed for our ruiu as well.
Then she constantly threw in her brother's
teeth tho fact that if tho boy was not dead
and should return, if. iu fact, my story
was trim, he would find the books and ait
counts iu such confusion as might lead to
theirruin. Hhe wanted to know what truth
thero was In tho reports, once so industri
ously spread, about a second, will. Iu
fact, she led the wretched nian a dog's
life, having a tongue sharper than a
sword and more dreadful than a fiery ser
pent. But. as concerning the things she
said of lUlph. I could have desired noth
ing better, because it kept alive hi
Mathew's breast tho wholesome fear of
his cousin's return. Bo long as that lasted
wo were safe. We should have continued
in safety, because that fear did not die
away, but rather increased day by day,
save for tho instigation, as I caunot but
believe, of the evil oue, and tho concoc
tion of a design oven more wicked than
that of the mortgage. I suppose tho plot
was conceived in tho spring or summer,
hut it was no! until the lato autumn that
it was attempted. Tho way of it was as
fullows (I do t;- liarm, I trust, by speak
ing openly of a traffic which, ns everybody
knows, la conducted ulniost openly all
over the northern counties of England
and the southern counties of Scotland).
I have mentioned one miiel, or Han
(Sedge, always called the timing Man, be
cause he was liko Hercules, the fabled
(ireck, for bodily strength, who lodged
with Sailor Nun. He professed to make
a living out of his strong arms and legs.
Ho went to fairs, aud was simiii on market
days in all the towns of Northumberland,
Durham and Carlisle, informing great
feats for wagers, or for money laid down.
He was a man standing over six feet, with
legs and arma of surprising stoutness, a
square red face and a kindly eye. Despite
his strength ho was peaceful and the soft
est hearted of mankind. Now, though he
protended to live by the exhibition of his
strength, which I believe was the reason
why tho vicar called him Milo, it vwas
very well known everywhere that ho had
another and a more, important source of
profit. This waa in Tho running of "stuff"
across the Border, a business which do
mauds, as everybody knows, much can
Hon, with knowledge of the country and
powers of endurance. The "stuff" con
sists generally of brandy, lace, silk
and Geneva. Salt Is also smuggled
across, but a liottcr profit Is made
out of the former articles, which
iro less In bulk and more easily
joncealed, Thero are many reasons why
Warkworth should be a convenient spot
for the illicit trade. First, it lies two
adles up the river, and has many aafe hid
ing places, m tliat a cargo once landed at
;!ie mouth of tho Coquet may be safely
Mid speedily carried tip the river and be
stowed whe'.-e it Is judged safe; for all
ilwig the steep banks there are spots
learly designed by Nature for the conve
dent storage of valuable packages. Not
0 speak of the thick hanging woods be
.idetho banks, whore enough CSonovaand
Jpllamls stored to supply London
or a year, there Is the Hermitage, whose
loublo chamber I have myself seen
mcked full of silk hi bales waiting for an
ipportuiiity, while In the castle itself
here are vaults, dungeons, passages and
!(, chambers, known only to the fugle
mm, Here, little suspected by my Lord
if Northumberland, enough brandy might
3o stored to supply the county (which is
1 thirsty ono) for a dozen years. The
llordor is not, to bo sure, so near as lt(ls
higher up the coast; hut, on the other
.and.'tho lookout aiu! wuleli kVl h? ,m'
raugers cannot bo by atiy means m. vl'
jtnt and close as whore the county IV.'"
rows to tho north) while more than halt
the run takes place over the wllii moors
i!id pathless slopes of the Cheviots, n
place In which the excise people find II
dlllieult indeed to discover or to stop n
run made by men who know the country.
They havo a service of ponies for the
work, little, hardy, sure footed creatures,
who carry the ankers, kegs and' bales
slung ai-rosm their backs, and can he
trusted to make the whole thirty-live
miles from Warkworth to the Border In a
single night, that is, In seven or eight
hours, the drivers walking or riding ho
stile them.
Most of tho farmers and craftsmen of
Warkworth tiiko a share in these risks
and profits; one or two of them of whom
Mathew vus ono often accompany and
hud tho expedition. Everybody knows
beforehand when a run Is arranged; niuny
In the towu know the very night when it
will take plane, tho road chosen and the
value of tho sfufT. There Is so much
syuqiathy with this work, on luith side
of the Border, and so many partners In
the venture, that Information Is never
giveh to tho escino. and hiding places are
found everywhere, with the help and con
iiivauee of tint moHt innocent looking
plowboy aud tho most demure country lass.
Now mm morning It wan in N'ovomlier,
when the days have already become short,
iiihI the nights are long and dark. Ihui
(ledge got up from hlii sleeping Ismeh, or
cupboard In the wall, wlsiut H or a lit tle
after, calling lustily for small beer, of
which he drank a quart or so as a stay to
hiii stomach before breakfast. Then he
dressed and came forth to the door with
the mug in his hand.
K.dlor Nan was td'.vady seated on her
stone, pipe in mouth, and three rornpred
hut on her h"ad She had tukeu her
bre.iklVit. and now sat, regardless of the
raw, cold air for all th" winds thut blow
were the same to her looking up and
down tho strait, lu which nothing as yet
was ni'ivtng, though the blacksmiths
apprentice across the road Lad lit the lire,
mid the cheerful breath of tho belloivs
made one feel warm.
"Fugleman and me." said Dan. yawning,
"fugleman and me, we was rowing up and
down from Amble most all night."
"What is tho run:" asked Nan, who
"M .of ijfierunr
needed uo other explanation; "aud who's
in it?"
"Mathew Humble Is in it for one." said
Dan. "(Suing with It himself, he Is, this
journey. Ho. ho! Polks will talk of tlda
run when they come to hear of It. The
fugleman thinks ho knows. But he don't;
no. he don't know. He's not to be trusted.
I'm tho only one who known. Ay. a ram
run it will be, too out of the common
this run will lie Folks will lift up their
head when they hwtr of this night's
"What is It. Dan? Lace boliko."
He shook his stupid head and laughed.
. How could Mathew havo boon such a
fool as to trust him?
"Boliko thcro's lace in it, and silk lu it,
and brandy In it. There's always them
things. But there's more, Nan there's
"What more, Dan?"
'Fugleman, he'll laugh when he hears
the news. He's helping in the job, and
ho don't know notliing about it; only
Mathew and me knows what that job Is.
Mathew and mo and ono other."
"Who is the othor, Dan? And what is
tho job?"
IIo shook his head and buriol It for
safety in the pewter pot.
"Mathew Humble," ho said, "Is a
masterful man."
"What Is the job?" asked Nan, feeling
curiosity slowly awaken.
"It is a job," replied Dan, "which can't
bo told unto women."
"Why, ye lubber," sho sprang to her
feet and shook her fist in tho Strong Man's
face, so that ho started back; "lubberand
land Inliher, you dare to cull me a woman
captain of the foretop, Now, lot me
hear what this job is that I am not to be
told. Out with It or" I omit tho gar
nish of her discourse, which consisted of
sea oaths.
"Mathew Humble did say" the
Strong Man began. But strong mon are
always like babies in tho hands of a
woman. '
" 'Vast there. Dan," said Nan; "d'ye
think I value your job nor want to know
what it is a rope's end? But that you
should refuse to tell It to me, you ship
iiot that's what galls. And after yestor
forenoon's salmagundi?"
This accusation of ingratitude cut poor
Dan to the quick. Iu the matter of sea
pie. lolwcouso and salmagundi (which is a
moss of suit beef, onions, potatoes, pep
per, oil and vinegar, tho whole fried to
make a toothsome compound) Sailor Nun
vus "more than a mother" to him.
"Twenty yeuw alloat." continued Nan,
n deep disgust!; "from hoy to captain of
. Iio foretop, and' from Capo Horn to the
Vtrtrow seas and Copenhagen, and to kw
told by a iund wab, who never so much
as smelt blue water, that I'm a wonnui'"
"()' course," said Dim feebly, "I didn't
really moan It." ',. -
"Didn't moan it? Why-there! Wha
Is It, thou? Is It piracy or murder?"
lie shook his head.
"Look ye, Nan. It won't signify, not
a button, telling you, I said to myself,
at the beginning, 'Nan won't spoil sport;'
and it's only a girl."
Only a girl! Nan pricked up Iter ears,
"As If I cared about girls," she Bald care
lessly. "Only a glrly. It's Miss Drtmy that's
all. You see she's linen louglng to run
away with Mathew and murry him, for
months. Longing she has, having took a
fancy for Mathew, which is a st range
thing, come to think of it, and she ho
young. But women are . Ay, ay.
Nan. I know. You seo I ulways thought
she was saving up for ltulph Emblotuii.
But Mathew, he says that's nonsense
Well she all this time longing to marry
him, and her mother won't hoar It no
chance till now. So It 's fixed for to-night,
What a run! Iten, and bruudy. aud
Geneva, and a girl."
"Oh well; J don't care, Oo on. Dun.
If you like."
Ho then proceeded to explain thut
Mat how hud arranged for u pony to lie
saddled In readineNs; thut the idguul
agreed upon between the girl and Mathew
wus a inessiijti from the ensile carried by
a certain boy named Cuddy, pretending to
come from the 1 uglenian, who was to be
kept out of the way, employed at the Her
mitage, where the stuff was bestowod; tho
boy wan to say that the fugUmiun was III.
On receiving this messagi the girl would
make an excuse to run up to the castlo
where she would mount the pony, and so
ride off with Mathew and Is- married ovor
the Border. To keep up appearances, he
went on I lib soft headed giant it had
been arranged that the young woman was
to scream and struggle at lirst, and that
Dan should lift Iter into the saddle, and,
If neciwsary, hold her on. Once across the
Border they would Is) niiirried without so
much as a jump over the broomstick.
Nan slowly rose.
"I'll got you some more Iswr, Dan," she
Sho went indoors and poured about
throe-fourth of a pint of gin into a
tankard which she filled up with strong
ale, and brought out to her lodger with
tender caro.
"Drink that, Dan," sho said; "it's good
old stingo noi 10 of your small beer.
Drink it up; then ynu run put on your
coat and go about your work."
He drank it off at n gulp, with every
outward sign of satisfaction. Then he
suddenly reeled and caught at the door
"(Jo and put ou your coat, Dan." sho
suiil, looking at him with a little anxiety
He disappeared. Nan heard one two
heavy fall, and nodded her lieud. Tlieu
Bho followed into tho room aud found the
strong man lying upon tho floor, on his
back, with his mouth open aud his eyes
shut. She dragged a blanket over him,
and went nut again to sit on her stone
with as much piitlence as a spldor in Oo II
toticr. She sat there all tho morning
quiot as if alio was on watch. About !i:St)
in the afternoon there camo slowly dowu
tho street no other than Mathew Humble
"Where Is Daniel?" ho asked.
Nan pointed to the door.
"He's within, fast asleep. He camo home
late last night. I dure say he'll sleep on
now, if you let hlme ulono, till evening."
"Havo you has he talked with ynu
this morning?" Mathew's eyes woro rest
less, and his cheek twitched a sign of
prolonged auxiety or much drink.
"Nay, what should he say to mo, see
big that ho camo home in the middle of
the night as drunk as a pig? Let him
bide, Master Mathew. .What do you want
him for? Is there a run?"
no nodded.
Sho held out her hand. "Ill drink luck
to the venture," sho said, taking the shil
ling which lie gave her for luck. "Thank
you; this is suro to bring you luck.
You'll say so to-morrow morning. Be
member that you crossed old Nan's palm
with a shilling. A lucky run! Such a
run as you never had before A run that
will surprise the people."
"Ha! ha!" said Mathew, pleased with
the prophecy. "It shall surprise them."
"And how do you got on with Miss
Drusy? So she Bald nay. Sho will and
she won't ay, ay I know tholr tricks.
Yes, a fino girl, and spoiling, as one may
say, for a husband. Take care, Master
Mathew. Bettor mon than you havo lost
by shillyshally."
"Why, what would you have me do,
"Do? A man o' mettle shouldn't ask.
Capture tho prize; pipe all hands and
alongside; then off with hor; show a
clean pair of heels; clap all sail."
"I believe, Nun," Mathew said, "that .
you are a witch."
"I believe," she replied, "that after,
your run you'll be sure I am. Go in and
wake Dan."
The follow, roused rudely, eat up and
rubbed his heavy eyes.
" You can't be drunk still, mon," said
Mathew, "seeing it's half-past 2 In the
Durham's steamery and tobacco fac
tory and the tobacco factories of Cameron
& 0" and Cameron & Sizor were de
itroyed by fire at Richmond, Va.