The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 21, 1890, Image 3

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Tht City llakery ha a new irtgn.
Hrcwnsrlllc In justly proud of her
brass baud.
fllmons ha bech suffering from
itittftck of la grippe,
Old FniiKt hna recovered and in about
Jlnmor says there arc two weddings
mi tlio tapis.
Jam-' LcmnBtcr has quit work at
t ho factory.
Carpus Bpcrry says he will tnko his
plows to the shop on a wagon In the
Our Juvenile Oichestra Is progress"
Ing rapidly, under the nianngeBient of
Prof. Larkell.
We overheard a plot to mil file the
marshal' eight o'clock bell. Boys,
don't do It.
The political cauldron has begun to
bil. Candidates for office are very
Brownsville will be a good place for
carpenters this summer, as the build
ing boom has struck this place for
Two additions to Brcwnsvlllo have
been platted and thrown upa the
market. Tlio boom, like the Mongoli
an pheasant, is moving tip tho volley.
No steps have been taken as yet to
repair the county bridge at this place.
Tho loss of this bridgo is working
much Injury to both towns. Some
thing ought to be done as Boon as the
water is loweuough U admit of it.
Mr. rillsbury, our popular jeweler is
once more at his place of business,
after a long confinement from rheu
matism. The carpenters are at work
on his house, which will be a ueat
Engineer Kckleaoa who Is in the
employ of the S. P. R. It. Co., came
down from Coburg In company with 8.
P. Pctigra Monday last Various rail
road projects uro under advisement,
ukout which the public know uext to
nothing, so the people are thrown back
upou the Yankee's resources guessing.
Mr. N. II. Staudish, of Brownsville,
who occupies the upper story of his
blacksmith shop, was awakened on
last Thursday night by the crackling
of a fire which hud been built ou the
first floor of the building. He Imme
diately quenched the flames, otherwise
the building would have been consum
ed and himself the occupant of tin
"urn." Cremation in Brownsville is
far from being popular. ITkmo.
Pure blood Wyandotte chickens for
ale by It. 8. Rolterts.
.For a lame back try saturating a
piece of flannel with Chamberlain
Pain balm and binding Hon lo the ef
fected parts. This troatmout will cure
any ordinary case in one or two days.
Pain Balm also cures rhciunotism,
sprains, swellings and lamoness. 60
rent belUes for sale by M. A. Miller.
Bedrock prices, new goods and stan
dard brands at both the Mammoth and
On Price Cash Stores of C. B. Mouta
tognc. What a Fortune
Is a good healthy, pearly skin. Few
are aware of the short time it takes for
n disordered liver to cause blotches on
the face, and a dark grcwy ekln. One
bottle of Begg'a Blood Purifier and
Blood Maker will restore this organ to
Its natural and healthy state, and
cleanse the blood of nil impurities, It
is meeting with wonderful huccchs.
We gunrantee every bottle. M. A.
Miller, Druggist.
Fo UNI)! One huudrod picture
frames, and will give them to my mis
tomcrs next week. With every 1 doz.
pictures (cabinet bIjhj or larger) ordered
ut my gallery before March 24th, I will
frame an extra picture in a handsome
gilt frame, making you a present of at
least $1 60. Bee sample frames at the
gallery. Call earl.
JjE0.,L. WlliOox, Lebanon, Or.
When you desire a pleasant physic,
try Ht. Patrick's Pills. They cau al
ways be depended upou, and do not
nauseate the stomach nor gripe the
bowels. For mU by M. A. Miller.
A choioe farm of 137 acres, within a
mile of town, for sale. Inquire of
T. C. & C).
For rheumatism there Is nothing
liettcr than Chamborlrin's Pain Balm.
The prompt relief which it affords is
(done worth many times Its cost,
which la bat fifty centH per bottle.
Many bad eases hare boon permn
.ttcntly cured by it. For sale by M. A.
Mr, James Dickson, one of the best
known and most highly respected of
Oregon Tlonecrs, who came hcr in
the days when it took courage and In
dustry to cross the plains, died this
morning (Tuesday) after an Illness of
some time, at his home In the Burk
hart district, about eight miles south
east of Albany. Ills death m-111 be
generally regretted by the people of
Linn county, where he has been
known only to bo respected and es
teemed since the history of the county
began. Mr. Dickinson leaves a wife
(his second one) and six children to
mourn the death of an exemplary
father and husband. James Dickson
came to Oregon in 1847 from Iowa,
where ho had resided one year, going
(here from Ohio, his native state. He
crossed the plains In a company with
forty-seven teams, hiring out to drive
one of them, and out of all the origin a
hands he was the only one who re
mained to the end of the jsiirney.
Among those in the company now
living are William Ilalston, Walter
Kctchum and Jason Wheeler, of this
city. George Kluui, It. Baltmarsh and
Mrs. Ilaluton, of Lebanon, tmd Jswph
Ralston, of Eastern Oregon. Mr.
Dickson took a clalm'off the hands of
a man who resided here before him
and resided on It the remainder of his
life. Iu 1S43 he participated in the
Cayusc war. Mr. Dickson was an un
assuming man, paying great attention
to his home duties. He acquired a
splendid reputation for his unsurpassed
butter and sausage, for many years
being among the most popular iu the
Albany market. Linn county lotws a
good man, one who has dons much by
an Tipright and industrious life to
better the condition of the farmers of
Linn County. Thus, one by one, very
rapidly, are the meti who built up this
great country passing away ; but they
arc leaving names and examples that
should Impress tnemselves upon the
rising generations of to-day. Albany
scnooL NOTES.
Mish Xona Miller has been visiting
at Hodavillo during the past week, but
has nowjreturned in fine glee.
The copies of Pope's "Essay on Man"
have arrived and the class is now pre
pared to do good work.
School was not in session after
Wednesday afternoon on account of
the teachers and some of the pupils
attending the Teacher's Institute at
Our grand Columbus and Washing
ton debate, hist Friday, resulted In an
overwhelming vicjory for the ladies, it
being decided iu favor of the affirma
tive. Last Friday afternoon Messrs. C. C.
Ilacklcman, M. A. Miller and J. J.
Swan came around to hear that mag
nificent debate. Asa matter of cour
tesy we suy, "Come again." Also
prof. and Mrs. F. M. Miller vis
ited the school on Tuesday and
Wednesday respectively.
The academy was well represented at
our school last Friday, Misses Maude
Eaton and Ihla Elklns and Mr. U rover
Jln.kloniHU being present. Bert says,
"Call again."
During the past week we have taken
a partner into the business; we hope
now to supply the want in a more dig
nified manner.
Jay Brim Gradi'ate & Co.
ttahool Report.
Lebanon, Ou., Mar. 18.
Report of Lebanon Public School for
the term ending March 6, 1800:
Whole number enrolled, 76; average
dally attendance, CO. Following is the
tho result of examination, 100 being
prfect. Pupllsbelow 85 not reported.
Those whoso average was 08 Bessie
Miller, Jessie Ralston, Zlllle Cheshire:
($6 Coleman Carlile, Mattie Smith,
Kettle Ilendrlckson, Llllle Cruson and
Kitten miller: HO Joe Moist, Oeorgie
Unger, Eddie Guy, Jlmtuie Arnctt,
Jake Boslar, Nathaniel Withers, Claud
Davia, Earnest Hardin, Charley Os
buni, Charley and Fay JDomiea, John
ny Moore, Byron Nichols, Bluud and
Georgia Cruson, Ethel Andrews. 85
Maudie Carlile, LlUIc Loveall, Glenn
Holt, Charlie Moore, Minnio Hen
driekson, Bessie Walton, Leila West
fall, Oscar Hyde, Walter Daggett aud
and Noony Bode.
Those neither absent nor tardy dur
ing term: Bert Cotton and Walter
Daggett. Fannie Gkicios,
Do not boy any eastern trash' vluu
you can got thoaespWndld Buckingham
& Jloeht goods at Montague's Mam
moth store and alo at hid One Price
Cosh HI ore.
. Stanch and Reliable
ON thb
10" Do not fall to buy a Columbia."!
Lebanon, Oregon.
James Keyden,
Graduate of Edinburgh, Scotland.
Can be found at J. T. Harbin's
Blacksmith Shop, Leanon, Oregon.
All Diseases ef Horns
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
rsu; ' I
AuflulaJ. Mi I.UIHI
r raurwla awk t-ei,
-'UMikm. 0l Nmm who win
"-lit wwM Mk, mm ol
mm. ix aaiwif m -hw ix w"'""'' -
teat mk ft Ut W. k) mt
MM ,a Urf. ! mr - 7
Notice For Publication.
Lad Office t Orefon City, Ore on,
Kfbnmry 16, ISM.
low In k named vVMi hat tW-4 notice of hii
IntMition to make fi a', proof In nuinjort of hii
elalm. tnd that aaid j r jf will be madn bofuif the
County I'kTk at Liun County, at Albany, Oregon,
on Monday, April 14, 1W0, Tli: .
IWnittlon D, a. No. 6S00 for the lota I, 4 and 6,
and . E. X of N. W. of KCtloo I, Tp 12 B, R 2
lie name the following witneew to prove his
eontluuuu rentdence upou and cultivation of takl
land, vii: J. W. Bishop, II. Yroom, J. blmoui, of
Mnn couuijr Oregon, and L. Grant, of ClnUkanU
(Columbia Couuty, Oregon.
J. T. APPER80N, ReglMter.
vv -r. a.Lr
M . ; jKW Mil. Li m
awaw. nantiwanav,
cud oulo aauuiur cam.
Both kNM' MHl fnl nut,
wah warlu ana c . 4
'ttmi an,. 0X ruH la
Wa Vicalhy an wwir ea
r. (oraar vraa our Ura
ThaM MlaiaM. i
77 ,L wL.Ti. .r. (V. AH ia wurk roa
llHfl AtUu Ihow what w am) JN t o ll-Tour
IrlMKte .Ml iml4Mra Uaao ya-lhlaa.r. Hl
la .OaabM icalrfcfM, wfckiU aoMi fur r af wa walartl.
aai Kim w M rapaki. Wa W til aapraa, ftrlahl, ate Aitat
nm knew an, If oa would ilk. 10 f W wk for tti. yua wa
ara kl 4r to 4M r aad apdl. id.lrM,
DUarai Ot C., VmrtUuU, Jje.
Mighty growth, last ten years, into one- of the World
Great Cities is without a parallel No pen can now portray
her resources or the continued prosperity that the yearn of
tho future will pour into her
Caeh paid for Produce by R. S. Rob
erta. A BAKOAIK.
Business location n west side of
Main street, in Lebanon, nt & bargain,
for the next few daye. For particulars
inquire of M. 12. Ileum!
One price ivud cali nt the new cesh
store, butevrything sold cheap and I
delivered to any part of tho city.
And her SCENIC -shore lines on Lakes and Sound!
Never has the hand of Nature been sq lavish in her gifts to
make the WORLD'S LAST GREAT CITY! Rome on
her seven hills was as Hothing to Seattle's snow-crowned
Olympias on the North and West; Cascades on the East and
South, and from these mighty- bulwarks of healthenergy
inspiration-giving, there rises the mighty
Mount Ranier A w - a - y
Above every competitor on the Pacific, reminding
one of SEATTLE, the
City at her base, which in another score of years will pass
in POPULATION every city on the Pacific, the world's
biggest ocean! !
Lots $200 Each and Upwards
tXkeiv off irv ;o days.
the Only One.
The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway is the only hue running solid
VcBtlbuU'd.Eloctrie Lighted and Steam
Heated trains between Chicago, Mil
waukee, St. Paul and Minneapolis.
The Chicago, Milwaukee & at. Paul
Railway is thn only line miming solid
Vetttibuled.Electrlo Lighted and ttteam
llcp.ted trains between Chicago,. Coun
cil Bluff and Omaha.
The berth reading lamp feature In the
1'ulhmiu Bleeping Currjun on these
ltnea U patented, and cannot be used
by any other Railway Company. It ia
the gyeat iraprovenieut of the age. Try
it and be convinced.
For further particulars apply to the
nearest coupon tieket agent, or addrew
J. W. tWy, Trav. Paits'r Agont, No.
Stark bt., Portland, Oregon.
Every lot in full view of Mount Itanicr and Lake Washington! on
railroad; at depot; adjeining Ravenna Park; an electric railway a eoon
as ran be completed to it; half dozen fine residences already under con
tract on Addition; $25,000 Female College to be opened September, 1890.
Without Doubt
Ia the place where men and women of Money and Sense and Refine
ment will make their homes and why?
H E C A 1J 4 E
The College, the Mineral Ppringfi, Ravenna Park, the view of Mount
Ranier, (which is grander here than any -where else on Puget Sound)
which, if for no other reason, would make it mont desirable.
In Seattle a mighty City is building. Take hold of the beet whila
you have a chance at Lowest Prices.
TO THE PIONEER A WORD: Why did you cross the plains?
Why did you take and that of others in your hunds to eomety
this Coast? What pei can write the histery? You have conquered
this land, made the growth of great cities imperative, and the amassing
of great fortunes, almost in a day, possible. Now; by the investment of
a few thousands, or hundreds, you may reap the harvest that belongs to
you. Will you do it? The greatest corporations, the ablest financiers
of Europe and America, are investing thousands nay, millions, in
Seattle. Will you not invest? Your chance is NOW. Seize it. 1
have a (0-acre tract, an 80 and two 40-acre tracts. Only a few left
cheap; ripe for platting, any one of which will make you your fortnno
in a shert time. Buy quick, I can't duplicate them.
Rev. J. R. Kirkpatrick is among you and Sole Agent for
In Oregon. Gallon Ihm at Once-
I will be in Albany in a few days and will remain only a day. 1
would be glad to meet you personally and urge you to join us in tin
material upbuilding of Seattle, the Queen City of the Pacific. When
in Seattle be sure and call at Room' 3-18 Scuttle Mock, where I willtaku
genuine pleasure in showing you the city.