"" ' ' " f .f t ,r w." - -' i!V . :v-.-. ',, .v .....v. . -', ' . He Iciaijoij Express. H. Y. lUlli F1UDAY, MMln 8, ISOO. on; mission. No man can lonp; roneun in i strumcd or unnatural position. Sivmer or later lie will lot the mask tdi aido nml tlUidose hirt true t'hiu-aoter ami standing The tnoHt piti.iLlc ami unenviaUo siijht im;ur iualilo ia that of the mim who aspire to a position for which ru'.turo novcr intoikled him. Thin is vliat hurft thf iwz us the fuhlo poo.?, and I,' for one, never RBjiiml lt martyrdom. In conversation with it I'crtain man, not lon.a mm), hi' ti.Id mo that hi ohjoction to T'.ik KxV-kkss was that it hud no j'oliti'.-!. Wr j'.iv nci'.hir an in-;-U'ii -tor in liovcrnmertta! n flairs r.or i Urtaior iu politico. Ye an iv-iitc st in . i no humble Pphcro of w-':: thoror for Lebanon and suv-ri-.ni'.iiri;: country. -All our readers rr !!;- pditimiis; many of them t.'le- i Viioro intorost in political i c-As hui ia un uiuyvtukerV ad- . : .-v.:i-ni. Tin' :':;! hi.v--; of '.-.- .no cairn -.v. d v. Uh l-i:-;;- i-.c.v :'.v! r-.vrial r'-'l.itioas to tlu ,'xriu.-itii of j'oiitii'.s. An . .) r. reftm for not puhlh-hir.? ft .: .! .... ..... 1 r. t'.o. . ,i; iii"fKij:i i iii'-u irv ii.i.. 'lr:::ay ::uny iie'.v)'a;,r of tid; i l.o-. " nr. rcpreixnlirir tin; dif k politic-til cono li-sion3 of oi:r ii.t-.;,.-, fa'..h out of riiirh h larki-d hy j-wly j:-.:roiiai.'.. Htill smother fr v.ot Ci!o..:irkiji,i,' on the rro'ahloci F.c:. f JkjIUW i that poli tiw i in.? n.:thiu Li:rhcr to oll'or th pa'di.ihfi" oj a tshtjet of our uimcn i;i.i? than u farl;::::!. We are not naming thin p?p;.T f tr ;:lory hut f !' I'm.' in.iny t'iH'ro it? in H. Last ly, v,v prefer a 'neutral cour?:o bvcanse it U far safer for a li;.:ht v.;ihi. who known .nothing of Quoen'vury ru!v. Y& havo cur convict ion?, do fi.,,- ivoi-. n;r! nro ttft n!i.li!-d io avr.1V tie :.! us a private citizen, or viue :!,' h at every election. V.'e never m rotated a-mor.opoiy of talnt,lmt on the other hand believe that tlo.. re 'are , about ten millions of .tuts Li th'-e United States with I;:-.; in power equal to our own, and .r : C(tv.potent to v,ei,"h and de elde jraliers ef puhlt'i moment as? the editor of any hx-ai hov.njmj'C?. Nv, fellow citizens, we presume j:ot to -olifihi';n Aincricm voters, ami vrouid a soon think of boi.qbavdmff Gl-br-iitar v. ith boiled )vd,o, or I'ht-iiir iiji l'i:get r'otmd by iloatinr o (,n; on its ruri'iee. li" we .ait .Induce a Vk proj.-ortion of our Ln m It' .'!. '43 to f:'tt!e znutng mvup 'ly !:i" j'atrona with local and poneral ueviV, ;.;nd jjive an impetu.-- to bvsi-'-r:. by pkeing b;fi;rf our readers ;Le i!'ii'arli.mcut8 of a ccei.erou; i-uh'ie. our hiidic.it ambition a ill L:i; 1 ten realized. MTI K. ..'.)(iei? Is'llercl'y given that rdl er oiii tire forbidden to buy or purchase iiole of WuvM ajjainst .rdweli 'ark l-y Geo. M. (.lark, no'A nete cf'i.ab.-it tliey, ,,r Imt:, which said '.. ; . ,'f. Ciurk claimed, inet ecii Io.t, ..! J, the iini!e)i!.'!!i, CVinp.vell t-'iuvU, gave' a new note which Ju: ; paid in full. AVo a Dae liil! of $22? for lmiik-r, Whieivhiw ij:en paid -i.lt io full, naiij iU" ''i'- trivet; about Murcli firt, hSTS D.me liiif t h JiiUi tiny of February, ' ' ' . .if Y ...l.'itw.ii 1... ...... C'AHOWKf.;, (Jf.AItli. (m1 priee anil eosli at tho muv nth "ton; but ov.trytl!in;r f.(J!il cheap uhtl ! OiJivt'O'i'. to any purl of (he city, j t . i i jo lree iiiiv f.iso m tn,uh i veu can tfottiiOH'spbiulHl Hm-kiiihaiu. j & I'ieeht ipotU at .ilontiiguo's I;mi-i ..,..!. 1 .. I. ... . . . . ... i v 1.15 iyi;v i 4,;v j ''t'-h ftere. OTRN KYUS. Pooing is heliovinf;, wo have been told; hut what is mndng? No two mon oo exactly alike. Not only do no two mv.n wo alike, but ovory man is oompollod to correct bin own vision m ho prowH in judg jnont, or changes his point of obser vation, Viidou in affected by at mofiphorii'al conditions, hy educa tion, by tato and skill; and must nocoHsarily como to erroneous con cUiaionH . l'Oripectinp tho objects of it: oi Horvation. Tho oyo i prob.i bly'tho least roliablo of the fumsM, Tho hand in too quick for the oyo. The skilled jut'idor v.il! make a fool of uny man who insitftd tluit Moehig is believia:,'. The not unfroipiont illusion known as the mira;o (which it? duo to cor tain atmospher ical conditions), teaches us the un reliability of the eye an an infalli ble .tuide uo.der all circuaistaneeH. Any do;;; can look at a painted esuivaw. but ho cannot ho paid to Fee anything, utrictly pjieakiii'; but the artist who:;o eye has, been edu cated by u losur asid n,;u di'iiilinc v ill be ravi.du d by tho gi'ht. Ank two individuals to describe a. por ts;:! if tcrriiorv thr;;uih v.'hlfli have tVi-'S" ; CM' you '.viii ne ea.:. ti--' : l .1, with .v:e'.r.ioy a:;d j;i .i t,'.! liie i'..:ii!:.nn'.;'lo;i f the country, fan.:;;, th" crop!?, the eharccii;:" cf tho :- :;!, 'te., tho other, wi:cr-e Yi-don i: e.-ua!ly pood, ban even little or absolutely nothing of all these thhip-1. Every obji cl .'':c'": by his cunpaoi ; may have heyii pic tured on bio visual nryaiv?, but i the o..L'c ivrve fail in fr to trani-j-oit the iiaapo to tho brain, h- par." notltivip ' ()".r ever? were jjiveii V.?. for c. puf.,,e, and if licy fa:! of their pur noe it U berau-'e 've !-. r.nt UK'! then! do not keep them open. There in mere involved in feeim than nm:'t pooj h arc aceu.'te.meu to think. In tho early clays of California, when every man -was in search of gold, Fcorcis of men stumbled over a ma:-:.-; of rock that Lay in tho line of ti'i'vcl, but thoy St opped only lon;r euouh to vent their profan ity. One day a man eaine iuf v!e did net (dumbly over thh '"rei k of olb.iiee," in; aw it l;efore bo came to it, on reaching it broke off a idcce, 'v::ikcd" a claim and found himself the ovav".-r .of one of tlie riek-j.-t mines in the state. The dl.'fereueo l.-etwcea Ihi.-i man i.i. d others v. us he had Li oyes ot n. He'iiom u day paj.-;e- but tiiat i-ome. ooc v.ho sfccf i'arrher into the future than other.-., Heixes an oppor tunity that lead:-' to f-:ueeeHS, mid retires with a competency. -The opportunity was to nil, but only this man had hi eye open. Hi competitor:, cimse their fate, and uttrihuto iiiri .;.,, fortune to lu.-k tto Know;: he-tu.r. i i!'re WiU he j blind men to tiie end of lime, and j tie-re will never be a, period in our hbtory when the declaration of the Worlds preat Teneh;i" will red ho applicable to a majority of our race "Kyca ye have but yc hoc not." One of the foremost literary women in America in El Li Jlippin bou, who:-:e jioctry and fiction hat; been pujdi'died widely in the Pad inp perivdiviUs?. bhe 1 an oripimd thinker and an -inciivo writer in )ro--e ,'ui well as a po't,ai:d her pen always commanda tin' attention of thfuphtfnl people. Mrs. lfip'pjnKon Imh ie'oi!,i -1 editorial charpe f a Woman's; Department in the Went Jioro and will make that, excellent illu-Hrafed weekly doubly intcrcet hlg to the ivoinei) of tie; went. Children Enjo' Th pienwutt rhvor, ;;;eiitl action nnd Koat'r.iiijf fi'-ftt efriyriip of FiM, u h n in wed of j Jj'xntiveiuid if tin: ,fn! her or mother ln. eustive or Utiuus the mo-l ,';ratifyin;,-n."ultH rollow in. mat. m tliiil it i.s 'he hf.Ht finiilv veiiK'dv known said tverj- family sJioiiiil luive a ho ;t!i, 1 MONTAGUE'S COLUMN, Montague's fall stock ia now complete in vvcry do ptxrtmoMt. Tho Mammoth storo 'is filled with as choioo uoods, adapted to this mar ket, as money will buy. DRESS GOODS. Our all wool Aldino suit ings, a full yard wide, which we are ndling at 50 cents per yard, is without doubt the bed value for tho money over olVeved to the ladies of Leba non. Our Ftot'k of Henrietta cloths, etmhmores, tric'48, camel hair ponds, waterproofs, and advance stylus of every thing woanble is t--itnply im metiH'.'. Tho ladic' are invit ed o call tiud take a look throuph the .uood.-. Tltey were houd at very low prices and will bo sold corresponditiply low. Montntr.teV Flock of fancy work iiuUcrialri, as zephyrs, wool.-: and yarns, embroidery Hiiks, in fact everything that ;:ooh! to nrnke up a complete line f material tor fancy work can be found at Montague's. Our slock of boots and shoes vitK made expressly for us and every pair we tu-11 is fully warranted. "When yu wantan vihs nt: in the foot wear line look over Montague's stuck and fr;et his prices. If you want to ret good goods at living prices you will necessa rily buy your bootu and shoes of .Montague. CLOTHING. Montague is opening -tip th Uriest and best selected stock of ken's, Boys' rmd Chil dren' n Clothing ever opened at this place. VVe can iil any Htie both in size and price. Montague carries Oregon City Clothing, California Cassi niere Clothing, Eastern ViVe-sleds, ;-s well as a great variety .f servieealilc, low price.! gooils. Tho One I'rico Cash Store will continue to deliver Gro ceries, and (jenoral Mcrchan-di.-u to the citizens of this place and vicinity tit a mere nominal advance over the original cord. NOTICE AS TO MONEY! Persons .who owe me HOST PA! UP HOY. I flo not propose to vasto much 'time in dunning. In fact there are some who imag ine they should not be dunn ed tit all, but it takes money to de .business. Do not be surprised if you hud the note or account you may .happen to owe me in the hands of an otiicer , I'l'WIII Ml The .Ions-, wearv credit bus iness is a thing of the past in Lebanon. Oil AS. B. .MONTAGUE. Sept, 2Q, 188fl.; NOW WE IS THE SUNSET $3.00 SHOE FOll MF , w V.All. This shoe is made of h ines turnery calf, has solid bee and soles, and is the fl l sb n. for, $o.OO. ever pioduccd Manufactured, by . Cabn. Hiciclsburt 4 Co,, - ... San' Francisco AND FOK SALE C. BEARD & HOLT, Druggist and - Apothecary? r.I).KALl..il IN Pure Diukss, Mkdiuink Paints, Oils nnd G la; Fine I 'crfumcryjnislics c: O.-inbs CHiAltS AND J'A.M.'V Tdf.FT A;;T: : :. Proccnptlons Accurately Compourc'5:J. Iii:iin JStTu-ut, Lcbruiuti, Oivj-oi i, Golden Rule Bazaar, ThO Lending Crockery, Kii ney Good .aid Toy store of Albany, Orison, Rogers Bros. 1847 Silverware, Boy s Mgoss, Ba!)j General Assortmcnl of Fancy Goods. A HMf'aU.v In tin' J'"ititwt 'IjiM unci '?;!' lie Ijuvs direct fori ml ca?h and carrios iha lafclj ' siiK-k m the valley. ' vy 'vzsr Xvfr ,7- T?ir CT "'srSHr. z&fr p i j i I ;.U s i t,.:,. All parii" eei'.ter.'plitin.i ImiKbii, or desiring lumber any oilier j)iirpos;; v'b at c-ver would do well to call on HUMPHRnY& TAYLOR, At bis lumber yard at ihh place or at tbe f;aviuiU. We liavo on band a lirsi-cla.ss utoek of Koug'h and Clear Lumber. ' Bills of all kinds filled on' short notii Give. me n call Before PurcliasiBg' Elsewhere. iimi3)Iirey & Taylor Why l5ay Tan par cent Interest on Hones AVlion Vu t'aiti -t It CALL ON Tim Oregon Land Company Albany, Oregon. Asl.iby& Dickinson, .Managers. HAVE 'Em ii IN LEI5AN0N I1Y B, Montague feci China and Glassware .em jo1i Carnages. A M I LLENE H I ATS' I) Hurt linen opened at UlltANON, . OHHUO.V, In the now Htorci-onm of W. J. tii next iloiii- to The Kxpn-HH, vIkmv ALL WORK IN TIIKSfc! LlN'ljj Jiositiis u am stoi'K of Embroidery Material May bo oMuineil All kltidfl J H'J'AMPING Liuio on SHORT NOTICE Ami in jC' . J THE VERY BEST STYL OlviMi.'i.a Cull. i 1 - - fts. S1