The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 07, 1890, Image 5

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    -i l? ; i
Tlmy Have to flfflit a Fsuarful HtriiKR'
for Mure Kslsleiiiie,
The uti'iifffflo for more ejclHtonoo with
thoHn piior pnoplo (the Tyroloso) 1h a
fnarful oun, something- that an Amori
oati farmer never even drnamod of. The
summer days are so few and mo rainy
that hay can im made only by tying the
gram around polos to dry, froe from the
ground, and thoy may often be snoo,
mowlnpr In the rain, boplnfr that the
tun will (iome out lonf enough to partly
dry out tho jrruHS when out.
Tho men when mowinfr fjenorally
have on whlto aprons, looking much
liko a lot of barbers or waiters prnssnel
Into aorvieo. This in duo, probably, t
the fact that tbo women do the most of
the mowing, and whnn a man bun to do
it be wants to look an much liko a
woman an pnssiblo, to as not to be roo
eulzodo, Throughout the mont of Europo the
poasants or farmers llvo in villages
and go every morning and evening from
two to four tiiIIoh to thoir laud and
bank, at a groat Iobh of time and
It la a ram tiling to hoo separate
faoaaoH in this country. In Tyrol and
iwitiiorland tbo houses are more scat
tered, and one may often sen thorn
perched ho far up on the mountain aide
that It would Room lmpoHaible to get to
thorn, and frequently a bamlot of a
4 OKon or twonty Iiouhoh will bo found
lying aim ok t in the clouds. Hourly at
the tlmlHtr lino, In the moat unexpected
places. Chlcugo Journal.
The American ISlhle Society reports
-that liible diHtribution wan CO per cent,
larger last year In South America than
during any preceding year. The num
ber of liibloH, New Testaments or parts
disposed of wua M.RfW. During tho pnHt
ten years yO-i.lW! copies have been cir
culated, of which 110,484 belong to the
first half of the decade and J74,or,8 to the
last half. TIioho figures are exclusive
of tbo work of tlie Valparaiso (Chill) Iti- j
ble Society, which sold during the past
year 4,5(1;$ copies and during its exist-
noe of twenty -flight yoara baa distribut
ed 54,417 copies in the republic of Chill.
How I), , Fera-naon Wu Cared ky Dr.
Darrin with Kleotrlaltr-Othor Notable
Editor Oregonlan: This Is to certify
that 1 have been afll cted with sciatic
rheumatism for the pail three yearn; at
times wholly unable to walk or Hit in any
position only with the greatest fain, X
have applied to five different physicians of
(lHlerent schools of practice and tried
many patent medlclnea, all to no avail.
After coming under Dr. Darrin' elecirlo
treatment 1 am perfectly and permanently
cured, and can lie seen at the United States
restaurant on Morrison street, Portland.
D. L, FmtousoN.
r II n suavity I
The common lot In out) of sorrow say at leant
the pNwiuiiHiH, thoy who lMik at the worn! side.
Certainly wlntl would otherwise lie a hrmht
exIaUinoe la often shadowed tiy some ailment
that nVMrliuiiKH It liko a pall, olmmrliiK per
petually tli radianee lhat elae would Hghl the
imth. Huuh n alininnU and a very common
ne, la nervimaness. or in ulhur words, weak
bmm of the nervous system, it uonditiuii only
Irremediable where liiottloieut or lioprojHtr
means trn taken to relieve It. The concurrent
enporienna of imrvuuii people who have per
Intently UHud Hosteller's Mtnniaoh Hitlers in,
ttial It conquers entirely snperneiiHitivoiiesa of
the nerves, aa well aadlHest -o called -which
re Invited and austaiiied hy the chronic weak
umm. An the nerves Kuin stamina from the
jrruut tonlo the truuliln dliutpMani. liw th
lilt turn fur ninlarK rheuinalisiu, billuusneaa
and kidauy troulilea.
The New York and Nnw KoKlnud rnllroiid in
.'.km( UUtor terminal faollltle lit New York
When Dobbins' Electric Soap was flrst
made in lMlil It coat Sill cci a bar. It la
precuidy the aanie InKredieotn and quality
now, and daemt cod half. Buy it of your
Kroeer and preMorve your-clothes, - If he
hasn't It, he will gut it.
A uptitc edict KHlnat the practice of duollng
hu beuu Unud hi Japau.
Theennlralent In KiikIMi money of $2,S00wbh
em t-oir. n'd liy iiii old ladv in ImiiIoii for the
mtnrn of a favorlln cat, which had ulrayed or
t)Hi stolfii. I'aople oallad lir a " crank," and
rnTli(i nlic wan. It lit MiifortimaU' that oue of
llieaontlmi'X ahonld evr hio thia ti tlx. yet
many do. It is, Imwnver, frnHontly lint tlo-lr
faalt. Often fiiiintlonal deraiiKotnonta will b
pnruntly chaiiKe a woman'a entire nature. Don't
lilainuHiioh sutliirerii If they are "cranky." hut tell
tiiem to Hue !r. IMenw'a Kavorlle I'reaeriptloii,
whloh la an infallible remedy for"fniHleweak
nanaiM." It will noon reilnre them to thlr nor
mal condition, H la wnrniti led to lve aatlHlac
tluo In every uaae, or nioiicy paid lor it will be
ruturntfl. l
Jr. I'lerce's l'ellels, the orluliial and only nen
Ntite Little I.Ivor I'llla; & cunts a vial; one a
More Wonderful Curna hy Dra. Darrin.
George 11. I'apenberg, Tualltao. Or.
Deafness ten years, ao he could scarcely
hear u iiiki; cured In twenty minutes.
Mch J ihn Mclilnnls, Vancouver. W. T.
l'ar i)ud arm; iired by Dr. Darrlu.
Kx-Mnyr C. II. Hill's son of Albina. Or.
Cured of an offensive discharge of both
ears siii' e 6 months old,
John 11. Dougherty, Koche Harbor, W.
T. - Hydrocele; entirely cured and removed
by one operathm of live n'lnines.
Mra. S. A. Woollen's girl, ill Columbia
street, Portland No'vm debility and
malarlul fever and discharging ear; re
stored. W illiam Altiow, Dwwaey, Grant eoun
ty, Or. Catarrhs! deafnesa and ringing in
the ears for t wenty yearn; perfectly cured.
Mre. S. VV. Metzger (ireMham, Or. Dys
pepeia, liver complaint and pain in the
stomach twenty-three years; reetored.
Mrs. C. Mageiiann, Merchant' hotel,
Portland Rheumatism, neuralgia and fe
male troubles; cured permanently on
year bko,
W. V. 0le, Seatco, W. T.-Llver and
kidney complaint and dyspepsia, also
deafness and whole system run down;
William Little, Seattle, W. T.-Pain in
bia chest of over eight years' standing;
entirely cured.
J. VV. Zo rn wait, Albany, Or. (formerly
of Moro. Wasco couuty, Or.) - Cured of an
aggravated case of rhea mutism and spinal
lieaides scores of others.
Dm. Darrin can lie consulted daily at the
WaahlnKion building, corner of Fourth
and Washington afreets, Portland, and
Hotel Gondolof, Tacosna. Iloura. 10 to 5:
evenings, 7 to 8: Sundays, 10 to 12. All
chronic diseasea, blood taints, loss of vital
power and early Indiscretions permanently
cured, thounh no references are ever made
in the press concerning such case, ow ing
to the delicacy of the patients. Kxamina
tions froe to all, and circulars will be sent
to any address. Charges for treatment ac
cording to patient' ability to pay. The
poor treated free of charge from 10 to 11
dallv. All private diseases confidentially
treated, ana curea guaranteed. Patient
at a diHtanre can be cured by home treat-
ment. Medicines and letters sent without
the doctors' name appearing.
There arc 4,000 Amerlcaa realdanta rf lterllu.
It is known aa a
painful luOamma
turn affecting the
muHclea and Jointa
ol the human body,
the aymptoma of
which are dwelling
of the lointa. acute
pains and ache, fit. JacotwUll curea promptly
and permanently thia euemv which is:
6andyvlllc, Ohio, June 18, 1888.
Was taken with rheumatism in 1WU; tut
fervd at tun ever aince and uacd crutches.
Ht. Jacuba Oil relieved me about two years
ago. GEO. Id. MXON.
At Dbuuoihts amo Sealers.
HI V f 1 I
Tlie Ameer of A (Khan Man Is Introdunliifr the
telcKrapli In his dominions.
llewaro o( linltutloiia-'TiiiiHlU'i l unch.'
The capital stock of the KdUnn Kleetrlc tllu
ailoatlng Company la to be liioreased fAUOO.OUO.
Tf altlloted with Bore Kyea, use Dr. Ianac
Hliompaon'aKye Waier. DruggUU aull It. 'c.
A Koverninent dixiree haa established civil
marrlaKe lu ltrasll.
Tav Okrmka for bakfat.
Toitaelf in maiiylmiiettsiitpartloulsra.Itood'i
Mnraupurll it Is dlflVirout from and tuporlor tc
any oWior mudluliic.
t'ooullar lu combination, proportion and
preparation of liiKrudlnnla, Hood'a Hiiiani arllla
poaseaaot the full minitlvu value of tlie heal
known re mtlle of tlie vtwelahlo klnmlom.
Peculiar In It niudlnlioil merit, Hood'a Hnr
aaparlllnaccnmptlaiieaoiireN hitherto unknown.
Peculiar In alioimtli snd eoonomy Hood
Haranparllla In the only medicine of which cmi
truly bo ail id, ''WO doaoa one dollar." Mudlnluna
in larnor and miiUr bottle require larseriloaei
and do not wi'odtico aa good rvaulls aa Hood's
rccallar lu ltd "good immo at home" there
la moro of Hood'a Haraapnrllla sold In l.o a ell.
wboiu It Is mado, tliau o! all other blood purl
lJeonllnr in Its plienomonnl record of anlca
rttnoHil, no -other preparation has ever nlliiined
audi popularity In ao abort a time, lie sure to
get .
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Hold by all drmtKlats,)!; six for fi. i'reimicd
only by 0. 1. IlUUUCO., Apotliocarlea, l-owell,
100 Doses One Dollar
Wasting Diieases
Wonderful Flesh Producer.
Scott's Emulsion is not a secret remedy.
Containing the stimulating Hypophog
pbites and Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil,
the potency of both being largely in
creased. It is used by Physician all over
the world.
fioM ty DrvgyUU.
XfTNTQ WnNTCn ll"l1 saenta.both mnleand
autjlU J UfliUEiU. (,,,,, alo, eau iniiku more
ui .uijy hulling uur publleUou tlmu hii-thing
eiau on earth. Call or write for pxrliciiliirn,
II. A. UV.SH tc -' ,
Room 1, Flrat Floor, AbliiKwu Building
Arc sending thoir rollora, to bo oast trom "Ke
liable," to
And are well plonaed with the result We do
not uao "Star" composition any more.
' Ll
PIbo'b Ret.icdy tor Catarrh Is the
Beat, KuHlivrt to Use, awl t;ueai)eau
Bold by dnmijlNM or sent by mall.
Chill baa aent an envoy to the Vatican to con
clude a concordat and arrange diplomatic in
tercourse. .
An Kleg-ant rack age of Fine Card,
Including IS rare novelties, shape and ar
tistic imported o eographie and hromatic
cards. This large and beautiful collection
sent by mail to any one who will do this:
Huy a box of the genuine Dr. C. McLane's
Celebrated Liver Pills from any druprgitt,
price 25 cents, and mail u the outaide
wrapp-r with your address, plainly writ
ten, and 4 cents in stamps. The genuine
McLane's Pill are prepared only by
Flemlnn Bros., Pittsburg, Pa., and have
been in constant use for over sixty yeara.
They are superior to all other In ji'irlty
and effectiveness. A certain cure for in
digestion end sick headache. Address,
Fleming Bros., Pittsburg, Pa.
Hia reported that the English bottle manu
facturer are almt to organize a syndicate to
control the business.
French Tanny Wafer are the Beat
Dr. Livingston's Tansy Wafers for the
reatoration of suppre sed menses nkvkr
kail when the directions upon the box are
atrlctly observed.
The Tansy Wafers cannot be bought at
dru stores, so don't allow youreelf to be
imposed upon by epurious end weak imi
tations of Dr. Livingston's French Tansy
Wafers, and remember that the genuine
can only be obtained from us, so if you do
not want to l disappointed send $2 in a
n-giatered letter or postolllce order to the
Livingston Chemical Company. Portland,
Oregon, and a box will be sent by return
mail, securely sealed from the eyes of in
quisitive people, to your address.
HcHslan flies have appeared, and are destroy
lng wheat near Kvansvllle, Ind.
The best ever offered to the trade, cast
from Kkuaiu.k and Cahcadk brands,
which have no equal in this market. Don't
be deceived. Send for Reliable.
New Jersey has a school fund of 14,000,000,
and doesn't know what to do wilb it.
rtnre cure fer bi nd, bleeding and itching
Pilu. One bos has cured the worut case 01 ton
yeara' ataudiiift-. No one ned autfer ten min
nts after using- Kirk's German t'iie Ointment
It absorb minors, allays the itchinif, acta as
a IMiiiltioe, Rivee relief. Dr. Kirk's (ierman Pile
Ointment is prepared only for i'ilea and io-hing
of the prli ate parta, and iiothinK else. Kvery
box is warranted
Hold by lrui?iHte and lent by mail on receipt
of price, fcl.00 per ooi. J. J. Maok & Co.,
Wbolesule AgrenLs, 8an Krancwco,
Faber's Golden Female Pills..
For Female Ircepiilar
tties: nothinsiikethem
,Jv. on tue maritet. pevtr
. fail, t-m-oessfullyiised
Ni 1 oy prominent ladies
mommy, ouarameeu
to relieve auppressed
Pon't be humboinred.
Have Time, Health,
and money ;take no oth
er. Bent to any address,
secure by mall oa re
ceipt of price, 12.00.
Western Branch, Box 27, J"QBXI.AJJ1, OB
Mold I y Wtsooat Uxva Co., Portland, Or.
aHnfeDd raiibie. Ldl34 A
.u taw xTuaTKiAt rur jmona jirtm, iu
d. nvtnllio lioiini, m-ei Wilb blu
JV, J7 riWwo. Take hr. AllpUU7
S w-ato ptMte board boxtM, pink vrappn, are jy
ain,ui) iur isvriKUinr, vontiiuuuiaun ana
KvIir fur LadUw, fofur, by rvUri
Mull. A'am 'Jtf.
Do you want to Hell or Buy a Kami I Write 'o
ua. Owners and Manager ot Property, At
toutionl The POKILANI) LAND !f. ad
vertise in H4 newspapers In the United Htates.
and are therefore the people to handle city and
addition property. It will pay you to corres
pond with us. .Loans made on f'ann and City
sgfJ SJr C
r. SlkKs' si KK CI RK CO., W Kaee 8t, UacUuti, ,
jf curea many -i.
Heud fur 'rr tl
Uouk'tammn tin it 1
Talk' and numerous f
t tetftimoniala. Tuy
a. will oonvinoe J
. ,tf
Uncle Kt-wita Tobaeeo.
To can't fool ii chile wid your trash ta
baeky. I smoke Bial, and don't you forget It
Some amokera think that anything that
anakea smoke, is good enough to go Into a pipe.
They will find by a little experience that there
la a vaat difference ia Smoking Tobaccos, Just
try "BiciL or Nokth Carolina," and you will
see the difference between It and the Imitations,
jiSllW A
f :,f to a daTS.J
ftiui artwar.
t;.,l ari.ybytlr
l presort bt and felly aa
dors B1k ii as th only
sneetflc for tin oartaiocura
of Uila dtsas.
O. H. IU RA H A K, If . D.,
A luster dam, N. T.
We have sold Blf G for
many years, and It haa
d. a. dtchb co..
OhloafO, III
1.00. SoldbyDnvtlata
lea superb simllenae prof en la mfllloos of homes fm
nnre thu a wrtr ot a eentnry. I H ossd by lbs
United Btatns Oarsniineiii. Kudon, t .f u beads ot
the Great Uurmrr'det aa the Btroafest, Purwl add ao-t
Bsalthful. Dr. Prloe's Oreun Baking Podr dm sot
eon tain Amnmnla, Ume or Alum Mold only ia sans.
dl Cin VIA I. a BBACH.Oabler. Roe
nlsh Pianos; Burott Organs. Band Instrumenta.
Lavgnat stock of Sheet llnslc and Books. Band
snpplied at Eastern Price. MATT HI AB
OKAY CO. 6 Poet Street, Haa FVancuKX).
1 1 Y1 '
Petaluma Incubator Co. Petaluma, CaJ-
Can be madeeaay by
raising Chickens. A
lurM' T,Hi?e UlilKtra-
t-f Catalogue de
scribing Incubators,
BnKKlers, UroodlnK
Houses, How and
What tn Feed. How
lnugtokivp them in
thf linnKlur. Drlnkinif
Fountains, Iilseases
and their Cure, lu fact
more iufonuatiou
than is given in many
25-cent biioks. Bent
to aov address on re-
eeint nf 2c. stum n.
Wire Netting, Bono
Mills, Bone Meal and
all kinds ot Poultry
Prrnf vtim ItlTC Therarethe
OLLUd i" r Lfcii I Q btMrdiMt
mort productive and rlt-JU lanrtwt erops.
CDCC Besutiful cataloKue wiUi W uluntrstlone
inLCmulud to any aUdrwis upon application,
t jiaekou chok flower sewl", 111 cents. Psiuues,
Baleains, AiOoln, Sweet Peas, rhloies.ropim.eU!
a specialty. L U. wiai a vvl(
rierliU s Mna sr. tall, aua,
An Army Veteran,
who has probably suffered more than anf
niHii or woman in America to-duy. Tnka
i('k whilo in the Army, he hna endureal
untold Agonies since. Describing his first
svmptoms ho enid : "My head ached and.
iny Hlipetite was poor. I felt a fulutness at
the pit of the stomach, and bad tnste In my
mouth, while my sklu was sometimes hot
end soinctlmea cold. I next felt pslna ia
my back and around tlio lower portion of
my body, and noticed a peculiar odor an
color In the water I passed, which waa
scanty at one tlmo and free at others. Some
times It pained me tn void it, and again It
was aim.wt Impossible to do so at all. Fi
nally I began to pass clear blood accom
panied with the greatest st rain niidagony.
No less than 20 eminent physicians at
tended Mr. Furbush at various times, but
not one of them could help him. Ho waa
near death's door. And yet ho says: "lam
alive snd well to-day, wholly through the
wonderful power of Hunt's Kemedy which
took me from the verge of the grave."
This Great Remedy abnolulely twrtt aU
Kiducy, Liver and Urinary Diseases.
For Sale by all Iealers.
O. JT. CRITTEJfTOJf, General Agent,
lift Fulton St., N. T.
Umd fnr ptmvhUt to thi
The famous HoveT See
Slore of Boslon, and HeTey
Mirseru-a or usinunnRn,
Isj., h ire tieen moved te
Kast raadcua. C'shfomla,
where tlie business will aa
conducted aa
The Raymond Flower
and Steed Sitore,
C. U. Hovky, Manager,
East Pasadena, CmU
Bnil foreompltteestslogTia.
n mi FFPRY A.CO.
Who are the largest Seedsmen in the world. 1
- T F S. r-n '
Illustrated, Descriptive and Priced
i t o :il PR RR to all an i
IOT lOU Will s eaaaas. - r ,
l ni;ntai sinH tn la&t season t customers, i
It it Detter uian ctct. j v?'ay"
luint? Garden, nrwer er run, m
i I I If.. AJAmmma
1 djpTFrxcT
How often do we hear the above said of
some poor pilgrim o'er life's thorny path,
whose tottering step, pallid face, unnatural
glitter of the eye and hacking cough, and
its accompanying iuvoluutury pressure of
the hand over the lungs, the seat of the
dread disease consumption that causes the
remark ? Too frequently, alas I and in, the
interests of such unfortunates this is pen
ned, to assure thorn that their stops need
tend no longer towards that narrow recep
tacle that awaits all that is, until life's
allotted space is covered from any such
cause, for the scientific researches of Dr.
K. V. Pierce, of the Invalids' Hotel and
Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., re
sulting in his " Golden Medical Discovery,"
have wrested from Nature a remedy which
never foils to cure this scourge of our race
(which is really nothing more nor less than
Scrofula of the Lungs), if taken iu time and
given a fair trial.
For Scrofula in all its myriad forms,
whether affecting the lung-tissues or other
organs or parts, Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery is a sovereign remedy, and
the mdij one that is sold by druggists,
under a positive guarantee from its manu
facturers, that It will benefit or cure, if
taken in time and given a fair trial, or
money paid for it will be refunded. En
larged glands, tumors or "bunches," are
dissiiiated by; its use ; old sores or ulcers
healed ; " white swellings," hip-joint disease,
and kindred ailments, permanently cured.
It's a niedtci'ne, not a beverage ; a concen
trated vegetable extract, without sugar or
syrup in its make-up. Don't beget drunk
ards. As peculiar and marvelous in cura
tive proprtiea as in its composition. It'a
nu'ssion Is to cure, not palliate.
"Golden Medical Discovery" invigorate!
and strengthens the liver and lungs, sharp
ens toe appetite, improves digestion, purifies
the blood, cleanses the sytem, and builds up
both flesh and strength when reduced by
" wasting diseases." It leads all other med
icines in amount of sales. There's nothing
like it for the diseases for which it is rec
ommended, so don't be fooled into accepting
any substitute, said to be " just as good."
It's an insult to your intelligence when un
principled dealers try to palm off something
else upon you. just to make a little better
profit I An honest dealer supplies what
his customers want, without questioning
their intelligence. World's Dispensart
Medical Association, Proprietors, Buf
falo, N. Y.
is offered bv the manufacturers of DR. SARPB
CATARRH BEME0V. for a liuso of Catarrh im
the Head which they cannot euro. By lu
milH' anil hnoHnrr nn,uutAa TW
Sage's tteuiedy cures the worst cases, no matter of how long standing. 60c, by druggist
(00, ti. I. Auueiune, waxrau, ra
N. P. N. U. No. 826-8. F. N. U. No. 402