"T FRIDAY, MAKCH 7, 1890. XjcIhiuou Until J IoiinSO. , i. it. bokum, pitoruurron. Binoolh uliavcs and Intent Htylo hair cutH. Hhampoolnp- rrpiuilhh I.ur'ler cured the Hcalp of dtindrull. Lebanon, t ". 'I1',;" .-........ j EYES ANI EARS. 1 CniH'iri & Mi n.ies will fumbdi your AvtixiowM mid doors cheap. Thk 'Kw'iiim in acMing (o Km iib , Hcriplion lixt at (i K:tliftfiu;tory rate. Tho warm ndii Monday cuiis.'d n r'm of four feet in the Haiitium at this place. Itev. Kolle.rmnn,:of rortlaiid, came lip Monday to nsslsl In Ilia revival ex wines ul this M. E. 'hurcli. EarncHt lb called on uh this week. Ik' ban been in Albany a week and whs on Ids way to Browns ville. Dr. A. Jf. Peterson has ho far recov ered from hi jiniid.vlii! truLc that'he in ublc to attend fo bio offieo dulhu. Kev, A. I; Hoy, past or of (he iJapiifd ehurch In Jlrowiuivillc, came to Le'.a f i 11 TucMdi y and j iirvhtnu'd kcmo real citato. We receive IcUcrs nlmeat d.iily from people oi tin; I ji: t wboaiv anxious to know more of O:v.;o:i, and i-specbJty of our 1." aid y. The real e-.tr.ie i r:; : r.-.c! ' ?:ie. l;i Leba non f r tne i;:iiiib ( f I'rl.v.;a:y, found ill another column, ire u pwnl ndyer tisducr.t. Cnte.'.ll theiu. Tin1 iiK'i't.!'!i of thy Elite LH-rnry Society n list Frid.-.y e:dlrd topctiier the talented men of Lebanon to discuss the military ability ui Ccm-rais Grant and Le'. 'J'he decision was rendered in favor "f the nopntive. M. A. Miller, one of the disputai.ts In the discussion lust Friday evening, in njoiclii; over bin victory. Vi'ell, Milton, you have ci.ums for rejolcinp, eonsidorintr the talented men who Were jutt' l nguitixt yu. There in no danger of pneumonia following an attack of la grippe when Chi.mlierlnin'M CuurIi ii'iwdy b taken m l'.rc:t"d tor u "vere cold e nd cav.1 is taken to i.void expure. Fifty cent bottlea fi.r.wiily by U. A. -Miller. There nee ins to b? a f.vncml fcood natnrcd rivalry union;; tp; towns just now. Lorate in t.'ml imvn which olfcfH tiie pieatefii iialiiceincn'.s, and ban the most natural niivr.ntaefi. If you do thia wu will not enr.iplain. The next worKI'H fair will be held in I'hicopi. Thih m the ally or "Ug feet." JSome of ber eitizenn will take n vaca tion, or hbe will have to tnbire her borders. Htandkij.' modi wuui.l he more valuable' than retd cNtate in Lelf lion. Loukine over our extra edition, we Werentniek with the poverty of lun jruatMiiid the inadct.taey of our .1.' wiript'lve j)owefi. elt veral of the incut important feature of our country were either overlooked eiitiiely or bitiied ut in a very iiiihalirtfaetory way. MoHfs. James and l'.ohert INreCaust land, formerly from Iowa, but recent ly of Itfalcttl and Alhany were iuler viewliifr our real estato dealera thin week. The above named eiitlenieu are like ncorcH of iminiuits, at least in one respect, tliey wiutt smuc (iregoii Boil and doubtles.-t can lie united. There mcoihh to be no donbt.but thnt Lebanon will build aood Ntdoto! house hood, i'very new enterpfino has to piiHS thronj;h the three Htae of ridi cule, discussion and adoption. The project in now in the second ptn.te, which it promirtcH to ptuis Hiiceesfully, and theirwilb a spirit that brooks no rivalry our people will build. A. .11. CyriiH, ropivHenUnjr the Clat sop Land Co., ia in town this week, lie Hays they have a lew more of the idtoiee two acre block) in rronpoct Park Addition to Astoria for sab; at. ijii'iO, Write them and secure a block of thi desirable properly before the raise. Astoria in destined t be a great city, and thin hi CHOI CM property. AddrenH, Caltsop Land Co., Lox 410 Aidorla, Oregon. An Enli.th Prince in a tit of rage at his Hhoeniakcr made him eat ti pair of Hboe which bad failed to lit to his liighneM' nat infliction, Prtber a touyh liet even for a man whoso motto in, "Js'olbinjj; liko k'ather." .Hut when one looks at the dei'oiniiLies cnused by ill tit tiny hIioch, the punishment seeins to fit the crime as well an any of those unique ptiulahmelibi devined by the Mikado. Those who bay their hIiocs of C. C. iracklemau will get the big goat Hiuiio out of this item, because, .'hey don't k'.iow wlaivc the fdioo.fltH. Don't expect n four-bit unille when y(u onlv buy ten cents worth at Hwun Brothers, , . ,' MIhs Bul'ah fiwcnk, teacher In tho ptiblio Hcdool nt Urowusvlllo, paid tho family of liev. J. It. Klrkimtrlck ft vixlt to-day. Prof. IL C. Palmer, teacher of. the Conacrvatory of music in Albany, was In town Wednesday. He will instruct the newly organized cornet band. Mr. Loone Fort who came ho nearly perishing In tho mountains a short linio ri0, wa in our ofllco this week. Ho will return us soon as he recovers from bis painful experience. Our planet has ut Inst made n move in the riht direction and we are to day enjoying the sun's rnys to such an extent that all unpleasant memories of the past winter are forgotten. Tho Hoard of Trade held a meeting M ii day night. mup of our business men w 111, no doubl.or'Oiize a building and loan association the coming season to meet the demand. of un Incoming population Jf. P. Lrennen, of Astoria, who has been in town several days, left hereon Wednesday for bis timber and home stead claims up the Saldino!. He in I'ui'ms us that h' will make final proof on bis claim soon. Dr. Fioitb, who has Iitro mining lntercbts on the Hantiiun, v us seen on our H reels Wednesday. The doctor knows when he has a good tiling, arid hcfo'ro the seiisnu pannes a "'d many (k(pti"H vil! nrre with bim in one 1 i'vlKf-i v.t least. Jr'As s ion as i ur new canal is cut we may cxpi et feveial new induftrieu to t'prln;r up. We are acq i.:inU d willi parties wb are beth willing and anx ious to build and operate a tannery whenever the water power c:.u be ob tailivd. Prinon thewid.ir. A cornet biii-d has been organized mid an eflVrt Is hein made to secure first-clhifcs inst'iimetds f.,r it. As it will take a lurire amount to provide it with the proper pieces, tho boys do not care to bear all the expense, which would amount to several hundred doilaiM, the will solicit sub-cripiions from tbey citizci.s, wbn tdiould help th' tn as much as possible. Wednesday was not an imtmur.l day in Lelicison there bein.! about the usu al amount of business transacted. Thinking it would be n time to estimate the life and bn.dnesH of the town, we stepped to the door and count ed seveiity-five people on .Main street a lone, this is a good showing, when you remember that as yet we have no brass bund, neither was thero 1 single dogfight. iiv.i. r.HTA-xr. t::as.u-i-.us. The following ales of real estate, made during the month ended to-day, were reported at this ollice t liij week. A number of private tales were also made of wliich no mention is given. Owing to the tunu;ual amount of rain which has fallen, the sales arc unusu ally small, but a very Rreat deal of will cban hands next. proper', v month : I'KTKttHOS & WittACE Jold for 3. L. Ambler to A. Podge lot S in block 17, juaLuu':3 tid addi- f-'obl for Ju.-eph Lubl to Peter S. Dykoinaa, of Mencniim e, Micbiitan, lots 3 and :1 in block .1, Cowan's addi tion. fold for P. Hiatt b G. C. Clare, Into of California, lot -J in block u, IliaU'u addition. Mold for K. Ji iit i t to A. J. Poone, Into of California, lot 3 in block S, Uiatt's add i lion. Sold, for W. K. Yates to Thomas Pearly, SO acres lk miles from city. J. K. KIKK !' AT KICK To A. Dodge, part of bio k on Dodge street, $315. . To A. Lo Hoy, two lots on Wheeler street, if 170. To J. Carlile, three, lota on Main sireot, ?' iOO. H. Y. Kirkpatrick to Huff Iliatt, two lots. Consideration i215. T. 0. l'KHliU'Ml 8)bl for Heard and l.bdt to Wm. (loan lotw I cud 2 in block 6, Kirkpat lick's addition to Lebanon, $2i0. fold for F. V. Parker to Joa. Puld. lot 5 in. I'b'i k -llCiivpatrieK's adci'.iun to Lel)aiiG)i,$i.0d. J. 11. Kal.stoi) lo. (i. D. rodder, lots (, 3 ami -I ih blocK , .KaU'ton'u aoudion to J-ebunon, !!22f. Cold' For ft oo. Feebler to Clms. Coan, iota 3 and 4, bioeic 5, Palston's ACAUK.1I V NOTES School very quiet this week, Items very scarce. Hevcrnl students Htopped school last week on account of other duties. The Academy was well represented nt tho Teachers' examination last week, there being seven or eight of our would-be teachers present. Last Friday eve was public night at tho Literary society. There was an enthusiastic debate by outside speak ers on the subject, Tesolved, That (!cn. U. H. Grant was ft greater man than Robert E. Lee, wliich Wts decided In favor of the negative. This wee!: concludes half the term, there being fivo weeks nioro u( fihcool in this term. Our Literary society Is now in a promising condition. Friday evening Is the time for election of oftleers; uil members and office Beckers should be present. Stukknt. i?7'0. adubion .i. M. Pals'.on lo T. 0. Feebler, 10 lo's.ui Kalshm'tf third addition, $7C0' 1 15UOWKM1I.I.K KOTES. tloro rain. Bcbol entertainment Saturday eveu- illfJT. Prownsviilc is to have a rifie club. Hr.in Hawyerhas returned from the Portland Hushiccs College Coo. iSimth, ofCoburt, has commenc ed work in the sawmill. Miss Anna Moore is recovering from ber lute illness. Our cornet band lost'one of its mem bers Hunday uight. Gid Foust, while deployed in the sawmill, bad one of his feet severely injnivd. The Pangwhaiip rs' tiall has been brilliantly illuminated !-ew::d nit;bts of late. Look Jt for the mar.-h.d, boys. Owing to the settling of the factory" dam, caused by the late high water, the race is not carrying m much water as nsual. An effort is being made loextend the new street through Kirk's addition still further eat through the property lately purchased by 11 r. Hobi rt Curran. f ibis is accomplished it will be a beautiful street. At the school meeting held in the city hall March 3, Wm. Llanchard was elected school director in place of Jf bu J low e, w hose term bad ex pin d. The Lev. A. Le Hoy was citcted school clerk. The meeting voted, to levy a tax of two thousand dollars for school purposes. While Uk' people of Brownsville are rejoicing over a board of tr:'td,-,the peo ple in the neighborhood of the factory are rejoicing over the ikvv boards plac ed on the sidewalks by our marshal. A board of trade is a good thing, we suppose, but the averagi1 resident of A me in would prefer good boar! on the sidewalk. A private letter to B. P. Larger from Eastern Oregon reports heavy loss of stock for want of f-md. The letter also fctatns that on Feortiary '2'i the mercury stood 00 deitrecs below zero in Hartley valley, with 40 Inches of snow on the ground. Mr. M. P. Chandler, residing four teen miles east of town, reports three feet of snow nen:' bis residence. He also states that Mr. Malone.a nilglibor, has lost fourteen head of stock from exposure. JsKM'j. Committers. Following are the committees for the Common Council of the city of Lebanon for the ensuing year: Ways and means W. V. Donaca. J. P. H wan, C. C. llackleman. Ordinance!! J. H. Courtney, C. C. llackleman, J. J. Swr.n. Account of current and exchange C. C. llackleman, J. J. h'wan, W. B. Donaca. HtreeUi and public pmperty J. J. Swan, W. 15. Donaca, J. B. Courtney. License C. C. llackleman, J. rf. Courtney, Jf. J. Swan. Fire and water ft iviui, Donaca and Jlaekleniun. Health and police Courtney,!? wan and Donaca. HVr.VOL NOT KM. Composition is becoming quite an interesting feature in the higher de partment. There was no school In the afternoon Monday, as the annual dis'iict Mect ing'was held in the house. The following question will be dis cussed by the literary class on Friday afternoon of next week : li.'solved, that Columbus was greater than Wash ington. The debate promises to be quite interesting. Prof, Hickinun was somewhat sur prised, on returning from dinner Wednesday, to find' au artistically deiiwu, life size- fac-simile of himself on tho board. Although the affair caused considerable excitement nobody was hurt. Pretty good, Alice. M I'M. Fry, of Oak Crock, gave us a very pleasant call on Thursday. Jay BtKD Ci:am.'ate. mttst vrvr t. i.1 vir-DimTTh-n Tn r.VT Mil: x FOR AVAST OF KXFUCISIV SO -OF THE- JUST TO TROVE TO OURSELVES AND. FRIENDS THAT Wi5 HAVE NOT LOST THE KNACK. THE TUNE IS The Last Rows of Winter, AND AVE PROPOSE TO PLAY FOR EVERY NOTE THERE IS IN IT BANK NOTES ARE WHAT AVE PROPOSE TO BLOW OUT AND BLOW IN. TIIE LAST ROWS OF WINTER GOODS THAT LINGER ON UUR SHELVES MUST GO WITH TIIE SEASON. kH Hi WWII p r Come am.1 too us. S'oxt lo the I'auk. C. C. HACKLEMAN, Lebanon. Orepron. Wfi have onenec a New btore IN LEBANON AT- IGxiimine the fine stock of books of all blink nt.Pieiird and Xtolt'i?. Feebler & Buhl's Old StaxD, And wish to announce to the people of Lcbanonon and vicinity that WE HAVE COME TO STAY. Give us 3'our support, for intend to staT among you. AVc have a good and fresh stock of GROCERIES, such as Canned Goods of all Kinds, Confections, Grass Seeds and Wall Paper, TOMCOO cfe CIGARS, CROCKERY, ETC., ETC., In fact, everything th.at can be found in a firstclass Grocerv StorE. A Fitst-Glass Line of Gent's FnrnMings. WeiSeli Only First-Glass Goods. VRICESS AIOST liEASONAULE. Pi'oduce taken in exchange lor Goods. Give us a : call and secure Prices. S.P.-B 13edrock uricej!. new iroods mid stan dard biv.i.ds at both the Mammoth nnd One I'liee C'Hi-'.i M tores of C. B. Monta gue. Ill ii JUKOAtN. Ifi'j Avrv rv SHOO. This is ull rich bind and capuble of bipb cultivation, food iprinra near bouse, eniiill on bitrd bciiling plenty of fruit, and an iibundauee of pood oak and fir wood und pole timber. Fir.st cb'.hs for Fruit or Dairy Farm. Situa ted three miles bom Lebanon. For full particulars call on E. G. EA'RDS LEV, Keul Folate Agein, ISroadidbin Htrect near First, Albany, Oregon. First-cb'.ws work at McClure'a barhi r shop. lied rock prices, new goods and wtau. dard brands at both the Mammoth and Ons Price Cash Stores of 0. lb Mont.i tactic. Peivons w ishin; to buy wood can pet it at ?1 "0 a cord on the pround, just nt tho edgw of town, or I will di li or it at 2. Call on ttiu in pcrsoii or leave orders at Doiiuca'H Ktoic. U'l'F 111 ATT. When you desire a pleasant phjsic, tryt. Patrick's Pills. They can al ways be dei'i)ded upon, and do not nauseate the stomach nor tfiipe tho bowel. ,For ale by.M. A. Mil.'.':.