The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 28, 1890, Image 7

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-IT MAY "AVK YOfJtt 1,1 1'K.
I am Irokon down and illsennragcd, nnd
don't know just what t i do far my health.
'J'liU remark wo often hear from both men
and women that sre positive y in thiiteon
ditiou that life In no longer to them a
pleasure, but Instead & emu Input bore,
laVKLt CUKE lt especially adapted for
June such cases, It act treaty on the
bowels, purllloH the blood wlihout'Un
alghtly blotches, tenovates the kidneys and
iliver. the itrvM, organs of exUtenc ,,ihat
must be ktuit clear Hy rhutt doing it
work It brings the nervous system Into a
final thy condition, produiisitf- sound and
refreshing sleep. Fur all female com
jiialnts, letieorrhen, suppressed menses,
no manor from what cause, attended by
severe pain, and albj other complaint his
common among winm n, It iin'oediiitely
roliive and clients a permanent cure, i'ui,
aside all prejudice ami glvrthlw iii'nt won
lirtul aud.iiest of all remedie-i a trUI.
Warranted1 purely vegetable. Delightful
to the taMiH, Fur aule by a I druggists.
Take no other.
Archie, Kirlund, a woll-ktiotvn ctjiital
Ut ami mining operator, dnd at hi rctt
in OukIhU'I, okshI f7 yen's, lie
wan on of the hirgtt oti'si'lo hoi lets of
(Jonaoiida'eil California mid Virginia
Hiockn at the lime of ihe H set-very ii the
.irrent hotiaiixa, nit I this and other min
ing; vein urea snawd Jiim a fvrtune.
llu was wido'y known in (5lifonii,
.Nevuda, Oregon mid J ditliu. Ho leaven
a wife and four chi'drt-n.
The Minnie Monro has laid off forty
iotir men out of eightv-oue who were
working in the inii.ti. It is not known
whether Hub is a permanent reduction in
th working fore e or not.
Poor Ha inanity I
Thaenminnn lot in one of sorrowsay at least
the jmHMinmiii, they who look at the worst sid,
Certainly wliHt would otherwise be a hrisht
existence Ih uftim atuulowed by some ntimotil
that overhang It like a null, ohsoiiriiiK per
jmtnully the radlanee that ttltw would Hk'IiI the
paih. Much hii aUiiiiiU and a very (hiiiiiiioii
iim. In nervousness, or in otlior wnritii, wesk
iit'M of the nervous system, a n'ni'lltioii only
irrcnu'illHlilH whore Inullloiciit or Iiiiiiii.t
iiifHiix urn lakiiti lo rtlicvr iu Tim itonuurrHiit
rxHirti-uee of iinrvoim moiln who hHvp p.-r-MlMtonlly
n l IliiHicttiir'ii Suitiiai'li llittitrii tn.
that ll oii( Hum rittiTlv wniHrHfliixttlvitiiewt of
cheiiitrviM, wt)llmi(tiHf!im(t ocb1Icj - whicli mid iiiunie(l by ihe vlinniiu wak
iiohh. An Hid nnrvra (ruin aUtrnina from the
Ifrmu timia tli trmihli; (iimtiHHtrn. I'm th
Hiltim for nmliirl, rheuiimtiniii, biliouiinwa
nd kidney tronliUw.
We meamiro not our emmii by hucccnh, hut our
KiH'ceM li)' onr iwum',- Milton.
He wan a hriht, IibiiiUohik tmy of in. nnniiy
1oiiiiiti'(I. brllllHlit and I'lifals'liiK. the dellKlit of
bin iariMil, the joy of home and the
of hi eland. Hut Hlmdowr l. ll aeriMH lilx hrlKbt
priMHiiii. It ln'unn willi trill mii; eum;li ; Komi
canirpreiiioiitliiiiiiiiif noiiniittitliiii,liiiiiitreiiKth
(ailed, hid elieekx Rrew hollow, and lie vetoed
doomed to an early grave. 'I Imn frleud ad
Tmed llr. I'leree'n (inldeii Medleul Dlwovury.
He tried It and wbuhhvimI. Health and utreimih
returiii.Kl, bin itheerfiil volep ranit out anolii
eriwii the lelimil j1hv Kromul, bis elieekK HKiiln
KIkw rimy, bin evivi luhihl. Hit In tlll "the
lirnletf hli client," and hu grafluateH thin year
-Willi bighent liuiuirs.
Chronic Naaal Catarrh nmiltlvoly ettriKl by Ir.
8aa' Catarrh Itemedy; M) cent, by driiKKbiUt-
Tho one Inuirtnhmee lu life Ih coiieen trillion;
the one evil uiiwlmlion. Kinemou.
Do you wMi to know how to have no and not half the uuai work on
waHhdaf Ank your grocer for a bar of
Jhtblrins' Eleii.rir Snap, and the directions
will tell you how, lie mire to get no imi
tation, h here are lota of them.
Th HI fonwiiucniH-i of one imprudent tcp
will be felt iu nmtiy an after atcp.
t'reMrh Tay Wafrrn aw the B-at
Dr. LivlngHtou'H Taimy Wafora for the
reatoratioti of auppre aed ineuHea nkvek
fail when the diructiona upon the box are
atrn-tlv obHervHd.
The Tanay Wafer cannot be bought at
flrtiK atorea ho aou t allow yonrHBir to in?
Impoaed iiMm by Hptirloua and wenk imi
t itlona of ir. Living-tton'a French Taimy
Wafera. and reinemlier that the gunuiiif
-an only be obtained from iim, mo if you do
not want to lie dinappdiitd amid In u
regiatered letter or pimtoflice or(br to the
I.ivingNtou Chemical ( otnpany. J'orllana,
t)rt'Kon, and a box wl'l tie went by return
mall, Hecurely Healed from the eyes of In
uinillve people, to your addruHM.
Truth Ih the foundation of all knowledge nml
the cement of nil mieletle. lrydeti.
An Heeant I'aekajte tf l'lne Cards,
IncludlnK 15 rare noseltiea, ahftpcH and ar
tlatic imiiorU'd o eogninbie and hromatic
carda. Tliia htriic and beautiful collection
aont by mail to any one who will do thi:
Jiuy almx of the genuine Ur. C. McLane'a
Celebrated l.lver Pillu from any druggi-it.
jrioe 2C centa. and mai' ua the outide
wrappr with your addrenK, plainly writ
teu. and 4 centa In atmnpa The genuine
Mc.Lttiie'M l'illa are prepared onl- by
.Kleining Hroa., rittbur. Fa., and have
)eon in conataut use for over hlxty year.
I'hey are Htipurior to all others in purity
and etrectivoneHH. A certain cure for in
diKoation ana fick headache. Addreai-,
Fleming Broa., PittHbnrfc, Pa.
What "It Co&o
Must be carefully considered by the great inH
lority of pco(il Iwifore ImyliiR au article which
weinnahsolutcly nueeBnary. Hmal'itBamapBrUla
commends Itself with special force to the ttroa1
middle clawied, becauao It combines positive
economy with urunt medicinal power, It Is tho
only medicine of which can truly bo Bald,
" l on l)oe One Dollar," and a bottle of Hood's
Kii'iiai a ilia taken according to dlrodtloin will
tvi.THKe to hist a month, while other meiilclnes
laut but half oc qnurter as long. ?'ry Hood
Harsaiiarilla and sue lor yourself.
' Wc cowld not be without Hoo I's Harsaparllla.
It Is the best medicine weaver kept lu the house.
My family are all taking it." Mas. J. M. Ua.ii
nuii.Sun Jouiiuiu and Fremout streeU.Htockton,
uai.' .,.
" I have taken one bottle of Hood's Surnvpa
Ttlla for liidUtwtlou, and it has done me a ri at
loal of HOiiil."-rilK0lioitK Wammok, I'elaltimii,
U Hood' iNarsapai-iIJa
Hold hv all driwtlKtK. 1; six for .''. I'renired
only by 0. I. Hl)l I) & liU., Apothecttrles, l.oW-..iI.'Milsi.
ioO Dosos One Doil t
U, V. N. U. No. Ml S. F. N. U. No 401
a m i:tA;n,n's oh kb of ikafnkh.
Editor Oregonian: I have been troubled
with a moMt tot d de fnesi In my right ear
all my life, and had no idea of being cure
nn il I applied to Dr. Darrln for other
menta. During the conversation the doe.
for noticed tny defect, and aald he could
cure me bv hin new mode of treatment b
ele trlclty and medicine I am happy to
aay i'e haa kept bin word. I can hear per
feolly, and wish others to know of the cure
I urn agent of the I. (). 0. F K. of P. and
F. A. M. and the U M. ateel plate degree
charts; headquarter, 1"8 Third etretrt.
Fort land, and can be refeir 'd t.
Henj, F, Neweix.
llopedale, Mam.
. 11 '
D's. Durrln can be cjnaulted dallyatthe
Wiiilongtoi building, corner of Fourth
mil Wa-hlnarton aireeta, Portland, and
lutef ( mdoldf, Tacoma, Hmira, 0 to B
evi'iilogi, 7 to 8' Sundays, 10 to 12. AM
chronic dl-eawa, blood taints, lo a of vital
powcrand early Indiscretions permanently
cured, thouuh no references are ever marie
In t he preiM concerning such caes, owing
to the deli acy of the patients. I'jtamina
lons free to all, and circulars will be sent
to any address. Charges fortreatment an
crdlng to tiatient's abllitv to pav. The
ooor treated free of charge from 0 to 11
diflv. All priva'e dlxcases confidentially
treated, ana cures guaranteed. Patienta
at a distance can bi i nred by home treat
ment. Medicines and letters sent without
the doctors' name appearing.
The lie of an action Is (water than the ll of
a word. Marlon Crawford.
AndOeneral bebllltv. liocrors disagree as to
the relative value of Cod MverOII and Hypo
phoKphltes; the one suplyinK strenxth and
IIcnIi, the oi her Kivlng nerve jiower and acting
n n toule to the dlffr-stlve and entire system.
Hut in Scott's F.mulslon of Cod blver Oil with
llvpophoMililles I he two are combined, and the
efl'i'ct Is wonderful. Ttiousauda wlio have de
rived no permanent henellt. from other prepara
tions have been cured by this. Heott's Kmulsion
Is perfectly palatable, and easily digested by
those who cauuot tolerate plain Cod biver Oil,
' '
Whatever you dislike In another person take
cure to conect In yourself.
Thev disappear like hot i-akes bsfore a St.
littls trasiji " I'snslH's Punch " 5c Cigar.
Tf von wlh to remove avarice you must re
move Its ino;her luxury.
it. wllllum'ii tiiiiiuii OiIch nintmpfit 1b tho
only'siire cure for Mind, BleediiiR or Itching
riles ever aiaiMvrn;u. ll iivirr ihiib lut-urcum
chronic case" of long standing.
I ...l .... t '..111 o l.i, t-v I'ImvmIh,,H O. liavK' 1
have found by experience that J)r. William s
Indian riles ointment Rives immediate renei.
Do not sulliT an instant longer, boiu uy n 111
lunniiitrn MHiiiifMctnriiiu Com nan v. proprietors.
Cleveland, M M cents and l.
Hold by I. Hlumauer & Co , wnoicsaie amg
glHts, Portland. r.
Try Gkrmka for bn'ikfast.
you can ctrTamiy
Wf4 lo fcafts wo
losses orhoneyta
owe part of
Hearts are very flinch alike, and all need lots
Of patience to keep thein good aud happy.
Ilrtght'a 1M sense Cured.
About two years ago our daughter had con
gestlon of the kidneys, which developed Into
ftrlght's Disease, Her body was swollen to an
enormous sine measuring 4a Inches around
the waist, and is inches below the knee. After
physicians had given up her ease, 1 determined
to nave her try Dr. Kennedy's " Favoiiits Rkm
IWY," of Krmdnut. N. Y. Gradually the swell
ing was reduced from 46 to Inches, Hhe be
gan to gain strength, and was able to walk
without fatigue. Wo do not know how to ex
press our gratitude for what It has 4onc for our
child. We are confident the Favorite Kemedy
will do all that Is claimed for ftsurely (nd
has blessed ll iu this case, and we esniesily
recommend It to all snfP'rlug from kidney dis
orders H. D. Van Hnsklrk, Detnsrest, N. Y.
Ijb. Kennedy's Kavohitk Kkmkhy, made at
Rondont, N. Y. II; Bfortf.
Hend for tiook, how to cure Kidney, Liver and
Blood disorders.
Asa dav well spent procures a happy sleep, so
a life well employed procures a bappy death.
ML'ltK (I RK FOH ril.KH.
Hure cure for bl ud, bleeding and Itching
Mies. One l baa cured the wort case ol ton
ems' standing. No one nee d suffer ten min-iU-s
after asing Kirk's Oerman I'iieOintmeiit.
t absorbs tumors, allays the itching, aids as
i poultice, gives relief. Dr. Kirk's German Pile
liniment is prepared only for Piles and itching
f the private pai Is, and nothing else. Kvery
Kix is warranted
Bold by Druggists and sent by mail on receipt
r price. $1.00 per oos. J. J. Mack & Co.,
Vholesata Agents, 8an Krauctsco. ,
After 22Ycas?33,
fi cured a man of cbron
fj 1 I " IT form of chronic
which was cympletely cured as follows :
Paragon, lud.. July SO, 1888.
I suffered with patns in my bead from sun
stroke 22 years. They were cured by SL Jacobs
Oil and have remained so four year.
At Dktooists and Dealers.
Fatars Golden Female Pills..
For Female Trregnlar
ities: uolliluclikethera
on the market. A'etwr
oil Suecesslullyused
by prominent ladies
monthly. Guaranteed
to relieve suppressed
Don't be bnmbngired.
Kavn Time. Health.
sud money ;take no oth
Cpnt tn ur address.
appurA ltr mall ou re
teipt of price, fi.00.
Western Branch, Bui 27, J0BXLAN D, O'
Bold ly Wibooh itaiia Co., Portland, Or.
r frhnui nut tin bv
' Who an the largest Seedsmen in the world. 1
.... . . . ! I OJu4
l n kti i :i j dd CD -11 - - J
tor 1B9Q win oe mcu r ivjbs w y 1
as ids: Garden, rltwr pr tie la
Seeds should send tor iu Aaarcst
The famous Hovey Seed
;tore ef hoston. and Hovey
N'drsenes of Cambridge,
visas., have been moved to
rfist Faa1etia, California.
tybere the business will be
ondicted as
Die BajfiniiSssrMl
C. H. Hovey, Manager,
Hjtast I'aaadena, - Cat.
Htiud fur ouuudttta Catalabuu.
f r to t DiYS.V
f v J ailsiaiiti
I TlrujflASBltalOa.
I preserlbs sod fully
dors Big O as ths oalf
specific for thsoanaia ears
of this dtssas.
O.H.lfiOKAHAM.V. D.,
AmsUrdam, W. Y.
W bars sold Big Q for
many rears, and It bsa
riven tu dm oi aaua-
Cbieaco. I1L
1.00. BoMkyOnwclata,
UliTnCPRn 22 ADIOKTHcaDbemads
."lU-Pa;U. working for us. Fersons
preferred who can furnish a horse sod si their whole
timeluthebuftitiHiu. Hpare moments msy be profitably
emitloved hIho. A few vaofnews in twng and cities.
B. F. JOHNSON A CO.. JtKHIMsin 8t.,Kiolnnond, Va.
Best Oouith Hyriiii. Tactes good. Use
noin nv ami'irisiH.
Tlis Week f e H Offer Bargains as Follows ie Almost Every Line:
Oardcn seed, venersl variety (not peas, beans or corn), 80 papers (prepaid) for $1.
(io'Ml quii's (eomlortH), lull width, i anil up to f2, and even fa etioh.
Itp'V lnd blankets. fl.'iri pair up, all colors, 2.i0 u p lo 1 10.
Wall na)ter, giuie al variety, nice style, per donble roll 12 cents up.
Cotton hatting lo quills, nice quality, cents up to 16 cents.
Hoys' overalls, (t to 12, ill) cents to IS) cents; 10 to 17, 40 cents to 00 cents.
IlojV Cuetoit shirts, all prices and sizes, HO, 40, DO ceuts.
Men's Cheviot shirts, extra value, H5, 40,-fiO, ISO cents.
MeA's cheviot shirts, exbasise up to 1V4 neck. 66, 7S cents, fl.
Mi n's evurv-day pantM, to close out, from ah cems pair up.
Hi it's all-wool cassimeie pants, genuine, 2.50 pair up.
Ihins' suits, ges4 to lh. bom 2.7f) up, great bargains.
Iniauta' underwear, grey 10, 15, 2f cents. Boys', HO cents up.
M mi's grey or white tin e wear, extra, 60 cents up. t
Moil's all-Wool red underwear, $1 up.
Moil's everv-dav sho-. good quality, t to U, W.fKt
Men's iSunditv shoes, Rood qniillty, 6 to HI!,, 1.7 up.
bvllcs' kid sooes. slses, 2'i, to7, l.Wnp; calf shoes, $1.50 up.
Canned corn, l doneu up; canued fruit, 1 up.
Civuned tomatoes, 11.75 per cose of 2 doseu; gallon cans, 2.75.
Heiivy biioon. 0 to 10 cents; lighter, U to 12 ceuts; extra llKlit, 13 to It cents.
Hutter per roll, common, 26 to Ho cents; good to extra, 0 to ih cents. . .
Daigaliis In dross goods, in prints (calico), in canton tlauuel, iu woolen flannel, in ging
iam, iu goods of all kinds autlin every Hue.
Send for full price list of everything, over 4,000 articles offered at wholesale
orice nd below. (Simple copy froe.) Address
41 U Front Street,
San Francisco, Cal.
k) Ifu
Ml if3 ffe
I have made a searching chemical examination of Pit Pku k'h Ckeam Bakino
Powdkr which I puicliaaed from stores in this city, and find it to ht free from all
foreign euvf-tancPH, such as Alum, Ammonia, Lime, etc., and as nearly chemically
pure as can be made from the purest materials.
HENRY G. HANKS, Chemist, Assayer and Geologist.
San Francisco, February R, 18t9.
ITaele Bcnsaa Tobaeee.
Ton cant fool dis chile wid your traahte
backy. I smoke 8uu and den't yon forget it.
Borne smokers think that anything that
make smoke, is good enough to go into a pipe.
They will find by a little experience that there
Is a vast difference la Bmeklng Tobaccos. J us!
try "8 sal or North Carolina." and yon will
sse the differ noe between Hand theimitationa
10,000 AGENTS 8S8
A1.tfflS.Dr. CROfllfj.
Qlving a foil and complete account of the conspiracy,
Bionlf r.dltwveryof Uic body, arrets,ooroapr inqnest,
the trial and verdict. Ihe kwk Wihi m IOO Ulm-
SUlM. OlUtlarwe 12 mo. Vnlnm. (if a Ih nit htf) n... rtrirak
Ml, 11. 1. OITriTBHOWKFiur. Bend, at once, 24 cents
forsnoutnt:flrtcoine.firstMrved. Thills tlieehanceof
Toaruie-ume: oiff cnmnilmilonfl. AnilreKfl. ItAiau S
InUlsken. SOS-tot IkIm Sweet, CS1m 1IL
C. VI. ir 'at if Hi ii)J i"nHa tirana, m
Lwwvrd, metAilk boxei, led with blu
W?J7rltibim. Take im other. All pills
JSk iA In pmitbont txtum, pink wrpi,en, ir
I L W iftsttniirt. for iun.lnaiiir.
l SM i-Ci
Mttnonialii fent
llt ftp f . stil lew. im Utter, br FMturu
mutt. JVami i'nui-r.
tated many
aaee oronoanoedl
I hopelesebyplusl-1
r ctans. bend lor rrtn
floo 'CeaiaiH IssuJ
I Talk and numerounJ
. uhh Ixnonuus. 1 uey J
riu convince
. tmv kiit etu tace it, utjsstu, .
OlLinnHI. A BKACM. Oabler. Roe
nlBh Pianos; BnrdettUrgans. Band Instruments.
Largest stock of Sheet Miisie and Books. Bands
supplied at Eastern Price. MATTHIAS
GRAY CO, 106 Post Street, Ban Franclsoo.
VaKhIvhs, .viTfe. S tO. I
Do you want to Sell orBuyaFarml Writo to
us. Ownern and Mansgers or I'roperty, Av
tention! The POKIbANI LAM) CO, ad.
vertise in M newspapers m Uio United States,
and are therefore tlie people to handle oily and
addition property. It will pay you to corres
pond with us. Loans made on Farm aud City
1 r t pyBiQHtej.
are only begotten of healthy mothers. How important, then, that tho
health of the future mothers of our land should be carefully guarded.
Our girls need the tenderest care as they are entering upon woman
hood. At this critical period of their existence it often happens, throup-h
neglect, that the seeds of distressing ailments are sown, which afflict
them in after years. As a regulator and promoter of functional action
at this important stage, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a most
reliable agent for building up the strength and system and establishing
the proper functions. " I avorite Prescription " is a legitimate medicine,
carefully compounded, by an experienced and skillful physician and
adapted to woman's delicate organization. It is purely vegetable in
its composition and perfectly harmless in its effects in any condition
of the system. For all those peculiar weaknesses, "bearing -down"
sensations, weak back, displacements, as prolapsus, anteversion, retro
version and kindred ailments, it is specific. The only medicine for
woman's peculiar diseases, guaranteed to give satisfactiott iu every
case, or money refunded.
A Book of 160 pages on Woman, Her Diseases and their Self-cure,
mailed, sealed in plain envelope, on receipt of ten cents in stamps.
Address, World's Dispensaby Medical Association, 663 Main
Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
Tf TlDWsrkJQ "PoIIqQ regulate and cleanse the liver, stomach
UL A lVl W O JL UlXU Uk and bowel. One a dose. Uy druggists.