The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 28, 1890, Image 5

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    IT, si I VIC IMJCAMIIti: '
, o teHtlfy in behalf of any honeat propoal
Jion, Htid ibat la why all (hut once trv the
Join iu prulnlnn it exce lent qtiallitoa and
ncnrilng in lliclr teHllmonialM (or the bene
fit of those alMlcted, as they were before
iiHlng ttiiM wonderful roodleine. Be xii re
Mnd get oiio bottle, which will convince
yourself. For aalebyalldrtuwlMta, Take
no other.
Men nClwmical Co., tffl M tuition afreet,
Ban FranrUeo, Call
(Iknti.kmcm it give mo exiremo jilcus
ire to testify in behair of your wonderful
muy, This (in HAT Hikkha Kidney and
I.I vek Ci'KK. I have given it a thorough
trlul, an1 It ban not only cured me, hut
Homecf my Dent friend can testify to il
meritorious tjiialitlea. I'loaae tale that I
'an truthfully recommend to all tlilft beat
of all medicine. Verr truly youra.
Haiiiiv Meykiih, 1 UK) Market Htreet.
oddity In furniture contliiMi-s the crime. The
fiishluuiihi driiW'luK rnoin of ttMlnyls a rmnark
able sik'lil l la-hold.
By Electricity The Prev&le-ce of Ca
tarrh and Deafness and Its Effect!
on the System The Poor Treatsd
Tree of Charge.
In Portland and the whole Norihwe-tt
the raurrhal mi I Itrnm'hial aihVilouH are
alarinlnu y prevalent, and too frequently
they are nous ected until the moat m-i-iou
-i)imiUei.r' eimue. Nothing eeenm more
coin mo I hun a cold or oi n lliruuL, and
yet they each frequently lead to yeara of
ktirt'eiinK, reu!iiuK in contiiiiitiou and
death, if not prosi ly attended to in time.
Jli'atuenH in another cli-t eli'g alllietlou
iften ludueed by catarrh. 'I hl Dr. J)ar
riu Imve ertected extraordinary cure alter
all ell'.irt eUcwhere have tailed In a fact
eujiiorid by the Miroiiget evidence. Tliclr
cureh, more ver, are rapid ami ermannit,
iih the following very remarkable iae
wil chow. The Jiev. M. M. Uhor In a
man wc'l known in Oreou, and hia word
tan he relied on:
Card row Hrv. M. HI. Itaxlior.
Dm. IarrinVi'.AH Sihm: J'nor to con
aultlng you two niuniha ko I had lieen
aorely atiliciod with nasal and throat ca
tarrh, which interfered wiih my public
epeaking. Vour home treatment fur ca
tarrh lia cured me, und I am thankiul to
you. 1 had tried many adverliHed reme
dies before, nut none of them cured me.
lfeler to me at Hrooks, Or. M. M. Bakuor. s
Kliraaiatlwni and Catarrh Cared.
Editor Oregoniani For a long time I
have been troubled wliti a loaihuoine ca
tarrh and an attack of rhcumatinm.
Through Dr. Parrln'a electric ami medical
treatment i am cured, t an be leferred to
on Giutm htreet, Albina.
it. Wkttkkmakk.
A 4rrman
('Krm .r a Discharging
CARD.-Thia la to certify that I am 80
year old and for five year pat have had
- . .li ,1.... A 1 ...I... ,.f ffhu uur
cauhed by catarrh. Jt wa eo oll'en Ive
that I could uot go in the prem nce of any
one at time. l)r Darriu ha cured ine by
electricity and medicine.
Anton Keximier.
I'ortland, February 1.
ru Ti.. M-t ... u. n1tAt dulltr at thn
fin, l 'HI I ill . .nj -
iVaxlilngtoo building, corner of fourth
ind Valilngton aireew, Portland, and
I..I..1 i; ,i.H,.l,.r Tncnina. Iloura. 10 to 5:
........ 1.... 1 In H ,.,Imvm 10 111 1'' All
chronic dUeaeea, blood tainla, lo of vital
power and early Indi-tr.reiioiiH permaneuily
cured, thou tcli uo reference are ever uiaue
iu the preH ooneerntng uch caxeH, owing
to the delicacy of the patieutn. lixaiulna
tioioi free to all, ami circular will be nent
to any aJdre. I'liarge for treatment ac
curding lo imtient abllitv to pay. The
poor treated free of charge from 10 to 1 1
daily. All private diHcami confidentially
treated, ami cure guaranteed. J'atieuia
at a distance can be ured by home treat
ment. Medicine and letter eul w ithout
the doctors' name appearing.
Any one deeirt lH to viit lr. Darr'n iu
future will do well to retain tin article
for fume reference, rs the docior'a tilli'ie
are o iliromred w iih patienUtthiuiliauMt
leH for in lit l adverl.'e further.
Vtiok ! tn the Hound of litnmiult.v' wall !
MUUiMia of i Willi iiclicn and with ulU,
Ht'iiihirh'"!' und limiKirK, n incrclleM Hood.
WviikuenH (( Ilium und diwirdcrs uf hlood,
Vet tlierii'ii a lu-liur tlml eermaily inve.
'I'ltoUMiiiKln of ieople from iri'iiiatnre itmt en.
Tint remwdv Ik l)r. I'len e's tioldcu Mcdienl
Idsi'iners. It etircK coticlif. relieve iidtlnim,
eliuckit iirniicliillN, (inrllli'M the lilimd, heal
min i, ertiilloii. und tnmhrhtly pliiiple and In
wltliniit a rival (or all the IIIh that hprlitK from
.a ilinimiered liver. A 1 1 drum:inl.
Diiii't luiwk, and Wow, and uplt, hut line Dr.
HitHe'M C'Hturrli Uemcdy. 01 ' druKh'lidii.
Hiimll Hand make the nuumtiilu. moinentHtlie
Veai, and rillen the life.
student, teacliera (male or fmualel, cler
gymen, and other iu need of change of
employment, ahnuld n t fail to writ to U.
Ji'. .lolinnon & Vs., 1WH) Main etreet, Uieh
mond, Vu. Their great, mince ahowa
that they have got th true Ideas about,
muking money. They can ahow you In w
to employ odd hour prolllably.
Men are like who iik'' our the bad and
Jietlerii the good.
Any article that ha outlived 21 years of
competition ami Imitation, and ell mote
and mora encii year, uiuU have vwrit.
Dobbin' Klee.tric Soup, II rat made in 180 ,
1 ju.nt that artir.le. Auk your grocer for it.
1 le liii it, or will get It.
A niioi may be knowlni;, but not wine.
(I. C. Bartholomew, KalkiiNka, Mich., Hays: "I
located In thin place live yearn bko, havliiK for
merly renldud In Troy, N. V. I have been a great
mitlVtur from what the physicians of Troy called
Url(!lit'HdiHoao. I used r. David Ketiuedy'ii
Favorite Hioni'dy, or Kontlom, . l. Atiiae
torrlhlo Hvinptoina of the dleaie are gone. I
bs- y uo truce of anv dimirdnr of the kidney,
I ax or hladder. Who would bcgrtidKe the eoHt
-of 'till medleino (one dollar a botlle) for mieh a
lileKnliiK or rcfuae thl altiiplo tnoiik'ti sincere
token id gratitude for heliiR iierfeetly cured? I
owe evurvthluK to Dr, Kennedy' Favorite Rem
edy, and hope thl will Induce other to one the
medicine who utlir from any kidney, llvoror
blond disorder,"
Hit. Kknneoy'h Favoiutr Rkmrdv, made at
Ronddtit. N. y, IIMlforlii.
Kend for hook, bow to euro Klduey, Liver and
pliMiil dinordcrii. i
I'onr llnmanlty I
Thenommon lot I one of aorrow ay at leart
the peNhimlNia, they who lok at the wort ldi.
t:nrlalny what, wunld olherwlK bo a brlaht
enlHtunmi I often shadowed
that evci'lmnM It liktt a nail, oliHciirintr per
petually Die iiuliiice that elno would IIriiI the
path. HiH-ti an aliment, and a very coitimon
mm, I iicrvoiiHiii'HH. -or In other word, wek
lie of the nei voim y0'in, a condition only
Irremediable where Itiellleiont or Improper
incHim are taken lo relieve it. The oonniirrant
experience of in-rvou people who have per
iHlenlly iimc I JloMtctler' Moinach Hlitw i.
that it ennqonr enti ely iipereiiMllvenc of
the nerve-, well a ilhnHi-H--HO called - which
are Invited and Kiolulned by the ohronlo weak
niiN. A lint nervwi kiiIii atamiiia from the
Ki'eat tonlo the trouble dlnuppear. I the
Miliar for melarin, iheuinaliBii), bllioinneus
and kidney trouble,
What I known an the "Heidelberg hat"ecmi
to have found favor aiming chappie,
lo't JMIH a ood Thing.
You want an elegant collection of art)
tic iiovelliew, which can lie procured by
anyone. Vou will lie astonished at the
variety, beauty and oddity.
To get ibcHe buy a b ix of the genuine
Dr. tT. Mclne' Celebrated J.lver I'll I",
price Sio cent, and mall u the outside
wrapper with .vouraddrena plainly written
and 4 Mint in Htamp. We wid then
mail you the above hat with an elegant
package of olecgraphlc and chromatic
Addre Fleming Tiro., fit Inborn Pa.
lielleatelv jierfumed wax lliibt hve been In
troduce a' fabloiije dinner partie.
How tn 4al l'leih and Mireuglh.
rue after each meal ctt' Eaialnlon
wit ti Hvpopbimphlli'. It i a palatable a
milk, aiid easily diuented. The r Idlty with
which dellca'e people Improve with Its line 1
wonderful. Ise Hand try veir weight Asa
reinedv for Coiihiiiiiptlon, Throat afleellons and
Bronchitis It i tmeqiialed. 1'leane -cad: ' I
lined Heott's Kinulsioii In a child eight months
old with good results. He gained four pounds
in a very short lime, 1 no. I'lciM, m,
fn I'aHMlan t'ditear for young women the
felt "scoop" and nnii-nii l the fashion.
fti.f,: riVKHU PILFt!!I
Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment is theonly
snierure for Blind, Bliiiling or Itching Piles
ever discovered. It never falls to care old
chronic cases of long stand h g.
Jmlxe ('othnbury, ('levrlani, O., Says:
"I have found i-j exia-rience that Dr. Wil
liam's Indian file Ointment gives immediate
Do uot stiffer an Instant longer. Bold by Wil
liamson's Manufacturing Co., flops., Cleveland,
Obi, hoc aud U.
Hold by L. Btumauer Si Co., Wholesale Drag
lsu, Portland, Or.
Whilst you seek new friendships, cultivate the
A pocket pln-c ihlon free to amokeri of
'Tanaill a Punch" ft- Cigar.
If afflicted with Kore Eves, ue Dr. Isac
Tboinpsim's Kie Water. DnunilsU sell It. .'k!.
huniiisiiirs Ke water, pnuntlsts se
ttlttK C'I'KK FOB I'lL
rttire cure for bl ud, btedlng and Itching
I'llea.'Uue boibttcurud the worst case ol ten
years' Rtaiidiug. No oim ned aerTjr ten niln-
nts after axlii- Kirk Uorman fiieoiiitmnuL
It ahiorln In in in, allav thn Hcbing, aula as
poultice, gives relief. l)r. Kirk's German Pile
OininiDiit is ppared only for I 'lies aud itching
of the private purls, aud nothing else. Kvory
box l warranieo
Mold by Urtwgiataand Rent by mail on receipt
of price, $1.(10 par dux. J. J. Mack K Co..
Wboleaal Airenls. sn Kranm.
The Chief Iteuson for the great success r
piaid's Sarapr;:; Is found In the fact thai
Merit Win. It ! the be:it blood pnrtfler an!
actually acoompiliihes all that li flalmed for
imrua uuly by C. L Uooi Co., IaiwbII. Mas.
arc surely cured by
Perry OcwV
reodtde diVecfi'ons
I Irouji.
Oa Remedy for On Diaeaao,
(From Medical J ounuii),
"Ths fcnir greatest Diedlcal centres of the world
are London, Paris, Berlin and Vienna. Thou cities
have Immense hospital teeming- with suffering Im
munity, Crowds uf students throng the wards dtuily.
lag under the Professors In charge. The mnt re
nowned physicians of the world ttaeh ai d practice
here, and the Institutions are storehouses of medical
knowledge and experienoo. With a view of making
this experlenee available to the public the Hospital
Remedy Co. at groat expense secured the prescrip
tion of tne hospitals, prepared the specifics, and al
though It would cost from 2.1 to 9100 to secure the
attention of their distinguished originators, yet In
this way these valuable medicines are told at the
price of the quack patent medicines that flood the
market and absuntly claim tn cure every ill f mm a
single bottle. The want always felt for a reliable
class of dumestl'i remedies is now fl Hud witli perfect
satisfaction. The hospital Remedies make no un
reasonable rial ins. The specitio lor Catarrh cures
that and notion- else; so ith the specific for Uron
ehltis. Consumption and bung Troubles; Rheuma
tism is cured by Ko. 3, while of blirestian,
stomach, Liver and Kidne) have their own cure.
To these Is addl a H)c.iflo for Fever and Ague, one
for female weakness a general tonic and blood
maker fist makes blood and give form and fullness,
and an Inivmuiarahlo remedy for Nervous Debility."
These remedies are all sold on an absolute guarantee
to do what Is claimed f ir them.
A circular describing this new method if treating
disease is sent free on ajiplication by Hospital Rkm
si'Y CoarAtir, Toronto, Oanada, Hole Proprietors,
To be content with llttleues Is already a
strnie toward g eatuess.
Frenrh Tanny Wafcrsj srs the Hent.
Dr Livingston' .Tanny Wafer for the
rem oral Ion of sutppre sed incn-e nkvkii
fail when the direction upon the box are
alri'tlv ol-erved.
The Tany Wafer cannot be liouehtat
dronetore o don't allow y -urMelf to be
imptwd uK;ii by apurii u end wcslr in I
tttioua of Lr. LiviogHton' French Tany
Wafer, aud remenilier that the genuine
can only be obtained from iih, i if you do
not want U lie di-"ipMiintcd aend $i in a
reirixtered letter cr poatolHce oidertothe
Living-divi Chemical Companv. I'ortland,
Oregon, and a Ix'X wi'l be aeut by return
triail, aectirely wealed from the eye of in
quinitive people, to your addres.
Tby fir.BMR for biskfast
Lnmtjatro Is a form
of the chronic statu
of rheumatism, in
thelumbar region or
miisejes of the tck,
which la readily
cured by rubiiing
the parts freely with
Bt Jacolsi OIL
It 1 commonly known as:
Victoria, Tex., June 22, 1888.
I was In bed two months with backache;
lufl'ered about three months. I was cured by
M. Jaeola OH permanently; no return In U
mouths. li. W. JEFFERSON.
At Dbtjggihti and Dealers.
THE CHARLES a. VOGELER CO.. Biltimera. Hi.
a KwnrvjfKAmrKKT.
Buflereri are not generally aware that
these diaeaaea are contagious, or that uiey
are due to the preeooce of living para
aitoi In the lining membrane of the nose
and eustachian tube. Microscopic re
search, however, baa proved tbia to be a
fact, and the result of tbia discovery ifl
that a aim pie remedy baa been discovered
which permanently cure the moat aggra
vated cases of tbese distressing disease by
amxrt) by the patient, at home. A painph
, V--..i..: .. i.l. .,..,. la iim
leil BAlll"AI"b . U VJ TI MWIWUDU,- "
fret by A. lb Dixon & Bon, 3tf and 829
vM fel
.A ," I F- r '"
J T. . .'i.,i,-..i.-r.' ."Mi' .i A "' '--r,-" ... ! 1, ..1
v- .nilii ii fniiiiA.i I , i i , ' ' i
The Celebrated
U. M. C. Breech-Loading Shot Gun
Has all moderu luiproveincuts, $20.00.
Guns. - AmmDiiitioa - astf Sporting Goods,
03 First Street, Portland, Or.
Send for Circular.
Majk lA oje
nn tlW loitf
UlMt Cool
Curie on Tobacco.
Tou can't fool is chile wld your trashto
backy. 1 smoke 8kal, aud den t you forget it.
home smoker think that anything1 that
makes smoke, is good enough to go into a pipe.
They will find by a Httla experience that there
ta a V int dilt'ureuce la Smoking Tobaoco. Just
try "rJaaL or North Carolina, and you will
se the differe noe between it aud the Imitation.
N. P. N. U. No. 322-S. F. N. U. No. 3'9
VKSJtl lirl
zwm rt
JsTta .r Tl . liL,'d M:
Its superior eioellenoe prnee la millions of bomssfoi a quartsrof ocoturf. I (a used by tin
tioitd Htates OoTsnuuent. Kndors tx.w w beads of
the Great UdW- tl- as tho 8vnnasv, Pur oat ad so-1
Bi:Ui(uL Dr. Prion's Oream Baking Powder dons sol
antata Amtuonia, Lime or Aitun. Hold onlr Iu esoi.
rilDK iiAKim uij.
For January.
THIS is the season of year we look over atock
lo see what can be epsreo. Wo find Hoys
Uiiaa I'm nti. CniioiiHilc. but better lo wear
than poir wool, 4 years. I. cts.; 9 and 111 ycara,
. . ... .l Ij..,..'f,..uliiw,n
.o eu.; very lew oi oi ot'i iwn. hujd ,,,,,, iiv.j
u.,;u i t..t wlinei : tiMiitM n-i Tn- hize 8 to 10. at
JXloYand II! 12 sou l i for 3.i!.i. They are aood
tor tlie money. Men aasiiner rains 101
it.A ua ...,.rf.t t.t tr..t ftl riyl,l almiir. but HOlne
ir are none and waut to clone up the lot.
.. . I. ...... i ,nt,....u.l LJ.iiu f,,i. men Hm
I lien n IIB..O . c. , . .
low as 25 cu. a pair, they are not vi ry aooii.
I .. . . ttt . I O". u a nll.r ir.,ll,l lA Rritl'lH 1lF
uui at c 1 w I . r.. " -
everyday or common Suuday wear, hlnped or
I'laid Ci evoit abirtt a low aaSa cl)-.. and at
40, SO and 60 cts., according to ize biio ijuuihj,
IT......,.... .u.l nraf ui.fl urlllt
ill iniiiir n uiiiiiiiw,, . " .-j ,
w. have a (treat variety, and at price that
would surprise anyone. Kcd or Grey W ool half
11.. .,11 .l.a. mt. T entrf nr tt'i fid ner
dozen; we never had tlieir equal before, in
soineiniiiK io eai w uuor uij i,n,i.ii,.co,
ltaiain. rTiniee, Apple. Hsjih. (Jrape. t vg,
a low a 5 da. a pound, ano wnie at leea; we
would like you to try them. In Canned Goods
we can beat the world iu price and quality. In
bv the barrel. 2(1 cl. irallon is the lowest
lor a wood article. Genuine .Maple riuirar, a bijj
lot at IScw. apouno; we want, you wirj u.
out wrilo ior our rfauuaijr n.i, i. . v
mailed nee. Addres. SMITH'S CAS-H bTOIth,
41s v i ont sl, nan r raimiaoo, vui.
I prescribe and folly ea
dorse Bi( O as ths only
specific fortbeosnalacore
of tblsdlsrsM.
Amsterdam, N. T.
We have told Btf O for
many years, and It baa
aivea bus bom vi bms
Chlcaao, IU.
1.0. ftridkySraceiM.
f 7 TO t DT1. J
I Mmtnm sat SB
f wrisyaa.
lf JriaiOaatdailOs,
"Oh 1 whero shall rest 1m found?"
Tho worn-out mother sighs;
"Trousers to mend ami stockings to (hun,
Dishes to wash nnd butter to churn.
While my buck feels to break, and lieud and heart brtrn,
And life is a constant friction,"
The Bummer camo nnd went,
The nmtron no longer signs;
Elastic her step and rounded her chock,
Work seems but piny, life is now sweet,
And the chuiige was miulo in one short week
13y Dlt. 1'lEKCE'a Favoiute I'kescription.
As an invigorr.ting tonic, it ini-
Sarts strength to the whole system.
Air overworked, " worn-out," de
bilitated teachers, milliners, dress
makers, seamstresses, " shop-girls,"
housekeepers, nursing mothers, and
feeble women generally, Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription is the great
est earthly boon, being uncqualed
as an appetizing cordial and restor
ative tonic. Contains no alcohol to
inebriate; no sugar or syrup to de
range digest ion ; a legitimate medi
cine, not a beverage.
As a soothing and strengthening
nervine, " Favorite Prescription " is
Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate and cleanse the liver,
stomach and bowels. One a dose. Sold by druggists.
say Plao's Cum for (ton.
sumption l Til Ell KMT
for keeiilna the voice
clear, 'ittmvin.
Ol tin ff I. BKACH.Oahler. Ko).
niih Pianos; Harriett Organ. Band Instrumenta.
Larifost atock of Sheet MuhIo and Book. I'anda
supplied at Eastern 1'rloe. MATTIiIAU
OitAY CO. lot Vost Street, Han ITranolaco.
Hfftinl iy rHiat'ie. i,diMS
p tie Snetnlllfl box, m-alml with bhM A
riMxrn. Tali 4hiv All pllU
In fHUtitbotrrl ivixwi, pink wmfnmri. r
inaaaaaai Iiatfalf As. HetTltl AfU
fatamnai for Dttnie ultra. lAtHiinrmiall tntt
M-ll5f for LfiiileMa in Uttrt Uj neturn
IHNIIs ffaiu rnpT,
rs hji rrooVA m
r u.iu.ruiiiii www.
Who are the largest Seedsmen in the world.
11 L n S. r'n'a
Illustrated, Descriptive and Priced
l t .Ro ha mailed FREE to all ap J
1 liranta. and to but season's ciutomars. i
it ta niier inan ira. c..r , u
us n Garden, ritmtr er ruia
dtai snouia khu ior nwuw.
. , i . i r i. 1 I I .
D. M. FtnnT Ua
A new ilowor nf fasiMnstlncr hffintr, n)aptd to pot
ftilttirc.iinil will IIMrOH VV II III N Til I KT I IA . A
artt-rftowinirtliett't'tl. It iri-nw two lnrtu-t hlith. and
If a perfect m.-s of whit nl lilar bt'womf. (cl"t-n-like
tUnnumd. In the pnrr!-n It willforin a ftolid
em pet of blunm. whil" for small put or naint-n fn the
hom. either an miner or winter, Hm beauty is iinnur-pat-d.
Fur only 15 (vntfi wo will mall ft packet of
0ted totfether with our new Catalofruf and four colored,
platpa.and a packet of Ihe (m-at Vt PLAXT
t'ICKK. Catalovue will at beanliiiiieMttlad far,
an you may alrou'ly phtets it. It in tiie linewt ever
Iridued profusely illustrated with ctitn and cotnred
ptaten. We oirerall Korta of FLOWKIt nni V K-K
T A II I.E H r. V. I W. lil'LHM. L A TS, NKW FRI ITS,
liAliK Nil It I IIH, CACTI, J-:iC including manv
ii H A ! N O V E LTr t- H never 1m -fore ottei-ei t Frico 1
penta per copy. None aent free, except to thow who
order the above aeeil. Hend at once, a this oiler may
notapm'ar atrain, Aiire
Do you want to Sell or Buy a Farm? Write tj
u. Owners and Manager of Property, At
tention 1 The PORTLAND LAND CO. al
vertise in 84 newspaper In the United State,
and are therefore tne people to handle city an t
addition property. It will pay you to corres
pond with ug. Loan made on Farm and Clt
unequaled and is invaluable in al
laying and subduing nervous ex
citability, exhaustion, prostration,
hysteria, spasms and other distress
ing, nervous symptoms, commonly
attendant upon functional and or
ganic disease. It induces refresh
ing sleep and relieves mental anxiety
and despondency.
A Uook of 100 pages, on "Wo
man and ller Diseases," sent to any
address, in nlain, sealed envelope,
on receipt ot ten cents, in stamps.
Address, World's Di.spkn.saey
Medical Association, 603 Main
Street, Buffalo, N. Y.