FRIDAY, FKliilUAIl'V 2S, 1800. XclMinoci llalh .1 Iohwo. j. n. r.oituM, ntonti CTpn. Smooth shaves and latest Htyle Imir cuts. KliuiTiptwInB iTimnisli Lueter cures Mu! sculp of flumlrufl. Lebanon. .,.,,-,.-, .....-...i.iii, LOCAL AND GENERAL Thc7 Mnrsolln I roup left on tho train Monday morning loi'Heio. Cruson & Stcii,lc8 will furnish your window!) and doom cheap. ,Thk KxritKH Is adding to lla nb seriptlon list at a satisfactory ruto. Luck of space forbids our publishing several communications this week. Mr. llnrd in informs us that ho in tends to brgln wrk on his residence Immediately. A iitnn!cr of the young men of our town met at the firemen's hall and organized a comet band .Wednesday evening. A protracted meeting was commenc ed under tho nutpleen of the M. E. Church, on Sunday lost. All are cor dially Invited to co-operate in these meetings. At n reeci't meeting of the stove manufacturer price were advanced, but those who wish to buy a new (took stove run have the benefit of old prices until niareh iUh. Swan JJuos. If your creditors do not hunt you up mtk them nut yourselt mid relieve the tight money market ly paying your little bills and gt tling money circula tion.; Swan Bros, need what you owe them. Our Literary Society is developing the talent of our; citizens, home or the hardest problems society hn ever had to solve are discussed with a fandllurty known only to men of recognized utility. A great many house w 111 be built in Lebanon this season which will five employment to mechanics, besides a great d.rtl of work calling for unskilled labor, warrants us in predicting a sea son of general satisfaction among all classes. Mr. Ceo. L. WlleoX moved to Leba non Tuenday. It will Iks rtmenilered that he purchased property on Malu street some months ago where ho will booh start a photograph gallery. Mr. Wllci.x is a first-class artist and should rweive a liberal patronage. Two young men from the country ratne Into town on urgent business last Saturday, imbibed rather too fairly, and thought they would ride through Main Wred at a cyclone pace.but were suddenly bulked by our marshal and compelled to pay a fine fr their un lawful recreation. Some time people will learn thut our streets were never designed for a race-count. A. R. Cyrus, representing the Clat sop Land Co., is in town this week, lie Buys they have a few more of thsse choice two acre blocks in rrospect Turk Addition to Astoria for sale at $1T0. Writ? them and secure a block of this desirable property Ix'foie the ralsf. Astxiria is dcntluod to be a great city, and thin is C'HOICK property. Address, CaMsop Land Co., Box 418 Astoria, Oregon. Something is wrong with the weath er bureau; the eartu'e orbit is either obstructed or its axis needs oiling. It looks as if wo will never reach the summer solatlcu. Why not send Grce ly back north on a tour of Investiga tion; he is the only man that hus lurin. diction over that part of the country. The fact t hat new comers arrive almost dally and that many are investing in real ebtate, proves that Lebanon has Home attractious for home seekers. Died, in Sweet Home, Feb. 2),' of hemorrhage of thejlungs, Amos Kent ble, aged twenty-five years. Deceased was born iu Feoria, Illinois. He came to Oregon in the hope- of regaining his health, but in this he was disappointed. He bore his nuflerlngs with the patieme and fortitude of a true Christian. He was highly esteemed by his many friends, who condole wfth his mother and kinsmen iu their sad adit lion An English Prince in a fit of rage at his shoemaker made him eat a pair f shoes which had failed to fit to his hlghiuW wit isfact ion. ltrthcr a tough diet even for a man whose motto Is, "Nothing lika leather." Dut when one looks at the deformities caused hy ill fitting shoes, the punishment seems to fit the crime as well as any of those unique punishments devised by the Mikado. Those who buy their shoes of (,', C. Haoklenmn will get the big gest smile out of this item, because they don't know where the nhoe fits. BUSIJiKSH MEN OF tKHAKON. The business men of Lebanon are characterized by a broad and liberal spirit, and study thu general gooil, ' while closely watching thd.' individu al interest. We are free from that ungenerous rivalry that creates dis oor J nd friction ; Imt all uocm to be animated by a public spirit, having , in view the commonwealth. There is none of that narrow contracted dealing that would build a business at.tho expense of a loss fortunate dealt r, but hand in' hand our business men march to a common success. Mr. C. H. Montaguo is our largest dcalcar, and one of our pioneer mer chants. Ho established business in 1872, and has' built a very extensive trade. He is now running two largo houses and employs five men. Mr. C, C. Hacklcman has been in business a good many years. This is the only store in town that deals ex clusively in dry goods. He carriel a well selected stocK, and by his fair dealing and courteous manner has secured a large patronage, and made a host of friends. W. B. Donaca, grocer, has been indentifiod with Lebanon from its earliest history. He keeps a well selected stock of groceries on the brick cfirnor, which is presided over in a genial and gentlemanly manner by his brother, Ben Donaca. G. T. Cotton has a deservedly fine trade in fancy, and family groceries, o ml is ever watchful for tho interest of his customers. The Bank of Lebanon is owned by Cowan &, Kalston, of Albany, and is under the supervision of C. II. Ral ston. The bank has ample funds for tho accomodation of all. Mr. J. G. Reed has lately purchas ed a large stock of boots and shoes, and otters rare bargains in his line. Two livery stables owned by Messrs. Kirkendall, Nichols & Co. supply the wants of the traveling public. Ve have two general millinery stores to cater to the wants of fash ionable society. One milliner store is presided over by Mrs. ltice, the other is under tho management of Mrs. Smith. 0 Mr. S. V. Bach, late of Salem, is doing a good business iu Feebler fc Buhl's buildhig. Mr. Bach carries a fine assortment of gents' furnishing goods; also a complete stock of gro cencs. He is a promising young man of good business qualifi cation and deserves a good patronrge. Crusoii & Meuzie carry a general line of hardware and a complete stock of agricultural implements. The St. Charles hotel, a large and commodious huilding with tables supplied with the best the marKet aflbrdf) neat and attractive in all its apartments, is under the efficient management of Fhil Smith. K. L. McClure, barber, is located one door north of the Bt. Charles hotel, and gives good satisfaction to his many patrons. I. It. Borum runs a barber shop one door south of Peterson & Wal lace's real estate office. Close atten tion to business has won for him a liberal patronage. M. A. Miller, druggist and apothe-cary.-is proprieter of thej City Drug Store. Mr. Miller keeps a full line of drugs an 1 compounds prescriptions witli iucuracy and despatch. . Messrs. Beard & Holt are proprie tors of a first-class drugstore and carry everything in their line. Messrs. Peterson fe Wallace, real ostate agents, aro alive to business, are attentive to the wants of new comers nnd offer superior advantages to homo-seeKers and purchasers of real estate. T. C. Feebler d Co, arc engaged in the real estato busines. Bargains in real estate will be offered on applica tion at their office. Lebanon has three saloons. J. W. Guy ii proprietor of the Lebanon saloon. Munsey &. Meyer keep the Arcade saloon. Mr, Brown is proprieter of tbo "Sample Boom." The above-named gentlemen keep quiet, orderly hous??. Jacob Am is proprieter of the sad dle and burnous store. J. Leonard A Son, boot nnd shoe makers have been located but a short time; but do a good business. M. J. Hendrickson, manufacturer of boots and shoes, is long and favor ably known as a good honest work man. Jos. Harbin docs general black smithing. Satisfaction guaranteed. The medical fraternity is well rep resented by L. fyley, M. I)., grad uate of Willameto University, has been practicing here for seventeen years, end enjoys tho confidence of ninny patrons. J. S. Courtney, a graduate of an eastern medical college, and has practiced in this place for three years. He has made a fine impress ion and has many friends. Dr. J. A. Lamberson lias a good practice, principally in the rural dis tricts, and has a large circle of friends. l)h C. II. Duckctt, dentist, lately of Wisconsin, has opened a neat ofllce and is prepared to warrant all work. Dr. 8. Dudley is a well established dentist and has an extensive practice. Lebanon has a largo furniture store owned by W. A. Goan, whose sales we understand are large. We have a pinning mill operated by Walton fc Wiley. Messrs. Humphrey fc Taylor oper ate just outsido the city limits, and have a lumber yard in town. Mr. G. W. Wheeler owns a saw mill inside the city ligiits and does a thriving dusiness. Ed. Kellenberger is proprieter of our meat marKet, which furnishes the people with every Kind of meat Known to the tiade. SCHOOL SOTKli. Frf. Wilkes and Miss Maggie Sut ton vlnited the school during the past week. Oall again. We are glad to see Miss Beuna Kirkpatrick iu school again; she has been absent for sometime on a la grippe expediliou. Some of the ladies are quite affluent In vindicating their political senti ments; we suppose that they will be aspiring for ofllce next spring. As some of the students are prepar ing to give recitations at the Teachers' Institute, the silver cup contest will be again deterred until some time in the future, possibly until the close of the session. Miss Smith and Dr. Hope were pres ent at our literary meeting last Friday evening. We hope that they were sufficiently entertained to induce them to come again. Although our case is somewhat critical; we are not as some of our I friends suppose!, quite dead yet, but there Isn't much hope of recovery. Adieu. ' " Collegiate." Our citizens are a unit iu all matters of public Interest. M. Cuiiterbury, of the firm of Wal lace & Cu-lck, Albany, was in town on business this week. Ilev. Marsells, of Oakland, Or., will preach Iu the Presbyteriau church Buuday morning and.eyening. Mr. Perrigo, representing the Lom bard Investmeutcompany.ofortland, was transacting business in Lebanon Tuesday. C. M. ltose, lately of Alma, Kmsas, was in Lebanon Tuesday. He in formed us thut he was on a prosuect iug tour with a view to locating per manently. A numlier of lady friends, called on Mrs. Cyrus last Wednesday after noon and gave her a farewell party. The evening was spent in a very pleasaut mauner. J. T. Brown, Grand Medical Direct or'A. O. U. W., will address tne citi zens of Lebanon and vicinity, to-morrow evening, on the subject of A. O. U. W. All are Invited. P. Mclntyre, lately from Portland, but now located in .Salem, gave us a cull to-day. Mr. Melntyre has been speculating in wool since he severed his connection with the B. W. M. Co. We understand thut he is in the em ploy of the Kay Woollen mill Co., of Salem. The Elite Literary Swiety will dis fluss thejquestion, "Resolved that Gen. Grant was a greater man than Gen. Lee, at the meeting of that society on Friday evening next. The aftl'nia tive of the question will be represent ed by A. Nickerson, C. B. Montague and F. M. Miller. The negative will be championed by 1?. N. Wright, C. CJ JIacklemaii and M. A. Miller. OXJR BMIKS BAZ0D' MUST NOT BE PERMITTED TO (1ET RUSTED FOR WANT OF EXERCISE, SO HERE S -OF Big Bazoo JUST TO HIOVE TO OURSELVES AND HAVE NOT LOST THE The Last Rows of Winter, AND WE PROrOSETO PLAY FOR BANK NOTES ; ARE WHAT WE PROPOSE TO BLOW OUT AND BLOW IX. THE"' LAST ROWS OF WINTER GOODS THATLINGER ON UUR SHELVES MUST GO WITH THE SEASON. AWAY Come and see us. Next to the C. C. HACKLEMAN, Lebanon. We have opened a New Store IN LEBANON -AT- Feebler & Buhl's Old StanD. And wish to announce to the people of Lebanonon and vicinity that WE HAYE COME TO STAY. Give us your support, for we intend to stay among you. We have a good and fresh stock of G R O C E R I E S, -such Canned Goods of all Kinds, Confections TOBACCO & CIGARS, CROCKERY, ETC., ETC., In fact, everything that can be found in a first-class Grocery StorB. ' A First-Class Line of Gent's FurnishiHgs. . Wefiell Only First-Class Goods1 ; PRICESS MOST Produce taken Goods. Give us a call and secuW Prices. S. P. Uodroek nriees, new gomla and stan dard brand at both the Mammoth and !ne l'riee Cash Btore of C. B. Monta gue. BIG JIABOAIN. 160 Aero tot UllOO. This la all rich land and capable of high cultivation, good upringa near house, small orchard bearing plenty of fruit, and an abundance of good ok and fir wood und pole timber. First cluss for Fruit or J)iry Farm. Situa ted thrcu miles from Lebanon. For full particulars call on K. G. BEARDS LEY, Real Estate Agent, Broiidnlbln Street near First, Albany, Oregon. A BLAST THK- FRIENDS THAT THE TUNE IS Wl'J KNACK. EVERY NOTE THERE IS IN-IT mi Bank. Oregon as- REASONABLE. in exchange' for BACH First-class work at JlcClure'a barl shop. Bedrock price, near good and bU dard brand at both the Mammoth a On Price Cash Stores of C. B. Mon tajme. Pernona wishing to buy wood canj it at $1 W a cord on the ground, jimt the edg') of town, or I will dellyor it $2. (.'all on mo in person or lee orders at Donaea's store. : Ruff Ilurr When you destire a pleasant h j' try Bt. Patrick' Pill;. They emi ways Ik) dop-udod upon, and do i nauseate the stomach nor grip-' bowels. For sale by M. A. Miller, WITH 1 ML