The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 21, 1890, Image 2

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    licbai03) Express.
riil D AY, FK iilvU A 11 V 21, IWltt.
Yuthavh-wtondverthini: our our
i.itfii, the Board of I'rndo haa JJisr
o.'jilatK'iJ arrangement with this
i :.U'' for the publication if oao thou
s r.d civics t 'fur. r.xi':;iin add;ihu
U: the IYfi;'i:sr i:'M)'(.
Tiifr.- (. i"n wii. i' bu"d next week
lor yn.tuItoiH di.stnhutioa.
Any one (i -irinj: one or i"ittt" c ip'-'';!
vf next w.vk's h-ue cm S'-'t them hy
I,. Urchin- this odb'o. Knee ur Board
.f Trade have t:d;.Mi the mattor hi
hand, vt r.i.-i.v expert Lehamn lo emu
r.;and :i'.M;!.h-n. The matter which
v. ill he published next w rok w ill ou
iit'm no L-x::;.'5"-rj:L-J fcltitenicnt of our
r i-.'.u'.vls u: 1 pr. pecl. br.t v;.l U a
. ii. -creative vi-v in every urliin::ar.
Y d:-rprivyc -:f tho mi'llmd runon-d
t,y a v ;.: jf men whu.ln thdr hi.-t.-'
t' i;. 1 l.ilstrcpreaont the c itM.lry.
ji.vire in.mhrra.i'in. to cur btate aid
; ,.iii:,M!v w;,h a d:.:.:pp;:::l
! ' 1 j p.d n: . V v ' "
, t - . 1
ii.,. s r c riwu i -m !i 1
, . ' . "i f r v. ". i d '' -
( ? It I iu ,fI l Md. 'I'iITi j-
; , t 0 ;.:(. I." I'll -l' on'-
,,,(' tOj k t J V Wt J J
lhp"b. le . v.i iri i) j
i nil '.! t f f "!, 1'i.t 1 1 a ! i-
.r; , hi -i -r . i.'iu ii 'ty r"-' i
i .iv.sru. i J i n e t j t '
ii , 1 - i f l. . 3'"1 c. -c a v ,
u (.Zitr . .id .nl it to t'ir f. --
I'M east.
Tt. hiiM 1m'oh inserted l-y competent
authors that the human raw, physical
ly considered, is degeneratinji. me
Frenchman bus lent in htature five
inl ine. In many count; i's an exeo;w
of female oirsprin? pnlnts to a tlotorlo
rutins pivots which in ic-iivc of time
mu-t ivsult in A Rpntriilion of pigmiw
On the cthor mm a das f writers
take a ni;ms liopeflil view cf tlo c(,
and eonK ii.l litul the human furm is
i., , iiml nwtre nliili tic wiill
in l M! Ill ,J i IU"V . n . -
HiifrtvtlMp ptiu'i-ntion. Will'.nti!
co:i;Mit:IHK mirselvw t, pi
ti.m vc will lay oWn w '""'
p.vcn-.iiijrthehiiiiH'i.t tyin- -f lo atity.
T!ii l -rcportioiia of lite irri". c! human
f';-n!ro ! iv s'.rifily nmt iiciiitition:. 'i'!:e
vliu!.' U?Ut ! sis times thf len;;t,.i '
lliej"."'.. ami whether tho friu la
Me:ih r ir j.luii'.p, t'. in rulu hiir, k1.
Any u'viuliDii !n:i it i u u.-;t.;ru.i".'
fn.i'a ihf !ii.!.i ::l of'i'ii.
Tii.' Civ. lis i::.iU' iJI t!.'Ir statu ik-
c.; i;:.Lr to tl.i.. rulj. The t'.nr f"-m
lJ.',... .-t :'il:;t f 1h' f-m-lu-a i
vi;.:c ti.f hr iit-' tne ei.J os t-je
t l-.iii, i eii:ciith -;" ih'. v. hule b!:-.l:iv.
The? l.:.:.".s fri n: tlu- u ilt t.) tlw UiuhUe
i;;,::ir, i.i thtf am'-- Thr ehr4 h a
JV,u;;:t, ir::i the k!j.!i.h l ihf t.p
v" t!;v Lead ih the l'nmi lli'-tnp
, ' I';;.. i-V.--.t I lie ii' 'h-'.. -:-!Ht ff l!)0
1 i
1 1
ii i
t ..I. :
1 1 . i- i
' i 1 1 ..i
t'n .
ii i'.
i :ith.
.1 i
t' u
..i f
. 0 -'(' ";'iid
i' '.. ri ii
ijiii' 'nt,
i in t' l .
l 1 . 5 t t tt t
. . n 4 ' i' -
v r on ! :
,i r m 1 n -
It h lM li. ttl
:' urL 1. 1 f .-
t: f nt.r
MontapicV fall stwck is
now eompft'io in every lo
lartmct. The Mammoth
sinro is filled with aa. chm-o
iiikmI., r.ildlcd to this mar
ket, as liiom-y will Tjuv.
Our all wool Ahlinc
:i fu'l yastl Avidf, allien
w tin? K.'i!iii; at r0 ffiils I tv
yard, is without l'-iiM tht
h 'si vih'.o for tliv' money ever
;i:;.ivu i j the ladit-r. uf L'-hu-ntja.
Our riock cf Ilcnrit-lia
elolhs. r.hmireK. trie!.?,
-air.1 1 Imir w rr)i
i iy ndvurieo stvl.s uf tvery-
thiur; uarx:-l i- siinoly im-Tiu-
1.1'lie; a:v invit
i I to i. .11 m. 1 Uc u h)k
t: r . h ti- i' "lu-y Nvcr-'
1 '.i it i s ! .. j i !- i'.'-'l I c 'd u i:v-!"ndi:it;ly
is Tin:
Foil Ml' , ttKUt.
This shoo is made of li i ties' tntvry c?df, litis i-olid l,t e
and solos, and is tho lL r'. td x for over podium
Mamihu'turid hy
Cain, Kictdslsrg & Co,, - San Francisco
' C. B. Montague.
v. mr xui
i i
. . T t . 1 .
. -I ' ( "I I'll" ' - 1 l' 1
w jL- -i M l m i Mt t t
.- hid . )i tli f t r uij!i.i'.!
tir i , T-.ici'.f . ( li.r fmit! luilivtn k.i V
1 r .J j
tt 1 ti'-l 1
'itov ht
" .i t i
.1 v.
( Mill
I t
, 1 .il. P
ti ' I s
1 ',
Utli. t
. e
Druggist and Apothecary,
iuiamii: i:
Pnnits, Oils ami GIx:-',
Fine Perfumcry,Braslies& Combs
i S I
i u; .
i n. i
'iii 'i i .i
-.1 i ,f U' .1. H Mi'. I.C
l, Ui I .' I'll d1
' i t r ' m1 It r
A 1 tt . ' t 1L' I'l 1
it n 1'. , t it i i t
.to i. t u J I .a '0 'iti
Jf J)lO)iH U'l ltC.ilJ
' .i 'i J ltM( .'i the
the water but they ctuiS not tun vert l j physical v! tltctr edp. .n,
iuto 'Aixm; they nw the lifcttnnjr
hi:t TTistw(k ic f'r cn tavaty; the sun
was hi hy thfiii . daily, hut they
could uot iiiideri'land ail that be Hii.i
tltt! by 1:i? ehi' cf lijrht. Ah
uies ansidri? the uLI!ity fj reud na
ture'ti p!iiidt:ious volume, th:-y Cad
that every want L: ien 'anticiputeil.
AVhnl the ttncknt tJeded sva the fuc
i;lty of inti-rpretatiuii.
The 'latter reader are more frh&rp
f j :;.;.! r.nd im.u'.'.ive. The wiirldV
.-wf tti!!2ftti! acivuuwim-iit i due
to iiai:-y i'.ireneie-i. Nt one factor, per
haps, baa contributed more to thb end
than the pnm
"Tho"htrf .shut. up vant air, and
fip'tll like hales, uncp"ned to the nan."
ADci'jiiiiy if a discovery va made in
: part of the world it was known i
cMs;aratjvely few peoj-le, and its Im:ii-t-firlai
result were neee?Hunly cin.'Uta
erl!d. To-day the vvorld'n i;vni
lhrul'hi:s intelieet is the ctciainn ler-
Jt.ijre or every tnun, wotuau and ehud
wii.) eaa read. Thrnttjb thu nicdima
.f tiif prewi a eiiei.'Jst m Ameriea ad
ranet a pluusSbhj tlicory, the praduct
' -if asin:i!i brain; iaiuiediately It be-co-a-js
tli- pKj.'rty i'jrui'juud thinfc-;-t
UU.1 trained ItiU-Uucts, each hi turn
cotttritiuting W the WMt&i fund cf
h:rvvli;u'e untii theory ht-t-imeo (act.
It t':Hls the co;ai;:id jr.U-lifCt of thrve
;;.,Li.j! perJeet the bh-yelf oftwday.
3n fvry dfpartura .i .-edacatlrta tin
press U tiiy wedioiii by whieh knowl
edge J insdis avaihihie to the masses.
Iljiowledge Jh powt-r," and every nw
who wntrilt--3 to the "teniial fund
l,rUig;V fearer that pi-riod when
"ki: .v;-:!,;'i fchall cover the eaith."
' Y'na ciay think that you can ditiicne
with the pix-rts, and deery newnpapeiB
in general. Iuthieae you are like
ti:e in.;;i im.ry individual fijiokt-n of hy
J.''i. w ho tonedived a strange dislike
: i'.i-: nun. He turned hi -buck to
ti;e rb tf day and declared that heiiad
n. u:ef .r its lifjriit, whereas be waa
. Li'iyiti -.'.the miu'u rays v, hich were re
.led fr a thousand objects around
h:!n. Vuu may think that you are not
iii'letiKvi to your iicwnpaper for any
knew L'dc or iufarinatioii you inay
pu'Hevi; but the fact in you are debtor
to the pre.- directly or indirectly for
the imt of your knowledge. Ac
k:ii.wi.:ils'jyour debt like a man and
at 'lie f-r your folly by patronising
j our newi'iiaper, :.
tiie fancier takts ".a the hnprovv
niciii. i.iid ueveiiinmrrst of fast .hn,se,
the liiiai:i:i fumiiy would prtwsut a dif
ierent iiHptH t In the JH'?;t . I'lierat; -a.
St la.ttt-1 U it to (ollow naiure's hivvw
thtu tocoiiforoi loth? arlindiil syiteins
ofKK'iety, whiih U'Ktln t? dwarf mid
dislhjsa-tJ earth's n.ibiest tent'ineld.
:i )..!:; Ci-T- of fancy
, i , ,t. ! l r. r !. hvr.-'.
V. .'l r. i. ..... .-.-. i t '
wool r'ul ; .ah-, m broidery j
r;jlvN in i l cm ruling that;
i:K t f -L ' "p a completer
in,.-1 Ti.. u ; : 1 1 r Lnc-v work
(.m h-I J. at 'Jcnk-gue r.
PrcGcnpiions Accurately Compcundcd.-
Mntii Street, Lebanon, Oregon.
Our !,': t'f h yU and
i-ai i .' i el " : io:'. iv for
u, r.h 1 ('".v i ir vc R'll i-:
iV'r v.ii'.'.i.d. AVhen y:t
want any thing in the foot wear
lino look out Jlontiigue's
stock' and get, hii . prices. If
(An ii-'ttit tr
h'iv. iriccs you witbiOfcsra
rily lny your Loots and shoe?
of Montague. ' ; ,'
Julius GraclwoM's
Golden Rule Bazaa
The fc;;Viv,-!.!!r. is .what the Urowtin
viiie TiiHt b. a w fre.y in aiinwar t ft
certain article in our hist but
"Tlie ulK-ve plainly hov.'8 that there
is an rein iy ( !': . p-U o:i I it -. ivirk
pittrick's hi-at't, or-he he is moved by
per.'n.i Hpiieto nit:V.e kucu rjiruuu,
prtiinibly lioiii. V.'e imvti no lentil:'
feeiii:;;H ward Ibanon. Our fonia-r
ifeHUt eitutahi f cviT.d pieces alfiit her
ppprity iittd thrift, and we are
jdwuya ghul to note her primperoun
We nh itd rr.iitf la the first .cliaRTO.
We were Inru witii a .-:'. pot on the
li'::nd, arc in line with jjuJtit.-, itnd lira
no pro-lL-v. T!k; fuct titai the Times'
editor liarf just'or:u this chart
turitrtie if th) tae, leasirf M to suspect
that he comes under the head of an
other ::iii4 the .-.itw envuiii and
"wear hin nviujr? m the tido of hU
To th? i!.-i".:id v'.thri'-', wb plead not
jiulity. In u i--u-- .'tii time hear
ii)i. the H!i!ne date an the ,bj;eti4m!.Ii)
article, In- pohliahec under the head of
Cravrfordsviiie Unrrfjp' itiuefiee a tiirUHt
at Ths: hlxt'itEw, v,'hi'-h was hut a
ccvert way uf wyin;r d n you.
Ii i iximMe that th'w "iVw Yem" it
in arreurw to tho paper wiiich he so
covertly feluru. V' v h.v' tiie 'tj)i'i of
BiwimviJic raid will h-dp them iu
every liiudulile enterprise.
I will pay the ubove amount for the
ivrrcht and conviction of the party who
ri t.ioaee:) o:i my ofhee window.
i)r. J. A. h: muk'!";.
VillX C1TV
MiM, CiTV, February 18.
High water excitement in about over,
Iumngc done the Bnntiatn Luniber
ingX'onipariy U e! d at flOOO.
Their inill wan saved ly hard work.
l'artk'bfrom Breiteu lin.ih report wx
We have hud no train from Albany
for over two weeku on account of a big
Hiideut Ktpurt Jhutr.
The la grippe has about loht Kh grip
in aiiJl.thty.
Tiie K. L. Vai. are preparing to build
a large Htore near the railroad dojiot.
0. 1. Abrams U huildins ahute aud
wkid road, getting ready for a Hum
mer's run.
Montague is 4i'cnin;: t tho
km-?! and lw.;4 selected flock
cf Hen's, Beys' ctnd Chil
dren's Clotkin?: ever ojieueu
at thi aco. We can lit any
o::i' lUiU iu size and price.
Montague earriea Orcpm hty
Olotuinjr, California Cassi
mero Clc-Uunt:, Eastern
Worsted.?, as weil as -a great
variety -f w-rviccalle, low
priced goods.
The- One Price Cash Store-
will continue to deliver Gro
ceries and General Merchan
dise to the citizens of this
place and vicinity .at a mere
nominal advance over die
original cost.
. Tersons wko owe me UUST
I do not proprtse to waste
much time in dunning. In
fact there are some who imag
ine they should not ho dunn
ed at ail, but it takes money
to do business. Do not be
surprised if you find the note
The Leading Crockery, Fancy Gootk;
and Toy store of Albany, Oregon..
Sop Brcs, m f ilvcreare, French &n m Glassra, .
Boy's Wagcns, Eaty and Boll ferries.
; General Assortment of Fancy Goods.
Specialty in ilui I'in't T'art UJi4i Cvdu-H.
He buys direct for lid and carries largest
J stock in the valley.
All parlies contemp'latin Imildtujr, or dedrlr.;t lumUr for
any otiter j.-arposio whatever would well to on
At his lumber yard at this place or at tho;H.
V'e have on Jiand a first-class stock of
liouli and Clear LimtSier.
Bills of all kinds filled on short notice.
Give inc a call
Before Purekishsg Elsewhere.
Humphrey & Taylor.
i iui it
or account you may happen
in mvft me m the nana ot an
officer "" v-
The Jong, weary credit bus
iness is a thing of the past in
Si-pt.20, 1SP0.
And call and see me, for I carry the
Best and Cheapest Harrows
3 1 nil o.' ''-X'tmvry- ti. ;oiiiplc5to wtook, '
. I wImIi to do Iwith tbiM year than ever before with the farmers iu
every respect. If you don't think it jutit try uic and see.
Blacksmitbiag and Machine Repairing a Spesialtj.
The Red Front Blacksmith Shop, Lebanon, Oregon.
JoT; o oh H n rb :i .