The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 21, 1890, Image 1

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NO. 50.
LEhANON 1,OlKSIS. M 44. A F A M : Miwta
at Umlr urn Iwil In Mmuinio HUiuk, on Saturday
mmiliw, on or Imlim (In lull moon
I.KHANON UlWlH, NO. 47. I. 0.0 t. M.t Hat-
unU) hvAiIiii of will "'k. at (kid K.-II"W Hull,
Mln fllrwl; vMtOiif ferntlirrin imlfully IiivIUmI lo
atMiri. J. J. (JilAKLTii.N, N (I.
HONOR I.dTKlK NO. M. A. O. IT W . Ilmunn.
liroK'i: Mm ncrjr tint and tlilnl Tbiir.l etna.
Iuk lu Ui. month r. H. lloSUOK M. W.
M. R. church.
Walton Nkljiwcirth, ntor--Hfrvlcr rich Ann
day l 11 A. h. and 7 I. M. 8nuHy Hi'boot tit 10
a. u. 1'iM'li Hiiiiilny.
0. W. illniv, jiHutur Hervliiii nwli Hundajr
ftl 11 A. M. hllllilny m-lxxil 10 a. m. Ht-rv !
riu ii MiihImt ulk'lit.
J, H. Klrk)i,trli'k, inlir--H'Tvl('i the 2nd
ud 4lli Hiimlim at 11 a. n.an17 r. M. huudny
wIuhiI rm h Sunday ml 10 A. .
Offiw-, ttwwn O. T. Cotton n.l
I'etfrson &. Wallace.
Onto, over KIriit National Bank.
J. M. Keene, D. D. S.
Dental Parlors
Office: Breyman Bros. Building,
Hours from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M.
Attorney at Law,
I K rJO I S T 9
(- j I
ivcwrAitV jmjuiic
Will pmftice in all Court of the Stt.
lrkMKktlux mm frlata.
Ortlce with Oregnii ljind Company, Albany.
SfwTBe System and Watei Puppllew a apoc
lulty. heuton aulKllvided. Mapa made or
cuiied uu ahurl ouliue
Graduate of the Royal College, of
Loudon, Kutflan. alo of the Bellevue
Medical College.
J of ntuily and praialoe. and mukea a apuo
iully of chronio diMMMMW, reniovo fanoera,
aurufuluua enliiiKiinmiMH. lumora and mi
wllhuut pal ii or Um knitv. Jl alw niakfit
aiMMtialiy of tiftaluiviit with UwUioity. )lim
iirnulioixl in I ho Uaruiitn. Krent'h and Kiiiflmh
fiospital". Call, prouiplly alUinilid day or
nilit, Jlia iiiotm i. "k"'"' Wi" to All.'
Olllop ami leniiloni, rvrry Hliwit, btweu
Third and Fourtii, Albany. Orou
illltOH'KMVIIX OltltjiOW
V..,, 7(
We have now fur
Over 100 Lots, which will more than
months. We offer them from $G0 to
sell on the
nlsn liflv otn fhoire citv tronertv. and imnroved farms, which
we offer at a bargain. We don't ask you to take our word fur it, but
come and let ub show you the property, and be convinced. Now is the
accepted time. Call and examine before you are too late.
Th Dialort Rapidly Oolnc Oat of Im and
Kfifllab Taking It flare.
In twenty-five or thirty years, If not
before, the Pennsylvania DuUh dialwt
will be to all intenta and purposes a
dead lanuape. There have boen very
great changes during the last ten or fif
teen year and the rapidity with which j
they are taking place is being acceler
ated every year. This is noticeable in
the churches, in the newspapers, in the
language of business, in intercourse with
the people, and in the increased facility
with which one who does not under
stand the dialect can make himself un
deraUiod wherever he goes. When the
Presbyterian Church was founded in
Readinp, Pa., about half a century ago,
it was done chiefly because there were a
few people who wanted to have Enjrlisb
preachinjr, and the only way to have it
was to found a new church. Now there
are only three or four out of forty
churches where the services are con
dubted in the German language.
A score of years ago there was a split
In the Trinity Lutheran church, the
largest in Ueading, because tome of the
members wanted one service each week
In English. Now for a lonjr time past
fell the services of tbatcburcb have been
in English. In the country all the young
ieopl who come up for "oonflrmation"
have been taught the catechism in En
glish, and where they have not already
been granted it they are clamoring for
English services in the churches, and
all the old-style preachers who have
been accustomed to delivering German
sermons all of their lives find that they
must begin to yield a little to the new
demands or sacrifice their usefulness
and popularity. Every parent who is
ambitious for his children desires that
they shall learn to speak English, every
young man and woman feels that to do
so is a much desired accomplishment,
and there are few of the younger gener
ation w ho are not able to understand
and carry on conversation in the lan
guage of the country, though in theji
hemes and in their ordinary business
they may use the Pennsylvania Dutch.
Nearly all of the last generation were
taught to read, and many of them U
Write, German in the schools which were
attached to the churches. Since the es
tablishment of the common-school sys
tem these have gradually died out, and
there is probably not one of them left.
Tho early newspapers of the countrj
wero. all German, and there are still
quite a number of them published, bul
they seem destined to die out in a com
paratively short time for want of sub
scribers who will be able to read them.
The proprietors of tho Adler. one of the
pioneer newspapers of Pennsylvania,
which was founded over a century ago,
have recognized the direction in which
things are tending by issuing an English
paper to take the place of the .German
edition. The same precaution has beer,
taken by tho owner of tho
Journal, au old and influential German
Tho time of the war, and for s few
years thereafter, the Adler was still s
great power in politics, and what it said
was widely quoted and commented upon,
but for the last fifteen years it ha
scarcely been beard of, even in the mosl
exciting political campaigns, and no one
who wishes to address the public on an)
political subject thinks of doing sc.
through the journal that for nearly i
century was one of the great Democratic
orgaus of Pennsylvania, and was known
far and wide as the Derks County Uible.
This is not because the Adler is nc
longer a good newspaper, but because il
is printed in a language which is buing
sale in the town of
double in value in le?fi than six
$150 a Lot, some of which we will
rapidly discarded TyThe rising gonera
tien. Hero in Heading the language of the
treet, of the store, and of all publu
places is English, and Pennsylvania
Dutch is seldom heard except in some ol
the outer wards. It is still, of course,
desirable that a clerk or a conductor ol
a great retail store should be able tc
talk Pennsylvania Dutch, but it is nc
longer absolutely necessary, and it it
becoming less so every year. Out in the
boroughs and larger villages more and
more English Is being constantly heard,
the English newspaper la everywhere
ieen, and in every possible direction
the old language is losing its hold and
English is being substituted. Cor. Na
tional Tribune.
One of the Olilent and Klrheat of Euron.'i
1'rinceijr Iloa.ra.
The Grimaldi family, from which the
rulers over Monaco have sprung, is an
cient and distinguished- Several foolist
statements are current about the origin
of the Grimaldis. The authority for these
fables is Charles de Venasque, secretary
to llonore II., the first ruler who as
sumed the title of Prince of Monaco
after it had been ascribed to him, proba
bly through error, in the official report
of the French General who, in 164U, re
captured tho Lerins Islands. Charles
de Venasque drew up a pedigree of tho
family to which his master belonged,
and lie may have thought that Honored, th(J bureau also BhowSi by corapari.
II. would lie gratified by being assured
that he had a distinguished ancestor liv
ing in 712, and another who was Lord ol
Monaco in the tenth century. These
particulars have been printed, and have
been reproduced as authentic. Indeed,
a gonealoglcal fiction has a tenacious
life. A long and illustrious pedigree is
a possession which once acquired is not
easily renounced, every member of the
family to which it relates having a per
sonal interest and natural prido in cher
ishing it. Thus, when M. Henri Meti
vier who w-as tutor, wo believe, to the
late Prince of Monaco wrote the large
and able work on "Monaco and its
Princes," which appeared in 1805, he in
corporated into It the family fables
which Charles do Venasque fabricated
or copied in 1647. Tho facts relating to
tho origin of the Grimaldis and to their
careers as sovereign Princes of Monaco
do not require any coloring or varnish
either to attract the student of history
or to fascinate tho reader who likes to
be diverted or tbrillod. There is nu
lack of amusing particulars in the his
tory of Monaco; soni! of tho incidents in
it are as tragic as any with which Shakes
peare has dealt. Quarterly Hevie-v. ,
The Lord Mayor of Loudon.
The Lord Mayor receives from the city
of London for Ids year of oflico $'0,000,
and on an average spends $40,000 to $!0,
000 in excels of allowance. He has no
other provision except the use of the
Mansion House and its furniture. Wino
stands as one of the chief items of ex
penditure. In the basement of th
Mansion House there are quite as many
cellars as there are aldermen who have
not passed the chair, and it has been tho
practice of aldermen to lay in a stock of
wine long before their mayorality. This
was done to a much greater extent some
years ago, when it was more the fashion
to drink port wine. Then an alderman
would place in the cellar allotted to
himself pipes of port sometimes years
before it would be put on the tables of
tho Egyptian hall. The wine not con
sumed is usually sold or removed by the
outgoing Lord Mayor. There is no rea
son to doubt that Mr. Whitehead's may
orality has cost 8100,000.-
A Young l.aily (irt I'alr by Walking; ta
the l'ont-onice.
She was as gentle of eye as a soft
gazelle, that is, she was, for this didn't
happen this week. It was in a shoe
store in Lewiston, and the gentle
midden was an acquaintance of the
proprietor and always bought her No.
2's there when she encased her dainty
foot In any thing brand new. "Here'
something that would fit you," said the
jocular proprietor, passing out a pair of
wool boots fitted with a pair of lumber
man's rubbers, "I'll make you a present
of them it you will wear them down to
the post-office and back."
"Wait a minute," said she, and in a
"minute" she was arrayed in woolen
boots and lumberman's rubbers. "Watch
me to the post-office," and she was gone.
.'Her feet beneath her petticoat, like
little mice, stole in and out as if they
feared the light," wrote the poet two
hundred years ago, but he didn't refer to
the Lewiston young lady who did this
feat on foot, or he never would have
said it She was back in less than ten
minutes, red-cheeked and laughing.
"There," said she, as she passed up
the boots. "Do them up. I'll send
them to my father down in Penobscot
County. 1 never lose a chance to help
the folks at home," and the shoe-dealer
was as good as his word, and "dad" mar-
veled at the pair of nice wool boots from
his thoughtful daughter in Lewiston.
Lewiston (Me.) Journal.
taoit oi tne salamander.
Considerable ignorance exists, even
among persons of education, as to the
habits of the salamander. The mere
mention of this harmless little betrach
ian recalls to the minds of most people
mystic ideas with respect to fire-eating
and fire-inhabiting creatures, which
have probably caused many of the poor
little brutes to be burnt by experiment
al philosophers who should have been
far above a belief in such absurdities.
The spotted salamander is the color of
lamp-black, with numerous large yellow
spots and stripes, and is very common
all over Southern Europe, as well as in
Northern Africa. It haunts all manner
of dark and cool places, such as cavities
under logs of wood, and holes In old
walls, where they can find a supply of
I insects, worms or slugs. All the sala
mander's movements are performed
with such absurd solemnity that the
most hardened reptile-hater could not
bo uninterested. Sometimes the opera
tion of swallowing a worm will last
twenty minutes. Science.
Longevity In Norway.
The Norwegians, it seems, are the
longest-lived people under the sun. So
we learn from an elaborate "Livs og
Dodstabeller for def Norske Folk," just
published by the Norwegian Official
Statistical Bureau, or tables of life and
death among the Norwegian people.
The average duration of life in Norway
is 48.83 for the men, 61.30 for the women
inl AQ T7 tnr hnth soxPfL The director
boji with earlier decades, that the aver
age longevity of the Norwegian folk has
considerably increased. "If the mor
tality in Norway," he writes, "is seven
teen per cent, more favorable than in
Central and Western is greatly
duo to the comparatively slight mor
tality among our younger children." To
what particular causes this compara
tively slight mortality among children
is due we are not told, but probably
anxious parents in warmer climates may
take a hint from it and make inquiries.
Pall Mall Gazette.
IutereHtlng Legal DecUiion.
A woman agreed with her grandson
that she would give him S500 it he would
not take another chow of tobacco or
smoke another cigar from that time till
her death; and on his part he agreed to
trive herdoublothat amountif ho violat
ed tho agreement. Seven yeai-s after
she died, but he had not been paid, and
though he had kept the agreement, she
had paid him nothing, nor had she pro
vided for paying him. Ho sued her ex
ecutor for the amount, but was defeated
nn t.lio around that tho condition was
not such as to mako tho contract bind
ing. The Kentucky Court of Appeals
has recently decided that the grandson
fulfilled a plain and valid contract, and
is entitled to tho money. Talbot vs.
Clay. .
A young lady of Carlisle, Pa., re-
obIvixI a bill amounting to over one
hundred dollars that tells a little his
tory. The bill came from a jilted man,
and in it sho is charged with twenty-
two yards of silk dress goods, two gold
bracelets worth forty dollars, one uia
mond ring, a hat and several other
items. The above named articles were
presents from him.
count npuginci - vat, Bare, you lor
bid my visseets to your-a house?" Mr
Corncorner "Ves, sir. We don t dare
to encourage foreigners of your kind."
Count Spagetti "Sure, I vill haf you
know zat I am descended from the Cor
sinis, ste old noblesse of Florence. Now,
vat you think.of my descent, eh?" Mr.
frncorner "I think it has been very
decided. A merica.
It is said that platinum can be sol
dered to gold by first sweating some fine
gold into the plan tin um at a high heat
The gold soaks into the plantinum, then
solder will adhore to it.
Kilowatts is the term which is to
be used hereafter to express the power of
electric machines. The word "horse
power" will be no longer employed in
referring to the power of any electric
The increased binding power of ce
ment due to the addition of sugar is said .
to be due more to mechanical than to
chemical causes. Sugar rotardsorather
than accelerates the setting of the ce
ment While the use of electricity in Lon
don for illumination is steadily increas
ing, the use of gas is also rapidly on the
increase, the demand for the latter for
heating and cooking being greatly in ex
cess of former years.
A new process for burning coal with
out smoke, it is said, has lately been
discovered. It consists in sprinkling
water containing a special preparation
ef resin over the coal, and the result Is
that there Is no smoke, and the glow is
as intense as coke.
A blue soap, the use of which obvi
ates the necessity of employing bluing
in laundry work, is made by incorpora
ting with ordinary soap a solution of an
iline green in strong acetic acid. By
the action of the alkali of the soap, tho
green is converted into blue, uniformly
coloring the mass.
Sapolini, of Milan, has described a
method of his which he states he has
successfully employed in sixty-two cases
of deafness of old age. It consists in
mopping the membrana tympani with
a weak oleaginous solution of phospho
rus. He claims that the treatment di
minishes the opacity of tho membrane,
increases the circulation, and improves
the hearing. Kansas City Medical In
dex. A remarkable feature of the East
Indian trade is the large number of
umbrellas imported. Last year tho total
received in Calcutta alone was 2,021,745.
This was by far the largest import re
corded for any one year, and it is not
surprising to hear that the trade was
somewhat overdone, and a consequent
glut resulted. The United Kingdom has
virtually a monopoly of the business.
The yearly manufacture of flour In
the United States Is about 75,000,000
barrels, ot which 6J!,000,000 are required
for domestic consumption and 10,000,000
to 13,000,000 barrels for export This
estimate for home consumption is in ac
cordance with tho basis which for many
years has been found an approximately
correct one that of one barrel of flour,
on an average, to each individual of the
In the biological department of the
University of Pennsylvania experiments
are being conducted in regard to the
processes of tho mind. Three of the
principal kinds of experiments now be
ing made are those to measure the
memory of sensations of sight, sound
and feeling; those to measure the time
taken to express a sensation, and those
to measure the time taken to receive an
Impression through the eye, etc. The
means used to make these investigations
are weighted wheels, gibbet-shaped ma
chines, pieces of iron arranged to fall
upon touching a lover, pivoted hammers,
The Struggle for Supremacy lletween the
l'liiloHopher and the Owl.
Once upon a time the directors of a
large public building devoted to learn
ing met to decide upon a proper emblem
for wisdom, whoso statue they dosired
should be upon the topmost spire of tho
structure, All mannor of created boings
contended for tho honor of typifying
wisdom and the strife waxed vehement,
insomuch that the directors were sore
perplexed. At last tho contention was
narrowed down to two, the Philosphor
and the Owl.
"I am in the human form divine,"
said tho Philosopher, ''I embody the
knowledge of tho ancients and the dis
coveries of the moderns. I can commu
nicate my knowledge by spoken words
and by written signs. Moreover, I am
a representative of tho only race of
mammals that is endowed with a wisdom
tooth. 1 claim to be the best type of
"1 do not. profess to embody all knowl
edge," hooted the Owl, "but have that
which Is better. I possess the art of
concealing my ignorance."
Whereupon tho directors unanimously
choso tho owl as tho better emblem ot
wisdom, and they placed its statue upon
the pinnacle of their templeof learning,
where it may bo soon to this day. Chi
cago Tribune.
The Bishop of St. Asaph's, in Wales,
appeals to English churchmen to aid tha
Slergy of his diocese, whose resources
have been nearly cut off by the titho
agitation. "Starvation," he says, "ia
an gly word, but it represents the con
Sition to which several of the Welsh,
jlergy havo been reduced."
! .-'.v.
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