The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 07, 1890, Image 6

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FltTDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1890.
A M.t. la tb Rlr Wwtl.
The meeting of the Board of Trade
lufct Monday evening tu very largely
attended and was by far the most en
thusiastic and interesting meeting
that this honorable body em held In
Lebanon. The committee on manu
facturing reported article of incorpor
ation which had lnK-n previously pre
pared by them ; the ivport was unani
mously adopted and the following
gentlemen appointed on incorporators:
a B. Montague, t. II. Ealston, W. B.
Pontca,F. M. Miller, J. C. Biiyeu,
Joseph Elkina. It wa thought best
to appoint some additional help to
rolieit funds on subscription for the
ditch, and tha tollowlng gentlemen
were elected to help: J. J. Swaa.M. A.
Miller, J. A. Beard, John Burkhart,
W. J. Guy, Johu Waltou and B.Bur
tenshaw. M. A. Miller laid a proposi
tion before the Board to advertise the
town, which waa adopted, and the
committee on advertising given power
to take any step they saw fit In ac
cepting the proposition, and aba to
assist in the preparation of eaitablo
matter for advertising and
advancing the best interest of the
resources cf t he count v. After a few
timely remarks by different members,
the Board adjourned until the next
regular appointment.
Slaughtering lrrr.
There a deer blockade in the
mountains. Tlie East Oregonhm nays
that report are to the effect that berda
of deer are blockaded In the breaks of
Meacham creek by the deep enow
which fills the gulches and canyons to
the depth of five or aix fttt The
drifts make it diEcult for the deer to
travel and the mountaineers are having
rare eport slaying the beleaguered ani
mals, and tender, juicy steaks and
roasts of venison garnish the board of
many a mountain home. Many an
ambitious nimrod who would utterly
Jail in stalking the shy and wary deer
in an open forest with no favors, can
cover himwlf with gore and glory by
chasing and shooting the dt-er so plen
tiful along he canyons of the habiting
Meat-Lam now. A good, o!d-faUoid
cMaook, however, will soon set the
cajtives free, and spoil the hunter's
The enthusiajn expressed by the
members of the Board f Trade on
Monday evening, and by the citizens
ia general, in regard to propositions for
the weliare and advancement of the
business and for making known the
superior advantages Lebanon has to
ofTcr to the home seeker, is not to be
despised. The Brownsville times, in a
few, brief remarks, hostile to Lebanon's
prosperous condition, tries to leave the
impre-v-uou that this is a dull, dead
tawu; that the citizens lack public en
terprise, and that our Board of Trade
is a very poor and unactive body. If
the editor f the above-mentioned
paper could see some of the stirring
und active steps taken by this body,
and get euough of iU pluck and vira to
enthuse ErwusviUes citizens with an
equal amount of courage in enacting
public enterprises, then it will have
accomplished that of inch she will
have e:tusc to Ixust L-t us hear no
imre such weak-minded remarks,
Brother Mc
Children Enjo '
The plwsant flavor, gentle action and
Kciot' eflcct of Syrup f Fig, whf.a
in need cf a laxative and if th father
r mother be costfve or bilious the
niwt gratifying revolts fwllAw its use,
that it is be liest family wmody
kuown and every family should kuve a
buttle. . -
A choice farm of 137 m-tm, within a
mile of town, frr sale. Inquire of
T. C. rCKBLEK k t0.
T Be Gives Awjr.
Within the next fclxty days two lots
on Main street will be given awny to
any p:irty or parlies who will build on
each lot and carry on a good legitimate
buninesj! for three years. Inquire of
iVtcrsou & Wallace, real estate
rure blood Wyandotte chickens for
tcie by 11. . Bilberta.
Cuh puid for Produce by JL S. Rob
ert h.
Jto wit buy any eaRtern trsh when
you curt gc'; those splendid Bucking
ham & Hedit gfod nt Montsguew
Mammoth ftore and alco at his One
Frkx: Cfca Blurts.
Ci 9d Eintl.
McMinnvilk has widely followed
splendid exampls set by Sukiu in
raising a fund to be expendwl month
ly in spreading the good news of this
glorious country in the cast. The
McMinnvillc folks have already a fnud
of $118 jxjr month which will be spent
in advertising the city. This moucy
will be expended by the-newly organ
ized board of trade and of course will
come back many fold in a short time,
as tho city is sure to receive many
new inhabitants as a result of the
advertising. This reminds the writer
that it will soon be time for the peo
ple of Salem to raise a fund for the
advertising of Salem dnring the com
ing year. They already fm tho ben
eficial results of last year's lalor and
should respond liberally when solici
ted. Salem's monthly.-subscription
this year for this purjwwe should lx
large, as it no doubt will be 5;ates-man.
The railway construction of the
United States in 18S9 amounted to
3000 miles, enough to reach from the
Mississippi river to the Pacific coast
and back again, yet the average
length of new lines was less than
twenty miles. The best indicationof
he he allhfulness of this growth is
seen in this fact. The wont done was
chicSy iu providing feeders for the
main Hues and pushing extensions
forward in response to the demands of
trade. The south, owing to the at
tempts now being made to develop her
mineral and other natural resources,
has had a large share of the new
roads. 3000 of the five thousand
miles reported as the compliment of
the year were laid in the country
south of Cincinnati and east f the
Mississippi, leaving to the Pacific
coast and the mighty northwest the
There is no town in Oregon with
brighter profpects than Lebanon, it
being situated near the center of Linn
couuty, the finest agricultural coun
ty iu the state, located on south fork of
the Saatiam at the terminus of the
Lebanon branch of the i I'.JL R,with
three trains a-duy, giviug us good mall
facilities, and better than many towns
with much larger populations than we
have. laying to the west of our town
is some of the finest grain and fruit
lands in the county; t the north Is
land suitable for grain, hops, fruit and
vegetable; to the south aud east is a
large atieteh of eountry suitable for
grain aud iock raising. Tliec lands
are occupied by a thrifty, enterprising
chvw of farmers and stock raisers, some
of thena owning large tracts of land
which they arc willing to subsidize in
to smaller tracts to suit purchasers,
having learned from experience that
smaU farms 'with better cultivation
wfll give more favorable remits. Leb
anon has a population of from seven to
eight hundred, being the second larg
est trwn in the oouuty. Tho business
f Lebanon is well represented by an
enterprising class of business men. We
have good public school, au academy
and a immlter of churches.
The citizens of our town have iade
arrangements with O'ls'eil Brothers, of
California, by which they agree to
erect and operate paper mills with a
capacity of fiye ton of pajer per day,
with a pay-roll of four thousand dollars
per Uio:th.
Our citizens arc taking steps to or
ganize a company for the couatruction
of a water ditch, by tanpig the 8antl
am river at oi near Chcadle's Falls and
bringing water into the city limits,
giviug us a good water supply and
power sufficient for a number of mill
and factories. With all these improve
ments we may reasonably expect to
double our popnlation within the next
eighteen months.
The Ileal Estate businewd is repre
stnted by the firm of Peterson & Wal
lace, who are ready and willing nt all
times to show you through the city and
country free of charge. They Lave on
their list a great many farms, which
will be wild at prices and terms to suit
purchasers. Oall on them and see
some of their property.
First-class work at McClure's barber
Do not buy any eastern trash when
you can gettbosespl.,n(l! 3 Buckingham
& Heultt goods at Montague's Mam
moth store and alo at his One Price
Cali Store.
Examine the fine utock of hooka of
all kinds at Board aud HoK's.
Montague's fall stock is
now ' complete in every de
partmcxt. The Mammoth
store is filled with as choice
goods; adapted -to -this mar
ket, as money will buy.
Our all wool Aldine suit
ings, a full yard wide, which
we are nellinp; at 50 cents per
vard, is without daubt tho
Kest value for the money ever
offered to the ladies of Leba
non. Our stock of Henrietta
cloths, cashmeres, tricets,
camel hair goods, waterproofs,
and advance styles of every
thing wearable is simply im
mense. The ladies are invit
ed to call and take a look
through the goods. They were
bought at very low prices and
will be sold correspondingly
Montague's stock of fancy
work materials, as zephyrs,
wools and yarns, embroidery
silks, in fact everything that
goes to make up a complete
line of material for fancy work
can be found at Montague's.
Our stock of boots and
shoes was made expressly for
us and ever' pair we sell is
fully warranted. "When yu
wantanvthinc in the foot wear
line look over Montague s
stock and get his prices. If
you want to got good goods at
living prices you will necessa
rily buv vour boots and shoes
of Montague.
Montague is opening up the
largest and lest selected stock
of Men's, Boys' and Chil
dren's Clothing ever opened
at this place. Ve can fit any
one loth in size and price.
Montague carries Oregon City
Clothing, California Cassi
mere Clothing, 'Eastern
Worsteds, as well as, a great
variety ( serviceable, low
priced goods.
Tfce One Price Cah Store
will continue to deliver Gro
ceries and General Merchan
dise to the citizens of this
place and vicinity at a mere
nominal advance over the
original cost.
Persons who owe me KUST
I do not propose to waste
much time m dunning. In
fact there are some who imag
ine they should not be dunn
ed at ail, but it takes money
to do business. Do not be
surprised if you find the note
or account you may happen
to owe me in the hands of an
Officer Vr-v Prsmpt
. ,'fhe lJfjg, wear' credit bus
iness iiii thing of the past in
Sept. 20, 1889.
4. J J M w- IT
Htudont may
.Tborouw ar.a r radical
Tuition, Low, Board and Roans, Reasonable.
-.Terr ? 10 vresks bzgan Monday, Fekruaay 3.
1"V?f a -emy Building has been repaired.
New School Appliances have been Added,
The Curriculum of Study has been Revised.
Send at Qnce for particulars.
' R. N. Wristfit, IV S., rrincipal.
rVliG Oroiilest Shoo Ever Known
rOIt MK , VEAIt.
This shoe is made of h ines' nnnery calf, has solid heels
and soles, and is the fi f t sh x. for $3.00 ever pioduced
Manufactured by w
Cain; Niclelsbarg 4 Co,, - - - San Francisco
Druggist and
Puiu: Drugs, Med cixs,".
Paints, Oils and Glass,
Fine Perfumery, Brushes & Combs
Prescriptions Accurately Compounded.
Main Street. Lebanon. Oregrn.
Julius Gradwohl's
Golden Rule Bazaar,
The Leading Crockery, Fancy Goods
and Toy Store of Albany, Oregon.
Rogers Bros. 1817 SilTenare, French CMna and Glassware,
Boy's Wagons, Baby and Doll Carriages.
General Assortment of Fancy Goods.
Specialty In th r"int Toa and CoflTfen.
He Irays direct for net .cash and, carries the largest
stock m the valley.
All parties contemplating building, or desiring lumber for
any other purpose whatever would do well to call on
At his lumber yard at this place or at the sawmill.
We have on hand a first-class stock of
Rough and Clear Lumber.
Bills of all kinds filled on short notice.
Give me a call -Before
Purchasing Elsewhere,
Beavtifclly LocatkpJ
v - ----- m
rnf r nt Any time.
in instruction. :
B. Montague,
Humphrey & Taylor.