8WKET KOMK Bw-ket IIomb, Or., Ftb. 1, 1350. Kpitor Extras: It ia now rc enjoy, to owr heart' i-oatent, a continued " Ort-goii mist The snow is fiat disappearing on the ftnthitls ; the face of mother earth vusbrouded for some thiie paat with coat of pure snow ; but the wind from the south and wtat lias brought the ' magic wand," and the stock men feel ri'lieyed t?y a ruin seeing the vcrual sarb ( a happy and ure sign of au early prioR), petirinsout ou every hand. At is gfiutnaUy kuown, the people of this vicinity ore as happy and contented as can he fouud In any part of the " WJ1 1 unotte yalley," and aa a nils they have many rvtwons for said conditions. All nature seems t favor them, toil being productive, health unusually pood, and the climate rather more gonial than in many other section w we are ne'wssarily a contented people, but in all ages aod anions all men times come and events occur that cause men to mourn ; such times have come many times in the past, and as such times have cotie many times in the past and as some hare Just occurred among us we stop to call the attention oftboso not directly, but personally Interested, this entire community has two reasons to express their heartfelt sympathy to two bereaved families. On January 25 Dr. J. N. Gilbert died, Jwavtug a wife and child. Although In one sense they nre strangers among s, yet they hare our entire sympathy hi January 29th Mrs. J. Shea died JeavinS a husband and six children und a host of friends, in fact she was highly esteemed by all w he knew her, and the family has the sympathy of the entire communitv. There are other friends and neighbors sick, immg them Miss Alice Jackson, who lias bwsi in a very critical condition, but fa reported a little better, and it is to 1 hoped she has passed the mast critical point and ill spaedily recover. but maty friends are anxiously wait ing far more favorable (yraptom. and the pressnt heavy rainstorms are re ceived as favorable omens and nearly everyone feels that as Oregonians we need rl wrtJoot weather, feeling the truth of the idieni that for a climate to keep th inhabitants healthy requires tae climate to which they have been apcliraated, it is to be hoped that in rf next article may be as much of life and joy m now of grief. A great many cattle have been 1 t ialhe&otLilsand treat numbers are vy frwor, and many will yet die if the my raitts continue. Tb following names were on the TH of Luocr in school district 2f o. D6 l air the moaths oflXwenibur and Janu ary, with annexed standing in deport ment, punctuality and scholarship: 1.UH11X- M. McCormick, Hunter F. McConuick, JSetsie Howes, TauJ Howes, IVarl L 1 Iowes, Charles iL llowes, 100 100 100 00 1HJ 100 100 100 1 Uto 10i) loo I'M) l!)0 liJO JW luo 100 Wei. O. Bland is working on his Loiac-atead. He lie bought the place known as the John Geisentanerrauch, and from the way lie u clearing up ho means bus:ne.ts,;and it will not belong Lefore he will make a good showing. J. G. Clark is making quite a clear ing on his hornet-tend. By the wev. John knows how to inakea permanent showing. S. A. Dcvaney w III have a house on his claim within tnirty days, and he Lopes to have his family on it in thirty days. Geo. W. Howes has a fine ranch and lias done rench hard work on ii. He mid V. II Simons expect to go back to Cimon's ranch trapping ju a fWw days. i'raak II. McConnlck and family are just reeovcriug from a severe attack of Ja grip. Mr. ilcUormkk has been burning quite a uuutU-r cf trees to open the way for a garden aud for gra. The Ilude lirothcrs are making "me sph ntSid photographs, and Wkid as the wather opens they will U pre- pared to ao good work. Hugh liurrii U making great im provement on his place. A. T, Hamilton is selling goods just :s cheap u they can he bought in the county, uiid buys til kinds r produce. Muresoou. La Giun-K. Lan'uape in hardly troii- enough f'Xprt& my adailrution or the nivrits ef C'ianib. rluhB Cougli iruinttly. It in the bent rt-inedy fW-ruup hiid w liuot). in; cough I Li'-vf cvt-r until. During the past chUt:U yearn I have trieJ ii'-atlj- all the prominent cough incdi tiacrf on the market Litt ny, and w ith pka-urc toojthytChanittti lniii'H Couyli Kt-d. in t Iw-Mt i.f ttU. Tlionuia j:h''ea, Uakcr-lklil, CalX'rniti. lot. Ly A. Milkr. For lame back try saturating piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Puin balm and binding It ou to the cf- fected parts. This traatment will our ny ordinary case in one or two days. Fain Balm also faros rheumctism, sprains, swellings aud lameiKm, 0 cnt battles for sale by M. A. Miller. Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of California, so uxanve ana nutxiuous, with the nedkinal virtues of plants known to be most benebcitl to tite human system, forming the ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the PEW, LIES AO BOOT AKD TO GIsanssnie Systsni EffectaalFy, lO THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENCTH . Ttur"y follow. Every one a nsing it nd 11 are de!icbtet with it. Ask vour droggirt for SYKVP OF FIGS. Manu factured only ty tae CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CS, Sam faajicuc, Cau Lxwtilii, K r. Mnr Tomc, K. Y. OVEKLUD TO CA1IF0PJIA VIA youTnEitxpAcinccoMrAN Y's LINE. .The Ml Shasta Route. Time EetTesa Iftuy and Saa Fria- cisco, 35 Horn. California Exprau Tralnt Run Dally p.murrw onon wn Awn SAN FRANCISCO. m t. a 1. rurtiana . A.-...1U 4.V a. m. :1 P. R i-T iUiiiY Lt X. u. a. l..-Ar...,.an KtaB'....l,T... 7 vo r. a. Local Paaener Train Daily texeept Sunday S. A. .. I'or'.UuJ At.. Lv..i...Aliiuf ,,, I . .JLt....4-nxvs 1,.. 3. 1-. f. a. Il::t")A.a. I li m r, u.. 2,o r. a.. SV M. Local Pan jar Trains Sally (eacept Sunday) Jr. .Lt Albaiif...- V r. M kt lAlmmm... a. u. Lt... ft :i A. H. Ar. 9 a. K. l.r lA.a. Ar. 4-'J p. a. :T. .Lt A!!! r. a Ar Lr ljuu.m... "M a. ..l.TAU)iy.. H.S! A. H....M. Utmmm.. 'ullman Buffet Sleepers. TOUBKT SLEEPING CAKS, For ccrtuiiiodHtifn cnnd-ClaMt FfevueRgeni, Httuchd to IlxprkB Traina. Th 8. P. Co'n Fijrrr mck emiiictlrm wnh all ntnUcr baau iii tail cutia Wt, ruu West Side D!vlslcn. lTKTWEES 0KTLAND and C0RVALLIS Mall Train Dally (Excapt Sunday). 7 a. in Lr I-or.'unti Arfr a. m. 12 p. m Af .CorriUlit yi. ra. At Albnprnnd CorralUctuaiwct trlth tr;ni i OwaTtr. Kaiiroatl. Exprata Tral- Dally lExcapt 8unday,. . nt.-.Ar .M-;inrnilk L.ia. m THROUGH TICKETS To All J'olntw ' SOUTH IB EAST YII CiHFQRiM. tfTnr ftiH Infnmsafion n?arrt!tieraW, mai, ' n!! mi :nuyxaY-6ul al Ailnttir. Ii.toFlEI.KK, K. f. fc'KiBTU?. Ji4iu:r Awt. G. r. 4 Pa-. Ajcnt Why Pop per cent Interest on Mscey Tea iMZC. X vm j WJwn Vim Can i-t It CALL OX THE Oregon Land Company Albany, Oregon. Ashbv& Dickinson, : : Managers. a j THIS INTERESTS TOXJ ! We invite you to come and look through oil) Mam moth Stock of v Groceries, Provisions, Tobacco, Cigars, Crockery, PURE GOODS & Hides. Furs and all kinds of Countty Produce taken in exchange 'for o'oods. We Guarantee Fair Treatment to All. W. B. DONACA. Comer Brick Store, tV YOU WISH A COOD REVOLVE irECTIARE smith & imm Flnaat amalli mmlmimlCSSi cxvartt. la aaUtimi C i tua muff at I, I, - v touMaactkia, alf(jr Hun nrfa and Tatkh m.Hl K IlwH aaalHr wroaekt ' KUUT Mianeoa aValaa), aarmWiitif and aprarar. In ofwe auul for Ut mnuiu nJ-. Tlw ara uoa Ifciix awl Oaanroaa. Th Saim a Kn Ka TOLmia arc aun;rl ttfwn Ihr Ixtm-ia wltn a null aama. atidtwM autiditu tA imOqia. ajift rv tnr. atmm4 nrtvH. liut Bifoe balne thorn, uih! tf yimt iWm tumM tuinilT jnio. an iirtrr inn; u wt Urt BMW awl pfV caup-m W'fif utiva. I01XTU i WWiM, fyriuclicWS, Blaaa, AT COST! To Mule r.nom fur Vj- Fall and Winter Stock cf DRV GOODS, FUMISHLFS GOODS, AKB JOTIOXs, I "WILL CLOSF OUT MY Eutiiv Stock of Boots & Shoes jssr cost. ?o- is the Time to SECURE REAL BARGAINS. 1 Propose to Hava Leading Dry Goods Store In the Valley. MAIL ORDERS Promptly attended. W. F. READ, AlbuDv, Oregon. NOTICE FOR ITULICATION. l-uiied Malfatanrt OScu, ) KCTICr. is hereby slen that In foinjiHanrf with litb i:iivi-i..;i)i of the CI of Coiiifruwtif June 3, 17W. en;'iMl "An n fur ihc ul." of linil ij , in t!ii' M.iieiif ,aHfcula, Ongon, NvJ, aiid of Vmicfitivr. counlj of tlurk, trri:ory of Wash ington, hn. thU cloy lliixl In tlib o3. bin iwtn-n !Ati;iii';t 1777, fur llie purha i( thu of cc. 5fl. in TowiHii 12 South. luinse 2 Kat, ai.i! v. ill offer pixf to !. titat the Irttxl lou'iit tjurj vniitauit fur lt,t limber or M'rtie ttimi fur rir-.lililfiil J.urp niid tocstuliiwh claim to m'.il !,Kif! In-fore the IaL.tvrnit'i iKMrivcrcftlil 1 ofli'-e at I Wsnm City. Oi(.-(il!. a Jloiidy, the Stl j liay of M;ircSi. VJO. IU wiini-!! im t iim- John naiilsun, W W Ir'!!-!. A.I'r'KiMh!" uml lvi! Jlitliln, ul! of VniKrotiVi-r, ClnrkC' f.'otinijr, V. T. Any ni.il all pi;rti tiairiilng ivlAprw'ly th a;,m.w'VKirl!i! '.ixsnU aru n-ni'.-tlf(l lo fiie liicir '!a!iiiiti .!, office oii Muri! wild svj U.y of ) J.T.AITr.KJ'Jj;, itc8Utcr. -:(: Glassware, Lamps, Etc. FULL WEIGHTS Main Street Lebanon, Linn Countv, Or. NEW STORE and FRESH GOODS! AVe have a complete line of ladies' and gents' ltuWicr (IfHtl, Itubber Coats, Iiadans, Circulars, NewmarkeKand Jilk and Gingham Umbrellas. Prices to suit the trade. JiuMttrJSoot. Sandals and Glen's Jiubher Overalls AVe sell M. 1). Wellr, & Cos. celebrated custom jnado oots and fchoe?.and carrv tlie latest styles. These goods are purchased direct froni the manufacturers in Chicago ' -Agents for the celebrated Ludlow shoes, in women's, misses ami children' gowds. GOOD VALUE and "We invite your patronage. Barrows rtili wwM ait! ( i tfVMlfHlhM. 0B riauofrkm km .t,mi-ni aWa. wUrk boMM hrrnw wte rMa wpmiri. niutnrai,mifnmw. nw II K ym rwi1 um f ffn to fflt fcf M. Mt AU., aUamais, armnuum,mmmm ounpnEr.iiur.i3 tSTTZIXS PAPEB mrn THE SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY CALL JTrlee, JJM per Tear, THE SAN FRANCISCO MORNING CALL Jrie, per Tear, At rK3ucaui rot 01389.0 ma tMi rRAScmo tveeext caix ii a baiidomc eight-pagi rawr. It la ! WOd every Thursday, and couiulat ull d tho ImftHtaut uowa of tbo wcci, gleuae Irom entry quan.r of tho &lobe, cvinplcta up to date of publication, it eontaiua iu tereatiof; apecial corrcapoDtl';uc from fill of the Friocipal clticn of Uio world and a vMt amount of tbo bent aolcckd cad origiu:U toneral literaturo. It furnithci the liUuat and moat rulklila Cueneiul cw and cur ket qaotatiooa, nod Kifca tpcciul atu.-u'.iua to horticultural cud Ofrirultura) Dtwi, nut li la every rapect aCntluu family pu;cr, appealing to Uie lutcraat al avcry mumbar of tiie houacUoid. THE MORNING CALL. (HKVEM IMCM A WECK) Ii ft live metropolitan dally. It tun tii UlEGEflTCIKCeLATIONaiiUliirecoguiztd , , M being tiif L.vllNG KtWarAPEEof tUo I'aclfio Cmt. Either of tho olxrvo pcpttri 'o will tend poitpaJd o a prcruluia oo ro te! pt of the folluwlne auUcripUuu pricct hi the noa Liirutioo : .. . 1 Pjj I'm iMr MiaaHr, 111' XN. miu.m. Wte Ml HaTlltanMll tfWHMI AbaMI IS OUR MOTTO. SQUARE DEALING & Searles, A LI '.ANY, OKEFON. i .. f ".a ii r'. I oihmim-1. at.o nil tAlt.nl HlA,.t..v tit. i Iwi.lmt li for NH it'k JW t h y (ttr onv l..-..ir fh I'. N IWnl Ullii-r. ami or i m. iaib runti. In kw lliiwllinii lion,' ?rm h'.fw H" tiirnttx. sihi nrn.. ff.nii.i ur I'UOin ,,( ititanKl.Hi. H alfiw i. lo iTi- (.!.. nrusr w wi tvn, hrr i-irrtilnr. mlrm. let m aid rrfcn-Krwa t atirul )., i. in VMnrowit Wal I -hiiit b.i, G. E. HARDY Ilaa on band Urjre atot i of fFT-r- . . A LARGE STOCK OF JEWELRY Call And Secure rrioet a ji a,ii a m w- j avn " s am ej .m fl m n ?r IK