' m,-Hfh 'f'-KitJs ':" ' ten qj 1 o n o ) cu cvj Volume III. Lebanon, Oregon, February 7, 1890. No. 48. ft 4 COLUMBIA JICYCLKSasd tricycles A HE THE MOST Stanch and Reliable ROADS TE RS , 7-0.V Tin: MARKET. H JtDo not fail to buy a Columbla."133 , V. . . NOKVIAN SMITH, Agent, jf, Lebanon, Oregon. James Keyden, VETERINARY SURGEON, Graduate of Edinburgh, Scotland. Ctm be found nt J. T. Harbin's Bi,u Isuiith Shop, LebHiion, Oregon. All Bis uses of Horse TRE A IMS 1, AND i Satisfaction Guaranteed. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. raltif! SWrxljinilOuV, ) Ori Ri,n Ciijr, Ort'i-mi, Nor. H, NOTICE ts h'jtiby jrivcii lliut iu ronijillawo fcll'.i thus vmivWonn of tUe art of dmen'Miof Junt' 3, JHTN eHlLlk'd "An a-t fur (lit Nile of t!m Ut UuhU in t!ic fta'A1 of ritllf'jritiii, Oregon Ncvu'Ju Mid VYa-U:i.y:ou Territory," WWCA.V MUW. of Shuttle, rouM) of Vine, lfrrinry of WaMikijr, Inn, lia this !)' tti tbl often lil mrorn MU-wrTit No. 1SI, lor the jiim biuif of tiki- S. W. H of fwTllon No. 4, in Tounihip No. 13 Soulh, Jinnw No. 2 Eut, and will olli-r pnxif di t.K.w t'U the tttud p'ltt'lit in mni vuliiublf fur It thu IhT er mob thmi i ugrb-Utttiral purlin, tul to s'tifati bmkim tt.Miif) liuii U'fwtth )U,Tkr nudtcciihprorti.isofiV'e, ut Orr;oii City, Or., on Friday, the H'h tl.,y of Mur:li, lM. Ur mum's on wllui-wi 0. M. Smart, A. Ru"Mrll. Wis. MrA'lam end i. suxUlurt, U of Sratilu.Kiuc eooiity, W. T. Any QI (ill J'rwin clulmlnir a'lvexly tho nUivi-tlex rIhi'4 luiuli ore iWjUt'i4 to f.Ic tlu'lr !utuii in thin o3U oa ur In-fore wll JItU Jay of Muith, two. J. T. Aniw, Kt'irl..tfr. QttliUNWGOI8 Hi E AKT KTUiIO Ii the plfo win-re yu nn (rrt any ftylo or kind of picture that you joey r. ich. Old puturtK eopied und unl:ir to nny Hize, colorcc' in oil, wate r color or Jnilia ink, eravonn mid yumiU p r tnvitJt made to order. Jfo picture Hent away; U woik done ut my wtudio. i'rhn the lowest. Call and examine ppeeimetiK. All wrk tnirantwd. SiHeitini a htiare of your putroungo, I tm r"i(rtfullv vourx. W. Jf.tiKIiENWOOD, Cor. 2d aud Ferry Ht., Albaiiy.O-egon. Tb Celebrated F rench Core, AFHRODiTIKE;";,: lunncjr la emit POSITIVE .fa I ii rc iv n y . f i'Smiw, ur any i) ..rtli f of iuu .... i H;.' v.! rm f flMwr '.'f.X fit Klu-rfccrnr-Bttu?t i-i n er (torn i im AFTER rxv.e line ! irtiiiiiiluiilit, ').!. mci ur nj.iuni. priniungii ytm'.iiim llili:rwiin, ovit I ' I n; emr, Ai-.. nwii u l.iwiot' Umin 1'huih, V:iki'(ui U'. Ili'ftrinu ili'v.-n I'iiiik In thu Itui'k, yuiv S-itkiiUMr, llyti In, NorvoiK f'rxtnill"ii Vm (irti Bl J.uil-v.oi. Kfliinrriiiiii. liiAiiii'M. Wcnk Hifin uty, r,f Vtwr unil lniinniMM-y, whih if n. triuelvl i(lrn loiul In iupiiiumik-hM kl'kimhI tnni'i If J'. I'rli'c! Oil H U,. I, Uikw (.it V'W tent by mull mi fiTeii't ( t.rirn A W U IT I T.N ; I'AKA NTKI fAronwT', AO Or.lcr. to roiinul the luoiit-y 1 n I'muiunvnt Hirfl IK nat flij''Ut. rVtt'.iitil lA lrtiii :iiji' frivi M mill yi' iiiir. o( ln.ni mx, fiTiitiirMtr riltort liv AftllU'UfTiVK. f'lrpiinr fnv, t'lr THE APHFtO MEDICWE CO. box w iKiuxn, or. H11 l.v M. A.MilU r, Hole Aurvntfor Jlunn, tr. t When you deyir,1 u pleummt pliyic, , JnUt. rutrkkV Pills. They can id wiis be depended upon, and do not jinuHimte the tounch nor .'ripe the bowtla. ikr mli' by M. A. Jllller. For Sl. J. Wutwota ofTors a rare bargain in nnie fine registered hort horn eattle. Pedigrot shown on application. Call early and avail youmlf of thin oppor tunity to getaome fine cattle. BIO HAKGAIN. 100 Aerti. for 91100. This 1h all rich land and capable of high cultivation, good springs near house, small orchard bearing plenty of fruit, and an abundance of good oak and fir wood and pole timber. First clans for Fruit or Dairy Farm. Situa ted three miles from Lebanon. For full particulars call on E. 0. BEARDS LEY, Real Estate Agent, Broadalbin Street pear First, Albany, Oregon. Cruson & Menziea will furnish your windows and doors cheap. The Only Ob. The Chicago, Milwaukee & fit. Paul Railway is tho only Hue running solid VeKtlbulcd.Klectrlc Lighted and Steam Heated trains between Chicago, Mil waukee, St. 1'uul and Minneapolis. The Chicago, Milwaukee & ist, Paul Railway h tho only line iunning solid Vestibulcd.Electric Lighted and Steam Heuted trains between Chicago, Coun cil Bluff: and Omaha. The berth reading lamp feature in the Pullman Sleeping Cars run on these lines in patented, and cannot be used by any other Railway Company. It is the great improvement of the age. Try it and tie convinced. For further particulars apply to the nearest coupon ticket agent, or address J. V. Casey, Trav. IWr Agent, No. 33 Stark St., Portland, Oregon. OLYMPIA 8. MURRAY", M. D., Female Specialist. Has practiced on the Pacific Coast for the past twenty five years. A life time devoted to the study of femalo troubles, their causes and cures. I have thousands of testi monials of permanent cures from the best people on this coast. A positive guaranteeto permanently.cure any case of female weakness, no matter how longstanding or what tho stage may be. Charges reasonable and within the reach of all. For the Denefit of the very poor of my sex who are suffering from any of the great muliiiude of ail ments that follow in the train of that terrible disease known as female weak nem, and who are not able to pay for treatment, I w ill treat free of charge. Consultation by mail, free, AH corres pondence strictly confidential. Medi cines packed, boxed aud sent ty ex press with charges pro-pal I for "home" treatment, with specific direc tions for use. If j ou are sufleriuir from any female trouble, ei idieally or cob staully, Address, OlA'MPIA S. Ml'KUAY, M. D., EastPortland, Oregon la th oldeM and Dint popular aripntllc lad tiierlianiral pntMer pytiliHhttd and ha Iha laivpt clrrolatluo vt any pnixr of III claM In the world. Kully llluntmli'it. llext claaa of Wood Eniirat. liir. I'uthliil wwkly. and for p-clnia 'I'T. f rice f.l a jnr. t nur niont ha' trial, IL ItliMH 4 00M I'eaLlvatHH. iil Uroadway, H.T. ARCHITECTS. GUILDER? H Edition of Sclentifio American. O A Ktftt mieeciw. Farh laan. nontaina erilored Hthuifraphtn ptnee. f country and city renldeu. n or public butltllnKii. Numeroot envravuint and full pUnr and npiwlnratioiia for tlie um of urhatooiiUnoplute Ixiildlnir. 1'rlc lv.:'iii a year, t . oopy. AiL'.NN CO, PiaUbUClUi. I marbMaiw led by apply ing to aii'NH A Co.. who hnrvli adorer 40 Mn1 exiHirlene. and have made over 10U,(M applivutioiia for Amerltan aud T ' einii iialiiiiu. Send for Handbook. CoT pondouce atrlctly oonttdenMul. TRADE MARKS. In can. yonr mark l not reuli.ered In the Pat. niic oth:a, apply In Minn ti Co., and proour. kuinedliiU) protection. Seud for UauUbook. C0PVKICI1TH for hanlM, charta, mapa, .tv., quicaiy procured. Addrvu Wt'SN it CO., rutcnt Holkltora. StNRHAL OrK: SU1 BllOALIWAT, K. T. WMfSmiKIS (tn Oaf th rw auir ih wvrlil. Our Mi'lilUaU nsfualrtl( and tainifuduoconr ufrt-B.urfraoitiwrVallwwlrKKtt loOHlt im Mch Wralhf, kttv. Ooly tbo who writ to iu at once va m4 rar o I4 ih chime. tMVtladoUi M fQirn Id to bvw our too4i to B""f-.lr i ' fttm .d tho. ftrouna oe. 11m b.. ATOlinFfV-tummmmiltt adwrtlMamrt HlUllI. MT Hi. iiiujI od of Ik. tel.. irrO ; MO pi. n foUQWlat U glvM apftaaw f 11 rollMl about i flnloib lrt of iu bold . Ii U (mad, bl ir,"lCi I. .r to ..it. W. will . ll ow roa ut .1 nifioara Btlr wrtl. M onft VVMy til .ipirM th4cf. ikW, tk UAlXalT W V. i vaifca". atauav Oooaa Fdrmlni;. roveral farmers from Virginia have been looking around through the mountain counties of Western Penn sylvania with a view to establishing a "goose farm." Among tho party are James Bench, Harry Bailey and James Connor, all of whom are from Balti more, Md. The latter said: "Y'es, we want to secHre a farm of several acres, with a stream of water with rock bottom running through it, to start in the business of raising geese. It may seem like a rather curious busi ness to engage In, but there Js money in 11. Wefot our Idea from the great goose farm started some time ago down on the eastern shore of Virginia. Within an area of 3000 acres thore Uvea 0000 geese of several varieties, attended by herders, and regularly fed with corn, etc. The oVject is the collection of down for quilts and pillows, and every six weeks a plucking takes place, only the breasts and sides under the wings being plucked. Every goose will prouuee one pound of feathers per annum, which can readily be sold for 50 cents per pound. We want to start with 500 geese, and calculate that they will raise 3000 goslings a year. "In addition t tiie money received for feathers, we propose to sell off the young geese and can realize from 7o cents to $1 apiece for them. We have several farms hi view along the line of the Pennsylvania road, and tip to the Monongahela river, but will not make a definite choice for the farm for a few days yet. Geese live forever you might say. Five hundred matrons will weather the storms of forty winters at least, barring accidents. They raise their young with the utmost care, and counting six geslings to a brood, you haveSiXiO marketable fowls each full besides the down. Of course, we expect increase the stock as circumstances will permit Pittsburg Dispatch. Our good3 reach us direct from the manufactory and every pair cf our btxits and shoes are fully warranted. When you need any boots or shoes look over Montagues large new stock. A BARGAIN. Business location n went side of Main street, in Lebanon, at a bargain, for the next few days. For particulars inquire of M. E. Hearn. We call the attention of the farmers to tho fact that we-are running our chopper ou Thursday, Friday and Sat urday of each week. Our prices are reasonable aud work guaranteed. Cross & Hvdb. One price and cash at the new cash store, but everything sold cheap and delivered to any part of the city. Begg's Cherny CoughSyrup, Is giving spleudid satisfaction to the trade and tho sales are positively mar velous, which can he accounted for In no other way except that It is without tloubt the best in the market. Ask for and be sure you get the genuine. Wc keep it. M. A. Miller, Druggist. Bedrock prices, new gotwls and stan dard brands at both the Mammoth and I One Price Cash Stores of C. B. Monta gue , . U Mr. K. P. Lovejoy, a large dealer In general merchandise at Wahuska, Ne vada, t-ays: "I have tried St. Patrick's Pills and can truthfully say they are the Inft I have ever taken or known used." As a pleasant physic or for dis orders of the liver they will always give perfect satisfaction. For sale by M. A. Miller. Persons wishing to buy wood can get it at ii CO a cord on the ground, just at thu edg of town, or I will delivor it at f' Call ou mo in person or leave orders at Doiiaea's store. llVVV HlATT. A Good Cough Syrup. There is nothing parents should be so ! careful about a sclcctitigacongh syrup. Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup costs no nxiiT thai) thu cheap and Inferior nos trums thrown upon tho market. The best Is none too good. Bo sure and get Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup, We keep I it on hand at ull times. M. A. Miller, j Druggist. NEARLY A FLOOD. Terrible Destruction All Over the Valley. BRIDGES ALL WASHED AWAY TRAINS DELAYED ALL WIRES DOWN. Nearly Equal t the Flood, of '01. The streams throughout the valley, especially the Willamette river, hare been flooding the whole country for the past' week. It is said that the wa ter was higher than in 1881, and only lacked two feet of being as high as in 1861, which was the greatest flood ever known in the valley. , In Albany the water of the Willam ette river reached nearly to First street and did considerable damage along the river bank, somo of, which was to wash out both tho Union Paci fic and Oregon Pacific wharves, and wing of the mouteith mill, besides damaging several other bulidings along tho bank. On account ef the headgatos going out the canal overflowed its banks in several places between here and Al bany, doing much damage; particular ly on the farm of Mr. John Smith, between Spicer and Tallman. In Salem the Willamette Is said to have deno more damage than in any other portion of the valley. The most disastrous result was the washing away of the bridge across the Willam ette. The south end of the Wridge on the Marlon county side was the first to giveaway, apparently from the bot tm and the two main spans of the bridge, and in about three hours the rest went down the river. Tljo Spirugfield wagon bridge,which is about three miles above Eugene, was also swept away. Several small hous es were washed away at Eugene, but no serious damage was done. Oregon City has had considerable damage done to it. Several good buildings were washed out and water was running two feet deep through the main street.. We learn that the water was up to Front street in Portland and still ris ing. Ail railroads In the valley were stopped this week, the last train that came up having stopped In Albany, where it is now, and there is no telling when It will get away. At Brownsville the Calapooia spread all over the south side and part of the north side, doing considerable damage but we did not learn the particulars further than that the soutli end of tiic bndge was washed away. The train came down on the narrow gauge yes terday for the first time this week as f.rasTallmun. At Lebanon Saturday evening tho river was reported still in it banks.but about midnight it commenced rising very fust and by Sunday morning was out of all bounds, and all over the bottoms, and by 10 A. si. had Hooded all tho bottom between tho bridge and slaughter house on this side (west) of the river, having risen to tlio top rail ing of the bridge across the slough, en tirely submerging it. At about eleven o'clock a boat was secured by Joseph Harbin, Lee Boise aud Win, Osborne, who started out to take those who had already been surrounded by water to places of safety. They first went ufter the family of Mr. Junkers, who lives about half a mile above tho bridge, consisting of Mr. Junkers, his wife, who was quite sick, and son. They then took the boat to tin; llouk hop yard and hvlpcd out a family who hud recently moved iu from the stales, and not knowing what had happened were well nigii frightened out of their wits, aud had moved to the upper part of the dry house and prepared to make tiie best of it, but were only too glad to leave. They then went to see about the McCormick family, who live aiiout four miles south of hcn. They never sturted until dark, and then hud to go through woods and underbrush, aud cross a slouch, and lis neither had be'i there Loforo they had a tough t ma of it. H iwever they reached thu hnuso about ten o'clock nd found everything flooded, and the family badly scared, Lut owing to its being lato they waited until morning before venturing out. It was a consid erable of an undertaking to go in to the family As It was they hardly escap ed being drowned, the river having broke one of the oars, and they only escaped by cling to the picket feuce. The high water washed cut both of tho head gates of the Albany canal about four o'clock Sunday afternoon. At about ten o'clock Sunday night tho flume of Nickerson'u planer was swept -away by the floods and tho flume of the grist mill badly Impaired, besides otherwise washing around and damag ing the structure, which will necessa rily delay work for several weeks. There has been some stock lost ; Mr. Scantland lost two cows and Ed. Kel lenburger lost several hogs. The south approach of the Waterloo bridge was washed out. O? W. Wheeler lost most of his logn, but no ether damage was done to the sawmill. The trains from here to Albany were probably the only ones that ran on time in Oregon all this week. They can make as much fun of the bob-tail train as they please, but it never fails to get therei Taken all together, Lebanon camo out with less damage than any other town In the valley, which we think speaks well for it. Moral: Buy prop erty in Lebauon. , SAXTIAM ACADEMY. Quite a number of Albany school- ma'ams visited the adademy this week. ' Bernard Marks entered school this week. He took up his abode in Bach elor's Hall, No. 2. Everett Parrish is in school again after being home on a la grippo trip. He says he had begun to get hungry, and came back to get a square moal, as it was about Eatiu' time. The high water kept quite a number out of school this week. Prof. Wright has been quite sick during the week, but with a strong determination has kept at his post. S. T. Ranqkb. County Court. The proceedings of tho February term of the County Court were as fol lows: ' The petition of John Swanson and others for a county road'.wua dismiss ed. John Santer was appointed road supervisor in Dist. No. 3, aud Chas. Smith was appointed supervisor in, Dist. No. 23. The following bills were allowed and ordered paid: II. Farwell, salary, $S3 22. L. M. Curl, salary, foO. Ii. M. Curl, wostago, $2. E. E. Montague, clerk's fees, $11(J 3,". John Smallinon, sheriff, $131) IS. Paisley & Fish, Prluting, $0 CO. George D. Baucroft & Co., blanks, 1 40. J. Y'ates, wildcat scalp, $1. J. M. Nichols, fS 80, ' J. F. Hyde, aid for pauper, ?10. Henry East, digging grave, 4. J. J. Davis, keenhnr nauners. 51 SO. V A F Hamilton, aid for orchard, 10. J C Meyers, hauling collln, 2 50. Fees, Btato vs Pete Montgomery, 60 05. DrAV II D'lvis, visiting prisoners, 1 Fees, state vs Moy Sing, 18 10. O P Coshow, aid tor poor, 10. O F Crawford, aid for poor, 8. Mrs L A Long, aid, 10. Mr Carter, aid, 10. Mrs Nichols, 1,"). Fees, examination of John Passow, 11. Fees, state vs J F Bell, 73 70. Sam May, aid for Briggs, 10. D It N Blackburn, 100. B W Coojicr, 8 20. John Hmnllmon, bailiff, 8. Fees' state vs J B Long, 21 80. 1! Shank, road supervisor, hi. C Stockton, road superv isor, oil. A skelton, road supervisor, 12 10. Herald. See Montagues "YimgnliWiit NEW stock of Buckingham & Ilccht's bools . and shoes niuuufueted expiunsly tor him.