The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, January 31, 1890, Image 7

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FIJI DAY,' JANUARY 81, isao.
ltfiiicmlicr the meeting of the Hoard
f Track' fr next Hominy evening.
tfeveral of our citizen In ten J to go
to AMot 'a next week to look nt prop
erty. Tlie Boullt wind and rain -has taken
r.lxmt nil the enow oil' the liillM urouiul
IVrtU willing a aaniple copy of the
KxriiRWfini get it hy dropping us a
)KM)titl card.
Iter." A. Marcellus, of Oakland, will
preueli 1h tho Firwt Presbyterian church
next Hunday.
Dr. V, C. Xegu, of Alhuny, won In
Ivclintioti Wednesday. IK" cams In
uimwcr to a cull to remove u tumor.
Ming Fadic Starr, of Dayton, Wash.,
was in town the firnt of the wwk vis
iting. he vu the guest of Mr.
fmilit'o family.
Owen South and Eva Crahtrec were
married lant Huuday at the residence
of tho hrido' parents, ahout ten niilos
-ant of this place.
A young man named Story died at
the tarni of It, C .Miller, ahout four
mile south of town. lie took a relapse
of the la grip.
Two prino-ero, Frauk Uyron and
ShihuvI Newton, eeaped from the jni!
at Salem Sunday night. A reward of
$."0 each in oflVred fr their capture.
A diMriet teaehcrV institute for the
oountic" of Linn, Marion, Folk, Yam
Mil and Tillamook will 1 held in
Albany on March 13, 14 and 15.
Our goods reach us direct from the
manufactory and every pair of our
Itootsand ahoca are fully warranted.
When j-ou need any boot or alioc look
over Montagues large new utock.
Married, on December 18, by Rev. L.
Case, at the residence of the bride'
parents, Mr. M. Sheridan Ik-Ilinfrer
and Mis Maggie M. Brun, all of Linn
county, Oregon.
Just M we go to pree I wo learn that
Mrs. J. Shay, of Sweet Home, died
yesterday morning. We also learn
that a great deal of sickness prevails
.in that neighborhood.
J I. R. Borum has refilled his hath
rooms. This is a preat convenience
to the ptiUlie, and Mr. Bornm deserves
great credit for the admirable manner
in which he conducts his business.
( The to grippe has shown a marked
rlccfeaie in our town for the last few
da.'. Jt accmt to us hat aueh a down
pour of rain as wc have witnewd this
week is enough to put a quietus to
Dr. I. W. Starr, w ho moved to Alba
ny a short time ago and purchased a
half interest In the City Drug Store,
hits sold out to George Stanurd, and
bought Stamird's drugstore in Drowns
vllle, vheru he will reside.
S. I Bueh, of Salem, has ojiened
store in the old atand of Feebler
liuhl. He has put In a fresh stock of
groceries, gc nt's furnishings, et', anl
has undoubtedly come to stay. Sec his
ad. lu auothvr part of this paper.
Dr. Frank Matchett returned from
St. Louis, where he had been to com
plete hi medical course. He w as one
of the unfortunates who were detained
by the Know blockade. We have not
learned w here he Intends to locate.
Something new for Lebanon was a
tramp, on last Saturday, who gently
tapped us on the shoulder and asKed
for a supper, and wc, being of a phi
lanthropic turn of mind, of course
gave it to him.
From statements made in clipping
from a California paper sent us we
see that 0''cil Rros. are making ar
rangements to soon bring a large por
tion of their pajjermill plant here.
Those who have been awaiting so
anxiously the coming of the paper
mill will soon see wonc commenced
on it.
Lebanon's Board of Trade meeting
on last Monday evening wag some
thing for the citizens to be proud of,
for a large per cent of the citizens
were present, and they demon
strated beyond a doubt that they
meant business. On next Monday
i yeuing the Board meets again and a
largo attendance is expected, as busi
ness of vital importance is to be trans
acted. Articles of incorporation for
the Lebanon Canal will bo agreed
upon, o let one.and all be in attend
Dr. Peterson Is able to be out again.
Miss Ollie Wassoni is dangerously
Oh my! the wind never blows In
Oregon, so they si y.
We notice several who have lccn on
the slckllst able to bo out again.
Several new additions to Lebanon
arc to be layed Vff as soon us the
weather will permit.
Lebanon needs a good bakery and a
tailor shop, Roth of the above could
do well during the coming, spring and
F. M. Miller has rented tho rm
over Hacklemrn'a, formerly occupied
by Tin Kxi'KKss, where ho Intends
uioviug his law office soon.
On last Sunday afternoon Rev. J. R.
Kirkpitrick offered his resignation as
pastor of the V. P. Church at this j
place for the present. His reason was
partly on account of the work he has
undertaken at Seattle, but principally
on account of his health.
James O'Brien, who robbed the Cot
tage drove poetofflee of ten dollars,
and attempted to blow open tho safe,
plad guilty In V. 8. Court at Portland
hist Wednesday, January 22, and was
fined one hundred dollars and sentenc
ed to eighteen months in the peniten
tiary. Treadling in the M. E. Church next
Sunday at 11 o'cloc on the .subject of
Missions. The pastor very much de
sires all members to be present, and all
who are not members are cordially in
vited to attend. At 7 r. M a program
will le rendered on the subject by
mcmljcrs of the Sabbath school, which
we hope none will fail to hear. Let
there be general rally for missions.
An Ellensburg paper says snow on
the mountain ranges and in the valley
of the Columbia Is reported deeper
than for many years past, and cattle
arc dying by the hundreds. The snow
In the Dig Bend is I we feet deep, and
on the mountain from three to six feet.
About .1000 head of cattle are still on
the range; the streams are froxen over;
there Is nothing for them te eat, and
unless tbey sre rounded up and driven
out averyons of them will die.
Our homely but strong friend will be
appreciated In time as a medicine, and
if agriculturist would tur-.i their at
tention to raising a model onion, with
the utrong scent taken out of it, families
would be throwing pill to the dogs,
and the doctors would turn their atten
tion to onion farming. Said a doctor :
"J always store a barrel of onions in
my cellar during tho fall. We have
them twice a week, and If any one of
tho family Is threatened with a cold
that party eat onion raw. If this
vegetable were generally eaten there
would be no diptheria, rheumatism,
gout, kidney or stomach trouble."
The immense quantity of snow that
hn fallen, particularly in the moun
tains, during the winter, will make the
advent of spring awaited with no little
curiosity, if not solicitude. What will
happen when those huge snow-drifts
al'gin to melt away is a question that
is susceptible of exciting Interest. It is
probable, however, that the only result
will Ixt the continuance of high water
In the rivers, creeks and smaller
stream further into the summer than
usual, and the abundance of water for
all purjMtses. Heavy falls of snow in
the uiotintain usually contribute t
the prosperity of tho people and are
rather to be desired than feared.
The loy or girl who Is a regular
newspajHjr reader will grow up in in
telligence, and will use good language
iu speaking or writing. It is new,
science, literature, grammar, history,
geography and spelling combined.
The local paper 1 the first to attract
the children's attention Incidentally
they first read of some local event
which came under their observation.
Becoming regular readers of tho local
matter they soon branch off into the
affairs of tho world, read the general
news, and finally become competent
to discuss matters of public intercept
and are useful and intelligent citizens.
The operation of tho new jury sys
tem adopted by the two Dakota will
be Watched with considerable interest
throughout the country. It is the first
attempt to test In a modified form the
Prussian system which permits a ma
jority of a jury to. rcndei a verdict in
criminal cases, the punishment being
scaled from the maximum in propor
tion to tho number voting for the ver
dict. Tliiw is a departure in the Hue of
reason and common sense which com
mends itself. If this method is eupple
meated by making intelligence a qual
ification of Jurors, it can hardly fail to
work aatlaftctorlly;
F. J. Hell, who was arrested at Oak
land and brought to Albany by Chief
of Police Hoffman on a charge of poly,
pa my, was arraigned in Justice Hum
phrey's court Monday morning.
His wife, who resides at Roseburg,
also F.llen Heard, of Tangent, a grass
widow, whom he married about four
weeks ngo, appeared in court. Bell did
not attempt to deny his crime and
waived examination. He was held to
await the action of the grand jury, his
bonds being placed at 2000. In de
fault of this amount he was lodged in
Bell said In court that his name was
Frank John Bell, although his name
In the marriago license was given as
Frencis P. llell. He aeems to have
made a profession of marrying one
woman after another, and had letters
In his possession from women in vari
ous portions of the country In answer
to advertisements of hi inserted for
wives. He is one of the most nublush
lug scoundrels ever brought into
court, and ought to have hied himself
awav to Utah long ago. He is now
well on his why to the penitentiary.
Died, on the 25th day of January, 1890,
at 8weet Home, Linn county, Ore
gon, Dr. J. N. Gilbert
This is a sad blow to our community.
The doctor bad won the esteem of the
people his genial and amiable manners
and Christian deportment, as well as
by proving himself a master of hi pro
fession. His advent among us was
hailed with joy, as w e had long felt
the need of a resident physician. He
was soon busy ministering to the sick
and afflicted, and in his anxiety to
relieve the suffering exposed nimself
to the late stormy weather almost day
and night, and was stricken down
himself, and after a few day of suffer
ing; yielded to the stern messenger
The news of his death shocked the
whole neighborhood. So one was ex
pecting it. It was hard to believe.
The funeral services were held in the
Evangelical church at this place, where
many cougrgated to have one last
look at the one whom they had learned
to resject. The tears that flowed so
freely testified in silent but unmistak
able language of the high esteem in
which he was held by this people. He
leaves a wife and child to mourn his
loss. Thin excellent Christian lady is
deserving the sympathy of this entire
community. A Fhiejcd.
' A bill htpi just been introduced in
congress requiring one-half of all in
ternal revenue taxes collected in oach
state to be turned over to its treasurer
for state purposes.
This is a move in the right direc
tion. If the federal government is de
termined not to repeal the internal
revenue laws, but to perpetuate that
corrupting and demoralizing system,
whether the republicans or democrats
are In power, then by all means, a the
government is collecting nnnuall more
than a hundred millions in excess of
expenditures, let a portion f this
fund be handed over to the states from
which It is collected, to go Into the
state treasuries, and to that extent
relieve the people. In most state the
federal government collects annually
about one million and a half more
thau enough to pay all state and coun
ty taxes. If the federal government
will nut stop collecting this tax under
any clreu instances, surely it cannot
refuse to return to the states a portion
of v. hut it takes from them and can find
no use for.
A Good Cough Syrup.
There is nothing parents should be so
careful about as selecting a cough syrup.
Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup costs no
more than the cheap and Inferior nos
trum's thrown upon the market. The
best is none too good. Be sure and get
Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup, Wo keep
it on hand at all times. M. A. Miller,
What a Fortune
Is a good healthy, pearly skin. Few
are aware of the short time it takes for
a disordered liver to cause blotches on
the face, and a dark greasy skin. One
bottle of Begg's Blood Purifier and
Blood Maker will restore this orgxn to
its natural and healthy state, and
cleanse the blood of all Impurities, It
is meeting with wonderful success.
We guarantee every bottle. M. A.
Miller, Druggist.
Rev. J. O. McClurkin, an Evangel
ist minister of ihc C. P. Church, of
California, is expected at this place tu
hold a meeting in the near future,
Ilackleman has
, Kftt the genuine lUiesian
i I
-.'.?i!.,-.?j-f!""' l AlC Wjj.V.
fill the demand with tho best goods, either Eastern or West
ern, made.
Kvcrything in thoShoe line from '
The Cheapest to the Best. Our Sales During
Come and see us. Next to the Bank.
Lebanon. - - - - - - Oregon.
We have opened a New Store
Peebleu & Buhl's Old StaxD-,
And wish to announce to the people of
Lebanonon and vicinitv that
Give us your support, for we intend to
stay among you. We have a good and
fresh stock of
Canned Goods of all Kinds, Confection
In fact, everything that ca
be found in a first-class
Grocery StorE.
A First-Class Line of Gent's Furnishing?
We Sell Only First-Class Goor
Produce taken in exchange fo
Goods. Give us a call and sect
E. G. Beardsley.
Furms ami City I'rojxrty for Bale,
r. (). Hox 841.
Money To Loan.
Money to loan tt ft low rato rntc f
interest, on good farm property in
Linn County, or on let city property
inAHmny. Apply to JMaekburn and
Writflit, Albany, Oregon.
got the Grip ! ! !
grippe, but the Grip on tho
Hoot and shoe business kot,
tho city. How did he get it ?
We will tell you hpw? by
keeping the best goods at the
right prices. Now there is
no one who can dispute it
successfully but what; such
goods as the W. L. Douglas
lines for Men and Boys,
Hough fe Ford's Ladic's Fine
Shoes, and William'-. 1 Toyt
Go's, for Children, is tho
best in tho United Statos..
Wo realize tho fact thero
area great many Boots and
Shoes used in this vicinity,
..... ...... A. 11.. 1 4,.
VT'iTK'K 1 hiTchy frlvt'ti Hint In coiiip
i thi' provi-iun nt' the uf in' rmirrc
t7, viitilli'd "An act lor tli ilo m t :
in tlu KliiU'xun 'iiltl'urriu, ( m i
Wiu.hltijli n Tt'irilnry,"
of Portlaiul.eumily il'Mulliiiimiih.-lut
hah tills day tiled in (liU :i.c,i ;t;t (
nu'tit No. I",:, for till' piiicliiiH' nt lot
c'ii of ni'!4 1't'M'i'tl'm 4. 'I'l. I'J 8 of ! ! ,
oli ; praoftiHiow Hint tiu iiiml oi. .
viiIimMc for ItHliialii r or Ktnni' than f
ii! iiiirprw, ami to cstulilisli lii Haiti
lielotv tho Ri dytiT iitul H'''''tViT i!
Ori'iroi) city, On win, on I'riilny, ln
April, lw.Ki.
Ho numi'mi u Mnof-scio .lolin P. ,r,
rt Finliy ami V'lHimn Huckiiliav,
Orc.-un, and I,. I Tnu-k, (it Tai-oiiiii
Any mill n permim Wnimim' n
iiliovo-ili'M'rlUil liiinih urt' ri'ii Heft, 'i
I'litimx In lliif unicc on or Mom str .
April; IWO.
J. T, Aeraiso