The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, January 31, 1890, Image 5

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    m' a ll-Knwn Firm nf Kan
Kl'HH'l' ll'a) UI0II.
' .it'Ho testimonial are constantly com
ft lo the elllceif the proprietor of Iho
rn. reined v mi nun li l iikIiIikat ii:i:w
Vvely ft purely vcKi'Ulile medicine I lint In
warranted lo do tbe work ii la ao vertised
to do. V or mile by all drngglsta.
Sierra C'htmiral Co., tJH4 Mimtitm Street,
tutu rraneuwo. t'ul.:
(iKN'ii.KMKN: My partner and myself
purchased one dozen lioltlea of your
treat nierra money una Liver i.ure. we
have taken lr audi to our aurprlMe And
there ia one first-class remedy that act-
dally does the work it In advert! -ed to do.
AN'e Join In Kivincr the Uhkat Sikhka
Kidnkv am Liver Vuuk the highest
recommendation, and woull advise all
that aw debilitated in any -av t elva It
a trial, a we liave done. Very respectr
fully your.
100 California ntreet, -an KranclMco.
Think not of doing aa you like; tneeapreaslmi
characterise the headstrong, the nnjuxt. Do aa
you ought to (lo. It It a golden precept.
Meal Mala MaqaM,l.WO Kach!
Thil la a great offer. Just Imagine th army
of ladice that will best aw the store until th
laat eauqtie ii gonelf die baraalu is ftvr
ottered. Hut now niucn more womlerrui an
opportunity In that presented to every tiiiH'.n--inic
woman by Mm proprieiors of Or. I'lerue'l
favorite proscription. Thin remedy in a
IfiutraiUtrit cure It. all those riis ruasing all
inants p Miuliur to Hi weaker so. It is guar
anteed that if U doe nut effect a cur money
will be refunded. It ii oareiully ixniip mulled
by an experienced and skillful phyididaii, and
adapted to woman' delicate or.-aiilzullon. It
is purely vegetable In its noinpusitioii and iwr
fecily haruneae in iu effueis in any condition
ol the ayau-m. and ia sold under a piuitinr
ffuiinuttn nf satisfaction in every cam, or
money paid for it refunded.
A fool ia always wishing time away, while the
wise raau is always fii v I n K It.
Fear Maaaaliy !
The oonunon I. it bj one of sorrow ear at leant
the pessimist, -they who look at the wurat
aide t'ortainly what would otherwise I a
bright existence ia often shadowed by Kiiue
ailment that overhamn it Ilka a pall, objur
ing perpetually the radiance that elxs would
light the path. Huch an ailment, and a very
common one, is lierTousnuaa or In Otlier wors,
weakness of the nervous system, a condition
only irremediable whre nit-tfli-mii t or lui
proper means kre tnkeii to relieve it. The con
current eienoioe of ncrvoiia people w ho hare
peraMlcntly used Hosteller's ittoniaoh Kilters
is. that il conquer ntirely mipereiiit'TeiiM
of the nervaa. ae well a dineaiiet - ao culled
which are inviMd a"d nuitMiied by their
rtiron e weaknemi. Al the nerve ;ain atamina
from th ' Kreat tome the trouble HHHiontn.
(' the Hutent for malaria. rheumatUm, bil
loimneiw and kidney troubiea.
"Refer Ii It," nay old Kiiller, "to Ian niie'n
pottuiie like a don than to eat It mannerly a lib
a (piio-i "I the ili'vit'i givlim."
If a man could tw eoiiHcioiui of all that I anid
of him In hir alwi'iK'e, he would probably he
eoine a vitv inodcul niMii, Indeed.
Ilulidaja are (eailiiK.
Hare noveltien, hIhih's and artinl.ic 1m
j M'ted olfucrahic and chromatic rarda.
lerj; and beaut if ill I'oilection aent. by
,ia;l u anyone wh" will do ttiia: Buy a
box nf ibt KrtO''iue Pr. ' MrLitie'e tVle
liratid Liver I'iIIh, prh :f rent,, and mail
ni the ouu de wrapier nh ciur addreaH,
iiImuIv written. at;d 4 c nu iu ttiatnp.
We in ill then mall you me above lint with
an eleifiuil package of u'eurapuic cardu.
I'lemtiiK rlroe., 1'ittnlmrjrh, I'a.
The i eioieliy of growth In that wbii'h. more
tlmu a v'hiiiK vine, ditlUKUlhei one miiiillroai
auolii' -r.
SI KK tlHK OK fllvKN.
hare rare lor blind, bleeding and ItrhtuR Fllea.
One box bai cured tb wont ( of teu yean'
taudiUR. No one need luifer ten mluuten alter
tumor, allay the iU'hiux. aeta ai a poultice,
alvea relief. Dr. Klrk'i Gorman file Oiutmeut
il prepared ouly for Pikei and itrhlui? of the
private parti, aud nothiuf elie. JCvery box ii
Warranted . ..
mild by DrucKlit and lent by mail on receipt
of price, 11.00 tier Itox. J. J. Mack Co., Whole
sale Ageuta, ban Frauciaro.
Forrontlwtion or Mi Headache, niie Dr.
Ilurcee i'olleta; purely Vegetable. One a
Thoae who nae Dnbbina' EU-lric Soap
each week, iaiut their name ia Ugion) nave
thsir clotlicH and treiiKlh. and lettbeaotrp
do the work. Did yov ever try itf If not,
-ro ao next Monday aurr. . tik your grocer
Most great works are eniompliaped slowly.
Wereconiiiie'id 4 Tatmiira Punch" Cigar.
No etiK-rtHliim mi Ik io cheap a reading, nor
auy plt-anure o iuhHiik.
TKV Gkkmi' for breakfait.
Charlextou. S. C, ia at length to go
into Hie aliip buiUlittg industry. A com
pany tiiia len incorporated for businesa
and the tiniiii-y it raised. Sum II count
wim vetai'lM will be first built; then, if
the enterprise U eucceaaful, laryer ont:a.
It is lo be hupi'd the new industry will
be entirely Kiicct'smful, as it will give em
ployment ti a huiuIkt more eopleiiilhi8
crowded n ,ilJ, In our generation the
beuefaotorol :he race ia he who gives if
new industry. At Charleston the aouth
crn live oak und pine, the cheapest auJr
beat material for ahipbuiMuig in tin
Union, can lie manufactured into thij
woodwork of veaaele almost on their na
tive ground. Ships oulit to be built
more cheaply at Charleston than they
are farther mirth. Labor in the u.mtli ir
much chcajier
Professor Oarrick Mallery, of Wash
ington, has l-een lookiug into t lie grounds
for the belief that the American Indians
are the descendants of the lost tribes of
Israel. Me finds tltiere are no reasonable
ground for hucu belief, although there
is a certain similarity of customs between
the Indians and the most ancient Isruel
hofi. Hut the principal reason why, in the
judgment of Professor Mallery, the In
dians cannot be descended from the lost
tribes is tlmt these tribes were never lost
at all, but were scattered and absorbed
in other peoidi-a.
From Profeaeor J. P. Looney, Principal
Fulton Publlo School, in Favor
tit Drs. Drrln.
t)r. pitrrln Have a Jlrnwh flfflft in Titenma.
Editor Oregmianittikn Pir: I am not
in the habit of putting ad vrlisinK doctors,
but 1 cannot let thUopportuniiy pasa with
out mention, in Juatic to the aillicted as
well am Dr. Durriu. Tbe doctor has cured
me of a troublOKomu catarrh and bron
chitis of seven year' standing, by elec
tricity and medicine. The cure ia perfect
and permanent. I cheerfully lecommeiid
Iim treatment.
Fulton, dr., January ii, 189U.
There aomnihuu about the aueceaa
Drs. liarriti are meeting with which ia
truly hard to credit, yet we have it from
persona whoae veracity we cannot doubt,
that their cures are remarkable. The
above caae ia D-cullarly striking. Pro
fesaor Looney ia a man of undoubted in
tegrity and well known throughout the
state a d nation. The above card to Dm.
Diirrin la positive proof of the unexampled
siicee-is which atteuda their treatment. It
ahowa how radical aa well as unexpected,
are many of their cures, and how chroulo
diseaaes of many yearV duration are un
able to resist their skill, and ia but one of
the many caaea which the doctors have un
dertaken, auu ia only one of the scores of
pat enta to whom they have restored
health. The author if the abjve ata e
nieut, we have tull assurance in Haying,
waa act u tied in nubliahiiiK tbe same by no
other motive than gratitude for hia cure
and a deaire to make known the meana to
others aa unfortunate as himself. W hen
we reflect what a great b on ia health -when
we consider that without it the
slightest approach tohappineaa la impos
sible that it ia. in ahor. the irrea est
earthly Uleaaing can we be otherwise than
Immeasurably surprised to nun anyone
who baa lost ihia great treasure, and yet
hesitates to follow a plainly denned path
lead ice to its recovery t To see a sick man
or woman neglect or refuse to visit Dra.
Damn, who may do bimorheraomeRood,
and cannot do harm, ia equally aa iuex-
nlioahle a mystery, try them, at all
events, common aenae would suggest. A
eonamtaiion will coat you nothing. The
dortora could nil Oils page with respon-
ible certificates, but tlictr fame is ao wide
spread it ia unnecessary. -Uregonian.
Ilra.ltarrln'a rw flare af Itaaloeaa.
Dra. Darrin can be con ulted fr at the
Washington tmildiiiK. corner of Washing
ton and Fourth street- Portland, and Hotel
Gondolfo, Tacotna, Wash. Offi e hours,
from 10to4o'c'o k daity;evening, 7to8:
Sundays, 10 to 12. All curable chronic
diseae, loss of manhood, blood taints,
syphilia.gleet, gonorrhoea atricture.aperm
auirrhuet, seminal weaknea, or loss of
denre ofseiual power, in man or woman,
catarrh and deafness, are confidentially
and mice awfully treat'', ("urea of private
diseases guaranteed and never published
in the papers. Moat cases can receive
home treatment aftr a visit to the doc
tor'a oflice. Inquiries answered and cir
culars aent frea. (Parties writing will
please mention paper.)
Kweeter than ebaritv. nolhlnx wirmertlian love,
i..t...- 41.-.. l.rli.V,,,.
tlmu virtue, noiiiLug inote teadiii't than in ill)
I'r,.,.ii.l no dlwase l-iflict no miieh ceatiu
,oit pm n KheuniRl ini. liver no tiiiule -oiu-
iainl ia Pr. Pavid Keuiiedy's Faroe-te Kem
dy, of Koinloin, N. V., won more cur than
.iH-nii allmu. I.y Itn ne the nilr...u patient
u on. e more u-e bli llniaii anUli-eed from at.l
year i psin.
Mr. Frank St lit, a well-known merchant of
Mew llsii biiri!, N. Y., kkv: "I mtlVri-O tortures
(mm rit ,;! K-ieinmtitii. My ease waa a very
bad on.;, ami none of the ineaiii lakeu gave nie
-i-lii-f. i nie Dr. liavid Ki'iiu-.siy's Favorite
Item- i;,t Koiiiliiut. S. V.. am -.itirely rid of
verv n' nil t'liu o( my trouble, tluly turee bot
le iuouKin aiK'Ul ibis wonderful n-Milt. It has
built me up snd been of Kieal beuetit to nie iu
tWrwayi. 1 u.-artlly recounueud it to other
l)a. Ki- nnkdVi Favoriti Rrxeuy, made at
KeiiUoui, X. V. H; t; fortu.
wild for hook, bow to cure Kidney, Liver and
HiiMKl dlixirdem.
The only Icjfltlroate amter is a boty emotion
directed aiiaiiud au unholy tblug. biu, notour
ueittubor, uiiint lie its object.
It nit MttlNtv oitr ow n eoitieieiice. and tronble
not ourselves Iiv looklna fur fame. If we de
serve it we Khali b- aiu to it, il we deserve it uot
we ran uot force ii.
Sufferers r w tpi-orally awars that then di
isea are rontaiiii'A. er ttiat tiier ara dua to tli
preuoot!lMiii;1irn-iUuin the liqiDff nienihrani
( tbe now anil -y:..(ai tunn tubi-v. Microscopic r-
war?h, however, ha roied thm to 'w a fat, and tin
rtsult lthtaini;le remwiy l..u" 'jkoii furmulatxi
where ij.rthek diitrcsslng dineaix -i 4r rapidly and
penjianently enreu 'i: from one to tnree simple ap-
I'llcauou m:e at Hume t.v tin paiiMii ouee iu vo
weaka A pameiilet exuliuniny tlii new treaunent
iascnt free on aenlication bv A. II. IMyoii A Hon.
M7 and 8SD West h uig 8t, Toronto, t'u J't Sou-n-
tJlc Amermn.
Kiperine iu bUHina s teaches a man that
too many debtors don't nay.
I'resrk Tusay tafei-a ate the lleat.
Dr. Llvinifston'a Tany Wafers for the
retratlcin of auppreshed menses nkvdk
fail w he.i 1 he directions upon the box
are etri- t,.y observed.
The J j. . -y aferis cannot be oomcht at
drug stores, so don't allow yourself to lie
imposed upon bj spurious and weaa imi
tat ions of Ur. Li vlugstou's French '1'ansy
Wa'era, and rememlier that the genuine
can only be obtained fnm us, so it you do
not want to lie disappointed send 2! in a
regietered letter or postofflce order to the
I.iv illusion Chemicai Company, Portland,
Oregon, and a box will be aeiit by return
mail securely sealed from the eyes of in
quisitive people, to your address.
oil! here hath la-en dawnhiir another blue day,
Think, wilt thott let It slip useless away ".
W Cur v'
ripen t SiulOO. In Vain.
Warusa. lud., Aug. 52. 18S8.
1 "(Tered all ' ' i" with P"in and t-.n'nt
f'.yf). on doctors w -tmut ii'tlei; two or three
appiiciiliousol'.--.t. . u.:oU Gil relieved inc.
At rIM i" - ANIi flKAI.RHI.
THE CHARLES A. '. .XtXR CO.. Baltiaiait. Mtf.
Its uierorVx(illeiioe proven In nilllioniiof boniea for
3 ore Uimi nurter(.( a oentnry. It Is u"d tiy the
I 'lilted (Slat) Govemiu 1 KnilorMtd hyi the headt af
the Great llnlveniltini as th 8'mnriwt. Purem and
niiist Heklth'ul Dr Prlre'sOream Kskins Powder dnas
aotooutain Ammonlii,I.hiieoT Alnm. Sol I only la euis
irgB ViTartt Pmitrlrtionk of
turn 0nirDin vcaioa1 jemak
In the world, h umm) St them Id
the RiwpltkU of Loaiim, thdi.
Berlis sisl Vienna.
fob own
Bro. I Curas Catarrb, Ua; Fever.itoae
Cold, Catarrhal Iwntness.
Ho, 3 Congba, Colds, bronehlHs. Asth
ma, ConBumption. APeerlessBemedy.
Ho, 8 Bheturnatlam, OouU
Ho, 4-Wsr ts XdiiBTra,Dy8persia,ln.
dujestion, Consti pation, bnpli to Disease.
I?o. 6 rever and AgoeDamb Agoe,
Ualaria, Neuralgia.
No. 0 Femala WijJcneaB, lrregnlarl-
ties, Wnites. AGoiuealUiUJedy.
Ho. 7 A Perfect Tonio, which wfvea
bealtb, Form and I uilnerfS, Clear Co
plexion. Good Wood and lota of it.
No. 8 KervouaDetiUty,LoBflof Power
Irmiotencp.nn ireopi"er.-il)le remedy.
l-.vexr tjitie Riikrjtri efii to curl
:tnii:ud d,--ellCriuni.E ind
to fii pc.-n: iient rcljtf ALWAYS.
Iifipriuve Circ:ilar ent free on
aT-plkatioa. H61IrAt1 ThABlf
COlll'AN If, Toronto, Cc()- O
I'r.eie lleaas an Tobaeeo.
Vou can't fool dis chile wid your trashto
backy. I smoke Ska I, and don't you forxetit
nni..l.uM that I, f Vt II i ,l IT tb&t
makes smoke, is good enouich to go Into a pipe.
Tbe j will find by a little enperienc that there
is a vaei aineremie in emotting i ooaccos. iu
h-. t.u l- . , .... V . .t.-r.r f-Lf.t, i v . mm,iH t-ml wilt
1.1 J cbai. yjm v". . v..."..' jvm .....
aee tbe difference between it and the imitations.
For ianuary.
THIS is the wk"ioii of year we look over Ht ck
lo see what can be spare I. We Und Ho
Knee J'unta. Cotton ide, but biter to wear
than poor wool, 4 years. -" eta.: 9 aiul in yearn.
iQ i ts.: veiy few of other sizes. Hoys' Corduroy
rMiit. 5 to", fhort pant-". X.7"i; s'?w a lo lit, at
ta.W): and 11. 12 sod la forj.i I bey are (food
lor Hie money. Man' :eaiiii-r l'a u for3
that we euirht to get $1 riKol hIohk. but some
sixes are none aim e want to cIom up the lot.
Then we have Coiii iihiIm Pains, for men as
low as 2.1 eta. a pair, n.ey are not very aeon,
but at (I to 1.25 neoeera ki-iim ne article 'or
everyday or common Sunday wear. Striped or
i'Uid Ci.evoit ehirl-i as low as.'ii cte., andai
40, fiU and tin c.ts , ucuonliiiK to siae and quality,
iuChililre s CiKlerneni', red, Krey and white,
lime i itreat variety, snd at prices tlmt
wotild surprise anyone, lied or Grey Wool half
i lose for men, all size-, at 25 cent, or l (iO per
duzen: we never bad their equal before. In
something to eal we otl'er dry Nectarines,
I lui urn a, irunes. Apples. Fiuma Grapes, 1 igs,
as low as 5 ci. a nount.. and some at teas; we
would like you to irvthem. In Canned Good
f can beat the e- ri in piiee and quality. In
Syrups by the ba, rut. Jtlc's. Rallon is ttie lowest
for a xood hi ml.-, i . ni.iiie Mb pie ejuirar, a bit;
lot at l.'icti. a pound: we want you tony it.
Hut write for our January list: it contains
iiiMiiv iiaWAburL'ains, and samplea will be
mailed treerAdilrew.. SMITH'S CASH STOHK
4 IS Front St., .Sail Frs .icisi o, Cat.
It is Palatable as l!ilk.
It is three times as efficacious rs
plain Cod Liver Oil.
It is far superior to all other co-
It is fei -feet Imulsicn, does not
separato cr change,
.'i is wjrderfd as a fioch producer.
Ii is the best remedy for Consunp-
Tien. Ccrofula-, Eronchitis, wast
Ing riiioa Chronic Co
KM by all JVH((,-;r
can be mads
us. Again
preferred Who cau furulah a boraa and Rtvs Ihelr
Wtiol Um to the o ualnens. Hunt mom en us may bs
protitaliljremplo.Taa alao. A few vacancies In tuwni
Hidcitlea B. r. JuMNSON Co., UK AtainSU,
fclchnionil, Va-
N U. Pleat itota or and buiw.$n trwrUw.,
Ktver eifttd about itwatnf llamj; for ryly, M.I.
J. Co.
rtjiqk de cle M.-AlfQ
nut) doan knpu) is y t)
uilAto (--r'
are the
mnut prmliietlvs snd yt I1 laivant crop
PR'.'C KeniiUfiil eu.ilorie won WO ioiiatmtlona
riiLW aiailct to tiny aiiili-eaa uiam applkiaLitin.
a iiaekiitM ii'ioi i rt.wer mihum, lOcen'a. Paiwlea.
IlulMlm, Antora.Sweiit IVaa, I'luoxea, I'oliliif-neto.
a annually. La L. MAY ft CO., A
H..1.1. ..a a..,i..u a. r tut i aiiii '
siwisw Mi urevaairai awvasf a.
fi It M KKa, AI'TttVriOS t
Do you want to Mull or lilt v a harm 1 Write to
us. Owners and MansK i- o- Fropertv, At
tention ! The POKI I.AN!) L A Ml CO. ad
vertise In HI newspapers in the United Stales,
snd are therefore ll.e people to handle city and
addition property. It will pay ou to corres
pond with us. Loans made on Kaiin and City
The above Picture Kcprttentt
Master of M Steaislilj Kanawk
About a year ago be observed a Strang
change In hia feelinga. He felt tired in
stead of vigorous: nervous instead ot
strong. Bis appetite became poor and his
sleep broken, lie tried to overcome these
feehnps, but they would not go. Ho then
noticed pains and irritation in the water
channels, and that the fluids passed were
often thick and witb a scum on top or a
brick-duct sediment at the bottom. AU
these were the sure symptoms of that fear
ful diseage, t'starrh of the ll-adder, which
has always been considered incurable, and
they continued until the Captain was fa
a terrible condition. But he is the picture
of kealth and vipor to-day, and be ones
It entirely to that wonderful medicine,
Hunt's Kemedy. CapL Greenwood says:
"I ara so certain of the great value of
Hunt's Remedy, that I alway carry a sup
oly on shipboard for the uses of my men,
and I prescribe it whenever they are ailintr.
After cunngmeas it did, and restoring mj
wife, (whom the beet physicians of New
York said was dvfng of tumor,) to perieet
health. I swear by it."
This Great Remedv imtolnlety eerei U
Ki'tuey, Liver s nd Urinary HiseieHM. -
Q for 8a Ia by all leale.-f.
C. N. CKITTESTOX, General Agent,
lt5 I'nltou SU, Jf. Y.
tmm I ft aH)Ala ta Ita ffunl' Bmtd$ Cm. ft
N. P. N. U. No. 321 S. F. N. U. No. 3! 8
fill n
' .'.V. ' '
1f-.f 1. hi' Ji .
A pB-serpent, 103 feet lono;, covered with silvery, shining scales, and having
embryo winjrs on its shoulders, was seen to coil itself up in slippery folds on the
coast of Florida last month. Three reliable persons saw this creature distinctly.
Alter rolling and twisting its bulky form around on the beach for a few minutes,
it slipped oft into the water and disappeared in the east, followed by a path of
fofii.i which could be seen for an hour afterwards.
Reader. the almvn if a" yarn." Il people
would iieiieve tin 'oilnwhnr truthful state
ment as readily a t'iy swallow sea-setient
stories, it uo u.l Le the means of saving
tUoiiHi iii ; vi l.v w. The statement which
ve iiesire t rHke in the, most emphatic
ra t i.Ti', is, that ir. Piorce's Golden Med
jiai Discoerv, i feiken in time and given
.i !a.'r tiiri. ivin actuully cure consumption
of the in.ife.-., which is really scrofulous dis
ease of the lungs. If this wonderful medi
cine don't do ail we recommend, when taken
as directed, we will cheerfully and promptly
return all money paid for it. Can any offer
lie more generous or fair f No other medi
cine! oussessea sufficient power over that
fatal malady --Consumption, to warrant its
Btlwi'TOMH OI' CATAHBH. Headache, obstruction of nose, disobargea
liillii'K into throat, soinctinics profuse, wutery, and acrid, at others, thick,
ii necii'ii;,. oiiicniis. ntiriilent. liloodv und mitrid: eves weak, riniriua in our
17 T3s
if " ' doafnes. I'i'Pculty of cliHring throat, exiiectorution of otfensTve niattor;
f liicatli iit'i-nsive; smell und tugto iinpaircil, and general debility. Only a
V ,t;-h. , frfw o, tliiw syiniit'iing likely to be present ut once. Thousands of eases
v rwult in consumption, inin end in tbe grave.
Hy lis mild, soothimr. antiseptic, elen using, and liealinir propertli-g, T)r. Sage's Remedy
cures the worst cusrs. This inlnllilili- rciuody docs not, ike the poisonous irritating sun Hh,
"creams" and strong ciiuMic solmioiie which the pulilio liuve long bii-n liiiniliiiggod,
simply psiliiifc for a abort time, or drirc I he. iliiteiw. In the limy, as tlicio is danger of doing
in the use of such nostrums, but ft rniUirfn perfect and riii;tnciit euro of tlio
ta'orst cascw of Cliroiiic I'uuirrlt, us lhoiis,-inds ciui testify. ":ld ill I lie I lend '
incur"-! with a few applications, (.stliiii Uul llcuduclio is relieved und uurcd as if by
liiiiitte. Hj- drut;B'toi 00 oeta.
A HKA!N.nablnr. Itoo-
"iah I'lanns;Rurdottiiyans. Hand Instrunienta.
LarKcst slock of Hheet Aliisloaiid Hooks. Hands
aiiiplld at KaHiurn lrioes. MATTHIAS
OKAY CO- 2Utl fosl 81 rent, Man Fiauoisco.
i preaertbe ana luny e.
dome HIh ii as the only
rpeclAa rortlisoflrtaloeura
of this dlNann,
Aaistentam, S. V.
Wa tiavs sold Pig O lor
many years, snd .t bus
ffiven ths bast ot saiis-
1). a. DYCHK A CO.,
Clilcaao. 111.
tl.00. told by Drum lata
ni.U inuou Uismvn itna." "wi
ak Druuulat Air Diamond Brand, U
red, mfinifl lain-i, "Iih With blu i
ry rivirt'ii, nan nsi Bin r f ("-
A in iiudiatwiarit hiiad. nltik wrKmaltrf . Ifl
(lniaj lur mriiuuinia( w'nnu ui"
I.Hlr fr I.HJIut.n Utitr, bj retara
mull. A'ftm hiptr.
are thoas put up by
Who aro ths largest Seedsmen In ths world. 1
D. M. Fcsky & Co s
TT!natr&tml. Detcrintive and Priced
lor i8go will be msiled ruLll to snap-,
pncsnii, ana to list season s customer!,
11 IB oeiicr ever. .ycry perron
tiling l,ardcn, fltnoer er titld
ittii should send tor It. Address ,
Csn be made easy by
raising Chickens. A
large 82-psgo Illustra
tea Catalogue de-.
scribing Incubators,
Brouders, Brooding
Houses, How and
What to Feed, How
long to keep them iu
the Broodur, Drinking
Fountains, Diseases
and their Cure, in fact
more Information
than is given in many
25-cent books. Sent
lo auy address on re-
Vecipt of 2c. stamp.
Wire Netting, Bone
Mills, Bone Meal and
all kinds of l'onltry
Pataluma Incubator Co.. Petaluma, Cal-
The OUtst Mrdicine in the Worltlii frebablf
Thin ariicie la a carelully piepare.1 pusu:ian pre
scription, and bas been in constant life for nearly a
century. There are few dlseaaes to which mankind
are subject more dlatresalug than sore eyes, and
none, perhaps, for which more remedies have been
I rim I without success. For all external Inflammation
of the eyes it la an Infallible rometiy. If the direc
tions are followed It will never fall. We particularly
Invite the attention of fchyaluians to Its merits. For
kale by all uruireixis. .KiHN L. THOMPSON, BOSS
CO.. Taov, X. Y. Established 1W7.
LkI r:mrs wkfnt-' ill hSf IAIIS.
E Trii.HVm ;h Symp. 1 s tea good. Dse rj
f,sJ in t:o:n. Hold livdnwists. f"1
ii,.; -li -IV..' Sl?.4uii.Vtw--i
manufacturers in .lling it under such try
ing conditions. The " Golden Medical Dis
covery" is not only the nioet wonderful
alterative, or blood-cleanser, known to med
ical science, but also possesses superior nutri
tive and tonic, or strenKth-ifiving, propertied
which assist the food to digest and Iiecome
assimilated, thus building up both strength
and flush. For all cases of bronchial, Throat
and Lung Diseases, accompanied with lin
gering coughs, it is absolutely unequaled bji
a remedy. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of
Blood, Huort Breath, Consumptive Niglit
sweuts, and kindred affections, it surpasuos
all other medicines. WoitLti's DiSPKxsaKY
Medical Ashociation. Proprietors, Ho. tkiS
Main (Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
J 1 n TO ft lUTa.j
t'. fOaanaiM m wtf
V.Cri SMaaauiauua.
Kf pr4i)r"b7ifca
1 - u
UJ.',X,JJX t.EI! for an incurable ease of
aiaaMM Catarrh in tha Head by
the proprietors of DR. tAGE'8 CATARRH REMEDY.