The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, January 31, 1890, Image 3

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ncruioi. notes.
Tin- 'om fioiili iit lust week, wonder
ed why Webster ami Marv wi-ro ho
sober; tlx? trtilli of tlio mutter is that
Webster had siicwiJiiiK i.ttncks of llie
'ilii)('," and Maty wiw In one of her
Tlio cnnt-sl fur llio silver cup will
ro!ably not tuko tluiv for sonic four
i p flvt weeks; jho atalomcnt last week
l.i regard to thin wns Iiu'oiwtj
Have till iht friends of tlio school
forgotten ns? UtiiliifT school lin rt wo
Iih ve not' hull vWt from anyone for
Smile tlllH. Li t SOIltC oi'tlll) IKllPOIlSof
the school ;;ill arotmd Mill see w hut wo
Pi' doing.
The "hi grippe" In somewhat? lcsscn
ln?j Its "grip" oh our number. Thin Is
evident from the fact that they are
returning very rapidly.
The grammar class 1m uttionilngqulte
u different appearance of late. Thin In
due to the dilligent effort made by tho
professor to arouse our attention to the
necessity of beeomln,; efficient In this
important hut much neglected brunch
of our public schools.
Although otirncbool in not o large
us It formerly has been, we believe (hut
more Interest is being manifested at
present than nt any other time during
the seslon. The professor spares no
means to make the school a sueoess,
and profitable to nil who attend.
It is certainly too bad about Mr.
Thompson being out of taffy, but such
thins will happen Honietinies. VVc
hoe that a change In regard to this
will soon le brought almtit, as It Is very
necessary that the girls be supplied
witn that very essential commodity
tally. We suggest that Mr. Thompson
lay in a good supply, as miowbIUIcs and
washouts are liable io prevent his re
tiew itig bin stock.
We earnestly solicit ft better attend
ance at our weekly uncial meetings on
Friday night. These meetings aro
Instructive m well us entertaining.
Let all the scholars who are Interested
hi their welfare attend.ns the time will
be well spent.
We acknowledge a visit from Dr.
Iloic on last Friday evening. Let
others do likewise.
1 1 Is true that our facilities for acquir
ing an education arc muck bettor than
those of our fathers better houses,
U tter desks, better textbwks, and lu j
fact superior advantages In almost i
every particular, but our privileges
could be much more Improved. The
tiling that our school most net-ds is a
lil.tntt. i .f nitriA 1 TJ tr OflA trnlllt.MMi illil
we most have It. To tell the truth,our
school Is provided only, besides the
tcxtbooks.with aWebster'sUnabrldged
dictionary, six volumes of Appleton's
Cyclopedia of Aiueiicati liiography,
and a volume of Hhakespcaro, all of
which are private property of the prln
I cipal, except the dictionary. It is
certainly nn absurdity to even think of
a town as largo us Lebanon without a
first-class library. Jow we think it
Would be a good Idea for some of tur
eitizens who make so much blow about
"paper mill" and "Ukjiu" to make a
move toward getting a first-class libra
ry established in connection with our
Motimmoulh Is badly in need of a
barber shop.
The Ladie'a Aid Society made the
Normal schorl a present offSSnot long
A free reading room Is to be estab
lished at the O..K. 8. as soon as the
new building Is completed.
('has. Wood, the shoemaker who
was so injured by a full, is able to be.t
his post again.
Mr. liallard and Mr. Gilmore, of
Washington, and Mr. Miller of Marlon
county, are the latest arrivals as
The Junlwr society gave an os;n
session lust Friday evening, to which
the other four societies received and
accepted Invitations. The societies are
doing good work and are well attend
ed. Monmouth can boast of a salaried
marshal, lie proposes to work every
trump on the ttreets that is caught
Insldejthe city limiis.
The J'olk county teachers Institute,
which wtts to have been held in Dixie
on the Kti) inst. has liven postponed
until tho last Saturday in February.
These meetings are productive ol much
good, as is show:) by the name the
1 'oik county feather hive acquired.
They have had several good supei in
t'lKh'tits during the past lew yen I'm,
among whom the preseut one, Mr.
KeynoMs, dcfcivcs esiicelal mention
f r the un tiring energy manifested in
his work.
"IliM, Joxks."
Pure blood Wyandotte chickens for
sale by It. 8. lioberts.
The school Is progressing nicely,
having an enrollment of thirty-eight.
Miss Hiulth, from near Tallman, and
Mr. Warren Cyrus, of this place, are
attending tho academy. Weexlsnd to
you a hearty welcome and will try to
do you good.
To-night will bo .ipen night at liter
ary. Tho question tor debate is, "Jtc
solved, that a minister of. the gospel
can, consistently, vote tho republican
or democratic ticket," and promises to
lie quite InU'iTstiiis,! s a number of out
siders will be present to speak on the
question. Let all members, mid any
one else who desires to, lw present; we
can have an interesting and lively so
ciety If all the students attend and do
their duty.
We notice Frank Iloss does not lark
for mittens. Well, F., they are good
to have if you did have to go hum
alone. Try it again.
Thespringterin opens next Monday,
I-ebruary 3. To anyone desiring a
good, practical and thorough educa
tion we would advise- them to come to
Bniitlatn Academy.
The la grippe has reduced our nuni
lis somewhat for the past two weeks,
but most of the students are at their
post again.
Cold weather to do without mittens,
Isn't It, Mr. Wallace? No. thank you.
K T. lUNOKti.
The rendleton M O. is responsible
for the following:
A peculiar Incident happened on
John Hummerville's place, north of
town. Sunday. A horse belonging to
a man in charge of the ranch fell down
a well 84 feet deep. He was greatly
excited and endeavored to persuade
George Bhutruin, who lived near, to
assist In extricating the' animal, who
consented. A derrick was procured, a
man lowered Into the well, anda noose
placed around tho horse's neck. It
was then gradually broutrhWo the sur
face and placed on terra llrma. No one
supposed that the animal was alive,
but in about five minutes it surprised
every one by "coining to" and was
soon able to be led to the barn, where
it kicked at s inie men who were rub
bing It down, and exhibited other un
mistakable s,igus of liveliness.
The circumstaaee is regarded as one
of the most peculiar that has ever hap
jK'tied in this or any other country.
The fall would be enough to kill and
mangle any ordinary horse, let alone
bflns afterwards hoisted 84 feet by a
noos9 around the neck. The story
seems almost incredible, but it is
vouched for by men whose veracity Is
lyond question.
Children Enjov
The plcpstuit flavor, gentle action and
soot. lug el'Iecf of Syrup f Figs, whin
in need of a laxative and if the father
or mother be costive or bilious the
uiost gratifying results follow its use,
so that it is tho Inst family remedy
kuown and e very family should !ave a
Cash paid for Produce by Ii. & Rob
erts. BAKOAIX.
A choice farm of 137 acres, within a
mile of town, for sale. Inquire of
Do not luy any eastern trash when
you can get those splendid Bucking
ham & lleeht goods at Montague's
Mammoth store and also at his One
Price Cash Btore.
To 15 Uivrn Awny.
Within the next sixty days two lots
on Main street will be triven away to
any party or parties who will build on
each lot and carry on a good legitimate
business for three yeans. Inquire of
Peterson & Wallace, real estate
The Golebratcd French Gure,
Is S(M.! US 4
I o v ii r tt n v
(win m iH'rvitiM
ilinnKC, in' nny
itiKuhii'r nf Iln5
...... U',L
Hni frm the Mr'l t
pvi'cnrivtf iiw of MimiiliiutK. 'tiilwi'rii nr opium.
lit iiiniiiKii !i(linil imli iTfltuM, on;r (iniiii);.
i'tiir, ,v,c piii'li iih l,iw n( fliiitii I'ftni'f, Vn U tf n !
Ill'", lil'ltrill)! lilUVII I'llillK in till! Hlll'k, S't'lllHi
Vi I'likni'". Ilyi.rlii, Ni'i vmi I'liMliiiiinii Niti Hirif
lil KmisKimvt. Kitiiri'trlicini. lilz-'Jiii'us. Win!i Mimh
orv, ltwMtl tiM'i'i' iiii'I lniiti( rlin.tii if ti.
i:li'iU"l nfirii it'ii'l In i.i'i'iiuiltiM'uliI ntf.'ini'l initie
i;y. 1'tIw II.IHJ ii tins, ii Ikiw lur t.i.OU bunt by
in ii It on ri'i'i-ti.t nf ii ii-'.
A Mli'l'r.NlirAH.VNTKKforPfi-'O.'fla
tinliii', in ri'Kitiil lh iiioiM'i' if n I'i'i iiiiiik'IiI
l-IHI- 1" llt I'lU'Wl-'i. TVll'.:l!i(t 1( lilillllillilllil
(iifjt old mill yuiHiu'. of tnin wxiw. vi'miiM'tit'1?
fili'i'il Itv .vi'tlii'tiHTivi!. f'li'i'iiinr ti'i'i'. riilrr:
The aphro medioame co.
WMTKliS r.ts.n.
Holl 1.v3I . A.3illU?r,
Holt; Avvnt fin' I-o1miio, Or,
Female Hp wiuUst. lias practiced on
the Pacific Coast for the p:t twenty
five years. A life time- devoted to tho
study of female troubles, their
and cures. I have thousands of testi
monials of permanent cures from the
best people on this const. A positive
guarantee to permanently cure any case
of female weakness, no matter how
longstanding or what tho stago may
bo. Charges reasonable and within
the reach of all. For tho tienefit of the
very poor of my sex who aro suffering
from any of the great muliiiudo of ail
ments that follow In tho train of that
terrible disease known as female weak
ness, and who are not able to pay for
treatment, I will treat free of charge.
Consultation by mail, free, All corres
pondence strictly confidential. Medi
cines packed, boxed and sent ly. ex
press with charges pre-pal I for
"home" treatment, with specific direc
tions for use. If you are suffering from
Miy female trouble, periodically or con
stantly, Address,
Ol.YMl'IA S. MCHItAY, M. D.,
EastPortlund, Oregon
We ef 11 the attention of the farmers
to tho fact that we aro running our
hopper on Thursday, Friday and Sat
urday of each week. Our prices are
reasonable and work guaranteed.
Cuoss & llYPK.
One price and cash at the new cash
store, but everything sold cheap and
delivered to any part of tho city.
Begg's Cherny CoughSyrup.
Is giving splendid satisfaction to the
trade and the suks arc ositively mar
velous, which can be accounted for In
no other way except that it is without
doubt the best in the market. Ask for
and be sure you get the genuine. We
keep it. 51. A. Miller, Druggist.
Business location n west side of
Main street, in a bargain,
for the next few days. For particulars
inquire at this office.
For Sale.
J. Wassotn offers a rare bargain in
some fine registered short horn cattle.
Pedigree shown on application. Call
early and avail youmlf of thid oppor
tunity to get some finecattle.
100 Acres for 61100.
This is ell rich land and capable of
high cultivation, good springs near
house, small orchard bearing plenty of
fruit, and an abundance of good oak
and fir woisl and pole timber. First
class for Fruit or Dairy Farm. Situa
ted throe in ik from Lebanon. For
full particulars call on K. O. UK A RDM
LEY, Real Estate Agent, ISroadalbin
Btreet near First. Albany, Oregon.
Mr. E. P. Lvejoy, a larjrc dealer in
general nierchn nise at Wabuska, Ne
vada, says: "I have tried Ft. Patrick's
Pills and can truthfully say they are
the Is'st I have ever takn or known
used." As a pleasant physic or for dis
orders of the liver they will always give
perfect satisfaction. For sale by M. A.
Miller. '
Persons wishing to buy wood can get
it ut 1 .10 a cord on the ground, just at
the edge of town, or I will delivor it nt
$2. Call on me in person or leave
orders at Donaca's store.
Itll-K 11IATT.
The Isst job work Is done by the
Examine the fine stock of books of
all kinds at Heard aud Hok's.
It tho nldiist unit mi!. Hiiiiliir scicntlflc nri
initrlinntriil pni'iir itulillsluwl anil has tlift lamci't
piriHiliilliin nf liny j:iim of in i'Iiim. in tli world.
'ully llluitvuiuii. Jlent claim cf Wi'j Kimrav
InicH. I'lililiflicl wneklT. Send for pwinien
eH,f. I'rki' M ' 'r. niiinllm' trial, II.
afliNX & CO., I'lui-iaUEUd, u liroadway, h.X.
M Edition of Scientific American. Q
A (Treat iiiwim. Kiuli Iwie ennlalns colored
ythiiKrHpliii! plitlvs of country and cliT ri'lli-
or publli) liulldliik'n. Niimeruiiii ciiKruTluM
and full lnn and nicoitlcMtlurm for tlio we of
miplianditiumiijliiie hiilldlntf. I'rlce la ain ynar,
Kota.coj'. ML.NN & CO., J'L'Ul-hluiiUS.
tattl maybeiieeiir
lTlel l.y iini'iy-
VrtAiit lalAl SW havliadi..r
4H yiini'n' experience and have made oyer
mum Aiiniuiuiliiiiii for Anierli'iin and I "- iLilDiit, N.tirf fi,r tli.iidlio.jk. COi" M
Bondvuve iHi'.clly cuntldcntlul.
In ea your mark In not rplMred In the Tat
tit. OfHee, apply In Ml-KM Co.. a'"! procure,
luiiuvUiaU) prowetton. bend for lJanillHiuk.
IfUI'VllHillTrt for ho.ik. charts, maps,
at.. uukkiy procured. AUdrvua
tll'NX Si VO., I'nieiit Holleiiors.
fiusi, k ori'M U ta Choadwa v. H. T
Portrait nt Elizabeth llemlilcr, Alio lie
fHMxl to Ufl DlHcanloil.
Following is tlio graplifo nccoiuit of tho
Khootlng nt Omaha of II. W. King, Jr.,
given by Miss Elizabeth Beoehlor, tho woman
who killed him and with whom ho lived.
tShu mailo tho itatoment fmmi'rlintcly after
dho had committed tlio murder. The nr
trait horowitb prewnted i from Tho Chicago
"1 left Cbicitgo yesterdny." tlio said, "with
the liest of fnteutioii" in my heart. Arriving
in Omnhii, I Inquired whers Harry wu liv
ing, and was told ho wns Isiardnig ut the
Paxton. 1 had been tnld tiy a lady on tho
train whom I happened to meet that Harry
wns married, but supposed that 1 wos the
only wife. I then wont to tho hotel and
rpjristei-od as Mrs. Elizabeth 11. King, and
naked for Harry's room. Tbo clerk told me
that It was No. !, and I went upstairs,
I think to tho third floor. In the uieantim
I bad asked for a
room adjoining
Harry's, but wos
told that I coild
not have it until
Inter la the day. I
wanted to be close
to thorn, or on tho
samo floor at least,
go I could watch,
thotr movements. 1
supposed tlwt his
wife was with biro,
but when I rapped
at bis door I did euzabhto DEBCitucn.
not hoar any voices
or talking on tha fnsido. I rapped several
timet before there wns a response. Finally
Harry came to tho door in his night clothes,
and sticking his head out asked what was
wanted. I said: 'Good morning. Harry; you
were not expectinc to see me, were your Hi
replied: No, and I don't care to see you,' aud
shut tho door in my face.
"My heart sank for a moment, and 1 did
not know what to do. Ajain I said that I
must seo him, and he Raid: 'Uo dewa in toe
parlor and wait until I get dressed.' Ire
plied that I would wait there, and I did. In
about twenty minutes be came out, and wt
walked to the elevator together. Gttin is
the elevator, we descended to the parlor floor,
whero we had a conversation. At first w
were seated. I asked Harry to take me down
to breakfast. He said ho did not want nn
lireakfast. and for me to go on down
to the dining room alone, as ho had
to co to the store. I insisted on hi
coin? to breakfast with mo,
blankly refused and arose to his feet te
go. I said: 'Harry, you are m lawiui nus
band, and I have a right to demand yout
company to breakfast' He said: 'Shut op!
There's a CM and sne'U near you.- i saw: -i
don't caro who hears mo.' At this he crasped
nt mv throat and. erntmz nis teetu, said
could choke you off right here.' I then
lmvpd him back and fired. The first shot I
fired took effect in bis side, I think, for he
turned pai" and clasped nts nana on uw nip.
Aftrr that I was so excited that 1 hardly ro
member hist what did tako place. I (hot
preral times more, but don't know ex
nctlv how manv. After the first shot
HrrW ran nround tho corner of tho ele-
mtnr and started down stairs. At this
time we were standing at the platform of the
elevator. As Harry reached the head of the
rtnirs I was eloss behind him, and shot ro
nr;ifdlv. When I saw bim fall on the Btair-
nay and sow the bJood ooaing from his
mouth, I rushed to him and laid his lieud in
wlierabo breathed bis last, .fust
U-Yoro Itavins Chicazo." continued Miss
tt,x.iiW. "I tflfCTauhed Miss Duffy's mother
tim ituaiion her daughter was in. Tho tele
gram cost me &.M. The ioor girl's mother
will tie heartbroken when she hears tho sud
news," arid here tbe woman woso completely
down la tears auu soos.
A ClImblRS Maiiio Untie.
Hiss Dello Header enmo down to S!:ow
hrgaii from Norridywock county rcccatly
fur the 'especial purpose of ciimbiii,'? to tbo
top of tlio water work stand pipe. The dis
tance to tha top is sevcoty.flvo foot, cs
ccuded l y means of cn lrou kdder fi-ed per-
n.,,liHiUrlv nil tho sido. Tl.O VCI'.U.': l;;dv
! safely accomplished tho feat, vruic'a nhons,
I wben it is considered tliat Rho iooltcd down
to Wator street, 1"j foet below, tr.Kiua po
Rila MmarKaDiy cool cna cigar ncau.
Uiniatoa Jouruul.
Old Time Scotch Horrora.
In the rcfn of James I. of Sootland there
was born in East Lottiia, a village a few milrt
from Kdiniiurgh, Sawney Ccane, tlio son of
poor liut hard working iieoplo. i.nacin,
from boyhood a hatred of all lalw, mid dis
playing every Wind of vicious quality, hunt au
early him aonnuoiioo dm noma ana uwi n.
Galloway. Ilo was eoconipanicd by a (it
companion for his crimes in tlio jiorson
of a young woman, a nutivo of the
smo villa-m Xho homo of this pan' iv::s in
a cave of about a mile In length and of con
siderable breadth, tho mouth of which iviiu
washed by the ia, Ike tide sonii'tinios 11.0
trating tno "uve a distance of ait) yards. The
victims were waylaid under cover of nisht
ou theli- way from country fairs, or, in tlit
case of isolated travelers across the country,
were openly attacked in daylight Tlio sum
soul sickening mutilation wus inflicteii in
each case, the abdomen was cut open mid
he entrails dragged out and the body earned
to the cavo. To prevent detection limy inur
dered every traveler they robbed, and f"i
years' they continued their horrible raltiiu
"hi this uianuer, tho chronicler tolls 11s, ti,c-
lived until they had eight nous mnl aii
(hiuhtors, eighteen praadsons uml fuur
teen cnindduiightere ull the otl'sprinu' of 111
cent. A-Cr a long career of murder tlif
gam; were captured by Jviny James, v.iu).
roused to action by the long immunity of t lit;
criminals from detection, beaded a body of
troops and succeeded with biisidhow.idF 10
unearthing from tho envo the whole vile
tribe, to whom wa meted out a dentil UKiee
uble with tho life they had led. The men
s.i y s Un. historian, had their entrails thrown
into tho lire, their bunds and legs were sev
oied from their bodies, and they worn pel
luiited to bleed to death. Tho mother of Uie
whole crew, the daughters and griiudchil
di-eu, after lieiug spoeUtors of t:iu ueath ol
thatiiea, vwucast into U l'-'f? iepnru'. tire.
uaU ituiuuuied to ushe.--l'ull 1U1I tiuzetlu
0 vtoaatil I; Is thou that cauvosf. the ten
j Y.i'a t'ant citato mankind. --J. J. Uou
itl .........
; mm
TU Only One.
The Clilcago, Milwaukee & Ht. Paul
Railway is the only line running solid
Veslibuled,F.Ii'ctric Lighted iiiidHteam
Heated trains between Chicago, Mil
waukee, St. Paul and Minneapolis.
The Chicago, Milwaukee & Mt. Paul
Railway is tho only line ainiilng solid
YcHiibiilcd.Elcctrlc Lighted and Kteniu
Hente I trains between Chicago, Coun
cil Hlulft and Omaha.
The berth reading lamp feature in the
Pullman .Sleeping Cars run on Ihesc
lines U patented, and cannot lie used
by any other Railway Company. It I
the great imrvovonicnt of tho nge. Try
it and be convinced.
For further particulars apply to tho
nearest coupon ticket agent, or add reset
V. Casey, Truv. Pass'r Agent, No.
33 Stark St., Portland, Oregon.
Bedrock prices, new goods and stan
dard brands at both the Mammoth and
Ono Price Cash Stores of C. 11. Mouta
tagne. . .
Cruson & Menzies will furniah your
windows and doors cheap.
James Keyden,
Graduate of Edinburgh, Scotland.
Can bo found at J. T. Harbin's
Blacksmith Shop, Lebanon, Oregon.
All DIs cases or Horses
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
t'nfteil Stntes Lund Ollh'C. )
OrcKOii City, On-iion, Nov. s, 1880.) .
VOTtCE U hereby Riven Uiut in eoinpliiinec
ll with the provWonn of tlc net Of Cmurress o'
Junes, 1SS. entitled "An ae. for the side of tha
ber lands in the states of Cullfornlii, Oregun
Xcvaila and WaMihuiton Territiir-,"
ofSenttle, county of Vinu, torritiiry of Washin?,
ton, luu tltfn day tiled in this office liis sworn
Ktiitemeiit No. 1!H, for tho imrehtwe of tho S. W,
1-t of Kei'titm So. . in Tmi nshlp So. IS Honth,
IUiikc So. 2 VjmI, awl will offer proof to slioiv
Hint tike land sought fs more valuable for ils tim-.
bvrorstiMiv ttmn Tor H(?rftn!tural .unnK'.i, and to
establWi his claim ti suid land bcfnrv tlic Itcei-t' T
ami Rrct'ivi'r of this onlce, at On-iron City, Or.,
on Friday, the 141b day of March; 1XW.
He names a wltneiweii 0. M. Smart, A. Russell.
Wn. MeAdam and J. Htoddart, all of Satlle,Kin
comity, W. T.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tho
nbove-dwrlbed lands are nxaietdvt:o Hie their
claims In this office on or before sold lh day
J, T. ArrrKSOK, Register.
Is the place where you can get any
style or kind of picture that you may
v. ish. Old pictures c tpied and enlarg
to anv size, coloret' in oil, water colors
or India ink, crayons and postb por
traits made to order. No pictures sent
away; all woik done at my studio.
Prices the lowest. Call and examine
spteiuiens. All wrk guaranteed.
Soliciting u share of your patronage,
I urn respectfully yours,
Cor. 2d and Ferry .St., Albany ,0'cgon.
Stanch and Reliable
ox Tin:
f -;2"Do not fail to buy a Columbia, "Or,
Lebanon, t)reon.
1ft KM i lt
th wrl. Uur(mUia-iKili
uiiciimiled, anil lu iiilHiiltn-t'OUi
upfwur potda U I inlnf K
tuOKK flkllON ill t'tlih loilllltj',
ualxno. Only tlitmo wliu wnin
in ua at oncp ran meka ure f
SI' 1
IsA tho cluiuce. A II you limit to A in
H jl n'ttirn ia to ihuw out pumti to
i!.?r,L ' UmM nrilllllll fun. 'lllW-
AYES" Mnniiin' or una miv,.in. mom
IklUllbVjr - hrvl Ihe Mnoll ll "I 0l I' H-
MOp". Thi followini cot pivtt U. ' t 11 'l' i to
Imiilllio (ISVIh iwrl "f Itiluilk. It If i irrand, doulilo 1 . i.
STm.k lr"m; m I O .ly .tl.l, l.;n
ov." "ilirliM' U' "M wl" l " w' P. "" ',l"" r'",11'"'
W.U.ALUn CO., bus VunLMU. iUltlH.