FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, ism. A W YEAH lUtSOlXXIHN. Lebanon should start lt" the now your with tliedi-termlnatlon J lirm io.solve that Iwfore tho yenr 1)0 rolls t;ito oblivion she will buvo ti wnti-r ditch llowhig through town. It h'.I x.oukl only juuko ouo vkMpoi-atc otl'm't -and pull toguthor wo would have It In lis than six mom Int. Now is tlu Uinu for us to jvel in and take up thin project; nilior towns are wlioopiug up thir railroad entorprisi's, or aouicthliijj of t!atort, and the one thut oilers tin: Ivst i ml uovii tents to vorkiiu;nu'ii is the oiuflthat will go uhcud every time. We know thut our citizen have done well oa the ai)Lr mill. 1UU we dun'l wuit t' stop, 'livery dollar pjniit toward; Hitch enterprises will brintf Ivuk two In this long run. It if a matter of in ,'est ment and should be looked on us ue!, mi let us mako the start delay Is dangerous. It is earnestly hoped that en; another New Year day arrive the people of Lebanon can look upon a water ditch funking through our thriving eity,and ;tW t e a good Hyvttiiu of sewerage and .Uer works fn operation. As was announced lat week, the r.oardef Trade met Monday evening, and considerable Interest was muni iVftted. After the reading of the min utes the president appointed the fol lowing standing committees for the ensuing year: On advertising S. O. Wallace, II. Y. Kirkpatriek, M. A. Miller. On linaiKe il. A. Miller, C. C. llaekleman. On manufacturing J. 3. Swan, Jusph Elkins, W. IJ. Donaea, Clias. I). Montague, G. T. Cottan. We believe the above-named com mittees will accomplish much during the year 131)0. " It has been reported during the past week that the law protecting Chinese pheasants oxpired with the obi year, iiut it will liot be well to heed such an vice, for Hill's Code, Section l!Ul. uiys the law was enacted and approved j 'Nov. 21, ISSo.and protected these bird for six years from the parage of the a:t,Hit it will be seen that the time will not expire until Nov. 21st, li!)l nearly two years honce. An exchange very aptiy remarks Ail burglars are hereny noth'l.'d not to pay us any nocturnal visits with the expectation of getting money. Ifthey v. ant our money they must call on our delinquent subserikeas, a lit of whom w ill bo furnished on application to this cilice. lUIHJN'KSS INCXIUAMNO. ' Owing to tl.o IncrcKU'd Imtdncsw In tho .real catnto trau '-iotioitft In and n;:;iud T'.rl,".noii, cce:v!o.ijd by the natural faisi;' " v" 51 e Ihocrecthm of tho paper niih uiivi dhwontorprlsc1, the bushier In real cstat;' has grown to BUch proportions that VY. C. l'oteinon, onlv real white man, bus found It nce csMiry and imperative to lake. In an other member In order to answer the culls umde upon him. After due consideration he hfi en tered Into piirtnon.hlp with S. (). Wat lace, a mnn of ludu-try mid eliterpr!s, who will he associated with Mr. l'cter su in the real i slate buslms in l'tm non, Oregon. They arc prepared In evt ry way to make the bent burtftihiw in ill! fiirm and town property for those dfslrinirtoi:-.!!.". The tonus will bo as rei'sonrhle, if not more so, than tiny other real t state nam In the county or state. They are prepared to advertise all property phurd in their hauds;and will snare no efl'urt, or expense In nun insr inirehaA'is. The great Kast is sending forth many men, owing to our favorable climate and fertile so.i, who honirs and farms. They must be satisfied. Wc are prepared to thow all the advantages of the country. To those desiring to sell we oiler g'eat In- 1i,ir...iiciitH. To tin man who desires t make quick sales aud large protlts in real estate In this part of Linn county, put your property in our bauds. If necessary we can furnish all proof of business integrity and will take gnat pleasure in tnswering all correspond ence, as well as showing any and nil desiring to purchase homes hi K pros perous town and country the many g.od barg-iins which we will oiler them. Our ofllec is always open. I'ktemkon & Wallah:. W. C. retersou. S. O. Wallace. . MONTAGUE'S CCL'Jffl. Mor.tar'ue's fall ntor-I: it; now comploto in every de partment. Tho Mammoth Btoro ia filled with as choice pooils," adapted to tin mar: kot, as money will buy. PRESS GOODS. Our nil wool Aldino puit-imr-i. a full vard wide, which wo arc wiling at 50 cents per viii'd. is without dut)t liu licBt value for the money ever offered to tho ladies oi Jxsba non. Our stock of I Ion riot tn cloths, cashmeres, tricots camel hair goods, waterproofs and advance styles of every thing wearwble is simply im mense. The ladies are invit fl tn mil nnd take a look hrough the goods. They were imi'dit at verv low prices and wilt be sold eorrespondingh ow. l:,-coni'ou.T!U l&Vl. ' Mt'iulontM may CfUef nt tiny time, Thorough and Practical in Instruction, , , , , Tuition, lows Board nnd Rooms, Bimoomnk,- . Term of 10 wo oka beqan -Tuesday, November 13, The floademii Building hns been repnirpd, '.; Now School Hppliances novo been McuM, ; The Curriculum of Study has been Keuicnu, , Send at Once for particulars. K. N. Wright, B- SM Principal. U1U ItAUUAlN. 100 Acre fur UllOO. This is oil rich land and capable of hiqh cultivation, good springs near house, small orchard bearing plenty of fruit, aud an abundance of good oak ;:ml fir wood and pole timber, l-'irst-iriass for Fruit or Dairy Farm. Situa ted three miles from Lebanon. For full particulars call on E. U. JSEAliDS LllY, Ileal Instate Agt-ni, IlroiidalOln i; treu't near First, AHrfthy. Oregon. Sidle Tax Lnvy jtauu. The state executive board, consisting 4,f (Jor, Penuoyer, Secretary of State Mcllride, and Treasurer Webb met in liie ol'.icc of the latter Monday and made a levy of taxes for state purposes lor the year ISOOus fvllows: For gen eral expense fund, live and tvventy-il.ree-uiirty-liftlis mills; university tax, "ue-xcvciitb mill; military tax, one-fifth mill, making six mills in all. The net valuation of the state is J10I, "y. '5,472, a six mill tax upon wliich will r;.i-- a revenue of W!),518 !J3, or (ih.'i 19 for general expenses, 14,512 ,T; for university and 20,317 29r mili tary. ialem KUites;nan. mmi . .. Ice skating mid.!eigh riding was all "the rage the first of the wtnk, but it fc.'cms to be njlittle quiet now. To lie Given Away. Within the next si;ty days two h.ts on Main street will l,o civen away to any party or parties who will build on each lot and curry on it good legitimate business for three years. Inquire. of . I'eterson & Wallace, real estate ugents. OLYM1TA S. MUIWIAY, M. Female Hp . -cialist. II us practiced on the Pad He Coast for tbo pat twenty Ji ve years. A life tune devoted to the study of female troubles, their cnino and cures. I luwo thousands of tesli nmniols of permanent cims from the ts.-st people on this coRst. A positive gaar.tnteeto perinunently cure any ccsc of female weakness, no matter how long standing or what the stage may bu. Charges retisonal.irt nnd within the reach ef all. For the isMicfit of the very poor of my ecx who are sufferinj from any of the great muliiiudo of ail ments that follow in the train of that terrible disease known as female weak lit s, and who uro not able to pay ior treatment, I will treat frea of charge;. Consultation by mail, free, Alt corres Donilciice strictly confidential. Medi cines packed, boxctl and ;-nt ly ex press with charges pre-pai imr "home" treatment, with hprcitie ilirLf tions for use. If you are sufi'eriugfroin any female trouble, pcrlndically or con stantly, Address, Olyju'ia K. Muhiiay, JL 1)., Eastrortbmd, O recoil One price and cash at the new ensh ;dore, but cvirything Fold cheap and delivered to any part of tho city. For any information regarding rate; or fair to Eastern cities and other in formation call on M. E. IIeac.n, Agt. S. P. Co., Lelmnon, Or. We call the attention of the farmers to tho fact that wo are running our chopper on Thursday, Friday and Hat- unlay of each week. Our prices are- reasonable and work guaranteed. Cross & llYUE. A HA.IU.AI.. linsliiesH location cu west side ( Main street, in Lebanon, at a bargain, for the next few days. For particulars inquire at this olliee. Montairue's stock of fanc work materials, as zephyrs wool: and yarns, embroidery Bilks, m lact evcrvtltmL' ma crocs to make up a complete lino of material lor lancv worK can bo found at Moniaguc s. Our stock of boots am shoes was made expressly for us raid every pair we Fell is fuliv warranted. When yu wantanvthinfj; hi the loot wear line look over Montue s jftf-V nnd fot. his tiricC'S. If . - . ' V - V ..... r-.-. vou want to rot good poods at livins: nrices vou will neces.-a ..." . , nly buy your boots and snoe of Alontasue. CLOTHING. Montacrue is onenin" up the hiTest and best selected stock of Men's. Boys' and ChU drcn s ClotWin'' ever openot at litis place- We can lit any one both in size and price Aioniapruc carries Oregon City Clothing, California Cassi lnore "'Clothing, Eastern V'orstcds, as wcl as a great variety f serviceable, low priced goods. r.MAt"rrrn.T,r T.:; NOW WE HAVE 'EM ri?Iac Oronlcwt' Shoo IvM' Knowi IS THE SUNSET $3.00 SHOE FOU Ml' , NVEAlh ThJa 1ir. ! rnndo of h t ltt- 1 1 ! 1 ( 1, 1 ! f tic and Holes, and is the li. i A sh u ) S, ;. S I c ui 1 : 1 Mamifacfired by Calin, KiokeUburg & Co,, - - . " Sin Fraw AND FOK SALE IN LEBANON BY For Sale. J. Wassom oilers a rare bargain in some fine registered short horn cattle, IVJigrce shown on application. Call early and avail yourself of this oppor tunity to getsome fineciittle. Hedrock price, now goods nnd iitanr d:ird brands at both the Mammoth arid On Trice Cash Stores of C. JJ. Mouta-tagtic. James Keyden, VETEIUNAItV HUIKIEOX, Graduate of . E:inl)ur;;h, Scotland. Can be found at J. T. Harbin's JliaekHUiith Hhop, Lebanon, Oregon. AH Diseases of Horse T XI 33 -A. T 33 I, -AND- Satisfaction Guaranteed. Tag One Erica Cash Store will continue to deliver Gro ceries and General Merchan dise to the citizens of this place and vicinity at a mere nominal advance over the original cost. NOTICE AS TO MONEY! Persons who owe me MOST PAY DP HOW. T do not propose to waste much time in dunning. In fact there are some who imag ine they should not be dunn ed at all, but it takes money to do business. Do not be surprised if you find the note or account you may happen in the hands ot an Verv Piiiir to owe mo oflicer i' The long, weary credit bus iness is a thing of the past in Lebanon. CII AS. B. MONTAGUE. Sept. 20, 1889. C. B, Montague BEARD 6c HOLT, Druggist and Apothecary, DEALERS IN Pure DitucH; M emcjks, Fr i i n t s , O i i s an (1 O J a , -STATIONERY, Fine Perfumery, Brushes 8: Combs CKIAiW AND FANCY TOII.IIT AUTIfl.Krt. Prescriptions Accurately Compounded. i Mulri Street, Lebanon. Oregon. "t lias Sriiolis':!- Golden Rule Bazaar. The leading Crockery and Faiu Goods house oi Albany, uregon? Roger Bros, silverware, Prpnrh f!hin.i and Crvstalware. Eoys' Wagons, Baby and Doll Carriages Fancy Goods and a General Assortment of Crockery and Toys. t lie buy direct nml carrl'.fi tho largcBt stock In the Wllhinvttc vullryf ZZf Icl on parle Francals. filer v.ird deatcii gs:r roulioa. J I CRUSON & MENZIES, f -DEALERS' IN- WAGONS, BUGGIES, HACI -AND ALL KINDS OF- Veliicles, Implements, H TOOLH. OF Light a nd Heavy Machine BARB AND SMOOTH -WIRE IRON, H'X'XEX, COAL, GUNS AND 'AMMUNITO Call in, Gentlemen, and we will Make Happy. ' i