The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, January 10, 1890, Image 5

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We ask as a special fivurto yourselves
for all who happen to glance at the above
Sheading, not to all reading thia notice
Htid the testimonial below from one of the
best known business women in this conn
try. Dkckmhku 10, im,
SlMIIMA Chkmioai, Co.:
fVoTiDiflrt NoiIiIiik l)iit a desire to
irlve you tiie following Htioimnt 1 1 facta:
JiavelHen a suill-rer with tlijizlnes' In
my In nil and my coiis'IUiUou was gen
rally broken down. At times my bock
would ache an tliut I tltouuhl 1 would
have to Rive up, and my symptoms wore
audi that I became mre that my sr-flnnys
were tllsiuised. Your (ireut Sierra Kidney
und Liver Cure was recommended to me
and 1 have (riven it a square trial and can
now way that it la all, and even mere thin
Is claimed for It - a won Human, iikmkijv.
1 intend to kep it In my home hi. all
times, and will leenminend It to all my
frinnda us I am doing dally, llolieve me.
Very Ifiankrnlly ours,
Mhh. M. Mai.i.ohy.
Sole Agon for Met 'she Sanltlve Cornet,
tiVi Mission He , Han Francisco, ul.
At Hit) rHtt'litrch'a ninnaion, which,
Indued, la only n 'ilgf, pluln, ttono
tiouae of two stories), we worn mut by
acvuPRl pfiitMta In long1 black gown a,
which foil in full folds from tholi
necks to their foot, and in tall, round,
litck cup, with curios fulling: down
upon tliolr bunks. Those put tbir
tiund to tholr foroliiid aa we ontered
anil motioned tie to eomo In. We thor.
iiHcunddd a wide stiili-wny, ut tho Hi Jos
of which woro braaH railings, and ut
the o of which atood more pi-losts
similarly iittirod. I lore wo wore takon
into a grout hall, whoro tho porti-iilts
of the putt-in roha of the pant looked
down upon tie out of gold frumoa and
then on into a, aecnnd grand anion, in
which woro n number of Turklah sol
diers and church ulgnititrica, and at the
back of which in h chair of at'ito Bat
tho patriarch himself. Ho roae iih he
auw ua and moved toward ua. Tail,
broad-Hhouldcrod und well-formed, ho
is one of the fluent-looking men I have
er seen. He hue a mugnificont head,
o!l set on a pair of broad shoulders;
largo, intellectual eyos, a big. straight
none, and a long, patriarchal beard of
jtablo silver. Ilia high forehead was
bordered with a black cap of fine cloth,
which roae for full six Inchon above It,
and from the buck of which fell a cape
of the same color, forming a striking
background to his Btrong, Intelligent
face. He wore a long, full gown of
some fine black cloth, and he had two
gorgeous gold modula about hia neck,
euch an big as the pulm of your hand,
and between- those hung a cross of dia
monds, lie met us Ja the middle of
the salon, shook bunds with us. and
conducted us to u divan at the right of
his cluiir of state. We then chatted
through the interpreter, the legulion
addressing him, according to etiquette,
js "your blessedness." F. G. Curpou-
i-ir, in Louisville Courior-Journul.
The mVWAty of Johannesburg, in
tUe South African gold attract
ing attention, and there are those w ho
Wiliet for It a phenomenal future.
'.''y 1"
I e yet
tiiii...TiinU in
Jf. AMI J 1 W m ii 1 1 -
cars, an output of gold which
o-ild tiie whole world, a eommer-
uiul'imimrtiincH threatening the estab
lished trade centers of the Old World,
si a jiouucr.! and social position second
w no ouy in Africa, north or south.
The way people are questioning their
grocers aU)iit tiie adulteration of puking
powders bus stirred up that t'srt of the
mercantile commtinitv to taking more
i-are in their selection of manufactured
articles. The consumers are rapidly
awakening to the diet that, nearly all the
cheap brands and prize goods, as well as
some high priced brands, advertised as
"Absolutely I'ure," couuiin either Alum
or Ammonia, and some of them both of
these adulterants.
A simple test ol the purity of Imk'ng
oowdt-r, is to mix in a mi -up two neap
In teaspoonfuls of the Powder will:
three teaspootifuls of cold water, place it
over the lire, stirring constantly, allow it
to boil (horotuhly, or, until the gas es
capes freely ; then nioll ; if adulterated
the odor of "Ammonia will be plainly pre
ceivod. The presence of Ammonia in
most cases indicate that alum is need, as
nearly all the alum of commerce contains
Ammonia. I'ure ltaking Powder will
not give ti.e faintest Ammoniueul odor.
Baking powder comprised principally of
Slurcli, Alum and terra alba, lioil into a
t'-ick dirty paste. New York World.
Th'Xhlof Iteason for th graat socosss sf
;.ooilT8rwpkrllls U found In th faol thai
Merit Wins. It U th best blood purlOtr sad
olMlly Moompilibu all that U claimed for It.
Hwiiarad onljr bj 0, 1. Uood Co., Lowall, ilaaa.
It only !it'! an ley how
. .. To wake you balling hot,
When tlamuiiiuier's rots) Iisn fsdsit
Wlmt hIiiiII miiko It fulr aKulli?
WhtMi tlie fai-e with puln I
. What shall drive away the ielu7
Never uliiill it IiIohhoiii )trli;)ituii
AftiThllnliti-rl hy the IroHt. ,
Hut the Inailnf pitlu may IlKuten,
And w need not count hn liuit
all the tplt'HHiiri-M ul llfn when the wife and
niotknr, upon whom tiie liiimilm-Hi of home mo
mrKoiy oiipi'U'iH, m hiiiiiiuki wirn t-ne neiicate
illw'Kni'ii in'ciillur to woiiicii. it In tt-rrllile to
coiiti'iiipfiitc the mlmiry cxlKtlnif In our mldt-t
I)im'hiihimi1 tiM- nrevaienee oi riii-xc oimhhn,
Ik IiIkIi time that nil women Hlionld know that
then- la one huh reimidy for all fomalc com
PlRlntu, and Unit In Dr. I'lercc'n Kavorlte Pre
crlnllon. !) not allow lll-hcitlth to fantou
Itaelf upon yon, Ward It otl' hy the n- of th Is
naudiird rmiicdy. Hut if it Iimh already crept
tu, put it tn rout. You run do It, hy (lie ixc ol
the "Kavorlte I'riw-rlptlon." It In guaranteed
lo Kivc miM-iHmion in every easo, or money
paiu lor it win ih) reiurueq,
for tillloiiKiii'Hd, nick neadaehe, IndlKeHllon
aim uonHLlpiitlnii liiko Dr. 1'lcrce Pellet.
The Lnrline was damaged $1000 by
liitfh winds at Hocster Kock.
Ovr Her ll-Ntiratiou t llenlth
I'niler lr. liHt-rln'a Treatment
iher M'omlerful Cnrea.
Editor Uieaonian: I desire to say to
the public thai 1 nu tiered four years with
citarrti, bronchitis, and lately with loas of
siipetlte. Was treated t'v other able phV'
siciana without being tmneHtrd, Finally
took 'he eleeirn-magnetic treatment ad-
ministered by Dr, Liarrin. and after two
mouths' treatment gratefully say that he
has eilected a p hum limit, cure
M. 11. Wabdet,
Np. 6 Sherman street, Portland.
Mere Vmrr-m bjr Im. larrlM.
Kd. Hynea, Albloa Catarrhal ds&fness
1'. C. McFarlane, Vancouver Sciatica
rheumatisui: cured.
Ueorge 0. Hcolten Albina, Or.- Kinging
noises in the car ana aearness; cured.
J. U. Cunningham, Wapinltla, Wasco
county, Oregon, total deafnea two )ears
lu one ear, and partially so In the other,
Mrs. J. E. Smith. Prineville. Oregon,
nervons debility ana general weakness,
almost bornerine on inHanitr. restored.
11 en noli Mct'oy, Dufur. Wasco county,
Oregon, deafnesa and terrible pain lu the
ear and head for sis months, until he was
nearly crazy, reatleHHnees and insomnia.
Kentored to health by electricity after all
oilier treatments nau tailed.
Ir. Iarrlas Hew Ilae t Baalaeata.
Drs. Darrln can he consulted free at the
Washington building, corner of Washing,
ton and Fourth streets, Portland Kooms
16. 17. n and . third floor. Ask the
elevator boy for room 16. Office hours
from 10 to 4 o clock dally; evenings, 7 to 8
Sundays, 10 to 12. All curable chronic
diseanea, loas of manhood, blood taint.
svphl Is, gleet. Kouorrhu, . stricture,
spermaiorrniea,' seminal weakness, or loss
of desire of aexnat power, in man or wo
man, catarrh and deafness, ars eonnden
tlally and sucressfully treated. Cures of
private diseases guaranteed, and never
published in the papers. Most cases can
receive home tr etment after a visit to the
doctors oftlce. Inquiries answered and
circulars sent free. (Parties writiDg will
pleane mention tms paper.)
Wasting Diseaseg
Wonderful Flash Producer.
Scott's Emulsion is not a secret remedy.
Containing the stimulating Hypophus
phites and Pure Norwegiun Cod Li ver Oil,
the potency of both being largely in
creased. It is used by Physicians all over
the world.
Bold by mil Vrugpist.
5 c a tied
bathclhc parts aU
fcctedfrezly W'm
Terry Jjavis'
Fa in 5ujar and Water
StmiLS a day, and
you'll 6itrg'cf at
On co. and a.
are .
after fmikfuA use of
I waa m - - -----
frhs remedy,
A new book of attratlve reading, brim
ful of good things worth knowing; and il
lustrated, is Just issued. It contains a
large collection of valuaHe autographs,
excellent receipts for plain dixhes, humor
in rhyme and f roee, monthly calendars,
and can be had of all druggists and deal
ers, or, by sending a two-cent stamp to
the publishers. An important feature of
the work is Its offer of Free Music, which
offer is set forth therein, and by procuring
the book, at once, any one can lie supplied
with a choice se ection. The little volume
is the St. Jacobs Oil Calendar for 18i9-0O,
published hy The Chares A. Vogeler
Company, Bdiimore, Md. It is fully
the equal of any of its predecessors In the
interest of the Great Remedy for Pain, St.
Ja"obs Oil, whose virtues never abate, and
whose popularity never wanes. The de
mand for both book and medicine is very
If vou're ohncrviiiK, you'll allow
That paradox or not
Why nib, and toil, and wwrrut your
self and yor clothes onwathday, when,
ever since 1WS4, Dobbins' Electric .Soap has
b en ottered on pnrpo to lighten your
lattor. and save your clothes. Now ' try lu
Your grocer has It.
It la BHtonlnhltiir how raw It li to get npat
five o'clock in the morning In your mind, that
1 to iay, the niht before.
Madden ( hangra air Hie Weather
often caime Pulmonary, Bronchial, and Asth-
matlo troubles. "Brown'i Jinmchtal Trnrhet."
will allay the irritation which Induce cough
ing, giving immediate relief.
It In very momotononi to he rich, hut then, la
a variety about being poor that aomctime make
one weary.
A. More Car far Iraakraes.
Dr, Li vie Baton's antidote for the llnnor
habit is do ng more to lift up the fallen
than al other meant combined. It will
cure the worst cases in from three to ten
days without effe ting diet or buainess.
The antidote in never aold in drug stores.
Addrcs: Livingnton'a Chemical CompsnT,
ro ms 10, 11 and 12, 229 First street, Port
land, Oregon.
A waiter srfr! U different from a poef
not born ahe it made lo order.
be Is
The smoker's deht- Tansill's Punch.'
Tbv Germea for breakfast.
Nothing tenda to torn a man Inward Prohibi
tion quicker than going to the cloaet in the dart
lor we ttranay ttottie and getting the cod liver
oil bottle br miatake
"KetiBhmJaaion. rebellion and remorae" in the
way the rrobibitloulits out in Klnsai put it
Sufferers ar not generally swan that theat dia
mm are eontagtaua, or that they ara dua to tba
praaenoa ot living paraeitM fa the lining membrane
al the nom and euatachiaa tttbea. aUcroaoopta ra
aearch, however, baa proved thia to be a fact, and the
iwult la that a aimple remedy haa been formulated
whereby theae dinraaing diaaaaes ara rapidly and
permanently oarad in fro in one to three aimple ap
plications made at home by the patient onoe in twa
weeka. A pamphlet explaining thia new treatment
latent free on aiiplicatian by A. a. Dixon Hon.
887 and 839 Wert King St., Toronto, Canada. Sdm
tfic Amerioan.
Charlra AH of Sweden.
Gen. Jottetth Bartlett, ex-minister to Swe
den, makea a somewhat peculiar but interest
ing contribution to history. "VThether
Charlua XII of Sweden met death at the
band of the enemy or ! his own ateu has
always been a aubject of ardeut diwussion by
military men and students of Swedish his
tory," aaid the general a few day ago to a
group of officers of the army. "When I was
minister to Sweden," lie continued, "the sub
ject came up between the king of Sweden and
ome high military officials und was warmly
discussed in my presence. The king was
much interested in the debate, and, in order
to satisfy b lit, soli", ordered the tomb to be
opened and the skull examined. I wag pres
ent at the examination, which took place at
midnight in the old church whore the remains
repose near those of Gustavus Adolphus.
1 he bullet which ended the life of Charles
XII passed through the skull iu a direct line.
Ou exuiumug the skull I was struck by the
fuct that the hole iu the forehead was larger
than the one at the base. I noticed further
that the bone of the Kkull where the ball
parsed iu front was splintered and forced out
ward, while at the base the bone of the skull
was forced inward. This was conclusive to
my mind that the shot that had killed Charles
came from behind, which was reasonably con
clusive tliat it was fired by one of bis own
men, but whether with malicious inteutor
not no one can say. The king had very little
to say on the subject at the time, but it was
agreed that no other verdict than the one
ineiiUoued was correct, and I am satisfied
that it settles the controversy. No publica
tion, however, of the result of the investiga
tion has ever boon mode to my knowledge, as
we were pledged to iaerecy at the time by
the king." New York Tribuue.
There Is no exr rienoomorelieavily
fraught with deep gha3tly lonesomenesa
than that of being shaved by a deaf-and-dumb
barber. Washington Caplfcil.
Now, really, what was the most as
tonishing thing you saw in Paris, Mr.
Spicer," askod Miss (lusher, and without
a moment's hesitation Soth answered,
"My hotel bill." Boston Bulletin.
A lady drove lately to the front of a
drug store and vigorously waved her
hand for a clerk. When he appeared
she asked for a bottle of anti-fat. While
paying for it she said she had hoard it
would "grow leanness" on a person, and
as Bho weighed 880 pounds she thought
ahe would "reduce."
The Animals' Institute at Knights
bridge, England, founded in 1887
chiefly by ladies, undertakes that ani
mals shall be killed or cured in the
most painless manner. The only differ
ence in the treatment of the donkey of
the costcrmonger and that of the count
ess Is that the coster pays nothing and
thejadj cay theordipar lees.
The TiarD-Wlre Tnmtces have aabacrlbcd
K,wio,oiw to csrry on tliolr enterprise. This in
in i moms ror oe-renco with a veiiKt-ance.
Nnre cure for blind, bleeding and Itching
men, one nox nan cured the worst ease 0f u n
year' manning, ro one need suffer ten ml n
"ten after tiding Klr' Herman Pile Ointment.
It shsortM tumors, altuys the Itching, acts as a
pawnee, gives relict. l)r. Kirk s Uorman I'lle
ointment is prepared only for Piles and Itching
of the private parts, sad nothing ele. Kvery
boa Is warm ii ted .
Bold by TiiifglMts and sent by mall on receipt
i pner, per nox. j. j, Macs ei to.
Wholesale Agents, Pan Kranclsco.
A fortunate stock-broken, when asked If he
owe.l his success to being long or short of the
market, replied: '-It was neither I think it was
necensp I was sntinre."
I was taken with sharp pains In the lower part
oi mv onweia in me region or the Marnier
Bhortly blood appeared mixed with my Hrlne
and s few weeks Inter I had an attack of gravel
1 tried a mimlier of doctors. One said It was
gravel, mother inflamatlon of the bladder, ami
another atone in kidneys. Kor threo months f
was under the care of an eminent doctor at At
bany, but constantly growing worse, went home
to dl. At this time I was Induced totrylir.
Itavid Kvnnedv's Favorite Kennedy, of Konilout,
N. Y., and am now robust and strong. A remedy
wblen can do i tils for one so near death as I waa
should be known everywhere. 1 hope this state
ment will cause others all! tcted sal was to use
the Remedy, ;. W. Brown. Petersburgh, N. Y
Ds. Kknnkdv's Favorite Kenedy, made at
nonanm., n,i,n;t tor to,
Bend for book, bow to cars Kidney, Liver and
Blood disorders
"A Journey on the Khina" was the way Jones
aescrinea nis trip on s Dansns peei.
Halldara are Caaalas;.
Ran novelties, shapes and artistic Im
ported oleopraphlo and cnromatic cards.
large and beautiful collection sent by
mail to anyone who will do this: Buy a
box ot ths genuine Dr. U. AlcLane s Cele
brated Liver nils, price 25 cents, and mail
us the outside wrapper with your address,
plainly written, and 4 cents In stamps
We will then mail you the above list with
an elegant package of oleographlc cards.
Fleming Bros., Pittsburgh, Pa,
When two faun I on able womeu meet they are
pretty sure to oe ciotnes ooservera.
For 20 Years.
Pilot Knob, Mo , September S, 1888.
I suffered with chronic rheumatism in my
knees sod ankles for twenty years and had to
use crutches. I was treated at times by several
doctor, but was finally cured bv St. Jambs
Oil. Have had no return of pain In three
At TrooisT sn
iffli VaTCCIIa Pmrrlptions or
S UM BrlrbtMt Htdical Muuli
la Um world, as ued by tbna la
th Hospttsls at LtxAALttUA.
BUa and VMmna.
no. 1-Curas Catarrh, Hay 'ever,iio
Cold, Catarrhal Ueniueea.
Wo. a-Consba, Coids. BroncUtfs, Attn
nis. Consumption. A peerless liomedy.
tto, BbanunatUm, Oout.
Ho. 4 laTer sV Kl(Uay,DyspeT)sla,In.
digestion. ConulifJiou. BriL'htflI)iiiiiiu..
Malaria. Neurslnia.
'iSeafwhitcs1! GoMlen',i
Wo. 7-A Perfect Tonio, which gfves
Health. Form and Fullness, Clear Com
plexion, Good Blood and lots of it.
Wo. eWsrronsDsbUityyLossof Power
Impotence, an incomparable remedy.
- iary boiuu soran:el to cur
its spuoal diwSMjCUIUBI.B snl
to gir (Mruuiiant nliet ALWA1S.
IMcriptiT Circulars scot lr ua
pplicstloa. HOBWXAI, rtasiix
COMl'Asy, Torooto, CaiuiUk
We offer until sold, to attract attention and
pay n- pntrons, for sending away, H cases of
dress p'Sld. brow us, blue, and Uiti'ereut hades,
full .16 inches wide, heavy and strong, at 11 cents
or U yar a for ; and 4U nieces pUiu brown,
garnet mid other sliad'B of Cashmere, 36 inches
w ide, at price; 20 pieeea of gray goods and
plaids. HO inches wide, heavy and strong, for
good wesr. 12 yards tl- These goods are not all
wool but aregieat ba'galns at these otters. For
mailing aud Vet'Uts per yard. In Laities' Hose
we offer some w hiie at lac, formerly sold at K0e;
unbleached, full sizes, at 10c, used to bring $2 a
dozen ttgular; we have black, brown ami mixed
at amc price, but not so good; M- u's stritied U
hose for Sunday wear, (1 per dozeu up; Child
ren's hose, W)e per uozcu up. Some extra bar
gains in genuine French, all colors aud all
sizes, 25 cents, used to bring $6 per dozeu. iu
dress buttons, nearly every shade, we can send
you at &c wer dozen, or 60l- a gross two-bits a
dozen asked for them elsewhere. We fo got to
mention a woolen linsey in red aud black
plaids and other colors, ab ut '2S inches
wide, al psc, orS yards (or $1, good for school
dresses. Muslins, ginghams, prints. Canton
flannels, and mauy other goods, retailed at U
cent a yard above closest jobbing prices until
Jan. 1, 18H0. (jood warm gloves and mitteus for
the Iortb Country, at lo and 26 cents. It would
take 10 columns to hold all we waut to tell you,
But seud for full list, free, aud It will be seut
you even-thing a family wants to see. Address
Ktuitir C'aoh Miore, 4 It t'rout tit
Mail Francisco. al.
Mauhattaj U. if
C. and Colt Breech-Loading
Shot Oaus.
Alsos fell assortment of Marlin, Colt and Win -Chester
Klttes. The U. M. C. Machine Shot Gnus
for 20, are the beat Machine Olun in the market.
Bend for circular. H. T. 11 IJIrMON.
88 First Street, tortlaad. Or.
$75 i2T0 $250.22 t33$Sl?gr'
preferred who can furnish a horse and give tbelr
whole time to the nuslness. Buare mouienu may ba
profltably employed also. A few vaoaneitat In towns
and cities. B. b JOHNSON & Co., 10U Mala BU,
Kiehmond, Vs. 1
tl Please stats act and tmrinesi experience.
Nevermind abort eding stamp for reply. BJ.
. di w,
a -n
The Urave titf Tin A Yawnlna-.
He!mlngly, for ciMStiln wretched Invalids who
toddle feebly along, though always looking as
If they were going to die, but omitting to do It.
They dry up, wltht r, dwindle awnyllliiatly, but
In the meantime uever having robust health,
know nothing of the physical cnjoyim-m, the
aest. of that existence to Wulch they cling with
sue hlrcmarkablo tenacity. They are slw,)yg to
be found trying to mend by tinkering at them
selves with some trnsl j rctnedv, tonic or "plek
me no to give a fillip ut digestion, or "holp tho
tlver.' If such misguided folks should resort
end adhere to Hosteller's hloiniieh Hitters It
would lie well with them. This superb In
vlgoriint supplies the stamina that the feeble
require, by permanently leinlorclng digestion
an, l sslnibit.lnn. It overcomes nervousness,
Insomti'a. ".alarlii, kidney coinphilnts, blllons
ticss. ent stlf-dtton, rhcnn-Htlstii and neuralgia.
PUR t-
Iu superlarioelleti, c proreo In mtlllansof homes for
more tb-n quarter of century. It is uiwd by the
IJtlited.Statestiuvemme t. KnnmMl hvl th h&Ha nl
ths Urrat Unix-rsltiea as th - 8 ningeat, Pareat and
wist Heslthiitl Dr Pri'e'sO earn Bakins Powder does
not oonlain Amtaonia, Lime or Alum. Sold only la osas.
are those put up by
' Who ara thaUrfest Seedsmen in ths world.
D. M. Fasat & Co'a
flliistntH. DescriDtive and Priced
far 1890 will be mailed FKcSB to aU an. 1
plicants, and to last season 1 customers.
11 is DCtter tnan arer, every puwi
using Garden, rlewtr or Field
ieetU sbould send lor IL Address
Unele Kent u a an Tobaero.
Tou can't fool dis chile wid your trashto
backy. I smoke HKal and don't you forget It.
Home smokers think that anything that
makes smoke, is good enough to go Into a pipe,
lhey will ttnd by a little experience that there
is a vast difference In Smoking Tobaccos. Just
try "Ssal or North Carolina," and you will
see the differs nee between it and the imitations.
. u, . V "KACH.Gabler. Roe
ttish Pianos; Burdett Organs Band Instruments,
largest stock of Sheet Slusio and Books. Bands
supplied at Eastern I'rices. MATTHIAS
GltAY CO. 206 Post Street. San Francisco.
Beet Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use
in lime. Mnin ny oruptsts.
m-eserlba and fnllrea.
one Hie ti as tbe only
specific turtlie car lain cure
f f V'faStL' 0-H.IMUBAHAM.M. D
ttns aisease.
Amsleritam, N. Y.
sri.Dir brths
We have sold I'lg Q for
many years, and U baa
V cine
f;iven ina oast oi saua
action. OUulnaatl,
Cbirago, 11L
St.OO. old by Druggists.
TflDaC tion of d
I I I r I reii ni red I
I Ul a-j If desiiet
DENTIST. Informa-
denth or whereahount
by relHtives. Howard
d. Address, W. li.
YOl'NG, Antioch, Chllfornia.
Drop a Postal Card
225 First St.,
I'oi-tland. Ore.
The Oliitst Medicine in tke World is probably
litis article isacarelully nn'iiuiea pin sician's pre
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