The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, December 13, 1889, Image 5

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We shU a a su e lal fivorto yourselves
for alt who happen to j$lanc at tint shove
liBdliiK, not to fail rsadltig this notice
ad the testimonial below from 0110 of the
best known business women In thin coun
try. '
Dkokmbkr 11), lr'89.
Sikriu CitRiiroAt, Co.:
fJentUmsn NdMiIiik but a desire to
BKNIPIT TIIH A I'FI.ICTK!) induces 016 tO
five you the following sta'ement of facts:
have been a sull'crer with divines In
my head and my t ons' M ill ion wan gen
erally brokun down. At Which my hack
would ache ho thst I thought 1 would
liave to give up, ami my symptoms were
Much that I became mi re that my k rlneys
were diseased. Your (Irtut Sierra, Kidney
mid Liver Cure wan recommended to me
and I have ulvi-ii It a square trial and can
now nay that tt is a 1. t d even mi re than
la claimed fur itA wonkkhpvi, khmkoy.
f intend to kMiu It in my home at, all
times, and will recommend It. to all my
friends an I am doing daily, llulicve rne.
Very InanU fully Yours,
Mits. M. Mam.oht,
Bole Agent for Mcl'alie Nanltlve Cornet,
'lilt Mission Ht., Han l''raiiclsco, ( ul.
The Floods are building a $100,0(10
inaiiaolonni at San Francisco.
A'lotit 350 Chinese left Pan Franciaco
(or home on the but steamship.
Archbishop Gross1 saya the tope spoke
highly to him of the United Statoa.
Tortland la to have a Marrli Gran dia
flay from tlie St. I'huI ice arnival.
Tom McCarthy Is-at Joe Connelly at
flan Francisco in four round for $400.
The schooner Itarbara was wrecked, at
Shelton Cove. The crew were all aaved.
Shipping cir lea at Portland and Asto
ria are adtir with lH)ardiiig-liouetroublOB.
Albert South wick was trampled on bv
a borae at Sualtle, and narrowly esca(Hd
Corvallis lias incorporated a street
railway company with a capital stock of
Preparations are making in Portland
for building a magnificent Mvaonic
The Oregon G. A. It. is agitating the
niattor of t'Rtabfiuhing mhU of Konaof
The Crocker Estate Company will iuy
flutter Fort and present it to the city of
The owners of City View Par will
a1 low it to be need lor another spring and
fall an a race course.
Five county supervisors at Kan Piego
are charged with mulappropriating $100,
OOO ot public funds.
IUvis, a Seattle convict, lias recently
made two unsuccessful attempts to ea
;aM) from the lHinitcntiury.
The Mayflower M'tling and Mining
Company, oi Idaho, Iihs incorporated at
l'ortland with 2 iO.IM.I.
Two employes of the steamship Geo.
W. Elder quamd'ed wliile drunk and
one was InUlly stab' d
John Flynn sued the real estate com
pany lie hud been working for at Port
land for 18,047, and got nothing.
A complete sot of bnrular'a tools were
captured with two burglars at Seattle,
before they had hcun operations.
It is proposed to double the present
National Guard armnrv at Portland,
which alreiidy covers half a block.
Domestic trouble made J ri. Dra
waick, id Beiittle, attempt niide bv
drowning. Bystanders saved her.
A party of Denver capitalists luive
imrnhascd the great ltyau smelter ot Ta
'onia. The purclmae price is unknown.
Mrs. lIolTiiiiin. an inmate of the Kaleiu
anylum, esciiied and died in an unoccu
pied house from exposure and starvation. I
The secretary of war will be memorial
ized by citizens of the Hoard of Trade to
increase the military force at Fort Walla
Senator Mitchell has presented a me
morial from the Washington legitdature
asking tor legislation declaring the forfei
ture of the Northern Pacilic land grant
tietween Walluls.Wash., and Portlund,
Or. The memorial sets forth that no
lines linsWn built be! ween these points,
but t lie right of way is occupied bv other
road", and ther is valuble land there
which ought to be opened to settlement.
Tb ' president has transmitted the fol
lowing nominations to the senate:
AnOr-wM. Crawford, receiver ot public
iiior.i ys ut Kuseiiuig, Or. ; Frank M.
Foot' , receiver of public moiievs at
Evai Hton, Wyoming j Fremont Wood,
Unit'-d States attorney for Idaho; Will
ougi by Cole, of California, United Slates
attorney for the southern district of Cali
fornie; George E. Jard, of California,
Unit" I S'atoa marshal for the southern
dietiict of California.
v ssmssx
The Chief Reason for the groat suceess ef
flood's Sarsnparllla Is found In the fact that
Merit Wins. It is the bout blood purifier and,
actually accomplishes all that It olalmod for It.
Vlma ouljr by C. I. Uood Co., Lowoll, BUM.
It only needs an ley how
To make yon boiling hot.
When the summer's roue Iih faded
What Khali malm It fair wain?
. When the Inn with pain In liadei1
What nhall drive away the palu?
Never ihall hlmuiom brlKhteii
After hlliditcd by the treat.
Hut the Inailol pain may lighten,
A ncl we niefl net count a lent
all the plcaaureii of life when the wife and
mother, upon whom the hanpltieiw of home no
larKuly dependH, I allllrlnd with the delicate
dlneawii neenllar in wotnen. It In terrible to
eoiiteiiifat the mlmiry exintltiK III our mldNt
becHiiBC of the prevalence of these (HucHneH. It
Ik hlKh time that all women ahoiild kuow that
there In one mre remoiljr for all female com
plalntK, and that la Dr. i'icrce'i Favorite I're
Keriptloti. Im not allow Ill-health to faaten
liKelf upon yon, Ward It off by the inte of thia
Ktandaid remedy. Hut If It ban already crept
In, put It to rout. Yon pan do It, by the ne of
the "favorite rrnccrlptlon." It Ik ywirantefd
to elvn mil I -lu"l Ion In every oaiw, or money
palilfor It will bo returned.
For bllloUNneM, lek headaelie, tndlRnNtlon,
and coiiHllpadou take Dr. Pierre's Pellet.
The Lurlins was damaged $1000 by
high winds at Rooster Rock.
Over Hrr lleatratUw to Health
1'nder lr. Ilarrla'a Treatment
Other Wonderfml Carea.
Editor Oregonian: I desire to say to
the public that I suffered four years with
catarrh, bronchitis, and lately with loss of
appetite. Was treated by other able phy
sicians without being benefited. Finally
took the electromagnetic treatment ad
mlnlhtcrcd try Dr. Darrin. and after two
monl ha' treatment gratefully say that he
has ellocted a permanent cure.
M, It, Waddet,
No. 8 Sherman street, Portland.
More f!nrea by itrn. Itarrta.
Ed. Hynes, Albina-Catarrhal deafness;
I'. I. McFarlane, Vancouver Sciatica
rheumutlnrii; cured.
tieorge C, Srotten. Alblna, Or.-IMnging
noises In the ear and deaf ness; cured.
J. K. ('unnliighain, Wapinltia, Wasco
county, Oregon, total deafness two jears
lu one ear, and partially so in the other,
Mrs. J. E. Smith, Prinevllle. Oregon,
nervoua debility and general weakness
aluiost bordering on inxanit v, reatored.
llenaou McCoy, Dufur, Wasci county,
Oregon, dcufncHH and terrible pain in the
ear and head for six months, until he was
nearly crazy, realleHHtieas and insomnia,
lleatored to health by electricity after all
other treatments had failed.
Ir, Oarrlna Kew I' I me ot Baalnenai.
Drs. Darrin can be consulted free at the
Washington building, corner of Washing
ton and Fourth streets. Portland Rooms
1(1. 17. ti and U third floor. Ask the
elevator boy for room IB. Olllee houra
from 10 to 4 o'clock daily; evenings, 7 to 8;
Sundays, 10 to 12. All curable chronic
diaeases, loss of manhood, blood taintx,
svphilis, gleet, gonorrhoea, stricture,
spermatorrhoea, seminal weakneaa, or loss
ot desire of sexual power, in man or wo
man, catarrh and deafness, arecontldei -tially
and successfully treated. Cures of
private diseases guaranteed, and iiever
published iu the paper. Mot cases can
receive home treatment after a vli-it to the
doctors' ottice. Inquiries answered and
circulars sent free. (Parties writing will
pleiiNe mention thia paper I
Wasting Diseases
Wonderful Flash Producer.
Bcott's Emulsion is not a secret remedy.
Containing the otimulatiDg Uypopbos
pliitos and I'ure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil,
the potency of both owing largoly in
creased. It i i usod by l'bysiciaus all over
tho world.
Gold by mil DrumrisU.
fecfcdfrcdy With
Terry ZDaviS'
ful in aujar and. Water
SHimzs a day, and
you'll 6fct rcl i f at
on co. ondcx
Cure e
after falhfu use of
ths remedy.
' 0J)ijihthericx,
A new book of attractive reading, brim
ful of good things worth knowing and il
lustrated, Is Just issued. It contains a
large collection of valua )e autographs,
excellent receipts for plain dishes, humor
In rhyme and prose, monthly calendars,
and can be bad of all druggb t and deal
ers, or, by sending a two-ctnt stamp to
the publishers. An important feature of
the work Is its offer of Free Music, which
offer Is set forth therein, and by procuring
the book, at once, any one can be supplied
with a choice se ection. The little volume
Is the St. Jacobs Oil Calendar for 18-fl-HO,
published by The Chares A. Vogeler
Company, Udilmore, Md. It is fully
the equal of any ot Its predecessors In the.
Interest of the Great Remedy for Pain, St,
Ja ob Oil, whose virtues never abate, and
whose popularity never wanes. The de
mand for boih book and medicine is very
If you're otmervlng, you'll allow
Tlmt paradox or not
Why mK nd toil, and wtnr nt your
sell ant rear jlothns on washday, when,
ever siucu bo, Dobbins' E.ectric soap has
b eu olleriu on purpow to ilghleu jour
laiKir and save your clothes. Avowtry it.
our grocer has it.
It la astniiUlilnp liouriSHV It la toiret up at
five o'clock in the morning- In your mluil, thai
in to nay, tlU'tilBht klore.
Kodilen ( hangra ." Mi lVesthrr
often caiiKe Pulmonary, hronchlal, ami Abth
matlo troubles. "Broum't lironrhial Trttchei,"
will allay the Irritation which iuclucen cough
ing, giving Immediate relief.
It in very momotonoim to he rich, tint there it
a variety about being poor that sometime make
A More dare tr Irraukrsarm.
Dr. Livii gston's antidote for the liquor
habit ia du. tig more to lift up the fallen
than al other means combined. It wili
cure the worst cases iu from three to ten
dyn without etfe ting diet or buNiuess.
The antidote is never sold in drug atores.
Addie s: Livingston's Chemical Companj ,
ro ins 10. 11 and 12, 229 First street, Port
land, Oregon.
A waiter girl Is different from a poet She is
not born be is made to order.
The sm oker's deiight-' Tansill's Punc h.''
Try Ucrmra for breakfast.
Nothing; tends to turn s man! toward Prohibi
tion qlilekerthan goina to the elotiet in Die dark
for the brandy bottle and getting tbecod liver
oil bottle bv mintake
"Kesubmlaalou. rebellion and remorse" is the
way the Prohibitionists out iu Kansas put it
Buflerars arc not generally aware that these dift
aim are contagious, or that they are due to tha
jimwnctol living )mraitei in the lining niembrau
ut the none and euntachian tulies. Uicroacopio re
search, however, has proved this to be a fact, and the
result is that a simple remedy has been formulated
whereby these distressing dineaiws are rapidly and
permanently cured In from one to three simple ap
plivatiuus made at home by the patient once in two
weeks, A pamphlet explaining this new treatment
is sent free on application by A. U. Dixon m Son,
887 and 8H9 Wast King St, Toronto, Canada. Scim-
tifie American.
t'lmrlee XII of Sweden.
Gen. Joseph Bartlett, ex-minister to Swe
den, makes u somewhat peculiar hut interest
ing contribution to historr. "Whether
Charles XII of Sweden met death ut the
hunds of the enemy or i.l Ins o u tien has
always been a subject of ardent discussion by
military men nud students of Swedish his
tory," suid the general a few days ago to a
group of officers of the army. "When I was
uiinister to Sweden, " he continued, "the sub
Jet;t came up Uttweeu the king of Sweden and
mme hiijli military officials umi was warmly
discussed iu my presence. The king was
much interested iu the debate, and, in order
to satisfy himself ordered the tomb to be
openeu ana llib skull exojumotl. 1 was pres
ent at the examination, which took place at
miduigbt iu tho old church where the remains
repose near those of Gustarus Adolphus.
The bullet which ended the life of Charles
XII passed through the skull iu a direct line.
Ou examining the skull I was struck by the
fuct that the hole in the foreheud was larger
thau the oue ut the base. I noticed further
that the bone of the skull where the ball
passed in front was splintered and forced out
ward, while at the base the bone of the skull
was forced inward. This was conclusive to
in y mind that the shot that had killed Charles
came from behind, which was reasonably con
clusive that it w as fired by one of his own
men, but whether with malicious intent or
not no one can soy. The king had very little
to soy on tho subject ut the time, but it was
agreed that no , other verdict thau the oue
uieutionud was correct, aud I am satisfied
that it tottlde the controversy. No publica
tion, howevsr, of the result of the investiga
tion has ever been made to my kuowledge, as
we were pledged to licerecy at the time by
the kiug." Now York Tribune.
There is no experience more lieavily
fraught with deep ghastly lonosotneness
than that of being shaved by a deaf-and-dumb
barber. Washington Capittl.
Now, really, what was the most as
tonishing thing you saw in l'arls, Mr.
Spicor," asked Mi (lusher, and without
a moment's hesitation Seth answered,
"My hotel bill." Boston Bulletin.
A lady drovo lately to the front of a
drug store and vigorously waved her
hand for a clerk. When he appeared
she asked for a bottle of anti-fat. While
paying for it she said she bad heard it
would "grow leanness" on a person, and
as 8ho weighed 880 pounds sho thought
suo would "rodueo."
The Animals' Institute at Knights
bridge, Hnglaud, founded In 1887
chielly by Indies, undertakes that ani
mals shall be killed or cured in the
most painless manner. The only differ
ence in the treatment of the doukey of
tho costcrnionger and that of the count
ess is that the coster pays nothing aud
thojudj Ti.y, theotdUvr.v iocs.
The Barb-Wire Trustee! har asbserlbed
l2.0H0,fKK) to carry on tholr enterprise. This lg
million for de-fence with s vengeance.
Sure cure for blind, bleeding and Itching
Piles. One box has cured the worst eases of ten
years' slandlng. No one need suffer ten min
utes after tiolng Kirk's Herman I'll" Ointment.
It absorbs tumors, allays the Itching, sets an s
nonltlee, gives relief. J)r. Kirk's German Pile
Ointment Is prepared Only for Piles and itching
of the private parts, and nothing else. Kvery
box la warranted
Wold by Druggists and scut by mall on roeolpt
of price. $1.00 per box. 1. J, Mack & Co.,
Wholesale Agents, Ban Francisco.
A fortunate stock-broken, when asked If he
owed his success to being long or short of the
market, replied: "It was neither I think it was
becaue I was square."
I was taken with sharp pains In the lower part
of my bowels In the region of tho bladder
Shortly blood ap)cared mixed with my urine
and a few weeks later I Sad an attack of gravel
I tried a number of doctors. One said it wat
gravel, another fnllamation of the bladder, and
another stone in klilnevs. For three months I
was under the care of an eminent doctor at Al
bany, but constantly growing worse, went home
to die. At this time 1 wss induced to try Dr.
David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, of Konunftt,
N. Y., and am now robust and strong. A remedy
which can do ibis for one so near death as I wat
should be knowu everywhere. I hope thia state
ment will cause others afflicted as I was to use
the Remedy. ;. W. Hrown, Petersburgh, N. Y.
Dr. Kennedy's Favosits Ksmkdv, made at
Rondont, N. Y. $l;for$T.
Bend for book, how to care Kidney, Uvw and
Blood disorders
"A journey on the Ktuue" whs tne way Jones
described his trip on a bau"ua p"tl.
Holldaya are Cobs Ins;.
Rare novelties, shapes and artistic im
ported oleopraphic and chromatic cards. 1
A large and beautiful collection sent by
mail to anyone who will do this: Buy a
b-x of ths genuine Dr. C. McLane's Cele
brated Liver Mils, price 23 cents, and mail
us the outside wrapper with your address,
plainly written, and 4 cents in s tamos
We will then mail you the above list with
an eieorant packacre of olographic cards,
Fleming Bros., Pittsburgh, Pa.
When two fashionable women meet they are
pretty sure to be clothes observers.
For 20 Years.
Pilot Knob. Mo., Keptomber 3, 1PH3.
I snfTered with chronic rhenm iti-m In my
knees aud ankles for twenty years and bad to
nse crutches. 1 wax treated at times by several
doctors, but was finally cured bv SI. Ja-ohs
till. Have bad no return of pun in tnree
roars. HENItY P. THA VEllA
At PRrooiTi -xn Dkai.t-r
OMIB isvorits Piwrlptions oil nsm
1 tbS SritrhtMt lledical Umd "
mm onpuvm jseaicai nmni , ,
la th world, m nsed by them in I MEDIyiMll
BMliaaadVamM. I DIBEABD.
Ha 1 Cures Catarrh, Hay i'ever.itose
Cold. Catarrhal lMtuiueag,
Bo. 2 Cougha, Colds, IironchItIs,AstIl
uis.Consuuipuon. A Peerless ileuiody.
so w xuver ec juaneya,L)yeperieia,ia
digestion, Coastipation, lin;:li tu Disease.
ITo. 6 rever and. Agus.Iuuib Acae,
Malaria. Neuralgia.
Ho. 6-Fema.le Wealcneas, Irrciralarl-
ties, whites. A Golaou iltmiody.
Ho. 7 A Perfect Tonio, which plves
Health, Form and Fullness, Clear Com
plexion. Good Wood and lots of it.
Ho. 8 Nervous Detiilty,Loss of Power
MjifHiLem-e.nq jHCom;arai)iereme1y.
its tpaclal diM5MiiCI'IUHI,K ml .
to sire parmniit reliet ALWAYS,
nmcriptlre Ciroulr sent ttm on
pplicstion. HOSWIAl, l'KUla
OOMl'AN V, loxmut, Cusda.
a n rH
We ofl'er until sold, to attract attention and
pay in parous, for sending atvav. s cases of
dn" p aiiis. Im.v ns, blue, and ditlcrent shades,
full : inches ide, uea vy and stroiur, at 11 cents
orH ysr s i,r 1: a id 40 nieces pUiu brown,
gsruet nud "lie r sliad s of Cashmere, 36 inches
iile, al -ame price; 'JO pieces of (ray gixuls and
plaids. SO inches wide, heavy and' slronir, fo:
Koihi 12 ysrils 1. These good are not all
wool hut are Rieiit barcalns at these oilers. For
mailing add Kceuts per yard. Iu Ladies' Hose
we ofl'er some w hlie at 15c, formerly aold at S0c;
uublesehed, full sizes, at 10e, Used to bring: ('is
dozen regular; we have black, brown and mixed
at same price, but uot so good: M. u's striped U
hose for hunday wear, $1 per dozen up; Child
reu's hose, SUK' per uozeu up. Home extra bar
gains in (ten it me French, all colors and all
sizes, 25 ecuts, used to bring 6 ver dozen. Iu
dress bultous, nearly every shade, we can send
you at 6c per dozen, or 50c a gross-two-bits a
dozen asked for them elsewhere. We fo got to
mention a wooleu linsey iu red aud black
plaids and other colors, ab ut 28 Inches
wide, at lHc.orfi yards for 1, good for school
dresses. Muslins, ginghams, prints, Canton
flannels, and many other goods, retailed at k
cent a yard above closest jobbing prices until
Jan. 1, IK'0. (iood warm gloves and mittens for
the North Couutry, at 15 and 25 cents. It would
lake 10 columus to hold all we want to tell you,
hut scud for full list, free, and it will be seut
you everything a family wants to se. Address
Ntultli'st CuhIi Ntore, 41s Franc MC
Man 1'ranclsro. ('al.
Manhattan U. M. C. and Cqtt Breech-Loading
Shot Ouns.
. Ikswffi-V' i ' "
Also a full assortment of Marllu, Colt and Win
chester Kifles. The II. M. C. Machine Shot uus
for $20, are the best Machine (Juu in tlie market,
bund for circular. II . T. II I! I0 .
98 First Street, jyortlatd. Or.
$75 T0 $250.2 wJCTr'
can De moAe
preferred Who can furnish m Iidi'mb and give their
wuoie tune 10 tne niiHineHs. ripure mnmems may lis
prutlluhly employed aluo. A few rucaui les lu towns
Slid cities. H. if, JOHNSON & Co., 10US Mulu SU,
biclimunit, Va-
H. M.- Pleote. Halt age and buHnent experience.
Hever mind about finding stamp for reply, BJ,
di Cb,
r i
Ta Urare t Tired Yawn? ; .'
Seemingly, for certain wretched InvalW iv?, i'
toddle feebly along, though always lot "lg; ai.
If they were going to die, tint omitting ,o $1.
They dry np, wither, dwindle swsy Aid'?; tmt
In the meantime never having robust health,
know nothing of the physical enjoymluit, the
scstot that existence to watch the elini with
such remarkable tenacity. They are always to
dc lonnd trying to mend bv tinkering at them-
clvea with mm. . ...M,i.. . .. I ... l
" j i-ui-.i,r, mine or - IICK
me up" to give a flillp n digestion, or "help the
liver." If such mlwilded folks should resort
and adhere to Hosteller's Mtomach Bitters It
would be well with them. Tilts superb n
vlgorant supplies the stamina that the feeble
require, by permanently reinforcing digestion
and assimilation. It overcomes nervousness,
insomnia, malaria, kidney complaints, hillons
ness. constipation, rheiiiratlsm and neuralgia.
I nnor csoellen. t proven In millions of homes for
n-.nre th n aquxr'erof a century. It la ued by tha
luill Wites(JiTernnie t. KworKlbr the heads of
thi Hrrat Ijuiversitira as th H-mnamt. Hiirmt and
in t He.lth'ul I)r Hri'e's Cream Hskim Powder does
n it contain Atnunnft. Lime Alum. Soli! only In cans.
saw roKa. i hii i.i
are those put up by
Who an the largest Seedsmen ia the world, 1
D. M. Fbsry & Co's
Illustrated. DescriDtive and Priced
SD AlIi.UAt,
lor 1090 win De mauea r kcc to an ap- ,
pncanis, ana 10 last season s customers.
It is Dctter tnaa ever, every penoi
using Garden, Flower r fit Id
ieedi should tend lor iL Address
unan doan
I'ncle Jt uiuh on Tobacco.
You enn't fool dis chile wid your trashro
baeky. I smoke 8kai and don't you forget it.
riome smokers think that anything that
make smoke, is good enough to go into a pipe.
1'hey -will nnd by a little experience that there
is a vast difference in Smoking Tobaccos. Just
try "Sbai. or NoitTH Carolina, "and you will
see the difference between it and the Imitations.
!. . ' BKACH.Gabler. Hoe-
Jlsh Pianos; BurdettUrgana. Band Instruments.
Largest stock of Sheet Music aud Hooks. Hands
supplied at Eastern Prioeg. MATTHIAS
GitAY CO. 208 Post Street. Ban Franouco.
Best Cough Syrup. Tasngood. Dae
iu nine, nom 11:
I Rfwrih, mnA ffnltw .
dorse Big J as the only
specific for the certain cur
mi tins oiseasb.
Amsterdam, N. Y.
We have sold Elf Q for
many year, and It baa
given tna oast 01 satis
faction. 11 u nvn-fT-v nA
Chicago, I1L
11.00. Sold bj DrugtUla,
Tfinr PKNTIST. Informa-
I I I U Im t ln ef death or whereabout
I I 1 1 I required by relatives. Keward
1 ""J if desired. Address, W, K.
YOUNG, Antioch, California.
Drop a Postal Card
225 First St.,
Portland. Ore.
The Oldest Medicine in tie World is troiaily
K. IXAA' 'JJionPSOfi'X
This article is a curel ully piepareil pnj sldiui S pre.
soriptlon, aud has been lu constant use for nearly a "
century. There are few diseases to which niaiikind
are subject more distressing than sore eyes, and
none, iierhapg, for which more remedies have lieeu
tried without success. For all external inflammation
of the eyes it is an infallible remedy. If the direc
tions are followed it will never tail. We particularly
invite the attention of plivstcluus to Its merits. For
salebyalliiruifKlsts. JOllN L. THOMPSON, SONS
CO., Tkuv, S. V. Established 1W7. ,
pUIOHl ttiway r-'liiablo. I.utllt'su
axlt l)r'JLVit t.iT Hwti.i Kr.nid in
'and. ia fk
ith bliiet
n eiu-VVV
ut?rs. am " J
fd Wciallio OoXt'i, actUoil With I
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