The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, December 06, 1889, Image 7

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    .1 j.
vkid.vy, dkchmukr , ISB.
mi ii ..nni "'! . ... 'i j j'. .'
0ici'rt this evening.
F. V. French, Jeweler, Albany, Or.
Holiday Books at MillcrVdrug store,
Six lut wild In Wacom's addition
tfcls week.
A fresh milk ww for ttnlc. Iniulrc
I(HiqUKiIi!M for holiday gwxls nt
Jictil'd fc lloltV.
pure Mood Wyandotte chieken for
mile by J I. H. RoMta.
Our merchants are making extensive
pfcpHrutlojiN fur tin1 holiday.
I4i thi vwli'n issue we furnish im a
HUipU meiit tln jiViMidwnt'ti message.
A building boom ha atrnck the city
utid houses are springing np in avcry
W. C. Pctprsm is doing iv iuJiing
real estate business. ( him your
One good fiur-year-oM horse for ulc
i1o well broke apply t this office
mid get h bargain.
It. K ItolKTt brought into this office
one day thU wwk mi egg that mcnmir-
I'd d'tX'-i inche.
Awllicr Interesting feature of the
concert t-nlght will be the splendid
music furnished by the "'Magic Hpcll
If you want to make money fat ami
eary, Invent hi property In Lehunou.
It will double hi value in less than alx
Now that the paper mill 1 an amir
e(l fact, our citizen should build the
I lmnon (Huh. Who will make the
Ilrst move In thnt direction?
Several of our eltlr.fns have thi wwk
invested In property in Seattle, Irt
laml ami Astoria-ami ft groat many
have Invented right here In Lebanon.
Jtev. .1. U- Kirkpatrlek was to have
mnile the addn-s n the 4th nt the an
niversary of the grange gathering, near
Kowland, but ww too tiawcll tt bo
If you waul to buy city rojKrty,
eltlier in Li'baHwii, Knittie, r Atorii4,
the tim e boomiiii eltle of tlt lWilfc
iHWHt, ajtjtly Ht till olllc'. Tlio lKt 1
piqiertv n lit lt f term.
X. It. ('yru Itnn tempiraiily lovel
biHoaieeto TiiK Exrui' nnetuni.
lie Uiivea in a few Java for Atria,
where he will n real ewtute. oillee.
May ueiia attend him.
Mr. 1'hil Smith, of the H. Charlea,
ha pureliiiMed and ebwed J'jie
nut. Thi iMiterprW liild reeclve
the putronaiw f the eitizeua of Lttlm
iioii and others eoniI; to our town.
Dr. U. ltarkcr, who I lnten-ted
to II coiihUlerablc extent In the Dry
(luleh mine, i In town thi week vIk
ilinj; motlit a-id blow
inijnptlie mhiM. Uc thinks he ha
atruek a bminnr.a.
Jli.n. 11. A. Irvine I favorably men
tioned im the democrat!') cuudhW for
governor of Orrjjon. K'1 ha the nia
o and no In him, and If he get the
nomination be will make the follow
"hump It" lht Irt'iu him.
W. DtiiiHton, a reproentative of tin
Iry (luleh mining company, wa in
ttwn thla week. Thi eompuny, by
the'way, I a very exteimive one, and
propone to rreuto eouliernle Mir in
theprine;. 'The ciipttal bUhjV la S.1u(,
WK), divided Into 8,W0,Wo ahafe at t-n
tent A hare. A quarts mill will be
jmtiti nextapVing.
, Everybody attend the concert at the
M. E. Church to-night Ml JIallie
M. IWrlnh, of Ralem, who la eoncedd
to l the aweetet ainger In the atate,
w ill render aoao or her choice selec
tion The raglc Kpell Orcheatrn will
it in innklng tire concert a grand
ancoeaa by the rendition of their aplen
tild ihUhIc.
We a,re reliably Informed that Itev.
Xieo. W. Oibouey haa received a tumn
hmiUH cal, to the ttregou Vlty Preaby
Itertan church, and that he has the
matter under'aerlon advUicment. We
Would deeply regret to lose ho excellent
nnd courtetou a Chriatlan m in later,
hi people her would ftnd It hard to
fill hi place, mid they would, do well
to keep Ultuv
The city election at Albany resulted
aa follow: L'. t'owuii, Mnyof N. 13
llentou, ' Jtotrordcr; F. h, Kenton,
Treaaurer; John N. IIuffmau.MHrshal;
Jl. V. Table, W. H. (Jarrett nud U. W.
Hmlth new UouneHmen. We congrat
ulate our fellow towuHinan, ii. W.
8mlth, a one of the citv'futhera.
tbjoige la a tine lnwlneBSj-". 'a public
bpirited wad libwal he ' 'emaDk
ii iftjtowiiirttj (iirtiMiii;-fii
Xir . ITEM. ..- j
llemcmbor the concert Ihia evening,
lleurd t Holt fcave the fluent albums
10 the city. f
Three gwatcile of Oregon I'ort-1
land, Albany an! Lflmnon.
Win, KiTOt, of Falem. Is vlHltlng his
lter, Mrs. A. ll.Vyi'un, thla week.
M. A. Miller 'Invites everylmly to
conn; and ec lilx holjday awworlmeiit.
C. D. Montagne and theeditorofthi
paper made a llylngitrlp toAatorin thla
Wi'rk. ;; .v'. (
Uov. 11. It. CroMlftr, of East Portland
came up Thnraday and i vh iting
friend In town.
lVranna knowing themelvc Indebt
ed t Cruxon A Meii7-ie, la kind
enough to call and actlle at once.
Mr. Vahburn and daughter, of
Junction City, were in town Che (lrt
the wwk vinlting friend and relative.
J. B. Springer purelm'1 two lota in
Kirkputrk'k'tf ahlitlou, uiid hfl the
lunila-r on ttie ground to build a bonne.
The C. P. Siinday-acliool ha lai-n in
vitetl to participate In the Chrlatma
xereleut the M. K. Church Cliriht
ma eve.
Willi Calder ha returned from
Woodburn, where he ha been for wv
ecal wwk. He I utteiiding achool at
the aeiwiemy.
Our tow n electton will be held on the
flrat Monday of January. It would be
well to U-gln to decidv on nultable can
didate for the VMriotiaoflleea.
Service will lc held in thcC, P.
Church Friday and Saturday evening
at even o'clock. Onniuunion fcerviee
Sunday evening. All are luvlted.
The M. K. Su iday-whool will linve
& ClirWina tree nt their church
Chi i.-tma ere. All arc invited to jmr
tielputc with them and have pleuaant
K. L. Liggett, agent the Ivl neat ional
Endowment coiiiany, of Portland, re
ported in thi ifJlve that hi pocket
were picketl of U ret dollar on Tuesday
The ladic of the M. M church de
ire to expir to 0. B. Montague their
thank for hi kindne in allowing
them the free hmc of hi hall on the oc
caption of their lipjirr there, oil Thanks
giving evening.
Mi Clara Irvine, of Corvallla, who
In now teaching at Sodaville pent
Saturday and Si nday in town visiting
fiiend. We a - Knowledge a 'pleasant
call from Mi Irvine and Ada Mill
er Saturduj aftei-Hoou. Culi again,
MarrUil, by Kev. F. II. Calder, in
Lebanon, n Decern l-r 1st, at 3 o'clm-k
Mr. AllK-rt I). Cmpon and Mias Julia
J5. Thayer, lth of Linn county. The
c-ntrae.tlng paitie are well and favor
ably knowu in Iebnuon and vicinity.
They have the best wlshea of tlirir
many friends. Tlie happy couple will
move in a few day to the homo of the
groom, about 12 mile north of Lela
non. May their livwi be long and
First-class work at McClure' barber
Xow lathe tlmelo have your buggy
repslred, and J. T. Ilarbiu will x it
for you.
The best watches in the world at F.
M. French's, Albany.
O W. Wheeler will pay cash for
sawlogs delivered at IiIh mill.
(Jomrt railroad time at F. M.
Fi ench's jewel ry store, Albany.
D. W. Odell, M. J)., Physiciun and
Burgwm, Sodaville, Oregon.
For sale, a lino young horse, four
yearn old, well broken in. Apply at
Bring your butter and eggs toC. E.
Browtiell, Albany, Oivgon.and get the
highest nn-.rket price.
Cruaon & Menzie are prepared to fur
nish you vith doors and windows
cheaper than anyone else In Lebanoiu
Bedrock prices, new goods and stan
dard brands at bot h the Mammoth and
One Price Cash. Stores of C. B. Monta
gue.. The largest stork of watches and
clocks In Linn county, and the lowest
price, at F. M. French's (tho Corner
Jewelry Store), Albany.;
Do not buy any eastern trash when
you can get those spl'-ndid Buciklnghaui
& Ilecht goods at Montague's Mam
moth store and alo at his One Price
Cash Store."' .."'. .:
Our goods reach' us direct from" the
manufactory and every pair of our
boots and slioes are fully warrunlml.
When you ei-d any boots or m1ich
over Montagues large new stosk.
MR.KhlTORsl send "Tho Adinl
aloti of States" to have It published, If
you will," It will enable pupil who
happen to get a copy to fix the dates
better, w hen In such a form.
W. L. MaykkhrY.
When the admission of States to the
Union was begun, . .
Vermont came firi't in 1701 ;
The next year Kentucky to the Union
was llxed,
And Tennessee followed In 170(1;
Ohio joined next In 103,
And nine years later Lotislana we see ;
Hoosier Indiana is next to lie seen
A it comes up nulling lit 181(1.
Miiippl mime next, and Illinois one
year later,
While the next year Alabama made
the Union one greater ;
The next year came Maine the Union
And one later Missouri came into the
lUt ;
Next, In ISrttS, Arkansas joined her
hand ;
The next year came Michigan to
strengthen the band,
Then Texas and Florida w ith settlers
Were promptly admitted lit 1S4.
The next year Iowa took her place in
the ring,
And two years still later Wisconsin we
Then two years later, if I'm rightly
California came in with her vast stores
of gold.
MInntota joined surely in lfviS,
While the next year Oregon came in as
u state ;
In 1S;1 Kansas in a similar manner
Added a star to the National Banner;
West Virginia aud Nevada in yearly
f uwesxlou
In '03 and '4 were given admission.
Iu 187, says the maker -f rhyme,
Nebraska was admitted ia Andrew
Johnson's time.
Colorado, when added makes then urn-
her 88, ,
And In 1870 was the Centennial State.
Montana, North and South Dakota,
whose prairies are fine,
Came into the Union iu 1K80 ; f
Washington, the same year, whose
harbors are blue,
Was the last one admitted and is called
42. ,
The Academy is progressing nicely
with Tiof. -Wiighfe as principal. At
tendance lneicaMhg; having 2H en
rolled up to Thursday night.
Frof. (jilbcrt, former principal of the
Academy, made the chHl a pleasant
call yesterday and gave the students
some very interesting remarks. Come
Hickuess has made its appearance in
the Academy and has taken a few out
of whooi. We hope to kg them
present warn.
Kev. Calder was at chapel
aud conducted Die devotional evcrciscs
Monday morning. Such visit are
appreciated by tlu- Prof, and the stu
dents. Miss Gilbert, of Albany, instructor
In the musical department, was pres
ent Tuesday. ,
I'rof. Wright has leeii quite unw ell
the past few. days, but is still at his
post of duty. Hitukxt.
Dlntolntloii IS'utloe.
Notice is hereby given that the co
partnership heretofore existing be
tween the undersigned, under tho linn j
name of Jlhtckburn & Nichols, Is thi
day dissolved by mutual consent. 1vhe
business will be resumed by John
Nichols, who assumes all indebtedness
of thu late flrm and collects all out
standing accounts, at the place of bus!
iicms heretofore occupied by the late
firm. .
Witness wir hands and seals this
10th day pf Noyemlier, 1880.
tAV. lli.ACKrBN. (.Seal.)
John Nichols. (Heal.)
vaum ron BALK.
227 acrtw, 7 in cultivation, 40 acres
Iu pasture wltli scattered grub oak on
the same. House and barn, email or
chard. Watered by well, spring and
creek. Price it:iaoo..
We Call especial attention to t'lie new
ad. of Barrows & Searles, of Albany.
They are both gentlemen of laryo and
varied exiwrlence in the lnercantiltj
business; having each travelled for
years over the greater part of the Unit
ed .Stat.s, and now they have located
at Albany with goods at rock-bottom
prices. Call and tjee them.
All the groWrlcB you can carry a
Dollar at
jVi IhA(i vi:r i )a
Thankful I am not a Chinaman nor a. Hottentot.
Thankful that I live in Lebanon.
Thankful I am not President of the United 5tatos.
Thankful f Vto my trading with Hackleman.
Thankful jam smart enough toknow a bargain when I nee it.
Thankful I nee a bargain every time 1 go to llackluman's.
Thankful I am not a hard case.
Thankful times are not hard.
Thankful Hackleman is not hantl to deal with.
Thankful I have sonic hard cash.
Thankful I am not hard up. -Thankful
I have paved money this year by trading with
Thankful that I am thankful.
Thankful for Hackleman's new stock.
Thankful for his low prices. .
Thankful Hackleman a trade is increasing.
Thankful that people grow smarter every da
Thankful when people are smart
as 1 am, and trade with
Lebanon. m - - Oregon.
All parties contemplating building, or desiring lumber for
any other purpose whatever would do well to call on
At his lumber yard at this place or at tho eawmill.
"We have on hand a first-class stock of
Rough ami Clear Lumber.
Bills of all kinds filled on short notice.
Give me a call
Before Purchasing Elsewhere .
DlKaullnn Notloe.
Notice is hereby given that the co
paituervhip heretofore existing be
tween the undersigned undes the firm
name of A. It. ','yrus & Co. is this day
dissolved by mutal consent. The bus
inessw illbecolinuedby W. C. Peter
son at t he p!us( of bUMiness heretofore
occupied by the firm.. Witness our
hand and sca this 12tli day of Novem
ber IKS!). A. It. CYlit'H. Seal. .
, . AC. li-i:itwix. Heal.
At the M. K. Church Friday evening
December . WX Miss Hallie M. I'ar-
le "SKt rsingei or r?aiein,"wiii
render some
her choice, selections.
Best homey
the pror
nt w ill itHKlst in muUing
c a success. Admission,
li5 cents.
for Hale.
!.p'J a growing, prosper-
ous t,
i lilth shop nn Jots In
lown, which iraBs good
Mciilni-s liKiuire at
Jl J
' l family bibles at Miller's,
i Menzies will furnish your
H doors cheap.
j L has a fi rat-class veterina
ry surgt., IJd his blacksmith shop.
Chrlstuft coming, and you want
to secure one of tlise nice presents at
M. A. Miller's at oiice.
Hurmh for Miller's display of holi
day goods. The paper, mill is no
where. '
A 'contort, will be held in tho M. 10.
Church Friday evening, Dec 0, which
prou ises to beTa rare treat. Allshould
Do not buy any eastern trash when
you can get those splendid Fucking
ham & Ilocht jro-ii'ls at Montague's
Mammoth ttore
Price CVh if tore
vaiso at hi One
G. Beardsiey,
Farms and City Projicrty for
Correspondence' solicited,
r. O. Uox341.
Bet e ' i ii? c f t ? 1 1 1
Is giving splendid satisfaction to tho
trade and the sales are positively niai'
veloUs, which call be accounted for In
no other way except that it is without
doubt the best lu the market. Ask for
and lie sure yon get the genuine. Wo
keep it. M. A. Miller, Druggist.
In a recent article ht the Youth'
Companion oil "How to euro a cold,"
the writer advises a hot lemonade to bo
taken at bed time. It is it dangerous
treatment, especially during the severe
cold weather of the wintel' months, us
it opens the pores of tho skin ami
leaves the system in such condition
that another and much more severe
cold is almost certain to he coniyiotd.
Many years constant us and the ex
perience of thousands of persons of all
ages, has fully demonstrated that there
is nothing better for a severe cold than
Chamberlain's Cough Reiuedy. It uels
in perfect harmony -'with nature, re
lieves the lungs, Jiijuefies the tough te
nacious mucus, making it easier to ex
pectorate, and restores the system to h
strong and heulthy '.condition. Mfty
Cent bottles for sale by M. A, Miller.
All parties knowing themselves in
debted to me will please call and svttle
as I must balance my hooky iy ,fa - '
M. A. ' LLK. .
work it