fcf ,1 1 MONSIEUR'S LITTLE GAME. Rowa'Prannh Matrimonii! Affant llooin4 t .-" II la HuiilnM. ' 7A. matrimonial agent at Levallols Terrot, a suburb of Pari, who had a special Una of business, has just de eamped with the money of numerous victims. Ho hud as bis clients noua but plain op ugly damsels with dow ries, who found a dlflloulty in "gettlnR off" by reason of tholr lack of per sonal attractions, for although tha great bulk of Gauls have a strong' par tlullty for dol, they do not oaro to be tied for life to a lady who has nothing to recommend hor but hor lucre. The absconding undortaker of weddings had a neat way of his own of reconcil ing Intending bridegrooms to tho pros peot of doublo-blossedness with damos whose features wore the reverse of fair, at the same time that bo enabled Mm lady clients to change their iiaraos and find apparently eligible partners, lie simply had a solect stock of private friends, or richer confederates, who took ovor the ladles . and large lumps of tholr dowries, and thon, after a few weeks or months, decamped most Ignf.mlnloiis ly from the spouses whom they, bad promise to love and ohorlsh. The agout. of eourso, received large com missions from the Indies, and more over obtained sums of money from the fugitive husband. The system worked beautifully for a time so fur as the agent and his confederates were con cerned. Money rollod into his office, until one duy lately be was suddenly confronted by some of bis outraged clients, who. after sad experience, had soon through his "little game." Those ladles told their stories, complained that bad characters had been folded upon thorn as husbands, and threat ened to take legal proceedings against tholr vicllmizor. The agent replied In his blandest manner that be could not guarantee exemplary husbands whose conduct would be such us to keep the course of married life forever smooth and pleasant. When his clients, how ever, went away, the matrimonial opcrutor, remembering the threats about legal proceedings, figuratively speaking hauled down bis colors, or rather bis siirn-board and brass plate, shut up his shop and disappeared, most probably to foreign parts.- Pari Cor. London Telegraph. LUTHER'S WEDDINQ RINQ. A Curlnna Hello of Ilia Grunt Ituformer Owned bv a Newark .Man. Adolph feomnn, of Newark, N. J.t lin a remarkable relic in his posses eion. It Is nothing less than the ring which Martin Luther, the founder of Protestantism, placed on the Jinger of his bride on his wedding day. The ring is of pure gold, antique in design, curiously wrought and fully 803 years old. The claims in favor of the au thenticity of the relio are certainly strong. Socman, who Is a professional con jurer by occupation, is tho son of the late Huron Harding Socman, of Sweden. The Baron was a famous conjuror In his duy und nation. As Socman tells the story, an elderly noble woman died thirty years ago in a castle in the suburbs of Stockholm. As. there were no claimants to her property the Stale took charge of it and sold the castle and its contents ut auction. A gentle man named Hammer purchased . the entire collectlou of Jewelry, among which was the ring referred to. Not boing familiar with the history of the ring, he disposed of it to Baron Socman for $5. A fow years later, when tho Huron and his son wore visit ing America, a copy of the Gorman monthly Uaslenlaube, publlshod at Dresden, came to them, coutalnlng ao illustration of a ring for which the city of Isleben, Germany, the great reform er's birthplace, offered a reward of $1,000. The illustration and accom panying description talllod exactly , with tho ring In the Baron's possession, and tho latter at once started for Ger many to lay claim to the reward. There was no difficulty in establish ing the fact that the ring was in reality Luther's wedding ring, but upon sec ond thought the Baron concluded not to sell for the amount that had been offered. Accordingly he returnod to America with the remarkable rello adorning bis finger, and throe years ago, when his death took place, the ring became the property of his son, who to-day would scarcely part with it for a mint of money. As an illustration of the skill ex blbiled by the artisaus of threo centu ries ngo, Luther's wodding-rlng fur nishes a markod example. Although considerably worn by its long period of existence, it Is in almost perfect con dition. Upon one of tho .broad yet delioatoly-constructod sides tho cruci fixion of Christ is admirably dolln eatod. , The figure is stretched on the cross, with the nails in the feet and one lu either hand, as familiarised by the old masters. A apoar scourge, cap of a Koman soldier, ftU.-iblematlc, and even tho dice with Nbe garments of tho avloll" .d for, are all clearl.y't ( the opposite siae tne puiiirof a wewisn tern pie is presented wu.h the sword of Justice overheard. A ladder rope the latter winding about the pillar a sponge and ham mer, suggestive of every incidont in the death scene, are clearly shown, and on the cross-tree appears the let ters, "I. N. It L" (Jesus flaiiarenus Rex Judom). A powerful glass re veals the initials "M. L," on the in terior, while the whole is surmountod by a small ruby, beautifully set, and supposed to typify the blood that flowed from tho Saviour's side. N. Y. Mall and Kxprops. ' . - or PE0N3 Man Win Work Hard for Kidlculonilr Low W(M, Spoaking of the peon, I think to most travelers in Mexico one of the most astonishing things must be ap parent differences between accounts read of his laziness and shlftlossnoas and what ono really sees of him in the city or country. I should say. from soverul months' observation of them, that the average peon far exoncds our best negro workers of the South in in dustry and energy. On the streets you much oftoner see them on a brisk walk, or, as in the case of the carga dores, even on a trot, than on the touching gait of most of our Southern colored laborers. The peon is more ig norant than the latter, duo to his iso lation from higher civilization, but ) would unhesitatingly say that his nat ural intelligence Is greater. He work for smaller wages than the negro, get ting on an average about eighteen cents a day in the oountry. He it frugal as a rule a little fonder of his pulque or tequila than the negro is ol his whlsky.but also, as a rule, faithful and good-natured. In tho couutry they will often be met long before daylight driving their burros or carrying on their own back burdens into a market town twenty 01 thirty miles away. The load they carry and distances they frequently mako with them are almost incredible. I have known one peon to carry on bis back, by means of the peculiar pack of the country, eighty good-sized water jars a distance of fifteen miles in a morning. In the city one is struck by their alert, polite ways. Thoy are very susceptible to kindness, and equal ly quick to resent severity of language from a stranger. Outside of the cities I have found them noticeably honest, and even in the cities they would rank far above the Mexican (1 observe the distinction made by Mr. Bishop, 1 think, of calling "Mexican1 the mixed blood of the Spanish aud native, and applying the term "Indian," or "peon," according to the class, to the pure blooded native) in this respect- The old hereditary traits of the Latin race will crop o;'t, even mixed with other blood and transplanted to other soli ctor. Philadelphia Record. A sngacions canine at Johnstown Is not going to get caught in another flood if it can help it Every time ii rains the dog rushes to the fourth story and remains there until the downpour Is over. Baltimore's Columbus Monument Baltimore ! the possessor of the only monument in this country to the memory of the discoverer of America. Strange to say, it was set up by a foreigner, the first French Consul to the port of Baltimore. He was an eccen tric man, possessed of great wealth and an ardent admiration of Columbus. The existence of this monument is not generally known, and it has particular interest now in view of the accumulat ing importance of the coming Exposi tion of the threo Americas. It stands upon un elevated plateau on the lawn attached to the Samuel Ready Foraale Orphan Asylum, at the inter section of East North avenue and tho Hartford road. It was erected nearly a century ago, yet it is in a h;e state of preservation after having withstood tho storms of so many years. It Is the design of the management of the asylum to appropriately decorate tho monument in October, 1892, the time of the great Exposition of the three Americas, us a help to emphasize the circumstances under which it was erected. The monument is built of brick said to have been importod from England or France. At first it was covered with plaster, but it has since received a coating of cement by the Ready Asylum trustees. It is quad rangular in form, and slopes from a base of six and one-half foot in diameter to two and a half feet at the top. and is about fifty feet high. Baltimore American. The boll that colls the arithmetic class is the school boys' dread sum mons. Merchant Traveler. 'a Arc AU fonUKl. . The last issuJ of The' Medical Review promises n future article on "What to Do When Stung by j, Hornet." We don't believe any one rill wait with bated breath for that artK'lu- We have aril been there. The thi.i to do is to jump two feet high aud ye'l for the police. Detroit Free Press. MISTAKES IN GRAMMAR.' ninndnr That At Frqnntlv Mads Thrnnffh lir 'rl-xnf(i. Faults are pardonable in conversa tion which are not pardonable in writ ten compositions. But we must bo careful not to take too much leeward in this regard, and not to make' mis takes in grammar and pronunciation. Jome people are guilty of grammatical blunders, through sheer carelessness. Thus, a lady of my acquaintance, who understands trigonometry, and can translate Virgil, often says to me "you was," and yet she knows per fectly well that 'this is an inexcusable 3) Intake. , ; ' ' , j ' Other people, who ought to 'know better, say "he don't" for "he doesn't," "I don't know as I da" instead of "I don't kuow that I do.". "Aint" and taint" are not often used now by ed- oaw a people, unless in a jesting way. It is no unwise thing, however, to be careless or inaccurate in ones pronunciation or use of language, r-Inca tricks , of speech are easily caught, and very hard to get rid of. Thus, when one is talking to servants, or other uneducated people, one is often templed to adopt their phrase-' ology, in order to be readily under stood by them, but It is better to with stand, the tomptatlon. even if one should be obliged in consequence to take more . trouble to express one's meaning clearly. What shall be taid of the woman who says "I done it?" She has cer tainly placed herself between the horns cf dilemma. Her hearers will infer either that her early education was neglected, or that she -associated with uneducated people during her child hood. And yet this is a grammatical fault, which seems hard to got rid of. Persons who never say "I seen it," or he has went'' or 'them things," will occasionally betray themselves by let ting slip the fatal "I done it" It is qulto as incorrect to use "he" and "I" for "him" and "me." or vice versa, as it is to say "I done it," and yet the first-named class of faults that of using the wrong pronouns is some times committed by educated people. Indeod, I have heard the phrase "it is roe" justified, on the ground that it was a literal translation of the French "c' est moi." But our English gram mar does not, like its French name sake, justify the employment of certain pronouncial forms, merely for the value of euphony. "He Is older than I" may not sound so well as- "he is older than me," yet the former is the correct form. It is a very common mistake to say "Between you and I," and yet a mo ment's reflection should convince any one: who has ever studied grammar that he should say "Between you and me." Florence Howe Hall, in Ladles' Home Journal. HOW TO SAVE TIME. It Can II Ioim by Making Every Word and Every Act 'lelL Time is money, says the old adage. Millions of people do not seem to think so, or else are exceedingly profligate in the use of money. The waste of the precious moments is beyond computa tion, and we do not mean to touch up on the generally recognized methods of wasting time which the idler and drunkard, for instance, make use of. We desire particularly to call atten tion to the waste of time, of which so many of us are guilty, in ordinary bus iness affairs. We lack Btrict method in many things that we do every day. The man who builds an inconvenient house or barn makes the waste of time a necessity. Every unnecessary step we take is a waste of time. Perhaps the average man wastes a quarter of his life by practicing poor methods or no methods at all. Frequently old cus toms are greatly to blame for the profligacy. We too often insist in keeping in old ruts although it re quires much longer to arrive at a certain point by the old rut than if we go out and cut across lots. It is sold that loavlng out the letter u in words like honour is equivalent in saving to the world the productive capacity of five hundred men every year. That is it took all the time of five hundred men every year to make that letter in such words as the one uamed. The old system of teahing in our schools was another illustration of the waste of time through imperfect methods and old austoms. It required weeks and months for a child to learn the alphabet It required other weeks and mouths for it to learn the multi plication table. Now many a child is taught to read, who could not re peat tho alphabet to save its life, and is quite proficient in arithmetic with out boing able to repeat the multipli cation table. A child is taught to read in a short time. His text book is not u book at all. Perhaps a grass hopper is put into the hand of the lit tle six-year-old and he handles and studies that grasshoppor for days and weeks, and from it he loams to read, learns the use of figures aud a good deuii of natural history. Without go ingliuto the details of the system, the child Varus more from that system of teaching in a fow days than he would icarn in weeks from tha old system. It Is a great saving of time. Time is an Important element in all that we undui'UvW' It is an Important element in reform work, and to save time in such work, we need to be practi cal in all that we advocate. Impractical theories will not be accepted by the masses, To advocate them is time thrown away. We should aim to make every word and every act tell. West ern ilural. Tho grub makes the butterfly; the blacksmith makes tho- fire fly. Yon Jeers Gaze'ta. At a la o gatnerifig in the Mildmay Confcrenco Hall tho Church of England Z mam. Missionary fcocioty bade "God speed" to nineteen ladies who will shortly be aiding in the noblo work of the society among the women of India and China. HOARDING IN INDIA. Tais Amount of Mnny Hidden Away By Matlva Trine). In the courts of the native princet of India hoarding takes place on a vast scale. Tho Maharajah of Burdwan died lately and left a large hoard. It proves that anterior to 1835 there wa much hoarding when it is stated thai tho Maharajah had withdrawn from his store 230,000 of silver, which was It the form of Sikka rupees, none ol which have been coined since 1825. A leiter was submitted to the royal com mission on the subject of the Mahara jah's hoard. A description was given of the several treasure houses in the estate, their dimensions and their con tents: "One large room, measuring about 48 feet in length, H feet. inches in breadth, and 13 feet, 9 inchee in height, where gold and silver orna ments and ornaments set with precious stones are kept. These articles are in almirahs and boxes of all descrip tions, and also some gold plates and cups, thalees and katorahs, as well as washing-bowls, jugs, etc." Two other rooms contain silver domestic utensils, forks, spoons, etc.. andr strange to say. Engllith dinner and breakfast sets, all of silver. Two of these rooms were under lock and the doors bricked up. There are four other rooms, one containing ornsments of gold, silver and precious stones, gold ornaments and throne; two others containing the reserve treasury, which included the estate collections and Government se curities and debentures, while the other is thus dercribed: "The fourth room measures about 22 feet 6 inches in length, 15 foot in breadth, and 12 feet S inches in height, where there are two large sized vaults prepared for hoarding the current silver coin, and since the year 12C7 B. C. some money was from time to time put in and taken out by the Maharajah MahUb Chund Bahadoor for the expenses of an emergent and extraordinary nature, such as the late Maharajah Aftab Chund Bahadoor's marriage, Lala Bun Bebarl Kspur's marriage, and buying landed proper ties. When he died one lac was left In ono of the vaults." In another de partment the ornaments belonging to different gods of the family were kept, and silver thalees, sapalas, etc., for the religious purposes, the room being locked and sealed. It was the custom of the Burdwan Raj family to confide the custody of these valuables to the Maharanee for the timo being, but the vaults were never Inspected save in the presence of the Maharajah. When sums were withdrawn only relations and trustworthy servants were admit ted into the room and vault. Treasur ers and dewans used to be present out side tho room or apartment, where the sura drawn was sent out (female guards being placed in the passage) for the purpose of weighing, counting and bagging it before it was sent tc the mint. Other instances of hoarding were given by an officer of the Indian post office in 1886, who stated that a native prince was then hoarding gold at the rate of 40.000 to 50.000 a year, and on the death of two native princes re cently it was believed that they had left 4.000.000 each. One of these princes look a loan of 300,000 from the Government of India in 1887, when he must have been in possession of a large hoard himself; for it is a point of honor with a family not to break in4.o a hoard, which Is treated "with the sacredness of a family picture. When the prince in question had to make a payment to the Government of India for a purpose in which he was inter ested, and wns asked when he could make the payment a payment of 150.00) ho said: "At any moment." Hoards are only drawn on in extreme cases, and it is Buch calamities as war or the groat famine in Madras or Bom bay that will bring them out. During these famines bullion or ornaments were taken out of the hoards and sent to the Bombay mint, to England, or pledged with the native banker or money-lender,- But, unless under special cii-instances, the gold and silver of f Vthe hoards are com posed ar; n without any inten tion of.'' Ndreulation again, -Chi- MMaaWaa ' A LEGEND OF CALLA0-' HOW THE ISLAND MOUNTAIN OF 6AN LORENZA GOT ITS NAME. Midnight Rlda Tafcan by a Peruvian rtah crroati Much Agalmt III Will If Sailors Am a Truthful Set Ona Nuit Wonder at : tha I'ranka Flayed br tha Wave. . . "Whenever seismic disturbances ara mentioned In my bearinjr it always re- niimis me of the desperately calamitous affair that took place in Calbo, Peru, in 1710." said the cap'n breaking In on a spirited discussion touching the best quality of oil for binnacle lumps. It is needless to say that earthquakes had not been mentioned or even thought of by any one present except the cap'n him self. But if the cap'n said earthquakes why earthquakes it was, and the sailors at once placed themselves in convenient listening attitudes. TUB cap'n riled. r '', "Was you there, cap'n?" asked the lub ber. "Certainly I was; been thjre several times. This seismic dis" "How old a man are you, cap'n?" "Foity-two on my last birthday," re plied the cap'n. "Say," he continued, as he divined the drift of the lubber's question, "if it wasn't for the sailors here I would pipe down on this story at once. You measly, lop eared idiot, did you 'spose I meant that 1 was in Callao at tho time of the earthquake 143 years ago? Couldn't the fact possibly be jam med into your skull that I was there since the upheaval? If I didn't have sense enough to sit and listen to intelli gent remarks I'd keep my figure head closed," and the cap'n looked daggers at the wretched lubber. "Don't be too hard on the poor cuss, cap." suggested one of the 6ailors. "He ain't never been nowhere or don't know nothing." "That's a fact," said the captain, some what mollified: "but I do get water logged laying up alongside of such un reasonable folks, but I reckon I'll have to stand it. Now, if somebody will tell me what 1 was talking about I'll get un der way again. "Earthquakes!" shouted the sailors. "So it was." said the cap'n, again resuming his reminiscent expression. "The desperate disaster of which I spoke took place at six bells on the night of Oct. 28, 1740. The people were first turned out by a tremendous shock and a low rumbling noise like thunder. The first seismic shake was followed by 200 lighter jerks lasting over a period of twenty-four hours. Deep, booming noises came from far out under the sea, and the upheavals kept on until they pumpea up a great tidal wave eighty feet high. Callao was built on a rising coast, with the lower portion of the town clustered along the docks. Like all seaport towns this was the most thickly populated part. When the big wave rolled in on shore it was accompanied by a powerful shock which broke oil the lower edgoof the city. A nd when the wave retreated it carried the town and 18,000 people with it down into the sea. 6A LOUENZA'8 BIDE. "I'm now coming to tho most curious Incident of that terrible night," con tinued the cap'n. "Before the trouble the harbor was clear, but now an island mountain 400 feet high rears its head near the northern shore of the harbor. A lighthouse graces the top of the Iclnml u-hir-h ia rinum nn tha mart nn San Lorenza. and one of the prettiest, and most romantic of the many Peru vian legends is told in connection with - m 1 T. a tne naming ui uio isiuuu. 11 was nameu after San Lorenza, the man who discov ered the mountain, and is an intensely interesting 6tory when told in Spanish. I heard it in that language myself, but as none of you fellows understand Span ish Til tell it in English. "Mr. Lorenza, or San, as they called him for short, was a fisherman, and went out to sea every night in his frail Peru vian bark to fish for hake and haddock. The native fisherman has a light skiff or canoe in which he plies his calling and one paddle. lie sits on his knees in the stern of the boat and fishes with a lino 200 feet long, using his front finger for a pole. Ou the fatal night of Oct. 23 San had just got a bite when he heard the ominous t umble. Before he could either land the iisli or grab his paddle he felt himself going up in the air. It was so dark that San couldn't see anything, so he clutched both gunwales of his boat and hung ou. Presently there came an other jerk, and the fisherman went up a few more feet. "The unhappy man was too frightened to move, so he sat there, going up by jerks, until daylight. , Then San peered over tho edge of his boat and found him self sticking on top of a mountain 400 feet in the air. The peak was so sharp that it pierced the bottom of his boat and stuck up four feet above San's head. He still hung on to his fish line, which had a horse mackerel dangling from the hook, dead, halfway down the mountain. The survivors discovered San in the morning and that is the beautiful legend of how San Lorenza got its name." "How did they get Lorenza down off the mountain?" asked the lubber. "I was just going to that," said the cap'n in an angry tone, "but as you seem to be in such u duvilinh hurry I'll let you wait awhile." Ami tfeusty jbld sailor walked a way. - 3 . , i