Sunday Column. Have you met with trouble? Arc you tuVouratfcil and wid nl heart! I)o n good deed ( awn one you can help; upenk a wftrc! of KludncHii tOHome cum yon on make glild. Thernrc for ymir wn aorrow i to 'Mop drooiling Over it anil ro to work to comfort ami help your neighbor, or At least to go to work to cure the trouble yon grievn mer. Work U lir lawt remedy or henrl-acho, ' If your church not filled with in tere'ed ml earni-nt worshippers Ihe pew n rt well m the pulpit la to blame lor it. If every heart jit the audience ix alow wiili tltc love of hu1 the de fect of the preacher will not keep the jHVtple away. We aliould cultivate whnt the Chriiiiftn Ilegiater e.alU "tlj drawing power of the pew." 'fits enrf of nil ill,)," any (oorgu Mncdonnld, "'n neither more nor lcua than more life." The true elixir of li.'e 14 the imparling of new life. To have the divine hreath inbreathed, to he horn into the new spiritual ihu hight-M bleMhi;,'. f thin dixinc and Stalking breath cohhh to un afresh i very day our hoiiIh shall never die. "It i the etnse, and not the death, that make the lmirtyr." A t.iartyri-t a witness, The thing we wi'nesa fwr imparts value to our witnessing. The Evangelical Alliance for the United State will hold a national meeting iu Treiuoitt Temple, Iioston, the 4th, Silt and fith of December nest. A moat attractive programme iun hecn prepared, including the tutmw of many prominent clergymen arid laymen. The nuking li expect n 1 to e-ptitl i:i intefcrit an 1 i:iH iti:tco the great Washington Conference of ISS7. "The uoitlion U fairly misted," Bays the Iioston Chrislimi Heeler, "whether u chtireh that i oiien an hour or two ou tfunday, and closed the rent of the week ii doing it duty to cither (Jo.l or man. But, on the other hand, the fptestioti may also he raised whether the tendency in not ex treme in the other direction wheth er a feverish, excitable activity, a re ligion htiHtle, a confuted whirr of cog and wheels, the noise of cm-aping Meant, ha not taken the place of the old-f aahii ined aeni in ilence.." The whole world is beginning to nn derstaiul that the imc ret of Christian power is the indwelling spirit which Clirist Mt-ut at Jii.H going asav into the Lea vena, r-'ay the Christian World: "Argument drawn from miracle, prophecy, analogy, and what not, would utterly fail to keep Christianity from being rccKoued among the. dead faith of the world were there not men and women whose integrity, pur ity, licnilieence, aud aeU-deuial show that Christ is atill living in them." Call In und ace Miller' divphty of holiday goods liefore you luy. H). Montague wuignltleent NKW at(H-k of Jitiekiughtitrt Ai llecht'a boot a ami ahovs iManufuctcd expiifbly lor liiiu. A Good Cough Syrup. There la not liIngpareutH aliould be ho careful about na selecting n cough syrup. Jegg'a Cherry Cough Kyrup coat no more than the cheap aud inferior nos trums thrown upon the market. The taut la none too good, lie sure and get Begg'a Cherry Cough Syrup, WV keep It on hand ut utl tUuea. M. A. Miller, Drtigglwt. What a Fortune la u good healthy, pearly akin. Few are aware of t he abort time it take for udlaordered liver to cnus hlotchca on the face, and a dark grainy akin. One bottle of Begg'a Blood Purifier ami Blood Maker will reatore thia organ to ita natural and healthy Mate, and cleanse the blood of utl Impurities, It la meeting with wonderful tsueeess. Wo guarantee every bottle. M. A. Milter, Druggist. QKEEX WOOD'S l-'IN'E ART S1TMO Ja the place where you cwn get tiny Myleorklnd of picture that you may wmh. Old pictures copied anil en hug ff any alze, coloivt,' in oil, wuter color oNludlti Ink, crayona and poMle pwr trafta uuule to order. No pleturea aet away; all woik done at my atudio. J"i'ieen the loweat. Cull and examine lireiiiieiiH. All work guaranteed.) rsolleillng a aluire of your putroiCige. dent few f utnnr Interet hie it ft Our cliargo, vlat Dr. lug here, i, Kd. Jlolfe the mountftjt hunt.' lie rti plenty ut gaii ('lift.,!! Hr.l.l- catlon from the I wher ho haa la. The Mlsaea l)a4 front Monmouth. Uentil Weal dep , nlghfa train, for 1 Intctida to niaka ft li among relativea and fr( ' Mr, t'an, one of our jHiHeneeil a rather palnfit Friday by the falling of il Mruck hliu lit the face. I, that It did not prcve fata rather low at prcaeiit. K. flecker kaa hia hlaf-ksii nearly coniphted. When 11 will give credit to Mr. lieeket priae, and Ih an ornament to th Meaara. Crawford aud Cmii fitting the Furwcll hall, and wil a dwelling out of it. W. II. Wright In biiaily mi erecting a tower for bla wiiidmilU The party at Mr. Troutiimii'a Thuraday evening waa a very pleas, att'idr. All prem nt rejatrt h pmul tii" Mr. 11 A. Walton will take char. of the prlinarj' dcpartuieiit of oUi Bchool on DeeemlKT !. II. V. Ferry haa moved Into UU new realdt-ncc. The young men of Hie-ld have or ganized a literary club, the object U ing el(K:utionary benefits. More anon. Z' ttltOLAIIS. A newpap'r man, noted for hU proweaa, w-Ma awakeneil hint flight by hia wife, with the announcement, "lXnr, tlare'a aotnelxHly in the hoaae." "Oh don't ahtot tht old chentnut at nie! Of couise there' aouieone lu the house. I'm hee and o are you." Don't try to make youravlfu bigger idiot (nan nature intended. There are atrange ineli down alalia, and I know It." "Poor devlla.I don't blame 'ern much for getting under cover audi tt night a thia." "You aleepy head, cun't you get it through your thick akull? there are 'burglar lu the houae." "FoorfoolM, what hard work they'l have and what little rewnd." "For plty'a aak go and frighten them away." The weary Journalist th.n crawled to the head of the Mainland know ing well enough no thieve were about called out oyer the baluster, ".Say, Mr. Burglar, if you take a trick Ut thi houae don't forget I'm in' on it. Re member if you find anything worth tarrying away I'm 'halver,' " W'ttcii the brave man returned to hia couch hi disgusted wifo had turned her head to the wall and was Miorlng like a Meant wood Bnw.--Sund;iy Welcome. Mr. K. I. Lovejoy, a huge dealer in general merchandise at Wabuaku, Ne vada, tay: "I have tried Kt. Fatrick' l'illauud onn truthfully ay they are the beat I have wver takn or Known ued." A u pleaaant phynie or for dis order of the liver they will al way give perfect mitUfurtion. For Male by M. A. Miller. For a huue back try aaturating a piece of flannel with Chamla'iialn' Pain balm and blurting it on to the ef fected parta, This troatment will eure any ordinary case iu one or two days. Fain iiahu nlao curea rheuuictiani, apraltiH, Hwelliiigs and lanvenex. 60 will boltle for wileby M. A. MUW-r. Wovd Wantril At tNinilam Academy. Apply to or addrea It. X. Wright, Principal. Sloufj To Loan. Money tolonnnl a low rate rate of Interest, on good farm property In Linn County, or on beat city property in Albany. Apply to Black btufir and Wright, AlUktiy, Oregon. WAM'tll. Family to move Into rcHldentv wvx of iSaiitiam Academy and look ter reointi and hoard for atuilent. C on or tiUdrert Jt. X. M'wyjiT, V ki Vr- i I tio.( ture aulte tobhoV, i I Whel prlwH tradiwith C. E.Tirownell, Arti.-iiiy. Tu r,i.v..i-1 r l fr... i hu tsicuiiiiua nuiui; uurc, Hoi.t) s K P08ITIVE GUARANTEE in I'll ro n li v Joa til iim tMiu il iM'iiM. tr UU i' if..ii.l. r ( iii.. r'nvlalh r- h.x wli..i.r H.. i-ine (m.iii u. AFTER tXivn lie nw ( Hlililllhllll". I..I.U. I-.I ur Ol.illlll. rt limited vai)ilnl rrr iii'luli;. eui-i', Ac... urn ,.i rimiii 'un.M'. Wnkfliil. iiii, Ivaiiiis il.isvn I hIiikIh tin, liMi k. iSMiiiiml !!, wi..M Mvrriiii l'i..-lcnli..ii y,Hnrll. Ml lfi,-,nrliiiii. iizin.. Wt-n!; Mt-ni. nry. 4mi (Vwit mul lnit.irncv. hirli if n. tUi Ifl otliMi l.'H'l Iii ).r,'inntiiici.l.t nj.'iii lna.. iir. I'liit! l.fa Ik.v.Ii ,,r to.vo jjciit li liinll ti l''.i.t nf (riv A K I TT K. M i I A K X TV. V for ororv r. Oft rilcr, Hi ivfiinH Hie in.inrv ji ra rniniK'ut 'liri- l llt infm. TiinlViM.l t.-tillliili:ll (nun iM mi'l yoifiis. ( lu.iii icr, (H-rmaiicii! v fim-U lv Ai-iimniTtNt!. Clii'niiir fi.'c 1-trt-a THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. W0 SJ V01.TI.ASD. or. rSoll t.vM. A.3I illor. Nolo AiK-iit fttv Iltiiiii, Or. I ir YOV WISH A COOD REVOLVER ifflV" SMITH & WESSOH'8 Flnit bihuII Anna avp iitiniirwMuiHi bar unit th ttrxtviioicvot u ill -xuik, lu calioiv iu. IM mid 44-lnU ba.ulo ur .j u i n. i i'i i . t in i' v ...... - uiorluu anil TarKrt diimWIh, Hunt iiUHlltr wrouclit leiL omtafuMv lusixtrttHl lor iMwknvaiwhlu KiiJunx-k. t'urlvuUd f ol 1 UnUh, duriibilOr mid iixarnci. l)o nut bdtxluu tiy rlH'iii maittHbie iiuniinlttotiott fU'( uia (or ihtt ki'uuIiia article. Tlii'v Die unre lluble Kud UaiiKorouK. The Smith & Wkkson Ht oi,vns r DUimiMHl ihh.ii the Iwrrcli wltli arm' hume, uJilrnKii nuUdalMof nutciiu, tuul are Kiinr HtPl pprfiivt. Insist llwui buvliiK ihoni, m.d It yriur U-aUirnnuOt supply you, aminlcr sent tund a ma Im-Iow WIH ivci'I pnmpt atutnllon. icrl It oatak-tme and prtwaupou applli'atluu. ttMITU &i W EM-SON. bpriugfluliU JIniw. KOTICU l'OIt PUKLICATIOX. fnlti'd Htoti'K I.ait Oftici-, i )roou t'lly, orvgim, Nov. h, OWO.i VTOTK'I! li lu-rt-Hy jrlvea Hint in miilliiiie l' wllli lliif )iriivlsinii:)of the act of CuiiitiVMi ity Jmn,is:,s. wrfttl'Ml "An hi" for l!i sail- of tint tier Utadii la Ills Sliktvn of Cnlit'orniu, Oregon Nev.tailJ Kj.)i1iikIoii Territory," UfSl'AS 8IIAW, of Seiittle, ruiidty iif Kiiiff, territory of Wushinjr, tun, lnw Dil." ttuy llU'd lu tills ollim: UU wuni Btivtemciit Xu. I8-W, for tlw lili:elnu' of the H. W. l-l of jtet-tlou So. 4, tit TuwrwIiJi) S i. i:i Moulli, IniKt Nu. 2 Dwl. ah) wilt oiKsr pnxif to kIiou tliat (lie IiimJ hoiikIU U unite viuSwtJile fur ll tim tier or kIoiw I bun fvx crleultui tvl virMiM'M, uml to eMalillsh 111 ok.Ua to U luiul Uifixvtlw KejfWer nml Kocetveruf tbls olllee, ut Oregon C'ily, (Jr.(( on Krliliiy, tliv UlU iluy or Mun-li, lMiit). He iimiu: wi teirneiiMw (i. M. Siimrt, A. liu-wl),, Wm. MeAilmu ttiuU. 8Uxiart, ull of SaUU-,Klug. county, V. T. Any mul all vmrso'i n'uiliiiltig nrtvertn'ly the I jilioveV.ei'eriU'Cl InniU lire ri'olieed to lllo tlielr 4inn In tli; "oSiee ju ur before sajil mm BEFOPE is crowtiod mil oiTir,.,rfU.s. . uim luuiiuiucutrtTs ior uio present iaii ami winter trade,, which affords a stock of new ami fresh designs largo enW;h to supply any want, and. which will be sold as low as first class full weight goods can be lought anywhere iu Oregon.. Specialties in Ladies Fine Dress Goods an Also in Ladies Misses' and Cliildrens' Shoes. " f The public is resiiectfully invited to call and inspect out magnificently stocked display rooms. 1889. 1889 NEW STORE andFRESH GODS if AVe have a complete line of ladies' and gents' Kubher, (Jood, Rubber Coats, Kaglans, Circulars, 5cwmarkds.and Silk aiuf Oingham Umbrellas. Prices to suit the trade. Uubber J5ootsf, Sandals and Men's Kubher Overalls. Wo sell. M. I). Wclbnt Co's. celebrated custom made Hoots aid HhoeV&iascaiTV tlm latest styles-. These .'owds are uurtlused direct fW)ni tb.v, manufacturers in Chicago slioes, m women s, misses and GOOD VALUE and We invite your patronage. Barrows NOTICE TOll ll'HLR'ATION Knd Okfh-k ATOrvyon City. On-eon, , KMolrtT-.". Voili-e U liereliy civen that tlie follow iii(.wiiimeil A' wilier linn tileil mitlee of bfrliitviitlmi toiuiike Html inif In Miiort of hi elulin. iimt tnut wiil jirnof will be iiniilr before tlie eoimty Jiul?i). or In hfcittfcteiK'v before the eoiinty clerk of ..Inn wnin ty, mi Allmuv, Oivuon, on TiiOMlrty, er. 17, IHS. v'Ik. Cut! lieiiiliiirt. luiiiienteiiil enlry .Miti. for tlie m-' U m' v xw'i nf lie1.;, Iieji ofl uw of tvi of-e tLrl3Horrle. Ke nnie rfi following wltne-wi'f to.Miv III" coiilliiiioii.. re4cleni'C iioii mul culllvHtiouof sulil inui. vu. S Uwls T Lewis M WoIiImt mi't K Weuoer, utti ovt Home. I.lnn eoiiiily.Oredon. J. T. AI'I'KUHON', Iiealxter. XOTK'K Ytm Pl'MJ CATION. L.s.i' K ax On Kims City, Ohiwin, 1 tH'lolKT-.'!), JUKI,- yoTR-K ls tiwf f1'" Itiefollowinif-iiiim. iV c, .vi t hr ?i" liti'irnofteC of lit- i'lteiitlon to itinke tlnnl tinMif in snjijjitrt of hlneliilin. u:i 1 Hint wiiil nroof will lie liiinle liefore III county iuilte. or In lit't iilwneo In-fore the eouiiiy clerk of Mini eountv. i Alunnj, wrepm, on rrwliiy, Jlee. t, lKstl, viz: Tlimniis To.M, lioiiiei-leiel eiiti r-'U f.,r tin- ne'j of mm-. iiO. tp 12 wntli. K 1 eK-t. He inline tin! follo'.vlnst witnewt( "t'oiMn'n! ri-H-l""'" ,,-'i iukIchI'' ........ ,r)ArMn TTMKT? r of general morchandiso. : Um .iinni uinv uiiu dUlHIU TIV1 bouglit tlirect from inubr.tors. .ja - Agents for te celebrated Ludlow; chiluen goads. . SQUARE DEAL; J 111 ' ' ' .1' Notice For Pi , IaihI Wire til (lKr'H NOTICE U ItF.UKHV t ity KS kminx iinnii4utllr.liui H tntenilon tuiuitktMlintl proitf U. rialiu, uml tlmt mill iimuKwill I fiHliity jVKl(U oitli lw tAmetw t I .In it eouiiiy, Ht AUituty. tkn( Nov. 11, lKK'.Vvixv Ww. .Ili-ittlilu, try N". i'J'i'J, lot .the i-Vj irf v'j ut vol. I He mimeii the follow liiff wlitien-i-oiiiIiiiihI rotilfiH-e iiti Hint en, liinil, viz: .1 Y MHttiiily. V T Martini mi'l (' J Newliiml, all of ('riuviln county, Ort'con. J. T. AI'l'KKSO? 1 UiieqiitU-dv tii ttK, Hipx'rkrH4l)i ' l Ull OHCUci rvtuiuis t klu; . tbnaa wilt mil EYE AYftl'M, I liiOl ? IT.- mOm. -following m gtvw Hir r il...wiur A ' V : x: y. on.. r..