T'S AKT Of trr, Ana ilmnid V elertririt is. like man othr (rood thiuura in rnwin-irte. bo". new, but it r-rfncipie of action ia so ltttl tmderatood t M. in employment at ttt present day makes it practically a new discovery. : 't, "be medical profession at large, not po tminif the true secret of the proper ., tnedws to ose, are still Munaerinir In the dark, and throwing discredit throtvn their icnorancwPB one of the greatest iiedkal "adrances of the present day. t : tor the benefit ot those to whom this plan of cure is new, and who may be ecKing aid, thougn distrustful, after many failures of everybody and every thing, the Drs. Dnrrin desire to explain nimply and logically the theory of electro therapeutics, and leave them as men of oomnion ena and judgment to take or refuse the aid offered, as their argu ments and examples are hasd on known physiological (acts and experiments. They ask nothing beyond a fair hearing and a fair trial. Iteafsteas arrd In Tea Mlnatea. Mb. Emtok For some time I have been troubled with partial deafness, and lately could scarcely bear in one ear, with a constant nnmnir noise. I con suited a doctor in Portland which did me no good. I finally went to Dr. Damn &nd in Teas than ten minutes be cured ine with electricity. I am engineer on the steamer City of Tocio, mnninu from Astoria to Jvalama. U. KUHMITH. Jee fie Had tMmpIrs a Ills raee. Mb. Emtor For ten yews pact I have teen troubled w ith nervous debility and turn pies on my lace and body, as linn dreds of other vounjr men are afflicted with, ilave been under Ir. Damn's electric treatment for six months and now find mvself restored to health, and the pimples have alsiut disappeared. Ilefer to me at Mulino, Clackamas county, Or. C. E. kOTTS. Drs. Darrln'a Piaca of Business. Drs. Darrin can be consulted free at 23 Fifth street, corner of Main, Portland Office hours, from 10 to 4 o'clock dailv : evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays, 10 to 12. All curable chronic diseases, loss ol man hood, blood taint, srphilis. sleet, gon orrlm-a, stricture, speimatorrhira, semi nal weakness, or loss of desire of sexual ower, in man or woman, catarrh and deafness, are confidentially and success fully treated. Cures of private diseases guaranteed, and ntver published in the papers. Most cases can receive home treatment after a visit to the doctor's office. ' Inquiries answered and circulars sent tree, (fames wnunx wm piease mention the name of the paper you saw this notice in.) A torch of silver, from which iawi flames of fold, is an oddity in scarf pirn. A wild duck with widespread wings of enamel on silver is a unique idea in brooches. A pretty idea in scarf pins is a crab in green enamel, with claws and an edging of gold. . ,A Roman ax of gold, in the center of which is set an ancient Koruan eoiu, is an odd brooch recently seen. A pretty mutra box' recently awn repre sented a half burned cigar iu gold. Tbe ashes were o oxidized silver. Calile iinLs of corrupted gold wire make a fash i mat le bracelet largely sought after by lovers of sohd jewelry. A unique idea in rarf pins is a Ashing rod of g'iid wilb susjiended line. On tb end of tbe hue is a small diamond. Two fUbias rods of gold, rrosaM and tup porting in tbe center a flub and fish hag of tbe same mutenal, are an attractive brooch. An owl's bead of Roman gold, connected by means of two links to a tree bough of the same matcri.nl, does service as a cuff button. Id watches a pleasing; style rooently seen was a silver case shaped as a bonwiibuo and topped witb a large bit of tbe same material. A desk weight recently seen wasa four-incb boar's tusk set a,':iiut a large oak leaf of ox idized copper and topped by a boar's bead in gilt bronze. An acorn's busk of Etruscan gold, set In tbe center with a lurge jearl surrounded by a circle of small diamonds, i an unique idea in ear drops. A huntsman's large horn of gold, In the center of which is tbe bead of a fox beld iu place by a large bunting whip, is a neat idea ia broocb design. A beautiful brooch recently seen was e large golden arrow, tbe barb of which was a mass of small diamond while tbe feather tijft were set witb rubies and sapphires. Two horseshoes of platinum, held together at tbe center with a golden riding w hip, over which lies a jockey cap of opai aud dia monds, is a pretty brooch recently seen. A series of flexible links, half of each liuli being made of enameled Etruscan gold and the other half of the plain material, is a de sign iu bracelets that attracts favorable at tention. An elaborate design in paper cutters is ono witb a broad, heavy handle of handsomely etched oxidized silver and blade of mother of iarl, studded at different portions wiii mall silver knobs. The Don Quixote lend pencil is a pleasing little affair. It consists of allong golden tube, at tbe top of which is a miniature sil ver figure of the knight of the rueful coun tenance in full armor. The figure of a female of silver gilt bronze, dressed iu the old German style, witb long, wide bottomed skirts, is the shape of a drink ing cup which is being introduced as a re vival of mediaeval fasbiop. In ear drops a uulque design recently seen consisted of hollowed balls of f.oman gold ornamented with spall flower designs to red , and LiuVeufciiUI, and set in a network of gold wire,' which partially covered with diamond the openings at tbe sides. Anextravagat Idea in drinking horns, or wassail cups, is a fish of bronze, the whole body of which is covered with a series of enameled pictures representing various toast. The flub is held aloft by a mermaid of bronze, who supports herself on tbe back of a large turtle by her tuil of voricolorod reen euuiuiL Jeweler s YVoeklv. riiRet Round cannerj. ara stror.R'y protesting ftpninst Fntwi cum pet it Ion, claiming that from si itt. ten steamers will lull crews obtained tiieir lull supply from I'oint Uolierts last summer, aud have virtaallv driven Amentias out of their own waters. fcesU e's relief committee has made public that their total receipts have been $10.1,278.55 ; amount expended, f (Ml bUYOfl ; leaving a balance of f U,5fr.' OA .Some of this it is thought will be necde for its" original object durinn the wintefV the remainder will le disposed, of the people shall think best. CHRONIC CATARRH Cannot he cured by local applications. It Is s constttntlonal riiscsso sud requires s coustltu tlonul remedy like Hood's farsararllla, which, work Ins through Die blood, eradicates the Impurity which cadses snd promotes the dls esse, snd soon clftels s permanent cure. At the sine time Hood's Harsspsrllla builds tip the whole sy-tem, snd niskes you feel renewed In strength and health. lie sure to Rot Hood's. "I snfl'ered severely from chronic catarrh, srNlnc -om Imnure blood. It txrstne ery bd. ca mliifl snreneM n the bronchial tubes snd a t'oiihieiioine eolith, which sve sreet snxlety to my friends and myself, as iwo nroiners men from hroni'liisl consumption. I tried innny medicines, tint received no benefit. I was St Ut Induced to try Hood's Mamnparllla. and I am uot the same man In health or feeling. My catarrh s cured, my thmat Is entirely well, sa ' s dyspepsls tronble. with sick headache, have alldlaapucared." E. M.Lincoln, sCbsmbers tit., tloklou. Hood's Sarsaparilla ftldy all drnreMs. II: six forl Prepared only by C.I. HlXJlia:CU.,AMithecaries.Lwell,Masa 100 Doses One Dollar. BRONCHITIS CURED. After spending Ten Winter South, was Curod by Soott's Emulsion. Hi Oatra M.. Sew Tork 1 JuuelMh, J8SS, The Winter after the great fire In Chicago I contracted Bronchial affections, and elnce then have been obliged to epend nearly every Winter South. Last November waa advised to try Scott' emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphltes and to my turprlse was relieved at once, and by continuing Its use three months was ontire'y cured, gained flesh and strength and waa able to stand even the Bliz zard and attend to business every day. C. T. CHURCHILL Bold by all Druggist. Haviar for the mat four or five years been troubled with pim;4es and blotches on my face and body, and tlndiuc bo relief ia any of the chemically preowM (pa aad madidnes pnscribr d fur me by phvtMvif, 1 concluded to try your 8. 8, H. remedv, and bave found treat relief la tbe same, four bottles clearing ary ekia entirely. 1 cheerfully recommend your mMirina to all who are in the position that 1 bars Wo la. You eaa use this letter and my name as a testimonial to the merits of the 8. S. 8. remedy. ery truly yoors, Altskd p. Kosissok, 820 Baasioie St, Kan Frandnco. Cal Mr Head fir our hnok on Mood and teklu Ills. and eivice ti miwiw, mailed rree. titk bwirr seKctFio CO. 1 (rawer a, Atlanta. Ua. rll ramrn PrwrlptioM of the BrtdiMM MMMal If tada own romoxra DIBB&SO. Is tM verm, a ttieo or um ia the Honritah el Lsooge tacit, Berua ana , icuok. Ho. J Cures Catarrh, Uay b ever.lioes Cold, Catarrhal Uealuess. . . tf o. a -CooKha, Colds, Bronchitis, Ath nia,ConHtuiipuon. Al'eerleesiiemedy. Wo. a Khenmstisra, Ooot. . . Bo. 4Idver Kidnaya , DypTlA,Ia. digestion. Constiauoa, iirifjbta Disease. No. S revev and &gx,Vuuiii Acae, alalaria, Nenraiyia. Ho. e-rsmais) Wsalcneaa, Irregulari ties, White. A GoKlea Itemed y. Ho. 7 A Perfect Tonlo, which tdret HealtK Form and i ullneHS. Clear Com- Wplciioo, Good blood and lots of it. o. a-HerroasDsbUityXossof Power tnpntem'e.aa iuconi;araiieremeiy. Kvitrv iMtlie ewu-HTucd to oura its fiocUi diMM U CV KSHI.B and to (iTe nerswonit relief ALWAts. lie7rt'tia Ctrtulart aeat free vn llUratlaa. Uunl'lTAL FtMJUjt Cuall'ASr, turonto, Canada. BELIACL cms WANTED. t r i f i m The Celebrated French Gure, TJr "APHRODITINE" Is B'li.B om a POSITIVZ QUARANTEC to cure stir loi m ol uervous dlsvaKe, or any disiirder of the generative, or gans of either ... v .Lull... BDfORE tains from the AFTER exceMiveuseolbllmulaiits, '1'obaceo or 0lnm. vi lurvuio juucimu luuisereuoii, over induig euce, Ac., such ss Ixws oi Uralu bovver, Wakeful, ness, earlnir down I'shis In tbe Back, Nemlun. Weak uesa, Hysteria, NervoHS Hrostratlou Noetnni al Kinisslous. Iuxrrh(ea, illssiuess, Weak Mem ory, I Am of Power and hnnoteiier. which If n. sleeted often lead to premature old axe and limaii- iiy rnce si.uu a dox. iwxes lor is.uo Beat by mail on reeelnl of price. A WKITTKN GUARANTEE foreverrJS W Order, to refund the money if a Permanent com Is not effected. Tbousands of testimonials from old and youog.of both sexes, permanently eared byArnRnmri nr. Circular free Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. wisrraM brasch, BOH JT PORTLAND OR Bold by Btjreiblf A Laae, Dnurgists, ;ooi. 8eo end Wsabinston Hta.. Portland, Or. cMicHcarcR's English PEtHlYtlQYAL PILLS F mu vnvsisi uKit(;nu svsjHrfiy, tSttfeaitfl alwajrs rwitsttle. Iadl:sa, k h Uruirfisl for hiamund Mrund, ia Jl rvA, rofiAilid boRtns, stitiwd ;ith blu Jr rli.wm, I ho oth r. All P''l W iu t.sfKhMint uxm, pink Tpn, am (atmitif") for (lariluulars. MsttmontaU and liHf fur t.tU-n im Uur, by ntura 1 ukhesirr t Ueas i Co Katko Ht niU ftY jjPBBW5HJWWIR BawsPlffflssilvMMsQHBlBiflKPfM sVMaWsMlMsVVMsalMMBaV H AI1.UO A l COVtStUTOKN. EnK'lfort. Rr&komen, Firemen, Grip metv, and ail that ride continually, take notlre. That pain In my Iwckt Caution! VYhaiiAoea this meant Ask yourselves the qucnuon. .Wa will answer tt for you. Your kidneys are fast becoming diseased and If you neglect them there . Is one re sult -Curtain Death. Wo have had many cases,- and hold tOhtlmonials of railroad men that havt taken their trouble In time aud by the use of The Great Sierra Kidney and IJvcr Cure, the most wonderful rem edy that has ever been Introduced In .this world, have been cured and their kidneys strengthened to such an extent that they con Id pursue their vocation without fear. This valuable remedv Is becoming daily the most pooulnr of any kidney and liver cure that ever exited. ' Give It one trial and you will send us a testimonial to add to our fast iifreaitlnK lift. Sold by all drugRlxts. Take no other. A hundred times mors trouble is caused by man who can art work but won't work than by the men who want we k but cannot get It. You may sins; of the bounty of springtime That slows on the check of the young, But I slmr of a beauty that's rarer Than any of wblcb you hare sung The beauty that's sten In tne faces Of women whose summer is o'er. The auturou-like beauty that charms tM Fa- more than the bcanty of yore.' ,. . , But tills beantv is seen loo rarelv. 'Tbe hees of most women lose the beamy of youth too soon. Ft male disorders are like frusta which come to nip tbe flowers which betoken Rood health, without which tnere can no no real beauty. If our American women would fortify themselves against the approach of the terrible disorders so prevalent among them, by using Dr. i'leree's Favorite Prescription, their good lonka would be retained to a "sweet old aa-e." This remedy Is a guarantftd cure for all tbe dis tressing weaknesses ana aerangemeuu peculiar to women. T lilawA, Pa!!.,, nna m HiUk fllpn ttne.il. scbe, constipation atid indigestion. CATARRH, EAT FEVZK, CATARRHAL . DZAXKESS. A NEW HOME TREATMENT. Sufferers are not eenerallr aware that these dis eases are contagious, or that they are due to. the presence of living parasites In the lining membrane of the nrae and eutaiiiiaa tabes. Microaoopio re search, however, has proved this to be a fart, and tbe rsult is that a simple remedy baa been formulated vherebr Uieae distressing diaeaacs are rapidly and wrmanentlr cured In fro one to three simple ap- pneauons mace at noma oy we jaiient once m i weeks A pamphlet rcp'aining thia new trea'jnent la Mint I M on annliratiun bv A. H. KilOO Hon. SS7 and H Wast King St, Toreuto, Canada. Scien tiit American. A courageous foe is better than s cowardly frleud. Piiresan Is white.'1 Brown sops are adulterated with rosin. Perfume is only iUt In to hide the presence of pvtrxd fat. DobbinV Kh?rric rxiap Is pure, white, and unseen ted. Has been sola since loo. lry itMoir. The richest man. wbsterer bis lot is, is he t bo is content with what he has got. Holidays am Coming. Rare novelties, shapes and artistic im ported oleoprsphlc and chromatic cards. A lartre and beautiful collection sent by mall to anyone who wl'l do this: Buy a b x of the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Cele brated Liver Mils, price 25 cents, and mail us the outaide wrapper with your address. nlainlr written, ana 4 cents in stamps We will then mail you the above list with sn elesrant package or oieograpnic caraa. Fleming liros., Kttaburgn, fa. I. nliaHAta. In H.nnn. In .ti'ta In all things tbe supreme excellency is ln'ilmpllclty. PILEM! PILKHII riLESJS!! Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment is the only sure enre for Blind, Bleeding or Itching Piles ever discovered. It never falls to care bid Chronic eases of long standing. J edge Coffinbary, Cleveland, 0., Bsys: "f hve fonnd rr exnerlence that Dr. Wil Ham's Indian Pile Olnuneat gives immediate relief." Iw nof at, (Tit an instant loneer. Bold bvWU llsmson's ManBfactaringCo.,Prups.,Clsveland, Obla. 60c and IL . . Hold by L. Blumaaer A Co., Wholesals Dreg' gists, Portland. Or. It is not strange that fast living should some times bring starvation. 'straw m'a Rranrblal Trerhes' will relieve Bronchitis, Asihms, sud Throat Diseases. Clonds are a good deal like men; they are bs in less when alone, bat they make trouble wfcen tney gettogetner. ., It has been observed that the man who has tbe fewest fallings Is tbe most loleraut of those of bis neighbors. HI KE Cl'KK rOK PILEsj. Hare rare for blind, bleeding snd Itching Piles. One box bss cured the worst cases of ten years' standing. No one need suffer ten minutes after nsing Kirk's Germsn Pile Ointment. It absorbs tumors, allays tbe itching, acts as s poultice. gives relief. Dr. Kirk's (ierman Pile Ointment is prepared only for Mrs snd Itching of the private parts, sud nothing else, Kvery box is warranted bold by Druggists and sent by mall on receipt of price, $1.00 per box. 1. J. Mack A Co., Whole sale Agents, ban Francisco. It Is s great misfortune not to have enough wit to speak well or uot enough Judgment to keep silent. Many imitate "TanslUe Punch" 6c, Cigar. TBTlGuusca tor breakfast. TACOMA BUSINESS COLLEGE WILL oivs tocr Thorongli and Practical Instruction - IK ALL m Business and Academic Subjects Bend tor Circular to PROFESSOR J. W; TAiT, TACOMA. WAHH.' TAKE IT I XW.PrUNlDEFl'S Y 3i5EQpN Blogd Purifie CURCS- kKlDNEyiLIVER.DISEASCS.,0YSPCP81AJ : PJWPLE8.BL0TCHi:aANDSKIH DISEASCS T 4 haiuber mt Terlar ! Is trie avnrtment to which tho unhappy safttTrr from InUiinimHtory rtwumafiam lsennnned. If, ere the crisis of pain reached, that fins pro veKtmlve, HoatetterVi I'imai'.h Bltturs, is seed by prsoiis of s rheniimtlo tendency, much su-nrm-sssry sunVrlng Is avoided. Nervines, ano dyai's snd sedatlvosi while havlnir sxnie but a a siiecllle cirtx't. sre yet very dealrabin at times. Ye) they rai prolines- no luatln-g e cl upon itieamatlsm,' 1h anne Miey have no power to eliminate from the blsod to rheumatic, vires. Hotelier's Hromsch Bitters does this, and checks at th outset a disease, which. If allnwed to gain i eailway, It Is next to Impoaalhle to dlslixlge or to do more than relieve. Rheumatism, H should be remembered, is a. disease with a fatal ten dcacy from lis pronuia'as to attack tbe heart. A resort to the Hitlers shauld.thrrofote.be prompt. Dyspepsia, kidney complaint, malaria and norv pueui' are rul loved by it. ; . . Justice raises s na'hm, but sin makes a people miserable, 'IT WAS JIi'HT IX TIME. 0. C. rsrt'iolomew, Kalksska, Mich., says; "I ixstod iu this place Ire years ago, having for merly resided In Troy, N. Y. I bave been a great sufferer from what tha nlivalelananf Tntv called Bright'! disease. I naed Dr. David Kennedy Favorite Kcmedy, of Rondout, N. Y. All th' terrible symptoms of the disease ate gone. I have no traces of any disorder of the kidneys, liver or bladder. Who would begrudge the cost of this medicine (one dollar a bottle) for snch a blessing or refuse this simple though sincere token of gratlttte for Hcing wrfectly cured? I owe everything o Dr. Keniiedy'a Kavorilc Rem edy, and hope this will ludaee others to use the medicine who suiter from any kidney, liver or blood dlsordiiT.!' Ds. Kkknsot'S Favosits Rsmrdv, msde at Readout. S. Y. i ; 6 for SA. bTnd for iKx.k, now to cure Kidney, Liver sua Blood disorders. ; A good nsme keeps Its luster iu the dark. al' i WHPWaunrrPlrf .V. "5k,. 'i, if .' - - i liQCohsDiI CD.M3.THEChVlS-A-YDCELERCil A CTU PI A CAN BE CURED. AA3 I rl I a 1 AA A trial bottle sent Free to anyone afflicted. Da. TAFT BKO., Rochester, N Y. 7 ;. '100M Third St, Portland, Oregon, A SCHOOL OF THOROUCH, PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAINING. '' CnnVI?17rDIr. ArUhmettr, PtnmantMp, Ban DUULLl'u o Bwrineu and Legal Formt, SHORTHAND Contrpondtnct, xUtngand o4 Sfiy l,P.ft5-7f. Kngluk Branch,. .Send ol 1 1 ft" W tUl lit '.Catalogue and UMege journal. for Cni stssaaSSV w - r icqucq, bathc-thc brtif fezted freely With Terry J) aviS; fu n sugar and Water 3limis a day and you ll bet relief Qt once andkC. Cure after fa1hf use of ihis re.mo.4y. TanljULr (urg.s (orc'Throat JJ)fihti6ria, TRADE CG f MARK PHICE.Sr. ' Batlsfactlon Guaranteed or Money Eefunded. fu supolor sioellMio proven In nilllloiis of homes fos tore tbau a quarter of a eaotarr. It Is used by tha t'Dltad t-tatea OoTernment. KudorM by the beada of tbe Oreat Unlmr'tlas as tbe Btmsmt, Puraat aod moi S Uealtblul. Dr. Prim's Oteam Baking Powder does not contain Anxnonla, Lime or Alum. Hold only la sans. riUOE HAKINC1 FOWDRB CO. NEW YORK. OHICAOO . SAN FB1NCI8CO Should M eet the Eye of any person he would be forcibly reminded that he "Seal of North Caro ina" Plug Cut is the Best Smoking Tobacco on the Pacific Coast.' ORDER BY MAIL One Doze a Assorted Handkerchiefs at 60c, 76c, $1.00 or $1.60, postage paid for Men, Ladies and Childron. oraer snytnmg sna everytnmg yo want u use, to wear, to eator to sum?e yourself or others, snd it will be furnished at lowest price. Or der a sample copy of the Hone Circle, containing price list of over 8,000 articles used in families and. It will be sent you free: of cost. Order a few samples of dry goods to compare price and qual ity with orders. Orper at once it will pay yoa. Address, SMITH'S CASH STORE 418 FRONT STREET, MAS Mt AS '! CALlf'OBBJIA ISrATTLffj Boaton Block. Heattle, Washington. Actual Business, Shorthand, plain and Orna- mental renraausnip ana practical s.nguauuir partment. fsjr-HiK'elmens of penmanship! and Was-trau.-l catalogue sent free. bcuderus Admitted at anyTlme, l prescribe and fully en. dorse Big as the only specific for tbe certain curs of tHIs disease. O.H.IMIKAHAM.M. D., Amsterdam, N. Y. We have sold Big O for many years, and A has Even we Dest oi saus ctlon. D. B. DYCHE CO., Cblcaao. 11L fl.OO, SJold by Druggists. t0Ja IU OAJU.. working for us. Agenta prel&rted who can furnish a horse and give their whole time to the business. Hnare moments may be profitably employed aluo. A few vuoamies In towns Hid cltlt B. 2. J O H NMON A CO., 101W Main BU, aichmonit, Va. H. B.- Pleant itate age and bvMnai experience, Never mind about lending stomp for reply, B,F, J. A Co. CTCIMUf A V KKASJICH, PKAStK OICIillVHI. A HKACH.6abIer.Uoe- nish Pianos; Burdett organs. I land Instruments. Largest stock of Sheet Sluste and Hooks. Hands aupplled at Kastern l'riocs. MATTHIAS Gil AY CO. 200 Poet Street, Sun Francisco. DEATH TO CORNS. Try Kelly's Guaranteed Corn Cure. Harmless. Thousands of testimonials from the cured. 25c bottle. No cure, money refunded. Sent by mail or ex press to any address, city or Htate. F. S. KELLY, Chemist, 1(W Eddy street, San Francisco. n Plso's Remedy for Catarrh Is the Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest. R N. P. N. U. No. 311-8. F N.U.No.388 THE GEM Roller - Organ. This very novelliistriimant cinproytino. paper, but its music Is obtained from a Rol ler similar to a Musio Box. playing a flno selection of Bacred Popular Sonas aiid Oannn Musto or . Over 300 Tuuea. Agents wsnted In every town ou the FaolHu Coast, f innos and Organs ou easy terms. Musical Instruments ol every description, also sheet musiu. Circulars free ou application HAMMOND'S JMusic Htore. Oeu'l Agt's I'aclflc Coast, 2357 Mission Ht S. F Jr jTOmm la I l TO D.TeV S SaafatS at 14 saaiaBirialaia. "J Mrlaalrtrtts I'llttu Oasaksl Os. V OsfllaBattJarl USold by druggists or sent by mall, i 1 60a K.T. ilttseltlne, Warren, Fa, 1