1 i tYCKSA.KT. , ! , !fa rartead u d. . ' Otis woist Mnf 4 wmlmswry of th if. ud Mrs. CUtr, or mora of bis con jrvd at the parsonage to oumi tbem up in a way lot be likely to forget very 4e armf.tls by tlie dozen -lit in, uutil tbe table verily encatb iU precious burdens ;iof remembrance. A good bad until quit a late hour, the tartar broke cp all set-mod that a good time thus brought t was far better than to have the i. We have heard it said that ae minister cannot stand aiich fundings, and we beard of one who vt-u w ent bo far as to ait on the buck snrand tnitoeoninilt suicide, but as ti t are not built that way, and believe ia looking on the bright aide of life, we fay to all, "do so.sonie more," and re ctive our thauka. F. IL and J. C. Caldek. F. XL French, Jcwekx, Albany, Ore. Tle best watches iu the world at F. M. Frecch'a, Albany. G. AW Wbeekr will pay cash for savings delivered at hi milL Correct railroad time at F. II. l'rc-ch jewelry store, Albany. D. Y. OdelL M. Fhysician and Hu.vvan, SodavIIle, Oregon. I'irst-cl.t2 work at Mctluro's barber Fit sale, a fine yonng horse, four v .am old, well broken in. Apply at litis ofSce. Bring your hotter and eggs to C. E. KrwutU, Albany, Oregonnd get the bilieet market price. Cruson & Menzies are prepared to fur i.ifN you with door and windows t i.esper than anyone elae in Lebanon. Jltdrock prices, new goods and stan dard brands at both tbe Mammoth and One Price Cash Stores of C B. liouta Utjfla. " Tl.e largest stock of watches and el uks In Linn county, and the lowest prices at F. XL French's (the Corner Jt t Iry Store), Albany. Ijo not boy any eastern truth when v.iu a get those splendid Buckingham 1 Ik- ht good at Montague's Mam motb f tore and alo at hk One Price Cash ttore. ' P. rjiavjj. Notice. Having remov 1 my totore to my own building one black cast of C. B. Montague', where I will ie pleased to meet my customer with the best quality of goods that money will bay. E. Goax. ' We call especial attention to the new ad. of 1 Arrows & Bearles, of Albany. TLey art both centlemen of large and rarie-1 experience in the mercantile basnet; having each travelk-d for years over the greater part of the Unit ed .Slat and now they have louatcd at Albany with good at rock-bottom lritvf. Call and mt tbeia. All the groceries you can carry for a Dy'lar at BaowiXL's, Albany, Or. The chsrch ia not field, as some may r-ppfiws, lmt the working force to go out iiito the field, which ia tlie world. If yon go to Albany to buy a stove , .,1 or. L W. fimitb. who has tneiarg f.,t and let stock of stoves and tin ware and eelli. elieapw than anyone in Yiith you desire a pleasant physic, .nrst. Patrick'" Pills. They can u v.-vK be A-iieuded upon, and do not ate the stomach nor gripe tlie owe!.-. For sale by XL A. Miller. Children Enjoy ,imui Eiivor, gentle action and .LLW.ff t-rtwts of Fyrup of Figs, when . . ....i ,' hi rati v Hi,il if tike father - iii-itii'T iw c-oslive or bitious tlie jr'i.tirving rtolU foUow its use, .1 fa ika familv rnedv . i'. T.i and very fkmiJy should have a 'OTICE FOR PUBLICATION. TI'T. If BESEBT OIVEX Tit AT IS COM- .. ' ii.tsj a" i-' i:!ii'(t a the ale .n ,i )uimm( kicuia, wicub. i-rt:K.KT tf:KCin;EL rt,;iri.tn .liwi.-'.ii". . I (.ti.l ti ''r Kin' ' -ft i TT. B""' ,! tc -i : i '! " (, . , . ,...,f -t n "v,.Du '!jr, , .... Jr T. H h It ixlrr. , ....... .Miiiiv J W Iiih"P mil V M Combines & joka of tat Km Figt of California, so laxative and antritiotti, with tk medicinal virtue of plants know to be most beneficial loths banian rvstem, forming the ON LT PEK FECT kEMEDY to act gently ytt promptly on the KEIETS, LmKD BOWELS Clsanse ths System EffECtaally, tO tTLAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NattiT3r follow. Every one is using it and all are delirtoed with it. Ask your druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Man, factured only bj the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, Sak f atacaco, Cau lMnraxa,Kv. K Yoag. K. T. ""XOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orrtrg xt Qumo fW Orb. (M!r , l" j V"tmf"I l hew rtwti thJthfu:Un1nB-niu-trt ,.;tk.r hu luti twc vt h tiueiilfcai W nsnie finni imir in Mii?rt if li eUim. n1 thai Hid wiil !- mwie Won lite cmnty I'f'C or u'iii item ! f r Ue pxinty rhrrk of Un pmmrv. u A'.tmnv. rvfm. mi M'nlv, Not. 1J. CBMiIItIiIKM. bowl putry 'o. 4'Ail. for lite V U vttvTn m tp I nf 1 1 c. tit natiKK the ft!iirliw tfmi lo pw n rm:uiUH. n-irtarrmw aM rn!;ivr'iuf iJ Uujfi, rtar. M. Fltumaii i. Pomtik. S- itwell urt k. H Bum, mli of Leiai. Ur.n cinrr, (Hwm. J. T. amawX. Kcgatir. OYEEAHD TO CALIFO RHIA VIA SOUTHERN PACinCCOMPAyT'8 LINE. The ML Stota Route. Tins Between IBaj tui Saa Fran cisco, 35 Honrs. California tpM Tralna Rm OaB BETWEEN PORTLAND AND SAN FRANCISCO. PORT. 4.P r. I'ortUuHl S I r. b.I.t Allwny Arlu ii a. a. Lt t a. a. I.t 7fl0 r. a. A. m Ar...nn rMiicwro. Local PuM"r Trm DT f ""Y) nw A. l.r.. 12:S) r. X Lr ..Auuy -. ... i.ti i . iw."iw Lt ha. n. 2:ttr. a.Ar . Local PnnnttfTrtlM DallT (ct Snd) -'o !. lluir Ar 6i . a. 83 r. r I rimuriu. - - li r. aLr Albany - - . t ti;.n Ar 4.2b r. H. a a. .Ar. Mmuon Pullman Buffet Sleepers. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For accommodation af Second-Class raaaengers, auaeuca w ilxpri-ss Traina. Tbo P P. Co' Ferry make emnett1oo with all tlie ivftuiar tmn on liie E fciue fir. fium foot irf r urrct, 1'unmiuL West Side Divlelcn. lanrwEES PORTLAND and CORVALLIS Mall Train Oailf Zncmpt Simdaf .. ' TT u,iUi.il Ar Jt 'JU n. in. 123 p. m r amia Lr1 30 p. m. t vin nl fOrraUb! ounut-ct with troin Eaprms Train Dally (Ecpt Sunday 4iiup.m..L Portland .Arrwa. m. H:W p. m.-Ar McMinnrili .-.!.-: a. m. THROUGH TICKETS To All l'olntw SOUTH AKD E1ST YU CILIFOEIU.- 3rrr full Information reffarrtinr mix, map., et-.. tuli on mrnpnf ""iS'J-Trao IL. KEHLKK, K. P. H'i.. Ht.ser At O. r. I'M. Agent FORTHILLER & IRYIHgT ALBAXY, - - OREOOy. SUnuIacturon of awl Oealcn !n all Kind Furniture. Import all First-Class Goods J3IHECT FBOM TIIE EAHT. A eompk te tock of Wall Tttpt r, Deco rations find Window fchadca. UNDERTAKING THIS IKfTERESTS YOU ! We invite you to come and look through our Mam moth Stock of " Groceries, Provisions, Tobacco, Cigars, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Etc. PURE GOODS & Hides. Furs and all kinds of Country Produce taken ir achange for foods. We Guarantee Fair Treatment to All. W. B. DONACA. Corner Brick Store, Main Street, Lebanon, Linn County, Or. NOTICE FOR PUBL1CATIOX. Land Office at Oregon City, Or., OcloLer 7, f ToUce iu hen-by riven that the fol- W noniwl wf tier has filed ,r Kij int.-Tituin to make niial proof in Rupert of his claim, and that iaid proof will I made lfore the county jpdge or in liia absence U-fore tle county ciers oi unm cituinj, AHnv, Orwni, on Tueaday. 5v. 19, 1SW, viz: William J. Uattn, honutitcad t-ntry No. fcj64, for Hie i of the nei of sec 3, tp 12 a of r 1 w. He names Ute loiwwinp prove his eontinnoua rtnidence upon . .l iiltifut!n nf nid lnlld. VIZ: J MichaeL W E 8avate, A Havnge and E Osbora, all of Leiaon, Linn county, Oregon. J. l. a rrEiwo , AT COST! To 31ak Kxm for My Fall and Winter Stock ct DRY GOODS, FUMISHIIG GOODS, UB KOTlOHs, I WILL CLOSF OUT MY Entire Stock of Boots & Shoes JSJV COST. yow 1b the Time to SECURE REAL BARGAINS. I Propose to Have Leading Dry Goods Store In the Valley. MAIL, ORDERS Troniptly attended. W. F. READ, Albany, Oregon. NOTICE i'OB PUBLICATION. fnltpd H'.nlCT Land OfliT. ) Oregon Cliy, Oregon, ov. 1st, livO.t NOTlCt. k hcivliy given tluu Su eumpliauw wun I tic pnnriiuM of tl act rf OMiei" of Juue 8, Iff, entitled -An t fortl ole f timbrr lemlf In the maioof Colifnil, Orvufm, Scvuda. and Warftilngtun TerrlKio' PtTtR rARRH-L, ofVanoioTcr. omrity of Ctark. territory of Wah i,,.... h ihi. day filed In tliia vOx hi worn atemetit im. U the urcU f tlie A JO. tn Toanftop 12 Mwutli, Bangs andwlUoeur jiofUnlKW tliat th laud ouglit in mure valuable 1r lt tinilr or rtrnie than for aerlcultural pqrjo. and tocwtalitUii hl claim to mid IfUid Uefonr tlie ltetflitcT and Receiver of thin Hflke at On-Eim City, Ort6"a. n MfflAy. U Sd dor of March. 1. He name a witnemoi fcn rianlran, w w I1yi;lel Aintbil aad David Ma-ldca, all of Vaneouver, Ciarke County. W. T. Any and aU pvtxmn claiming arfAcrwly tins a,ms-Wiertbed lands am requested to file their rlalnwin Ifcta office ouor tefure ull 3d day uf liarcU. m. J.X. kVVYJMiS, lU-SisUt. FULL WEIGHTS HEW SENSATION -AT SWAN BROS.' Tin and Stoie Store. A CHEAP COUNTER OF ALL KINDS OF Household Goods. 10EE GOODS F0S LESS SOXET Than You Ever Saw. IF YOU WILL 0LY CALL, You will be Astonished At the Rock-Bottom Prices. " SWEET HOME Can and will Hell good a? cheap as the cheap". jt, and huy all kinds of countr' pro duce in exchange for goods at the highest market price. To be convinced of this fact just CALL ON A. F. Hamilton, . PEALKB IX DRY G O O D Sf Notions, Groceries, Drugs, Hardware & CENERAL MERCHANDISE, Pioneer Store, Sweet Home, Oregon. NOTICE iVIi PUBLICATION. tt.)tv Omct at Ogr.no f Try. Okk I 0rtobrl7, 1W.J N'OTI'rR k herein given that (tx- fti!lwliig-nam-1 mrtllcr ha Kled notice of h! intelitmn lo Iiiako lliinl trif In miwiort of lil claim, and Hint uM nr"f will I nmde li-finre the comity Jn'life, r In hie ntrK-iu l:fm- the (adinty Clerk Linn cixiiiiv, at Alny.OrW"".on Tmxlay. pecemluT 17 Ki, viz: Ut-ufKi- N. OIvw; homecad entry ti'lT. fir tlx u'A w.M bX wy rf iM, t n of r g e. He name, the (..liowlng Itneon lo prwc hh MmiliiiHitw residence m-on Olid eiltiv!lin of j d land; U. Z liiier, (. Ilwe, 1. Ixmaeaatrtl J. tiHU lnnd.aUof ert IIm l.ln'j f'"" 'f,7'" J. T. . K'KWKJN Itett't or IS OUR MOTTO. J OTICE FOR PUBLICATION. rrrrt a-ro" UmOrm ) Urrgtin t 'Uy, .irfiti. !remurr t. VMl ) Notice to ncroly gtrea that In eumpllanr wtth the ptrMon of tfaa act uf rongrM of Jvua I. tlCa. autilkd "Aa art Urn tha tal of luster WS tn tha malrof fall fornix ftrrgmt. erada aul Waahlngiun Trrrttocj,' ASDT W. lt C1IAG. of 5rtly. ramity of ClaeaauiM, Mala of Unnn. baa Ihta day fUrd In Uta nffira hi aworo (! Burnt 1K2. fur tha pmrbaa nf lha oa4 of . hi Tornhip So. J2 Sumh, Range Nu. 2 Eiiai. ant will offcr pmof to ho that lha land Kinglit la more ntluat kf he tlmhar or Hint tln for acrh-uliural Ktrpon, ad ! cataMiali hl rlaim tu said land bfoM tha Kp1ct and RccriVM uf thin nftVe at Orrgnn (tty. OrogMt, on Monday, tf UdayorXarrb, 190. II name a. i;im: II a a.rrmaa. o.'Nwl3-. . Clivrkaman rountj. Omgrm: H T Kyi, of Eugene City. Ian rounty, Orcguo; t Berry. of Mill dry. Uun county, Oivria, and C auuiA, of Tauuua. Stmt couuiy. W T, Any and ad ptraaM claiming adrrm-1y tbe abovvteacriliad laudi ara nt)iiried to RW tLrlr claim In tlilf bAia on or before Mid (d day of Uairu, 1"V0. J. T. arrERHOS, RegUet NOTICE FOIl PUBLICATION VarrmtniTw Laxb omrr. ( ttua Cliy, urvgoa, Kovemhrr l.llt. J NOTICE t) hmiy gtea that In ewnpllinr wK4 tho prurinlom of the net of Congn. of Juua t, 1SV, eutltled "An act fie tbe tale of tlmUt land hi the Httfin of Califumla, Oregon, NcTada aa! 'ahhigtia Territory KENRT H.BEKGMAS. Of Keclycounty of Ckhmu, Rata of Orrgvu. has thin day Died In IhUoflV liU aunt utatrmrlit 1.-U2. for the purchaiie of thaowiinf me X town- hip So. 12 Huuth, Range No. 2 Cant, and U1 offer prnofto ithuw tUat tlio land auuglil in uuru v!na bie fur It tlmbrror nunte than fur agriraliurttl IKiqwi. and toea!'lb.h i claim to Mid land before tlie Keglitct and Banclvcr of thl oi&cc a (mgon City, On-gon, on Monday, tlie W dar tf March. tW. lie nainct u wltixviae A W Dolwluacof UrnAy. Clackiunae county, B F Kylc.uf Eugene (Ity.Ijimj county, L Berry, of M1U City, Han cauily, ittv gm; and C Baith, of Tarama, Fleice couuty.W T. Any and all brnona cUlmlng atlvemely the above-dowritwd laudi are remntd to tiltt tlketr cluinm In tbia office on or befure Mid Sd day of March, l!0. J. T. Ari-ERHOX, RcglJitet. G. E. HARDY JEWELER, . llan on hand a large t(X-k of . 3 if A LARGE STOCK OF JCT XCECEIVED Call And Secure Prk'$. i A rr:iAL7Y.